The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 07, 1903, Image 1

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■4 ss
R kymer — W illiams — At Grant’s
Pass. Dec. 31, 1902, Carl G. Reymer
and Miss Myitte Williams. Rev. J.
W. McDougall officiating.
M c P herson — U tley — At Grant’s
Pass, Dec. 31, 1902, at the home of
the bride’s parents, Clarence L. Mc­
Pherson of Medford ar.d Miss Myrtle
Rev. J. W. McDougall,
Il REFER — S eyferth — At Grant’s
Pass, Dec. 29, 1902, at Hotel Layton,
Thomas Iltffer and Miss Mule Sey-
ferlh, by <1 E. Maybee, J. P.
H oover —C loyd —In Koseturg, at
the residence of the bride’s mother,
Mr*. M. Cloyd. Dec. 22, 1902, W. E.
Ho.v.r and Mi*s Hattie R. Cloyd,
Rev. J. N. Lister officiating.
The iruom is a nephew of Mayor
Hoover of this city, aod is tbe hust­
ling agent of the Woodburn Nuisery.
Ilia bride is a highly respected young
1 dy o’ this city, whose many friends
wl4i ter and husband a long, happy
weddel life. Ti ey soon afterward de-
p; r led fi r Medfvrd, where th»y will
mike their future home.—[Roseburg
Re* kw.
M organ -F inch —At Ashland, Jan.
1, 1903, J >hn 8. Morgan and Miss
Louie C. Flach, both of Portland,
Rev. J. T. A-bbett officiating.
R oot —R ublm —At Ashland, Jan. 1,
1903, Fiederick Root of Placer, and
Miss Bertha Ruble of Ashland,
Rev. J. M. Hunter officiating.
Z evely —R atliff —At Merrill, Dec.
25, 1902, Chas. Zcvely and Miss
Daisie Ba'lift. C. M. Ramsbv, J. P.
< ffi 'luting.
C arpenter - O glesby \,n Medford,
Dec. 28, 1902, by R v. M. L. Darby,
A. F. Carpenter and .* rs. M. J.
C hurchman —W alrad —At Ashland,
D e. 31, 1902, by Bev. J. T. Abbett,
Ge». H. Chu c'.m n at.d Miss Miu-
nie E. Walrad-
J oseph — V ineyard —At Lakeview,
Dec. 22, 1902, Julius J. Jtsepb and
Mrs. Isabel Vineyard, both of War­
ner Valley.
L ouden —W atkins —At Yreka, Cal.,
Dec. 23. 1902, by J. S. Beard, superi­
or judge, Wm. W. Louden aLd Miss
Annie W. Watkins, both of Jackson
county, Or.
V anderpool -VENATOR--Near Lake-
view, Dec. 21, 1902, 1. L. Vander­
pool and Miss Edna Rose Venatar.
H ooker —R oyse —In Talent Precinct,
Dec. 28, 1902, by Rev. C. H. Hoxie,
John D. Hooker and Sarah E.
B ailey ’—B adger —At Ashlaed, Dec.
25, 1902. by Rev. J. M. Hunter, A.
Leslie Bailey and Roee A. Badger.
There is an abundance of fog now»-
The county commissioners’ court
will be in session this week, beginning
The public schools, which have been
enjoying a holiday vacation, resumed
studies Monday.
A miner, namod Smith, died on Sar­
dine creek Sunday. We have learned
no further particulars.
A young man named
died at Central Point Sunday, after a
lingering illness. He was about 25
years old.
Chas. Cingkade and Frank Roberts
were in Medford a few days since, on
their return home from Klamath
Sandry Bros., the expert miners,
who are now operating in Gold Hill
district, were in Medford tbe forepart
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford of Gold
Hill recently visited Jacksonville, be­
ing guestB of Under Sheriff Crawford
and his wife.
The property belonging to the heirs
of Chas. Williams, and sold at Jackson­
ville Saturday, was bid in by S. J. My­
ers, for 9300.
Miss Perry of Roseburg, who has
been visiting in Jacksonville and Med­
ford during the past fortnight, returned
home Sunday night.
Mrs. M. Rapp of Talent spent Satur­
day in Jacksonville. She has com­
pleted the administration of her
late husband's estate.
A. Martine and his family, who have
been residents of Jacksonville for sev­
eral months, have gone to San Fran­
cisco, where they will reside.
, Circuit court has adjourned for the
term. Judge Hanna, with his usual
promptness, has disposed of all cases
that were presented to him.
Sheriff Rader, Wm. Ulrich and Mr.
Slinger are feeding several hundred
head of cattle at Mrs. Ish’s farm. A.
C. Edler is in charge of them.
Prof. Washburn, principal of tbe
Jacksonville school, and his family,
who have been spendiug the holidays
at Ashland, returned home Saturday.
Assessor Jones has appointed as his
deputies Goo. ^oilman of Applegate,
John Ashpole of Eagle Point and Dan
Chapman of Barron. All of them hate
had considerable experience in this line,
and are well qualified for the duties of
the position. Better selections coulij
not have been made.
The Iowa Lumber Co., which has
begun the manufacture of lumber in
earnest, with its aocustomod enter­
prise is building a tramway from the
mill, which will deliver, its product at
the railroad. This will not only be a
great convenience, but will decrease
the expense of handling the lumber
Interesting services were held at the
German Lutheran church in Medford
on Christmas and New Year’s. The
excellent programmes, which consisted
of songs, recitations, dialogues, etc.,
were nicely rendered and duly appre­
ciated by the many in attendance..
Rev. Mr. Sack, the popular pastor,
aud his wife were well remembered,
each receiving a number of beautiful
About two weeks ago W. M. Mor­
ris of Rock Point had his horses stolen.
He decided to use a little printer's Ink.
In a few days Mr. M. received word
from Sheriff Parrott of Douglas coun
ty, stating that he had found the
horses and also the probable guilty
party. It is thought the thief may
prove to be the one who held up the
Williamscreek stage some two or three
weeks ago, says the Gold Hill News.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Criminal Matters
Society Installations
Sher'ff Rader went to Portland last
Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge No.
Senator Mitchell has been giving
The court-house news is on our last
W. G. Kenney has returned from his
special attention to the claims of tlie week, armed with a warrant for the 4, I. O. O. F., Jacksonville—Mrs J page.
trip to Portland.
Indian war veterans in the pension arrest'of a boy who is charged with se­ Applegate, N G; Mrs Belle Nickell, V
J. H. Huffer was a Med I ord visitor
Miss Helen Colvig was a Medford
bureau, and 1» just In receipt of a let­ ducing a girl living near Jacksonville, G; R 8, Mrs Mamie Dox; F 8, Miss Wednesday.
visitor Sunday evening.
|L’Llc*j onviLi
Wj the
VIIV latter
ICaWVI ’ B s Icaullvl«
UC Emma Helms; Treas, Mrs Lizzie
sworn xrviii
out by
father. He
ter from the Com m issloner of Pensions,
Miss Amy Cantrall has been visiting
C. B. Watson of Ashland, the attor­
in which that official says: “
* All | was obliged to return empty-handed, Cronemfller; R 8 N G, Mrs M Came­
ney, tarried in our town Tuesday.
I however, as the young man had skip- ron; LS N G, Mrs A Ulrich; RS V
these Indiaa war veteran pension
------ f ped to Vancouver,. Wash.,' where bis G, Mrs Effie Piim; LS NG, Miss Pau­
P. Britt and J. W. Opp tarried in
claims to which you refer will .. liave
Mrs. A. Elmer returned Sunday eve­
one day this week.
careful consideration at the earliest
ning from her trip to San Francisco.
practical date. There were on tile in made to obtain requisition papers Chap, Mrs F Wilson; I G, Geo N
Mrs. Nellie Newbury visited in
P. F. Swayne and Canby Buck of
Phpenix Saturday and Sunday.
the Pension Bureau on Dec. 1, 1902, for him from the governor of the state. Lewis; O G, Fred Luy.
Applegate were among us Saturday.
Yesterday Sheriff Rader left for * Adarel Chipter No. 3, O. E. 8, Jack
3,000 claims of survivors and widows.
Hon. MileeCantrall of Applegate and
John Ashmead,one of the pioneers of
Realizing the advanced age of these Roseburg to bring back two fellows sonville.—W M, Amalia Britt; W P, his family were in our city Wednesday.
Oregon, was in our midst Monday and
claimants and the necessity for early calling themselves Ubas. Morris and Jas Cronemliler; A M, Beulah Neil;. Mrs. Hattie Stevens has returned to
action aa extra force of clerks have John Smith. They are in the custody Sec, Corinne Linn; Treas, Mary Mil­ Medford from a visit at Grant’s Pass
I. A. Palmer, the expert architect,
been detailed to this work in order of Sheriff Parrott, who arrested them ler; Con, Mollie Cameroo; A Con, Em­
There will be services at the Catholic has returned from a busineei visit at
that these claims may lie adjudicated on a charge of stealing two horses ma Dunford; Chap, R S Dunlap;
church, Sunday, Rev. J. D. Murphy Grant's Pass.
as speedily as possible. 1 assure you from W. M. Morris of Rock Poiot.
Mir, Dora Harbaugh; Org, Nellie
Arthur Lewis was in Medford Sun-
no effort will be spared to adjudicate
Newbury; Adah, Frances Barnes;
Justice Ply male left for Salem and dav. His trips there are becoming
these claims at theearllest practicable
Ruth, Emma Heim«; Esther, Alice
W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va., Hanley; Martha, Ollie Huffer; Elec:a, Portland Tuesday, and will be gone quite frequent.
moment. No claim, however, can lie
made special without an Injustice to says: “For more than a year I suffered Hattie Thrasher; War, Lizzie Crone­ sometime.
Robt. Vining, who is engaged In
other claimant« equally old ann from lumbago. I finally tried Cham-
Rev. 8. H. Jones will hold services at trading in Alaska, is spending the win-
Lerlaln’s Paia Balm and It gave me miller; Sen, Amelia Elmer.
equally deserving.”
eutire relief, which all other remedies
Madrona Lodge, D of H, Jackson­ the Presbyterian church Sunday, at terat Ashland.
---------- 4----------
failed to do.” For sale by Olty Drug
ville.—P C, Birdie Haney; C II, Addie the usual time.
C. Leonard came in from Bly Sun­
Tried to Conceal It.
Miss Bernice Camcron of Applegate, day, and is visiting relatives living in
L H, Hattie Thrasher; C C,
It’s tbe old story of “murder will
Gone to His Reward.
Ne lie Huffer; Usher, Annie Keegan; who has been visiting in San Francisco, Josephine county.
out,” only in this case there’s no
crime. A woman feels run down, has
I W, Mrs Norris; O W, Annie Wendt; returned Tuesday.
Ex-Sheriff Orme, whois superintend­
backache or dyspepsia and thinks it's
Adam Klippel, a well-known and Rec, Corinne Linn; Fin, Alice Ul­
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williams accom­ ent of the Ray mines, was in Medford
nothing and tries to hide it until she hitilily rfspected citizen of Portland,
rich; receiver Mollie Cameron.
panied A. Martino and his family to and Jacksonville Saturday.
finally breaks down. Don’t deceive
yourself. Take Electric Bitters at died at his residence In the metropolis
Banner Lodge No. 23, A. O. U. W., Medford Saturday.
Dr. R. G. Gale left for Portland Sun­
once. It has a reputation for curing one day last week, aged 75 years. He Jacksonville.—P M W, W M Colvig,
. A large amount of reading matter, day evening, to attend a Yneeting of
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles was -the Eldest brother of the late
and will revivify-Tour whole system. Henry Klippel, and resided at Jack­ M W, A Schmitt; F, E F Hubert; including court-house news, will be the State Medical Society.
O, W E Finney; Rec, J A Wilson; Fin, found on the last page of to-day’s
The worst forms of those maladies
Judge Prim went to Glendale Sun­
will qulcklv yield to the curative sonville a number pf years ago. Mr. W M Colvig; R, M M Taylor; G, E W T imes .
day evening, on business with George
power of Electric Bitters. Only 50c. K. bad a large experience In tbe news- Voyle; I G, F Luy; O G, A Schmid-
Judge Hale, of Grant’s Pass, the well- Hershberger and Ern Ingram.
and guaranteed by City Drug Store. paporial line, and was editor of the
attorney, spent Wednesday af­
Pacific Coast Advocate for a longtime.
Wm. Hanley has returned to Har­
Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F. & A. ternoon in Medford, on professional
To the Public.
He issuivived by three sons—Richard,
‘‘Some time ago my daughter caught
ney county. His wife will visit in
M., Jacksonville—W. M., E. Britt; S. business.
a severe cold. She complained of pains
Ednar and Charles—and one daughter
Southern Oregon a while longer.
W., F. B. Neil; J. W. Jas. Crooe-
in her chest and had a bad cough. I
Tresspass notices, printed qp cloth, ’ S. S. Aiken of Prospect was in Med­
gave herChamberlain'sCough Remedy
miiier; Sec., J. R. Neil; Trea»., C. C. for sale at this office. They are just
according to directionsand in two days assessor, after having served two of Josephine county Is bis brother.
Beekman; b. D., Thos. Williams n; J. what !«• needed to keep people off your ford a few days ago. He is desirous of
she was well and able to go lo school. I terms, 1 feel it only just to my friends
selling his interests in that section.
D., S. H. Jones; tyler, R. S. Dunlap. property.
have used this remedy In my family and to taxpayers in general that 1
Messrs. Willett, Kilburn and Garnett
for the past seven years and have
never known it to fail,” says James should publicly thank them for the
Ashland, well-known locators of
Oculist Coming.
Bruce Davie, an inmate of tbe Jose­
Prendergast, merchant, Annato Bay, many courtesies extended to both my­
of Gold Hill, the mining man. were in government lands, were in town Mon­
Jamaica, West India Islands. The self and the deputies who assisted me phine county jail, who was confined
Dr. H. Levins in, the San Francisco Jacksonville a few days since.
pains in tbe chest indicated an ap­ In the field work.
t<> await trial at the coming term of oculist-optician, will be In Jackson­
proaching attack of pneumonia, which
J. L. Hammersly of Gold Hill, the
in this instance was undoubtedly ward­ To my deputies I wish to express rircuit court on tbe charge of steal­ ville, at the Taylor House, this week, been officiating at the Cat lolic church clever young attorney, was in Jac1 1-
ed off by Chamberlain’sCough Remedy. my appreciation of their conscientious ing jewelry,ditd in bis cell last Friday Jan. 7, 8, 9 aod 10, Wednesday, Thurs­
in Jacksonville, instead of Rev J. D. ville yesterday, on profession
It counteracts any tendency of a cold efforts in trying to carry out the plans morning. He was drenched with wa­
day, Friday and Saturday. Tiiose Murphy, who is in San Francisco.
toward pneumonia. For sale by City of the office.
ter from a hose one cold night tbe wkhing to see him will please cal), oi;
Drug Store.
Miss Frances Barnes, who
To the clerks who so ably assisted in first of last week, by Peter Miller, the
It is reported that Judge Prim has
Rev. Jesse Kirk, a Klamath Indian, the office work aod the making up sf jailer, and this is thought to be ooe leave a word at the Taylor House, bought the DoBar residence property, visiting in Central Point s
m b
Henry Jackson, a Modoc, and Wm. thebcoks, ii is simply fair to say that of the causes fo’r bis death. Davie and be will visit you at your residence. on California street, paying SI200 there­ Valley, returped to JacksoL ;lle Sat­
Crawford, a Pit River, who are well only by their unceasing watchfulness was a heavy drinker and subject to Dr. Levinson ia wetlknown in this for. It is among the best in Jackson­ urday.
known here, have gone to Washington were we able to keep out many of tlx* delirium tremens. On account of his part of the country, and has been in ville.
Chas. H. Fisher, editor of the Capi­
city in the interest of a measure before errors that naturally occur under the yelling the jailer, who occupied a bed Jacksonville many times. Your eyes
News, printed at Boise, Idaho, has
in the corridor, could not sleep, aod will be'examined free.
Congress to pay the Indians for lands present assessment law.
visiting his former home in Rose­
In giving up the office I shall not resorted to the water cure to quiet
erroneously excluded from the Klam­
ath reservation. The necessary treaty lose my interest in the work, and be­ these parts.
event. Mrs. C. Ulrich officiated. A
speak for my successor the same help­
Mis6 Myrtle Sutton was in Medford
was made with the Indians a few years fulness that has been so universally
Begioniog Jan. 16, 1903, private sumptuous supper was discussed after­ one day last week, accompanying her
lessons in French, German and Latin
ago, and everything is in readiness for extended to me. J. C. P endleton .
sister, Miss Cora, that far on her trip
Is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summer­ will be given at the residence of Rev.
a ratification and the passage of a bill
Portland. The latter will become a
ton, S. C., place« on DeWitt’s Witch
to appropriate funds to settle the
Hazel Salve, ne says: “I had the Jacksonville.
>--------- -
claim. This came near being done a
piles for20 years. I tried many doctors
fo.d, and formerly owned by the late
year ago.
Deafness Cacnot be Cared
E. F. Walker, to M F. Hanley. There
The January term of the circuit and medicine«, but all failed except
It is exceptional to find a family
By local application«, aa tkey cannot react the
The large lumber yards of the retail court for Josephine county convenes DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cured
jne.” It is a combination of the heal­ where there are no d<»m s'ic ruptures
dise»««l portion ol the ear. There 1« only ooe
business of the Sugar Pine Door & Monday, the 12th. The docket is not ing proper, iei of Witch Hazel with i ccaslonally; but. thesecan bn I« ssened was 98,000.
way to cure dearhesa, and that ia by oraatlM-
tiohal remedies. Deafneaa is caused by au in
Lumber Co., of Graot’s Pass have been a heavy one and may soon bediFp>sed antiseptics and emollients: re'teves!^#
[ by having Dr. King's
Life _____
„ New ___
The New Year’s party given- at darned condition of the mucous lining ot the
purchased by Williams Bros., whose of. The following is a list of those and permanently cures blind, bleed mg, I arouad. M uj ' i imuble they save by
Eustachian Tune. When this tube 1« inflamed
Ruch's ball was well attended and you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bear­
planing mills were destroyed by fire who have been summoned to serve as I itching and protruding piles, «ore«, their gr. at work in stoma n and liver
and when it 1« entirely eloaed Deafness la
cuts, b ui-es, eczema, salt rheum aud 1 troubles.' They notooly relieve you, passed off nicely. Excellent music was the result,
and unless the inflammation naa be
last summer. They have bought jurors: G. L. Evans, T. P.Cramer, W. all skin direa«e.
but cure. 25c, at City Diug Store.
furnished by Ray A Cameron's orches­ taken out and this tube restored to Its normal
condition, bearing wllb be destroyed forever;
ground near the former’s fact ry, and E. Dean, W. F. Byrne, Frank Fetch,
tra, and a fine supper was served. All nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
are beginning to rebuild their mills, R. O. McCrueky, Otto Adam-', S. Nor­
which Is nothing tut an Inflamed eondltUm ot
present enjoyed themselves.
tbe mucous services.
having already purchased machinery. ton, W. M. Chesire, II. W. Atkin«,
We will give One Hurdred Dollars for any
The mills will te the largest of their F. Dukes, A. IL Applegate ar d Henry
case ot Deafness (caused by eat arm i that can
burg Wednesday, having in charge the not be cured by Ball’s Catarrh Cure Send for
kind in Southern Oregon. The S. P. Harth, Grant’s Pa«s; I*. Schar'n.son,
fellows who call themselves Morris
F. J. CH ENEY * CO, Toledo, O.
D. & L. Co. will manufacture
Placer; Ed. Hathaway ard M. D. L.
by Druggists. Ke.
and Smith. They are charged with Sold
Hall's Family Fills are tie beat.
boxes in the future and engage in a Croioks, Selma; Geo. L. Yonkers and
stealing two horses from W. M. Morris
wholesale lumber business.
Chas. VanDorn, Merlin; A. F. M< Iss­
of Foots creek, and will remain in the
No Oil Burns Here.
uer, F. Krauts and Alex George, Ke -
J enni ngs—Porter.
by; J. Wagoner, Jnsepli Sams ard C.
By the first ol February the loccmc-
cuit court, awaiting trial.
Agee, Wilderville; G. A. Ilyde.Grcen-
pulling trains between Ashland
The Fireman’s ball, given at Orth’s
One ft the prettiest weldings dur­ back; Ira Sparlin, William«; J. Mc­
will be equipped with
Hall on New Year’s eve, was one of the
ing the holidays was that which ili >k Court, Altho.ise; U. L. Retd, A H.
Fields says that
handsomest and most successful of the
place at the residence of Mr. and M s. Carson and Lee Sill, Murpitt; J. B
will be us^d oa
B. R. Porter of Table R ck on Christ­ Paddock.
road.' The
ina«, when their amiable and accom­
made here
plished daughter. Miss Myrtle, was
music furnished by the Ashland
united in marriage to Richard H. Jen­
orchestra was of a superior quality,
nings, an energetic and popular young
which can also be said -of the supper. along its lines,aud it will require much
man, who is at present manager of the
Jacksonville Fire Co. has every rea­ time to exhaust the supply. It is not
economy to hurry the preparations for
large farm Dr. Ray recently purchas­
son tocongratulateiteelf.
constructing oil tanks between Port­
ed of hl< mother. The ceremony was
land and Ashland so long as there is
performed by Rev. T. L Crandall of
Still at Large.
so much wood in sight.
Medford. The bride looked charm­
A Grant’s Pass dispatch says that
ing In a handsome costume of
Edward Lyons, the alleged leader of
castor poplin, tiimmed in wbi‘e lace
the gang of horse-thieves who have
and silk. She was the recipient of
been operating in Southern Oregon,
numerous valuable and useful pres
and who made his escape while being
After congratulations bad
taken to the coumy jail at Jackson­
been extended to the happy couple,
We have used a Home Comfort 14 years with perfect satisfaction in every ville by Constable Cronemiller, still
those present, who we e received by
Salt pork is a famous old-
particular, and we recommend same to general public as one of the best and eludes the officers aud no clue to his
Misses Margaret Porter and Grace
cheapest in tbe long run on the market.
Jennings, partook of a sumptuous re-
fashioned . remedy for con­
G eo . F. M erriman , Postmaster, Medford.’
par,nti reside in that city, and be has
pa’t sped illy provided for the
We have used a Home Comfort 14 years without one cent for repairs, and It is
sumption. “ Eat plenty of
occasion. The guests, besides the rela­
in perfect condition. It is a fuel saver, a peifeet bake«, It please« the house­ other relatives in Jackson and Jose­
wife by making the kitchen work a pleasure instead of a drudge. It ought to phine counties, who would naturally pork,” was the advice to the
tives of the bride and groom, were:
be in every home, and would De If understood.
shield him. Sheriff Lewis bad been consumptive 50 and 100
Mr. and Mis. J. C. Pendleton, Mr. and
ibbe . Pullman, Wash.
Infortned that Lyons was in Grant’s
Mrs. N. C. Gunn, W. R. Dickison, Mr.
Fourteen years ago we were Induced to buy a Home Comfort, which we are Pass, and had been seen on the street* years ago.
and Mrs. Frank Adams. Mrs. Fii< rson,
happy to «ay did away with vexation and annoyance so frequently ciused by there the night before. He was also
Mr. and Mis. C. A. Dickison, Miss
Salt pork is good if a man
the u-c of inferior stoves and ranges. Our neighbors and friends have nearly
Lucy Ray, Archie Ray, Miss Thora
all bought the Home Comfort since, and are equally as well pleased. We are told where bis man could be found; can stomach it.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum,
The idea
now thoroughly cdhvinced of its merits and take pleasure In recommending but upon investigation failed to find
Miss Chapman, H.T. Fankey, Elmer
him. _
behind it is that fat is the
Chapman, Mr. Webster, J. Byrum.
Y»u Know What You Arc Taking
Mr. arid Mra. Jennings will reside on
the Ray farm, in unison with their
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, food the consumptive needs
because the formula is plainly printed oo every
many friend« we trust that their
bottle.showing that It is simply Iron and Qui­ most.
journey on matrimonial seas will be
nine in a taateleaa form. No Cure.No Pay. 60c
fraught with happiness and prosperity.
Scott’sEmulsionis the mod­
J. D. Brophy of Colusa qounty, Cal.,
a well-known stock buyer, is in the
valley, looking for cattle. He is a
brother of J. J. and N. B. Brophy of
this county.
W. S. Barnum, president of the R.
R. V. R., has returned from Yuma, A.
T. He left his son Will., who is suffer­
ing from kidney complaint, <M>nsider-
ably improved.
Mrs J. L. Clough of Douglas county
was In our town the forepart of the
week, accompanied by her daughter
and Miss Plotner, who will attend St.
Mary’s Academy.
Col. W. H. Hampton, manager of
A ddison —In Ashland, Jan. 2d, 1903, the Columbia mine, located in Jose­
tiMr. ani Mrs. Wm. Addison, a phine county, one of the biggest enter­
prises in Southern Oregon, has been
H elms -At Tal< n', Dec. 22, 1902, to visiting in Portland.
Mr. and Ur®. Oliv r fiel ins, a son.
The three-year-old son of Geo. Mc-
B lanton —AlQ an'S Pasq Dec. 22, Kimmon of Gran 's Pass fril into a tub
1902. to .Mr. a d M:s. Fiank Ban- of boiling water, one day last week,
and received injuries from which he
to , a son.
B ildkrback -A G ui.t’« Pass, Dec. died not long afterward.
E. B. Hanley, who owns a piece of
22, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
land between Jacksonville and Cen­
Bild« rb.ick, a son.
tral Point, will plant 80 acres of it with
fruit trees and alse build a neat resi­
dence there in the near future.
Rev. E. L. Fitch, presiding elder of
M organ —At Woodville, Dec. 29,1902
Benjamin F. Morgan;aged 69 years,' the M. E. Church, South,.for this dis­
trict, has been making Southern Ore­
and 9 months.
M c C ourt —At Grant's Pass, Dec. 27, gon an official visit. He preached an
1902. of scarlet fever, son of Mr. and able sermon in Medford Sunday.
J. H. Messner, veterinary surgeon
Mrs. J. J. McCourt; aged 34 ytarj.
M c K immons —At Grant’s Pas«, Jan. and dentist, skillfully treats all dis­
1st, 1903, George, son of Mr. and eases of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
Mra. George R. McKimmons; aged He dehorns eattle with the latest im­
proved shears, and does not use a saw.
3 years.
Prof. C. S. Price, a well-known
G riffith —At Bonanza, Dec. 26, 1902, teacher, who was school superintend­
Mrs. ZettaGriffith; daughter of Mrs. ent of Jackson county for four years
M. J. Sutton.
and principal of the Jacksonville and
H owkll —In Asblatd, Jan. 1, 1903, Grant’s Pass schools, is now teaching
Austin Howell; aged 56 rears.
at Soquel, Cal
John T. Cardwell, a veteran of the
C hurchill —At Selma, Dec. 23, 1902,
Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. civil war, died at Cottage Grove Jan.
2d. He was a brother of. the late Jas.
C. Churchill; aged 12years.
W illiams —At Gra t’s Piss, Die. 27, A. Cardwell, a pioneer of Southern
1902, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Oregon, and lived near Jacksonville
for a short time.
Cna«. William«; aged 1 year.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Kiernan have
K nutzen —At his residence. on
taken charge of the restaurant in
Th-trnp on Creek, Dec. 28, 1902, J.
Medford, formerly conducted by M. C.
II. Knutzen; aged 73years.
Campbell. They have long been’ suc­
W oody —la Roxy PreclLC», Dec. 28, cessful caterers to the public and will
1902, Infant sm of Mr. and Mra. G. spare no pains to please.
W. Wocdy; aged eight w< eks.
The Wrought Iron Range Co. of St.
»K eller —At A«l 1«nd, Dee. 29, 1902, Louis, through Phil. Gearhart and
Mrs. Nancy Klien Keller; aged 59 his corps of assistants, is again oper­
ating in Southern Oregon It has al­
M addux —At Grant’s Pass, Dec. 27, ways done a big business here as else­
1902, Mattie Ruth, daughter i f Mr. where. Attention is called to its ad­
and Mrs. T A. Maddux; aged 1 year vertisement.
and 2 in nths.
The mask ball given at Eagle Point
T omsetu —At Ashland, Dec. 29, 1902, by Jerry Heckathorn was much of a
Mrs. Christine Lawson Tomseth; success. The attendance was lurger
than has been seen at any like event in
aged 36 years.
that town for a long time, 75 tickets
being sold. All enjoyed themselves
Judge Day passed a day in Medford
Distress by day and night—
this week, getting signatures to a peti­
That’s the complaint of those who
tion to the legislature asking that as
are to unfortunate as to be afflicted
appropriation be made to pay the Ore­
with Eczema or Salt Rhea»—and out­
gon war ¡veterans what is due them.
ward applications do not cure.
This is a matter of simple justice, and
They can’t.
The aoorce of the trouble is in the should not be overlooked.
blood—make that pure and this scal­
The estate of Arthur Wilson, of
ing, burning, itching skin disease will which J. E. Enyart was administrator
and ‘Colvig A Cannon attorneys, has
■»I was taken with an Itching on my
arms which proved very disagreeable. I been fully settled. The heirs came to
concluded it was salt rheum and bought a an amicable settlement, the widow on
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days one side and the children of th<? de­
after I began taking it I felt better and It ceased on the other each taking half
was not Ions; before I was cured. Have
never had any skin disease since.” Mas. of the personal and real property.
I ds E. W abd , Cove Point, Md.
John B. Hammersly, ex-editor of
the Gold Hill News, and Mise Georgia
Williams of Josephine county ,formorly
and Pills
a compositor in the same office were
rid tbe blood of all impurities and core recently joined in the bonds of matri­
all eruptions.
mony. They ha ve the congratulations
• «a L'Ur»
walk»«« •**•»»««><
beet wishes of their many friends,
.«He Caaesrsts Caedy CaOian.a UA-orMa
Q. & taU te earn d< ues'rts -stuad ssoMS I in which wo join.
Itching Skin
Veterans to be Favored.
NO. 2
The Improved “Home Comfort”
Family and Hotel flanges
From- hose Who Have Used Home Comfort Ranges.
Trusted too Much.
Ralph Smith, a trusty at the pen­
itentiary, who was serving a three-
years sentence for burglary in Jose­
phine county, escaped from that In­
stitution Friday evening and, as yet,
no tidings have been received of him.
He bad only six months of bls sen­
tence to serve and, as he had been an
exemplary prisoner and a good worker,
be was made a trusty and did chorea
around the cottage and premises oc­
cupied by Superintendent Lee. That
day Mr. Lee and bis family bad oc­
casion to leave the city, and Smith
was left alone at the house. He took
a suit of black worsted clothes, a light
gray felt hat and 137 in money, and
has not been seen since. The officers
are Inclined to think that his mind
is affected.
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol does f r the stomach that
which It is unable t > do for ____
itself, ,
tven when but slightly, dis rJertdrr
over-loadid. Kodol supplks the nat­
ural Jnl cps of filtest'nn and d e< tin
woik <f i he t ma> i , niaxi’v :
neiv U* tension, wi ll- the It flam
muscle« f I baton an are allowed
rest and luul. K do) di.cs's w'a*
y u et aid erableathc «t. ni child
digestive <>Da>iH to Ira : f r.u 11 !« oi
into rich, red blood.
Came Through Fire Without Serious Injury
[Ottawa (Ont.) Evening Journal, June 7, 1900.]
Fora number of years the Wrought Iron Range Co., of St Loui«, Mo., have been manufacturing a range known
as the nume Comfort, which they have guaranteed to be as nearly indestructible as human bands and brains could
make them. This was amply demonstrated on April 26th last, when the great tire swept over Hull. Eight of these
ranges were in tbe burnt district;but although they were for many hours subjectedto tbe terrible haaf, tbe falling
walls and chimneys, the water which was thrown upon the buildings, they were each f< und In tact among the ruin«
In one case, however, a cast iron pot, which had been left on the range, was found to have been melted aud run over
the top. The copper reservoirs were naturally melted by the terrible heat, and some of tbe lighter bracket work
was bent by falling roofs and walls; but so far as the main body of the range was concerned, not a piece was warned
not a cover bent or a single plate cracked or broken.
It is the material employed and the method of making which gives the Home Comfort Ranges this
tenacity and strength. The material used is malleable iron, wrought, steel and asbestos. Malleable iron
shown by chemical and mechanical tests to have a heat-resisting power twelve and one-half times greater
c f cast iron. The frames, doors aad all parts liable to strain or breakage, are made of the material. The
and every vital part are all carefully lined with protecting asbestos, thus making aa durable, strong and
perfect a range as has yet been made by man or capable of being made.
Letter List.
The following is a list of letters re­
maining uncalled for In the Jackson­
ville postoffice Dec. 31, 1902:
One cent will be charged upon de­
Boyd, S W
McKinney, Mrs A M
Bitter, Rev W 3 Ireland, Alic
Kauffman. M P Marrow, D.ivid
Martin, Mrs
Robinson, William
Thompson, MW Salsman, Barney
Managers Cockatoo Circus
The Veterinary Science Association
J ohn F. M iller , P. M.
has been
If The Baby la Cutting Teeth.
than that Be lure and use that old and well-tried reme­
end flues dy. M rs . W inslow ' s S oothing S tri p , ter
as nearly ohildren teething. It soothe« tbe child, soft­
The following testimony from owners of the ranges in question carries with it complete confirmation and cony iction:
en« the gum«, allay« all pain, eurea windoolio
and is the beat remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-
ave cent« a bottle._____________
Retail Market Report.
"We, the undersignrfi citizens of Hull, purchased Home Comfort ranges of the Wrought Ira n Range Co., of St
The following quotations were
Louis, Mo., previous to the recent great tire. During tbe terrible conflagration our ranges were subjected to the
most intense heat, and we supposed they were totally destroyed; but upon examination we found the body of the made up this afternoon, and is an
ranges uninjured, not a piece warped or out of place. In one instance a cast iron kettle was melted on the malleable Impartial report of the prices charged
top. We have heard of no other ranges which survived our terrible visitation, and beyond question the Home Com­ by Jacksonville dealers:
fort range, so far as we are concerned, stands pre-eminent.
Wheat—75c per bushel.
Flour—92.10 (q>92 30 per 100 pounds.
F. B ernier ,
J osepa L arose ,
H ekmas L egault ,
H. P hilion ,
Oats—48(<i50c per bushel.
W illie H arper ,
C has . M oubeau ,
W. N. M c C ormick ,
C anile D amour ”
Barley—Rolled, 91.25 per cental.
Hay—Per ton. baled, 910.
Potatoes--91 00 per hundred
Ouions—14 cts per pound.
Butter—50e per roll.
Beans—24(a>5c per pound.
Lard—15(a:l6c per oound.
Eggs—25 ,:ts per dozen.
»*««4*** *«? 25 years. Average Anntul Saks ov«r Ona and a H^fMOBon
Sugar- D. G. $5 75(« to 25 per cwt.
Poultry—13.00 lo 93.50 per dozer.
Hams—16 (« 18c per pound.
i i Shoulders—124c per pound.
Side Bacon—15«20c per pound.
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic
ern method of feedr fn o
the consumptive. P ; k .oo
rough for sensitive stom? 'hs.
Scott’s Emulsion is the most
refined of fats, especially
prepared for easy digestion.
Feeding him fat in this
way, which is often the only
way, is half the battle, but
Scott’s Emulsion does mofe
than that. There is some­
thing about the combination
of cod liver oil and hypophos­
phites in Scott’s Emulsion
that puts new life into the
weak parts and has a special
action on the diseased lungs.
A sample will be
sent free upon request.
Be MN that th» picture in
the form < t a label » <»n the
wrapntr of 4 very bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
¿oc. raid f i; a3 uiuggista.