The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 07, 1902, Image 3

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Mrs. M. J. Young, of Jacksonville,
along the river they must be allowed
to spawn on their natural beds and
Ml«« Belle Cochran 1« visiting in Anti*
place*. These spawning places are
has a cottage on ¡Spring street.
The Stream is Being Rapidly De­ tbelr natural homes, and if they are
caught and their eggs taken and
Fred Luy war in Jacksonville Friday
Mr. It. Cox and daughter Minnie,
populated and Soon Will be
shipped away to the hatcheries on
of Medford, have been here two weeks.
Bare of Fish.
Bogue river and elsewhere, you can
MI hb Jeunle Woodford and Ora
Guy Childers and Miss Rydal Brad­
see that there will be no fish
Burnott are at Colestin.
The fish that inhabit Rogue river
bury, of Medford, spent .Sunday here.
tostopator on these spawning grounds
Mr. and Mra. H. E. Ankeny of 8ter-
The vapor baths are much patron­
and beds. You probably will say,
llngvillu are in Modford.
ized, as well as the mineral and tuud ver salmon, Silverside or Steelhead
why is this? Because the tish will al­
J. W. Baker and his family will batbs.
go back to the places where they
leave for Grant’s Pana booh .
Mr. Robert Kafne, of B< wllngGreen, trout. The Chinook salmon commence were batched and turned into tbe
running up Rogue river in April of
J. H. Buffer of Jacksonville tarried Kentucky, baa been here several each year, and keep running until streams. In this case there would be
a while In Medford Wednesday.
August 20th. These fish lie along tbe the hatchery up tbe river at Elk creek
Trout are plentiful. Mr. U. 8. Grant river, from the mouth of the Illinois or tiie one at the mouth of the river;
Mra. J. D. Beard left for San Fran-
oiaco thii morning,to join her husband. Helman today caught sixty of the to the head of Rogue river. They lie and if you desireany fishing you would
close to their spawning beds, which is nave to go to the hatchery on Elk
W. I. Vawter was at the county-neat speckled beauties.
Mr. Vanderpool left Sunday for in the deep holes Just below the long creek or tbe one at the mouth of the
Wednesday, on professional bmdness.
They deposit their spawn river, which, we are sure,you would not
L. G. Porter and his family are rus­ Ashland, but will return alter a short ripples.
visit with friends.
beds, if they are not dis­ want to do.
ticating In the up|>er Rogue river sec­
But this will be the case if this busi­
A party has been organized to make turbed. Tbe Chinook salmon does its
is allowed to go on as it has for
Mrs. Laura Bradley and Miss A. tbe ascent of Pilot Rock Thursday or spawning in the months of September, the last three years. And the worst
Bennett are visiting on upper Butte
feature of the whole affair is that at
Mrs. C. J. Brady and children, Mrs. salmon come up Rogue river the latter
the hatcheries on Rogue river they
Mra. M. L. Alford;is camping In Geo. C. Stanley and Miss Gertrude
catch the Silverside or Steelhead
vember and spawn in December and
Ashland canyon, a favorite summer Wlilpp, of Ashland, are occupying a
trout aud take their eggs to the East
populate some of the eastern fresh
The Tolman Springs are becoming hook bill, commonly called Dog sal­ water streams, and we get nothing
Miss Alleen Webber returned Wed­
in return — in other words, de­
nesday from a visit at Ashland and the most popular resort In Southern Chinook salmon.
Oregon, and a belter place could not
populate RogueTiver and its tributa­
Tbe Silverside or Steelhead trout
be choseu. for an outing. Come and
ries to populate some eastern streams
Mrs. J. F. White and her daughter see us.
spawn mostly In the tributaries of tbe
with our Rogue river Silverside or
iiave returned from their visit to Klam­
Rogue river, but some spawn in tbe
Over slxty-tive people visited the
ath Falls.
main stream.
The bulk of these
Springs Sunday
Twenty-seven In
Now, do you want to see this thing
Miss EthoIla Knlgbt of Salem Is visit­ one picnic crowd enjoyed themselves spawn in the months of February and
consummated? We think you do not.
ing In Medford, the guest of Mrs. C. immensely. More are expected next March, and the Brook, Rainbow and If y< u do not, you must see to it, and
R. Welch.
Cutthroat trout spawn in the Rogue’s tbat soon, tbat this Kind of business is
tributaries. Some claim that the
MI hhoh Lol Nichols and Mattle Tay­
Mr. Osborne, ye host of the Tolman Silverside or Steelhead a Is salmon, stopped, for this is just what is being
lor of Eagle Point wore recent visitors Springs, Is a very accommodating
We have no objection to their
but tbat is a mistake. They are a
in Medford.
man, and makes things very pleasant fresh-water fish. While salmon are taking salmon eggs at the hatchery on
Mrs. A. S. Bliton and her daughters for every one, being ably seconded by
Rogue river, hatching tbem and turn­
known to be salt-water fish, it is true,
are stopping at Celestin during the Mrs. O.
ing the minnows into the river; but we
however, that salmon in Rogue river
boated term.
Mrs. Connectral, popularly known spawn in said river; but the minnows do object to having the salmoo—or
Mrs. J C. Lucus, Mr. and Mra. C. as “Grandma,” is tenting on Main from tbe spawn go to salt water within any other tish that inhabit Rogue
W. Palm are among the many sojourn­ street, as are also Miss Bertha Lewis, sixteenth months after they are large river—taken off their natural spawn­
ing at Colestln.
Master Harry Lewis and Miss Viola enough to care for themselves—and ing grounds along the river between
the hatcheries, more particularly that
it. H. Moore, a prominent merchant Dunford, of Jacksonville.
these same spawns will return within
portion of the river from the Hume
of Gold Bill, and his wife wore in Med­
Among the campers on Knob Hill four and five years from the time they
hatchery, at mouth of the river, and
ford Wednesday.
are Mrs. Grant Helman and family, of go to salt water, and they return for
the hatchery up the river at Elk creek,
Mrs. E. J. .>eBart, who lias lieon Ashland, also the Misses Florence Kil­ the purpose of spawning to the exact
and tlieir eggs transported to the
quite ill, is enjoying comparatively gore, Florence Trefren and Master places in the river where they were
hatcheries at the mouth of tbe river
Leo Trefren, of Ashland.
good health now.
to tbe -one at Elk creek, or any
R. A. Carter and his family, who
The cottages are all occupied. Mrs. minnows; and, if they are not dis­ other hatchery whatever, for the rea­
have boon camping in tho Evans creek D. T. Cox and children, Miss Tamar
son that this will destroy and depopu­
Gregory and Miss Nellie Wulf, of Med­ or grounds, they will deposit their late the tish along the river in Jose­
section, have returned.
spawn io tbe same places along the
Dr. I. D. Phipps is being visited by ford, have been In their cottage on
river where they were spawned four or phine and Jackson counties on tbeir
his cousin, E. B, Bail, who is a promi­ Main street about six weeks.
live years previousn’. After spawn­ natural spawning grounds and beds.
Among the guests at the hotel are
nent merchant of Alabama.
ing, if they wish to heal up and get If tbe fish are caught from these
Dr. O. B. Cole and W. J. Freeman, W. J. Ingram of Monroe, Wash.; John well of the sores on them which have placesand tbeireggs taken somewheie
prominent citizens of Central Point, Wilson,soldiers’ home, Roseburg; Wal­ occurred from the spawning, they else and hatebed, and turned into
ter Bowling, Portland; H. F. Fisher
were in Medford not long since.
must return to salt water to do so, be­ some other streams in different locali­
and son Ernest, of Corvallis, and Mr.
E. It. Warner has returned from
cause they eannot or do not heal up ties than that from which they were ta­
Tom Tolman of Soda Springs.
Colestin, leaving his family there, who
and get well in fresh water. The ken, it would depopulate tbat portion
R kpokter .
will remain there several woeks longer.
tail of the salmon is round and pigeon­ of the river from whence tbe fish were
like, while tbe tail of the Silverside taken. This we object to, as we want
Prof. Narregar, who has been pros­
Car Wheels Made of Money.
Steelhead trout is flat, which shows fish ail along tbe Rogue river. Tbe
pecting in Watkins district, accompa­ Evary year our government destroy* nearly
fish must be allowed to deposit their
nied by Ralph Wilson, returned Tues- a half a billion do 11 am' worth of Moiled or torn them to be a different species of fish
spawn on their natural spawning
grounds and beds to enable this to be
to a pulp are ink'd for making railroad car
Mrs. G. T. Jones and her daughter, wboela. From a bank note to a car wheel la Steel-head trout have different habits
than the salmon, viz., they spawn at a the case.
Miss Mabel, left this evening for New­
port, where they will remain several
L. E. Boover und A. 8. Wells, ac­
companied by their families, as also
Miss Es tel la Rose of Lockhart, Toxas,
have gone to Crater L$ke.
Mrs. J. F. Wait, who has been the
guest of Misses Hadie Amann and Ida
Rodden, left for her home at Boulder
■creek, Calif., this morning.
Chas. T. Silvers, a leading citizen of
Klamath county, was in Medford this
wook, trading with our merchants. Be
was accompanied by his father.
N. H. Spencer, who is now a resi­
dent of Cottonwood, Calif., Is visiting in
Med ford and its vicinity. He still has
a warin spot for Southern Oregon.
Mrs. P. B. Theiss, accompanied by
her daughter, Miss Geraldine, and Miss
Marguerite Olwell of Central Point,
loft for Colestin Wednesday morning.
Miss Emma Hawkins, who has been
visiting her uncle, W. H. Moore, and
other relatives living in Medford, left
for Des Moisnea, Iowa, a few days ago.
E. W. Carver w^ts in Grunt's Pass
the forepart of the week. He was ac­
companied home by his wife, who has
l>een visiting her sister, Mrs. Freu
Mesdames John Norris, E. W. Calk­
ins and N. Wing, accompanhd by the
father of the two ladles last named,
have gone to Ashland Canyon for an
I. A. Webb came down from Big
Butte Wednesday. Ho will return
soon, accompanied by his son Carl,
who holds a position with a prominent
firm doing business in Portland.
Mrs. T. J. Goodwyn has been visited
during the past week by her brother,
Chas. A. Roberts of Klamath Falls, who
was on his way home from attending
the grand lodge of the A. O. U. W.
W. A. Roberts has returned from a
trip to McCallister Springs, where he
vhas been camping with P. B. O’Neil
and his eldest son. He brought back
the head of a fine, large buck he had
Walter Anderson, a son-in-law of
Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilbert, has been pro-
mbted to the responsible position of
superintendent of the Latnoine Lum­
ber and Trading Co., which operates in
Shasta county, Calif.
Mra. Jessie Farnsworth has returned
from Grant's Pass. In her capacity as
trained nurse she has been attending
Roger Entriken, the base-ball player
who was so badly hurt at Jacksonville,
but who is now convalescing.
about an radical a transformation a« the one
brought about In the cane of all weak, nervous
and wicaly people who will uae HoMtetter;a
Stomach Bitter*, the favorite American rem­
edy for Ntomach, liver and bowel cotnplalnta,
A wi neg I awful before me ala will put the
Ntomach in good condition to dlfeMt tbe food
and prevent tbe boweia from tiecoming con­
Every one should keep it in the
house to prevent belching, flatulency, Insomnia
and nervouNnefui; a I mo to cure indigestion,
dyspepsia and liver and kidney trouble*.
A School Teacher Sues a Prominent
Marion County Merchant.
Miss Martha Wilson, a well-known
school teacher of theStayton neighbor­
hood, near Salem, has begun an action
against David B. Smith, to recover
$6750 damages for breach of promiao.
He is a prominent merchant at Stay ton
and popular in social circles. Miss
Wilson ulleges that in Deccmher, 1901,
she and Smith made mutual agree­
ments to marry each other, the con­
summation of the contract to take
place in the Summer or early Fall of
According to the complaint
Smith did not wait for the time to ex­
pire, but notilied her early last month
that he wonld not now or at any time
become her husband. Miss Wilson al­
leges that she can oarn $50 per month
at school teaching; but because of
Smith's engagement to marry her she
made no contract to teach during the
coming school year, and it isbow too
late for her to secure a position. The
unfiuthfulneiw of her alleged lover has
eau#d her groat mental anguish, re­
sulting in illness which required the at­
tendant» of a physician. Miss Smith
demands $4000 general damages, $2000
punitive damages, and $750 for loss of
wages, medical attendance, etc.
“I am using a box of Chamberlains’
Stomach A Liver Tablets and find them
the best thing for my stomach I ever
used,''saysT. W. Robinson, Justice of
the Poace, Loomis, Mich.
Tablets not only correct disorders of
the stomach but regulate the liver and
bowels. They are easy to take and
pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per
box. For side by City Drug Store
Farm for Bale.
A 130-asre tract. »11 fenced,?!) sere. ua-
derculllvslfon, tree soil and eaallv culiivated
a on ths pnbllo road a quarter ot a allo from
Moonvtlle. Sams vallej postoffloe—Improved
with a dwelling house with four rooms below
and one above, a good, large barn, smoke-house
and wood shea, Hoek ereek flows through tbe
land, a good well of water at tbe house and a
good well at the barn, six miles from Uold Hill
Broad station. Will be sold for 111) peraore.
•r-Inquire oY suuts J. day , real estate
ont Jacksonville Oregon.
different time in the year. Tbe bulk
spawn in the tributaries of tbe Rogue
river, while the salmon spawn in the
mainstream. The silverside or steel­
bead spawn In the months of Febru­
ary and March, and tbe bulk of them,
which spawn, will live, heal up and
get well in fresh water, and in tbe
same kind of water in which they
spawned, which is not tbe case with
the salmon. Ninety per cent, of the
salmon die before they get back to
salt water from Jackson and Josephine
counties. It is known tbat the bulk of
the Silverside or Steelhead trout live
after spawning and heal up and get
well in the waters of Rogue river and
its tributaries, for the 8ilverside and
Steelhead have been caught at all
times In the year and in all the differ­
ent stages of the fish, viz., before they
had spawned and in every stage and
condition after they had spawned In
Rogue river aud its tributaries. We
have fished in the Rogue river for
from twenty-six to forty years, and
have caught these Silverside and
Steelhead trout.
They are noth­
ing but a large trout, and we now
wish to say a few words in that regard.
fish in
Rogue river In
Jackson and Josephine counties are
becoming extinct. In their natural
propagation and propagating places
along the Rogue river and its tributa­
ries, during the time in tbe season
when the fish areJylng In the deep
holes preparing their spawning beds,
and when spawning, they are caught
with gill nets, drifting nets, seines
and gigs and spears, and the tish sold
in the markets here as good food tish,
which is preposterous, to say the least
The salmon, which are caught from
their spawning grouuds and beds,
are positively not tit for table use.
But these salmon are caught in this
condition,the tailscutoff, then laid in
boughs, bleached out and brought
into the markets here and sold for
good food fish. I wish that tbe good
people who purchase these fish could
see them when they are caught off
their spawning grounds and beds. 1 am
sure they would not touch tbem under
any consideration whatever.
Now this Is how the Rogue river'
and Its tributaries Is being depopulated
of fish in Jackson and J osephInecoun­
ties, via., by oatching them off their
natural spawning grounds and beds,
and not allowing them to deposit their
spawn. I wish to say that if this
kind of business is allowed to be car­
ried cn much longer the fish will be
extinct; for If the people desire tish
M iller and B aknbburo .
Teachers’ Examinations.
Vehicles, Surreys, Phaetons, Buggies, Two-seated One-
horse Spring Wagons, Light Road Wagons and Heavy
Four-spring Mountain Wagons—the finest lot ever
brought to Southern Oregon. Strong, durable, easy
running, well finished, elegant and stylish. Come and
see. All at lowest possible prices. Call and inquire.
Also on hand all kinds of Farm Implements.
Parlin & Orendroff’s
Harrows, Cultivators, Etc.
Mowers and Rakes, Hay Carriers, Barbed Wire,
Binder Twine, Etc.
Double and Single Harness.
Studebaker Bros, Mfg. Co,’«
oid stand
, ‘
Warner <fc Wortman
We Get Our Feed at
Notice is hereby given that the coun­
ty superintendent of Jackson County
will hold the regular examination of
applicants for state and county papers
at Jacksonville, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, August 13,
at nine o’clock a. m., and continuing
until Saturday, August 16, at four
Wednesday—Fenmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday — Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, book­
keeping. physics, civil government.
Friday — Physiology, geography,
mental arithmetic, composition, physi­
cal geography.
Saturday—Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday August 12,
at nine o'clock a. m.. and continuing
until Friday,August 15, at fouro’clock.
First, Second and Third Grade Cer­
Wednesday — Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday — Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, school
Friday—Geography, mental arithme­
tic, physiology, civil government.
Wednesday — Penmanship, orthog­
raphy, reading, arithmetic.
Thursday — Art of questioning,
theory of teaching, methods, physio­
P. H. D aily ,
County Superintendent.
Brown’s Feed Store.
Graduates of the School are iD coo­
lant demand at salaries ranging from
♦40 to $100 per month. Students take
the state examinations during their
course in the school and are prepared
to receive state certificates on gradu­
ation. Expenses range from $120 to
$175 per year. Strong Normal course
ar,d well equipped Training Depart­
ment. The fall term opens Sept. 1$.
For further particular address
E. D. RESSLER. President,
or J. B. V. Butler, Secretary.
Matters of Importance Transacted at
the Court House.
P 8 Casey to Gold Standard Mining
Co., quartz claims in Gold Standard
and Grass Valley Gold and Silver
Mining Co., Jackson creek mining
district. $60,060.
C F Leavenworth to White Cross
Gold Mining Co., quartz claim in May
Belle, Blackwell mining district; $1.
C F Leavenworth to White Cross
Gold Mining Co., 5 acres In sec 24, twp
3». r 3 w; $1.
Chas Akers to William Madden, f-
Interest in "Oregon Mining Claim,”
Upper Grave creek mining district;
All kinds of Dentistry Execu­
ted, and Every Disease Stock is
Subject to, Including Poll Evil
and Fistula, treated in the
For Infanta and Childron.
Tlii Kind Y ob Hon Alwip Bought
dlf you want tbe latest in furniture,
call at Norris’ shop in Jacksonville
and see one of his folding Daven­
ports. They are superior to anything
tn that line. Everybody sbould bave