The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 03, 1902, Image 4

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CONGRESS met Monday but its sess­
will lie a short one, as its life ex­
Do not always receive the sympathy and attention whi
pires by limitation March 4, liMl.'i
they deserve. Their ailments are regarded as pure
imaginary, or natural and unavoidable at their time
T he list of members of the next
Convening of Congress.
life. Disease and infirmity should not always be asso<
House of Representatives, as prepared
atoi w ith old age. The eye of the gray haired grandsi
W ashington , Dec. 2.—The annual message to Congress of President by the journal clerk, shows that they
may b • as bright and the complexion as fair as any
Roosevelt was delivered yesterday noon. It was well received, bristling as number 208 Republicans and 178 Demo-!
his younger and more vigorous companions.
crats, a Republican majority- of 30 The
Good Stood is tho secret of healthy old ago, for it regulates ■ t did with suggestions, recommend itioos and comment.
Long before the latter include all the opponents of the
an.l < >r.trols every part of the body, strengthens the nerves, makes the
Republican party.
mu ?les elastic and supple, the bones strong and the flesh firm; but when navels fell in the two Houses large crowds thronged about the doors of the
T he largest suit ever brought in
this life fluid is polluted or poisoned and loses its nutritive, health sustain­ visitors’galleries, seeking admittance. A bright, sunny day brought out
country has just been commenced
ing cT. ..'.cits, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers, resulting
in p. -ui .ture old age and disease. Any derangement of the blood quickly many women wlu were conspicuous among the visitors. As the bourfor the at New York. Tho minority stock­
holders of tho Central Pacific Railroad
sh . ■ itself in an ulcer, sore, wart, tumor or some other troublesome
growth u]xm the body, and rheumatic and neuralgic pains become almost opening approached the crowds about the doors Increased, but many were sue the estate of the late Collis P.
constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities.
necessarily disappointed, as the space allotted to outside's was claimed early. Huntington for one hundred million
S S. S. being purely vegetable, is the safest and
dollars, alleging that they were de­
best blood purifier for old people. It does not shock There were many out- f-town visitors. To be seen in the corrldois and frauded of their interests.
or hurt the system like the strong mineral remedies, lobbies on both sides were many public officials, who left trie department to
A new team record was establish­
but gently and thoroughly cleanses the blood and
at Memphis when Geers drove Direct
stimulates the debilitated organs, when all bodily witness the opening.
and Prince Direct to po’e a mile
ailment. disappear. S. S. S. is just such a tonic as old people need to
The Unspeakable Turk’s Massacres.
in 2:05}. The previous record was es­
ii prove a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach. If there is any heredi-
tablished by John II. Gentry (2:004)
t. y taint, or the remains of some disease contracted in early life, S. S. S.
G eneva , Dec. 2.—Private telegrams received at the headquarters of the and Robert J. (2:01}), when they pac­
will search it out and remove every vestige of it from the system.
Write us fully about your case and let our physicians advise and help Armenian refugees in Europe confirm the report of a massacre in Macedonia. ed a mile to double harness in 2:08.
you. This will cost you nothing, and we will mail free our book on blood
Most of the leaders in the recent insurrection l ave been killed under various Team records are peculiar affairs, as
and skin diseases.
but few drivers are strong enough to
pretexts. Turkish troops formed cordons around villages, cutting off their steady a pair of pacers speeding at a re­
cord-breaking clip around the turns
We Had MdrU
communications. It is f ared a majority of the villagers have perished.
and maintain
tain a uniformity of speed for
At one of the public’ deceptions at
record of Direct Hal is
Redhot iron caps were placed on the heads of Christian«, while burning 2:04} and The
the White House during the second
of Prince Direct 2:07.
Jeff. Heard spent Sunday at Ash­
Cleveland administration Mr. Samuel land.
petroleum was poured on their feet. In some places sixty or seventy f risen-
T here has been issuod by Sujierin-
Clemens (Mark Twain) was presenteel
of Public Instruction Acker­
era were bound together aud k ft at Isolated places in a helpless condition
to Mrs. Cleveland. On shaking hands
man a catalogue of books, from which
with her he gave her a card, asking ford.
Win. Carroll of Phoenix was among to slowly starve to death. Three Sisters of Mercy expired as the result of school officers may select in buying
simply, ’‘Will yon please sign that?”
Mrs. Cleveland glanced at the card our visitors Monday.
unmentionable tortures. Elder Nlckolla, after being forced to witness the books for school libraries. The list
to find nothing but the words, "He has
J. R Clark of Willow Springs pre­ torture and degradation of both his daughters, was himself roasted to death’ contains the titles of about 1500 books
not”— writ ion across it." She looked in cinct made us a call Monday.
suitable for children who are attending
amused perplexity to Mr. Clemens for
Mrs. A. S. Bliton has gone to Califor­ The priest of the ot village of Sethla, who was compelled to oversee the the public ’sehoo’s. It also contains
s.: thing f. rthcr, when the latter ex
the prices at which the books can be
murder of more than a score of infants, weut raving mad. The inhabitants bought of the lowest bidder, the J. K.
nia for the benefit of her health.
“My wife said if I came here 1 wqulf
W. R Coleman and Owen Dunlap of of three large village, who fled to the mountains to avoid the Turks, are now Gill Company of Portlanc}- School
tn* sure to come with my goloshes oi Phoenix were in our midst lately.
officers are at liberty to buy the books
elsewhere cheaper if they can; but the
but 1 haven’t, have I? So I wish ye:
dying from the effects of intense cold weather and t f hunger.
Mrs. Thos. Kearney and her children
Gill Company is under contract to fur­
v* i,Id sign that fcr mo to give 1: r."
nish the books at the prices quoted.
Dewey on Duty Again.
Mrs. Cleveland lcohed down : t hi have gone to Portland, on a visit.,
feet and then 1
kingly wrote hi
T he Christmas number of Scribner’s
Olwell Bros, of Central Point were in
W ashington , Dec. 2.—Admiral Dewey has resumed active sea duty for
name on the card.
Magazine has been always made no-
Medford the forepart of the week.
the first time since his return to the United Slates lrom bis ever-memorable tablo by tho richness and beauty of its
Jas. D. Stevens, tho miner, is in Med­
The Way of a Wociai».
pictures, and tho fine quality of the
“I hate to be contradii ted.” she sai< ford, visiting with relatives and friends. cruise in Philippine waters. His four-starred pennant was hoisted on the sentiment and exquisite workmanship
’ ; hen I w n’i contradict you." I
J. F. Brown of Eagle Point, the en­ President’s yacht Mayflower at the Washington Navy yard yesterday, and ac­ of its stories. The issue of this Decem­
ergetic morchant, was in Medford Mon­ companied by the members of his staff the Admiral sailed away to assume ber number sustains anil adds to that
You don’t 1 re me.” she asserted.
reputation. It contains eight short
’ I don’t,” he admitted.
Geo. E. Neuber, L. Lowe and A. direct command of the large fleet in the maneuvers in the Caribbean sea.
stories, most of them Illustrated, and
• You are a I t* fi:l thin.!” she cried.
sjiecial articles and poems, among them
Perry tarried a while in Medford Tues­
’ I am.” he replied.
Some Tariff Revision.
a beautiful unpublished poem by Robert
“I believe you’re trying to tease me.” day.
Louis Stevenson, written in 1872, when
John R. Stearns and J. S. Herrin of
she- said.
he was a young man. The poem shows
”! am.” he conceded.
Ashlarfd were in Medford one day this administration, has introduced a bill making for the Philippines a reduction the charm of Stevenson’s style at the
“And that you do love me."
very outset of bis career.
of 25 per cent., instead of 75 per cent., of the DlDgiey tariff. He expects it
• I do.”
Miss M aude R oosevelt , a cousin
J. Huger, foreman of the Voorhies
For a moment she was silent.
the President and an actress as well
“Well.” she said at last. “I do hate a
considerable vogue, contributes the
¡..?.n who is weak enough to be led by a since.
Heavy Damages Awarded.
complete novel to the Christ­
Capt. Nash is in Josephine county,
wm.ian. He ought to have a mind of
N ew Y ork , Dec 2.—The jury in the case of Mrs. Lyse agaiusl the New mas number of Lippincott’s Magazine
Lis own—and strength."
looking after his extensive mining in­
He sighed. What else could he do?— terests.
“The Price of Fame” proves that fiction
York Central Railroad, for injuries sustained in the tunnel exp'o^ion, award­
Chicago Cost.
is by no means the least of Miss Roose-
S. S. Pentz has been at the county­
velt’s accomplishments. She turns a
oat several times lately, on profession­ ed her damages amounting to $1CO,000.
brilliant rearchlight on New York
al business. -
No Guarantee Given.
society life. * hieh reveals the good and
T. B. Good pasture, a progressive
W ashington . Dec. 2.—At a Cabinet meeting, held today, it was decided the bad with infinite skill. The evolu­
,rmer who resides near Phoenix, is in
tion of Helen Mortimer—country-bred
>wn today.
that this country cannot guarantee Venezuela financially to tie Seligmans. girl with an imaginative temperament
—into an actress of the fii-st rank,
Miss Lillio Taylor of Jacksonville was
through the most treacherous act a
le guest of Mrs. R. W. Gray Monday
“One of my daughters had a
man may commit, is the pivotal point
Retail Market Report.
id Tuesday.
terrible case of asthma. We tried
in this novel of exciting episodes that
Geo. A. Beavis and J. D. Scharff, two
The following quotations wen- ends delightfully.
almost everything, but without re­
lief. We then tried Ayer’s Cherry
made up this afternoon, and is an
the best-known of commercial tour-
L arge orders have been placed by
Pectoral, and three and one-half
impartial report of the prices charged California dealers for apples from Ore­
are in town.
bottles cured her.”—Emma Jane
by Jacksonville dealers:
gon and Washington, the crop of the
Jas. E. Smith, who with his wife and • Notices for the location of placer
Wheat—75c per bushel.
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
Flour—• 1.90 (« 42 per 100 pounds.
golden state being far short of what it
>n has been residing at Napa, Calif., and quartz mines, etc., up-tc-date
Oats—48(«50c per bushel.
and complete, for sale al this office.
was expected to be. Speaking of the
els returned to Ashland.
Barley—Rolled. SI.25 per cental
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
a San Francisco commbwion man
Miners’ Henn, deeds to mines,water­
A C.Wetherbee,who lives near Phoe-
Hay—Per ton. baled. >10
right locations and other mining
certainly curesmany cases
“We are selling apples for 91.25
x, made Medford a visit Monday, ac- blanks always on hand at this office.
San Francisco that last year
of asthma.
impanied by his father.
Butter—50(< t 60 c per roll.
The Greenback Gold Mining Co. is
at this time could hardly find a
And it cures bronchitis,
P. W. Olwell of Central Point and his installing a new 20<tatup mill, elec-
Beans—2i(a5c per pound.
market at 75 cents. This indicates the
Lard—15(a 16c per pound.
condition of our crop. This year we
hoarseness, weak lungs,
tric-ligbt plant and all the latest
Monday, to join Mrs. Olwell.
have had a pest in tbe orchards in the
and modern mining machinery, to re­
Suga'—D. G. *5 25(*15 45 per cwt.
whooping-cough, croup,
part of the state, where the
Capt Gordon Voorhies and his place their stamp mill at Greenback,
Pouitry—13.00 to 93.50 per th <■ t*.
quantity of the native apples
winter coughs, night
Hants—I6c(<i 18c per pound.
family have gone to Portland. They situated ten miles from Leland, Jose­
are grow n, and they have destroyed
coughs, and hard colds.
will extend their trip to Kentucky.
thousands of bushels. The pests are in
phine county.
Side Bacon—15<a20c per pound.
the form of a little fly, which bites, and
TbntkiM*: 15c.. Sto. »1- All <trvUUta
The American Mining Code, stand­
afterwards the fruit withers "
ping in this section for sometime past, aid authority on all subjects pertain­ Dragged to Death
Two YEARS AGO James A Norton,
Consult your doctor. If be says take it,
left for Atlanta, Ga., during the week. ing to mining, water-rights, etc., is
then do as he says. If he telle yon not
was elected to congress
to take it. then don’t take it. He knows.
Mias Fern Norris, who is in Portland,
Leave It with him. We are willing.
district by six thousand
J. C. AVER CO.. Lowell, Hase.
for the purpose of completing her CuUGHS A\D COLDS IN C IIL-
majority. He was beaten the other
musical education, is progressing nice­
law whom officers of southern Cali­ day for re-election, and through no fault
fornia and Arizona have been huntiug of his. Mr. Jackson, a factory owner
Ed. Riddle, who is doing business at
Recommendation of a Well-Known for several months, met death in a with two thousand girls in his employ,
Ashland, visited in Medford recently,
manner terrible laid Mr. Norton out politically. How .
Chicago Physician.
the guest of D. W. Crosby, his brother-
as that of his did he do it? Just told the girls he
I use and prescribe Caamberlain’.-.
victim, Victoria wanted to be elected quite badly, and
Cough Remedy for almost ail obsti­
Maria, a comely gave them a vacation for the week pre­
Perrin Pile Specific Gives Im­
young squaw of ceding election and on election day, on
mediate Relief
clever landlord of Hotel Layton, tarried result.«. I prescribe II to children of|
U hbana . I ll , Oct. »th, 1902.
full pay. Talk about the woman in'poli-
ties! Shie is no comparison with the
Helena. Mont
the week.
Dear Sir: I have been trying
ed Victoria Ma­ girl. These two thousand girls made
colds and coughs and bronchial afflic­
through the druggists here to obtain
average change of one and one-half
tions. It is non-narcotic and safe in
ria several an
another bottle ot your Speciflc. as I
votes to tbe girl. Changed three thou­
have been a sufferer from them off
Monday. It has not been learned the hands of the most unprofes«ional.
months ago by sand and more voters in order to wipe
and on for some years. I saw the
choking her in­ out the six thousand against their em­
whether or not ho interviewed the A universal panacea for ail mankind.
ads. In the P-I of Seattle, Wash,
—M rs . M ary R M elendy , M. D..
some time in May last. At that time
to insensibility, ployer.
Ph , D., Chicago, Ill. This remedy is
I was 100 miles north of Seat tie, so I
then burying
went down to Seattle and found it.
O h ! the barbarity of some European
Mrs. J. W. Merritt of Central Point for sale by City Drug Store.
I have used it up and have been try­
her «live, lie nations calling themselves civilized. The
ing to get more. It has helped me
and daughter, Esther, have gone to
was arrested fifty thousand unfortunate Armenians
The oldest lit ing pioneer of Oregon
very much, more so than anything I
Los Angeles, Calif., where they will
have ever used and I have been very
and his prelimi­
anxious to use another bottle.
spend the winter.
nary examina recently expelled from Russia as un­
Yours Respectfully.
ty. He Is an Illinoisan. His famity
tion held at desirable residents by order of the Czar
Carl Crystal, who has been looking left Illinois in 1839, traveled by wagon
Hesperia, b u t passed through a most terrible expe­
after Deuel & Co.’s grocery depart­ and canal boat to New York, thence
while the offi­ rience. They wore herded and driven
ment, will enter the employ of Brown sailed around the Horn. There was no
cers were sit­ I across tho Russian fron.ier by Cossack
& Owen in a few days.
San Francisco then; so their ship head­
ting with their troops, provided with but meager pro­
W. P. Hutson arrived from Portland ed for the mouth of the Columbia,
prisoner in the visions and ¡clothing. Turkish troops
courtroom the were on hand,and their officers refused
recently and will locate in Medford. He where they landed in April, 1840. Mr.
Indian made a the refugees admission, driving them
is a first-class barber and has entered Abernethy, who is a well-preserved
successful dash back into Russian territory.
the employ of Fred Luy.
man of 70. helped his fathor to build
for liberty. For weather was terribly cold—down below
zero mark—and the unfortunate
Wm. Tavener, an expert chemist, the first sawmill erected in Oregon.
mouths the des­ the
people are experiencing terrible priva­
has returned, better pleased with This was the vessel which brought Mr.
tions. They are unsheltered from the
Abernethy and bis parents. His father,
Southern Oregon than ever.
He will Hon. Geo. Abernethy, was the last pro­
scoured by offi­ inclement weather, and there is great
cers to capture mortality from the consequent sickness,
lo-ateat either Medford or Ashland. visional governor of Oregon, serving
the murderer. esjNcially among the women and young
from June, 1845,to March 2, 1849. Tho
Mrs. M. Downs of Cottage Grove and next day Joseph Lane assumod his
Word reached (Mildren.
Mrs. Kate Harper of Montana (net, duties as the first territorial gove-nor.
San Bernardino
What's In a Name?
--------- qp
that not only bad the outlaw been cap­
Edwards), who were called to Medford
i< in a name when it
A Frightened Horse.
tured by the Indians, but that lie liad
by the death of their father, have re­
come« to Wiuli Hazel ¡Salve. E. C.
turned home.
Running like mad down the street,
The capture was mads in southern DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered
Nort. Hawkins, who is well known in dumping the occupants, or a hundred
some years ago how to make a salve
a few days ago, and no time from Witcii Hvzel that is a specific
accident«, are every-day occur­
North« rn California and Southern Ore­ other
rences. It behooves everybody to was lost in the execution. A rope was
Pile«. For blind, bleeding, Itch­
gon, was in this section Friday, in the have a reliable Silve, and fastened by Rllp noose around his neck, for
ing and protruding piles, ecz'ma.cut«,
interests of the successors to the old ti ere’s none as good as Buckleu’s and with the other end tled to tlie born burn«, bruises and all skin diseases,
Arnica Halve.
Burns, Cuts, Sores, of a saddle the murderer was dragged DeWibl’s Salve has no equal. This
liquor firm of Carroll & Carroll.
Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly for over a mile across the rock strewn has given rise to numerous worthless
Mr. McClanahan, who was formerly uuder its soothing effect. 25-, City
desert. The body, which was horribly counterfeits. 1 recommend it to my
in the employ of tho Palm-Whitman Drug Store.
lacerated, was then thrown on a huge friends.’
Cigar Co., has returned from Califor­
pile of wood aud burned.
MKquotatla iin .
«tulle Friendly.
nia. He is recovering his wonted health
In all its stages.
to tlie Boston Transcript
under tho treatment of Dr. IL N.
of misquotations a cor
the most dreaded and deadly ot all diseases, as respondent says: “1 have in iuy scrap
cleanses, soothes and heals
Geo. L. DaviS went north Sunday,
“Ah, well,” replied the other, extend­ relieved at once and cured by Acker's English book three notable examples from the
the disease* 1 membrane.
to finish his engagement with Mason, ing his hand, “let us be friends.”—Yon­ Remedy, "the king ot all cough cures.”' Cures Thanksghing proclamations of the gov­
It cures catarrh and drives
coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents. Your
Ehrman & Co. He will return to kers Statesman.
money back if dissatistiod. Write or free, ernors of different states.
sway a cold in the head
sample. W. H. H ooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bell of Texas lagan his with. Now is
Medford in about two woeka, to engage
A P Estabrook, Gold Hill, Leading druggist.
the winter of our discontent made
Forever Debarred.
( ream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads in the grocery business with E. N.
glorious summer, in the words of Holy
over the membrane and is absorbed. Reliefisim- Warner.
Lassitudinous Lemuel — Why was
Bediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
Miss Edvth Osenbrugge, who has Weary refused membership in the Bean the
His Kind You Have Always Bought
not produce sneering. Large Size, M cents at Drug­
“I once attended a funeral in the
Brotherhood ot Enervated Pilgrims?
been confined to hor room during the
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
country where the clergyman's open­
Peregrinating Paul — We discovered
ELY BROTHERS, 54 Warren Street, New York past throe months, with a severe at­ that he was born in Bath. Me — Judge.
ing remark was: ‘My bereaved friends
tack of typhoid fever, Is able to he
you have’ loved and lost the demised.
about again. Dr. Jones was in attend­
It lias been truly said: “It is impossible
to solve the biography of death.”
T housands S aved E z
That is, my bereaved friends, the only
C. C. Ragsdale of Williams, Calif.,
way for us to look at it.’
who was in Medford for several days,
“An acquaintance of mine tells me
* MORMON BISHOPS* PILLS have beer in us®
has returned home.' He had entered
over M years by the leaden of the Mormon Church and their that Cyrus Burleigh, one of the well
This wonderful medicine posi-
into negotiations to purchase the furni­
.* >1*’
followers. Positively cures the worst cases in old and young known writers of fifty years ago, told
from effects Of eclf-ubiise, dissipation, excesses, or cigarette smoking. Cures Lost
tivelycuresConsumption, Coughs
ture and lease of Hotel Nash from I. arising
her that he had Just come from a
Manhood, Impotent:?, Lost Power, NlghC-l.ossea, —
Spermatorrhoea, Imomnia
aloe in Back, Kvil Deal re a. Hem In al Knilasiona, Lain,
-ame Back, Nervous Debillly, Quaker meeting where he sa w a
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu­
L. Hamilton, but they could not a'roe
lleadarhe, Infiinm to Marry, Loes of Remen, Varl- ’
coeele, or Constlpa- woman speaker rise and
with a
monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La-
on the price.
tion, Slope Quickness of Discharge, Slops Nervous
Tw! Ichtac- of Kye-
fhnetiou. Don't get ‘Quaker tone' say: “‘A boss, a boss,
Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
despondent, u>
a vui©
cure ab
lx o.t>
at ai
» uu . intuits
Restores ruiau,
small, undeveloped
uuuvvviupcu BMMMOrgunH. StilunlHtCB
tbo brain and nerve ce «ere. 60c. a box, 0 tot gl.OO by mail. A writleu guarantee, to cure ei my kingdom for a boss.” Doubtless,
If The Baby la Cutting Teeth.
Croup and Whooping Cough.
money reiuudea, with b boxes. Circulars tree.
my friends, the inspired psalmist, when
Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme­
Every bottle guaranteed.
Address, BISHOP REMEDY CO., San Francises, Cal be penned these wordB, meant a spirit­
dy, M rs . W inslow ' s S ooth I no S trip , for
Cur'. No Pay. Price 50c.
children teething. It soothes the child, soft­
ual boss. That was all she said, and
ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
Trial bottle free.
city drug ctcre, jacfcscuville.
and Is the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-
she solemnly’ resumed her place on the
Ore cents a bottle.
high seats.”
| Southern Oregon Mines |
Ely’s Cream Balm
L and O ffice .
Oregon October 34. IKfi
ven that in compliance
t the act ot Congress of
Ac act for the saie of
tales of California, Orc
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4. 1892. R. Gilbert Harrison of Jack­
sonville. County of Jackson. State of Oregon,
ami a resident of the town of Jacksonville of
said state, has this day filed in this office bis
sworn statement No 3HU6, for th*-’ purchase of
tbeSW 1< of Section No 11, In Township No
37 S. Range No :! W , and w ill offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish his claini lo said land
liefore Silas J Day, U S Commissioner,at Jack­
sonville, Oregon, on Thursday, the 15th day of
January. 1903 He names as witnesses: John
N Williams. Albert iMartine. Fd Whalen
Charles Yates of Jacksonville, Jackson county
< Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-descritied lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 15th
day of January, 1903.
_____________ J- T. BRIDGES, Register.
9 oo D rops
Fcr Infants and Children.
Thu Kind You Have
AVcßctable Preparation lor As -
similaling tlicFixx! and Regula -
iMg the StoiiMichs and Bowels of
Bears the
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfu!-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morplune nor Mineral.
N ot N arcotic .
U nited S tates L and O ffice .
Roseburg, Oregon. Aug. 30. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the states of California. Ne
va<)a, Oregon and Washington Territory,” as
extendeu id al! the Public Land States by act
of August 4. 1892, Mrs Rosalind Gibson of
Portland, County of Multnomah. Slate of
Oregon, has this day filed in tbis office ber
sworn statement No. 3389, for the purchase
cf the NW 14 of Section No. 28, in Town­
ship No. 40 South, of Range No. 4 West,
. and will offer proof to snow that the
i land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, »nd lo
• . establish her claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Rose­
O L' burg.
Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day ot Feb-
iuar>-. 1903 She names as witnesses: Mrs.
Daisy A Gibson. Tn ad. L. Graves, Jos. C.
Gibson and G. E Graves, all of lortland.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 7tb
day of February, 1903
J T. B ridges . Register.
Aperteci Remedy for Constipa
lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Thirty Tear?
Few Grow Nine Feel lllnh, the Ma-
Jorlty being I nder Eight Feet.
The •average term of an elephant's
life, although there 1 b no precise in­
formation on the point, is seventy or
eighty years. The elephant is not in
full vigor and strength till thirty-five.
The most ready way of forming an ap­
proximate Idea of the age Is by the
amount of turn over of the upiw-r edge
Of the ear. In young animals, some­
times up to the age of eight or nine
years, the edge is quite straight. It.
however, then iveglus to turn over, and
by the time the animal is thirty the
edges lap over to the extent of an inch,
and betwren this age and sixty this
increases to two inches or slightly
raore. Extravagant ideas are held as
to the height of an elephant. Such a
thing as an elephant measuring ten
fret at the shoulder dots not exist In
India or Burma. Sanderson, who is ad­
mitted to be the best authority on the
'subject, says the largest male he ever
met with measured 9 feet 10 Inches
and the tallest female S fret 5 Inches.
The majority of elephants, however,
are below eight fret, and an animal
rarely reaches nine fret, the female
iH-lng slightly shorter than the male.
The carcass oi' an elephant 7 fret 4 inch­
es tall weighed In i>ortions gave a total
weight of 3,000 pounds, so an elephant
weighing two tons should be common
enough. The skin was about three-
fourths of an inch thick.
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a parly,
but wa« afraid to do so on account of
pains in bis stomach, which he fear­
ed would grow worse. He says, “1
»a« tel.lngl'my troubles to a lady
friend.«, who said: “Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrlicea Remedy
will put you in condition for the
party.” I bought a bottle and take
pleasure in stating tint two dose«
cured me and enabled me to have a
good time at the party.” Mr. Snell is
a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y\
This remedy is for sale by City Drug
(la Daxluina Cotari From the Aureo«
tral Method of Avoidiiiif Foe*.
The flight of the snipe is swift, vigor­
ous and usually for the first few yards
erratic. The bird gets under way
smartly, and as a usual thing goes bor­
ing up wind in a style rather sug­
gestive of a feathered corkscrew. A
relies of electrical zigzags get him to
I >p sjtred, whereupon his progress
Steadies a bit and he darts away In
something more like a straight line. As
a general rule a flushed bird springs a
few fret into the air, hangs for th«
fraction of a second, then liegius to
twist and dodge as though the Ohl Boy
was at his tail. It would l>e very In­
teresting could we discover the originul
cause of the dodgiug. Possibly some
micient foe, now Ion.; extinct, was bret
ba Hied by that mode of flight, for
there usually is rente such explanation
for peculiar actions by wild things.
Because the flight happens to be puz­
zling to a gunner is no guarantee that
the bird dodges for that purpose--such
an explanantion would imply a deal
more intelligence than the entire trilie
of snipe are possessed of. Snipe, of
course, dodged on tlu* wing long prior
to the appearance of firearms, and it
is extremely unlikely that the erratic
flight has anything in the nature of
protective tactics against the devices of
human foes.—Edwyn Sandys in Out-
U kited S tates L aud O ffice ,
Roseburg. Oregon, Sept. 12, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
June 3. 1878. entitled "As act for the sale of
timber lands in the States ot California, Ore­
gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by -act
ot August 4, 1892, Charles W. Ballard of
Roseburg, County of Douglas. State of < -regon.
has this dav tiled in thia office his sworn state­
ment No. 3451. for the purchase ot the SW W
of Section No. 26, in Township No. 39 South,
Range No. 5 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is
valuable for its timber or stone than fcr
agricultural purposes, and to establiah his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore , on
Friday, the 20th day of February. 1903 He
names as witnesses: Dr E V Hoover. C E
Roberts. R D Grout ot Roseburg, Oregon, and
John Miller ot Applegate, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested tu file
their claims in this office or: or before said
20th day ot February. 19U3.
J. T. BRIDGES. Register.
UxtTED S tates L and O ffice .
Roseburg. Oregon. August S>th. 19U2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3. 1878. entitled ‘‘An act tor the sale ot
timber lands in the States of California.Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public Land States bv act
of August 4, li«2. Joseph C. Gibson of
Portland, county of Multnomah. Stale (or
Te-ritory) of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. 339U for the pur­
chase of the SE M ot Sec No 28. in Twp. No. 40
J».. R. No. 4 W and will offer proof to shew that
the land sought is more val uable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before tbe reg­
ister and receiver of this office at Roseburg.
Ore . on Saturday, the 7th day of February,
19D3. He names as witnesses: Thad L. Grares,
Mrs. Daisy A. Gibson. Mrs. Rosa Gibson and
G. E. Graves, all of Portland. Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
for the Countv of Jackson.
above-described lands are requested to file
Milo Caton.Plaint :f!
their claims in this office on or before said 7th
- Suit for Divorce day of February. 1903.
Emma A. Caton.Defendant. I
To Emma A. Caton.tbe above-named defendant
In the name ot the State of Oregon : You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you tn the above-entitled
suit on or before the last day described in the
order for the publication of this summons: and
that it you fail to so appear and answer said
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,
complaint the plaintiff will take a judgment
Roseburg. Oregon. Sept 8.1902.
und decree against you, forever dissolving the
Notice is hereby given that n compliance
bouds of matrimony heretofore aud now ex­ with the provisions of the act cf Congress of
isting between vou and plaintiff on the ground Junes. 1878. entitled "An act tor the sale of
of willful desertion for more than three years Timber Lauds in tbe States of Calitorcla, Ore­
last past, and for a judgment against you for gon. Nev. da and V ashington Territory,” as
the costs and disbursements of this suit
extended to all the Public Land States by act
This summons Is published by the order of of August 4. 1892. Reu D Grout of Roseburg.
Hon. H K. Hanna, one of the judges of the County ot Douglas, State of Oregon, has this
above-entitled Court, made at Chambers on the day filed in this office his sworn statement
34th day of November, 19U2. which order re­ No 3431. for the purchase of tbe NW1< of
quires you to appear and answer said com­ Section No 26, in Township No 39, South
plaint on or before the last day of tbe time pre­ ot Range No 5 West, and will offer proof
scribed in said order for the publication of this to show that tbe land sought is more valuable
summons. Said order requires said summons tirita timb?r or stone than for agricultura
to be published for six consecutive weeks in purposes, and to establish his claim to aaid
the D emocratic T imes
land before the Register and Beceive- ot
The dale of the first publication is the 26th this at office Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday,
day of Novemla-r. 19U2. and the last dav of said the 2i)th day of February. I9i 3 He names as
publication is Wednesday, the 31st cay of De­ witnesses: E V Hoover, Charles Ballard and
cember, 19U2.
C E Roberts of Roseburg, Oregon, and Eugene
W right ot Grant's Pass. Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
claims in this ctfice on or before said 2utb
day of February, 1903.
J. T. B ridges , Register
U nited S tates L and O ffcb .
Roseburg, Oregon. August 30. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that by provision of
act ot Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
In the County Court of th - State-of Oregon for the
"An act for the sale of timber lands in the
Jackson County.
of California, Oregon, Nevada and
In the m.ttte* of the Estate cf W K Reeves,J Washington
Territory, as extended to all Pub­
deci aseJ.
lic Land States by act of August 4. 114)2,
Graves of Portland, County of Mult­
undersigned, a*1m<uistrator ot the estate ot nomah. L. State
Oregon. has this dav tiled in
W. K. Reeves, deceased, has filed iu the *oun- | this office his of
statement No. S3&1, for the
ty court of Jackson county, Or gon.his lin tl ac­ purchase of the sworn
NWq of Section No. 34. Town­
count us said adniin stra or. ana by order of | ship No. 40 South,
Range No. 4 West, and
Hon Chas. Prim, judge of sai court. Jam ' will offer proof to show
that it is more valu­
ary 3, Its 3, al IU o'clock a . m . is set fo the able for its timber or stone
than for agricul­
hearing thereof. All persons interested are ’ tural purposes, aud to establish
hereby notified to appeur ■ u*l ti’e his or her ob- 1 to said land before the Register his
and Re­
jectlon to the same on or befoie said day.
ceiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore..on Satur­
Dated Dec 3. 1903.
day. the 7th day of February, 1903. He names
witnesses- Jos. C. Gibson, Mrs. Daisy A.
Administrator of Estate f W K ’’eeves. de­ Gibson
and G E G raves, Mrs. Rose Gibson,
all of Porlantd, Ore.
Wk. M. Coi.v ig . Attorney tor Administrator.
Any and all persons claiming adveiwely tbe
abo* e-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said 7tb
NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM EN T day of February. 19(13.
J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
’ ours
if you try -—
an<l ours is 1,0 klmng we
U nited S tates L and O ffice .
Roseburg. Oregon. October 24. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled''An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.' as
extecded toal! ot the Public Land States by
act ot August 4.1892.John N Williams of Jack­
sonville County of Jack.on State ot Oregon .has
this day filed In this office his sworn state­
ment No. 38U0. for the purchase of the SE>« of
NEi<andNSof SEI» and SW't of SEk of
Section No 14, in Township No. 37 South, of
Range No. 3 West, aud will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes
aud to establish his claim to said land before
Silas J Day. U. S Commissioner, at Jack­
sonville. Oregon, on Thursday, the 15th day of
January. lKtf. He names as witnesses: R.
Gilbert Harrison. Albert Mart'ce. Ed Whalen.
Charles Yates, all ot Jacksot vtlle, Jackson
county. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said l&th
day of January. 1903.
J. T. BRIDGES, Register
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,
Roseburg, Oregon. Sept. 2. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale oi
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended lo al! the Public Land States by act
of August 4. 1892. Charles A. Frost of Port­
land. County or Multnomah, Stale or Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn state­
ment, No. 3375. for the purchase ot the NEW
of Section No 32 in Township No. 40 South, ot
Range 4 West, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more * aluable tor its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Rose­
Saturday, Jan. 3, 1903,
burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of
11*03. He names as witnesses: Jos.
All of the following desern rd real property
C. Gibson. Thad. L. Graves. Mrs. Daisy A.
belonging to said astate, towil:
Gibson aud Mrs. Rosalind Gibson, all ot Port
N. W. Hof S. W. of Section 22. Township land, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
35 South, ot Range 4 West.
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office oc or before said 7th
Guardian ot the minor heirs of Chas. Williams. day of February, 1903.
J. T. B ridges . Register.
J. R.&F. R. Nklh, Atttorneys for Guardian
First Fublication of Notice dated this 3rd
day of December, 1902.
The Thoaxhtful Stork.
■ .11 | tT guarantee a cure or refund
money, and we send you
free trial bottle if you write for it.
SHILOH’S costs 26 cents and will cure Con­
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all
Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold
in a day, and thus prevent serious results.
It has been doing these things for 60 years.
a C. WKLL8 & Co,, Le Roy/N. Y._________
In the County Court for the County of Jackson.
State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Guardiaustip aud Estate
of the minor heirs of Chas. Williams, de­
Virtue ot an order of the aforesaid County
Court, made in the matter of the Guardianship
and Estate of the minor heirs of Chas Wil­
liams. decease !,on the G.h day of November.
181)2, the undersigned. Guardian of said minor
heirs, will sell at public auction, subject to
co 11.-mat ion by said County Gouri, to the high­
est bidder for cash,
On • tree close to a bouse within a
short distance to the river or canal
there was a storks’ nest with young
ones, The roof of the house caught
fire oae day, and, though the flames
did not actually reach the tree, the
heat became scotching. So the mother
stork Hew down to the water, got into
it and drenched her breast; then, re­
turning to her young, she spread the
mass of cool, wet feathers ail over
them. This she repeated over und over
again, flying to the river, going down
into the water mid returning, her plum­
age drenched with wet And thus
the nest was saved, and the tender
nestlings were preserved alive until the
fire had been got under control and all
was safe. The truth of this remarka­
ble story was vouched for by more
than one “vewittiess
g' g g
The largest sum ever paid 'or a prescription
changed hands in San Francisco Aug. BQ. 19U1
The transfer Involved In coin and stock 1112,-
500 and was paid by a party of business men
tor a specific for Bright's Disease ar.d Diabetes
hitherto incurable diseases
They commenced the serious investigation of
the specific Nov. 15. 1830. They interviewed
scores ot the cured and tried it out on its
me its by putting over three d< zej cases on
the treatment and watching theta. They also
go physicians to tame chronic, incurabl
cases, and administered it with the pbj sic lai
or judges. Up to Aug. 25 eighty-seven per
cent, of the test cases were either well or pro­
gressing favorably.
There being but thirteen pe- cent, of failures,
the parties were satisfied and closed the trans­
action. The proceedings of the lnves .igatlng
committee and the clinical reports of the test
eases were published and will be mailed free
on application Address J ohn J. F vlton C o
U sited S tates L ard Orrtcs.
Roseburg. Oregon. August 3u 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in'compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. I87S, entitled “An act for the sale of
timlier land in the states of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington territory, as extend­
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
Congress of August 4. 1882, Mrs. Daisy A.
Gibson of Portland, County of Multnomah,
State of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No 3388, for the
put chase of the NEt, Section 28. Township 40
South, of Range 4 West, and will offer proof
to show that it is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said laDd before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Rose­
burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of
February, 1903. She names as witnesses-
Thad L. Graves. Jos. C. Gibson, G. E
Graves and Mrs. Rose Gibson, all of Port-
] and. Oregon.
Acy aud all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to file
their claims iu this office on or before said 7th
day of Fetruary, 19U3.
J. T. BRIDGES. Register.
Jiari’iCtoverRttatTBacfrsctiaMSt—ach^ •
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Jackson County.
In the matter ot the Estate ot Jos. Rapp, de­
undersigned, administrator of the estate of
Jos. Rapp, deceased, has tiled in the
county court of Jackson County, Oregon, his
final account as said administratrix, aud by or­
der of Hou. Chas. Prim, judge of said court,
January 3, 191'3, at 1 o'clock p. N , is set
for the hearing thereof. All persons interest
id are hereby notified to appear and file his or
her objection >o the same on or before said
Dated Dec. 3, 1902.
Administratrix at the Estate of Jos. Rapp,
A. E. K kames , Attorney tor Administratrix
ULderstgned has tiled his final account as ad­
ministrator of the estate ot Arthur Wilton,
deceased. In the County Court forJatkson
eounty. Oregon, and said Court has fixed Men
day. the 29th day of December, 1902. at 10
a. m . at the court house in Jackson Cou'ty,
Oregon, as the time and place for the bearing
of objections lo final account and the settle­
ment ot said estate All persons having ob­
jections to said accouut are hereby required
to present the same at said time and place
Dated this 14th day of November, 1902?
C olvic & C a know , Attorneys.