X Silas J. Day Tf You Could Look AÄ Into the futureand see the condition AA iatothefutureand see the condition t.uto whkh r°“r cough, If neglected, will bring you, you would seek relief onre ana that naturally would be through MCVaORVILLE- ^A^otary Public Real Estate Agent and U, S. Commissioner J for Jackson County. . . t I Shiloh’s Consumption t/llB f'* 1 i aezx °“*r»“*ee a GO GREATEST^ STRENGTH F I NEL ST FLAVOR AND ABSOLUTE PURITY EAST O LJr°< Pf At Nj T t_ E. O V1A THk J I i UOMU bOlvt«» Railway AND SALT LAKE CITY,, LEADVILLE. I’UEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS,“ and DENVER. AND WASHINGTON &TRKBTB PORTLAND, O”1.CON A. P. Arm« ?csg. \.L. B., 'rinclpal a practi-.l, progrtSBive n <4 graduates ft positions i* bookkeeper« and st.- nop -a phen already proud of a high standing whrrevei .nown, it steadily grown better an ‘ better >pcu all the year. Sludeuta admitted r.y time ’rivatc or clmts iustruction. Learn what s»>d iow we teach, and what it cost** Catalogue free Thro. Splendidly «quipped trains dol­ ly Ta all Polnta Eaat. Through Sleeping »nd Oiutngi Cars and Free Reclining Ch» Irs The mo>i magnldoent scenery In America by Daylight.' Stopovers allowed on all olaaaes of links la. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature addreaa I Directors — t>. HOLIS COKHN General Agent, M T tlrd Street. Portland. Oregon. — - - Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. The North-western line. I I This preparation contains all of th« digestants and digests ail kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never Klgni trains run dally between Chicago and •t Paul, comprising the laical Pullman fails to cure. It allows you to eat all Bleepers, Peerless Dining Cars. Library and the food you want. The most sensitive reservation Cara. Free Reclining Chair Cars. ■tomachs can take it. By its use many CUB SUTH CENTURY TRAIN runs «very day thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It of iha year. prevent« formation of gas on the atom* Fastest Train in the World, ach, relieving all distress after eating, Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to taka. Blectrle Lighted, Steam Heated. Ths Badger stale Express, the finest dally arsis runntag between Hl Paul and Chicago via the Short Line It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by P.O. DsWrrT AOo. c’bleagn *Ke*L bottle contains *t* lime* tb** We. Mas Connections from the West made via The Northers Pacino. Great Northern and Canw- lde,t agency for securing patents. Pstents taken through Munn A co. receive spsciel noMcc, without charge. In the OREGON A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest elr. culatlon of any Mentldc journal. Terms. *1 a year: four months, *L Bold by nil newsdealer«. - i New York >. to r Rt, Washington, UC. LiPPHicorr MONTHLY MAGAZINE A F amily L ibrary The Bost in Current Literatur« 12 CoMwicvc N ovels Y carlv MANY SHORT STORIES ANO PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS I $2.60 pbr viar. 25 er*, a copy NO CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “«Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infan ts and Children—Experience against Experiment» What is CASTOR IA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotin substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stonuu-h and Bowels, giving healthy au00000OOOOOO ooooo-o i In b word) ibis tell« of the passenger ser­ vice vie * When the spellbinding begins In reunsylvania this full, says a Wash­ ington correspondent, Major Alexander McDowell will resume the office con­ ferred upon him two years ago by Sen­ ator Quay. It Is Unit of coattail puller. The duties of that office tn no way in­ terfere with those of his other posi­ tion. which Is that of clerk of the house of representatives. The other ottlce came into existence at Norris­ town In the fall of 1900, while Quay was making his memorable ennvasr for re-election to the senate. The colo­ nel realized that the men in bis party were talking too long, so he designated McDowell us the persoti to notify the 1) P. THOMPSON. l’RlCSIDE.Nl J. D MANSFIELD, Best of Everythin The women of Ni. Pierre, the fated illy of Martinique, blotted out in an Instant by Mom Pelee's Are. were not­ ed for their pIctnreHqne beauty. Trav­ elers nay Hint for grace mid stateliness of cnrrluge they were uiistir|>asM*d. Their love of i ol.,i-, f was the pas- glonute fondnt-KK for brightness of all For sale by City Drug Store. Coattail Poller. Only transcontinental Ila Passlag directly through II h Woted For Graceful Beauty aad Pleturrsque Attire. J. A. Kelly relates an experience slmllaT to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood In the United Stales, and has been told and re-U Id by thousands of others. He aays: "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used ac­ cording to directions, and with en­ tirely satisfactory, results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former at tacks, when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly Isa well- known citizen of Henderson, " ~ N. C. PEOPLE OF THE DAY Rio Grande Western "Railroad r f Were Í POA’tANO O« Denver & Rio Grande » WOMEN OF ST. PIERRE. The Same Old Story. f bavo a Number of PlneParma and ether Ooelreblo Property In my hoade for Bale. L "•■W »• «rotary R m I Rweto. Secretary Root la generally recog- nIxod as one of the hardworking mem­ bers of the cabinet. Indeed, some of bls friends have felt called upon to warn him thut bls exertions in the In­ terests of the war department often carry him puat the line of prudence, but the secretary bus been known. Huy* the Washington Star, to rest bit brain when the fact is entirely unsus- |>ected. A short time ago a delegation from one of the uoutbern state« called upon him to urge the establishment of a large camp In a certain purt of their state. Almost Immediately after they had left the department a newspaper man saw the secretary and asked: "Mr. Necretury. in what part of ----- did they want the cainp located?” Mr. Root looked just the tiniest bit embarrassed. Then he came out with ft. "UoiK-Htly, I do not know.” he raid. They bad talked It to him for nearly half an hour, and he had not beard It AA* CONTINUED StuRlES tVCRV MUMBtR COMPLt < . . N lT”-L'j There Is food for thought in the fact that the money contributed by gener­ ous and sympathetic Americans for the release of Miss Stone made possible the massacre planned by the Albanian chief who was lately sent into Turkey by the Macedonian revolutionary com­ mittee. Of course this is no fault of Miss Stone. She is an estimable per­ son. acting no doubt with the beat of motives, but it might have saved some hundreds of Ilves, to say nothing of ALEXANDER M'DOWXLL. $70.000 of American money, if she had man on hie feet that he had spun his “never wandered from her own fire­ yarn to a suitable length, It was side.” agreed that the major should pull the coattail of the speaker wbeu be had The legislature of lows has voted to consumed twenty minutes. Increase the salary of the governor of Quay was the first man to feel the the state from $3.000 to $5,000. It tug that notified him that lie must shut would appear that $5,000 a year ia not up, but the notice startled the “old man.” He turned such a look of sur­ too much for a good governor of a prise at the major that he became the bountiful and beautiful commonwealth central figure In the ball. Then it like Iowa. This is $3.000 lesB than is duwned upon the senator that the ma­ paid by Massachusetts and Ohio and jor was only carrying out bls duly ap­ $5.000 less than New York, New Jersey pointed task. and Pennsylvania. “AU right major; I’ll quit,” said the senator. “You know your part all Will Furnish is the name of one of right" Turning to the crowd, the sena­ the candidates for governor of Oregon. tor said "Good night" and left the stage without even a word of apology for the If the offieeseekers bars confidence that be will do what bis name Implies, abruptness of bls conclusion. be will doubtless receive their uodlvid- Saves a Wamaa'a Life. ed and enthusiastic support. To have given up would have meant death for Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorches­ If Santos-Dumont shall be able to ter, Mass. For years »he had endured untold misery from a severe lung demonstrate the advantages of the air­ trouble and obstinate cough. “ Often,” ship over the automobile in eluding the she writes, “I could scarcely breathe police, be will greatly popularise bls and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used machine In certain quarters. Dr. King's New Discovery for con­ sumption, and was completely cured.” Tl.e beef trust appears to be doing Sufferers from coughs, colds, throat more toward the spread of vegetarian and lung trouble need this remedy, for It never disappoints. Cure is practices than all the diet reformers to guaranteed by C’ity Drug Store. Price the country. 50c and 11.00. Trial bottles free. JwatlBabln. Biggs — 1 see your frlentf Cutting baa en- gaged In a new Do you see specks business. He before your eyes?" In­ advertises him­ self ns a man quired the oculist. milliner. "Why, I wear ’em Diggs-Well, right along, you dod- what of it? You gnsted chump!” an­ certainly would swered Uncle Nehe- not expect him tnlnh, with some vex­ to pose aa a wo­ ation. “Can’t you see man milliner, ’em?” —New York would you? — Chicago Newa Weald. In Use For Over 30 Years. DON’T GUESS A T I T But if you are going East wri us for our rates and let us tell vo about the service and accomm dations offered by the Illinois Central R. R. THROUGH TOURIST CARS via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to CHICAGO and CINCINNATI. Don’t fail to write us about your trip, as we are in a position to give you some valuable informa­ tion and assistance. 5319 miles of track, over which is operated some of the Finest Trains in the World. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address J. C. LINDSEY, * B. H. TRUMBULL, T. F. & P. A. Com’l Agt. 142 Third St., Portland, Oregon. Some of Our Bargains. Foot Hill Fruit Farm—vl Acrea-M acres in eultivsiion.balance brush.tae house, barn and outbuildings Living water from mountain, spring piped directly te residence II acres seeded to alfalfa Only IH miles from Central Point. Bvery acre good orchard land, adapted to alfalfa (UUO Crape reserved Valley Homo—IS acre tract adjoining Central Point town. M acres la cultivation, small bouse snd barn. Il acres good fruit land (IMS. A alee home Bar some one. Ctreln Ranch—IM acres In a square. All In cultivation. Fair fence but ae buildings. Rich, black soil, which fruit men claim will prove adapted to fruit trees. Two miles from town. The present crop speaks for the quality of the soil. *euo*. Crops reserved. A CrackeiHack-'lM acres orchard land. * miles from Central Point, all but Ive acres of which is the very best of fruit land. M acres of timber land goes with the place. An excellent.7-room house, lathed and plastered, brick milk bouse, good bare and granary, woodshed, smokehouse and outbuildings. Two wells, fine water Bntire plaee visible from residence. One of the beat bargains on our list. **oe Crops reservod. This is the peer of any fruit location ia Jackson oounty. HOLMES BROS., Central Point, Ore. MITCHELL ¿i BOECK, Master at. the Honae. Mrs. Bacon- Why do you suppose they call the em­ ployment agen­ cies bureaus? Mr. Bacon — Because a fel­ low can never fllid what he wants In one, I suppose. — Yon­ kers States­ man. The Kind You Have Always Bought F igprune CereaJ A perfect cereal coffee o/ delicate flavor and fragrant aroma. The blending of California figs and prunes with well ripened grain makes a fruit and grain coffee far superior to any other cereal beverage. By our process all the delight* ful flavor of the fruit and healthful strength of the grain is retained. Tastes like coffee—looks like coffee. Healthful—nutritious. Boil from 3 to IO minutes only ALL GROCERS SELL riGFRUNE CEREAL ••“(General Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers. Special Attention given to Horse Shoeing and Tire Setting. All Work Guaranteed First Class. SHOP, EAST’SEVENTH STREET. VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY! MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS bars beer in as. Over SO years by the leaders ot the Mormon Church and their tollowers. Poeitlvely cures the worst cases In old and young im , diulpatlon. excesses, or cigarette smoking. Cwr*s Lwa* st Power. Night-Losses, ftpernaatorrhoea. Insomnia, Pains la Mark, Kvil tteslres. Hominal Kmlmiona, tmmc ~ BenBncha, tJnfltneM tn Mnrry, Lorn nV a*w».n, VnrS- tlon, Btnao Qnlekness nV Dlsehsrg*. Btope Nerwon; lids. Kffectaare Immolate. Impart vigor and potency to ever? CENTS despondent, a cure la at hand. Restores small, undevelojsMt _--------------------- the brain and nerve ee sera. Me. a box, • lot »2J» by malL A written guarantee, to sue st money retundeo, with 6 boxes. Circulars free. 50 Ad J rets, BISHOP REMEDY CO„ Ban Franolsea, OaL city Drug store, Jacksonville. Legal Blanks for Sale at The Times Office.