vol . xxxn. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, *902. BRIEF MENTION. JACKSON COUNTY I TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE APPLES FOR EUROPE. MEDFORD SQUIBS LOCAL NOTES. Wm. B. Simpson of Montague, Calif., spent several days in the valley this Misa Jessie Steops spent Sunday in J. A. Bisehofberger was at Medford week. He is a son of the late Jesse Geo. Henry was in Medford a few •IK Oregon Fruit Will be Marketed Ashland. Tuesday. Simpson, and a former resident of Jack­ days ago. Aerosa the Atlantia. Will ba Held at Medford Oct. 29. PORTER MAYOS CF ST. IÜNA0E, A. W. Silsby of Grant s Pass Is in our sonville. P. F. Swayne of Applegate was one Miss Kate Ply male has been visiting 23, 24—A First-Ulass Pro­ MICHIGAN, city today. i of our recent visitors. Subscriptions for Mr. Bryan’sp iper, in Medford. gramme and Big At­ The movement of the great apple Mrs. E. L. Gurnea has been visiting The Commoner, the leading Demo­ Messrs. Vincent of Tolo were here Relate» an I x|>,-rii-ti<-e Widt h. He Says J Mrs. J. C. Murphy visited in Med­ tendante Assured. crop of Southern Oregon will com- relatives living at Ashland. cratic newspaper in tbe United States, Tanglit !•>>» u Valuable Lt »son. ford Tuesday. the forepart of the week. are taken at T he T imes office. mence on the 10th of tbe next month. John and Jos. dwell of Central Point " I have had an experience which i Judson Morris and his family have A. H. Hooten, who lives near Gold j D. Fennimore got back from Harney Supt. Dally has arra-ged the follow­ ' Four carloads have already started i circulated among us Monday. taugnt me a valuable lesson," said tin become residents of Ashland. Hill, was In Medford Saturday. ing programme for the teachers’ in­ j for their usual destination—Europe. county a few days ago. He will take Hon. Thomas F. Matlden, former mayor I Fred Schneider of Eagle Point pre- More are to follow within a few days. B. F. C. Edmonson of Big Butte and possession of the Morine farm, situated of St. lguaee, Mich., to a importer the D. B. Thompson is catering to thj stitute which will be held in Medford I Picking is now in progress and tbe ; cinct was here a few days ago. oilier day. his wife called on us Saturday. near Table Rock,which he recently pur- next week. public thirst at The Banquet. Mr. Hoag, the stencil manufacturer, apples are being packed in Southern Instructors and lecturers who will •• It was while crossing the Gulf of Lee Harrington has rented his farm | chased at once. Sheriff Rader has returned from a Oregon orchards for transportation arrived from the north Tuesday. Mexico," he continued, "in an attempt short hunting trip, and is on duty , be i resent: on Applegate and gone to California. The celebrated Cutter whisky, al­ Miss Lol Nichols of Eagle Point pre­ to reete-er my health, that the suggestion 1 again. I J. H. Ackerman, state superintend­ across the continent and the Atlantic though a very old brand, is becoming R. J. Cameron, a pioneer resident of came to me. For twenty years I had cinct is the guest of Mrs. F. M. Plymale. more popular every da^'. None other ent of public Instruction N. L. Nar­ ocean. Applegate, was in our town Monday. Mrs. Klingle of Lake creek and T. been a sufferer from indigestion. It has a greater sale. This choice article Misses Carrie George and Maggie Notwithstanding the fact that the regan, principal of Medford High can tortured me. I could not eat a* hearty J. Beagle were among our visitors dur­ Assessor Pendleton and N. C. Gunn eff’s. be found at Dunnington & l Den­ School; P. L. Campbell, president of 1 apple crop of the Uutted States is Bellinger visited in Jacksonville Sun­ meal and eveu the lightest food dis­ ing the past week. day. tarried a few hours in Medford Tues­ State University; J. H- Orcutt, presi­ large this season growers are getting tress, <1 me. I was treated by several Jos. Geppert and his family, who day. Mrs. J. Bareeburg has returned from almost as good prices as they did last , ' G • M. Grainger, a prominent citizen dent of Drain State Normal School; v . • able physiciaus, but grew worse al! have been living in Big Butte precinct John Rauzau of Josephine county for a number of years,left for La Junta, the time. In fact, nothing helped lue of Ashland, tarried in Jacksonville a S. Y. Gillas.edltor of Western Teach­ i year,when the supply of choice apples I her visit with relatives living at Grant’s Absolutely Pure Pass. until 1 tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. few hours Monday. er, Milw tnkee, Wis.; Dr. A. D. Ward, was short. and his wife were among our visitors Colo., one night last week, where they THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE " Chronic iudigestiou had bronght. on The principal movement of apples j Miss E. Schaper of Mulvane, Kansas, Tuesday. A. L. Kromlin was one of our visitors training teacher of Ashland State expect to locate. a whol j train of other troubles. I be­ is the guest oi Mrs. Capt. Nash, who is 19 from Medford to Central Point, Normal School; W. F. Cameron, I Lee Rodgers, formerly of Table came nervous, suffered from violent the forepart of the week. He is pros­ superintendent oi Ashland schools, where it is now recognized by experts a relative. Deeds, mortgages, leases, bends, Rock precinct, returned from Washing­ bills of aale and every Imaginable bead iclu-s and billiouaneaa, and I think 1 pecting on Applegate. Ed. Wilkinson and his family have J the finest apples in the world are ■ ton recently. -would iiavegiveu every cent I possessed kind of legal blanks-tbe latest and COUNTY RECORDS. Rev. S. H. Jones will hold services G. W. Bishop, science teacher S. O. to Hod relief. But I became more niis- at the Presbyterian church Sunday S. N. S.j Aahland; Jas. A. People*, grown. The late rains In the valley removed to Medford from their Bear beat—are constantly on band at the T. B. Blanton got back from Ari- ’ T imes office. erabl - and finally in despair 1 determined principal of Medford Business College. j came just iu time to give the creek farm Matter* of Importance Transacted at morning and evening. zoua a short time sinoe, and will prob­ to take a southern trip. Harry Carlton of Eagle Point, the ¡desired coloring to the fruit to Geo. A. Dunlap and Lester Bailey, VrSDSSaDlY, • A. M- ably remain. the Court Hous*. “On the steamer bound for Galveston Chris Keegan, who has been in Lake ; make it In (.real demand. The sixe hardware merchant, was one of our two exoellent photographers, have gone I eiiane si to see Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Opening Exerotse* Geo. Given, one of the thrifty farmers to Josephine county, on business con­ and quality of Oregon apples this year visitors Monday. for Pale People meutioued in a news­ county for sometime past, visited in "How May tbe Efficiency ot Rural School» REAL ESTATE. M. C. Anderson, an energetic young of Eagle Point precinct, visited in Med­ nected with their profession. They Be Increased”........... .......... J H Ackerman ; is the best. paper article. As soon as we landed J Jacksonville the forepare of the week. ford Tuesday. Grammar.................................................. Y Glllan purchased a box of the pills and they gave F W Moore to C E Owens, 15 acres A. Weidner, a prominent citiien of •'Charaoter Building inOurPubllo School»’’ Between Gold Hill and Ashland farmer living in Phoenix precinct, was never fall to please. me almost instantaneous relief. If it d 1 c No 49, twp 39, 1 e; 8500 with us Saturday. B. R. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. W. Talent, was with us Monday. He there will come via Portland about ...............................W F Cameron had not l*een for them I think I should Willis Kramer and A. L. Schultz, Jos B Wells to J W Wells, 320 acres W. H. Royse and IL J. Henderson R. Byrum of SanPaValley were in Med­ have starve«! todeath. I grew constantly speaks favorably of this year’s results. Methods tn Spelling ............................ 1 HOrcutt 250 carloads—all for European con­ who are engaged in the milling busi­ ford Saturday. Giles Wells estate, twp 39, 1 e; also better and in a short time I was cured. Chas. Carney, who is connected with of Talent were among the many in sumption. The fruit is generally con­ WBDSMDAT, 1 *0 P- M. ness at Myrtle creek and Jefferson,re ­ land in sec 12 and 14, twp 39; 8600. " It is now over a year since these pills Medford Saturday. W. E. Anderson, ex-county recorder, spectively, were in the valley, recently I cured me. My stomach is sound and the Oregon Granite Co., doing business Ciyil Government .................... NL Narregan tracted for in advance, and is con­ J B Wells to E G McConnell, 320 Ed. Clemens of Roxy and W. T. An- and his family tarried in Medford ■ few PL Campbell signed to London, the freight being my digest ion is perfect. I can eat heartily at Medford, spent Sunday in Jackson­ Grammar................. on their way to Ashland. Subject to be Selected.............. J H Ackerman sent over tbe O. R. > N., the Short ; derson of Phoenix precinct were among hours Saturday. acres Giles Well’s estate, twp 39, 1 e; of the richest fo«grt, my nenes are quiet, ville. Methods la Reading....................... S Y Glllan R. L. Durenbery of Sardine creek ! also land in secs 12 and 14, twp 39; niv blood good and I feel well and Line, the Denver & Rio Grande, and our visitors Monday. Fred WicbmanB, who is now located and his son J. C. called Friday. The ( 8600. C. 1^ Basye, who has been develop­ atrong. I have been made a well man w * dsi * bav ,V3)P. M W. F. Monaghan left for Lakeview at Grant's Pass, visited in the central thence by the most direct lines to bv Dr Williams' Piuk Pills for Pale ing promising mining property in Musical Program»»»................................. ... latter has gone into the wood-sawing! F A Pefley to R Storey, lot 1, bile 3, Saturday with a load of fruit trees for valley this week. New York. The apple crop this year IVople. ” Missouri Flat district, is in Jacksonville Lecture.................................................. sY Glllan business, and purchased the engine Phoenix; 8125. Warner & Maplesden. The Hon. Mr. Madden’s address is St. again. is of tbe finest quality. The growers TBSUDAY, • A. M. C. M. Rueh, the mayor of Apple ­ advertised for sale in this newspaper. Iguace, Mich., and he is willing to cor­ Mary Elliott to W A Holt, lota 23, J. W. Berrlam, the genial superin­ were praying for rain a few days be­ gate ’ s principal town, waaln our midst roborate the statement given above. The H. D. Kubli of Applegate was in Opening ....................................................... Thos. C. Norris have received a full 24, 25, blk N, R R add to Ashland; tendent of the U. S. hatcheries, made power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Jacksonville Tuesday, en route home Geography ......................................... SY Gillatl fore tbe equinoctial bluster. Their i one day this week. line of new harness and saddles, which 81025. Civil Gorernnent.......................N L Narregan prayers were answered. The rain has our city a visit Saturday. Pule People in the vast number of dis­ J. Wiltrout and Mr. Bunyard, two they are selling at very reasonable L A Werth to W M Holmes, 64.18 eases due to impure blood or to derange­ from Klamath county, where he has Subject Selected.......................... J H Ackerman tbe effect of giving the desired finish-1 D. T. Lawton and his daughter, Miss rates. They also keep an excellen ’Teaching to Think''.................. W F Cameron I ing touches of color. Nowton Pippins' Myrtle, have returned from their trip of Grant's Paes' jolllest citizens, visited assortment of second-hand goods In the acres, sec 2, twp 37, 2 w; 83000. ments of the system, bus been demon­ been looking for investments. strated in thousands of instances as re­ in Medford Tuesday. TweaaBAY, 1:80 r. m . and the Spitzenberge are the variety! to upper Rogue river. same building and execute upholstery Jacob Thompson to H H Chapman, Marshal Murphy was in Klamath markable as his. No one who is suffer­ At tlie orchards near of every description. Supplementary Reading...... ■ BY Gillan that lead. et al, 1310 sq ft, lot l.blk 15, Ashland; Tony Olson, who purchased T. M. Supt. Daily is in Medford, looking ing can rightfully neglect this way to county during the past week, looking Subject Selected........................ J H Orcutt ! Medford and Central Point the finest I restore health. after his interests. Frank Kasshafer •■Sohool Superviaton’'..........W F Cameron i apples' are grown, aDd they are always 1 after the teachers' institute. He is as Reed's saloon at Gold HUI, was a Med-' Jas. Harvey died at the residence of 815. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People his son, living in Talent precinct, early G 8 Butler et al to V St C E E ford visitor Monday. N L Narregan , in demand abroad, to matter whether energetic and efficient as ever. are sold by all dealers, or will be seut sported the star during his absencefl History .............. Tuesday morning, after a lingering ill ­ Mickelson, l?t 1, blk 20, Ashland; “Nature Wark tn Rural Schools" GW Bishop there is a shortage or plenty o< fruit. Siam Vaa Dyke of Pheenlx precinct,! postpaid on receipt of price, «0 cents a Dr. C. R. Ray of Tolo, the promoter W. H. Miller,foreman of the Hydrau­ Growers get as much for Oregon- ness He was for a number of years a 81905. TBCKSDAY, V:*0 F.' M. box, or six boxes for »3.50, (they are lic Mining Co.’s property, located in grown Pippin* in London as a barrel I of the dam and ditch enterprise, spent one ot our successful farmers, made resident of thia valley, but later engag­ never sold in bulk or by the hundred) by Opening Exercise» Medford a visit Saturday. ed in the stock business in Modoc coun­ Sherman Eagledo* to Firman Zana, of Pippins in Noea Scotia, which Is several hours in Medford Monday. Jump-off-Joe district, is at the scene of addressing Dr. William* Medicine Com P L Campbell the home of the Newtown Pippin«. administrator’s deed to 160 acres, sec Leetura ................... ty, Calif. operations,getting the mines ready for pany, Schenectady, N. T. F. M. Thompson, who has been in Jerry Hackathorn, who is engaged 12, twp 35, 3»; 8285. Forty-five carloads of Bartlett pears rai»AT,* A. u. Wm. Clark, the well-known horse ­ the coming season. California for sometime, is in Medford, in business al Eagle Point, spent several have lately been shipped out of the L L Werth, bond for deed to parcel ▲rltkmetis........................................ » T GlUan man, has returned from Roseburg, MARRIED. hours In Medford Monday. J. E. Davidson has gone to Gold Hill Penmanakip. . .................... - J»» A Peoples Southern Oregon fruit belt for the and will remain during th* winter. of land, sec 2, twp 37, 2 w; 83000. where he was quite successful. He won markets of New Orlean*. St- Louis, district, to take charge of the property Reading.......................................... Dr A D Ward Chicago W. L. Nelson of Phoenix was among J. A. Miller ot Brownsboro, the well- the big race trotted on the last day of Carter Land Co to J P Holcomb, and New York—¿Pacific H arris —BOOTH—At Ashland, Oct. 19. of the Gold Hill and Bohemia Mining "Tne Public School Library' J H Ackerman the fair with Volo, C. Vx . Kahler’s fast lot 13, Carter add to A-hland; 8170. our visitors Saturday. Ha is belldiag known bridge builder, and his wife tar ­ Homestead. 1902, John B. Harris and MissGene- FRIDAY, 1:10 F M horse. Although handicapped by a up a good business near that place. ried In Medford Monday night. Sophia I Slewart to H H Ratrie et vlere M. Booth of Jacksonville. Rev. Co ,of which A. H. Willett, I. G. David­ Address.......... wagon, he made one heat in 2:25. ................... . J H Orcutt son, W. W. Gibbs, Milo P. Ward and J. T. Abbett officiating. al, 160 acres, sec 3, twp 37, 2 e; 8600. L. L. Jaeobs, who is at Portland, at­ Important Law Points, History .............................. L Narregan Frank Ceol of Lake Creek and John it jrou desire a good complexion use D e B oy —COURTNEY—In Jacksonville, J. M. Lister are directors. He is a School Management..................... Dr A D Ward A Puhi to W Witte, 40.71 acres d 1 tending the U. S. District Court as a Louden of Applegate each brought a Moki Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts Oct. 17, 1902, by W. J. Plymale, J. first-class miner, and will doubtless Address ......................................... SY Glllan c No 56, twp 37, 2 w; 81500. ' juror, is expected home in a few days. on he liver and makes the skin smooth, load ot hogs to Medford this week. P., I. E. DeBoy and Clara I. Court­ give satisfaction. The following weights of a bushel President ex-officio, P. H. Dally; i and clear. Cures sick headaches. 25cts. W H Caine et al to C R Ray, cer­ ney. J. H. Taylor, a prominent farmer of C. J. Jeter and Gee. L. Dean of and 50cts. Money refunded if it does tain quartz and placer claims, secs 7 Secretary, E. E. Washburn; assistant were established by the last legisla­ In inclement wea'her the man who H umphrey —F ish —At Klamath Falls. ture of Oregi o, viz: 60 lbs. wheat, Colusa county, Calif., is the guest of Grant’s Pass were in Ruch district not satisfy you. Write to W. H. Oct. 12, 1902, Charles Humphrey and exposes himself bids for a severe cold secretary, Frances Birnes. his brother, W. B. Roberts,the capital­ Monday, Inspecting mining property. I H ooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free and 18, twp 36, 2 w: 8200. clover seed or potatoes 40 lbs. barley, , in the head and usually gets it. And Reception committee, Minnie Hock- Miss Dora Fish, by Judge G. T. Bald­ E Vroman to J U Snith, land in sample. A. P. Estabrook, Gold Hill, the cold neglected or improperly treat­ rye or Indiau core; 32 lbs. oats; 421ba. ist. win. yos,Gertrude Sutton and May Phipps. Wm. Meesai aad his sons, L. Tone , Oregon. The leading druggist, ; ecs 4, 5, 33, twp 36; also mining and ed becomes nasal catarrh, a disease as J. G. VanDyke, Sr., and Frank M orrow —S haw —At Redding, Calif., obstinate as it is offensive. Don’t waste Resolution committee, G. R. Car­ buckwheat; 28 lbs. dried apDles or { irrigating ditches, known as "Vro- and Chrs. Hoefft, all of Lake creek pre- j Levi Sutton, one of our old and re- Towne of Phoenix, the well-known Oct. 1, 1902, by Rev. R. E. Wenk, time with “medieines” that dry and ir­ pears. man ditches;" 81200. cinct, were In Medford during tbe • spected citizens, left for Sonoma coun-| Devid Morrow of Grant’s Pas* and ritate tbe membrane, but cure vour- lock, Mrs. Mary Peter. i In meeting another you sltould turn pioneers, were in Medford one day this Miss Ella Shaw. C A Carey to W C Kipp, sw | of sec weelc - _ ; tv, Calif, a few days ago, accompa- self speedily with Ely’s Cream Balm, to the right of tbe middle of tbe road; week. A Typical South African Store. C oleman — P atton — At Ash and, the recognized specific for catarrh. L. C. Boll* has sold his interests in ’ “Ud.1 family, to reside perma- 8, twp 34,2 w; 81500. •and if you overtake another you Mrs. W. A. Carter and Mrs. J. L. thi. Oct. 11, 1902, by Rev. G. W. Nelson, Price 50 cents. Sold by druggists and .k t M - . j nently. Before leaving he PhoeDiX) sold twenty O. R. Larson, of Bay V Ila, Sundays W W Fordney to Wm Starr, 5 acres, of iandi located near Noah Coleman of Cole and Miss by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, River, Cape Colony, conduct* a store ' should ubually pass to the left of the Hammersly of Gold Hill were ameng this county to the Julien eetate, and ex- sec 14. twp 39,1 e: 8200. pects te leave tot Europe in the near i Mr. Roberts, a new-comer, for 84000. Carrie Patton. New York. typical of South Africa, at which can 1 party overtaken; yet, if the way be ' the many who visited in Medford Sat- W W Fordney to E M McIntyre, fulure Blue-print maps of any township in lots B olter —W ilkins — At Roseburg, be purchased anything from the pro­ apparently clear.you may take either urd ay. 38 and 39, Highland Park add, Oct. 8, 1902, by Rev. C. A. Hyatt, verbial "needle to an anchor.” This side. The person overtaking aud Mr. McFall, who has been living near Roseburg, Oregon, Land District,show Ashland; 8700. PERSONAL MENTION. Thos. Gilchrist, the expert miner, Frank H. Bolton and Miss Dora B. store is situated tn a valley nine miles Central Point, leaves this week for i“« »11 the vacant lands, for 50 cents Sarah E Bush to O F Pon , ■ acre, Wilkins. from tile nearest railway station and passing a-uotiier will usually be liable was in Medford Monday. He is engag­ Klamath county with a load of ma-, the J.* ou want any information sec 14, twp 39, 1 e; 8200. ed in prospeeting in Willow Springs i Will Johnson is spending a few days about twenty-five miles from the for ail damages that occur unless tbe . S. Land Office, address S utton —R odgers —At Ashland,Oct. C Farnham to E M McIntire, lot chinery. nearest town. Mr. Larson says: "I Injury be canoed by thj fault of the dith-ieL Title Guarantee A Loan Co., Itose- 37, Highland Park add to ns bland: 19,1902,by Rev. J. T. Abbett,Edward in Jacksonville. r, T, , . am favored with the eustom of farm- Sutton and Miss Reina Rodgers. 850. Capt. S. B. Ormsby, supervisor of' Mrs. Nancy Morris of Lake county is burg, Oregon. R. H. and Walker Lewis were in ers within a radius of thirty miles to other party. The Jackson County Teachers’ Insti­ G amble —S mythe —At Grant's Pass, town a few days ago. F A Foster to C Farnba u, lot 37, In Oregon tbe legal rate ef interest forest rangers, and Dr. J. M. Keens visiting relatives living In the valley. many of whom I have supplied Cham- Oct. 10, 1902, by Rev. Robt. Leslie, Highland Park add to Asniand; 810. tute will be held at Medford this week, She is th«* guest of Jehn McReynolds Lerlain ’ s remedies. All testify to were in th* Prospeet section Ah* fore- ■ Amos S. Gamble and Cecelia J. A Pool to Nancy E Watkins, premi­ Miss Carrie Beekman made Medford their value in a household where a is 6 per cent.; but parties may agree beginning yesterday, the 22d. A num­ at present. upon any rate not exceeding 10 per part of th* week. Symthe. ses in d 1 c No 45, twp 36, 1 w; 84uu. a short visit Monday. doctor’s advice is almost out of the ber of those who will attend arealready J. L. Wortow and Chas. Martin, i Gus Nichols, od * of the clever young cent, per annum- MINING LOCATIONS. Gertrude Whipp of Ashland ha* been .inoatinn. question, Within one mile of my tbe city. The programme is first- Where a partial payment Is made, who are located near Fort Klamath, | stockmen of Lake creek precinct, spent in DIED. J J Hulbert gives notice of location store the population Is perhaps sixty. class, and the institute will be one of visiting in Jacksonville. Of these, within the past twelve and It equals or excels the amount of | were in Medford Saturday for supplies. Monday in Medferd. So did Fred the very best ever held in Southern of 20 acres placer ground, Jackscn county, Oct 2d. C. W. Kahler was at Medford months, no less than fourteen have Interest-then accrued on tbe debt, the They are doing nicely. Downing. j1 Oregon. H iller —On Lower Rogue River, been absolutely cured by Chamber­ J H Bagley gives notice of location Sept. 20, 1902, Lou D. Miller; aged 31 several times during the past week. L. Niedermeyer jwas among our visi ­ J. W. Hicks and his family are agai* lain's Cough Remedy. This must interest»should be computed, up to and appropriation of water from years. G*c* Like Het Cake*. Miss Gertrude John, one of the belle* surely be a record." For sale by City the tim e of such payment, and added tors Saturday. He is having a hand­ residents of Central Point precinct, | Ward creek through a ditch to be R iding er —At Medford, Oct. 17, 1902, Drug Store. some residence built on .the old Bybee having returned after au absence of "Tbe fastest selling article 1 bare known as the "Bagley Ditch,”Oct 1 t. of Josephine county, was the guest of to tbe . iiuouut of such debt, and from George Rldinger; aged 39 years, 7 U L and O C Sheldon, location of in my store," writes druggist C. T. Mrs. P. Hines Sunday. said sum deduct the amount of pay­ farm, adjoining Jacksonville. several month*. months and 2 days. water out of Rogue river for domestic Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King ’ s R. D. Maplesden has gone to Lak* Money in Spraying. ment, amd the amount remalniugcon- H arvey —In Talent Precinct, Oct. 22, There will be no services is the Wm. E. Davidson, the genial miner, New Discovery for Consumption, and irrigating purposes, Oct 9tb. 1902, Jaa. Harvey; aged 72 year*. stitute& a aew prln clpal. But if tbe county, to superintend the delivery of has been visiting his frieods living in Cough* and Colds, because it always J D Fletcher, location of claim, Catholic church Sunday. Father Mur­ D arris —In Josephine County, Wm. phy will be at Ashland on that day. We know au apple grower of South­ partial payment may le~s than the the large number of fruit trees this this section. He is no* located in the cure*. In my six yeirs of sales it has “Tbe Autumn,” Applegate district, Darkis; aged 75 years. oever failed. I bare known it to save Oct 10th. firm took orders for last season. Salmon River country, Calif. Dr. J. W. Robinsen and his family ern Illinois, who thought bis orchard accrued late rest the principal must Columbia Reed, location of tl e sufferers from Tbroat and Lung J ordon —At Truckee, Calif., Oct. 11, so badly Infested with the bitter rot, cot be Increased in am< 'unt> but must E. D. Elwood and F. M. Wilson, who 1902, Engineer J. G. Jordon; aged left for San Jose, Calif., Sunday morn- A. E. Sims and Geo. N. Anderson Diseases, who could get oo help from “Eugene Doodle” claim, Applegate Oct 1st. 34 years. in v. His health is not the best, sad worms and other pests, that when a be carried forward until /he addition­ attended the grand lodge of the K. of will erect a fine,modern sawmill at Ash­ doctor* or any other remedy." Mothers district, H S Reed, location of "Tbe Sum­ rely on it» best physicians prescribe it, professional expert spraying company P., have returned. They were accom ­ al pay meats together with * ucb pay* P etersteiner —At Bonanza, Oct. 1, tbe trip is made for his benefit. land, with a capacity of 60,000 feet of and City Drug Store guarantee satis­ mon” claim, Jackson county,Oct 10th. 1902, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. W. Myers of St. Louis, the well- offered to lea«e his orchard for 85 per meat will equal er exceed the ’ »<*rued panied to Portland by their wives. lumber per day ef ten hours. faction or refund price. Trial bottles PROBATE COURT. Petersteiner; aged 3 years. known fruit buyer, and his wife left acre for a term of tiye years, be gladly Interest. R?g. Mr. Allen, the author of Finnegan'* (rec. sixes, 5oc and 11. Estate of J J O'Donohue. Order of Rain commenced falling early Tues­ S hattuck —At Klamath Falls, Oct. 4, for California Tuesday. They were closed tbe contract. Last year tbe letter to Hooligan, arrived from Grant's day' morning. Not much moisture is final account and discharge made. 1902, Ernest Shattuck; aged 14 years Retail Market Report. Estate of M E Minear. Order for guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. William­ spraying company sprayed, but tbe Old Peapie Have Their Trotft '*«• Pass Sunday night. His production in evidence yet; but the atmosphere E lliott —At Paisley, Oct. 5, 1902, son while here. sale of real property made. crop was a failure; yet the orchard Mr. Francis Little of Benton H will be found in another place and duly The following quotations were Mrs. Sarah F. Elliott; aged 57 years. has been cleared and the dust laid. of A S Moon. Order for sale was put in good condition. This year bor, Micb., is over eighty years of an made up this afternoon, and is an of Estate .enjoyed. RELIGIOUS. real property made. H anan —At Paisley, Oct. 2, 1902, Mrs. Since 1865 be has been troubled mor» ' L. Silberelsen of Foots creek, the Impartial report of tbe prices paid there is a good crop of choice fruit, Estate of T W Barclay. Saturday, ,C. E. Crane of Little Sioux, Iowa, John C. Hanan. or less with indigestion and constipa ­ by Jacksonville dealers: pioneer miner, was in Medford yester ­ Jacksonville and Central Point Charge for which tbe spraying company have tion, and lias tried almost everything h 'as ¿'een visiting Geo. P. and Geo. R. Nov 17tb, appointed as a day of final ANOLEY— At the Voorhies orchard Wheat—75c per bushel. day, accompanied by Wm. Mattis and of the M. E. Church. been offered 81000 for tbe crop on 20 In use for those ailments. LOct. 16, 1902, Anna Z. Langley; aged Last L1 ’xidl»4. Flour—<1.70 81 80 per 100 pounds. settlement. He i* engaged in raising NEW SUITS FILED. 85 years, 2 months and 4 days. Jacksonville:—Second anl fourth acres but refused it. At last ac­ August he began using Chamberlain’s bio, ided %.ogs, and speaks favorably of his sister. His health is not the best. Oats—36c per bushel. Sundays, preaching morning and even­ counts the owuer of the orchard was Stomach and Liver Tablets, soon T J Prall vs J E Lamborn. Action. Barley—Rolled, 11.25 per cental. Vai. Haskins and Mlssee Sadie Atte- In a recent this ing. Sunday School every Sunday nearly frantic to think he would get feeling much better Hay—Per ton. baled. »8. F H Ray vs S and J Griffin and A t.n doing business every Sunday morning. Epworth barrels, besides having the lease for liver and b< wels. Lard—16c par pound. Ed Sutton and Reina Rodgers, Drug Store. Oregon, Is among us again. He ha* League, every Sunday evening. Eggs—25 staperdoxen. in the same ’ Oct 13th. That is where some people feel three years longer. This fruit grower Sugar—D. G. 14.75(385 25 per cwt. Hon. H. B .3 ®’ eon,ul t0 been prospecting In Del Norte county, Noah W Coleman and Carrie M ean easily see that the expense of cul­ Extensive Improvements. Poultry—88.00 to 83.50 per dozeD. weak all the time. ORCHARD FOR RENT. Patton, Oct 13th. China, and I'ran.k MHJo.r, secretary of Calif., and is well pleased with hi* Hams—18c per pound. tivation and spraylDg which this com­ the Albany L’on «vnrite, •eTer*1 work. They are likely to be despondent Shoulder* —184c per pound. Thirty acres of choice fruit land, all pany has done Is very small as com­ When you wish photographs taken Side Bacon—15(tf20c per pound. and it is not unusual to find them In bearing and good order, aan be pared with tbe great returns. For sometime the Southern Pacific hours In Medf. *rd M-andaf The former and finished in up-to-date style, at borrowing trouble as if they hadn't rented for one or three years, at a rea­ Another orchardist in Southern has had a large force of men engaged in will soon leave for hi* post. reasonable rates, call on G. W. Mackey Out of Death's Jaw*. John G. VamDyJke, Jr„ the popular sonable rate, by the right man. Apply Illinois, becoming disgusted a few making repairs of the Siskyou section at the Medford Gallery, Hamlin build­ enough already. to W m . B ybee , merchant, and hi« faLr brhle.^FK* ’ ^ ••When death seemed very near ing, 7th street. Jacksonville, Ore. years past at the ravages of canker of the line, between Ashland and Horn­ from San Francisco» Saturday •VbwfOi- from a severe stomach and liver The fact is their kidneys are weak, brook. The work is of an extensive Henry PopkiB, the el*v*r manager worms, codling moth, bitter rot, etc., They have been receiving th* con­ of the Grant's Pass Bottling Works, trouble, that I bad suffered with for either naturally or because of sickness, The Beat Prescription for Malaria, concluded to cut down 10 acres of a and substantial character and fa now years," write* P. Muse, Durham, N. Shylock was; the man who Chllla and Fever 1» a bottle of Gwovs's T asts beautiful apple orchard about 15 or nearing completion. Tho track is be­ gratulations and b> «1 wishes of thbir exposure, worry or other influence*. with us one day this week. He en- G, "Dr. KlDg's New Life Pills saved lkss C hill T omic . It la simply Iron and qui­ many friend*. my life and gave perfect health." Best ing raised nine inches between the jo>*»A good trad* everywhere in the wanted a pound of human “I am thankful to »ay.” writes J. L. Camp­ nine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay 20 years old. lie was begged not to pills on earth and only 25c at City Price 50c. A party of gentl emen and a lady do It; but did. The spraying com­ points named, curves are reduced, the bell. of Sycamore, til.. “ that Hood's Sarsapa­ vallef. s Drug Store. flesh. There are many rilla has eu- d me. For many years I was pany came along and leased part of roadbed widened and improved and from Centralia, Was h-, is iQ Medford, /pg, jjL Beggs, who 1s now doing busi- BORN troubled wipi backache. At times I was so Shylocks now, the convales­ hisorcbard for last year, put it in new 80-pounds steel rails are being laid on their way to the ti'mber belt, '>O lo­ nee* in S et Francises, was on a north­ Cider Apples Wanted bad I bad tobe helped from the bed or chair. in place of tho 65-pound rails of the cate claims. It Is comp used of A. Ba»n" bound train «naeently.en route to Baker good condition, and now ibis year cent, the consumptive, the I am now we11 and strong and free from pain." B rown —At Klamath Falls, Oct. 10, At the Southern Oregon Cider & old track. The road is being thorough­ ard, F. M. Rhoades, M’r. Fowler, H. J. What this great mMlieina did tor him it has City, to visit III* brother, Milo, who is 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Browu, (luckily for the owner that the lease Vinegar Company - - ’s plant, • located ,D sickly child, the pale young 4one for others. was only one year) there Is a good crop ly ballasted. Fifty ears of ballast are Miller, E. D. Lewis, G. W. Stauffer, J. dangerously UL They formerly lived Medford, at tbe a son. the old Pork P< Packing Es- W. Conaway, Chas. Snrith a*d Mr*. woman, all want human flesh tabllshment. O ffenbacher —On Williams Creek, of choice fruit. And yet there are! drawn up the mountain sido daily. A • ia Jac ksocvilla- Hood9s Sarsaparilla Oct. 10, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred men who claim it does not pay to, steam shovel is located at Hornbrook Bacon. We will pay 20 cents per hundred and they can get it—take pounds delivered at the factory, or Offenbacher, a son. spray or cultivate. Surely it is not with 20 men. At Bailey Hill, this side, Promises to cure and keeps the will pay a reasonable price in the Scott’s Emulsion. R oberts —At Talent, Oct. 20, 1902, to these growers referred to. are 75 white workmen, and at Zuleke Held when quantities will Justify, and promise. Begin treatment with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Roberts, a son. and Hilt's Spur there are workingcrews will guarantee to clean the orchard Scott’s Emulsion is flesh V an M eter —At Klamath Falls, Oct. of Japanese, 60 and 40 men respective­ Hood's today. with haste before the fruit is de­ CAPE FOUND. 15, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. John Van stroyed by decay and storm, as it de­ and blood, bone and muscle. ly In the gravel pit near Colestin 60 Meter, a son. cays very rapidly when left exposed Greeks are employed. The traffic over A double shoulder cape, black in C ollins —In Medford, Oct 13, 1902, to the w< ather. We are prepared to It feeds the nerves, strengthens Foot Hill Fruit .Far a'-yl A.cre»-S0 dir^tl “ /to to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Collins, a 10- color and trimmed with fur, was picked the mountain has imposed heavy drafts handle a cnl >ad per day. The fruit the digestive organs and they house, bam and outbuilding» water from mountain, spry»« > Ever_ BCre up in the streets of Jacksonville a few on the motive power department for pound daughter. Is all weighed on the scales at the residence. 14 acres seeded to »Knit*. Only 1)4 miles from Central ret* weeks since. The owner can recover Ferry warehouse at the company’s feed the whole body. good orchard land, adapted to aUatfa. 8.W- c,roP* ,re’e7ri ,Lun, *8 »ere» in B each —At Lakeview, Oct. 6, 1902, to it by proving property and paying for several months. Three engines are Valley Home-3* amre-traot adjoining <■ entraj Pom» home for expense. If you have cider apples Mr. and Mrs A. Y. Beach, a son. usually required to draw a train from this notles. cultivation, small house and bem, is acre* good fruit land. *1x6«. * DK* haul them in at once. For nearly thirty years S tewart —At Bonanza, Oct. 4, 1902, Groin, Ranch—KM amren tn a si inure. AU ,n * tree», Ashland to the summit. to Mr. and. Mrs. J. A. Stewart, a Scott’s Emulsion has been the building». Rich, black aoil, wkich^Aitu men claim will pro™ wm Crops son. 1 wo mile» from town. The pcewW-- n oounty. all throat and lung troubles. Positively guar­ at any time, and take an Acker Tablet after ­ little pills do not gripe. They move anteed, and money refunded if you are not daughter. SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemist*, uauguvcr. ward. Positively guaranteed. Your money guaranteed Open Night a satisfied. Write to us for free sample. W. H. HOi.MES BROS., Central Point, Ore. M c C all —At Ashland, Oct. 13, 1902, *U} alway»b» refunded if you »re not satisfied. the bowels gently, but copiously, and 400-415 Pearl Street. New York, W. H.H ookbh A C o .. Buffalo, N.Y. A P Esta- by reason of the tonic properties juc. auJ fi.w; all druggul». Srook, Sold HUI, the Leading druggist, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCall, a son. ‘N.e°Y“tnp,e' w H UooK‘K give tone and strength to the glands. n I I The Small of the Back SHYLOCK X / Some of Our Bs^ins. Weeks & Raker Funeral Directors and Embalmers JUST A I « V i kï r v. * .* ■ t Í* ‘JUjr '