The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 31, 1902, Image 5

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« A,
('apt. Hoze of Applegate was with
Ed. Bowling of Footsereok is making
us a few duys ago.
Medford a short visit.
MI bhoh Ethel Flory and Myrtle
The county commissioners' court will
Hutton were recent visitors in Medford. is- in session next week,beginning Aug.
J. W. Hobbs, deputy Internal reve­ Uth.
Vt e are pleased to notice that our old
nue collector, was among o ir visitors
friend Dan Reynolds, who has boon
S. P. DeRo beam, who has been so­ quite sick, is able to be about again.
Tim weather lust week seemed un­
journing on Applegate, returned a few
usually warm.
The mercury wont
d ays since.
above 100 degree« only once or twice,
A son and daughter of M. N. Colvig
•f Canyonville are guests of W. M.
Jacksonville Fire Co. and the board
Colvig and his family.
of trustees will hold their regular
Geo. E. Neuber and M. M. Taylqr monthly meetings next Monduy and
want to Ashland Monday evening, in Tuesday evenings.
search of base-ball talent.
Henry Wilson of Jackson
vlllo has a
Rev. D. Faber returned from Port­ fine young milch cow, with a two-
land Monday, and will remain in charge months ealf, which he will sell for A40—
t30for thecow and 810 for tho calf.
of tills parish a while longer.
It is reported that W. T. 8. Pat­
W. F. Horn, the clever agent for the
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co., ton, who owns a farm near Grant's
Pass, fell into Rogue river one day this
has been In Jacksonville recently.
week and was drowned. Ho formerly
C. H. Paine, the expert blacksmith,
resided in Jackson county.
was considerably injured Tuesday, by a
When you wish photographs taken
horse he was shoeing falling on him.
anil finished in up-to-date style, at
Mrs. D. J. 8. Pearce nnd Mr. and reasonable rates, call on G. W. Mackey
Mrs. Floyd Pearce of Poorman's at the Medford Gallery, Adkins build­
creek were in our town a few days ing, corner 7th and (' strisits.
The casoH of P. Britt, et al., vs. C. I>.
Mr«. Louisa Pengrn of Ashland and Ifisid, and Nancy Carter vs. M. 8.
her daughter, Miss Clara, were guests Wakeman, decided in tho circuit court
of Judge and Mrs. ('has. Prim the fore­ recently, huve been appealed to the
supreme court.
part of the week.
Dr. R. G. Gale comes to-morrow to
Messrs. Rico and McNeal of Ashland,
Jacksonville, when1 he will engage in
who are excellent players, participated
tho practice of his profession. lie is a
in tho game played on Neuber A Tay­
graduate of a loading medical college of
lor,« grounds Sunday.
Chicago, and comes highly recom*
DeWitt Beekman, who with his wife mended.
lias lioeii the guest of his brother, C.
Win. Ktrppe, the expert watchmaker
C. Hook man, and bis family, has re­ and jeweler, may be found in the
turned to New York State.
Liingell building, opposite tho Poet­
prepared to execute ull kinds of
A. Schmitt, who has been attend­ office,
work in his line at reasonable rates.
ing the grand lodge of tho A. <). U.
Jack Baker looks unusually recher­
W. and tlie great council at the Imp’d
che sitting on hi« new laundry wagon,
O. R. M., returned last week.
which :« the handsomest thing of the
J. D. Cook and his family,after a resi­ kind south of Portland. J. E. Toft
dence of several years In our town, have
did the lettering, which is a fine piece
gone to Medford, to reside. They carry, of work.
the best wishes of many friends.
Edward Loucks, who was shot by J.
Dr. DeBar was in Eugene Thursday,
A. McDonald, a aaloon-kee|>er, near
to engage quarters for his daughter,
Pali creek, Calif., last week, died at
Miss Florence, who will attend the U.
Yreka a few days afterward. The mur­
of O. during tho next college year.
derer stands a first-class chance of go­
Frank Ennis, who recently arrived ing to the gallows.
in Jacksonville from Calistoga, Calif.,
F. H. Page, Jr., of Portland passed
•n a visit to friends, left Monday for
through the valley a few days since, en
Bailee creek, for a week's fishing trip.
route home from Klamath county,
W. E. Goodfellow and Julius E. where he has been on a fishing exjiedl-
Miner of Minneapolis, Minn., who are tion with F. 8. Stratton, collector of
heavily interested In the timber lands the port of San Francisco.
of upper Rogue river, uro in the valley.
Blue-print, maps of any township in
Mrs. S. E. Ish loft for Colestin Fri­ Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, show­
day morning, accompanied by her ing all the vacant lanes, for 50 cents
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Gora. They each. If you want any information
from the U. 8. Land Office, address
will pass tho boated season at that re- Title Guarantee A Loan Co., Rose­
burg, Oregon.
Mr and Mrs. A. Martine, who are
Dr. Fowler, Messrs. Smith and
relatives of J. N. Williams, a member Truesdell, who have been making us a
of the Iowa Lumber Co., arrived in short visit, are on their return to Cleve­
Jacksonville recently, and will locate land, Ohio. They are members of the
among us.
Rogue River Lumber and MiningCo.,
Miss Carrie Boek man left Jackson­ which has extensive interests in this
ville for Portland Monday, where she couijty.
will join her brother, B. B. Bookman,
Barneburg Bros, have been at their
and together they will make a trip to big stock ranch in the Cove, which
Ye'lowstone Park.
they bought of Thompson A Butler
Mr. Colvin, representative of the sometime ago. Thpir four-horse team,
Alert base-ball club of Grant's Pass, driven By Wailie Bell, ran away whi'e
was in Jacksonville Monday, for the en route there, injuring the young man
purpose of making arrangements for considerably.
a series of games with our local club.
If you are troubled with impure*
W. <’. Michael, the elover represent­ blood, indicated by sores, pimple«,
headache, etc., we would recommeml
ative of Porter Bros. Co., Chicago, one Acker’s Blood Elixir, which we sell
of the biggest houses of its kind in the under a jiositive guarants'e. It will al­
world, is in tho valley, looking after ways cure scrofulous or syphilitic
the fruit situation. He brought many poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts.
and 81.00.
carloads of apples here last season, and
The Ashland Tidings reports tho
is again in the market.
sale of the Rogue River R. V. R. to the
J. E. Price, a leading mine operator Iowa Lumber Co. There is no founda­
of Denver, Colo., was in Jacksonville tion to this rumor as yet.
There is
Saturday,on his way homo from Apple­ «emo talk of Extending the line to the
gate, whore ho lias been looking Into big tract of timber land recently
tho mining pros[Hicts of that section.
bought of Mossi-s. Beekman A Linn by
Mr. Price has spent a month looking
that corporation, however.
over Southe-n Oregon and thinks It
J. H. Drake.‘a leading farmer of
a good mining country.
crook, was in Medford Monday.
Goo. E. Houck of Eugene and a
brother of J. J. Houck, owner of Mr. Drake is one of the principal pro­
the Gold Hill grist mill, quartz mill, moters of the rural free delivery for
electric light plant and pumping sta­ the Griffin creek settlements; but he
tion,was in Jacksonville Saturday, hav­ states he has heard nothing as yet
ing returned frirm a two-weeks trip to from the department at Washington,
the mountains, where he had been as to when it will lie established.
looking at some timber land.
Sick headache absolutely and per­
manently cured h.y using Moki Tqa, a
A Fine Farm Home.
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa­
tion and indigestion, makes you eat,
J. Hugger, foreman of Capt. Voor- sleep, work and be Jiappt. Sntisfpc-
tion guaranteed or money hack, 25
t cts.
hios' Eden Valley orchard, was busy and
50cts. Write to W. H. H ooker
Monday with his teams, transferring a A Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free
carload of household goods and farm sample.
supplies that had been sent from Port,
E. King, who recently returned from
land by ('apt. Voorhies for the new McCloud. Calif., having been on a
residence on his farm
A gasoline visit to his sons, who are employed In
engine and 1160 feet of 2-inch piiie were
In the shipment,and will he used in the the big mills of the McCloud Lumber
installation of a wafer system for the Co., slates that the company employs
house and outbuildings, the water 1300 men and operates 100 miles of rail­
coming from a big well dam In tho road in connection with their mills and
A Shetland pony and a
diminutive cart, for the amusement of lumber yards. The timber in that
Capt. Voorhies’children, were also a section of California, Mr. King thinks,
part of the shipment.
Another car­ loes not equal the Rogue river article.
load of household goods will, be up as
“Worth its weight in gold,” suy
soon as the house is completed.
It will be the largest and one of the sufferers from catarrh of Ely’s Cream
finest farm residences in Jackson coun­ Balm. A trial size costs 10 rents. Full
ty. Capt. Voorhies arrived from Port size 50 rents. Sold by druggist or
land Sunday, to supervise the finish; mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren
ing touches to hi* house» to have it in Street, New York.
Albert Lea, Minn.. March 21. 1001.
readiness for ills family, who will ar­
M essrs . E ly B ros .—I suffered
rive in about three wtsiks.
from a severe coM in the head, and
was about dead from want of sleep. I
used your Cream Balm and woke up
with a clear head and cold almost
amt < iu«h Hy-iip. T sms . <k>«l
gone. I would not take five dollars for
my bottle of Cream Balm if I could
not get another.
8. K. L ansdale .
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weeks, who have
been for the past three weeks on a
visit with Mr. Weeks’ parents at
j Phoenix and with relatives in this city,
'left Monday for their borne in Oakland,
Calif., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Hargrave, relatives from Winnepug,
Manitoba, who will pass a few weeks
in California, after which they will re­
turn to Medford and spend the fall,
before returning to their Canadian
“The way to good reputation
r________ is to
endeavor to be what you desire to ap
pear. ” That is precisely the manner Tn
in ’
which Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
lias gained its reputation as a cure for
coughs, cold«, croup and whooping
cough. Every bottle that has ever
been put out by the manufacturers has
been fully up to the high standard of
excellence claimed for it. People have
found that it can always be depended
upon for the relief and cure of these
ailments, and that it is pleasant and
safe to take. For sale by City Drug
The Iowa Lumber Co., which pur­
chased an extensive tract of timber
land situated west of Jacksonville, re­
cently, is busily engaged in prepara­
tions for the Installation of a saw-mill
having a capacity of 3,000 feet of lum­
ber an hour. J. N. Williams, a mem­
ber of the corporation, has charge of
the work, and is assi ited by R. G.
Harrison and others. The plant, which
is coming from tho East, was delayed
sometime while en route to the coast.
It is a first-class one, and will giveem-
ployment to a number of men. Later
a box factory, to use the output of tho
mill, will be erected.
Gertrude Biede, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Biede, of Gold Hill, has been
awarded a scholarship in Whitman
College, Washington, she having made
the highest average in the eighth­
grade examinations (or Jackson county.
This distinction comes from ¿n otf«r,
made last fall by Whitman College ’o
schools of Oregon, to git e a scholarship
in that school to the highest Eighth
grade pupil in each county in the State.
That Miss Biede has won this honor
for Jackson county is a high compli­
ment to the efficiency of the Gold Hill
school, and it «[leaks well for Prof. J.
Percy Wells, the principal, as a thor­
ough and conseisntious teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Elwood, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Howard, Mrs. I. Huina-
son, and Miss Jeffrey have returned
from a short sojourn at Celestin.
John Van Dyke, Prank Isaacs, Lin
Purdin, Rube Murray, J. E. Barkdull
and A. Vis left early Sunday morning
for a 10-days outing at Eish lake and
Mt. Pitt vicinity.
Clarence Raymond, formerly a resi­
dent of this idly, but now of Sisson,
where he is conducting a shooting
gallery and a restaurant, was in Med­
ford Monday, greeting old friends.
Messrs. Vis and Gould, who have
beer, making a trip to Crater Lake, via
tho Rogue River road, accompanied by
their families, returned Tuesday. They
were delighted with their experience.
Scott Bozorth of Salem, manager of
the Pacific Homestead, made us a
pleasant call Tuesday. He is inspect­
ing the fruit industry of Southern
Oregon, which he finds even nigger
and better than expected.
L. P. Hubbs, a clever young man,
who has heretofore made Carthage,
Ill., his place of residence, arrived in
Medford this morning. He will occupy
a prominent position in F. K. Deuel &
Co.s’ mercantile establishment.
Mrs. Emma Winches, mother of Mrs.
C. R. Welch of Medford, and hersisters,
Mrs. Ella Abell of Kansas City and
Mrs. Bello Carleton of Kalamozoo.all
whom were in our city recently,are now
visiting in other parts of the State.
Mrs I. L. Hamilton will leave next
Sunday for a two months' trip to Cali­
fornia, with the hopes that a change
of climate and water will prove bene-
ficial to her health, which has been
qnite precarious for some time past,
Mrs. W. S. Jones handsomely en-
tertained a few friends at her pleasant
residence Friday evening. The func­
tion was complimentary to Miss Lutie
Ulrich, a popular young lady who has
been making her home in Medford for
sometime past, and who started on her
return to the East on Tuesday. Sev­
eral hours were delightfully passed, an
elegant collation being one of the
features. Those present were Misses
Ulrich, Jones, Hockenyos, Ferguson
and Lindsey.
And the Swindler Again Breathes the Sunday Was the Most Amusing ot
Air of Liberty.
the Season.
Herbert G. McCarthy, who was ap­
If the lovers of tlie national game
pointed by the State to bring back I knew what fun there was In store for
Edgar A. Cooke frum California, re­ them at Jacksonville, last Sunday
turned this week empty handed. He they would have attended the game
went armed with the usual requisi­ played between the local club and the
tion papers, Issued by Gov. Geer, but Coles nine on Neuber A Taylor’s rec­
the chief executive of our lister State, reation ground* in greater numbers.
who has a reputation for perversity, If a flock of sensitlonal plays was not
would not honor them. The young In evidence, the exhilaration afforded
criminal is at liberty again; but It is by such performances was made even-
not likely that De will disport by the ba'l towers from California,
himself on Oregon’s soli again.
whose antics were of a decidedly
As narrated in these columns, Cooke, humorous complexion. The Jackson­
while on a visit to his fatlier-in-law, ville slub found things too easy for
J. C. Smith, of Medford, with his anything, and could have doubled
newly-made wife, feeling the need of the number of runs they made. Don­
ready money that was conspicuous bv egan’s pitching was probably tbeoniy
its absence In his pocket-book, went feature of the game.
to the Jackson County Bank and
The following is the result of the
drew a check against some cash he game, if such it can be called:
said he had deposited with the Car­
lock Banking Co., of Fort Jones, Calif.
Mr. Smith endorsed for him.
Nunan, as........
It developed that the young man Ulrich, lb........
had no funds there,nor anywhere else, P. Donegan, p.
Rice, 3 b..........
and when the check was returned McNeal, c........
protested a warrant was Issued, Orth,2 b............
charging him with obtaining money K. Donegan, 1 f
under false pretenses. He had re­ I^ewis, c f..........
Pernoil, r f....
turned to California in the meantime,
which made the intervention of the
authority of the Goverhor of Oregon
When Mr. McCarthy arrived at Newbegin, c...
. . .3
Daly, c f..........
Sacramento he found that Cooke was Jones,
represented by counsel, who stren­ Hutson r 3 f
• 0
. . 3
uously resisted the idea of their client Johnson,
spending a few years in the Oregon Morrison, p.
penitentiary. They contended that, Stockslager,
as the officers of the bank had offered Kelly, If........ ss
to compromise the matter, and Miles, 2 b..........
Smith’s endorsement of the check
was a private agreement whereby
Cooke was absolved from a criminal
standpoint. Goy. Gage took a simi­
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 »
lar view; hence Herbert returned
Jacksonville... . 3 4 15 2 2 1 1 *-13
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0—1
Don’t Fall to Try This.
Mr. Cline officiated as umpire,drhiie
Whenever an honest trial is given C. L. 'Reames was the official scorer.
to Electric Bitters for any trouble it
is recommended,for a permanent cure
will surely be effected. It never fails A PROSPECTOR KILLED
to tone the stomach, regulate the
kidneys and bowels, stimulate the By Bank Caving on Him—He was
liver, invigorate the nerves and
Dead Several Days When Found.
The Best Prescription for Malaria,
purify the blood. It’s a wonderful
Chills and Fever Is a bottle of G hovi ' s T ahts tonic for rundown systems. Electric
L ash C hill T onic . It is simply iron and qui­
Amos D. James, a miner, who re­
Dr. Hargrave of Phoenix was a Med­ nine In a tasteless form. No cure, No pay Bitters positively cures Kidney and
Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, sided on Applegate, was killed last
Price SOc.
ford visitor Monday.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness Rheuma­
tism, Neuralgia and expels Malaria. week by the caving in of a cut that he
Mrs. F. Luy has gone to Bybee's INDIAN WAR
Satisfaction guaranteed by City had made in facing up, preparatory to
Springs for an outing.
VETERANS’ REUNION Drug Store. Only 50 cents.
running a tunnel into a quartz ledge
Miss Daisy dwell of Central Point is
visiting with Miss Geraldine Theiss.
A Grand Success, and a Day Long
W. E. Phipps, the attorney, has re­
to be Remembered by the
turned from his sojourn at Colestin.
Old Veterans.
O. Biede, one of Gold Hill's promi­
nent business men, was here Monday.
The Indian war veterans of South­
Geo. A. Dyson of Eugene a well- ern Oregon, to the number of 60,
known operator in mines, is in Medford. gathered in Medford last Saturday
A. II. Wyland, a well-known stock- afternoon, and had the pleasure of
man of Antelspe, was in Medford Mon­ renewing old acquaintances, exchang­
ing reminiscences and enjoying a fine
that had been prepared
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Halley spent
Tuesday with relatives residing at for their benefit under the auspices
of Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47, G.
Miss Mau Merriman, our clever dep­ A. R., of that city. There were also
uty postmaster, is considerably Indis­ present about a dozen widows of
veteran-:, who had come to share the
. Mrs. R. T. Lawton, who was severely pleasures of the reunion and to as­
injured by a fall sometime ago, is slow­ certain what steps they should take
to secure their pensions. Post C >m-
ly convalescing.
J. W. Berriam, superintendent of the mander Stewart called the meeting
Elk creek hatchery, was one of our to order, after which, at his sugges­
tion, II. D. Jones was made secrt-
visitors Monday.
Ex-Sheriff Orme left Jacksonville tary.
Secretary Jones then read a
Monday for Cow creek canyon, on a
from Congressman Tongue,
prospecting tour.
Mrs. J. C. Lucus, Mrs. B. N. Butler expressing his regrets at no’< being
and Pansy Carney have gone to Cole- able to attend the reunion, and of his
interest :n their welfare and for the
«tin, to camp awhile.
Thos. F. West is sojourning on An­ the success of their reunion.
Enid Hamilton, with her sister,Miss
derson creek,the climate of which isdo-
Venita, as accompaoist, gave a song
ingmuch for his health.
’Squire Purdin and Postmaster and dance, which was so greatly ap­
Merriman returned Saturday from a preciated by the veterans that they
recalled them by a hearty encore, and
few days’ rest at Colestin.
had the girls give them another
H. M. Coss, the rustling manager of
musical treat.
the Cuss Piano House, made a business
Commander Stewart then intro­
trip to Ashland Monday.
duced Hon. W. M. Colvig of Jack­
Miss Susie Barnard of Grant’s Pass, sonville, who gave a historical ad­
who was the guest of Miss Adele dress that was deeply interesting
Picket, has returned home.
from first to last, beiug a synopsis of
E. S. Wolfer, the expert plumber, is the history of the Indian wars of
in Jacksonville, employed on District Southern Oregon, together with many
Attorney Rea me* ’ residence.
incidents and anecdotes i which 11-
Ex-County Commissioner W. H. lustrated both the pathetic ■ and the
Bradshaw of Brownsboro was trans­ ludicous phases of Indian warfare,
acting business in Medford Monday.
Mr. Colvig’s address was really a
Jas. Carr, who has a fine farm in masterly effort, and was a treat to
Roxy precinct, was making pur­ all who are interested in the early
chases of Medford merchants Monday. history of Southern Oregon.
Mrs. E. E. Gore, who came next on
A. H. Ix>wis and Nat Hurd came up
from Grant's Pass a few days ago, go­ the programme, gave a vocal solo
ing to the upper Rogue river section that brought the lady a hearty round
of applause, so well did her singing
before returning.
please the audience.
Rev. Mr. Idleman returns <o Med­
T. A. Wood of Portland was pres­
ford next week, and will probably as­ ent and gays an address, in which he
sume charge of the Presbyterian fully explained tl.e Indian war pen­
sion law and what proor would be
church permanently.
required of the applicants to receive
L. II. Warner, tho energetic agent of their pensions.
th« Albany Nursery. has gone to Cali­
The reunion was a sucres*, not­
fornia, on business connected with that withstanding the apathy of the citi­
zens of Medford toward it, and will
wel 1-k nown establishtnent.
be remembered as a bright day in the
H. U. Lumsden and his son, Treve lives of ttie old veterans.
Berlin of Auburn, Wash., and J. L.
Sheffield of Ashland are making a trip
to Crater Lake and Pelican Hay.
K thccauMPnf more discomfort than any other
Hons. C. N. Sterry and J. A. Graves, ailment. I you eat the things that you want,
and that art* good for you, you are diMtremed.
who are prominent lawyers of Los Acker s Dyapepaia Tablet» will make your di-
pei-fed and prevent dyapepaia. and its
Angeles, Calif., the former being coun­ gestion
attendant disagre<‘ul»le aymptoma. You ran
sel for a big railroad company, got off safely rat anything, at any time, if you take
one of theae Tabieta afterward. Sold by alt
at Medford a few days since. They are druggiata under a positive guarantee. *3S eta.
refunded i you are not sat iailed. Send
making a trip to Crater Lake, each Money
us for a free sample. W. H. H oü KBK & Co.,
RufTalo. N. Y
accompanied by a son.
which he was developing. Mr. James
w as last seen on Tuesday of last week,
and on Sunday his neighbor, Mr.
Strang, went to his cabin to see how
he was getting along. Not seeing him,
Mr. Strang went to where Mr. James
had been at work' on a cut; but saw
nothing of him.
Upon finding that
the cut had caved in he surmised that
Mr. James had been buried by the
falling earth. He hurriedly summon
ed help, anil it took four men’s work
for three hours to remove the earth,
so great was the quantity, before they
found the bAdy of Mr. James. Dr. E.
B. Pickel, county coroner, was noti­
fied, and on Monday summoned a jury,
of which Henry Kubli was foreman.
After taking as much evidence as was
to be had they returned a verdict of
accidental death.
Mr. James was
about 60 years old. and had been min­
ing on Applegate for the past four
years. His wife and children reside
at Des Moines, Iowa, and on Tuesday
Undertaker J. H. Butler of Medford
shipped the remains to that city,where
they will be given interment in the
family burial ground.
The grain was “raised” by old Me-
thusaleb, and ‘'mashed” by the Rock
of Ages: distilled near the Pyramid of
Egypt by the Sphynx; water drawn
from the Rock Moses smote; dripped
through a worm 10.000 miles long;
heated up by Mount Vesuvius; shaken
up by innumerable earthquakes; au ri­
fled by being drawn through the Great
Desert of Sahara, and stored in the
Mammoth Cave of Kentucky; rescued
by old Noah and shipped in the Ark;
landed on Mount Ararat; rendered re­
spectable by age; crowned with the
Glories of Antiquity; sampled by Roy­
alty; guaranteed by the Pope: inspect­
ed by 500 revenue officials; glorified by
Stamps; covered with the cobwebs of
creation: then shipped to A. P. Esta­
brook, where it was christened “Our
Mash.” It lias no relatives living, but
relies upon its own merit for passage
through life.
The above pedigree was found lately MORE GOOD BALL
in Egypt upon removing Cleopatra's
Needle and promptly forwarded to
A. P. Estabrook. Gold Hill. Oregon, During the Month of August There
the leading druggist.
Will Be Another Series for
a $600 Purse.
Need More Help.
Often the oyer-taxed organs of dis
gestion cry out for help bydyspepsia’r
nains, nausea, dizziness, headaches,
liver complaints, bowel disorders.
Mich troubles call for prompt use of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
are gentle, thorough and guaranteed
to cure. 25e at City Drug Store.
Arrangements have been perfected
whereby tue lovers of baseball will be
entertained bv a series of games Tor a
purse of #.*>0o between «-u vi tue ut»t
clubs in Southern Oregon. They will
take place during August.and promise
to be the most interesting ever played
in this section. The contestants will
be Neuber & Taylor's nine and the
Alerts of Grant’s Pass, reinforced by
first-class imported talent. Somers
and McNeal, who did such good work
for the Ashland club, will pr ibably
form Jacksonville's battery.
first game will be played at Grant's
Pass on Sunday, and the next is
scheduled for the following Sunday at
Jacksonv ille.
John H. Hammer and Grant Bur­
rows have in hand for this season J. C.
Wells’ fruit dryer
in Medford.
Messrs. Hammer A Burrows are now
at work putting their dryer in order for
the season's work. One of the improve­
ments that they expect to put in is a
coal-burning furnace, the object being WORKING PARTNER WANTED
to secure a more even degree of heat
The sum of #250 will buy a half in­
for the dryer, thus producing a better, terest in a good house and 80 acres of
____ Another
____ ____
_____ fine fruit land. Ideal situation. Ad-
of dried fruit.
i. innovation,
_____ ___ , that
/___ will be
____ appreciated
rf__________ by ' vertiser is a practical orchard ist. U ill
consumers of prunes, is the doing away j ”Penfi 8100 individually for mutual
.»itu the 1.-.-
__ i for
r_ • i improvements.
¡¡ For
’nr nnrt.iru
1 ars Ad«
lye bath, that is ..
J. B. B urton ,
cracking the skins of the prunes. dress,
Kubli, Ore
While all fruit that is treated to the
lye bath is thoroughly washed in water
before drying, yet there cannot but be
small particles of lye adhering to the
fruit. As lye is a poison, even this
A restaurant and short-order busi­
small quantity is a menace to the ness. in a live mining town, having a
health of all who use fruit prepared by good patronage, can be bought at a
that process. As prunes cannot be reasonable figure. For particulars
well dried without the skin is first apply to this office.
broken, to permit the moisture to es­
cape, Mr. Hammer has devised a prick­
ing machine that is a decided improve­
ment over other machines of alike kind,
A span of horses, 5 years old, weight
and which so perforates the prunes
1100 each, well broken and gentle; also
that they dry readily and evenly.
new wagon and harness. Will sell
separately, if desired. For particu-
lars apply to J. J. Pankey, at Tolo.
You Know What You Are Taking
When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that It In simply Iron and Mui I
nine In . t»iele.. form No Cure. No Psv MM. I