üknwtratû ♦ î tilts JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1902. VOL. XXXII. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? NO. 37 The Jacksonville public school re­ opened Monday, with a good attend­ The following is a list of school books ance. Prof. Washburn, Misses There is quite a rush on of miners We are having plenty of warm H. G. Meyer of Lake creek was in required in the Central Point public weather Frances Barnes and Ollie Huffer and to make your baby strong and again. to tbe recently discovered and rich Medford Monday. school: Mrs. Peter constitute the faculty. Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. well. A fifty cent bottle of copper fields, located on the Oregon- Terry Byrne of Big Applegate was WOMEN SHOULD BE CAREFUL NOT Harry Carlton of Eagle Point was in Chart Class—Slate and pencil. Geo. Reynolds, the genial proprietor among'us Tuesday. California line, in Del Norte aud TO OVERDO THEMSELVES. e Almost everybody who reads the news­ Medford Tuesday. First Year—Primer, slate and pencil, I Ira Kime of Pooh Bah made us a of the Bonanza feed stables, will here­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful Siskiyou counties, Calif., and Jose­ writing No. 1, drawing No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Morris passed The Experience of Mrs. l’ra/ak, W ife cures made by Dr. phine and Jackson counties,. Ore. pleasant call Monday. |l. — 1J tac Tou ii Clerk of Mi Iler» v ¡lie, Second Year—First reader, slate Sunday at Ashland. 11; Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, Returning miners from the district a plump, romping child. ter prepared than ever to attend to R. J. Caton and E. D. Weston were Miuuesola« and pencil, drawing No. 2, writing recent j the great kidney, liver A. A. Davis and W. H. Barr were at 1 Only one cent a day, think the wants of his numerous customers. visitors in Medford. bring most flattering talcs of the rich ­ |t and bladder remedy. The woman with the responsibility of Grants Pass recently. No. 2. of it. Its as nice as cream. ness and extent of the great ledges be ­ A special discount will b 3 given to > It is the great medi- Wm. Mack, the miner, has returned a house and family on her shoulders has Third year — Writing No. 3, Second bend for a free sample, and try it. purchasers of pianos and organs sold 1 cal triumph of the nine- ing uncovered. Chunks of tine copper from Siskiyou county, Calif. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, always been given to overdoing herself.! Dr. Colo of Central Point made our reader, Elementary arithmetic, Intro ­ in the Coss Piano House during July. j teenth century; dis- 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. and electrum ores aie removed, and As u result almost every day we hear of town a visit Saturday. W. M. Holmes of the Snowy Butte 50c. and )i.oo; all druggists. j I ¡'I covered after years of Don’t overlook this opportunity. ductory language, drawing No. 3. tab­ one breaking dawn. Her nerves have I Jas. McLaren of Applegate was < y ’ Mills was in Ashland Tuesday. ■if Everything in the musical line can lie i scientific research by many samples of those are being lot and pencil. given way or her strength has failed. among our visitors Monday. Dr. Kilmer, the emi- brought to Grant’s Pass by returning had there. from Mrs. ( has. Nickell returned Fourth Year—Elementary geography, Napa, Calif., Sunday morning. Sueli was the experience of Mrs. Prazak, " nent kidney and blad­ parties. A number of improvements for the Mrs. T. L. Crandall left for Ogden, wife of J. M. Prazak, town clerk of Mil- der specialist, and is elementary arithmetic, Third reader, convenience and health fulness of the COUNTY RECORDS. Z. Cameron of Uniontown, the A company of Eastern capitalists capi- Utah, Tuesday, to visit her son. wonderfully successful in promptly curing le.sville, Douglas Co., Minn. She says: writing No. 4. drawing No. 4, physiol­ tallst, was in town a short time since. students of St. Mary's Academy will lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou ­ have closed a deal by which they te- “I Inal been sewing a great deal and Miss Pauline Reuter of Jacksonville bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst caiue the owners of the old Snelling- ogy, “Primer of Health,” introducto- ; Miss Julia Rodschau has gone to ■ soon be inaugurated. E. S. Wolfer, Matters of Importance Transacted at it was too much f r me. Between that was a recent visitor in Medford. ry language, speller, tablet and pencil. Klamath county, to teach the Keno 1 form of kidney trouble. an.’ my other li usehohl duties 1 began | the scientific plumber, has the contract Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ Alfred quartz mine, in the Galtce Fifth Year—Fourth reader, elemen­ school. the Court House. to lie very nervous Iliad no anjx'tite , Prof. Narregan and A. M. Woodford ommended for doing the work. creek district. The mine was pur ­ for everything but if you have kid ­ tary geography, practical arithmetic, and the.e was a feeling of heaviness are hunting in Elk creek district. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ankeny have ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found chased of C. Bradbury of Josephine The 50th anniversary of the Rebekah ar un.l my heart, s > b..d r.t times that it HEAL ESTATE. W. J. Drumhill, a prominent citizen just the remedy you need. It has been tested county. The consideration has not writing No. 4, drawing No. 4, intro- returned from their trip to Klamath seemed as if I couldn't get any air. I degree branch < f the I. O. O. F. will ductory language, physiology, “ A county. ’ nso many ways, in hospital work, in private N 1) Young to August C.«tel, e i of was so v ’•> ou> always that any little of Phoenix, made us a call Tuesday. been made public as yet. This mine Healthy Body,” speller, mental arith- be appropriately observed by Ame­ se i of sw i. sec 36, twp 34, and ne i of thing wor.bl up et me. Nothing that I ' Miss Nannie Matney has returned practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ Sheriff Rader, who took McDonald chase relief and has proved so successful In is one of the oldest in the State. It metic. could d.< gave me any relief and it be­ and Driscoll to the state penitentiary, thyst Lodge No. 94, of Gold Hill, Sept. nw i. and e i < f se } of nw i. and w 4 every case that a special arrangement has has been worked tor many years in a 17th. Extensive arrangements are of sw i, all In sec 1, twp 35, 4 w; also came so bral that I was obliged to from a professional visit at Ashland. has returned. Sixth Year — Fourth reader, ud made by which all readers of this paper n e'eet my housework. I had nervous primeval way, and has long been in vaneed geography, writing No. 5, draw­ Mrs. J. Russell of Jacksonville tar­ been being made therefor. R. Wright of Big Butte and I. Van who have not already tried it, may have a quartz cl iinis, E vrbs creek district; prostration. ried in Medford a few hours Tuesday. sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book need of falling into the hands of men ing No. 5, Graded lessons in English, Dorn of Josephine county were in Med­ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and $100. “Some time in March, after I had been ( more about Swamp-Root and how to who iiad the means to develop and physiology, “A Healthy Body,” ele­ ford Monday. Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide rep­ suffering for several months, I heard: Miss Mae Phipps has been visiting in ‘elllng F J Ryan to Otilla D Caldwell, lota ind out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. equip it, as it should be. For a long utation for its cures. It never fails Miss Gertrude Biede has become a of Dr.Williams’ Pink Fills for Pale Peo- Jacksonville, the guest of Mrs. C. L. When mentary history, speller, mental arith­ 13 and 14, blk N. R R add to Ashland: writing mention reading this generous student of the Southern Oregon State and is pleasant and safe to take. For • 175. pleand began taking them. I felt a little Reames. time an old arastra ground the rich metic, practical arithmetic. offer in this paper and sale by City Drug Store. better and that made me willing to give Normal School. quartz that was removed from the Seventh Year—Fifth reader, geogra­ Ben Haymond of Rock Point, the send your address to Anna R Gregory to S I Whitman, them a thorough trial. I took tho pills Hon. H. B. Miller, who is a U. S. Hon. R. P. Neil, a prominent citizen ledges of the mine, p lying fur the de ­ Dr. Kilmer & Co..Bing ­ reguLu-ly for two months and by that well-known pioneer, was in Medford phy, practical arithmetic, writing No lots 33 and 34, blk B, R R add to Ash­ consul to China, on a leave of absence, hamton, N. Y. The of Ashland, made our town a visit one velopment of the property as well as time my health was completely re- i Monday. regular fifty cent and nomeot s ^5 hp - r < kx . making something for the owners. 7, history (U. S.) speller, mental arith­ day this week. visited in Medford Monday. He is land; $175. stored. metic, ‘ Graded Lessons in English, ” Wm Clements to John Clemente, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Miss Myrtle Hurst is visiting with looking after his interests in Josephine “1 am gh.,.1 of this chauoe to tell how The new company proposes to put in drawing No. 5, Fifth reader. V. Cook of Portland, who has been 160 acres, sec 30, twp 32, 3 e; »600. easily and thoroughly I was cured by her relatives, who reside in Climax county, being largely interested in the modern machinery and prepare the Pink Pills for Pule People. I keep them precinct. Eighth Year—History, civil govern­ at the Sterling mine, left for Portland raising of fruit and hops. Laura O Docoughue to Allen Davis, Snelling-Alfred to do a good business. ment, “American Citizen,” practical Tuesday evening. in the house all the time and strongly PERSONAL MENTION lots 13, 14, 15, blk G, R R add to Ash­ O. Crawford, the clever deputy recommend them to all who are afflicted John Watkins, formerly captain of They will drive a long tunnel tapping arithmetic, grammar, “Higher Les­ land; »300. H. Yinger, the expert miner, was in as I was.” sheriff, and his wife visited in Medford sons,” mental arithmetic, speller, writ­ Medford Saturday. He is now in the the Rogue River ferry, has sold his F. M. Calkins, court reporter, is at the main ledge to a good depth. The pills which cured Mrs. Prazal; 1 W Thomas to Lillian S Moore, lots property, tocated in that vicinity, and act directly on the blood and nerves and Saturday. the county-seat. employ of Dr. Ray. The company of Portland people ing No. 8, drawing No. 5. 5 and 8, blk 34, Medford: »125. will become interested in the center of in that are different from any other A. M. Cowgill of Gold Hill, tho ex­ I will be at the public school build­ J E Olson to T H Moore, lot 7, blk Miss Barber returned Tuesday from who own and manage the Big Yauk Dr. Geo. Kahler of Tacoma, a former the valley. John Blass was the pur­ medicine. They cure locomotor ataxia, pert miner, was the guest of I. Huma- 37, Medford; »50. mine of Galice creek district have let ing during the forenoons of Sept. 11 resident of Jacksonville and Phoenix, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sci­ a visit at Ashland. chaser, paying »800 for the property. atica. neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous son today. the contract for the running of a long and 12 for the purpose of examining is visiting in the valley. W J Freeman to Lillian S Moore, Geo. Birdsey of Foots Creek is at ­ Wm. Koeppe, the expert watchmaker lot 12. blk 70, Medford; »250. headache, after-effects of the grip, pal­ H. C. Shearer and his family got tunnel,which will tap tbe great ledge and classifying new pupils. School tending our public school. Forest fires are numerous, if we are and jeweler, may be found in the pitation of tiie heart, pile and sallow back from South Bend, Wash., a short at a low depth and open up the prop­ opens Sept. 15th. High School text to judge by the density of the smoke Langell building, opposite the Post- A W Lammey to Frank Brown, lot complexions and all forms of weakness John Huffer and A. Gangwisch were time since. erty in excellent shape. Tiie Big books to be announced at opening. 1, blk 56, Central Point: I8S. office, prepared to execute all kinds of either in male or female. Dr. Williams’ now tilling the atmosphere. Pink Pills for Pul ■ People are sold at all At a meeting of the school board, work in his line at reasonable rates. Frank Brown, Eagle Point’s ener­ at Medford a few days ago. Yank ledge is considered to be one of Oris Crawford to W A Carter, un­ For Sale—A three-horse engine and druggists, or will be sent direct from i getic merchant, did business in Med­ Wm. Bybee spent several days in the greatest quartz veins in the West. Sept. 2d, they ordered a globe for the C. B. Williams left for the Fish Lake divided } interest in and to lot 14, blk boiler, in good condition. Apply to Dr. W llin is Medicine Co., Schenec­ Josephine county this week. It has a width of from 100 to300 feet, seh Mil, also ten copies per week of C has . N ickell . A bargain. Ditch Co.’s camp Tuesday. He informs 14. Gold Hill; ».500. tady, N. Y., postpaid, on receipt of ford Tuesday. Recorder Applegate got back from and has been traced for a distance of “The Little Chronicle,” to be used in T C Law to E H Maddux, lot 2, twp price, fifty cents per box; six boxes for F. O. Hurd, the well-known operator L. B. Chase has resumed the devel­ us that the water will be running two dollars and a half. Do not be de­ in mines, got back Sunday from his Elk creek one day last week. 35 miles. It was discovered many the study of current events. 37, Amy & Harburgh add to Central through the ditch n'arly as far as opment of the Palmer mine, located a ceived when a clerk tells you that he A. J. H anby , Principal. years ago, wheD tbe couutry was yet Point; property and 1.90 acres in sec Eagle Gulch during the next fortnight. Miss Elva Galloway was the guest of few miles west of Jacksonville. has a blood and nerve pill “ made from trip to San Francisco. 10, twp 37. 2 w; »800 uew as a mining district: but was They are short of men, and offer em ­ Miss Frances Barnes Monday. the same formula as Dr. Williams’ Pink Mr. and Mrs. M. F. McCown, who Miss Nellie Murray, whose mother Pills for Pale People.” He does not were in Northern California for several neglected by the pioneers on account G A Briner to Ella Abbott, 2.64 GIBSON ’ S EXECUTION ployment to the right kind at good Mr. and Mrs. Newbury have return­ now resides at Lakeview, was in town know what the f >rmula is and he could of its being so big and its values com ­ acres, d 1 c No 67, twp 38, 1 w; »500. wages. ed from their trip to Whisky Peak. weeks, have returned. HAS BEEN STAYED Monday, en route to Applegate. notiuais the pills if ho did. paratively low. The Big Yauk Is un­ MIXING LOCATIONS. M. L. Pellett of Talent, who i sone of E. H. Helm5 left for Portland Tues­ Mrs. Dr. Parson of Ashland was on John White, who lives not far from Enos M Rhoten, placer claim loca­ dergoing a systematic development An Appeal Has Been Taken and He Woodville, got back last week from a the leading horticulturists of Southern Monday's northbound train, on her day evening, to attend the Elks' carni­ MARRIED. under the management of the Port­ tion of 20 acres in Kane creek mining Oregon, will have aljout 9,000 boxes of Will Not Hang on the 19th. way to Portland for a visit. val. prospering trip to the Siskiyous. land company. It offers the same op­ Newtown and Spitzenburg apples of district, Jackson county, Aug 25th. Geo. E. Neuber of The Banquet portunity to capital and enterprise as Miss Aileen Webber, the popular M c E lroy —E nsele —In Medford, at Miss Lila Sackett has bean re-en­ W H McDaniel, placer claim loca­ fine quality for shipment this year. T. J. Gibson, who was convicted at the residence of the bride’s parents, music teacher, has returned from her spent a few hours in Jacksonville re­ did tiie famous Homestake of Dakota gaged to teach the Phoenix school. tion of 20 acres, Jacksonville mining Besides, he will purchase a large quan­ the last term of circuit court for Jose­ cently. Aug. 31, 1902, by Rev. Mr. Kelsoe of sojourn at the sounding sea. She has given general satisfaction district, Aug 26tb. and the Treadwell of Alaska. When tity. phine county of the murder of J. F. Nebraska, Francis H. McElroy and Mrs. G. J. Morgan and daughter, Mrs. L. C. Sisemore of Fort Klam­ completely developed and equipped Ashland Mfg Co give notice of loca­ Mrs. E. DeRoboam of Pooh Bah had Schonbachler, and sentenced by Judge The beet physic — Chamberlain’s tion of water rigbt of water in Neil Miss Anna Ensele. Cora, have gone to Oregon City for a ath and her sons are visiting in Jack­ there is no doubt but that it will be­ one of her nether limbs broken a short Hanna to hang Friday, Sept. 19th. will and Liver Tablets Easy to creek to extent of 500 inches, Aug sonville. come one of tbe largest quartz mines not be executed on the date set for time since. Dr. Pickel is in attendance. Stomach G ay —B ates —At Central Point, Sept. two-weeks visit with relatives. take. Pleasant in effect, For sale bv 27 th. 3, 1902, by Rev. E. B. Lockhart,Ch as Lee Hendricks, the well-known rail­ Misses Bertha Lewis and Anna Kee­ in the St te. Perry Shoemake, who has been stop­ City Drug Store. that purpose. His attorneys appealed Paul James, W F Wright, quartz Gay and Miss Cora Bates. road man, was in Medford Monday, gan are sojourning at Tolman's ping in Josephine county for some time the case to the supreme court, and a J. W. Myers, who is here in the in- claim location of tbe “Avenger,” RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BROWN—CARRRICO—In Jacksonville, en route to Roseburg from California. Springs. stay of proceedings has been granted. past, left for Arizona during the week. terest of a big commission firm doing Humbug district, Aug 20th. Aug. 30, 1902, by Judge Prim, N. H. P. E. Gerould, the genial special R. G. Smith of Grant's Pass and L. Prof. E. E. Washburn and his fam­ J. Willett of Watkins precinct was in business at St. Louis, has shipped sev­ J T and Ollie Oden, two placer By the Southern Oregon Pioneer So ­ Brown and Mrs. W. Carrico, both of agent of the Phoenix Fire Ins. Co., ily returned Thursday from a visit at Bilyeu of Eugene, who defended Gib­ town Tuesday, accompanied by his eral carloads already. Re says that claim locations of -*o acre« Wimer ciety. Yreka, Calif. was here Friday, on a business visit. Ashland. son at the last trial, will appear for wife, who left for Denver the next there is a big crop of apple® Nearly district, Sept id. W hereas , The Annual Reunion of him at the next term of the supreme day. G all — R oberts — At Jacksonville, Miss Virginia Woodford, who went everywhere, and thinks that those J. A. McCall, the well-known civil Jas Bucy. location of ''Roll Jordan Aug. 27, 1902. by Judge Chas. Prim, to Coos county recently, on a visit, will engineer, was at the eountv-seat a few the Pioneers of Southern Oregon is an court, which convenes in October. No Medford also has its trusts. The having apples to sell are asking too Roll” ar.d Roaring Gimlet No 2 occasion which affords pleasure and rec­ other case tried in the Josephine court Ellis Gall and Miss Nellie Roberts. extend her absence from Medford in- days since. price of tamales has been raised to 10 much for them. claims. Black well district, Sept 4th. reation to all who participate, and is has created a greater comment than definitely. SWAN—P erry —At Lakeview, Aug. c- nts each; but they are larger than Theo. Cameron and Frank Ennis left especially enjoyable to those who laid MINING TRAN«FEF<. The largest and best stock of pianos, this one. Public sentiment is divided, before. 25, 1902, C. L. Swan and Schrella T. E. Kelso is with us again, after for Galice Creek Friday on a fishing organs and other musical instruments Mary C Wilson et al to Jas M Wil­ tbe foundation of our present social in the matter, there being about as Perry, both of North Warner. I hunting and fishing in Elk creek dis­ expedition. Miss Cora Cameron, who ha» been ever seen in Southern Oregon is now son, se i of nw J, and ne iof sw ¿; the aud material condition as a part of the many who are of the opinion that Gib­ being displayed at the Coss Piano trict a fortnight. He killed three W right -P atrick —At Central Point, Mrs. D. Linn, who has been at Port­ commonwealth of Oregon; and, where­ son should bang as there are who be­ passing her vacation at home, returned House in Medford. Prices right and w i of nw t of se 4, se: 28, twp 33, 4 deer while gone. Aug. 30, 1902, by Rev. A. P. Gillett, land, visiting with her daughters.'is at as, the Society is de(>endent upon the lieve that the verdict of the jury was to Eugene, to resume her studies at the satisfaction guaranteed. No trouble to w: »5. show (roods. Call and see us. PROBATE COURT. William Wright and Miss Kate Pat­ Wm. Angle get back Monday from home again. general public—very largely—for finan­ too severe. The condemned man la in U. of O. Estate of R F Payne. C T Payne rick. tho Sterling Mountain mines, in which Fred Downing, who has been in Har­ J. Owen, who is in charge of the P. F. and Carroll Swayne and Capt. cial and friendly aid in making the re­ a poor condition physically, as a result appointed administrator and Joshua he is interested. He is well pleased B eall -L ove —At Grants Pass, Sept. Boze of Applegate have been in Jack- unions entertaining and pleasant. of the worry he has undergone since ney county during the past several prospecting for coal that is being done Patterson, Al Alford and John Cope­ 1, 1902, Tyson Beall and Miss Clara with tbe prospects. Therefore, bait resolved sonville lately. the proceedings of his first trial. He years, is again a resident of Lake Creek by the S. P. Co., was in Medford the land, Sr. appraisers. Love, both of Jackson county. I. J. Estes, who lives near Central forepart of the week. He informs us That the thanks of this Society be is despondent and seems to care but precinct. Mrs. G. E. Neuber, Mrs. A. Orme Estate of Max Muller. Order made W ade -F lo YD—At Grants Pass, Sept. Point and raises some of the finest wa­ and her daughter Bertha visited in and hereby is extended to the local little whether he hangs or live®. His B. F. Wade of Central Point was in that operations will at once be resumed setting aside property for widow. In­ 4, 1902, by Rev. J. W. McDougall, ter melons we ev$r saw, made us a Medford Tuesday. press of the county for their kindness wife Is very devoted to him, and, with Medford not long since. Hie health, in Meadows precinct, where develop­ ventory and appraisement examined W. A. Wade of Roseburg to Miss pleasant visit today. and liberality in giving notices of the her children, visits the jail nearly which has been poorly, is considerably ments have been more favorable than T. F. Kershaw, a member of t he Ash­ and approved. Sept 21. Nellie Floyd of Kerby. anywhere else in Southern Oregon. Wm. F. Taggart and his wife left land Tidings’ staff, tarried in Jackson­ Annual Reunion; and, be it further re­ every day. improved. Estate of Jessie I Hammond. In­ solved, that we, as a society, fully ap­ i Tuesday for an outing on upper Rogue ville Friday evening. The jury empaneled for the Septem­ The trial of P. F. Swayne of Apple­ ventory and appraisement examined WEATHER REPORT. preciate and thank the Native Daugh­ river. Bert Hooker is filling his place ber term of circuit court, was dis­ gate, charged with cutting the ditch and approved. Sept 2d. BORM. Jas. M. Cronemiller made a trip to ters of Jane McCully Cabin for their ! at the Distillery Saloon. Estate of J J D< nohue. Order made The following is a weather repoit charged Saturday. There was little in controversy between himself and K. Portland and other northern points gratuitous labor and care in preparing L. W. Hubbs came down from Ash­ Boze. resulted in a disagreement of the work for it. confirming sale of real property. for the month of August furnished by during the past week. W illiams —In Barron Precinct, Aug. a dinner for the occasion, and also to land Saturday, for a few days’ visit, jury, which was out some time and Hearing of final report Oct 6.1902. W. II. Clement, who has been in E. Britt, volunteer observer: 28, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dr. MiDard Holbrook, who has been all our citizens who have so generously i His health has been poorly, but is about equally divided when discharged. Estate of F C Crouch. Order for Northern California for sometime past, Mean temperature, 70.6 degrees; Williams, a daughter. spending several week's in this section, contributed towards the dinner in any | steadily imp roving now. The case will probably come up again sale of real estate made. was in town not long since, on his way maximum temperature,lOodeg,on the has returned to Portland. SMITH— In Medford, Sept. 4, 1902, to way. at the next term of the circuit court. Miss Fay Sears has returned from a 6tb: minimum temperature, 42 deg to Applegate. Estate of H C Nute. Inventory Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, a son. Miss Mary Wetterer, after a pleas­ 2. That we thank the county officers ' visit with her fa.her, D. T. Sears of on the 17th; mean of maximum tem ­ and appraisement examined and ap­ C. Kleinhammer was in Medford " hen you wish photographs taken ant visit at her old home in Jackson­ of Jackson county for giving up to the L etcher —At Grants Pass, Aug. 28, perature, 87.7 deg; mean of minimum Monday. He is steadily recovering and finished in up-to-date style, at proved. Sept 2d. Spokane, who holds a position in the use of the Society on this occasion the 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Letcher, a ville, has returned to Portland. internal revenue service. temperature, 53.6 deg; number times from the accident which befell him reasonable rates, call on G. W. Mackey Estate of J O Johnson. Final ac­ son. at the Medford Gallery, Adkins build­ Robt. Ankeny of Walla Walla, who court-house park as a place for our maximum temperature 90 deg or count of executrix approved. Dr. W. S. Jones and Charles Strang, some time ago. ing, corner 7th and C streets. meeting. D ixon —At Grants Pass, Aug. 28, 1902, has been visiting at the Sterling mine, Estate if Conrad Mingus. Con­ M rs. Fisher of Portland and her 3. That we hereby sincerely thank above, 10; number times minimum to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dixon, a son. who, with their families, have been left for his home a few days ago. The county commissioners’ court, at firmation of sale of real property, Sept temperature 32 deg or below, 0; num ­ making a trip to Crater Lake and Pel­ daughter, Miss Leona, were guests of its last session, authorized theconstruc- the Hon. C. B. Watson for his kindness R obbins —In Ashland, Sept. 8, 1902, Rev. Father Murphy will hold ser­ ican Bay, returned Monday. in consenting to deliver the very able ber times minimum temperature Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Howland of tion of a bridge across Emigrant creek, 2d. to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Robbins, a vice at the Catholic church in Jackson­ below, 0; total Grants Pass recently. deg or Estate of Chas Hopkins. Monday, D. Fennimore, who purchased the Mo­ and instructive address to which we 40 daughter. on the Ashland-Klamath Falls road, Oct6tb, set for hearing of final ac­ ville Sunday morning and evening. 1.97 inches; greatest precipitation, rine place, left for Harney county Tues­ have just listened; and the ladies and Messrs. Broad and Reid of Forest above Soda Springs. It will cost about S chrimpf —At Provolt, Aug. 27, 1902, 24 consecutive Miss Marguerite Linn of Portland gentlemen who have furnished the precipitation in count. day, to close his business affairs. He Creek district, the successful miners, CIRCUIT COURT. to the wife of the late Silas Schrimpf, has recently been the guest of her music which all have so much enjoyed. hours,and date, 1.55, 13tli; number of and their party have returned from $240, and of this amount $75 is raised will return in about a month. by subscription among business men of a son. State of Oregon vs P F Swayne; in­ clear days, 24; number of partly brother, Geo. Linn of Eugene, the B. F. Witmer of Des Moines, Iowa, 9. their trip to Pelican Bay. Ashland and others directly interested. Jury dlsa- formation for trespass, cloudy days 5; number cloudy days, druggist. Nearing Completion. I is in our city. He represents a num­ L. E. Hoover informs us that J. W. greed and case continued. number of dayson which .01 io.or more Carl Von der Hellen of Wellen and E. C. Suman of Grants Pass, operator DIED. ber of people who talk of making their S S Pentz vs Frances Pentì; di­ of precipitation fell, 4; dites of Merritt of Central Point will plant a Miss Myrtle Daley of Lake Creek were in mines, was in Jacksonville several The Jackson County Lumber Com ­ future home in Southern Oregon. large area in apples during the fall and joined in marriage in Jacksonville at vorce. Decree granted. thunder storms, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th. days, looking up the title t* certain pany expects to have its new saw mill K ame —Near Central Point, Sept. 5, increase the acreage steadily. S. P. Hunter, who has been stopping H A Norment vs W T York, city the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nuuan, in operation within 30 days. It will be 1902, Mary, wife of W. T. Kame; aged in Medford for some time past, will mining properties. John Winningham of Trail creek Sunday last, by Rev. W. B. Moore. recorder of Medford. Dismissed. How’s This? Rev. D. Faber held services at Jack­ located on the Blecher place, two miles 49 years, 6 months and 26 days. soon return to hla home at Woodland, MARRIAGE LICENSES. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any was in Medford Friday. He is kept The groom is a worthy, energetic sonville for the last time Sunday. Rev. south of Jacksonville, where the com­ cases of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's busy piloting parties to and from B aughman — At Ashland,! Sept. 4, Calif. He made many friends while Howard Brown and Elizabeth young man, while his fair bride, the Father Murphy assumed charge of this pany has bought stumpage on a large ' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Crater Lake and other points. 1902, of spinal meningitis, infant son here. Carrico, Aug 30tb. amiable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. tract of yellow pine and fir timber suf­ We, the undersigned, have known F. J. diocese Wednesday. of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Baughman, for the last 15 years, and believe him John Thompson and his family, who C. Daley, is deservedly popular with Mrs. L. Duncanson of Webber, Kan­ ficient to keep a mill of 15,000 feet per ' Cheney perfectly honorable in all business transactions late of Eugene. A Necessary Precaution. sas, and her daughter, mother and sis­ Chas. J.Nunan has gone to Pelican day capacity busy for a number of and financially able to carry out any obligations have been in Oklahoma for some time, all who know her. In unison with a 1 made by their firm D e W itt —A* Lost River Gap, Aug. ter of Mrs. A. S. Wells, will arrive in Bay, for a short stay. He will go to returned Sunday night. They are bet ­ host of friends we extend our congratu ­ Don ’t neglect a cold. It is worse .years. The order was given to the WEST & TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists, 29, 1902, the five-year-dVl son of H. Medford Saturday, on a visit of sev- San Francisco after he returns, to at- than unpleasant. It is dangerous. Toledo, O. WALD1NG, KINNAN 4.MARVIN, ter pleased with Oregon than ever. lations and wishes that their voyage Ashland Iron works last week to build Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. In using One Minute Cough Cure you tend a business college. DeWitt. i eral months. ’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ Dr. Shearer, county physician, in­ on matrimonial seas will be fraught can cure it at once. Allays inflamma­ tho iron-work equipment for the mill. ing Hall directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces her daughter, ; Mrs. N. Fisher and with prosperity and happiness Mr. C ruickshank —In Klamath county, Mrs. Fred Farrier of Grants Pass has tion, clears the head, soothes and The principal stockholders of the new of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Price forms us that the hospital has nearly and Mi’s. V. went to Colestin Monday. strengthens the mucous membrane. Sept, 2, 1902, J. C. Cruickshank; aged been visiting with relatives residing in who have btien visiting in Klamath company are J. J. Myers, Johu Uetz, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 20 inmates now. They seem to be get- 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung 45 years. Medford. She will soon join her hus­ Falla since they left Jacksonville, re­ C. E. Hooper and A. J. Stevens, all of ting along nicely and are contented. To accommodate those who are par­ troubles. Absolutely sate. Acts im­ turned to San Francisco last week. tial to the us«' of atomizers in applying band, who is employed on a railroad CAPE FOUND. F riday —In Grants Pass, Sept. 4, 1902, Ashland. A. J. Stevens is the presi­ There is quite a migration to the liquids into the nasal passages for ca­ mediately. Children like It. Miss Issie McCully has been visiting dent and C. E. Hooper secretary of the the three-year-old child of Mr. and running out of Salt Lake. huckleberry patch, located near the tarrhal troubles the proprietors pre­ Mrs. R. W. Bryon of Pasadena, with R. J. Cameron of Applegate and company, says the Tidings. A double shoulder cape, black in road to Klamath county via Rogue pare Ely’s Liquid Cream Balm. Price, Mrs. Ed. Friday. RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. color and trimmed with fur, was picked Calif., and her daughter were guests his family. She leaves for Eugene in including the spraying tube, is 75 cents. river. Berries are not as plentiful as up in the streets of Jacksonville a few Druggist« or by mail. The liquid em­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Orr during the a few days, accompanied by her To Cure a Cold In One Day. Rev. A. P. Gillette will hald ser­ weeks since. The owner can recover ■ usual. bodies the medicinal pruperti«3s of the vices at the M. E. church in Jackson­ past week. They have been at Min­ nephew, Geo. H. Merritt, who will at­ Taue Laxali»e Bromo Quinine Tablet». All ,it by proving property and paying for Druggists rotund tbe money It it falls to cure Frank Morine has disposed of his solid preparation. Cream Balm is ville every second and fourth Sunday, neapolis, Minn , visiting Mr. B., who tend the U. of O. again. this' notice. Grove’s signature Is on each bcx. 25c. farm, situated near Table Rock, to quickly absorbed by the membrane aud morning and evening. holds a responsible position with the Mrs. L. T. Davis of Palo Alto, Calif., does not dry up the secretions, but , Mr. Fennimore, who recently arrived changes them to a natural and healthy Rev. S. H. Jones will hold services I Great Northern. widow of the late Dr. L. T. Davis, who The price paid character. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren at the Presbyterian church in Jack­ from Harney county. Ja^. Edmunds, Sunday School mis­ was a resident of Jacksonville many sonville every Sunday. St, N. Y. ••Aftar I w«» ladacaA la try CABCA* was 15500. ICTS, I «III neisr ba without them In tbe bouse. sionary, preached two able sermons at years ago, made our town a visit re­ My li»sr «<■ lu a vary bad ihapa. and my bead J. Frank Warner arrived in Medford Some scoundrel a few nights since cently. She was accompanied by M ph . aebed and 1 bad abnuach trouble Now. »Ince tab­ the Baptist church last Sunday, and Thursday, from Cheyenne, Wvo . on las Caaearete. 1 feel floe My wife baialeo u»ed give an instructive address in broke into the chest of Messrs. Sims & the D. L. Green of Grants Pass. tbam with baneflciai results for sour stomseb.' his way to Crater Lake, where he goes Carney, who are employed on the Bear afternoon. He took seriously ill and Jos. K ushuso . WU Cougress St. St Louis. Ma Foot Hill Fruit Form—vt Acree-20 acres In cultivation.balance brush,tine Miss Carrie Beekman returned to to survey the boundaries of the nation­ house barn and outbuildings Living water from mountain, spring piped directly to creek bridge, and stole a number of Day in and out there is that feeling of was reluctantly compelled toca peel the Jacksonville Tuesday. During her ab­ residence 14 acres seeded to altulfa. Only IK miles from Central Point. Every acre al park which was recently created by weakness that makes a burden of itMtf. their tools. rest of his appointments here. good orchard land, adapted to alfalfa. »3200 Crops reserved sence she made a trip to the Yellow­ Vullev Home—23 acre tract adjoining Central Point town. 20 acres In Food does not st rengrhen. proclamation of the President. The Dr. T. F. Day, the popular Presby­ stone Park, in company with her [ cultivation, small bouse and barn. 15 acres good fruit land. »1250. A nice borne for Supt. Morris of the Fish Lake Ditch dimensions of the now park are 12 miles Sleep does not refresh. some one. terian minister, who has been a/bly fill­ brother, B. B. Beekman of Portland, C. informs us that he can give em­ east and west by 15 north and south, It is bard to do, hard to bear, what Grain Rnnch-WD acres in a square. All tn cultivation. Fair fence but no buildings. Rich, black soil, which fruit men claim will prove adapted to fruit trees. ing the pulpit of the Presbyterian of which they speak in the highest ployment to a number of capable men, the crater leing left near the center of should be easy.—vitality is on tbe ebb, and Two adles from town. The present crop speaks for the quality of the soil. »0000. Crops church of Medford during the past terms. at $2 a day. Here is a good opportuni­ the parallelogram. The western por­ the whole system suffers. reserved. A Crackeijack -136 acres orchard land. 2 miles from Central Point, all but five For this condition take several months, will soon leave us. He ty for the unemployed. acres of which is the very best or fruit land. 20 acres of timber land goes with the tion of the park abuts against the Cas­ place. An excellent,7-room house, lathed and plastered, brick milk house, good barn and RING LOST. is a professor in the San Francisco granary, woodshed, smokehouse and outbuildings. Two wells, fine water. Entire place J. Percy Wells, the pedagogue, on cade forest reserve, from which it will Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Theological Seminary, and will resume visible from residence. One of the best bargains on our list. F500. Crops reserved. Saturday made Medford his last visit. I be separated by a line of government It vitalizes the blood, gives vigo and tone Book. Haver Sieben. Weaten, or Gripe Wc. 2ac, Stic This is the peer of any fruit location lu Jackson county. In Jacksonville, a few days since, a his duties in a short time. Dr. Day to all tiie organs and functions, and is The work of surveying will He will act as principal of the Scio stakes. L-« ............. — positively unequalled for all run-down or heavy gold ring, with the letters J. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... has made many friends during h is stay Cat engraved on it. The tinder will HOLMES BROS., Central Point, Ore. ■t«rUa« K««a«dy loaapaay, < bi««««, M««tr««l, lew York. 311 public school during the coming year, ' probably not be finished until next debilitated conditions. here, and nis departure will be gen­ return it to this office and receive a " Uoc U'S Fl LU U|*lM>*.' fa Mats. i a position he is well qualified to fill. i year. 4 suitable reward. erally regretted. MEDFORD SQUIBS. TOO MUCH SEWING MINING NOTES. LOCAL NOTES. THE CENTRAL POINT SCHOOL. Only 50 Cents Scott’s Emulsion Sour Stomach Some of Our Bargains. General Debility J Hood’s Sarsaparilla