¿JemoGrafie HE SIMPLY DOESN’T KNOW? MEDFORD SQUIBS. Lee iloward, a clever young man, PROCEEDINGS OF PROFESSIONI CARDS. JACKSON COUNTY’S employed as salesman at Hutchison & TAXABLE PROPERTY. Mr. Littlefield Should Study the Dr. II. P. Hargrave of Phoonix is in Lumsden’B extensive establishment, COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Democratic'Campa.i&n Book. W M. Colvig A. M. Cannon town. and Miss Jessie Macaulay, the amiable Printed EveryfThursday, by Summary of the Assessment Roll Exciting Summer of the Presi­ President Roosevelt’s second In his For October Term — No Great Amount COLViG & CANNOi*, Judge Noil was a Medford visitor and accomplished daughter of Mr. and contest with the trusts is Congressman for 1902, Furnished by of Business Transacted. Times Printing Company dent and Official (Associates. Mrs. W. E. Macaulay, were united iu Friday. ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LA A Charles E. Littlefield of Maine. Little­ Assessor Pendleton. matrimony at the residence of the C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. field is undoubtedly a valorous man Frank Olwell of Central Feint was Medford, Oregon. The regular meeting of commission­ bride's parents on ths ovoning of the among us Tuesday. NO. VALUE HUNTEBS WITH EMPTYTGAME BAGS ind will display great courage tn the ers ’ couit for Jackson county con ­ 8th. They loft next morning for San presence of the enemy, tbe trusts, but TERMS : Dr. Ray of Tolo spent a few hours in unu in Medford Hauk Building. 758,705 Franuisuo, where they will spend their vened on Wednesday, Oct 1st, when Tillable )and,79,5o5 acres 9 ----------- I lie is uot well posted on tbe details of Medford Thursday. Jne Year, in advance..................... 11.50 tbe following business was disposed Non-tillable, 849,242.24 “ .. 1,107 237.96 honeymoon, aeeompanled by the best ilx Months..................................... 1.00 rke Birds Rosa* High and Aro 11- bis campaign. He said the other day: of: Mrs. J. Nunan of Jacksonville was a wishes ef many friends. Imp’s on deeded or patent­ W. L. CAMERON, M D. rnfled—The Secretaries, Who Went “There are hundreds aud thousands visitor in our city Friday. Forty one scalps of wild animals ed land......................... 190 990 I Gnnnlna In tarions Directions, of corporations not protected by tbe On Wednesday the people of Med­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 299 052 Advertisements inserted at reasona­ May Have Had Fla, bat They Re- tariff. The Stun,bird Oil company is A. P. Talent and his family have re­ ford were treated to a genuine surprise were presented during the n.onth oi Town lots........................... Medford, Oregon. ble rates. September, for which scalp bounty Improvements on town turned from a visit to Salem. tarn to Canty Empty Handed. by the receipt of telegrams announc­ I the biggest of all trusts, mid It has no warrants were issued. lots ................................ 408 718 Mrs. Fred Roper of Josephine county ing the marriage of John G. Van Since the advent of our accidental tariff protis-tion whatever. Anthracite Office in Hamlin's Block. Residence at Mrs. Warrants were ordered drawn on Improvements on land not Entered al the Pos (.office st Jacksonville. Ore., coal is a trust, and there is no tariff on Is the guest of Mrs. O. Davis. DeGroot's. Dyke, Jr., aud Miss Minnie Cox, clev- administration what are known aa the as second Class Mail Matter the treasury as follows: deeded or patented... 5,150 i Judge Hanna went to Grant's Pass er young residents of our town, The Expenses county judge and “high officials'’ of the government at that. Go to free trade England, and Miles railroad bed,O & C, bride has been the guest of C. B. Will­ IJ. G. GAL17, M. D. Washington are having a strenuous you will find the whole country honey­ Friday, on private business. commissioners......... ... 9 114 00 65.28.............................. 339,456 iams, the capitalist, and his family, T he Philippine commission has certi­ time. It has somehow been found nec­ combed with trusts. Sir John Culpep­ N. Tuttle, an expert timber locator, Circuit court................... ....... 308 00 Miles of railroad bed, R It during the past few weeks, and was fied to the fact that peace has been es­ essary for them to be absent most of per fought them in 1640. They are all has become a resident of Medford. Ortb’s Building. Sheriff salary ......... ....... 333 33 V R R, 5.30 ................. 5,000 Office In Hours —2 to 4 and 7 tn 8 p. m. joined by the groom the day before tablished in the islands, and the Presi­ the time during the summer season over Europe and In countries that nev­ W. C. Daley of Lake ereek and L. C. the wedding. Mr. Van Dyke is one of County clerk “ ....... ... 250 00 Miles of telegraph and tel­ dent has signed the order for a census , taking extended trips- on public busi­ er beard of a tariff. This proves the “ ......... .... 123 54 falsity of the statement that tbe tariff Bolle of Antelope are inourcity today.' the prominent merchants of Southern Recoider ephone lines, 212.50. . 16,495 ness, of course. Oregon Jackaonvil le of the pcople-______ is the mother of trusts. The govern­ Treasurer “ ....... ....... 66 66 Telegraph and telephone A. B. Ellison, who has been at Ash- ' The first to abandon his post of duty ment creates no benefits In favor of the Oregon, who has gained an enviable ....... 83 35 fixtures......................... 4,215 S enator M organ thinks the way was the president, by retiring to Oys­ land for soinetimo past, has returned. reputation through his energy and sa­ School Supt. ' trusts. Now, strike off the tariff, and A. E. REAMLS, Assessor “ ......... (HI ....... 157 Rolling stock, O & C aud to get even with the trusts is to tax ter Bay and removing the executive who goes to the wall first? Why, It is Mrs. J. Barnebur’ went to Grant’s gacity, while his wife, who is the ATTORN EY-AT-L a w , 72 49 Pullman Car Co......... 34,640 them. That sounds well. Perhaps branch of the government with him— the weaker party, the individual com­ Pass yesterday, to visit with relatives. youngest daughter of Rufus Cox, is an Current expenses............ ....... Court house................... ....... 82 10 Rolling Stock, R R V R R 1,325 Jacksonville, - - Oregon. the Senator knows of some way to not that he is idling away bis time by petitor. The unthinking person would M. L. Pellott and J. J. Lane of estimable and accomplished youDg Jail.................................... ....... 8 35 Machinery .......................... 24,570 catch them and make them stand till any means; but, seeing that the largest drive out all the weaker ones, and tbe game in sight was a drove of trusts, trust alone might survive. In the tin Talent were in our midst one day this woman, deservedly popular In social Care of county pcor....... ....... 182 .,<• Merchandise...................... 127,509 aarofflee in Red Men's Building. the taxes can be laid on them. circles. In unison with their many he lias put he the summer hunting business no one would be left. We week. Insane.............................. ....... 5 00 Farming implements, etc 46,560 friends we wish them unlimited happi- A. H. Chessmore went to Josephine ' Bridges and roads......... ....... 150 40 Money.................................. S omething must be radically wrong them. The newspaper account of the would then go abroad to buy our tin of HOBT. G. SMITH, 104 815 ness and prosperity. exi>edition into New England, where Scalp bounty................... ........ 82 00 Notes and accounts.......... with the coal industry when a strike in it is to be presumed the principal a foreign trust. I would rather buy county yesterday, to look after his' 190,705 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Ferries............................... ....... 15 00 Shares of stock, 1377......... one State sends up prices extortionate- trusts were enscouced or the president of a home trust that we might In some fruit farm. 67,355 Forty Yeara’ Torture way control.” Grant’* Pa**, Orego*. ly high everywhere. The trouble would not be there hunting them, Household furniture, etc. 73,215 8. L. Bennett, a prominent farmer/ Mr. Littlefield should study the Dem­ To lie relieved from a torturing dis­ Total.................................... 92033 82 Horns and mules, 3069 .. seems to be the greedy, reckless mani­ have so far not disclosed that the un­ ocratic campaign book, it shows con­ and horticulturist, made us a call, ease after 40 years’ torture might well 69,562 practices all tbe courts Office tn Hink At tbe July term of this court the Cattle, 10045....................... pulation of the operators. They should erring fire of our chief magistrate has clusively that there are comparatively Thursday. 139.725 cause the gratitude of anyone. That building up stairs is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve claims of G Newbury, ex-clerk, Max Sheep and go* s, 8965....... and will get the worst of it in trying to bagged any of the game'he is after. few trusts in England and those small 11,598 Miss Jo Orth of Jacksonville has been did for C. Hanev, Geneva, O. He Muller, ex-treasurer, and Alex Orme, Swine, 5 056....................... Ybe coal trust and the beef trust are and practically harmless; that in all 7,104 hold up 80,000,000 people. visiting friends living iu Medford and says: “DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve i J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. still browsing on the grauite bills of of the countries of Europe that have ex-sheriff, for five days’ overtime as its vicinity. cured me of nlles after I had suffered New Hampshire, and large herds are a high tariff there are numerous trusts; T he plan of President Roosevelt to 40 years." Curescuts, burns,wounds, such officers was by the court disal­ Gross value cf ail [rjp- H. Von der Hollon and his son, skin diseases. a TIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY i nd the coal strike meets with serious reported in Vermont, Massachusetts, that, as our tin plate trust is now sell­ Beware of counter­ lowed. Since said time the district erty................................ 94,033,700 86 JPKK Offices -n tbe Adkins Deuel block Rhode Island and Connecticut, aud ing tin plate in foreign countries at for­ I Harry, also Jas. Kent, all of Antelope, feits. opposition^ at., miners’ headquarters. even up in Maine, especially around attorney hasglven tbe court an opin­ Exemptions........................ 194,341.00 eign prices which are fl a box below are in town. Medford, • • Oregon. Both President Mitchell and his follow­ Bar Harbor and the coast resorts, they home prices, it is fair to assume that CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS. ion wherein he holds that sa'd of­ R. H. Halley and R. H. Whitehead ers oppose it. They declare that they are reported to be plentiful. ficers are entitled to each day’s ser­ Total value cf taxable this industry could stand up under free P. P. PRIM A SON. will refuse to resume their duties until vice over and above the fiscal year. The premier of the cabinet is, like trade, though tbe trust might have to returned yesterday from a successful properly as given in by The second match game of tennis ' heir demands are granted, and that his chief, absent from Washington, but squeeze some of the water out of its I hunting trip. IX is therefore ordered that Alex the Assessor................. 93,839,359.86 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW between Jacksonville and Medford the nations entire army could not drive be had become so tired in bis bunt capital. J. C. Metcalfe, the well-known in­ was played at Neuber & Taylor’s Orme be allowed his claim of 955 55; Jacksonville, Oregon. 11 may also be suggested to thia pro­ surance agent, was in Medford one recreation grounds Sunday. Med­ Gus Newbury, 941.65; Max Muller, with the English embassador after them to work. America** Famous Beauties ford did well; but went down to do Boers that be is doubtless recuperat­ spective trust buster that tbe duty on day this week. Look with 1 orror on skin erupt! ms. Leaf. The day was beautiful and the 911.10. •Willpractlce in all eourt« of tbe Slate. Ot W illiam R. H earst , proprietor of ing for the bunt for reciprocity treaties soft coal protects the anthracite trust flee In tbe Court House last door on tbe The Condor Water & Power Co., a blotches, sores, pimples. They don!t sport fine. Medford was cleverly rep­ Nat Hurd is in Medford today. He the San Francisco Examiner, Chicago that are expected to be bagged after as much as would a duty on autbraclte riebt trom entrance resented by J. A. Whitman and I. corporation, having through its pres­ nave them, nor wii) any one, who uses haa become interested in limber io the coal, which does not exist elsewhere American and New York Journal, has a grand round up this winter. Humas ,n, while Chas. J. Nunan and ident applied to the court for an or­ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It glorifies Secretary Shaw was unfortunate in on this continent, and that the Stand­ Big Butte section. C. L. Rea rues wielded the racets for tlie face. Eczema or salt rheupi van­ been nominated for Congress from the A. C HOUGH, the game that he bad evidently been ard Oil coinimny is very much protect­ E. H. Cooper of Portland, the clever Jacksonville in a handsome manner. der declaring Rogue river and it* ish before it. It cures sore lips, Eleventh district of New York. In tributaries, within Jackson county, chapped hands,chilblains. Infallible instructed to hunt for, although he has ed on the hundreds of byproducts— agent of the noted Rock Island rail­ The score stood: ATTORN EY-AT-LA W 'he convention that nominated him tramped, sailed on government boats vaseline, medicinal preparations, etc.— N unan and H umasom and to be public liigliaways, for tbe pur­ for piles. 25e at City Drug Store. Irant's Pass. ... Uregoa. Devery seconded the nomination, which or ridden on express trains with which its subsidiary companies pro­ road, is in Medford. R eames W hitman pose of floating logs, wood, etc., tbe 0 was made unanimous. It is equivalent free passes to find bis quarry. He baa duce. and that it benefits also by the Jennings Bros, of Sam's Valley, en­ First Set.... ft Office over Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store. court, after due consideration, made A Big Sale Closed. • " to an election, for the district is heavily so far not brought down a bird or rum­ drawliack duty on tin plate, which is ergetic young farmers, were in our Second Set.. 5 tbe order, pronouncing said stream Tiiird Set. .9 4 pled the feathers of a trust protected practically unavailable to Its smaller midst Wednesday. Democratic. _________ The tiiird and final game will prob­ unnavigable aud unfit for commercial H. D. NORTON, D. C. Pelton, formerly of Cheboy­ magnate. The United States treasury competitors. Mrs. E. J. Cole and her daughter, ably be played at the same place Iu purposes, and to be public highways S ecretary M oody has issued an has bad to run itself, as far as be la gan, Mich., but now of the firm of the near future. It will doubtless be TTCRNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Miss Jessie, will leave for California MR. BELL BAMBOOZLED. order creating the new Carribbean concerned, for be has been intent in more than interesting, as eacb sids for the purpose above specified. Pelton, Armstrong & Co. of Portland, this week, to locate. Grant's Pass, Oregon. The county clerk during tbe month has purchased a three-fourtbs inter­ haa now woo a game. division, with headquarters at Culebra, hunting out the connection tietween The British Cennrrelal Agret G. A. Weidenhamer and his family of September issued warrants to Geo est in the timber and other properties Porto Rico. Admiral Cogblan will as­ the tariff and the beef trust, but the re­ Wasn't I'p to Steel Trost Klaks. Natural Anxiety. have become residents of Medford. Ridinger, to tbe amount of 93000, a* of John R. Cook & Son. These con­ SWC'fflce above S P. D.t L. Co 'i Store. sume command of this division, com­ sult of bis three months' work is so Mr. Seymour Bell, a British commer­ unsatisfactory that be has returned They are quite welcome. part payment on Medford bridge, sist of a large sawmill, box factory Mothers regard approaching winter prising the following vessels: Olympia, cial agent who has tieen over here look­ from the field in a dazed condition. with uneasiness,'children take cold so now iu tie course of construction, S. E. Osborn of Big Butte is making flagship; Montgomery, Detroit, Mariet­ The secretary of war has become so ing into things, is either a very simple Wm. M. COLVIG, easily. No disease costs more little an order to that effect having been and planing mill at Klamathon, 22,- person or the Loudou newspapers mis ­ Medford a visit. He has traveled much ta, Machias and Panther. The duties exhausted in bunting Filipinos that he 600 acres of standing sugar and yellow Ilves than croup. Its attack is so LAWYER. sudden that tbe little sufferer is often made by the court at the preced'ng pine timber in Siskiyou Co., Cal., and of the division include, so far as per­ is enjoying a badly earned holiday by represent his report. The Telegraph, during the past few years. for instance, with Mr. Bell ’ s deliver ­ Jacksonville. - • Oregon. beyond human aid before the doctor term. tains to the Navy, the guarding of express orders from his chief, so that Jackson and Klamath counties, and a Miss Rose Jewett has returned to arrives. ances for a text, enlarges on tbe “mas­ Such ruses yield readily to Reports ol sheriff, ckrk anl treas ­ American interests in the countries he can be thoroughly recuperated for terly modern I km and consummate abil­ San Francisco, after a pleasant visit One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies logging railway. Tbe amount of tim­ that border on the Carribbean Sea the Moro hunt in the fall, llis trip ity of the steel trust iu keeping down with Mrs. DeGroot, her aunt. ber purchased is estimated at about « Office in Red Men's Bn Id I a tbe mucus, allays inflammation, re­ urer were approved. moves danger. Absolutely safe. Acts and the cultivating of friendly relations to Europe is expected to give him fresh prices, when it might easily raise them, 300,000,000 feet, and is all tributary to J. C. Lucus has become a resident of immediately. Cures coughs, colds, ideas bow to govern colonies on the lest tariff protection tie taken away If The Baby la Cutting Teeth. with their people. * the Klamath river, cne of the be^t Grant's Pass. His m^uy friends wish grip, bronchitis, all throat snd lung Be sure and use that o'd and well tried r,me European plan. from it. The trust, Mr. Bell is made him success in his new home. logging -treams on the Pacific coast. dy. M rs . W inslow ' s S oothing S yr . p . for troubles. F. 8. McMabon, Hampton, The secretary of the navy, after to say, ”prt fers a steady, regular trade AT a meeting of the newly-elected children teething. It «oolites tbe child, soft­ Mr. Pelton sat s he purchased the in­ Ga.: “ A bad cold rendtred me votce- months of hard work preparing for the on a vast scale at a moderats profit.” H. L. McWilliams of Ashland, the less just before an oratorical contest. ens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic board of directors of Wells, Fargo & great war game, has now returned to and is tbe best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty- terest on the ba«is of 9503,000, which JJCKSONVILLE As a matter of fact, the steel trust attorney, was in Medford a few days 1 Intended to withdraw,but took One live cents a bottle. Co.", held at New York Oct. Sth, Ed-1 Haverhill, being unable, from danger makes this one of tbe largest timber Minute C"Ugb Cure. It restored my ward H. Harriman was chosen chair­ of seasickness, to command the United has practiced no such- temporary self ago, on his way to the county-seat. tran«actions that have occurred for denial for tbe sake of tbe future as it A REPORTED SUICIDE Dr. Cameron and his family have be­ voice in time to win tbe medal." man of the executive committee. Dud- States ship Pinafore. But Admiral Is credited with. Its published prices some time. A tew company will be ley Evans, who has been acting presi- Higginson and the Duchess of Marl­ are not its real prices, though they ap­ gun housekeeping in Dr. Bickel’s new PtXXXXXXXXKXXKXXXXJOOOOOO PROVES A FAKE. formed at once, and the interests of dent since the death of the president, borough had possession of the quarter pear to have deceived this British com­ residence, on West Seventh street. •he company, which have beeD oper­ John J. Valentine, was elected presi­ deck at the last accounts, ami the great mercial agent completely. A. C. Tayler, who has been danger­ ated under a lea*e by Harvey Lind­ The announcement made in our last war game was proceeding- The boom­ x<;«> to the offices of the steel trust, dent, and Homer S. King was chosen ing ously ill, is somewhat bettter at this ley & Co., will be controlled directly issue, that Miss Nina Robinson, a of champagne corks was distinctly 1 oooooooooooooooooooooooo' president of Wells, Fargo A Com­ heard in that direction, and it is hoped and you will be told that tbe price of writing. Dr. Pickel is in attendance. by the owners. young woman who was formerly a res ­ pany's banks. Of these there are four, that the gallant admiral has captured structural steel is 2lj cents a i>ound. Abstract* made t* Title* *f Jos. Currie, the well-known timber The different placer mines in South­ ident of Jackson county, had com­ say. But there is none for sale there at located in Portland, Salt Lake, San a prize. In the meantime tbe captains that figure—too many orders ahead. locator, has gone to Eastern Oregon. Land*. ern Oregon are being placed in ship­ mitted suicide by drowning near Red­ Over-Work Weakens LEGAL DOCUMENTS. and the fleet are anxiously awaiting You will be directed, however, to some Jas. Gorman, his p artner, is at Grant’s Francisco and New York. shape for the coming season's opera­ ding, Calif., a short time since, while drawuur especlallvpertaining to the signal for close action. The latest obliging dealer wbo may possibly have Puss. Your Kidneys. all Kind the settlement ot estates in a fit of despondency, caused by the tions. L oggers will advance the price of orders from the president by wireless some steel on band. He has, aud tbe recreancy of her lover, proves to be C. E. Smith of Grant's Pass, the A number of Josephine ccunty Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Accounts Silicited, Prompt Remittance. logs over on Gray’s Harbor to 96 a telegraph were, it is reported, to smash price is from two to three times the genial proprietor of Hotel Layton, was the enemy and take no prisoners. placers have undergone extensive im­ without foundation. It now appears MONEY LOANED. thousand. The people who are selling published price of the trust. that she is very much alive at Red All the blood n your body passes through The balance of tbe cabinet and other in Medford Thursday, accompanied by provement durig summer, and will Buildings are now going up in New lnvstment securities a specialty. Jackson Jackson county timber claims that go “high officials’’ have not been beard your kidneys once every three minutes. 0 junty Scrip bought and sold. be worked on a larger scale than ever Bluff, where she has secured employ­ from three to ten million feet qjl the from for over two months. No one be­ York tbe steel for which has been im­ his wife. The kidneys are your have a complete set of maps of all surveyed ment as a domestic. A. S. Norton of Seattle and E. V. before. blood purifiers, they fil­ and a in this oounty, snd receive Abstracts way from 9800 to 91500 should take lieves that they are idling away their ported from Germany, and the cost of As before stated, Miss Robinson de ­ from Roseburg Land Office. I he Land It laid down here, freight and duty ter out the waste or nonthly Jepartment of the O. A C. R R. and the State warning and hold their timber for an time, but not being experienced trust paid, is about half wbat it could have Smith of Albany, who are interested A patent has been granted to Wil­ parted from the place in Redding impurities in the blood, Laad Department at Salem of all new entries in our timber resources, have been in mer Hilt of Coles, Calif., aud Clarence adequate price, if possible. This ad­ hunters, like their chief, the hope of been obtained for from tbe trust. if they are sick *r out node 1 am thus prepared to make out home­ where she was working quite mysteri­ papers and take thereon. Also I stead their bagging any game is a forlorn Medford this week. E. Lane of Ashland. It is a process ously, leaving behind all of her effects, vance is the second one recently, both of order, they fail to do take filings and proofs proofs It is in the very nature of monopoly of limber lands, and one. their work. esn »»ve to parties tbe expense of a trip Miss Fern Norris, who is an expert of extracting Drecious metals from excepting the night clothes aud shoes amounting to one dollar per thousand. to extort. Our trusts are formed for A report has for some time been in Pains, aches and rheu­ to tbe Roseburg land office At six dollars a thousand an ordinary circulation at Washington that Post­ tbe purpose of acquiring tbe extorting violinist, has gone to Grant's Pass to solutions thereof, which consists in she wore at the time; also letters ad­ matism come from ex­ have a Numberof FIseFarm* and other timber claim for Jackson county- master General Payne has been treed power. The steel trust Is no exception organize a class. She is deserving of a producing zinc-varor and conducting dressed to several of her relatives liv­ cess cf uric acid in the Desirable Prose ft” la my heads for to the rule. Its “ masterly moderation ” ing in Southern Oregon, and Robt. the same beneath the surface of said blood, due to neglected iberal patronage. three million feet—would realize 918,000 by a trust in tbe wilds of Wisconsin, Hiatt, whom she accused of having less logging expenses, while a one dollar but even if true, which is doubtful, it is is a myth. Commercial Agent Bell did d^Promnt reply made to all letters. Charz- Miss Lillian Barr was In Jacksonville solutions, where it Immediately re­ betrayed her. uot look an inch below tbe surface. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady in accordance with 'he times a thousand advance would add three expected Senator Spooner, who is in In view of the preparations she had heart beats, and makes one feel as though » Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K Hanna He allowed himself to be fooled by Thursday. She has been assisting As­ places said precious metal*, thereby fluential with trusts, will release him I made it was supposed that she had hundred dollars to the value of the ;hey had heart trouble, because the heart is judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any printed figures that are a sham.—New sessor and Mrs. Pendleton*In transcrib­ precipitating the same. business bouse In Jacksonville. eau-ied out her threats to commit quarter-section. People who sell their from his predicament. York American and Journal. ing the assessment roll of 1902. A rich gold strike has been mide al suieide. Her brother, Howard Robin­ over working in pumping thick, kidney- SILAS J. DAY timber at present prices will regret it poisoned blood through veins and arteries. i tbe mouth cf Big Cedar Creek, on the son of Grant's Pass, to whom one of Mrs. A. E. Kearnes of Jacksonville, before many years, says the Guard. It used to be considered that only urinary {.'■reliable Statistics. Queer Reasom For Annexation. and Mrs. G E. Howland of Grant’s noith fork of the 8antiam. It con the letters was sent, went to Redding troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, That the Republicans at the bead of Recent announcement from Wash slats of two veins each one carrying us soon as he beard of the affair, ami but now modern science proves that nearly T he Portland newspapers say there tbe various bureaus in Washington oc­ ington that the government Is consid­ Pass, on Thursday were guests of Mrs. some free gold. They are both large assisted in the search for his sister’s all constitutional diseases have their begin­ is talk of a combine among timber oper­ casionally suppress or distort unpleas­ ering the possibility of annexing Haiti J. D. Cook, who is still quite ill. and parallel, and hive been traced body. The Sacramento river was ning in kidney trouble. ators to raise the price of claims. ant statistics is true, but we can never is a curious illustration of the persist­ if you are sick you can make no mistake Fred Crotjemiller of Fort Klamath fur a disiance of 7500 feet and varying dragged for two days and everything . Jacksonville, Oregon. by first doctoring your kidneya The mild Heretofore the price charged as the expect to have reliable statistics while ence of the jingo itch for grabbing ter sjrent a couple of days in Medford this in width, as far as prospected, from done to recover the remains. Some doubted that Miss R. had ind the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's protection is on tbe throne and can fee for finding the land and locating ritory. But the reason assigned for week. He was formerly a disciple of 8 to 15 feet. The surface crop­ drowned herself, however, and insti­ Swamp-Root j tlie great kidney remedy is ESTABLISHED in 186S. the applicant has ranged from 9'5 to continue its rule only by deceiving the this contemplated annexation is tbe Faust; but is now engaged in ranching. pings a-say at 50 cents per ton and tuted search in another direction, with soon realized. It stands the highest for its people. Our so called “balance of most interesting aspect of It It is as­ the value Increase, as depth is obtain­ the result that she was found at Red 9150. Earlier in the season, when there trade,’* about which the Republicans wonderful cures of the most distressing cases .nAB.^/ChO^l.conUnue8 ,he c»f«ful training ed to 935 50. Instruction for which it is favor serted that tbe Haitian people are so Henry J. and Jas. Gorden, who are Bluff, alive and welL an J is sold on its merits were hundreds more claims to be had are continually crowing, exists only on H. Mattern has started up lii9 mill degraded and sunk in tbe depths of by ail druggists in fifty- now prosperous stockmen of Klamath than now, it was easy to get locations paper. Our export figures are far too near Hornbrook, Calif., and will con­ savagery that in the intervals of revo­ oent andone-dollar siz­ The Music Department almost anywhere for the lower figure. ' high because tbe trusts are ashamed lution and the setting up of dictators county, were in Medford during the tinue working the ledge right along es. You may have a Parties of eight to ten have been able to give tbe very low prices charged to they resort to voodooism, embellished week, accompanied by their families. with a large force employed. The sample bottle by mail Home or Swuno Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find J. E. Enyart and E. D. Elwood were Jillson mine, in the same section, is to hold the price down to 9100. The foreigners, while our imports are far by the practice of eating each other up. out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. larger locators claim that all timber | too low because of undervaluation and And because they are so degenerate a. Roseburg this week, to participate also to be worked with a full force in For prospectus, address Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer which can now be found anywhere is wholesale smuggling. These are only the United States regards them, ac­ in the tournament of the Roseburg a short time, as the prospecting in progress shows that tbe ledge isppen- St Co , Binghamton. N. Y. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. worth 9150 a claim. These want the instance* of our unreliable statistics. smaller operators to join in fixing the Another is found in tbe attempts of cording to this story, as eligible for an­ Gun Club. They did some good shoot­ ing up again as extensive as formerly. Other mines in the Cottonwond dis­ “ An attack of la grippe left me ing. higher price. They claim that there j tbe protected trusts to pad their wage nexation.—Pittsburg Dispatch. trict, adjacent to Hornbrook and with a bad cough. My friends said will be more profit even with a smaller : roll and make wage earners feel that J. C. Hall and his family are again Henley, are also showing good pros­ I bad consumption. I then tried Potatoes and Republican Logic. number of locations than at the lower He is making pects, to indicate lively times during Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and it price- A meeting of them has been they are far better off than they ready Potatoes are very plentiful this year, I residents of Medford. the coming winter, when the storms cured me promptly. ” under consideration for several days. ' are. especially so in Minnesota. Tbe small preparations for the opening of a hand­ commence to furnish water. A. K. Randles, Nokomis, Ill. The outlook is that timber seekers [ some saloon in Palm A Bodge's brick crop and tbe high price last year in­ Election ot Seoators. may expect to pay more for their claims ' Until United States senators are re­ duced tbe farmers to plant largely and block. in the very near future. HI* Life In Peril. You forgot to buy a bot­ quired by amendment to tbe federal the season being favorable accounts Chas. Messerve, who was connected "I just seemed to have gone all to for the bounteous crop. The Anoka A party of dub members and own­ constitution to l>e elected by popular (Milin.) Press, commenting on tbe po­ with some of the Medford papers for a pieces,” writes Alfred Bee of Welfare, tle of Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ time, arrived from the north Wednes­ Tex. “Biliousness and a lame back ers of valuable property along the vote nominations of candidates for tato market, says: toral when your cold first •ACKS0> VILLE, OREGON day. He is seeking «location in South­ had made life a burden. 1 couldn’t McCloud river Calif., are preparing to United States senators should be made “Last year, when potatoes were 91 by state conventions, and we hereby came on, so you let it run eat nor sleep, and felt almost too construct an automobile road or course direct that in the official call for tbe per bushel, it was tbe Dingley tariff, ern Oregon. Ordem for Hacks Buggtea and Riding Heroes worn out to work, when 1 began to promptly attended to. along. Even now, with alias the Republican party, that did it. between Shasta Springs on the South­ next Democratic state conventkn of Mrs. Webber and her daughter, Miss use Electric Bitters; but they worked ! Feeding done at reasonable rates Best of ern Pacific road in Siskiyou county, j Ohio there shall lie embodied a clause This year, witli potatoes al 15 to 17 Aileen, left for Chillicothe, Mo., on the wonders. Now I steep like a top, can eare taken to prevent accidents, but will be re all your hard coughing, it le for none should they occur. Calif., and the famous summer resi- ■ providing for tbe nomination at that rents per bushel and the same tariff Sth, to permanently reside. They will eat anything, have gained in strength will refuse to do livery work on credit will not disappoint you. enjoy hard work." They give GEORGE N LEWIS Prorp dence grounds of the millionaires on the convention of the Democratic candi­ >n vogue it Is tlie abundant crop that be missed in social and musical circles. and vigorous health and new life to weak, does It! Here is Republican campaigt There ’ s a record of sixty McCloud. The road will be fifteen date for United States senator.-1’laal logic fo' you!” Chas S. Mason of Hancock, Mich., sickly, run down people. Try them. feet in width and cover a distance of In Ohio Democratic Platform. Only 50c at City Drug Store. years to fall back on. which is located in one of the greatest Stats of Ohlp, City of Toledo, I aa twenty miles. For fifteen miles the Three eliee: 25c.. 5#c.. $1. All drvniets. WEATHER REPORT. Lucas Co, f copper districts in the world, has beeD visit DR. JORDAN'S great F rank J C hewey makes oath that hs ... .it TEAMS WANTED road will be built along the McCloud henry * ’A a spending sometime in Medford, aud seniur partner of tbe Ann of T. J. C hsnbv Consult your doctor. It he eaye take It, river, taking in several important re-1 business in tbe City of Toledo, then do *e lie eeye. If ho telle you not AN'TONY *1 he following is a weather repoit Co , dotn< To haul wheat from Medford ts and State aforesaid, and that said fifth may locate. to take it. then don't take it. He knowe. sorts, among which is the United for the month of September furnished County IMI MARKET ST., SAN Für* Leave it with him. We are witling. will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOI, Moon's flour mills on Applegate. Apply Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Howard during : number of partly food. It gives instant relief and never You cannot get at the came with ■TPHII.I* thoroughly eradicated trom people and forcing many others to emigrate. ' this notice. in Medford this week, doing business PILING PAPERS the system without the use ot Mereary. cloudy days 3; number cloudy days, 1; anything but an Internal remedy. fails tocure. It allows you to eat all This brings to mind quite forcibly the abso­ Traasee fitted by an Esperl. Ra*t«*l numberof days on which .01 in.or more with several of our merchants. the food you want. The most sensitive Chronic casea make tbe moat en- euro tor Buptwr*. A quick and radical Prepared for Filingon Home­ lute necessity of having good food if we would cure tor Pllea. Fissure and Flatulm, by of precipitation fell, 2; date of thuaiaatio advertiaera of thia reme­ ctomaclis can take it. By its use many prolong lite; but after all it is sot a question H. L. Holgate, formerly of Corvallis, Dr. Jordan's special painless methods stead or Timber Claims. dy, becauae it curee. killing or injurious frosts, 28th. thousands of dyspeptics have been EVERT RAN applying to us will reoeiva of the amount eaten that makes the people who is now connected with the census cured after everything else failed. It our honest opinion ot his complaint. IbrSpecial Attention given to strong and healthy; out the way it is digested. Rs wM buarantee a FOSJr/FJr CPMm WANTED, TO RENT. department at Washington, was here prevents format ion ofgas on the stom­ For Intents and. Children. Matters In Connection with «wry COM ws underrnke. Dyspeptic people cannot enjoy their meals, ach, relieving all distressaftereating, Consultation FREE and strictly private the U. S. Land Office. the forepart of the week. He is inves- and consequently always feel depressed, ir­ CHARGKa VERY RXASORABLE. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. Treatment personally or by letter. A small farm, with improvements, , tigating the irrigation situation in ritable and nervous. They should try Hos­ O PHONE 415 O ■ Write for Rook. PHII.OSOPHT located tetter's Stomach Bitters st once It is a suitable for dairy purposes, It can’t help Southern Oregon and Northern Cali- MABBIASE. MaiLBP Fas*. (A vUaable book tor mea.) Oall or write — specific remedy for flatulency, belching, indi­ not more than five miles from this but do you good Marks Bld.,Roseburg, Or ■ fornia, and made the Fish Lake Ditch gestion, dyspepels and nervousness, snd is | place. Will pay cash rent. Apply at OH JORDAN A CO., 10*1 Marini SI. t. K Prepared only by F. O. Ds W itt A Oo., Chicago Co.’s works a visit. his office. lbslL buttle contains tune. tb' toc.Tla* becked by s record of fifty years of cures. HUNTING m.HRUSTS Silas «.I. Day Notary Public Real Estate Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. : Southern Oregon Mines ; St. Mary’s Academy, My Lungs SSSS.KWS“’- s‘“1“ UNION LIVERY, FEED SALE Stables, MUSEUM OF BUT A CURE Chronic Cases FRANK E. ALLEY, ARCHITECT ABSTRACTER Kodol ! Dyspepsia Cure i CASTOR IA Tin KM Yil Hin Always BwfM PERRI NS PILE SPECIFIC J Digests what you eat.