É t)emoGratie Crimes. ................ . THE'NEW OFFICIALS BRIEF MENTION J. D. Cook and Ed Dunnington Have Assumed Their Duties and spent a short lime in Medford Tues­ Are Doing Nicely. A House of Lords In This Re­ July 4th was the Beet in Southern Print«! Every Thuraday, by Oregon—Would Compare Favor­ A number of the faces familiar about day. public For the Trusts. Times Printing Company J. Nunan recently shipped several ably with Any on the Coast. the court house during the past four years are conspicuous by their ab­ tons of wool to the new mill at C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. SHALL OUR SENATE BECOME STJOH7 The people ot Jacksonville have scor­ sence. The officers elected June 2d Eugene. C. S. Greening, an expert miner, ed another distinctive triumph. They have taken charge of their respective Bâterai St the Postonico at Medford. Ore, as The People’s Demand For Popular ! have again shown that they know positions, and are rapidly becoming was among us Saturday, while on Ills wav to Applegate. Second Class* Mail Mutter. how to celebrate our National Holiday accustomed to their duties. Kleetton of Senators Causes Mirth Fred Ffcke left, for McMinnville Judge Prim, Commissioner Riley and can give any other town in the c In the (hamber—Oppiultiott Comes State pointersiu that line. The eelebrs- and School Superintended Dally, who Tuesday, where he will be emplqyed TERMS: From Senators Who Are Attorneys tlon was a magnificent suee.iss in every hold over: Recorder Applegate and , at his trade, carpentering. .»1.50 One Year, in advance... of Special Interests. particular. There was no hitch, and Surveyor Jones, the only officers re­ . 1.00 MKs Fanny Donegan, who has tteen Six Months........................ The moneybags and mossbacks of the entertainment was continuous for elected, remain of the former regime. teaching sch.sil at Burns, returned Advertisements inserted at reasona­ the United States senate continue to1 nearly twenty-four hours. J. M. Rader is In charge of the sher­ to Jacksocville Tuesday, to pass her Neither ble rates. stand out doggedly against the will of pains nor expense had l>een spared, iff's office, and has appointed Oris vacation. the people, which would replace their ^hieh with the gZ»d t^te^nd 'sp'len- Crawford as his deputy. Mlles McNally and Stanley Easton, M ercur , Utah, one of the most not­ klnd with live men directly responsible , lli(1 lnanair,.ln,.nt of those in command John S. Orth, the new county clerk, who, hail from Spokane and San ed mining camps, was destroyed by fire to their constituents. | conspirtnl to make a celebration that is assisted by T. J. Williamson. Francisco respectively, are Inspecting re ently. The loss foots up nearly $1,- Ibat will found its latest formal of- ^ave entire satisfaction and gained the County Treasurer Miller has made the mineral resources of thia county. 000,090^ flcial expression on Feb. 13 last, when highest praise of the great number of the Jackson County Rank a depository : H. B. Taylor of Princeton, Ind., a L. T. H arris , who was re-elected as the house of representatives unani­ people in attendance. for county fuuds. Robt. Dow is Ills, i brother of S. II. Taylor, and his wife, a representative from Lane county, is mously passed the Corliss resolution, Notwithstanding the threatening deputy. who have been visiting In Jacksoville, a prominent candidate for speaker of authorizing the submission of aa weather a big crowd began to assemble Wilbur Jones, assessor-elect, will the lower house of the legislature, with amendment to the constitution provid- I at about nlne o’clock. It was an agree- not assume his office until January, I left for tlielr home Thursday evening. W. M. Clayton, late president of excellent prospects of success. Ing for the election of senators by pop- able 8Urpl.ise to the manager» of the next. ¡the Southern Oregon State Normal ular vote. celebration, who had been wearing an County Commissioner Patterson C ol . D avid M. D unne ' s many For more than three months that res­ ' ultramarine aspect for several days. met with his colleague last Monday School, will till the position of princi­ friends will be pleased to learn that he olution has been in the hands of the pal of the public school at Santa Ana, I Before the afternoon's exercises begun for the first time. will continue to fill the position of col­ Calif. senate committee on privileges and wa8 estimated that about 3000 people Coroner Picket is ready tc hold in ­ lector of internal revenue. He has made The R. R. V. R. Co’.s coach la be­ elections, and every effort has been had assembled, The day proved one quests as of yore. an efficient and popular official. ing handsomely painted, In and out made to put it to death. sjieeially suited to such an occasion— Chauncey M. Depew, representing In neither’too warm nor too cold, Could o oooooooooooo oooooooooooo a side, and will present, h much Im­ T he people of Oregon, without re­ proved appearance. Mr. Daily is the - gard to party affiliations, will be pleas«! the senate the New York Central Rail- L such a day ARE OUR SPECIALTY. have been assured in ad- artist. to learn that the President will retain road company and Its corporate allies, I vttnoe the attendance would have been We use only FRESH, PURE M. Miller, Mrs. M. Otienchain, Hon. Binger Hermann as commission­ sought to convert the amendment Into 1 even still better. ^txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiooooooo Mr. Mrs. drugs and them* are compounded a force bill for the purpose of arraying and Mrs. Chris Ulrich, Mrs. T er of the general land office. He has The day’s programme was com­ J. Meyertholen of Baker county, an Cameron, Misses Maury, Sutton, Bar­ correctly. We take pleasure in made an able, accommodating official. against it every senator who is op­ menced with a salute of 13 guns at sun­ expert miner, is Inspecting our miner­ ber, Krause and Orme, G. N. Lewis, posed to federal interference with state rise. delivering PROMPTLY, to any WHILE the press has presented an elections. al resources. He is located at Wood­ C. H. Basye, M. M Taylor and H. G. At 10 o'clock the parade was formed, endless numlter of illustrations of the ville for the present. A majority of the committee Is op­ and marshaled by Alex Orme, the grand Dox attended the Installation of tile part of the city, prescriptions Mont Pelee disaster, the illustrations posed to the Corliss resolution, a ma­ officers of Ashland’s lodge of the left at our store, and request , A recent cleanup at the Oregon marshal, passed through the principal in the July Cosmopolitan, printed on jority is in favor of the Depew amend­ streets in the following order: 1. 1 Belle, owned by Broad A Reed,yielded I. O. O. F. and Rebekah degree. that your physician I k * asked to fine paper with the most careful art, ment, a majority is against the Corliss Grant's Pass Band. 2. Carriage con­ over #700. This is one of the best leave them with us. give a clearer idea of just what that resolution as changed by the Depew BASE BALL. taining the orator and reader. 3. The mines in Southern Oregon, and a disaster means than anything hitherto amendment, and a majority is opposed We will do the rest. steady producer. Flag, represented by Miss Edith Cran presented. Ashland Will Play Grant's to reporting the resolution adversely. fill. 4. Goddess oi Liberty, Miss Sallie Cook & Howland have finished the Sunday. This remarkable report of the com­ Maury, o. Angel of Peace, Miss Jennie season’s work at their placer mines F. I. D unbar , secretary of state, has announced the official vote cast at the mittee's conclusions, submitted to the Woodford, attended by four cherubs. in Jump-otT-Joe district, after a run A series of three games will l>o play­ \ late election for and against the initia­ senate by Chairman Burrows, was "re­ 6. Justice, Miss Grace Reeves. 7. of nearly six months. They are well ed between Thornton & Hildreth's Liberty Car, containing 48 girls rep­ satisfied with the result. tive and referendum amendment. The ceived with laughter.” nine of Ashland and the Alerts of If an insult which Impugns at once resenting the different states and total number of electors voting was 92,- A number of miners from abroad Grant's Pass, fora purse of »500. The territories. 8. The Colonies, repre­ 92(i. Of these 62.024 voted in the the intelligence and candor of the sen­ sented by Miss Anna Keegan (flag have been in Jacksonville during the lirst game will be played at Jackson­ affirmative, 5,668 in the negative, while ate appeals to that body's sense of hu­ hearer), Misses Matney. Edith Priest. past week, most of whom went to the ville Sunday, July 13th, on Neuber A Bertha Orme, Margaret Krause, Nan­ the balance did not vote at all. This mor, it is entitled to its mirth. copper mines located near the sttte Taylor's grounds. Admission,25cents. nie Matney, Josie Donegan, Anna But the country will see nothing proposition has therefore become an Wendt, Ella Orth, Bessie Nickell, Anna liae. Tiiere is considerable activity mirth provoking in the committee's af­ and amendment to the constitution. Dora Margreiter and Nannie Me- in that district. Poisoning the System. fronting report, which seeks by jug­ Callen,neatly dress»>d in black habitsand A. W. Sturgis, who has successfully It Is through the bowels that the T he Review of Reviews for July is gling to conceal a little Its cynical de­ mounted on handsome steeds. 9. Red, notable for well-considered editorial fiance of the electorate of the United White and Blue, Mary Colvig, Mer- operated a big placer mine In Forest body isclean-ed of impurities. Con­ stipation keeps these poisons in the discussions of the South African peace States. What the report says to the vena Kenney, Gertrude Dunnington. creek district for a pumber of years, system, causing headache, dullness 10. Knights of Pythias of Uniform last Thursday sold to the Medford and its probable results, our own prob­ American people is just this: and melancholia at first, then un­ A full liae of Rubber Goods, Rank, Medford. 11. Battleship Oregon, lem in the Philippines, the Cuban "You want to elect senators directly manned by Charlie Prim. Vivian Beach Bank 156 ounces of handsome gotd- sightly eruptions and finally serious comprising Fountain and Bulb crisis, the isthmian canal question, the by your votes, do you? Well, you and Bryant DeBar. 12. The Islands dust, representlng a value of over illness, unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers prevent work of Congress, the coal strike, the won’t be given that democratic right if — Hawaii, Lulu Arrasmith: Philippines »2500. He disposed of a like quantity this trouble by stimulating the liver Syringes, Atomizers, Combina­ Mike Broad: Porto Rico. Frances there a short time before. As Mr. shipbuilding and steamship combina­ we can help IL” and promote easy, healthy action of tion Hot Water Bottle and Kenney. 13. Oregon, with her differ­ tions, the crop prospects of the year, It is now the duty of senators who ent industries, represented by Misses Sturgis has just begun cleaning bed­ the bowels. These little pills do not Fountain Syringe, Hot Water and many other topics of timely inter­ believe that the men of this country 'Amy Cantrall, Agnes Love, Ethel rock. it is evident that he lias a good i act violently, but t*y strengthening the bowels enable them to perform Bottles, etc. est. and not its money should govern it to i ! Flory. Clara Elmer. Myrtle .Sutton, producer, which is getting better stead­ their own work. Never gripe or I Mary Barber and Florence DeBar 14. ily. Ba*i distress. In fact, everything jiertain- THE Grand Cabin, Native Sons of I take the aggressive and force upon rec- ' ^Xonv'iihT . —___ 'Ball L~1 Club, with Oregon, at its late session made a num­ ord every member who has the inso-1 Vance Colvig as mascot leading ing to a first-class Pharmacy RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. lent hardihood to resist the clearly and 1 a goat, 15. Fairies- Mary Debar ber of changes in the by-laws. The ex­ will lx* found in our store. frequently expressed will of the Amer­ q ueen, attended by Pearl Dox, penses of the Grand Cabin will be re­ ican people. There will be no services at the Katie Murphy, Fleeta Ulrich, Laura Some Matters of Interest Con­ Catholic church in Jackson»ill.», Sun­ duced more than one-half, and the per The legislatures of no fewer than Neuber, Maud Newbury, Frances Hu­ day, as Rev. D. Faber will hold ser­ capita dues from local cabins have twenty-nine states have petitioned con­ bert. 16. The Ghentoi Girls, sym­ cerning our Neighbors. vices at Ashland that day. bolized by Misses Mabel and Maud been decreased 75 per cent. It was de^ gress tor this amendment Prim and Helen Colvig. 17. Tandem, Rev. A. P. Gillette will li >ld ser­ cided to establish sick lienefits for mem­ Who doubts that if submitted to a driven by M’ss Emma Ulrich. 18. old vices at the M. E. church In Jackson­ Circuit court for Josephine county bers. Officers for the ensuing year are: popular vote It would be adopted by a Woman in the Show (Lota Flory) ville every second and fourth Sunday, ■ and her 13 children. 19. Hose Curt, will convene next Monday, the 14tb. morning and evening. Alex. Sweek. grand president; W. N. tidal wave majority? carrying Ora Norris. 20. Fire Engine. Nobody. Dan Rae, the well-known miner,has Rev. S. H. Jones will bold services Barrett, first vice president; O. B. Co­ That Is why the mossbacks and mon- A11 »1 the participants were beautiful- become a resident of Klondike. at the Presbyterian church in Jack­ show, second vice president; J. P. Kav­ eybags of the senate oppose it and re- ly attired _ and the floats and, the^ floats. elegant- Sheriff Lewis has appointed Ernest sonville every Sunday. anaugh, secretary; R. W. Hoyt, treas­ sort to every possible trick to prevent I'-v decorat‘,d’ *h‘le Ahe rh.o,a urer; B. B. Beekman, orator; F. H. ,, , . . . .. , sion was one that attracted much at- Lister (who has tilled that position Saylor, historian; E. M. Croisan, mar­ the amendment going to the people. tention and was highly complimented. acceptably during the past four years) INDIAN WAR VETERANS The only opposition worthy of the shal: F. E Osborne, inside sen­ The literary exercises, held at the tinel; C. Matthieu, outer sentinel; slightest respect is that represented by court-house square and presided over as his deputy. It is an excellent ap­ Should Send in Their Names— May J. H Snodgrass, W. V. Wiley, E. R. Senator Hour. In his old fashioned | by Judge Prim, were of a superior pointment. Drake. W. R. cheuer, T. M. Wilkins, way lie shivers with alarm at any sug­ character and well received Prove Important. The in­ Jas. H. McCord, who has been in E. A. M. ne and J. H. Sewell gestion of improvemi nt upon the con­ strumental music was furnished by Indian War Veterans are not nu­ Wolf creek precinct for sometime, trustees. stitutional devices of the Federalist the Grant's Pass band, which always removed to Leland recently. merous nowadays, and they may find pleas»« its hearers, while Gore Bros.' I P ension C ommissioner W ake will father . who in their inherited British popular quartette sang a number of Jas. D. Stevens, H. M. Myers and It difficult to establish their identity next week issue blanks upon which feat* of the populace went as far as patriotic songs in their usual effective Dr. Shaw left Tuesday for Idaho sufficiently In order to get the benefit Extends to everything in the they dared in setting up checks upon manner. Rev. S. H. Jones’ benedic­ Indian War veterans and their sur­ the popular will. of the pension law lately passed by tion was an impressive one and quite county, Idaho, where tiiey will enter store. NO MATTER HOW vivors, according to the recently en­ There i^ t o argument advanced by appropos to the occasion. The immor­ the employ ofC. Hathaway, who rep­ Congress. If they will send their ad­ acted law, will make application for [ten­ Senator Her In support of the exist­ tal declaration of independence was resents the Denver company which dress to tills office, together with the SMALL. Just 'phone your er- sions. These blanks may be had on ing pmclicc t!i-t could n t be as well cleverly read by Miss Leila Prim, and Is operating a big placer mine. The compaoy and years In which they der and you will receive prompt application to the department or from ,| n inert of a proposal to with a fine elocutionary effect that first-named will occupy the position served, we will take pleasure In print­ stirred the patriotism of the most pass­ of foreman, wiiicb he is well qualified attention. the members of the Oregon congres­ rest re i t’:e el. c’o -a! college the char­ ive. The oration of W. 1. Vawter of to dll. ing It from time to time. This may sional delegation. Each blank carries acter h:'e .ded I !!i<> f t'hers—that of Medford, a prominent attorney, was enable them to supply the informa­ with it full instructions as to the course a t’ellbcnt.'r • ’ od free to make its one of the best we have ever listened If a Mae Llea to You. tion required by the Government, WE STRIVE own ehaice f r pr. aident and vice pres­ to. It was well delivered and abound­ to be pursued, instructions being so through communication witli each And says some other salve, oint ­ ed with sentiment of the right kind. TO PLEASE. explicit, both as to the evidence re­ ident. ment, lotion, oi) or alleged healer Custom has deprived the electoral Devoid of the spread-eagle efforts too is as good as Bucklen’s Arnica Balve, other. S end in your names . quired and the manner in which claims > f I u:cratic powers al­ often employed by orators, he im­ lell him thirty years of marvelous shall be filed, that it will be unneces­ c<>l!e Don't Fall to Try This. sary for the pensioner to employ an at­ most i-o ip’ tel;.- as if the transform­ pressed his hearers very favorably. The afternoon was devoted to amuse­ cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, torney. If any claim is held up, no one ing work had been done by constitu­ Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises, Whenever an honest, trial is given ments of different kinds for both old better than a Senator or Representa­ tional amendment. and Skin Eruptions proves It’s the to Electric Bitters for any trouble it and young. tive can have the difficulty adjusted,for But custom — *he people The Calithumpians' parade- and ex­ best and cheapest. 25c at City Drug is recommended,for a permanent cure they have a standing and priority be­ will surely be effected. It never fails the power to elect senators directly, as ercises were among the best features Store. fore the department that is not accord­ to tone the stomach, regulate the of the day and created no end of it has pracJcnlly