~ ■■ ■ ■ -------- ---- -----------T ©emoeratie firnes. AN ORGANIZATION TO BE ENCOURAGED. THÜUÖL BRIEF MENTION. I I MEDFORD SQUIBö. l Ali Irò. I TY Roads are becoming quite muddy. M. CuLViG, Thus. Gilchrist, tho miner, is ,n Meclared he was practices ail the court« Office I d Bank The Partisan Warfare in the Egypt by the Spliynx; water drawn of Kano ’ s crock Mrs. Jas. McDougall building up stair« of age. This is the decision of tlie State | was A. E. Moore of Climax precinct from the Rock Moses smote; dripped laws of the several states for savings Carolinas; Marion, Sumpter and was in Medford Thursday, visiting with among our visitors during the week. Supreme Court in a decision handed through a worm 10,000 miles long; banks. Under this ruling, the secre­ Pickens. Mrs. Fred Tice. heated up by Mount Vesuvius; shaken J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. down in the case of the State vs. Gully, Essays are limited in lengtli Ilobt. J. Cameron of Applegate is the to tary being the sole judge of the se­ up by innumerable eartl quakes; puri­ Thanksgiving services will be held guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jacobs. appealed from Linn county. curity he will accept, even trust stock twenty-five hundred words; must be fied by being drawn through the Great in the Baptist church at Talent on the DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY written on legal cap on one side of Desert of Sahara, and stored in the I' RATIVE Pouring the Treasury Surplus may be accepted. Mrs. R. T. Burnett has returned to Otuces .D tbe Adkina Deuel block T he General Land Office has been Mammoth Cave of Kentucky; rescued The clause iu the circular Issued by tlie paper In the student's own band­ 27th at 10:30 a. in. Ashland after a short visit in Medford. Into Wall Street. by old Noali and shipped in the Ark; Bedford, JohnB. Beavenue, who has been in Oregon. notified that a protest is to be tiled the treasury department Sept. 30 ex­ writing, and must be accompanied by W. C. Sparks of Washington is ia lauded on Mount Ararat; rendered re­ plaining this new ruling says: Northern California for sometime past, against its order withdrawing from the certificate of the principal of the Medford. He is looking for a location. spectable by age; crowned with the “The department has decided to re­ school attended by the author, to the returned Thursday. entry 6,000,060 acres of forest lands in ADMINISTRATION AIDS GAMBLERS Glories of Antiquity; sampled by Roy­ P. P. PRIM & SON. lease for such banks as have deposits Northern California. The purpose of H. Richardson of Trail creek was alty; guaranteed by the l’op« ', inspect­ H. E. Ankeny left for Eugene Thurs­ effect that the author is a bona fide « ITOKNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW and are uot maintaining their limit of ed by 500 revenue oflieials; glorified b> Commissioner Hermann in withdraw­ student in the school aDd has b«eu in day. He will attend the Oregon Irriga­ among our callers during the past week. Stamp«; covered with the cobwebs of Secretary of the Treasury Oversteps circulation a portion of tbe bonds now Jacksonville, Oregon. ing the lands temporarily was to pro­ attendance therein not less than six tion Congress while gone. Miss Emma Coleman left for Grant's creation; then shipped to A P. Esta­ the Lan- and Hands the People’s held by the government, taking In lieu vide for the creation of forest reserves thereof other satisfactory security, on weeks during the school year of 1902-3. Geo. N. Lewis and Chas. Dunford Pass Thursday evening, on her way to brook. where it was christened “Our ur Will practice in all court« of tbe State. Of Money Over to the tlauk. Without Mash.” It has no relatives living, but and to prevent wholesale location condition always that the bonds re­ Essays must be forwarded to the were among those who visited in Med; Portland. ace in tbe Court House last door on the Safeguard« — Favor« That Come relies upon its wu merit for passage right from entrance frauds. leased will be used for the Immediate chairman of the committee in charge, ford during the past week. Dr. Vroman of Gold Hill, the capi ­ through life. Close to Danner Line. Issue of additional circulation.’* Wailace McCainant, 34 Concord Tbe above pedigree was found lat ely A child of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford of talist, was in Medford and Jacksonville P resident B aer of the Pcnntyl This action of the secretary In giving This Is an era of great financiers. in Egypt upon removing Cleopatra’s A. C HOUGH, vania coal railroads says his com pan y Millions are bandied as thousands were these favors to the trust magnates has Building, Portland, so as to reach him Phoenix died on the 14th,of dysentery. yesterday. Needle and promptly forwarded U> ATTORNEY-AT-LAW P. M. Kershaw, business manager of A. P. E-tabiuok, Golu Ilill. Oregon, “has no disagreement with any of its but a few years ago. We have the ex­ led to a storm of protests from all parts not later than J in. 15th, 1902. In It was about four years old. employes about the weighing of coal, traordinary spectacle of a corporation, of the country, as may be Been from awarding the prizes the committee J. A. Julien, a prominent citizen of The Success, arrived in Medford tlie leading druggist. .rant's Pass, - - • Oreg**. I the quantity being usually determined the steel trust, with over $1,000,000.000 the following special dispatch from will be governed by these three con­ Siskiyou county, Calif., is looking after Wednesday. Office over Hatr-R.ddle Hardware Store. HORSES FOR SALE. by measurement.” Be is a very in of capital. What a stupendous sum, Washington to the Chicago Chronicle: siderations: his interests in Jackson county. Mark Purdin, a brother of ’Squire “It is said that the announcement of 1. Historical accuracy. genuous gentleman. Through a sv«tem more than the ransom of a kingdom! Ira Spailin, one of the energetic Purdin, dropped in on us the forepart Four head of work horses, well 2. Manner of treatment. H. D. NORTON, of measurement introduced by the mine Great financiers spring up like mush his plan to do so had created such a citizens of Williams creek, was in town of the week. matched, weighing 1200 pounds each, storm of Indignant protests that the Orthography, grammar, syntax 3. operators the miners have the privilege rooms in a night, and we are astound­ president, even if he had previously Wednesday,accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Harrison of Ashland has been six and ten years old; also a colt two TTOR NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and punctuation. years old. For particulars apply to of digging about throe thousand |>ounds ed at their audacity and impudence. approved the secretary’s plan, would visiting in Medford, the guest of Mrs. Irwin Daley of Eagle Point spent Grant’s Pass, Oregon. Any additional information rela- A ugust P ciil . of co^l for a ton's pay. Disagreement be forced to withdraw that approval. With these amateur financial prluces Near Central Point. Thursday in Medford. He has b«3en R. W. Gray. tire to the competition which may about weighing? Certainly not! in control of Wall street, doing desper­ In spite of the statements issuing from be desired will be cheerfully fur- appointed constable of that precinct. Judge Crowell and Mr. Payne went WCffice above S P. D. & L. Co ’• Store. ate deeds to maintain their ascendency, the department that the secretary Is nished by the chairman of tbe com- Simple Colds to Ashland Thursday, returning the acting in harmony with the president’s W hile politicians may rightly claim W. M. Cox was among us Wednesday. and others trying to drag them down views, rumors of the secretary's resig­ mittee The essay which is awarded Cease to be simple, if at all pro­ same evening. that issues determine elections, it is a longed. The safest way is to put the 0 and gobble their Kains, is It any won­ nation were circulated with greater the first prize will be published In • H«» recently purchas«xi 120 acres of lantl Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Morris have re­ aside at the very b< ginning. BaHar ,’s fact that the party with the greatest der that panics and rumors of panics freedom than ever tonight One of full, with the name of the author, in 1 of H. Coleman of Talent precinct for turned to Brownsboro, after a short Horehound Syrup stop« a r id and re­ newspapers behind it is the one which are not only dreaded, but possible? 8160. these rumors had It that the secretary the public press. moves th«» cause of cold«. 25 •, ’<»•: and will succeed. New York city is about The special train run between Jack­ stay at Medford. In such perilous times a wise and had been guilty of an Irreparable $1.00 a bottle at City Drug Store. W allace M c C amant . the only exception of note. There Tam­ conservative management of the Unit­ blunder, which had ruined not only his Mr. and Mrs. Asbnry Beall, who live sonville and Medford, on the night W illard II. C hapin , many cannot be downed, although ed States treasury is needed to protect own reputation as a financier, but had Fiddle Dee Dee was performed, carried near Central Point, were in our midst Blackmore—Eaton. R obert T reat I’ latt nearly all the journals are Republican. the^nterests of the government and the worked great injury to his party.” one day this week. 80 people. Nov. 1. Commiltee. However, their influence *.s felt through­ people. Helping the bulls of Wall street does Portland. » Mr. Crystal, who has been acting as Geo. W. Smith and Mr. Dinges ar­ At the pleasant home of Mr. and not seem to be satisfactory. It ties out the state, where the Democratic engineer on the McCloud ^railroad, is Mrs. Marlon E Tryer, in Medford. It was never intended by congress the administration with the trusts «P rived from Corvallis Friday. Thoy will by A FATAL ACCIDENT. majority given in the city is usually when It enacted the laws for the gov­ spend sometime insptM-'ting our mineral visiting in Medford. Wednesday, Nov. 12th, David J. overcome. The newspapers make suc­ ernment of the United States treasury lending the banks money to loan en resources. Miss Mary Jacobs of Central Point Blackmore of Cole’s, Calif., and Miss the watered trust stocks. Hurled to His Death While Crossing cessful candidates today. that the whole of the power vested in Why the government should aid the Dillon Hill on Thursday shipped a and Miss Stone of Ashland were in Bessie Eaton of Klamath Falls were the Siskiyou Mountains. Abstract* made to Title* of the secretary of the treasury should bulls to bold up the trust stocks at fic­ married. Tbe ceremony was per­ carload of superior corn to the Gold Medford Wednesday. T he filling of English orders has Land*. be strained to help either faction of titious values rather than to leave tile Rev. M. L. Geo. Porter was in Medford Thurs­ formed at 10 o’clock by been the feature of the Salem market LEGAL DOCUMENTS. S. ,A. Ltjomis, formerly of Tilla­ Hill mills, where it will be converted the Wall street gamblers. And yet that two elements In the market to settle E. Church, Darby, pastor of tbe M. day, en rout«« home from his homestead into meal. alixind drawn up espeelsUvpertslnln« to lately. The Oregon hop is demanded al­ is just what has been done. Tbe pres­ tbe values is something that this ad­ mook, is dead at tbe Gurnea lodging South. The bride wore pure white, the settlement of estates iu Big Butte precinct. Chas. Bryan of Scott Valley, Calif., most exclusively for foreign orders, ministration will have to explain nt a hou«e Iu Ashland, the result of in­ and carried -a handsome bouquet of ent secretary of the treasury has ex­ was here several days ago, receiving a which has given considerable stimulus later date. The great majority of the H.C. Turpin and H. Yonder Hellen white chrysanthemums. accounts Silicited, Prompt Remittance. ceeded tbe plain letter of the law in people who are paying the piper for juries he sustained at Siskiyou, Tues- I largo bunch of cattle he had purchased of Antelope were in Medford one day i Ttie couple left an the noon train to the market. Shipments out of the MONEY LOANED. day night, says the Tidings. Accom ­ bolstering up the tottering bull cam­ the dance in Wall street and never I for Henley, Calif., where ti.ey will State so far amount to nearly 32,000 ! on zXpplegate. during the past week. tnrstment securities a »peclaitj. Jackson panied by his little boy, be was driv ­ paign that was on tbe verge of col see even the paper uih > u which n sliare spend the winter, The best wishes □junty Scrip bought and sold. bales, or about one-third of the 1902 W. T. Clemmens, the well-known ing a four-horse team on his return A. Loveless has relurned from Siski ­ of a host of friends go with them. have a complete set of maps of all surveyed lapse. The whole power of this Repub­ of stock is printed and who are suffer­ crop. James Winstanley, secretary of The bride was the recipient of a num­ ands .n this county, and receive Abstracts lican administration has been thrown ing from the exactions of the trusts to Ashland from a trip to the moun­ prospector, who has been employed in you county, Calif., where he has been ber from Roseburg Land Office, lhe Land of valuable presents. Those pres­ moctny the Oregon Hop Growers’ Association, Department of tbe O. A C. R. R. and the State in the scale to aid the trust magnates, say, “A plague ui>on both your houses!” tains. While attempting to cross lhe the mines for sometime past, returned during the past summer. ent at tbe wedding were: Bea Eaton Land Department at Salem of all new entrlee has a letter from New York ad vising railroad at Siskiyou, about 6 o’clock, a few days ago. Dr. Leak, the well-kDown veterinary of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. made i am thus prepared to make out home­ foe- Secretary Shaw stated that Presi­ him of sales of two lots at 3<> and 37 stead papers and take proofs thereon. Also I he was met by a passing train, and dent Roosevelt approved of his ac­ PROSPERITY LODGE. Frank an«l Thos. rariow and R H. surgeqn, has returned from California, Sheets of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. take tilings and proofs of timber lands and cents. He says that if growers will j Marion Tryer, Mrs. Mattie Souden. started U> back his horses from the save to part.es the expense of s' trip can tions. Bradshaw on Thursday brought a , and will spend the winter here. Charles and Edyth Tryer of Medford. to tbe Roseburg land office It I n Sorrowful Bccnuac of a Redac­ track. The auimals got beyond bis hold for two weeks longer they w 111 see What has he done? He announce«! bunch of fine beef cattle to Medford for tion of WnHCN. Thos. Barker and Miss Stella Engle hops go to 30 cents in Oregon. ' • Numbers; FlneFarma sad ether control, and they with the driver, that hereafter banks will not be re­ PotteDger & Cox. Desirable Prepertv Is my beads far The Iron Age in Its issue of Sept. 25 arrived from Portland a fewdayssinee, little boy and wagon went over tlie ÖO YOU GET UP A special agent of the Interior quired to carry a reserve against gov­ gives the following Interesting item: precipice. The liain crew immedi­ Fred Wiehmann of Grant’s Pass was >. and will be guests of John Barker. ernment deposits. What does this WPromnt reply made toall let ter». Charg­ “Prosperity lodge of tbe Amalgamated Department isffioon to be sent to Ore­ es In accordance with'he times ately weDt to the rescue and picked among us Friday. He is now in tho em: Dr. Cameron was called to Table WITH A LAME BACK ? mean? The banks now bold in round association, conifxwd of employees of Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanns gon to investigate the alleged frauds in ploy of A. Lempke, the affable pro­ judge of tbe 1st Judcial District, and to say Rock, Wednesday by a message announc­ numbers $130,060,000 of government the La Belle works of the American up Mr. Loomis, who was helpless. making entries under the timber and money, upon which they pay no inter­ Tin Plate company of Wheeling, W. business house tn Jacksonville. prietor of The Louvre. Tbe sou was found unhurt, and one (.1 , ing the serious illness of his daughter. Sliney Trouble Makes You Miserable. SILAS J DAY stone act. Agents detected cheating in est, and have held an average of $100,- Va„ have voted in favor of accepting - the horses had been killed. The un-: Architect Palmer is drawing plans 1 ( Frank Bassett is acceptably filling states further East, and succeeded in 000,000 for over four years which was a reduction of wages when working on Almost everybody who reads the news­ fortunate man was brought to Ash­ for the remodeling of E. Ehwegen’s , the position of clerk at Hotel Nash. papers is sure to know of the wonderful straightening out some tangles, and loaned to them by former secretaries of tin plate for export. A former vote of be one of the residence, which will land and Dr. M F. Shaw summoned, cures made by Dr. Lester Child is doing likewise at night. suits are pending to cancel patents in the treasury. Against this tbe rule re­ this lodge was against this proposl neatest in Medford. who found after an examination that Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, certain cases now. Probably the same quired the banks to keep a reserve of 25 tlon.” the great kidney, liver John P. Jones, the energetic travel­ The postoffi«» at Pokegama, on the bis left hip was dislocated, bis head “Prosperity lodge” will now have to procedure will be followed in Oregon, per cent, or about $36,000,060. This re­ and bladder remedy. and one eye considerably injured and i Ashland-Klainath Falls road, has been ing agent of the S. P. Co., made us a Jacksonville, Oregon. It is the great medi­ under the order recently issued suspend­ serve rule has been wiped out by S«»c- change Its name to Reduction lodge, also found internal injuries. He died discontinued. Hereafter mail for that call today. We are always glad to retary Shaw, who happened to be In wages reduced 25 per eent for with cal triumph of the nine ­ ESTABLISHED IN I865. ing a large number of entries under the see him. teenth century; dis- Wall street at an opportune time, and and food advanced 40 per cent there Thursday morning. The nature of point goes to Shake. timber and stone act in Oregon. Appli­ the banks can now loan tbe Wall street II covered after years of will not be much prosperity around the injuries was obscure; butat times Mrs. Downs of Cottage Grove, who Mrs. Nettie Dodge Johnson was a T h « school continues the careful tralafn* cants will be obliged to show cause why gamblers the whole $130,000,000. With there. 1 scientific research by thorough Instruction for which it is favor- he was attacked by spasmodic pains, visitor in Medford Thursday. In com­ has been visiting her parents. Mr. and | Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ and ably known. their entries should not be rejected, money bringing 20 per cent In Wall As the Tin Plate company la now which the most powerful opiates were pany with her husband she has become Mrs. Wm. Edwards, returned home nent kidney and blad ­ and the special agent wilFmake in­ street, this was an enormous advan­ part of the steel trust, it would be in The Music Department der specialist, and is yesterday. unable to relieve. a resident of Gohl Hill. dependent investigation for Secretary tage to tbe “bulls.” order for President Roosevelt nnd Re­ wonderfully successful In promptly coring The deceased was about 43 years of Is always in cha ge of competent and exper­ Jason Hartman is building a big Mrs. J. W. Merritt of Central Point lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ ienced But that was not all. The favors publican newspapers and si>eilbinders Hitchcock, who is determined to stamp teachers. Board and tuition per age, and leaves a wife and son. The and Lawrence Cardwell of Gold Hill bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst granted to the bankets by Secretary tank for the Jacksonville gas work. to tell us if this Is a “ bad trust. ” of twenty weeks. »800U. Studies will be resum­ out all fraudulent practices. ed September 2. l«02. Shaw with the permission of President Such an enormous decrease in wages former is believed to be iu Portland. E. S. Wolfer has the contract for and his wife were Medford visitors form of kidney trouble. For prospectus, address Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec- Loomis came to tbe valley about a Roosevelt allowed those banks that to its workmen would indicate that it is Thursday. covering it and plumbing. T he opening article in the November SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. i ommended for everything but if you have kid ­ were unable to obtain government a bad trust, especially as the loss to E. Merz visited in Medford this ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Scribner’s, “In the Paths of Imtr.igra- bonds as security for the money loaned the workmen Is to go to tbe foreigners month ago. He was without fuud- 'Squire Gall of Sam's Valley has the county took charge of tbe re week, while on his way from Portland : just the remedy you need. It has been tested tion,’’ is by James B. Connolly, who re­ them by the government to use in place and not to our own people, for the re­ and mains. Telegraphic inquiries at been visiting in Medford and Ashland. I in so many ways, in hospital wotk, in private cently made a trip to Europe for the of the same municipal bonds and other duction applies only “when working on Tillanif ok dieted the fact that Loom- He has rented his farm to C. C. Gil­ to San Francisco. He formerly con- practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ ducted a brewery here. purpose of making a careful study of a securities as are made available by the tin plate for export.” is had formerly been a member of tbe christ, late of Central Point. chase relief and has proved so successful in A. O. U. W., but bad suffered his every case that a special arrangement has problem that is of constantly incn asing Mrs I. L. Hamilton, who has been at We aro informed that the ball which membership to lap«e. He is aisi be­ been made by which all readers of this paper interest to America. He tells of the lieved to be a member of the Wotd- we announced would be given by the U n- San Francisco for several months past, who have not already tried it, may have a way the immigrants are dealt with by men of the World. iform Rank of the K. of P. of M«jdford for the benefit of her health, return«^ sample bottle sent free by mail, also * book DISCIPLINING THE “BAD” TRUSTS the great foreign transportation com­ Tuesday evening, much improved. 'clling more about Swamp-Root and how to has been indefinitely postponed. indent if you have kidney or bladdet trouble. panies, whose business it is to deal One Minute Cough Cure. Rev. J. M. Hunter of Ashland held (When writing mention reading this generous Harry Bossoum, who has been em ­ with the largest possible human car­ Is the only harmless cough cure that lACKSO' VILLE, forth in the big tent Tuesday, Evan offer in this paper and OREGON goes, how they travel on the railroads, gives quick relief. Cure« Coughs, ployed near Sisson, Calif., for some­ send your address to gelist Holmes being absent that even ­ Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping time past, is paying relatives and how they are fed and housed at the Orders for Hacks,Buggies and Riding Horae» ing, and preached an excellent sermon. I Dr. Kiltner&Co.,Bir!g- Cough, Pneumonia, Asthma,La Grippe friends living in this section a visit. promptly attended to. ’ hamton. N Y. The great terminals at Hamburg and and all Throat, Chest and Lung Feeding done at reasonable rates. Best st ¡regular fifty cent and nomootsimip-itoo«. Prof. Peoples of tho Medford Busi­ Havre, and of the treatment they re­ A. L. Kitchin has been selected as Troubles. I cot soaked by rain, says care t aken to prevent accidents, but will be re dollar sizes are sold by ail good druggists. sponsible lor none should they occur. ceive on the long voyage across the Gertrude E. Fenner, Muncie, Ind , and nightwatchman by the city of Ashland, ness College went to Tolo yesterday, to Will refuse to do livery work on credit contracted a severe cold and cough. do some expert auditing for Dr. Ray, Atlantic. With a sympathetic appre­ GEORGE N LEWIS. Prorp 1 failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My drug­ and will see that the ordinances against for which work ho is sp«jcially adapted. ciation of the human interest of the selling liquor and gambling are not gist recommended One Minute Cougii subject Mr. Connolly relates many little Cure. The first bottle brought relief; violated. Mr. Moamber, a business man of A incidents both pathetic and humorous several cured me. 1 am back to my LÌ J Supt. Savage of Josephine county Yreka,'Calif., and his fair bride visit­ old weight, 1481b-. One Minute Cougii attending the leaving of home, and the Cure cuts the phlegm, relieves the will hold a teachers’ local institute at ed in Medford and Jacksonville ordeals of the various inspections that cough at once, draws out inflamma- Merlin Nov. 22d. It will be followed in Thursday. They wore on their honey­ are necessary to safeguard tho com­ tloo, cures croup. An ideal remedy the evening by an entertainment at Mc­ moon. panies against *oss by the deportation for children. Connell’s hall. J. J. Lane, a prominent farmer of of inadmissible immigrants. The J. B. Mullay, formorly engaged in Talent precinct, made us a pleasant A New Smelter. illustrations by Mr. Burns admirably the internal revenue service, was in our call today. He was on his way home supplement Mr. Connolly’s text. Col. T. W. Draper, manager of the city Thursday. He is now in the em­ from a visit with friends living at Cen­ mines of the Waldo Smelting &, Min­ ploy of Coblentz & Levy, wholesale tral Point. S ecretary H ay has taken a deter­ ing Company, located in the southern liquor dealers of Portland. Mayor Crowell has appointed M. mined stand against arbitrating the part of Josephine county, announces Dr. Ray has contracted with the Purdin, W. I. Vawter and J. S. How- Alaska boundary discussion with Great that his colleagues have decided to Pacific States Telephone Co. for the aril to represent Medford in the Irriga­ Britain. He says that when the United put in a 100-ton smelter at once at its maintenance of a public station at the tion Congress which meets at Portlan«! States purchased Alaska from Russia President Roosevelt—Now, you holier and pretend It hurts you—but of copper mines. The smelter is to be Ray dam on Rogue river, near Tolo. Nov. 18th. it purchased the specific rights embod­ course it won’t with the tariff pad on. erected at Takilma, the new town It will be called the Golden Ray. ied in a treaty effected between Russia Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Dr. and that has sprung up near there, and and Great Britain in 1825. That treaty E. E. Smith and his family, whohave Mrs. W. B. Officer and other residents on the line of the proposed O’egon & been stopping in California during the of Eagle Point attended «.he perform­ definitely placed the boundary now in­ CHAMBERLAIN’S The Force deduced. Pacific railroad. A smelter at Waldo past few years, returned to Jackson ance given in Wilson's opera house volve! in the controversy at three STUMACHAND LIVER TABLETS. will be of great benefit to the vast leagues from the sea, which the United fry them The late rain storm raised Rogue mineral district of that section. county Friday. He will teach a term Wednesday evening. States interprets to mean 30 miles irom When you feel dull after eating. Geo. Coulter, the well-known car­ rivor soveral feet, causing considerable With its building the traffic over the of school in Big Butte precinct soon. When you have no appetite. tide water. The Canadian officials, riage painter, mourns the loss of a lot damage to the dam being built near Rev. T. L. Crandall and Rev. J. When you have a bad taste in tbe stage road from Grant’s Pass to however, are active in bringing to light of clothing and bedding. Some one mouth. Tolo by Dr. Ray and his associates. Waldo will be much greater than it Merley, Baptist ministers, are conduct­ every story of an old boundary, mission, abstracted them from his odgings while When your liver is torpid. The pumps and engines wore carried ing a two-weeks meeting on Williams etc., with a view of complicating the When your bowels are constipated. downstream some distance, but fortu­ Is at present; hence the necessity of creek, Josephine county. They are he was out of town. having a better thoroughfare. For When you have a headache. issue and befogging the essential point nately they were recovered. Repairs this purpose Josephine county has effective laborers in the cause of religion. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, friends Wiieu you feel bilious. Unfortunately tbe American officials They will improve your appetite, were commenced at onco. Since then appropriated 11000 for the improve­ of H. B. Nye, who came to Medford E. Richter, who has been a resident occasionally err in this direction; at cleanse and invigorate your stomach alrout eighty men who were employed ment of the road, and the Board of of Lake Creek precinct for a number with lhe intention of locating, have least they have in the past, as is wit­ and regulate your liver and bowels. on tho works have been discharged, for Trade and the citizens of Grant’s of years, is now a citizen of Medford, been obliged to leave us, we are sorry I nessed by the authorization of an ex­ For sale by City Drug Store. what reason wo have been unable to Pass in general are aiding liberally having exchanged property with his to learn. Our climate does not seem to pedition on which Lieutenant Emmons, ascertain. CONTRACT TO LET. toward ils betterment. Under pres­ son-in-luw, M. Da?mmer. He is wel­ agree with Mrs. M. U. S. A., retired, embarked,and in the T housands S aved B y I If The Baby Is Cutting Teeth. ent conditions it is well nigh Im­ come. progress of which hediscovereu numer­ This preparation contains all of the Rev. Carlisle P • B. Martin* L. L. D* land, For grubbing 45 to 60 acres of Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme­ passable during the winter months. ous landmarks. From an ethnological R. P. George, a prominent citizen of digestants and digests all kinds of For dy, Mas. WlHSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP, for A bridge is to be built across the standpoint Lieutenant Emmons’ dis­ two miles north of Jacksonville, Waveily, Texas writes: “Of a food. It gives instant relief and never children teething. It soothe« tbe child, soft­ I Josephine county, was in our town re­ morning, coveries are doubtless interesting; but particulars apply to when first rising, 1 often ens tbe gums, allay» all pain, cures wind nolle This wonderful med io in# posi-l C. J. A rmstrong . and la tbe best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty­ Illinois river at Waldo for the con­ cently. He purchased several head of find a troublesome collection of fails tocure. It allows you to eat all tbe State Department considers them the food you want. The most sensitive dye cents a bottle. venience of the miners and farmers of valueless. tively cures Consumption, Coughs fine Hereford cattle from John W. Cox phlegm, which produces a cough and that district; but more especially for of Medford, with which to improve his Is very bard to dislodge; but a small Stomachs can take it. By its use many Colds, Bronohitis, Asthma, Pneu­ thousands of dyspeptics have been Farm for Sale. quantity of Ballard’s H uehjund cured Doesn’t Respect Old Age. tbe copper and gold miners, who will big herd. monia, Hsy Fever, Pleurisy, La- after everything else failed. It Syrup will at once dislodge it, and the Eighty acres of land, In Meadows precinct, have refractory ores to haul to the prevents formation of gasoil the stom­ It’d shameful when youth fails to Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Jane McCully Cabin, N. D. of O., will trouble is over. 1 know of no medi ­ all fenced, black loam, part In cultivation, For Infants and Children. ach, relieving all distressaftereating, smelter. show proper respect for old age; hut Croup and Whooping Court cine VlUU that Vliau IO is equal ^L|lA<»4 to VW it; IVf and uuu It IV is »<• so | watered by two One springs. 8% mi lea from give a grand ball at Jacksonville on lust the contrary in Dr. king’s New Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to taka pleasant to take. I can most cordial-1 school, 20 miles from Gold Hill, Title per- The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Every bottle guaranteed. No the night of Thanksgiving Day. The ly recommend It to all persons need­ Lire Pill«. They cut off maladies no Ysu Kscw What You Are Taking H can ’ t help feet. Will be sold at a bargain. Cure. No Pay. Prioe50o.&$L matter how severe and Irrespective of best of music will be provided, and no ing a medicine for threat or lung Bears ths Apply for further particulars to When you take Grove’« Tuteleaa Chill Tonlo. but do you goad Trial bottle free« old age. Dyspepsia, jaundice, fever, because the formula la ted on every pains spared to make it the event of troubles.” Price 25c, 50c,81.00 bottle, fNpsred only by E. a D« W itt A Go.. Chicago SILAS I. DAY, SlgMCWtlrf constipation, all yield to this perfect obttle «howIn« that it tin and Qui­ at City Drug Store. XtoSL bouiu contains Real Estate Agent, Jacksonville. Or. nine I* a tMteleaa ton No Pay 60c tbe seMon. pill. 26c at City Drug Store. HELPING THE BULLS. Silas J. Day Real Estate Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. St. Mary’s Academy, UNION 1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. DR. KING'S NEW DISGOKERY CASTOR IA