The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 07, 1902, Image 7

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    I ICTIMC A AmnTnarr I aior* D*,‘**’U to K'*» tnaii to receive,
wlr lll'iv» <a MvKIvAwli I though he dlil mnke a {trong kick
r ~
- -
«sir» If you tr y
Shiloh’s ~
g g 5« A •n<l Ottrt 4* "° •tron< we
CT guarantee a cure or refund
m<*uey, and we »end you
frac trial Ixitttr it you write for ft.
SHILOH’S com Is 26 cents and will cure Con­
sumption, Pneumonia, Btouchitia and all
Lung Trouble». Will cure a cough or cola
in a day, aud thu» prevent ueriou» result».
It ha» liren doing thene thing» for 60 year».
C.W rli c?o . te Roy, N. Y._________
I .1JI
^Karl'a Clover Root Tea corrects tb. Stomscb^
Vejusc only FRESH, PUKE
rug* and these are compounded
tly. We take pleasure in
taring PROMPTLY, to any
[of the city, prescriptions
our store, and request
¡four physician lie asked to
hem with us.
will do the rest.
We aiso carry
Affull line of Rubber Goods,
ymprising Fountain and Bulb
yringes. Atomizers, Combina*
on Hot Water Bottle and
ountain Syringe, Hot Water
Q. W. Muekey, Otudlo,
Cornar Hsvvnth and C Simla
ct, everything pertaia-
ig to 1« first-claas Pharmacy
bund in our store.
r if
m ' V
A. P. Arm», ring. \.L. K., »
A pnuticul, |»rug,«.*wuw « k I io «J- cr»- 'pirtMiM
for thorough work, with humin g » <>t ?;r»idu»«te*
in pewritionw an bookkeeper*« arid
Already proud of u high »landing wherever
known, it steadily grow» better .tn ’ better
Open all the year. Student» admitted ; nytime
Private or claM instruction. i.enm what aud
how we teach, and u .»t it coni«). CKtalugue free.
Boar., of Directors
r delivery
ntls to everything in the
. Just 'phone your or-
yott will receive prompt
The First Term of the Capital
Summer Normal al Salem, Ore-
gon, began .May 5, to continue
Eight Weeks.
The Second Term beginn June 30,
to continue till the August Ex-
amlri itlon Classes will be formed
In all the Branches Required for
Tuition for First term, Rl.OO.
One Dollar per Week. ForSecond
term, $5.00. The attendance will
be large.
For Information Artdress
J.J. KRAPS, Salem.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
i b-
’■a» —
’1 ro
' »
v £**•>*" » >' ■«<
when wn
»alii he
’d ■
we rohfc«l
r«»*»to.<l telin.
Min. He
How dlil we phy the mortgage on the tough experience comlu' In on the
church? Waul, stronger yer goln’ to train. Told us nhoiit the robbery an*
leave towu in tbe inornlu' for the then Mild what a blessed thing to be
Si a tea, ain't yer? Yer won’t blab a Christiana like we war. nn«l we’d arter
word of what I tell yer, will yer? mnke nn effort to hunt- out these
Yer looks like a squnr* man, stranger, thieves an’ rubbers, try ntr civilize
uu' I guess I can trust yer. Yer see, them an’ ‘»ring them into tin« fold. He
talked so all fired nice tliut we felt sor­
lu the first pluee, stranger, our preach­ ry that we’d robbed him. 1 guess It's
er was cl’ar grit to tbe backbone. He m H right, stranger, for Ills darter ufter-
had a mighty hard time to convert us wurd married our preucher. an’ «he's
sinners. Why, we used to go up to tbe tbe angel of the illggln’a. a-cornfortIn’
old cliureb, play poker, drink an* cut of us nn’ a biessiu’ to the camp. Any­
up geuerully while be was exhortin’ way. that’s the wny we lifted the mort­
of us, but* he was cl’ar grit, stranger, gage. Don’t blab about it. will yer,
an' us soon us be seed that arguin’ «ranger?
witb us wouldn’t couvart us, but we
Saves a Woman's Life.
went on playin’ poker an' got wuss an'
To have given up would have meant
wuhk , he Jest fixed up for war one meet-
ln' night an’ came ready for business. death for Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorches­
ter, Mass. Foryears she had endured
Instead of openin’ tbe meet In’ witb untold misery from a severe lung
pra'ar, as usual, tbe fust thing he did trouble and olwtl nate cough. “ Often,”
was to whip out a six shooter an’ blaze ske writes, “1 could scarcely breathe
away at Three Fingered Jack's bat, and sometimes could not speak. Ail
tbat was bung up on tbe wall opposite doctors and remedies failed till 1 used
bim, an’ I’ll be scalped if be didn’t put Dr. Klog’s New Discovery for con­
sumption, and was completely cured.”
those six plugs in a space that you Sufferers
from coughs, colds, throat
could cover with a four bit piece on tbe and lung trouble need this remedy,
crown of tbu( hat.
for it never disappoints.
Cure is
Stronger, 1’11 be ifcalped If we didn’t guaranteed by City Drug Store. Price
Jlne the ebureh, every one on us, with­ 50c and tl.OO. Trial bottles free.
in six mouths arter tbat, and there’s
no more lawabldln’ camp in tbe dig­
gin’s than we’ve got. Oh, yes, yer ft»
wants to know about the mortgage lift­ ijxatu»
in’. WaaL yer see, arter we’d got con­
verted the preacher set to work to
build it bigger an’ better church build- 'The SPORTING WORLD
in*. Now, our diggiu's warn't pannln’
Helaht of Fighter»,
out very well, an’ big nuggeta were
The lmiiresaion prevalía that lanky
scarce, but we managed to chip in
enough to start the new churcb. Lum­ Bob Fitzsimmons is the tallest of the
ber wns so all fired dear an’ buildin' heavyweight fighters, und perhaps this
stuff glnerally tbat we had to finally is clue to the fuct that the word
raise money by a mortgage, an’ wheul "lanky” has In this Instance been in-
tbe buildlu' win done It was covered! correctly used in referring to height
’ In reality there are several of tbe
by a pretty steep blanket.
One Huutlay the preacher took tya heavy ones who are taller than "Lanky”
text from tbe Bible on glvin’ an* fin­ Bob.
Gus Ruhlin, who will fight Sharkey
ished up bis sarmon by sayin’ that lie
expected a visit from the bishop next during coronation week, towers over
Sunday an’ be would like to have tbe both Fitzsimmons and Jeffries in sizv.
mortgage paid off at that service. He The Akron Giant is the tallest man k
said be know’d we’d been very glner- tbe fighting business today. Big E>
ous an’ had done nobly, but If we Dunkhorst might give Gus a run fa
made one more effort be know’d we tbe money, but Ed is out of tbe game,
could lift the mortgage. He app’lnted and Gus has a clear field. Ruhlin’»
Big Jim, Dandy Dave an’ myself a height Js C feet 2 Inches. Jeffries Is
committee to raise tbe dost. Waal, Just half an Inch smaller than the
arter tbe preacher hud gone borne w* Akron mam James J. Corbett is a
took up • collection, but when all our half inch smaller than tbe present
pockets were emptied there vrarn’t Champion. Jeff's height is C feet 154
nearly enough to settle tbe debt Big inches, while Corbett, the last time he
Jim spoke up an’ said the duet would was measured, was exactly 6 feet and
have to be raised, an’ he called for 1 Inch. Joe Waleott, although not a
volunteera. We all wanted to jine with heavyweight, has fought in the heavy­
him, but be picked out eight of tbe best weight class and is therefore the small­
men of us an’ said to meet bim, mask­ est man who ever aspired for honors
ed, armed an* mounted, ready for buai- among tbe big fellows. Walcott meas­
ness, in tbe woods back of tbe church ures but 5 feet 154 Inches. Jim Hall
Tuesday night at 10 o’clock. We were and Joe Goddard both stripped over
all there on time an’ rode off over the six fest when they were actively en­
hill in silence, no knowtn’ what was gaged in the boxing game. Tbe meas­
Rig Jim’s layout, but most of us could urements of the present day heavy­
have made a pretty tolerable guess. weights and a few of those who fig­
Arter we’d rode lively for an hour Big ured in the ring during tbe last five
Jim called n bait, teflln’ us we had to years are given below:
rob the Pacific express tliut was due Jim Jeffries ......................... « feet l^i Inches
through the big cut at about 12 o'clock. Bob Fitzsimmons ............. S feet 11% Inches
6 feet 8% Inches
He said we warn't to shoot to kill, only Tom Sharkey ...
Corbett .......
« feet 1
to scare, an' gave each one of us our Jim
Peter Maher .......
S feet 11% inches
positions, two for the engineer un' Mike Conley .......
5 feet 10% Inches
tireman, three to mnke the passengers Ous Ruhlin.........
6 feet 2 Inches
feet 11 Inches
ante up an’ tbe rest to do tbe sliootin'
John L. Sullivan
5 feet 10% inches
in tbe air.
Frank Craig.......
5 feet 10% Inches
We tied our horses conveniently an' Joe Choynskl ....
5 feet 10% Inches
feet 1% Inches
took our positions in tbe cut. Big Jim
feet 1% Inches
with a red lantern to stop the express Jake Kllraln ....
5 feet 10% Inches
Now. we'd all been used to this kind ot Charley Mitchell ................ 6 feet 3 Inches
business before we’d got converted George Dawson................. 5 feet 7% inches
Alex Greggains................ 6 feet % inch
an’ knowed jist what to do.
Jack McAuliffe .........
6 feet
The express came rumblin’ along an' loa Goddard ....... „...............• feet 0 « Inchea
Stopped il» soon as she seed tbe red
light It was sich a surprise to tbe
Know What You Are Taking
trainmen—they hadn't been robbed In When You
you lake Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
a long time—that everything worked because its formula is plainly printed on every
showing that it la simply Iron and Qui
allck, an’ there warn't any shootin’ obttle
nine in a tasteless form No Cure. No Pay SO».
back at us. The three men app’lnted
to do the boldin’ up went through tbe
Rates Again Reduced.
paesengers, an’ they all anted up
Before you make definite arrangements for
mighty obligin’ ’eeptin’ one big. fleshy that trip east let <m quote you rates via the
Central tailroad. Our rales _____
are tbe
party with a bald bead an' glasses. Illinois
lowest to be had. and it will pay you io wrije
He asked if this was a civilized coun­ us. It you haven't time to communicate witb
tell the agent from whom you purchase your
try an' said he'd have the sheriff arter us
ticket that you want to travel by way of the
us an* wanted to tight Big Jim, but a Illinois Central, and jou will never regret the
trip. If any of your relatives or friends in the
likely young lady that seemed to be east
are coming west while tbe low rates are
his darter cooled him down an* made In effect, write us about them, ana we will see
they get the lowest rates with tbe best
him come up with the dust, Arter we service.
Through tourist cars, personally con­
bad made 'em all ante we left the ducted excursion cars, free reclining chair
all tbe latest conveniences known
train go. On countin' over the dust to modern railroading
For particulars regard
we found we had plenty to lift the Ingrates, time vervlce,
stop-overs, different
and routes, etc., etc., call on or
mortgage. Next day when the rob- connections
bery was made known we was the fust
Commercisi Agent.
Third St.,
to form a posse to hunt down tbe rob­ 1« Portland,
bers, but they were never caught Sun*
day we were all in our places in church
early an’ bad put tbe stuff to settle
the mortgage on the pulpit so the
preacher would see it fust thing be­
fore he commenced the aarvlce. We
all wore biled shirts an* were dressed
to kill.
What do yon think, stronger? When
the bishop put in appearance with the
preacher we rnilroad committee found
lie was tbe same old. fat, bald party
that we'd robbed on the express an’
had made slcb a fiias. The committee
felt a bit shaky, bitt theu we remem-
tiered that we’d worn masks, an’ we
kep’ our scats. The preacher intro-
(luced the bishop, an* tbe bishop spoke
alsnit bow glad he was the church bad
l»een so prospérons an’ was able to
pay off the mortgage. He said it was
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails tocure. It allows you to eat all
the fixai you want. The most sensitive
(toniaehs can take it. Ry its use many
thousands of dyspcptlc-s have been
Cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation or gas on the stom­
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. Mother Always Keeps It H andy.
“My mother suffered a long time
H can’t help
distressing pains and general
but do you good from
111 health, due primarily to Indiges­
Propared only hy F. O. DgWtTTACtx.i'hlcsgn
TH $L botllu euucalna >•* Unw> U>v*0c. da» tion,1' says L a W. ¡Spalding, Verona,
Mo. "Two years ago 1 got her to try
Kodol. She grew better at once, and
now at tbe age of seventy-six eats any­
thing she wants, remarking that she
Forty acres of land on Applegate, fears no bad effects, as she has her
near the old Phi) Gleave ,place. bottle of Kodol handy.” Don't waste
Fifteen acres enclosed, half of which time doctoring symptoms. Go after
is In alfalfa, with water to Irrigate the <aute. If your stomach Is sound
the whole. Also eight head of cattle youp health will be good.
and strengthens
and 26 bogs. For further particulars rest« the stomach
the body by digesting your food. It
enquire of
II. W. W ilson ,
Jacksonville, Ore, la nature’s own tonic.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has hem
iu use for over 30 years, ha* borne the siifnatnre of
and has been made under his per­
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Jimt-as-good ’• are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience aguinst Experiment»
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare»
gtoric, Drops and Soothing’ Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
™« c«$rv»vw
commnv .
rr M urray « trcct .
new yorr
But if you are going East wri
us for our rates and let us tell vo
about the sAvice and accomm
dations offered by the
Illinois Central R. R.
Don’t fail to write us about your trip, as we are
in a position to give you some valuable informa­
tion and assistance. 5319 mile» of track, over
which is operated some of the
Finest Trains in the World.
For particulars regarding freight or passenger
rates call on or address
T. F. & P. A.
Com’l Agt.
142 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Some of Our Bargains, ii
Fbot Hill Emit Farm-7! A.crra-90 acres in cultivation,balance brush.floe
house, barn and outbuildings Living water from mountain, spring piped* directly to
residence 14 acres seeded to alfalfa Only I *4 mi lew from Central Point. Every acre
good orchard land, adapted to alfalfa. I32U0 Crops reserved
Valley Home-23 acre tract adjoining Central Point town. 20 acres in
cultivation, small house and barn. 15 acres guod fruit land. 11250. A nice home for
some one.
Grain Ranch--150 acres in a square. All in cultivation. Fair fence but no
buildings. Rich, black soil,'which fruit men claim will prove adapted to fruit trees.
Two miles from town. The present crop speaks for the quality of the soil. 10000. Crops
A Crackeriack 136 acres orchard land. 2 miles from Central Point, all but five
acres of which is the very best of fruit h^nd. 20 acres of timber land goes with the
place. An excellent,7-room house, lathed and plastered, brick milk house, good barn and
granary, woodshed, smokehouse and outbuildings. Two wells, tine water. Entire place
visible from residence. One of the best bargains on our list. >6500. Crops reserved.
This is the peer of any fruit location in Jackson county.
HOLMES BROS., Central Point, Ore.
$W(«eneral Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers.
Special Attention given to Horse Shoeing and Tire Setting.
All Work Guaranteed First Class.
MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS hav« b««r i« w
OT»T M yean by the leader» ot the liormrn Chnich and their
toilower«. Cosltlvely entro thewor.t rífe. In oíd and yonng
erldng (rom effeet» of atM-abiife, di^ipatlon. exceu«'., vr cigarotte smoking. Car»» La.t
Mnnh»»«l. lmiiat-ncv, l.«».t Power. Mght-Lo..»., ►peí------
*----- •------- In.omal*
i'uln» In Bark. ICvll De.lrro. Hemlnal Kml.rlon», Lame Barlt, Nervow. Debility,
carel-, orCea.t IjMte
tl-a.larh», Infltnm te Marry. 1.««» e» Armen, Vari­
Twf:«hlae«i KF*-
llan, Ntap» Qnlekne»» of Dl.rhar^. Btop» Nervou.
fi.action, ron’t fet
lid». Flfect» are in>tn~lief. impart vigor and potencv to everí
organe. Stimnlatea
dorpondent. a cure H at han l. Rertorva small, tinderelopr-d
tho bralq and nerve ce «er». óOc. a box. 6 fot 82.50 bjr malí. A «rilteu gueieutee, to cure er
mono; refuudeu, with 6 boxe». Circular» tree.
Addrees, BISHOP REMKOY CO^ 8an Franclaea, Cal.
city drug store, Jacksonville.
Your Cold Cured for 50.
19a* Or. MUrr Ltumtlre CM* CMra
Legal Blanks for Sale at The Tmes Office.