PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOTES. The last official act of Sheriff Orme MEDNOBD SQUIBS C. R. Welch of the Medford Furni­ MEDFORD VS. JACKSON was to go to Salem after a man charged ture Co. and B. C. Ward of Ashland VILLE. J. B. Dungan la now a resident of with obtaining money under false pre- Mrs. F. Luy visited in Jacksonville are In the vicinity of Woodville and tenses. The arrest was the result of a Gold Hill, engaged In prospecting. Calistoga, Calif. Monday. Th» Former Win« the 8100 Purse misunderstanding and was soon squar. Julius Wetzel and his wife, who are Mrs. Marion Tryer has been visiting F. M. Smith is located on Apple­ Hung Up and the Cham­ ed. located at McMinnville, have been friends living at Ashland. gate, near Pursel. pionship of Jackson the guests ot the latter’s parents, Mr. Blue-print maps of any township in County. District Attorney Kearnes tarried a 8. Mathis of Woodville sjtent a day Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, show and Mrs. J. A Lyon. in Medford recently. Ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cents while in Medford Monday. By far the largest crowd that has W. T. Kame, a former resident of assembled In Jackson county this Mrs J. W. Merritt of Central Point D. St. < 'lair of Eureka, Calif., Is look­ each. If you want any information our city, has been granted a pension ot from the U. S. Laud Office, address season, to see base bail, witnessed the made our city a visit Tuesday. ing about this section. Title Guarantee A Loan Co., Rose­ •8 a month. He is now engaged in farm- game played at the county-seat on Misses Bessie and Marie Nickell made .ng near Central Point. Summer tights were unusually abund­ burg, Oregon. the 4th of July, when the Jackson­ ant during the-past week. The celebrated Snap Shot, the best Medford a short visit Tuesday. Mrs. C. H. Moore of Salem, wife of ville and Medford clubs fought for medicine in the world for allaying In* Miss Geraldine Theiss has returned our State Treasurer, is now making John II. Simon of Gold Hill, the flammatim in man or beast, cun be the championship and the pur*e of miner, was with us Monday. found at Dr. Robinson’s diug from a short stay in Jacksonville. Medford a visit, the guest of her par­ •100 hung up by the committee hav­ Mrs. F. W. Hollis has returned from ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell. Thu new county officials assumed store, also at Dr. HiDkle’s, Central ing the celebration In charge. Both Point. Try it. a visit at Salem, her former home. their respective duties Monday, nines played good ball, and the con­ Will Pickens, Mr. Amick and Mort Pankey Carney charmingly enter­ Doctors J. M. and C. W. Keene were Luwton, who are now located in Siskf- test proved quite interesting, Jack­ G. W. Jones Is running a stage regu* tained a number of her little friends at at the county-seat a while Monday. larly between Ashland and Pelloan you county, Calif., spent a few days in sonville was In rather hard luck, the residence of her parents, Mr. and Bay. twice having the bases full and fail­ L. L. Jacobs and Robt. Dow spent Medford during the past week. Mrs. Chas. Carney, on the occasion of several hours at Jacksonville Monday. F. M. Thompson of Chimax did Dan Reynolds, an old and respected ing to score a single ruD. her 11th birthday. The following is the official result business with our merchants Thurs­ Mayor Crowell, who went to Ohio citizen of this county, received a stroke Wm. D. O'Brien, who recently re­ ot the game: day. sometime ago, on a visit, has returned.- Geo. Blrdaey has returned to 1*001« * creek. • E. L. Jones of 8;>okane was a recent visitor. John E. Ross of Gold Hill tarried here Friday. John X. Miller of Trail creek was here Monday. A 8 Borine of Elk ereek made us a pleasant visit Saturday. Rev. W. Bitter, who was quite sick for sometime, Is convalescent. Judge Hanna and his sons are mo - journlng In Meadows precinct. S. S. Jolly of Wutklns precinct made us a visit Saturday and Sunday. N. H. Russell of Greenview has been visiting his old haunts in this section. Miss Lucinda Reumes of Berkeley, Calif., Is paying Jacksonville a visit. Wm. Dorn of Watkins precinct, the Mr. Boyd, who is of)eratlng In the pioneer miner, was in Jacksonville Mon­ mines tn Applegate district, was with day. us Friday. E. D Feud ray of Phoenix, the well- Rev. N. S. Hollcroft will hold services known pioneer, was at the county-seat In Sum's vajley Sunday, both morning Friday. and evening. John Broad and Reid Bros., the suc­ The 4th of July has come and gone, cessful miners, were In Jacksonville and everybody has resumed the even Sunday. tenor of bls way. Miss Emma Kasshafer has gone to A. Sherburn, formerly of Woodville Portland, to visit L. F. Christian and precinct, has become a resident of his family. Arago, Coos county. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mushettof Apple­ J. A. Cook has returned to Gold Hili, gate are located at Vallejo, Calif., for and engaged in blacksmithing. He is the present. an excellent mechanic. J. A. McCall of Ashland, the well- The Southern Oregon Chautauqua known civil engineer, wits with us a Association's annua) assembly has be­ few days ago. gun. It is well attended. W. 11. Miller, foreman of Cook A For Sale—A three-horse engine and Howland's mines, has returned from boiler, in good condition. Apply to C has . N ickell . A bargain. J ump-off-Joe. The Sykes orchard, situated south Miss Jessie Farnsworth of Medford was the guest of Mrs. J. Russell the of Medford, has been purchased by E. King, who lately arrived in Medford. forepart of the week. Geo. W. Faucett of Siskiyou county, B. B. Beekman left for Portland Sun­ Calif., anil his wife spent several duys day evening, after a visit of several in Watkins precinct,their former home days In Jacksonville. W. I. Brown and his sons, of Del Rio, C. T. Davidson of Missouri Flat and his family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Texas, are in the valley, looking for a location. They want a good stock W. H. .Miller 4th of July. J. C. Whlpp of Ashland, represent­ ranch. Wm. Leach and L. G. Pierce, the ing the Southern Oregon Marble Co., miners, were in town n few days since. was at the county-seat Tuesday. Frank Obonchaln, a pros|>erinis They are now operating in Steamboat stock-raiser of Klamath county, and his district. F. Zana of Sam's valley and his wife family are visiting in Jacksonville. were among our visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Peltop of Sam’s va'ley were among the many at the They have our congratulations and best wishes. county-seat during the past week. The Criterion has been nicely painted J. M. Whipple and M. S. Wakeman, and lettered by Mr. Daily, an artist residents ot the northwestern portion of from abroad, who evidently under­ the county, were with us Monday. stands his business. J. J. O'Neill and W.J. Ellison of Ash­ The newcointy commissioners’court land, aecompanied by their families, held a s|stcial session Monday. It is were recent visitors in Jacksonville. now composed of Judge Prim, Thos. Miss Sutton, who was severely injur­ Riley and J. Patterson, ed 4th of July, is convalescing rapidly, Max Muller has been compelled to and will soon Iteable to leave her room. retire from business, on account of poor G. R. Johnson of Carlton, Yamhill health, and has sold his stock of goods, county, is paying his many friends T. J. Kenney being the purchaser. living in Jacksonville and vicinity a Medford furnished a large portion of visit. the crowd in attendance at the celebra­ Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Beeman of Gohl tion in Jacksonville July 4th. And Hill were her«' Friday and Saturday. everybody was glad that they went. Miss Oral Jones accompanied them Miss Anna Jeffrey has sold her prop­ home. erty in Talent to Miss Mary Dunham Mrs. John Buckley and her daughter, and become a resident of Medford. She Mrs. Rhoten, passed through Jackson­ will tcai'Ii in that city's school« next ville Monday, on their way to Siskiyou year. county, Calif. Grant's Pass and Ashland both had Jacksonville was visited by Mr. and celebrations July 4th, but neither Mis. J. E. Harmon, Miss Scheid, Henry amounted to much. There was a good- Schock, Mr. Moore and other residents sized crowd present at each point, how­ of Yreka, Calif. ever. E. L. Olwell started for Davenport, Deeds, mortgages, leases, bends, Wash., yesterday morning, after a bills of sale and every imaginable pleasant visit with relativesand friends kind of legal blanks—the latest and best—arc constantly on hand at the living in this section. T imes office. L. C. Sisemore and family started on J. K. P. Rowe, a veteran of the civil their r«'turn to Fort Klamath Sunday. | I war and postmaster of Sam's valley, They were accompanied by Miss .Io died Situ rd ay, after a protracted ill­ Orth, who will visit them. ness. He was highly esteemed by all Hon. W. M. Colvig returned from who know him. Salem Saturday. He delivered the If you want the latest In furniture, oration at the capital city July 4th, in call at Norris’ shop in Jacksonville and see one of his folding Daven- the midst of a heavy rain-storm. |>orts. They are superior to anything Miss Laura Gilson Is paying her par­ in that line. Everybody should have ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gilson of one. Medford, a visit. She has been resid­ Marshal Murphy, while arresting a ing in California for several years. transgressor of the )sen propocting in southern his stts-k of harness, saddles, etc., and Josephine county, returned Monday. will employ an expert mechanic. He They were accompanied by W. A. can Iki found at Mr. K.'sold stand. Strong of Waldo. A large quantity of newspapers, P. O'Donoghue, Sr., was among his : suitable for wrapping, pasting it many friends Monday. He has taken walls, putting under carpets, etc., chd be obtained cheap. In quantities U charge of the hotel at Henley, Calif., suit, at T he T imbs Printing House. which will lie conducted in up-to-date The will of Kate Watson, deceased, manner hereafter. was admitted to probate in the County H. <'allaghan and Frank Ashley, ex­ Court of Multnomah Saturday. It pro­ pert miners, who are operating in Tin vides that John Bjek, Joseph Reek Cup district, class to the Oregon line, and Helena J. Price shall each receive spent several days In J ack son ville du r- the sum of 41000; to Eunice Dobbins, Ing the past wwk. Nettie Guyett and Adelaide Norris L. C. Kain and his family, who have 4100each is bequeathed;to Robert Cat- been residents of Jacksonville for I lin a promissory note for 45001a devised, several years, left yesterday for Van­ I and the rest anti residue of the estate is bequeathed in equal parts to John and couver. Wash., which will be their Joseph Reek and Helena J. Price future homo. They carry the best James R. Ewing is named as ex«s-utor wishes of numerous friends with them. I without bonds. of paralysis one day last week. He is turned from Sumatra, passed through Mort Foster arrived from Spokane recovering steadily, we are pleased to the valley Tuesday, on his way to San learn. Francisco from a visit at Pendleton and yesterday, and will remain a few days. P. D. Gilbert, the popular representa­ Eugene. He will go to Alaska soon. Mrs. E. J. DeHart lias been consider­ tive of Lang & Co., was with us again The Jacksonville photograph gal- ably indisposed lately, we are sorry to Monday. He Bold one of our mer­ lory is in charge of G. W. Mackey and learn. chants a thousand dollars worth of A. L. Bailey, both of whom are excel­ Dr. Emmerson, the optician, made groceries Monday. lent workmen. Mr. M. will have charge of the operating department Jacksonville a professional visit last Jas. Gorman of Spokane, one of the during the whole of July 4th. The week. cleverest ojierators in government best work done at reasonable prices. Halley Bros, were visited Sunday by lands, spent a couple of days in Med­ An inch ot rain has' already fallen Mr. Moore of Yreka, Calif., Whois a ford last week. He went to Roseburg this month, which breaks the record. relative. Sunday morning with a party ot loca­ The moisture damaged some hay, but W. I. Vawter, the attornoy, was at tors, returning today. was of great benefit to fruit and grow­ The ladles and gentlemen who rep­ ing crops of nearly every description. the eounty-seat Tuesday, on legal business. resented Medford at the installation of Prof. Gillette has given up his inten­ Geo. F. King and Mr. Curr.v left for officers of Ashland's lodges of Odd tions to teach a summer school in Med­ the Big Butte and Rogue river sections Fellows and Rebekahs were Mr. and ford, and left for upper Rogue river Mrs. E. W. Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. H; this week. His time among us is too this week. E. J. Winkler, the expert boot and C. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. I. Woolf, limited to allow him to take hold of shoe maker, was in Jacksonville this Mrs. J. E. Shearer, Misses Jessie Cole, that enterprise. Minnie Cox, Virginia Woodford and Palm A Bodge will commence the morning. Nannie Matney, Geo. F. King, L. Misses Lol Nichols and Mattle Tay­ construction of their proposed brick Knips, H. II. Harvey. visiting lor of Eagle Point have been block during the present month. We M essrs . E ly B ros .—I have been a are informed that Court Hall has rent­ in Medford. great sufferer from catarrh and hay ed the lower corner room and will tit Miss Ora Adkins, who went to San fever, and tried many things; but -got up handsomely for a saloon. Francisco a few weeks ago, on a visit, no permanent relief until I found ip in Ely’s Cream Balm about eight years If you are troubled with impure has returned. ago, .* and wo have been fast friends blood, indicated by sores, pimples, H. G. McCarthy of Jacksonville was ever since. (Rev.) R. M. B entley . headache, etc., we would recommend Acker’s Blood Elixir, which we sell with us Tuesday. He will soon return Prove its value by investing 10 cents in trial size of Ely's Cream Bairn. under a positive guarantee. It will al­ to Ashland. Druggists supply it and we mail it. ways cure scrofulous or syphilitic J. D. Cook of Jacksonville, the well- Ful! size 50 cents. poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts. known operator in mines, was in Med­ E ly B ros ., 50 Warren Street, N. Y. and 41.00. ford Tuesday. Judge Prim has denied the petition Miss Bertha Danielson is visiting ON THE DIAMOND. for the removal of Max Muller as executor of the estate of John Toepper, with her brother Alva, who resides at A Synopsis of What Has Been Done deceased,deciding that he had not been Oakland, Calif. in Base Balldom. Mrs. Ernest Elliott of Portland, who derelict to his trust. This is a matter of much satisfaction to Mr. Muller and has lieen visitingin Medford, returned Neuber A Taylor are endeavoring to home last week. pull off a game tietween the clubs rep- his many friends. renseting Ashland and Grant’s Pass. Prof. W. T. Van Scoy left this morn ­ The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks was celebrated Tuesday ing for Ashland, where he will take up If they should succeed in getting them together the contest will be for a con­ evening in grand style at the residence his future residence. of Dr. Hargrave of Phoenix, their Ranse Rouse was indisposed this siderable sum of money. Both teams son-in-law. The worthy couple were week, and J. R. Hardin has been are full of imported talent, some of which is good. the recipients of many congratulations tilling his place at Helms’. At Grants Pass three games were and best wishes, in which we join J. H. Norris,the hardware merchant, played during the past week, to-wit; heartily. enjoyed a pleasant visit with hih friends July 4, Grants Pass vs. Central Point; Sick headache absolutely and per­ living in Portland recently. score 39 to 0 In favor of the former. manently cured by using Moki Tea, a Mcsdames J. F. Brown and Dr. July 5, Grants Pass vs. Berkeley: won pleasant herb drinK. Cures constipa­ tion and indigestion, makes you eat, Officer of Eagle Point were among by the Californians by 19 to2. July fl, sl«4ep, work and be happy. Satisfac­ Medford's recent visitors. Grants Pass vs. Eugene, 20to 8 in favor tion guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. J. F. Bashor, a popular member of of the home team. and 50cts. Write to W. H. HooKKR A Co., Buffalo. N. Y., for a free the 8. P. Co.'s corps at Grant’s Pass, The Ashland nine won the game sample. spent Tuesday in Medford. played on the home grounds Monday Frank Manning, Leeds' postmaster, J. F. Kelly went to Portland this Eugene, hands down. Score 12 to 1. who was reported as having been week, to attend a meeting of the see- caught red handed with a lot of deer­ The game scheduled, which was tion employes of the 8. P. Co. skins, has not been proceeded against to take place on Neuber & Taylor’s Dr. Jas. Braden of Gold Hill, the as yet. Some are beginning to think grounds in Jacksonville, between the successful operator in mines, was that the deputy game warden, who local and Eugene nines, did not mate­ umong us several times lately. claims to have made the discovery, is rialize. The latter did not come to T. M. Pletcher of Indianapolis, Ind., time as they agreed to. simply advertising himself. The celebration of the 4th of July at who has been visiting Dr. Pletcher, bis Eugene was represented bran' ‘easy ” Jacksonville was probably the hand­ brother, left for home a few days ago. nine, who fell down every time they L. C. Smith and T. Moon were down somest in the State. An immense played. crowd was in attendance, the parade from Gold Hill Monday. The latter The Berkeley club was the warmest was magnificent, the exercises of a nigh has just returned from Sherman coun­ order, and the amusements quite in­ ty. combination that ever connected with teresting. Much credit is due Geo. Miss Prudence Angle left for the the ball in Southern Oregon. It dis­ E. Neuber, who did most of the work. handed at Granta Pass, some ot tile The only accident which marred the north Sunday, and will pass her vaca­ players joining northern clubs. tion principally at Portland and Baker 4th of July celebration befell Mias The game at Ashland July 4th be- Myrtle Sutton. She was riding in a City. Rev. A. Haberly has returned from tween the home nine and one from float during the parade, and while in front of the U. S. Hotel she either fell his eastern trip, accompanied by his Siskiyou county was wou by the or was thrown to the ground, striking family. His heal th is rapidly improv­ former—fl to 10. It was ao interest­ ing game. on her head and side and sustaining ing. several painful injuries. It was a Warner A. Root, representing the narrow esca|>e from more serious re- A VALUABLE MINE | Mining and Engineering Review of suits. “The way to good reputation is to 1 San Francisco, spent Monday in Med­ Jumped by New York Parties—An endeavor to be what you desire to ap­ ford. Interesting Suit Promised. pear.” That is precisely th«' manner in i Stillman George has been visiting J. H. Ray a few days ago returned I which Chamberlain’s i'ough Remedy He is from Diamond creek, Curry county, has gained its reputation as a cure for his siBter. Miss Carrie George. coughs, colds, croup and whooping in the employ of theS. P. Co. at Wood­ where he has been looking after the cough. Every bottle that has ever burn. interests of the London syndicate he beeu put out by the manufacturers has H. S. Reed, the well-known operator represents. They have a promising been fully upto the high standard of excellence claimed for it. People have in mines, is being visited by his wife quicksilver mine, and tive men are found that it can alwavs he depended and daughter,who live at Los Angeles, employed in developing it. Mr. Ray, upon for the relief and cure of these who is an authority on cinnabar, hav­ ailments, and that it is pleasant nnd Calif. safe to take. For sale by City Drug J. H. Mitchell was called to Etna, ing had twenty-live years; experience Store. Calif., yesterday by a telegram an­ with that mineral, pronounces the nouncing the dangerous illness of Mrs. ore that Is being mined of a superior FINE SHOE WORK. quality. Complications have arisen, Quigley. however, a New York company, rep­ E. S. Winkler of Medford, who is an F. K. Deuel, the well-known mer­ resented by Col. Crawford, who sub- expert shoemaker, wishes to inform the citizens of Jacksonville and vicinity chant, has gone East, to lay in a large bmded the property, seeking to be­ that he is prepared to do all kinds of stock of goods for this and the Ashland come possessed of it by relocation. work in his line at reasonable rates. markets. Mr. Ray feels confident that He makes a *i>ecialty of repairing tine Jos. Book has returned from Port­ the syndicate whom he repre­ shoes, and guarantees satisfaction. His shop adjoins Eades' store, west of the land, where he attended the funeral of sents will; have no trouble in R. R. V. R. A Co's, track. his aunt, Mrs. Watson, who died at maintaining their rights and ejecting Spokane. Crawford and his associates, A biz LAND FOR SALE. • Miss Emma Reed, who is teaching law-suit seems to be certain, as both A good stock ranch, on Antelope, 14 school in Flounce Rock district, visited sides are on their mettle. miles from Medford and 12 miles from in Medford and Jacksonville Friday Central Point, containlug 15«0 acres and Saturday. Need More Help. of grating and farming land; price ill) J. McKinney, a prominent banker an acre. Seventeen hundred acres ly­ Often the over-taxed organs of di­ i ing under the Jackson county Im­ and politician of Aledo, Ill, stopped gestion cry out for help by dyspepsia’s provement Company's ditch: at ifl per in Medford Friday, to visit J. E. En- i pains, nausea, dizzines-, headaches, acre. Eighty acres' of orchard land, yart. He was accompanied by his I liver complaints, bowel disorders. adjoining Jacksonville: at »10 an acre. wife. They are much pleased with I such troubles call for prompt use of For further particulars apply to New uire Life rills. Pills. They ... . ,, . i ■ Dr. i»r King's wings new 1 ney this section, an .0 .1 .1 .0 .3 .0 1 o 3 3 4 2 2 4 1 2 3 Totals.................................. ¡» 24 Rothermai, 1 f Myers, 2 b..., McCauley, c... Brous, ss....... Anderson, p.. Dow, 3 b......... Barkduil, lb.. Isaacs, c f ... Morrison, r f.. JACKSONVILLE. R »> ’.'.’..1 ....0 •> ..^0 ... .0 ....0 ...0 ... 1 O 3 3 3 2 4 4 2 3 •T Totals.................................. fl 2Ï Nunan, s s........... Ulrich, r t........... Donegan,P, p ... Helms, 2 b......... Robinett, 1 b.... Brown, c f........... Robley, p and 3 b Donegan,R,1 f... Pernoll, c........... SCORE BY INNINGS. 1 2 3 4 5 fl I 8 0 Medford............... 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 »—Or Jacksonville.......... 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 0-C County Treasurer’s 32d Notice,. Max Muller, county treasurer, gives notice that there are funds in the county treasury for the redemption of outstanding warrants protested from Sept. 2, 1899, to October 25. 1899. both dates inclusive. Interest on the same will cease after June 4, 1902. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Will. McDaniel has opened a neat cigar, confectionery and iritt store in Ryan’sbuUding,Jacksonville. and keeps a complete assortment of the best of everything in hie line. Standard brands a specialty. Give him a call, fo I e will treat you well. ESIGINE FOR SALE. A three-horse engine with boiler, ir, good condition, can be obtained at a. bargain by applying at Gault & Cook’» machine shop, Medford. “Tell Me Pretty Maiden’* Are there any more railroads l!se the Denve: & Rio Grand,- and Rio Grande Western. Per­ haps. Possibly — but hardly any io compart with the maKoidcent scenic attractions an the unequaled triple dally train service or the Rio Grande Route. It Is the only route pass- tog directly through quaint ano picturesque Salt Lake City Through Sleeping and Dining Car Service to Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago Personally conducted excursions every week. For literature, time tables, rales or information apply to J. D. Manslield. General Agent, 124 Third St.. Port! land: Geo. W. Heintz, Assistant Genera* Passenger Agent. Salt Lake City. MARRIED. Z ana —S mith —In Jacksonville, July 7, 1902, Firmin Zana and Mrs. Ar- retta Smith. E vans —N usbaum —At Central Point, June 30. 1902. by A. S. Jacobs, J. P., Thos. Evans and Miss Augusta Nus­ baum. C arlock — T yrrell — At Ashland. July fl, 1902, by Rev. G. W. Nelson,. G. R. Carlock and Miss Erla Tyrrell. S echrist — M oulty — At San Fran­ cisco, June30, 1902, by Jxev. E. If. Avery, D. D., Dr. Chas. .1. Sechrist, formerly of Phoenix, and Adele C.. Moulty. BORN. 4 B rophy —On Wagner Creek. Julv 4, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas bro- phy, a son. W ill —At Ashland, July 5. 1902, to Mr. and Mrs Carl H. Will, a daugh­ ter. A dams —At Ashland, June 30, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Adams, a daughter. N ef . lf . y — At Merlin, June 2fl, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neeley,a daughter. R ufley —In Woodville Precinct, June 30, 1902. to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rufley, a son. DIED R owe —At Moonville, July 5, 1902, J. K. P. Rowe; aged 70 years. C onner —At Salem, July 3, 1902, of consumption, Alice Gertrude, daugh­ ter of John Conner, proprietor of Hotel Willamette; aged 22 years, 3 months and 5 days. GODFREY—In Portland. July 1, 1902, T. E. Godfrey; aged 53 years, 4 months and 23 days. INDIGESTION is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that you want, and that are good for you. you are dUtreked. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet« will make your