The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 31, 1902, Image 8

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tn the Circuit Court of the State of OrefM for
the Couuty of Jacksoa
Stella 1* White, Plaintiff, vs. David While.
Defendant; Suit for Divorae.
1\> Da»’id White, the above named Defendant:
gon: ou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you in the
above-entitled Court within ten days of the
date of the service of this summons upon
you. if served within this county; or if served
uthin any other county of this State, then
within twenty dajs from the date of the ner­
vine of thia summons upon you; or, if served
on you out of the State of Oregon or by publi­
cation, then by the 2d Monday in September.
19U2. towit, the Hth day, And you are hereby
notified that if you fall to appear ana answer
said complaint as hereby required, the Plain
tiff will apply to the court for a decree and
judgment against you us follows; For a de­
cree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and plaintiff; also
a decree awarding to Plaintiff the custody of
Hets Pearl White, a minor, and for a judg
ment against you for the costs and disburse­
ments of this suit.
This summons is published once a week for
six consecutive weeks by the order of the
H od . H K. Hanna. Judge of the Circuit Court
tor Jackson County, Oregon, said o-der being
dated July 21. 101».
The first date of publication b. ing Jsly «4. |
Attorneys far t liuBiitr.
on A «ON.
Bright’s Disease.
The largest sum e,er paid for a preemption
changed banda In San Franciaco Aug 30. bk>l.
The transfer involved in ootn and «lock flit,
600 amt waa paid by a party of bus I boss men
tor a spec Ido for Bright's Disease aud Diabetes
hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investigation of
the specthu Nov. U, IMO. They Interviewed
scores of the cured and tried it out on its
me His l»v putting over three dozeu cases on
the treatment and watching them. -Rioy also
go physicians to name chronic, Incurabl
cases, and administered It with the physician
or judges. Up to Aug. 46 eighty-seven per
cent, of the lest cases were either well or pro­
gressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent, of failures,
tbe parties were satisfied and closed >he trans­
action. Tbe proceedings of tbe invea.igating i
committee and the clinical reports of the itsl
oases were published and will be mailed free
on application. Address J ohn J. Fvi.TON Co.
Silas <1. Day
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent
and U S. Commissioner
for Jackson County
Abstracts made to Title» at
he State * «h-egOQ for
a, sitting iu probate,
all kind drawn up »specially pertaining tc
ate of Ehr a J. Wria- !
tbe settlement of estates
To J. H. Wns ey. A*ioe A. Hull, lre«e Willits, j accounts Solicited, Prompt Remittance.
Estella Wrisiey. Nellie Wrlsley. John |
Wrisley, Herman L. Simpkins, Melville
Callahan, Jacob Wrisley, John B. Wrisley , Invstment securities a apeciuHy. Jacksor.
Jounty Scrip bought and sold.
and to All Whom It May Concers
have a complete set of maps of all .surveyed
IN THE NAM EOF THE STATE OF ORH- .ands in this county, and receive Abstracts
from Roseburg Land Office, the LasU
gon. You are hereby called and required to ap­ monthly
Department of the O. A C. R. R. and the State
pear in the County Court of the State of Ore­ Laaa Department at Salem of all new entries
gon, for the County of Jackson, at the Court made I am thus prepared to make out home*
Room thereof, at Jacksonville, in the County << itead papers and take proofs thereon. Also 1
take tilings and proofs of timber lands, and
Jackson, on Monday, the 1st day of September. | , can save to the expense of a trip
9t»2. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to the Roseburg land office
hen and there to show cause why the following f
have a Number of FlneFarms and othei
real property, belonging to the estate of Eliza
Desirable Propertv In my bands for
J. Wrisley, deceased, should not be sold, as
prayed for in the petition of W. W Willits
»R-Promnt reply made to all letters. Chsrg-
administrator of the said estate. sow on >» In accordance witb »he times
file in this court, to-wit:
Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna
Lots 11 and 12, blk 53. Medford, Jackson ;udge of tbe 1st Judclal Dtslrlot, and to any
business bouse in Jacksonville.
County, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. Chas. Prim, Judge* of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Jackson, with the Seal of said Court •)<XXXXX>OKX.’ I'KXXXXXXJOOOOOO
affixed, this 16th day of July. A. D. !902.
Attest: J ohns . O rth , Clerk.
▼ iA THE
U nited S tates L and O fficf ,
Roseburg, Oregon, June 9. 1902.
Notice is hereby’ given that in compliance
witb the provisions of the act of Congress
June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
vf August 4. 1S92. Ira W. Gardner, of Asbestos,
county of Jackson, State of Oregon, has this
day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
2635, for the purchase of the SW '4 of Sectkfn
No. 20. Township 33 South.Range 2 W and will X
offer proof to show that the land sought is more OOnlv transcontiuental lin
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ OPassiag directly through
cultural purposes, and t-o establish his claim
Xu said land before the County Clerk of Jackson
<Jounty, Oregon, on tbe 28th day of August.
Uow He Went to tlie Relief of tlie
West India Sufferer«.
Uncle Sam ha« astonished the clv-
ilteed world wlth the celerity witb
which lie has di spatebed nd let to tbe
starving survivors of the Martinique
disaster. Never lias ids purse st rings
been loosened bo readily as in thia iu-
No sooner was it definitely known
that help was needed by tbe West In­
dians than Bear Admiral Barker, com-
mandant of the Brooklyn navy yard,
was ordered to get the cruiser Dixie
ready to proceed nt once to Fort de
France. Admiral Barker immediately
got to work, and in a marvelously
short time (lie cruiser was ready for
sea. On the sixtli »tay nfter Mont Te­
lee had blotted out st. I'ierre the I'nlt-
rd States cruiser Dixle Bailed from
New York harbor louded to Hie gun-
wales with food, medicine and clothes
for the sufferers.
Rut this was merely n beginning. In
the meantime congress, nt the request
of tlie president, had appropriated
fl.VXY.000 to help tlie unfortunates, a
national relief committee had been ap-
In the County Co
the County of .
tn the matter of t
Rio Grande Western
¿Denver & Rio Grande
He names as witnesses: Lee Mitchell, Wm.
Mitchell, Henry Mitchell and Fran* Ham
round, all of Asbestos. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 28tb
•day of August, 1002.
J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
U nited S tates L and Orrcg.
ttoseliurg. < >n-gon, June 21. Hire
Sotice is hereby l - vi i . that r»y provision of
«he act of Congress
=■ June -1. I«s. « titled
'•An act for the <»’ of limu- r land- In the
states of Califon ». On-gon. N'ovada and
Washington Torr •» y. us extended to all Pub-
lie Land States
■ict o' \-igust »
Corinne Linn, cf hu tcsonville. Jackson County,
State of Oregru
thi. day rtù-d in this office
her sworn statem*
lor the purchase
?f othet
s‘- M
‘< Seatiou
S.-ct.ou 24.
>4 Township
37 South, Range 3 \\
est. and will
wil.r offer proof to
show that it is more valuable for its timber or
^tone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before the
County Clerk of Jackson County. Oregon, at
Oregon, on
oth day of September. 1002. She names
as witnesses- D Linn. C Ulrich. Henry
Dox. H. W. Grimes, all of Jacksonville. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said 5tb
day of September. 1902.
J. T. BRIDGES. Register.
Three Splendidly equipped trains dal­
ly To ail Points East.
Through Sleeping and DlningiCars and
Free Reclining Cha irs
The most magnificent scenery in
America by Daylight .»
Stopovers allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and descriptive 1
literature address
General Agent,
14 T lird Street, Portland. Oregon.
“A tape worm eighteen feet Ions aS
NOTICE FOR publication .
U nited S tates L and O ffice .
least came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my
bad health for the past three years I am still
taking Cascareis, the only cathartic worthy of
notice by sensible people "
Gio W B owl *«. Baird. Mias
Vacation Days.
Vacation time is here and the
.« i I1IH.HCU
iilldren DID
are tuiiiy
fairly living out U1
of UVUru.
l' There ctuld be uu healthier i lace lor
You need only t»> guard
against the accidents incidental to
most open-air sports.
No remedy
equal« DeWitt's Witch Hasel Naive
for quickly stopping pain or removing
danger of serious cotiatquencee. For
cuts, scalds and wounus.
“J used
peWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve lor sorts
cuts and bruises,” sujs L. B. Johuson,
Swift, Tex. “It is the best remedy
on rhe market.” Sure cure tor plies
Homelen« California Indiana.
Seiiiitor Bard of (.’nllforuiu talked
witb tbe president tbe other morning
nbout the niipoliitinent of a com mission
to tlnd a new home for what are called
tbe Warner ranch Indians of tbe Mia
slon Indians of California. The War
ner Indians linve lost some long pend­
ing litigation Involving tlielr lands and
are to be ejected from tlielr homes.
The Indian appropriation mil. which
has passed tbe bouse, provides an ap
propriation of Sliid.tXio tor tlie pur
chase of lands for humes for these
Mission India ns.
A Dip Ionin tie Senate l-lninliiyee.
“Well." said a certain senator, who
laid been engaged in n sharp tilt with
a colleague, as he met a senate em­
ployee. “do you think that I made a
fool of myself?"
"Senator." was the reply. "If I said
•hat you made a fool of youraelf I
would lie disrespectful: if I said you
did not. I would be sayiug what is not
All tlie diplomacy In not In tlie state
Reception to Mnny Daughter«,
Mrs. Fairbanks, wife of tlie senator
from Indiana and president general of
tbe Daughters of ttie American Revo­
lution. gave a very large reception dur­
ing tlie recent convention In this city
to that body of women over which she
Invitations were extended,
of course, to the entire congress of via-
Iting Daughters, and
auests ntin>-
bvred fully SOU
llEAll ADMIKAb flAltEFB.
pointed and tliousnuds of dol>am be­
gan rolling in for the same purpose of
mercy from all over the land.
The promptness and munificence of
the American people in relieving the
distress of tlie West Indies have fairly
taken tlie breath away from Franoe
ami excited favorable comment in the
British bouse of commons. Tlie French
papers referred feelingly to tlie sytupa-
thy manifested by congress and tlie
American people, saying that such gen
erosity tends to draw together the ties
already uniting tlie two republics.
Admiral Barker, through whose en.
ergctic efforts the Dixie was made
ready, is a native of Massachusetts
and was graduated from the Naval
academy in 1861. During the Spanish
war lie commanded the Newark and
nt the close of hostilities succeeded
Captain Clark as commander of the
Oregon. Tbe operations of the naval
personnel bill made liiui a rear admiral.
He is very religious anti is interested
in the navy branch of the Y M. C. A.
Car Wheels Made of Money.
Every year our government destroy« nearly
a half a billion dollars’ worth of soiled or torn
bank notes, and after they have been reduced
to a pulp are used for making railroad car
wheels. From a bank note to a car wheel is
about as radical a transformation as the one
brought about in the case of all weak, nervous
and sicgly people who will use Hostetter;»«
Stomach Hitters, the favorite American rem­
edy for stomach, liver and bowel complaints.
A wineglassful before meals will put the
stomach in good condition to digest the food
and prevent the bowels from becoming con­
stipated. Every one should keep it in tile
bouse to prevent belching, flatulency, insomnia
and nervousness; also to cure indigestion,
dyspepsia and liver and kidney troubles.
<aeiieroun Hoatn.
"I suppose those newly rich friends
of yours will entertain in society next
“No.” answered Miss Cayenne, “they
won’t entertain. They will amuse
Wasbiuglon Star.
Roseburg. Oregon. June 21. I9u2.
Notice is hereby «¡ven that in compliance
with the provision« of the act of Congress of
June 3. !S7h entitled An act for the sale of
limber land in the states of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington territory, as extend­
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
Congress of Auaust 4. l*.r», Anna S. Linn of
Jacksonville Jackson county. Oregon, has this
day tiled tn this office her sworn statement No
4794 for the 8E*< Section 24.Township 37 South,
of Range 3 West, and will offer proof to show
that it is more valuable fur its timber or stone
than fo r agrienltural purposes, and to estab­
’«item Taste Good Do
lish he r claim to said land before the County
Ctork of Jackson County. Oregon, on Friday, Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2uc. 50C-
the 5th day of September. I9U2, at Jackson­
ville, Oregon She names as witnesses: D. 8terll«g Keaeky (o®r»»r. fhiea®«, Meat ml, Hew Yert. 31S
Linn. C. Ulrich Henry Dox H w Grimes,
allof Jacksonville. Oregon
and guaranteed by all drug-
Any and all persons claiming adversely NUHU'OAU «iste to Cl KK ruoacco Habiu
the a hove-described lands are requested to tile
tbe«r claims in this office on or before said 5th
dav of September 1002.
J T. BRIDGES Register.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
J ack son County.
In the matter of the estate of Minerva Phil­
“Between me and tny wife we Know
lip«. deceased.
U nited S tates L and O ffice
uudersigned nas t»een appointed by the county
“How’s that?’
Roseburg. Oregon. July 9th. I9u2.
court of JackMtn county, Oregon, «ittiug in pro­
Notice is hereby given that in compliance bate. administrator of the estate of Minerva
"She tells me everything that hap­
withthe provisions of the act of Congress of
pens, and I tell her a lot of things that
June 3. 1H7R. entitled "An act for the sale of Phillip«,
All person« indebted to the said estate are
cimijer lands in the States of California.Ore requested to settle the same immediately, and tiever happen."
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as those having claims against the ««id estate
extended to all the Public Land States by act will present them to me • at my office in
■of August 4. IMrj, Hoarce I. Pelton, of Jacksonville.
* ’
'■ I. .
. -I |:-< oU-ft-s of V»-ß»
• ♦old Hill, county of Jackson. State <or with proper vouchers attached, within six
Territory) of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this months after the date of first publication of
;»>- ortling to
•ffice his sworn statement No. 29!6 for the pur­ this notice.
' rin :■ -.•<■..l»r. me la-ing
chase of the E‘/j, South West
Lots 3. 4. of
19. 1S*r2.
Section Nc. 18, in Township No. 32 S., Range
l.r t.zii i.- «.|■« in the South
No. 2 East, and will offer pr«>of to show that the
Administrator of said Estate.
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
an E iik 1|»1>
stone than
. i * i<”i tQFM ,rp<»f-s. ,in«l to
: to
I • IIn-n to re-
•establish his cl i 1 io sa d ¡and before >ilas J. NOT1CEOF FINAL SETTLEMENT
tlony < f Un ir existence.
Day. U. S. Cur
doner for District of Ore. at
his office in .f • sonvllh Saturday, the 27th I d the County Court of the State of Oretton tor
day of Septenn
Bkt,’ He tiames as witnences: I
Jackson County
Vr»m lus Wnr C ollapse.
Samuel Geary. John Winningham. Calvin
Estate of Samuel Phillips,
Pence. William R. Johnson .f Tra i all ip I Io the matter of the deceased
The Italian government has stationed
Jackson County. Oregon.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE dispatch boats along the coast fronting
Any and all .»ersous cla*ni.fig adversely the
administrator of the estate of
above-described lands ar»- requested to file uDdemigned.
tiled In the coun­ on Mount Vesuvius, warning tesseto to
*heir claims in this office on. or before said 27th ty court i-hllllps.deceased.has
county, Oregon, nis final keep nt a safe distance, ns the main
day of Sept. 1902.
account a« said administrator, and hy order
of Hon. Chaa Prim, judge of said court. Sep­ jTwIphx* looking toward Pompeii to
tember J. tstrj. at 10 o'clock A. M . la set for .bout to fall in. All road« huding *
the hearing thereof. All persons Interested
hereby notlHed to appear and tile his or her
o yv »
o n x yv,
objection to the sam- oz sr before said day.
t«ri »u
The Kind
« Alwm ito w
Hated July it. It* -i
r* Corn Constipation rnrstvn
W. M COf.VKl
Administrator of Estate of Samuel Phillips,
. al/o Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or M*
C C. fall to curs, drurc'su refund mona«
with will annexed.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundretl Dollar* Reward for any
cases of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’«
Cutarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY â CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and iH'lieve him
perfectly honorable in all business tnuisactlons
anti flnaucially able to carry out any obligations
made by their tirai
WEST ¿t TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, o.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act­
ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free. 1’riee
per bottle. Sold Dy all Druggists.
75c Hall's Family Pills are the boat.
Will be In .l.tcksonvllle or: tlie Fourth of July nt the II. S’. Hotel.
Satisfaction Is Guaranted to all patrons or money
refunded. Examination Fie«.
'I .» >2tJ » l'»Cl U . w.
There i;rr two pictures of arctic
•ccnoH pnciipd n('.o’.v:i in the enpi-
ml bdHemvi’.t in ivh.< h ¡merest has Just
'oe<M.i revived
:i bill introductHl
Uj Senator McComas. '1 hese piciure«
have lain in tlie Lu«cm«*n! for ipii year«
TUej form<*d a part of tbe government
“XliiLj at the Chicago World’« fair
rUvy are ••The HlgbeM North of All
Time’* and “Camp Clay: or. The Rescue
of Lieutenant Greely and Party.” They
wen* painted by Albert Uperti. Tbe
hill Introduced by Senator .McComas
provides for tlielr purchase by the »ee
retnry c? war for $7 500 efich.
The Best Liniment for Strains.
Mr F. H. Well«, the merchant at
Deer Park. Long Inland. N. Y., say«:
“1 always recommend Uliatnberlain’s
Pain Balin as tlie best liniment for
strain«. I used it last winter for a
severe lameness in the «ide, resulting
frotu a strain, and
was great))
pleased with the quick relief and
cure it effected.”
For sale bv City
Drug Store.
Pure, cheap and delicious.
Warner & Wortman
LlKhtnlng and the Ryes.
One night during n thunderstorm of
rare severity, in which brilliant flashes,
single, double, triple or quadruple, fol
lowed one another at Intervals ofteu of
not more »han a few seconds of time,
I was surprised to see with great vivid­
ness on a suddenly illuminated sky
two nearly vertical lines of darkness,
each of the ordinary Jagged ap|a-ar-
am e of a bright flash of lightning. 1
remembered to have seen two real
flashes of Just the same shapes and
relative positions and concluded tliat
the black flashes were due to their
residual influence on the retina.
turned my eyes quickly from the dark
sky outside to an Illuminated wall In­
side the house, and I again saw the
same double dark flash, which verified
my conclusion in an Interesting man­
ner. The fatigued part of tlie eye fail­
ed to perceive the sudden brightness of
the sky In tlie one case and of the wall
In the other.—Lord Kelvin in Elec­
T howbano * S aved B y
This wonderful medicine posi­
tively oures Consumption, Coughs
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu­
monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La-
Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Croup and Whooping Cough.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Cure. No Pay. Price 50c.&$L
Trial bottle free.
lor a Sprained arm, Ankle or back
Buy a Bottle of
Ruh In well and
Sutton’* .4n»pShH, th* woniorful dentrofor of »II form« of infi«mmsllonln manor beam,
Me anti 41 per botti J. R K. SUTTON, «ole proprietor and manufacturnn Ashland, Oregon
b’jr ale <at City Drug Store. Jacksonville. and by Dr J Hi nk le.Centra Point.
iTst.ock of one of th«- livst known |
fm torh s of the country, secured ■
by ns uf ono-haif cost, fowr Aforf«»/«,........ 1
1900 and 1901 Models
Giiol's.'ius with 1 artfe photfxjraphic enyravtnij
full d< tailed sneciiictrtions sent free tn any address.
Wu CHIP ON APPttOVM to anyone iu U S.
or Cauiula ti ithunt. a cent tn advance ami allow
FREE TRIAL absolutely
in ordering from us, as you do not
need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you.
tnki n In fr»,<l»> by oilr ChlCMO rrtalHtl orcs.
■ » uk I bh I
In all Its start«« there
should be cleanline-«.
make«, many frssi »»iwiw.._-
• ■
-I |. .•«. eonlpment. •nndrI«».»vortln«5<H»<1>> nr «¿1Hnd.
f>ri< < In our b»g fr»* «undry catalog. A world of Information Writ® for it.
litre m»»l»'l t»tcy<-lo. In yottr «p»ro time you c»n n»«l<«-
Ely’« Cream
clean sea. soothes and hesla
the diseased membra.»«.
It cure« catarrh and drr es
away a cold In the bead
Cream Balm is planed Into the nottrlle, «prM<!«
over th« membrane and la ahaorbad. Relief la Im-
medlata and a cure follows. It it Sot drying-does
not produce sneezing, I.«rre Size. »0 eents at Drug-
-1. or by mail; Trial Size, 10 ce..ts by mail.
<L» IKVlHLHa. 4« Warran Street, New York.
«SO a w<« k t.-sld»-«
a wheel
to • n rt<l»»
for yoiirreis
_—— V. » town
. _ —. tn
z« I.i r 1 ■,« ..-..V»-
t... Bz» . ratal«uvM
« A 1/ mt » V l »M f«>rUf
,111* «L
I«- w
1^‘TV'II in
In • »-IL'II
v A .» àfotrlbnte
nnrl r.llP NIMM *1*1 <>iT<
W a WT “ a V.
• J. L. »EAD CYCLE CO., Chioaco, ID-
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