A largo portion ofthe recording in the county recorder's office will hereafter W.T. Houston of Trail creek was be done by a type writer, a Fisher ma­ chine having been Introduced by Mr. with us Thursday. E. G. Borden of Woodville went to Applegate for that purpose. This will prove an avveptsble innovation. San Francisco a few day«ago Belong to that class of inflammatory and disfiguring skin eruptions fk*t The fast pacing mart’ Bellaire, which cause more genuine Ixxiily discomfort and worry than all other known Miss Nina Householder iav'.siting rel­ was aired by lhsthmont and raised by diseases. The impurities or sediments which collect in the system because ative« living in IMuglas county. the late Jas. McDonough, will he taken of poor digestion, inactive Kidneys and other organs of elimination ar» T. H. B. Taylor, the sage af Evans to Seattle next week, where she will taken up by the blood, saturating the system with acid poisons and fluids creek, was among us a few days ago. participate in the races that take place that ooze out through the glands and pores of the skin, producing an inde- g Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman left for there *oou. She is now owned by J, Heritable itching and burning, and “ I oan ohssrfully sndor*« your the yellow, watery diachanre forms as a cur« for Ecswtu». I was truubisa Portland Friday. They will not begone W. Frail. into crusts and sores or little brown with it for SO years and tried many long. J. \V. Baker, being cout|>ellod to re­ and white scabs that drop off, leaving romediee with no «ood effect*, but after using a few bottl**of ■. ■. wa* entlr*. Chas. Gerow, the expert meehanp-, > ’tura from' whence he came, has ap- the skin tender and raw. The effect ly relieved. Wm. Campbell, SIB W. Central St., Wichita, Kaa. has returned to Jackson»ille with his ¡»ointed Via A Gould to manage the of the poison may cause the skin to family. buainewt of the G rani's Paas laundry In crack and bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy appearance; again the eruptions may Mrs. Geo. T. Herehbergvr of C.len- »his section, which has grown to large consist of innumerable blackheads and pimples or hard, red bumps upon dale has returned home after i. visit in proportions. A better selection could the fac» Purification of the blood is the only remedy for these vicious skin diseases Washes and jiowders can only hide for a time the glaring Medford. °o» have been made. blemishes. S. S. S. eradicates all ixusonous accumu­ H. G. Mever of Lake creek, the walk ( The largest and beet stock of pianos, lations, antidotes the Uric and other acids, and known sux kman, was ;n Medfuru a "If»«» «nd other tuusieai instruments restores the bltxxl to its wonted purity, and stimulate« ... et er sen in Southern Oregon Is now and revitalizes the sluggish organs, and the impuri­ lew cay * since. being displayed at tbe Coes Piano ties pass off through the natural channels and Mrs Kellogg of Grant'« Pass made Houw> in Medford. Price« right ami her daughter, Mrs. John Baru* burg, a ’•’^■lionguaranteed. No trouble to relieve the skin. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed |>urely vegetable blood purifier. It contains no Arsenic, Potash or other harmful mineral. • . . . . ? show £ouds. U adl and uh . visit UM* week. •Write us about yonr case and our physicians will advise without charge. . „ ». . a» a H S. P. lUrnebnrg have The trick rider is fatally injured in attempting to loop the high tariff loop. We have a handsomely illustrated liook on skin diseases, which will be sent J. K. Belief Brownsboro waa :n Med- « m I, , •• completed haying on their valley ford Thursday, aa ateo wa# H X o© der . . free to all who wish it. IHI SWIFT SFEC1F1C CO.. Atlamta. Ga. ranch, and Wednesday they moved They thus rob Peter to pay Taul It Helle© of fteiMU . . ... * > , thetr crew, which consist« of eight cannot be said lu extenuation that I their mountain plaoe* above there is any peculiar necessity for this | XX . K. Ingiedue. road maj* rviaor of men> Ileasant creek dtejriel. wa* jB Medford I Aihland. Tbe, wiU have about 900 triple charge on hard coal, for all oth­ I *k . <_____ --------------- *- ■ • 'ton* of hay. which will be fed this win- Republican Methods Embrace er kinds of freight, very ranch more • *be forepart of the week, troublesome to handle and more per­ Low Wages and High Prices. ishable, are carried at a far lower Gladys Haymond has sued her hus- ter to their stock, that is now on the ■ band. Wm. B. Hay mood, for * divoroa. ' ranges of this and Klamath counties. rate." PORTLAND, OREGON. W. I. Vawter is her attorney The patty that is being made up in No one can accuse Mr. Mitchell of (Founded IHN.) THE 0A8E OF THE GOAL MINERS. exaggeration or intemperance of lata- Chas. F. Young and J. C. Hal who Portland by Will. Steel for a trip to guage. On the contrary, he has rather w;tne«eed the Jeffrie*—Rusimmoos ! Crater Lake will arrive in Medford Preaddent Mitchell Exposes the False understated than overstated the facta fight, returned to Gold Hill Thursday, next Thursday, as slated in a letter and has used language too mild to ex­ (from Mr. Steel to Dr. J. M. Keene. and Mislradiuit Statements of the press the conditions. Anthracite co«! i Frank P. King, whois develop.ng a The party will number about 20, and MUSIC, ART AND ELOCUTION. foal Barons — Producer and Con« can be carried at less cost and trouble I pta^er mine near .x and, J epiline it is expected that Congressman Thia School otters to girl* a bioau »nd thorough educutlnn, combined with th* sdvsbtst** somer the I*rey of the Railroad than can almost any other commodity county, ha» removed hi* fam; y th.ther. ot a healthful and refined home It occupies a bus* anil attractive bulldins In the Immediate Tongue. Gov. Geer and other stale Trwst. »lelntty of theCIly t'ark The sanitary condition of the premise* ha* In-en m»de * matter of because It is easier to handle and prac-; L. W Fancher and his family are peclal attention The l»d 1* We best remedy lor diarrhoea. Twenty- -* o’ Sve IThrough trains dally from Chicago ) mn DIT W II A ers in any important American Indus­ at heart. It is a wonder the IMngley 1 Pt>^ ees'-s a haul*. • Through trains dally from St. Louis ' 1 V DU F F /»LV law didn't put a duty on anthracite i f>»"..'-aabje H l . _x>ery. try. They work less than 200 days in a coal in order to "protect" the m!owi | J W. 1_ im roft. who baa beet runt.ng FINED $100 year, receiving $1.42 for a day of ten although not a pr,und of aathracite s •-bUiid Through train daily from Kansas City I And Foist« Bayond. at Earle Point, .-ft for! hours. The annual earnings of a work­ coal is produced outside ot the United er are less thau $300. President Mitch­ States. Such a piece of legislation For Keeping a Bawdy House—The ell comments: would be of the same piece w:th tbe Calaboose Has an Inmate. “Such pay may supply a living on a ••protective” duties on wheat com. Reclining chair cars (free), Pullman Palace Sleepers, Din par with some classes of European la­ oats and other farm products exported Gabe Flymale and his wife (who are ing and Cafe Cars on all trains. Polite trainmen. Perfect borers, but who will say that it is suffi­ by the United States tn large quanti­ the parente of an infant a few months roadbed. Shortest line and quickest time. Tourist cars cient to support American citizenship ties and never imported practically. old k together with a young man named Mondays and Thursdays, L’LM/a hours Chicago to Boston. No doubt the wise protectionist will or ’-nable parents to educate and prop­ Ga.aey. were arrested by Marshal How- ascribe the bard conditions of tbe min­ erly maintain their families?” ara on Friday, charged with keeping a C. S. CRANE, G. P. A T. A., St. Louis, Mo. The 10 per cent increase in wages er's lot in tbe anthracite belt to the uawdy house within the city limits of fact that nature made it impossible granted two years ago by tbe oiht . i - ROSS C. CLINE, P. C. P. A., Loa Angeles. j Medford. The parties are all well torw has not benefited the miners. A for Mr. Dingley to "protect" biin from .I - known in the tenderloin. The name of large portion of the advance was paid I the importation of anthracite [goduced Mrs. Mamie Linn Gay of Portland, the party who swore out the complaint back to the companies. Moreover, the ■ 1 by European "pauper labor." But tbe coat of living has increased from 30 to protectionists have not forgotten tbe who ha* been quite ill. 1» slowly rts he shows publicans everywhere know that the were married at Brownsville, Mo., in the city bastile for 25 days. that the coal companies have made coal trust Is one of the worst ot all the 1852. evil trusts, yet they make no move to Will Grob, a former resident of Jack­ A First-clasa Educational Institution. Sutton's Hosp Shit, ths win'tsr’ul.lo, trovar of sil torra, of Intlummaitonln manor b«a>t larger profits than evr ton. it is ob­ ago by a horse he was breaking falling vious that the coni companies arc not fair field and no favor.” It lias pledged with him. He was improving at last tion for ibe coming year's work. The buildings are being remodeled and re­ f , liing when they have I’een Itself to put nn end to mono|x,llstic re paired, arid extensive additions to the selling coal nt an advance of 3!' cents straints upon trade. The miners have accounts. chemical and phvsical departments Rev. N. 8. Hollcroft informs us that are being made. Tne faculty is com­ per ton above the price of 1WSI. Tills had eii'iugli of paying tribute to the trusts in the slia|s- of higher prices enormous increase has l>een extorted the chapel car Immanuel isat Ashland, posed of strong teachers consecrated from the consumer while no increase rind lower wages. Tluy are ready to where it will remain several dai s. It will to the work, arid each department is We curry in stock a complete line of both hand vole for the principles of true Democ ­ In wages has been given. When the gradually proceed northward, stopping in the bands of a specialist. and machine made harness. racy» honest government economically A y ar'« course in Latin and In miners make a reasonable demand for at the different towns along the line ot Economic« has been added to further administered for the benefit of the We make a specialty of hand made harness and more wages, the operators suddenly the railroad. prepare teachers for high setiffol wm k. guarantee every piece of work we turn out. become very solicitous for the con |>< jde. Instead of the protected trusts. « The training department will be es­ 'I llis is a platform broad enough anil sumer. whom they have so cheerfully Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, pecially strong. A man of splendid Prices reasonable. solid enough to support the ranks of robbed heretofore, and appeal to the united Democracy. which has a national reputation, ik be­ education and wide experience will be P’-opie for sympathy In their struggle ing billed. Ttanks to the high license at the head of this department. Much against the labor unions which would ilnpdsed by tne city council, It will attention will be given to oratory, A StrlklHi* Resemblance. and athletics will be made prominent. advance tbe price of coal by demand The Republican newsp'apcrs claim overlook Medford and play at Rose­ The citizens of Ashland have guaran­ Ing a living wage for the mine work teed some 8200 as prizes for excellence orw. Such devotion to the public Inter­ flint it is ail nonsense talking nlmut burg instead. In these lines The City Library of Seventh Street, ini|>erialism In this country, anti yet it Medford, Oregon est is inspiring! W. B. Carter, who lives at Sawyer's 2000 volumes Is thrown open to stu­ should lie noted that the president The offer made by President Baer of Bar, Calif., has been visiting with dents of the Institution. Board and the coal trust to submit Its luniks to sends hl* family home on the Dolphin, his brothers, Hon. W. A. and R. A. lodging can be had at from *2 50 per be examination of the labor unions to manned by the »aflora of our navy, and Carter. He has returned to Siskiyou week to 84 00. Climate healthy. proto that tbe earnings of the miners another fine vessel Is being fitted up Course of study practical and ex­ would not permit an increase of wages for a summer cruise t dent, or C liffoho T hom as , Secretary dent Mitchell shows th* brazen impu from Cuba on a similar ship and had It in the case of Main & Winchester, ’ Ashland, Oregon. at bis service when governor of Cuba. ■dcnco of the proposition as follows: respondents, vs. Flula| carrying railroads. The power of an emperor and Ills satellites. spondents have been given until Aug. body lsclean»ed of impurities. Con­ PRACTICAL OPTICIAN. stipation keeps these poisons in the 15th to file their brief. freight charges for hauling a ton of system, causing headache, dullness A Slnacnn That Doesn't Fit. anthracite coal one mile are three times AT MEDFORD. Jarnos McDougall, who has a paying and melancholia at first, then un­ as great as those of other roads for Notwithstanding Kepiilillcnn pledges sightly eruptions and finally serious mine and a farm three miles from Goll hauling a ton of hitttmin6us coal one the Fifty seventh, like the Fifty-sixth, Will be In Jacksonville on the Fourth of July at the U. S. Hotel Illness, unless a remedy is applied. mile, and as a consequence the coal congress < Satisfaction Is Guarantee to all patrons or money has done nothing to lower the Hill, was in Medford Wednesday. He DeWitt’s Little Early Risers prevent refunded. Examination Free, departments, while actually cnriiing tariff on trust productions, ami Mr is at present employing three men in this trouble by stlrnulatlng the liver -enormous profits on a legitimate busi- Hanna *nya "keep on letting well his gold mine. During the* summer and promote ea«y, healthy action of liess. Iiisv and do appear lo be Iosin* enough 1 alone." This may be well be works out pockets, and in the the bowel*. These little pills do not mon, . for the r -is n that the railway enough for the foreigners who can buy winter, when water is plentiful, oper­ act violently, but by strengthening the bowels enable them to perform depart cuts ab.»> rl> the profits of th* i the trust articles cheaper than we can; ates his diggings, which are of con- J their own work. Never gripe or woul lie,', rill, lit : l>. charging the coal I but, then, Republican rule comes blgb siderablc richness. distress. •di part men ta exorbitant freight rates If we must have it. K TERRIBLE TU Lì BLE LOCAL NOTES Eczema, Psoriasis. Salt Rheum,Tetter and Acne PROTECTION OF LABOR Saint Helen’s Hall •••• A Boarding and Day School for Girls. Wabash-Niagara Falls Short Line Î equipment : DON’T STOP WORK for a Sprained arm. Ankle or back SNAP SHOT. YOU ARE GOOD AS NE'W Hand Made Harness A. LUCUS