The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 28, 1902, Image 1

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gibe démocratie
—........................................... , T
•ver-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Bnfecalthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
yeur kidneys once every three minutes.
The kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil­
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fall to do
their work.
Pains, achesand rheu­
matism come from ex­
cess of uric acid In the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trcuble cause* quick or unsteady
heart beets, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart Is
ever-working tn pumping thick, kidney-
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin­
ning In kidney trouble.
Il you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest tor Ita
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and Is sold on its merits
by all druggists In fifty-
sent and one-dollar siz­
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mall How» or swaapBoo«.
tree, also pamphlet telling you how to find
eut if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this peper when writing Dr. Kilmer
J k Co., Binghamton. N. ’ .
By Sweeney A Alvldo's Big White
California Republican Convention Looks Anti-Gage.
The citizens of Medford should show
their appreciation of Manager Wil­
son for building a ground-floor opera
house by giving bls first professional
attraction a rousing big audience on
Monday, Sept. 1st. The Swoeney Al-
vldo Minstrels are now making their
third annual tour. Nothing but suc­
cess has crowned their former sea­
sons, and since opening in the East
this season the press has been very
conservative, and pronounce the
troupe an artistic as well as a iinan-
clal success.
A minstrel show in
every sense of the word, excelling in
Its first part and olio. Its band and
orchestra la of the highest order. The
stage settings acd its novelties are
strictly tirst-class In detail. There
will be a noonday parade, headed by
Maurer's celebrated band. Remem­
ber this is a guaranteed attraction.
The prices of admission are as follows:
Children, general admission, 35 cents,
no reserved seats; adults, general ad­
mission, 50 cents.
Reserved seats,
75cents, now on sale at Medford Drug
Co.’s store.
—-.......... ♦—
The University of Oregon.
S ackamknto , Aug. 26.—J. H. Neff of Placer called the Republican State
Convention to order as temporary chairman. This, In connection with the
refusal to endorse bis administration, looks as if Gov. Gage will not be re­
nominated. The prominent candidates for the gubernatorial nomination
are< Edson of Siskiyou, Flint of San Benito and Pardee of Alameda. The
platform submitted endorses the administration of President Roosevelt, pro­
tests against reciprocity with Cuba and applauds attitude of California’s
congressional delegation on this subject, denounces a treaty permitting
foreign fruits to come into competition with California products, favors
building warships at navy yards, an eight-hour day for government work­
men, electioo of U. S. Senators by popular vote and national Irrigation leg­
islation. No reference is made to Gage’s administration. The amendment
offered by Judge McKinley of Los Angeles, endorsing the Governor, was hot­
ly debated.
The President Will Visit Us.
S an F rancisco , Aug. 26.—United States Senator Foster of Washington,
who is in this city, Is authority for the statement that President Roosevelt
will visit this coast next fall.
The Chief Executive will be accompanied by
his wife and family, and will, it is said, stay in San Francisco for at least
three days.
In speaking of the intended visit of President Roosevelt to San Francis­
co and the Pacific coast in general, Senator Foster stated that affairs are at
present being arranged for the proposed trip. The President will visit, dur­
ing bls tour, all cities by the way of Washington and Montana, and will re­
turn via the Union Pacific.
Portugal’* Crown Jewels Bold.
The University of Oregon will open
ita twenty seventh session at Eugene,
Wednesday, September 17th. The
outlook for the year seems at present
very promising. A number of new
men have been added to the faculty,
all thoroughly fitted both by prepara­
tion and by experience for their work.
The University buildings are being
repaired and improved during the
summer, the dormitory, gymnasium,
and Deady Hall receiving especial at­
Students intending to enter this
school are invited to correspond with
the president relative to their work.
Catalogues will cheerfully be sent on
rreaawrar’a Flrat Notice
Southern Pacific Co.
Trains leave Medford for Portland
and way stations at 4:21 a. m. and
5:52 p. m.
Portland. ...
San Francisco.
Ogden ...................
Kansas City.........
Ar Loe Angeles...
Ar KI Paso
Ar Fort Worth...
Ar City of Mexico.
Ar Houston..........
A,r New Orleans..
Ar Washington ..
Ar New York ....
M:3 o
7:00 am
U15 am
7:25 am
2.00 pm
6:00 pm
6.30 am
11:30 am
7:00 am
6:30 pm
6:42 pm
12:10 pm
8:05 am
4:00 pm
6:30 am
11:30 am
7:00 am
6:30 pm
6:42 pm
12:10 pm
8:30 pm
Pullman and
Tourist Oars
D. H. Miller, county treasurer, gives
notice that there are funds in the
county treasury for the redemption of
outstanding warrants protested from
Nov. 4, 1809, to December 30, 1899, both
dates inclusive. Interest on the same
ceased after Aug. 15, 1902.
MBotb my wife and myself kava been
asine CASCA RETS end «Lev Me the best
medicine we beve svsr bed In tne house. Lest
week my wife wes frantic with beadache for
two day*. (be tried some of your CASCA RETS,
»nd they relieved the pein In bar bead almost
Immediately. We both recommend CascMete.”
On a ». STsnsroan.
Pltwbur* Sate A Dapoatt Co.. Plitaburg, Pa
Pleasant. Palatable. Fount. Tute Good no
Sood. Mover Sicken. Weaken, or Orine. Mie. be. Na
On both train*. Chair can Sacra­
mento to Ogden and Bl Paso, and
tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louie, IO-TO-BAC
New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with
the several steamship line* for Hono­
lulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Cen­
tral and South America.
See agent at Medford station, or
R. B. MILLER, O. F. & P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
And Points East.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleep
era, Dining and Buffet Smoking Li­
brary Oar*.
For rates, folders and full Informa­
tion regarding tickets, routes, etc.,
call on or address
J. W. PHALON, T. P. A.,
122 Third st., Portland.
612 First ave. Beattie, Wash.
A Big Miners’ Riot.
H azleton , Pa.. Aug. 26.—The effort of the owners of tbe collieries to re­
sume work with non-union miners resulted in extraordinary disturbances
today. For a time ten thousand men were rioting, else ready to follow any
leadership that might have suggested violence or destruction of property.
Tne colliery representatives concluded not to strain the temper of the strik­
ers to tbe breaking point and soon suspended work. One man was stabbed
during tbe excitement.
Gen. Miles Goes tc the Philippines.
W ashington , Aug. 26.—Gen. Miles has not yet informed the War De­
partment of his Intentions to visit the Philippines; but will probably do so
and obtain consent of the President. Otherwise there is little doubt but
that he would fie relieved of bis command before he returned. It is not
known at the War Department what hie purpose is in proposing to visit the
Philippines, unless it is to Inspect tbe army posts there.
A Novel Strike.
C hicago , August 26.—Tbe Western Union telegraph company messenger
boy strike, which culminated in tbe employment of girls as messengers, took
on another phase yesterday. The boys congregated in tbe vicinity of the
Western Union offices and In some Instances assaulted the girls as they went
with their messages. In other instances they deterred the girls from their
work through threats of violence.
The Strikers Are Still Firm.
W ilkksbarbb , Aug. 28.—Yesterday was tbe beginning of the 16th week
of the antbracite coal strike, and everything shows that both sides are de­
termined to tight to the end. President Mitchell seemed exceptionally
cbeerful this morning, and apparently took no stock in tbe report that tbe
men are weakening and willing to return to work if adequate protection is
Who contemplate buying anything in the Harness or
Saddlery Line will get better prices and better work, by
examining Our Stock and getting our figures.
Hand-made Harness our specialty. Machine-made
Hamess carried in stock. We can furnish you with either,
Medford, Ore.
Some of Our Bargains.
All Points East
L isbon , Aug. 26.—Great consternation has been caused in royal circles
over the report circulated by a court functionary to the effect that the
jewels had been taken from the ruler’s crown and sold in order to cover a
big royal debt. The country has been on the verge of bankruptcy for some­
time, and unless some radical steps were taken there is no doubt but wbat
the kingdom would be ruined. It is said tbat tn order to keen up appear­
ances and hold the secret from the world the jewels were replaced with Imi­
Tickets To and From
^■«^oo<l for everything
that runs on wheels.
Wool Hill Frvilt Farm-yl Xcr»»-«1 »ere« In cultivation,balance brush,fine
house. barn and outbuilding» Living waler from mountain, spring piped directly to
residence II acre« needed to alfalfa. Only IH miles from Central Point. Every acre
good orchard land, adapted to alfalfa. *MX) Crop« reserved
Veallay Ho„iw—XD acre tract adjoining Central Point town. JO acre« la
cultivation, small bouse and barn. IS acre» good fruit land. SIJBO. A nice home tor
Home one.
Grain Bench-ISO acres in a square. All in cultivation. Fair fence but no
building». Rich, black nail, which fruit men claim will prove adapted to fruit trees.
Two mile« from town. Tbe present crop apeak» for the quality of tbe «oil. *0000. Crop«
A Craaclcwriack—IM acre» orchard land, J mile» from Central Point, all but five
acre» of which 1» the very beat of fruit land. *0 acre» of timber land goes with the
place. An excellent,7-room house, lathed and plastered, brick milk house, good barn and
granary, woodshed, nmokehouse and outbuildings. Two well», fine water. Entire place
visible from residence. One of the best bargains on our lint. SfiSOO. Crops reserved.
This is tbe peer of any fruit location tn Jackson county.
HOLMES BROS., Central Point, Ore,
Thia wonderful medio in« posi­
tively ouree Consumption, Cough*
Cold*, Bronohitie, Asthma, Pneu­
monia, Hay Fever, Pleuriay, La-
Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Croup and Whooping Cough.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Cur*. No Pay. Prlo* SOo. & S I.
Trial bottle free.
Southern Oregon Mines?
Davin Bros., who are prospecting
I d Steamboat district, havediscovered
a vein of quartz that shows up very
C. D. Crane has gone to Spokane
with some excellent sample* of ore
taken from the Lucky Queen mine,
located in Josephine county, wbich
be bas bonded.
A. B. Cousin of the Gal ice and St.
Helena Mining Co. has opened an
office of the corporation In Cbicago,
where stock will be sold. Several
men are engaged In putting its proper­
ty in shape.
Reed A Fletcher have suspended
operations at their mine, located In
Forest creek district, until they can
arrange some of their machinery
more satisfactorily. The property is
showing up well.
Piping has been completed for the
season at tbe Sterling mine, and
cleaning up is now in progress. Tbe
company makes a longer run than
any other in Southern Oregon, having
superior water rights.
Mr. Childs, who went to tbe big
copper mine, at tbe head of Apple­
gate, with tbe intention of bonding
it, bas returned to San Fraucisco.
He has not yet succeeded in closing
negotiations for tbe property.
J. L. Maban of Ashland, accom­
panied by W. L. Hurlburt and O. P.
Moore of Spokane, recently inspected
the Oregon Belle mine, situated io
Forest creek district.
They were
well plaased with tbe property.
say “Consumption can be cured/'
Nature alone won’tdo it. It needs
help. Doctors say
“Scott’s Emulsion
Is the best help/* But you must
continue its use even in hot
It you have not tried it, send for free sample.
SCOTT Ik DOWNS, Chemists,
409-415 Pearl Street,
New York.
50c. and ft.oo; all druggut.
Matters of Importance Transacted at
the Court House.
Hugh F Barron to Eleanor B Hale,
bond for deed to 98 60 acres, d 1 c N*
38, twp 37, 1 w; 814,000.
Carter Land Co to F D and Cora
Smith, lots 31 and 32, Pracbt’s add
to Ashland; 8950.
Jas A Mays to State Land Board,
e i of nw i, and w J of ne i, sec 2, twp
37, containing 60acres; 8500.
Geo O’B DeBar to Patrick Ryan,;
lota 1 and 2, and se i of ne 1, sec 6,
twp 38, 2 w, containing 140 acres;
A D Scott to W E Goode, lot 5, blk
3, Cottage add to Medford; 8500.
Henry Werth to Edmund Taylor,
20 acres of east end d 1 c No 55, of
Sewall Truax, twp 36, 2 w; 810.
O D Loftus to E H Loftus, q c d te
certain lots and parcels of land ia
Ashland, 850.
F E Payne to J W Mitchell, parcel
of land in d 1 c No 42, twp 37, 1 w
Broad A Reid, owners of tbe Oregon
J W Merritt, trustee, to A M Laes-
Belle, which it situated in Forest mey, lot 1, blk 36, Central Point; 818.
creek district, have a force of men
(.has Hale to Jas A Mays, 160 acres
employed in putting ore on the dump. in sec 2, twp 37, 1 w; 81600.
They have one of tbe best properties
Wm S Davidson to Flora M Gilham,
in the State, and are making regular portion of government lot No 4, see
cleanups, each one of which yields 9, twp 37, 1 w; 81600.
many hundred dollars.
Lida G Chrisman to Frank Will­
parties are inspecting it, with in­ iams, lots 1 aDd 6, and e j of lota 2 and
tentions of purchasing at a big figure. (5, blk 30, Coolidge add to Ashland;
J. W. Opp has a force employed in 8175.
Jas Helms to O T Helms, ne t of se
tbe Gold Standard mine, located a
few miles west of Jacksonville; but i, and se i of ne i, sec 24, twp 37, 1 e;
is unable to operate tbe mill on also lot 4, sec 18, lots 1, 2,3,sec 19, twp
account of the scarcity of water. He 37, 2 w; 81.
T A Newman to U L Sheldon, 119.82
bas made several satisfactory cleanups.
Tbe last one yielded about 81400, tbe acres, secs 6 and 31, twps 35 and 36;
result of crushing 25 tons of ore. 810.
F M Amy to Louis Niedermeyer,
Negotiations are pending for the
transfer of the property, and if con­ 160 acres in d 1 c No 57, twp 36, 2 w;
summated tbe property will be 85000.
J R Gibson et al to S M Rhodes,
operated on a large scale.
lot 1, blk L, R R add to Ashland;
Cbas Hale to J A Mays, e 4 of nw I
Rev. A. P. Gillette will bold ser­ and w i of ne i, sec 2, twp 37, 1 w, con­
vices at the M. E. church in Jackson­ taining 160 acres; 81600.
ville every second and fourth Sunday,
A L Mills to U S, q c d to sw t of nw
morning and evening.
i, sec 27, twp 39, 1 e.
Rev. S. H. Jones will bold services
Frances M Lewis to U L Sheldon,
at the Presbyterian church in Jack­
sw i of ne i, sec 6, twp 36,1 w; 810.
sonville every Sunday.
mining transfers .
Rev. D. Faber’s appointments are:
A W and E C Goddard to U C Wing,
Sunday, Aug. 3d, Jacksonville, at 10
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Aug. 10th, Jack­ s i of sw J, see 25, twp 36, 3 w, Black-
sonville, at 6:30 a. m., Ashland at 10 well Hills, Jackson county.
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Aug. 15th, Jack­
sonville, Feast of the Assumption, 10
G W Mitchell, location quarts
a. m.; Aug. 19th, Jacksonville, 8.30 a.
m.; Medford, 10:30 a. m.
claim, “north extension of Cripple
creek," Wagner creek mining dis­
A YOUNG LADY’S LIPE SAVED. trict, Aug 2, 1802
A Care for Cholera lafaatam.
At Panama, Coloanbla, by Cbaas-
berlaln’» Celle, Cholera and
"Last May,” says Mrs. Curtis Baker
Diarrhoea Remedy.
of Bookwaiter, Ohio, "an infant child
Dr. Chas. Utter, a prominent physi­
cian of Panama, Colombia, in a recent
letter states: “Last March I had as a
patient a young lady sixteen years of
age, who bad a very bad attack of
dysentry. Everything I prescribed
for ber proved ineffectual and she was
growing worse every hour. Her par­
ents were sure she would die. She
had become so weak that she could not
turn over in bed. What to do at this
critical moment was a study for me,
but I tbougbt of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as
a last resort prescribed it. The most
wonderful result was effected. With­
in eight hours she was feeling much
better; inside of three days she was
upon ber feet and at the end of one
week was entirely well.’’ For sale by
City Drug Store.
of our neighbor’s was suffering from
cholera infantum. Tbe doctor had
given up all hopes of recovery. 1 took
a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the
bou«e, telling them 1 felt sure it
would do good if used according to
directions. In two days’ time tbe
child had fully recovered, and Is now
(nearly a year since) a vigorous,
healthy girl. I have recommended
this Remedy frequently and have
never known it to fail in any single
instance/’ For sale by City Drug
E. S. Winkler of Medford, who is an
expert shoemaker, wishes to inform the
citizens of Jacksonville and vicinity
that he is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line at reasonable rates.
He makes a specialty of repairing fine
■hoes, and guarantees satisfaction. His
Oregon's Favorite Seaside Beaort.
shop adjoins Fades’ store, west of the
Recognizing the advantage of New­ R. R. V. R. A Co’s, track.
port as a summer resort over other
seaside resort« in the Northwest, and to
make it possible for all who desire to do
so to spend their vac*tion by the ocean
waves, the Southern Pacific Company,
in connection with the Corvallis and
They are vitiated or morbid fluids cours­
Eastern Railroads, will place on sale,
effective June 15th, 1902, round-trip ing the veins and affecting the tissue«.
tickets from all points In Oregon on the They are commonly due to defective diges­
Southern Pacific to Newport, good for tion but are sometimes inherited.
How do they manifest themselves ?
return until October 10th, at Specially
reduced rates—813.30. For full infor­
In many forms of cutaneous eruption,
mation please inquire of your local ■all rheum or eczema, pimples and boils,
agent._______ _______ _
and in weakness, languor, general debility.
What are Humors?
T hombanob 8AVBO B y
NO. 36
Cor. 7th and A Streets. Medford.
HE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN always kept on hand, and
no pains spared to give the fullest satisfaction to all. Price»
the lowest In Southern Oregon. Give mo a call and judge
for yourself.
cure dyspepsia and *11 dtaoniers arising from
Indigeatlo*. Endorsed by physicians every
where-. Sold by all druggists. No cure-, no
par. M cents. Trial peekage free by writing
’to W. H. HocXIk * Co., buffalo, N. V
rfow are they expelled f By
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
which alao build* up the system that has
suffered from them.
It Is the best medicine fur all humor».