The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 07, 1902, Image 1

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H’wtoiic»! Society
etlje Umotratu aunts.
A Date that Will Never be For«
gotten by One Woman.
“I will never forget the third dny of
December, 1897, a* long an I live," i
Mrs. H. A. Fletcher, of No. 232 V -t
Hancock street, Manchester, N. H., a
(•porter recently.
“For on thut day," she continued, “I
received it shock of an npopluptio charac­
ter. It was so severe that the sight of
my rigliteye was nffectod, causing mo to
see objects double. 1 was confined to
my I mm I about four weeks, at one time
being told by the doctor Hint I could not
get well. Wlieii I could leave my bed I
was in such it nervous state I hat I oonld
not sleep at night. 1 would gut up ami
(it. on a chair until completely tired out
and then go back to Ixxl and sleep from
“Nothing seemed to help you?” ven-
tur^l the reporter.
“Nothing that the doctor gave me
did much good,” replied she. “After
being under bis care for six weeks and
not seeing any improvement, 1 gave up
hope until my sister, Mrs. Loveland, of
Everett, persuaded ine to try Dr. Wil­
liams' Piuk Pills for Pale People. I be­
gan taking them with the result that I
experienced relief the second day. The
first night after taking the pills I lay
awake only u short time aud the second
night I rusted well. From that time I
slept well every night and soon got well
aud strong.
"My niece Ims taken these pills for
weak uerves and poor blood uml found
them very beneficial."
In order that there oonld be no doubt
as to th^genuineness of lui »tut« incut
Mrs. Fletcher made affidavit to it liefore
William W. Forbes, a notary public, ut
Manchester on July 2ft, 1901.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo­
ple will not only effect a cure jn case»
similar to the oue above but, acting
directly on the blood and nerves, are an
unfailing apreiflo for euch diseases a>
partial paralysis, 8t. Vitus' dance, sci­
atica, neuralgia, nervous headache,
after-effects of the grip, palpitation of
the heart, pale and sallow complexion)
and all forms of weakness in either male
or female. Dr William-'Pink Pilis lot
Pale People are sold by nil dealers, oi
will be sent p>si]iuld oil receipt of price,
flftv cents n box, or six Is.xes for two
dollars and fifty cents, by addressing
Dr. Williams
Medicine Company,
Hciieuis.'taily, N. Y.
Southern Pacific Co
Udney Trouble Makes You
Almost everybody who reads the news-
P ortland , Aug. u.—It 1» reported, upon what seems to be the best of
now of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
authority, that Tracy has ut last been run down and his murderous career
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
ended. He was not content with escaping the fate bls terrible misdeeds de­
rreat kidney, liver
bladder remedy,
served, but preferred a notoriety that would live in criminal history. Ac­
is the great medi­
cal triumph of the nine-
cording to latest rumors Trscy was shot and badly wounded by Sheriff Cudr
|>iir teenth century; dis-
'''I', covered after years of
hee, and preferring death to capture be turned bis weapon upon himself and
.'jl scientific research by
“shuttled off this mortal coll.”
x5l Dr. • »»»••»*«*•»
Kilmer, the dill
• rent kidney and blad-
S pokane , Aug. 5.—Witli three posses hot on bls trail and a fourth being
der specialist, and is
organized In this city to Join the hunt, the outlaw and murderer Harry Tracy wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­
is still at large. The officers, while they cannot definitely locate their man, bles and Bright's Disease, which is the wor3t
believe they have his trail, and know within a few mile« of where tie i« lying form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­
in wait for darkness to make another sneak. After being seen at Wenatchee ommended for everything but If you have kid­
Tracy worked gradually northeast, and all indication» pointed to an attempt ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
)uct th-: remedy you need. 11 has been tested
to enter the Colville Indian reservation at or to reach the international ins» many ways. In hospital work, in private
boundary line. But the outlaw fooled lilt pursuers, and has taken a southern pra jtice, among the helpless too poor to pur­
chase relief and has proved so successful in
turn, and is now supposed to be In hiding in tiie rough Lake Creek country every case that a special arrangement ha#
somewhere between Odessa on the Great Northern road and Wilbur, on the been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
Central Washington. The last report which is taken as authentic 1« that sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
Tracy or a man answering his description was seen about two and a half ’elfin:; more about Swamp-Root and how to
ind out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
miles north of Odessa about 9:30 last evening by Mrs. Craben, a farmer’s wife. When writing mention reading this generous
The man was riding one horse and leadiog another and carried two rlfios. As offer In this paper and
send your address to
lie had been seen between Wilbur and Harrington, inquiring the way to Har­ Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Bing­
rington, it Is supposed he got otethe wrong road and struck Odessa con»id3ra- hamton, N v. The
regular fifty cent and Hom» or Swamp-Root,
bly west of Harrington. His direction when seen last night was north, indi­ dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
cating that he had turned on Ills tracks and was making for the unsettled
country around Lake Creek. Last night an attempt was made to waylay the
outlaw. Posses got ahead of him and were stationed along the different roads
which It was thought he might travel. Sheriff DeBolt was in ambush on
one of the roads between Wilbur and Harrington, but the outlaw took a fork
leading to the south and missed the trap. Sheriff Gradner, of Lincoln Coun­
ty, Is al Harrington today; Sheriff DeBoit, of Douglas County, is at Reardan,
widle Sheriff Cudihee of King County and Sheriff Douet of Spokaue are also
working In that neck of the woods.
I.v Portland. ...
Lv Medford ......
Ar Ashland.........
Ar Sacramento...
Ar San Francisco.
Ogden .........
Denver .......
Kansas City
Chicago ....
Ar Los Angeles. .
Ar El Paso
Ar Fort Worth...
Ar City of Mexico.
Ar Houston...........
Ar New Orleans..
Ar Washington
At-New York ....
4:55 am
9:30 am
7:25 am
6:42 am
2.00 pm
6:00 pm
6.30 am
11:30 am
7:00 am
6:30 pm
6:42 pm
12:10 pm
8:05 am
6:00 pm
6:30 am
11:30 am
7:00 am
6:30 pm
6:42 pm
12:10 pm
Tullman and
Tourist Cars
On both trains. Chair cirs Sacra­
mento V» Ogden and El Paso, and
tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis,
New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with
the several steamship lines for Hono­
lulu, Japan, China, Philippines. Cen­
tral and South America.
See agent at Medford station, or
R. B. MILLER, G F. & P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Tickets To and From
In a wordtthia tell* of the passenger ser­
vice via
The North-western line.
Etgm trains run dally between Chicago and
St. Paul, comprising the latest Pullman
ileeper« Peerless Dining Cars, Library and
Ibservation Cafe. Free Reclining Chair Cara.
THE *TTH CENTURY TRAIN uns every day
of the year.
W ashington , Aug. 5.—A cablegram from Panama gives news of a fierce
battle ttiat was fought between the Colombian revolutionists and thegovern-
ment forces at Agria Dulce. The results of the battle are unknown, but
the government forces claim a victory.
Fastest Train in the World,
Electric Lighted, Steam Heated.
Tb«Bad;*nr State Express, the finest daily
train running between St. Paul and Chicago
via the Short Line.
Cuwzh, England, Aug. 5.—King El ward has almost recovered his health,
and today he was present at the regatta at this place and saw the races from
the deck of the Imperial Yacht. He takes great Interest in the races and he
will remain here for several days.
K:30 tin
11:45 pm
12:55 ani
6:10 pm
7:45 pm
Best of Everythig
S t . Louin, Aug. 5.- The western part of this city was swept by a heavy
wind storm early tills morning, wrecking many buildings, among them Dei ng
Trains ieave Medford for Portland the World's Fair Industries building, which had the east side smashed io.
and way stations at 4:21 a. ni. and
5:52 p. m.
Connections trom the West made via The
Northern Pacific. Great Northern and Cana­
dian Pacific Railways. This is also the best
line between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapo­
lis All agents sell tickets via
The Northwestern Line.
W H M <AD,
General Agent,
Traveling Agent,
4« Aide- St Portland. Oregon.
In every town
and village
may be had,
Some of Our Bargains.
Root Hill Fruit Fnrni.-9l Acres-»' Bcrex in cultivation.balance brush.fine
house, bnrn and outbuildings Living water from mountain, spring piped directly to
11 acres aetsled to alfalfa. Only
mile« from Central Point. Every acre
good orchard land, adapted to alfalfa. S320U Cropa reaerved
Volley Home-23 acre tract adjoining Central Point town. % acres in
cultivation, small house and barn. 15 acres good fruit land. <1250. A nice home for
Home one.
Grnln Runch«.ltt acres in a square. All in cultivation. Fair fence but no
buildings. Rich, black soil, which fruit men claim will prove adapted to fruit trees.
Two mlies from town. The present crop speaks for the quality of the soil. MU00. Crops
A Crackeriack- IM acres orchard land. 2 miles from Central Point, all but five
acres of which is the very .best of fruit land. 20 acres of timber land goes with the
place. An excellent,7-room house, lathed and plastered, brick milk house, good barn and
granary, woodshed, smokehouse and outbuild Ings. Two wells, fine water. Entire place
visible from residence. One of the best bargains on our list. $6500. Crops reserved.
This Is the peer of any fruit location in Jackson county.
HOLMES BROS., Central Point, Ore.
UH C b .
linhod. iMMtenov. la».t Power. MVht-Lw«ees, Hpermatwrrfcwea,
In Biark. Kvll l)eslrrs, Remlnal Emissions, lame Back, Nervows Debility,
load ache, Ut*ntn»*sa to Marry, I«oas of Semen, Vai’l-C
Ion, fltope Qwickness of Discharge, Stops Nervous I
Ida Fffe< tsar»* immediate. Impart vigor and potency t » ever» ■ CENTS
b spondkni, a cure is at baud. Restores small, undeveloped b lW l
the brain and nerve re lers. 50r. a box,« fot
.W by mail. A written
lnoue; ksfundea, with t> boxes. Clrcu'.ars free.
that makes your
' horses glad.
Arldrera, BISHOP REMEDY CO., Man Franolsee, Cal
city drug store, Jacksonville.
G. W. Reynolds,
Cor. 7lh And A Street«, Medford.
always kept on bend, and
no pain» spared to give the fullest satisfaction to all. Prices
the lowest In Southern Oregon. Give me a call anil judge
for yourself.
And Points Bast.
Through Fa I ace and Tourist Sleep
ere, Dio Inn and Buffet Smoking Li­
brary Care.
For Infanta and Children.
For rate», folder, and full Informa­
tion regarding tDkete, routes, etc.,
call on or address
Baars the
J. W. I’HALON, T. P. A.,
Signature of
122 Third at., Portland.
612 First ave. Seattle, Wash.
' All D«ln boni hr I tur I>r. 4lies' Pain Pills
A good stock ranch, on Antelope, 14
miles from Medford and 12 miles from
Central Point, containiug 1560 acres
of grazing and farming land; price $10
an acre. Seventeen hundred acre» ly­
ing under the Jackson county Im­
provement Company’s ditch; at $6 per
acre. Eighty acres of orchard Ian0»
adjoining Jacksonville: at 440 an *cr*-
For further particulars apply to
W illiam B ybee ,
Jacksonville Oregon.
In a Spring Near Jacksonville- A
Suicide Committed.
Coroner Picket was on Saturday
notified that a man had been found
dead In a spring situated on the Beck
place, In Puorman1» creek district,
about three miles south of Jackson­
ville, and immediately proceeded to
the scene. It developed that it was
the body of Henry, an aged negro who
had been liying in that vicinity for
sometime past. It was discovered by
John Carter, a son of S. C. Carter, who
was just taking possession of the
ranch, and bad probably been in the
water eight or nine days.
The remains were removed to the
undertaking parlor» of David Linn,
where an inquest was held. The
testimony produced to the jury Indi­
cated that it was a case of self-de­
struction. The deceased bai been in
poor health for sometime past and
was an object of the charity of some
of the people living In the neighbor-
hood. He had been informed by one
of those who furnished him with food
that be could do so no longer, and
upon being advised to go to the county
hospital he gaye an unsatisfactory
reply. Henry then doubtless planned
to destroy himself, as he was missed
soon afterward. The spring in which
he was found is about eight feet deep
and has six feet of water in it. It is
covered with plank, which has an
opening in it just big enough to admit
the body of a mao.
The suicide was about 70 years eld
and bad lived in Southern Oregon for
sometime. He formerly sold fruit
at the Ashland depot, since when he
has been looking for mines, and was
considered unbalanced.
that gets your lungs sore and weak, and paves
the way for Pneumonia or Consumption, or
both. Acker’s English Remedy will stop the
cough tn a day, and heal your lungs. It will
cure Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles. Positively guar­
anteed. and money refunded if you are not
satisfied Write to us for free sample. W. H.
& Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A. P. Estabrook, Lead­
ing Druggist Gold Hill.
A First-class Educational Institution.
If The Bahr Is Catting Teeth.
Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme­
dy, Mas. Wisstow s S oothing S ykcp . tor
children teething. It soothes the child, soft­
ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic
and la the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-
five cents a bottle.
Retail Market Repart.
Railway T
The Southern Oregon State Normal
School 3 making thorough prepara­
tion for the coming year’s work. The
buildings are being remodeled and re­
paired, and extensive addition» to the
chemical and physical departments
are being made. Tne faculty is com­
posed of strong teachers consecrated
to the work, and each department is
in the hands of a specialist.
A year's course in Latin and in
Economics has been added to further
prepare teachers for high school work.
The training department will be es­
pecially strong. A man of splendid
education and wide experience will be
at the head of tills department. Much
attention will be given to oratory,
and athletics will oe made prominent.
The citizens of Ashland have guaran­
teed some $200 as prizes for excellence
lu these lines The City Library of
2000 volumes is thrown open to stu­
dents of the institution. Board aod
lodging can be had at from $2 50 per
I week to $4.00. Climate healthy.
Course of study practical and ex­
haustive. For catalogue of announce­
ments, write B. F. M ulkey , Presi­
dent, or C lifford T homas , Secretary
Ashland. Oregon.
MOR a MON BISHOPS’ PILLS have beer in usr
over 6u years by the leaders of the Mormcn Church and their
followers. Positively cures the worst cases in old and young
arising from effects of setf abu^e, di^ipation, excesses, or cigarette smoking. Cwres Lost
NO. 32
The following quotations were
made up this afternoon, and is an
impartial report of the prices paid
by Jacksonville dealers:
Wheat—75c per bushel.
Flour—41.70(4 $1.80 per 100 pounds.
Oats—36c per bushel.
Barley—Rolled, *1.25 per cental.
Hay—Per ton. baled. 418.
Potatoes—41.50 & 42per hundred.
Onions—2 cts per pound.
Butter—35c(rf>50c per roll.
Beans—3(46c per pound.
Lard—15c per pound.
Eggs—20 ets perdozen.
Sugar—D. G. 44.766M5 25 per cwt.
Poultry—43 00 to 43.50 per dozen.
Hams—16c@18c per pound.
Shoulders—124c per pound.
Side Bacon—15i<i20c per pound.
Rates Again Reduced.
Before you make definite Arrangements for
that trip eaat let us quote you rates vis the
Illinois Central __ Kailroad Our rales __
are the
lowest to be hint, »nd It will pay you >o wrije
ua. If you haven't time to communicate with
ua tell the agent trom whom you purchase your
ticket that you want to travel by way of the
tlllnola Central, and you will never regret the
OREGON trip.
If any of your relativeeor friends tn the
eakt are coming went while the low ratea are
In effect, write ua about them, ana we will aee
Orders tor Hacks,Huggies and Riding Horses 1 that they get the loweet rates with the beat
promptly Attended to.
, aervtce. Through lourtvt ears, peraonally con­
reeding done st ressonable rates. Heat of ducted exouraton oare. free reclining chair
care taken to prevent accidents, but will be re cure, in faot all the la teat conveniences known
sponsible tor none should they occur.
to modern railroading For particular, regard­
Will retuse to do livery work on credit
ing rate». time, aervice, atop-overa, different
LEWIS. Prorp
connection, and route., etc., etc., call on or
aildrea.____________ H. H TRUMBULL.
Commercial Agent.
I4>i Third St.,
Portland, Oregon.
For Mk.
Will. Me Daniel has opened a neat
cigar, confectionery anil iriit store in
A dwelling house with five rooms
Ryan'sbuilding,Jacksonville, and keeps and fireplaces and other convenience«.
a complete assortment of the beet of Vt ell of good water close to kitchen.
everything in his line. Standard Price $250. For particulars enquire of
brands a specialty. Give hlgi a call, fo
M rs . a . M orat ,
t e will treat vou well.
Jacksonville, Ore.
in summer can be prevented a
by taking
J .Scott’s Emulsion!
jy Its as beneficial in summer aa
in winter. If you are weak or
run down. It will bulid you up.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT * B ownk , vhemtata
409*415 Pearl Street,
New York.
50c. and >1.00; ail druggists.
Matters of Importance Transacted at
the Court House.
Delphia Bryant to Chas Bateman, 1
acre, sec 14, twp 39, r 1 e; 450.
KG Barrel to B R Stevens, 6525 sq
ft land near Ashland creek; 4150.
Al Peck to Sarah E Richards, 1 acre
land in Ashland Homestead Assn: 41.
A Pool to A J Daley, parcel of land
in D L C No 45, twp .36, r 1 w; 450.
J L Downing to Elizabeth J Van
Sant, 2 acres in D L C No 40, twp 3»,
r 1 e: 4350.
Lydia Powell to Geo W Grow, f lot
in lots 1 2, blk 64, Medford: 460.
Richard Keswick to Jonas Fattig,
i int acre, sec 6. twp 3», r 1 e; 41.
L.icbard Beswlck to J C Parslow,
1 10 acre sec 5, twp 39; 4400.
B F Reeser to E M McIntire,lote 32
-33, Highland Park add, Ashland: $200.
Barbara Horn to C R Ray, e I of nw
i of the sei of sec 33. twp 36 r 3 w;
Cbariotte Frost to Henry L White,
lots 21-22, blk J, R R add to Ashland;
Geo W Trefren to Thos Lovesee.lote
22-23, blk Q, R R add to Ashland, and
portions of lots 20-21; 41231.
CS Inglerock to C W Martyn, se.
three-fifths of lot 35, Pracht’s add to
Ashland; 4200.
E S Pennick to O W Kellogg, 320 ae
in sec 16, twp 34 : 4700.
Rebecca Eggleston to Charles J
Kibbe, bond for deed to 1.20 acres in
twp 39, rle; 4300.
A nna E and Ida M Hargrove to L M
Goodwin, bond for deed to e* of el of
sei of swj of sec 9, twp 39, r 1 e; 4R00.
Dessle Bressler to Louisa A Trefren,
lot 4, blk 12, Ashland; 440.
John W Prall to C R Ray, lots 1-2
and sei of net of sec 15, twp 36, r 3 w;
Adella Piletborpe to Geo H Pale-
thorpe, power of attorney.
James T Blevins to Francis M Blev­
ins, sei of nw} of sec 28, twp 36 s, r 3
w; 41.
W S Barnum to Bertha 8 Barnum,
lots 9-10-11-12. blk 22. and lote 14-15, .
blk 3; lot 9, blk 24; lots 4-S-6-7-8-»,
Barnum’ add to Medford , also lot on
7th street, Medford; love and affec­
Ellen II Wagner to Albert E Kin­
ney, one-tenth acre land in Ashland;
William Linsay to E E Throop,par­
cel of land in blk X, R R add to Ash­
land; $10.
mining locations .
Willard and James Eaton and Frank
Lawrence, quartz claim ■•Windfall,”
Gall's creek, July 28.
G W Donnell, placer claim “Steam
Shovel,” Jackson County Mining dis­
trict, July 25.
Frank H Ray, placer claim “The
Century,” Table Rock Mining district,
July 31.
Hilda Salstrom gives notice of ap­
propriation of water out of Rogue
river to be used for milling, eléctrica
and mining purposes, July 15.
W. H. Honan, quartz claim “Exten­
sion and Horseshoe,” Jackson County
Mining district, July 19.
□ John Moist, quartz claim “Fourth
North Extension of Wh ile.” Jackson
County Mining district, July 29.
Estate of Adeline Dews; will admit­
ted to probate. Oliver Dews appointed
executor; estate valued at about 41500.
Estate of Edwin Brown, inventory
and appraisement approved, Aug. 1st,
General Debility
Dny in and out there Is that feeling of
weakness that makes a burden of ltseU.
Food does not strengthen.
Sleep does not refresh.
It Is bard to do, hard to bear, what
should be easy, —vitality Ison ths ebb, and
the whole system suffers.
For this condition take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It vitalises the blood, rives vigor and tone
to all the organs and functions, and Is
positively unequalled for all run-down or
debilitated conditions.
Hovo's FlLna“eur« svu,UpsUoa.