The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 10, 1902, Image 1

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¡Oe Skmocratit Bimèì
A XI uuh .'" Event with n Mom Wonderful
Mwiuvi—-It« Kit«-«’!■ «»»» the After-life
of On»' Woiuau.
Al»’nt six years ngo n si run ger, a
woman, «'nine to the little village <>f
Wil-e.v, Ki'.n :ts, to live. Tills was the
iin|x>i'tunt link in it chitin of events which
iet tint whole town wondering. Mrs
Ruch t 4 A. (fortifier, the ]s*rson whom
life •.. . i most iilhs'lid by it, tolls tin
■ It win very strange,” «lie snys.
•• I
IICV'T could tell, CllU-ccsi it Hlld
ii tin •«• -mid auybcsly else. For a long
. •ells witii iny i'■ ''nn< !i.
The pi. a would commence about my
Ii irt ;t:.d wus so deadly agonizing that
I wot '<1 have to scream aloud. Some-
tu i sitwoui l l ist several hours and I
would have to take liiuthinitin to stop it.
Benld«'« this t hu«l a heedache almost
tsm ,n’ 'b , d iy night, that nearly
-Tn,? d tne n id l.emorrliagcs caused by
the chutige of L>", so you see I suffer««I.
a gnat «bid. Anil when I lit ink of the
itgicvi; riill ni.ik"» iu.« shudder.
•'Die -c ., did you Muy t Their medi-
cii^J i. ide r-i' sicker. I couldn't take it
>iiol I kep: gi nvingwor euntil this liuly
i-nna-t i oar village. She advised me to
tulie D Wi'.iiii-us' l’ink l’tlis for Pule
1». ,e.i. nt; i I «¡id. J only took half u
)*•>. 1>
i ■ I Ii ¡Mil to feel better Hlld
.il.c-r ti. i.. Hie r. st, wns wholly coll-
v lid . i l!.:- v.'omU’rfiil inediciiie. it
did ii , - r: .'"gii.Hi thtlll I bn«! ever ho|sd
for I
'i ■ W illi th p.11« and now 1
re 'omi: e>u| I bcm |o all who suffer."
ii i ui'ii Mr-. Gardner
Thl ; .U.
•l.ive nr .I. ' I I" <. a . womlerfiil ri'Kulte
in hum' ■•«I . aii i humilvilsof other cases
just us *i v«-r«'
I in-.v lire hii nnfniling
> > oimitor ntuxin, |ntrtia)
(sir.ii ■ , Si Vitn«’ «liince, M-intii n. lieu
ralgui, rheiiiTitism, iptvoub heiuliu'h«’,
af< er-. f’.'.'-'t* of th» grip, palpitation of
tin- intirf. pal«- noil «allow oompltixioiis
¡tail all f«i
« of « "iikn><ss either in male
or l"in iii • i)r Williams' Pink Pills for
Pain People ice sol«! at all druggists, or
will !»• sent direct from Lb'. William*
Medicine Co , Schenectady, N. Y., post­
paid, on receipt of price, fifty cent* per
box; six I kixcs (or two dollar* and a half.
Baud for free booklet of medical advice.
Southern Pacific Co.
Train* leave Medford for Portland
and way stations at 4:21 a. ru. and
5:52 p. in.
Lv Portland. ...
Lv Medford .....
Ar Ashland.........
Ai Sacramento...
Ar San Francisco.
Ogden .........
Kansas City
Ar Loa Angeles...
Ar El Paso
Ar Fort Worth ...
Ar City of Mexico.
Ar Houston.
Ar New Orleans..
Ar Washington
Ar New York ....
8:30 am
11:45 pm
12:55 am
5:10 pm
7:45 pm
8:30 pm
11:20 am
12:35 pm
5:00 am
8:45 am
4:55 am
9:30 am
7:25 am
H:42 am
7:00 am
»' 15 am
7:25 am
8:30 pm
2.00 pm
(1:00 pm
11.30 Hill
11:30 am
7:00 am
0:30 pm
(1:42 pm
12:10 pm
8:06 am
•1.00 pm
0:30 am
1 ) :30 am
7:00 am
(1:30 pm
0:42 pm
12:10 pm
Pullman and
Tourist Gars
On both trains. Chair cars Sacra­
mento to Ogden and El Paso, and
tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis,
New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with
the several steamship lines for Hono­
lulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Cen­
tral and South America.
See agent at Medford Htatlon, or
II. B. MILLER, G. F. & P. A .
Portland, Oregon.
Tickets To and From
All Points East
And Points East.
H battlk , July 9.—Tracy landed at West Seattle In a boat taken from the
Johnson family and wa* locat«*d at the home of Chas. Gerrell, two miles north
• f Renton,at two o’clock yesterday afternoon. The officers bad been notltied
by Gerrell and they started In pursuit. They crawled 150 yards in the brush
to where Tracy was talking to three women and secreted themselves. No
sooner had they done ro when Tracy started for the river bank, plunged into
brush and then disappeared. Dogs were at once put on the trail, close to the
lead, wuen they ran Into cayenne pepper, which liad been sprinkled to cover
tracks. Ten minutes were lost in relieving the dogs. On they sped, pressed
to desperation. Tracy made a circuit plunge Into the outer edge of the lake,
when the scent was again lost.
Tracy was seen talking to Mr Jenten, a farmer, living three-quarters of a
mile south of Renton, at nine o’clock this morning. Jensen thioks that lie
ha* a confederate with him. A posse is quietly surrounding the place, It
ha* three bloodhounds, and feels con Aden t of capturing the murderer of so
many men.
S kattlk , July ».— Tracy yesterday afternoon calledata farmhouse U
mile* ea*t of Renton and 10 miles *outliea*t of Seattle. The news was brought
to the city at 2 o’clock, by Charle* Gerrell’s who lives at the place indicated
Tracy and Anderson came toGerrell’s house shortly after noon and gave him
two of the watches which they had previously taken from others, and told
him to go out and dispose of them. Instead of doing this Gerrell went at
once to Renton and telephoned the new* to the Sheriff’s office, Posse* were
at once organized in the vicinity, and it is thought that Tracy is again fairly
For Abducting a Small Oirl and
Will Likely Do Time.
If you knew how SCOTTS
EMULSION would build you
up, increase your weight,
strengthen your weak throat
and lungs and put you in con>
dition for next winter, you
would begin to take it now.
London and Continental Papers
Continue to Discuss It
A young man by the name of John
Havter, who haw been employed in
Baker Bro».' steam laundry at Grant'*
Pass, was arrested a few days ago,
charged with abducting Lulu Smith,
aged about 14 years, the -ward of
J. W. Baker, who has been living with
Some of her relatives.
Very early In
the morning he took his victim to
Merlin, where he bought a ticket to
Portland and put her aboard the train
that soon came along, with the evi­
dent intention of following that even­
ing. The scoundrel then retractMl his
hoping to disarm suspicion.
The girl was missed shortly afterwards
and effort* made to ascertain her
whereabouts. The truth soon ieaked
out, the chief of police of Portland
was notlti«.«! and Miss Smith taken
Incharg«! st the union depot as she
stepped off the train. Mr. Baker has
since hrougnt hack his ward. Havier
was arrested and tuken befor«! Justify
Maybee, who held him to answer for
abduction, fixing his bonds at $1000.
If this depraved individual gets his
just deserts he will servo a long term
in the penitentiary.
Way of LvMlnx Apart meat House»
cana to Teach Scotch Ship Riveter».
J /
MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS h.v« bc»r in nre
over M years by the leaders ot the Mormon Cbnrch and their
followers. PoslUvely cures the worst esses In old sod young
arising from effects of ««H-shn-e, dinifmtion, excesses, or cigarette smoking. Cares ixiat
>l»,ih»<l>l. IraiHiUni j, Lest Hover, Mght«l^>«sea, Hperniatorrhoi-*. Inmissls,
'»In» in n»<li, Kvll Deslr.-s, Keo.Inal Finissions, l.ame B»ek, NervowsJIebllJty.
rócele. orConítlp»-
.londarlie, Cnfl« to Marry, loss of Neman. Vari-
Twt:chinar of Kye-
flon, Htop* Qnlekm-*» of Dls.-hnrge, «top* Nervows
fhHction. Pon’t «■■(
lids. Fffio’tssre Immediate. Impart vigor and potency to every
----- Kçstores
- ----- vçlop-oi
_ ----------------org»n». Btlmelste«
dr-pond. m. . a - cure
I» st hand.
srnail, iinil'
box,6foi »2.60
by ui»ll. A »rlueu guaraní»«, W «uro or
the brain »mi nerve co «rr».
sera. 60c.
6<X-. ■ n box,»."'
nioncj retuudea, with 0 boxes. Circulars freo.
Aridrers, BISHOP REMÜDY CO„ Han Francisca, Oak
city Drug store,
• X
409415 Pearl Street, New York,
w _____ 50c. and f 1.00; all druggists.
From South Africa.
Those contemplating an eastern
trip will be interested to know that
there will shortly be on sale greatly
reduced rate tickets in connection
with the Rio Grande System, the
famous "Scenic Line of the World.”
This line offers its passengers a
mog« delightful and comfortable
journey to all eastern points.
It is the only transcontinental line
passing directly through quaint and
picturesque Salt Lake City, “The
City of the Saints,” beautiful Glen­
wood Springs, I-eadville, Pueblo, Col­
orado Springs (where a side trip may
be made to the "Garien of the Gods”
and the summit of Pike’s Peak over
the cog-wheel railroad) and Denver,
the queen city of the inter-mountain
region. Stop-overs are allowed on all
classes of tickets.
Three daily express trains make
close connections with all trains east
and west, and afford a choice of five
distinct routes of travel. The equip­
ment of these trains is the best, in­
cluding free reclining chair cars,
standard and tourist sleepers, a per­
fect dining car service, aud also
personally conducted excursion car«,
each in charge of a competent guide,
whose business is to look after the
comfort of his guests. No more
pleasant and inexpensive means of
crossing the Continent can be found
than Is provid'd by these excursions.
For additional details address
J. D. M ansfield ,
Gen’l Ag’t. Rio Grande Lines, 124
Third St., Portland, Oregon.
The comniyner,
[Mr. Bryan's Paper.)
The Commoner has attained with­
in six months from date of the first
issue a circulation of 100,000 copies, a
record probably never equaled in the
history or American periodical litera­
ture. The unparalleled growth of
this paper demonstrates that there is
room in the newspaper field for a
national paper devoted to the dis­
cussion of political, economic and so­
cial problems. To the columns of
The Commoner Mr. Bryan contributes
his best efforts; and bis review of
political events as they arise from
time to time can not fat! to Interest
those who study public questions.
The Commoner’s regular subscription
price is #1.00 per year. We have ar­
ranged with Mr. Bryan whereby we
can furnish his paper and Tins W i « k -
ly T imks together for one year for
•2.00. The regular subscription price
of the two papers when subscribed for
separately is <2.50.
Warr«nfvd Waterproof.
Mibde to stand har«! work and
roilgh H «'¡ulter. I «•»* for tredr-
Mark- lf jrowr dealcr down't
have thv>n,*n<l forcatalogue.
N. 1. Helthm aad Paekla«<».t
Airte. , Maa Frawr lern.
■Fy H.I.RAWYKH ANON, Male Ufrs.,
Kaat liahrWar. Maae.
A cynical old bachelor who grimly
lielleves that all women have some­
thing to say on nil subjects receutiy.
asked a female friend:
-Weil, madam, what do you hold on
this question of female suffrage?”
“Sir,” she responded calmly, "I hold
my tongue."—Ohio State Journal.
St. Mary’s Academy,
[ucksonvllte, Oregon.
What She Held.
Oiled Suits
'and Stickers
” I
• ¥
Tn« school continues th« careful training
and thorough Instruction tor which It Is favor-
*01 y known.
Send for free sample, and try it.
8COTT A. BOWNE, Chemist«.
Legal lanks for Sale at The Times Office.
812 Firstave. Seattle, Wash.
Some of Our Bargains.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleep'
er», Diatfig and Buffet Smoking Li­
brary Car*.
For rate*, folders and full Informa­
tion regarding ticket», routes, etc.,
call on or address
J. W. PHALON, T. P. A.,
122 Third st., Portland.
No. 28
So «teadlly does America’s industrial
Invasion of Europe progress that eveD
the monotony of American success can
not dull the keen interest and appre­
hension with which It is viewed ot>
this side of the Atlantic, says a Lon­
don dispatch. For instance, there iy
scarcely a London dally newspaper t<;
day but contains some reference to the
inroads made by American enterprise.
In a column and a half article The
Dally Chronicle disclones the utter In­
adequacy of English flats compared
with American apartments.
“We are whole encyclopedias behind
the times in the science of flat build­
A Sustaining Diet.
ing.” says a writer in this paper, "and
These are the enervating day«, when, as perhaps no city in the world can show
somebody has said, men drop by the sunstroke us our deficiency and their remedy
as if the Day of Eire had dawned, They are more effectively than New York.”
fraught with danger to people whose systems
Continuing, the writer points out
are poorly sustained; and this leads us to say
in the interest of the less robust of our readers that flats are let in New York on a
that the full effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla is year’s lease, but that none is rented in
Dm moisnbs , Iowa, July ».—The greatest floods in the history of Iowa such
as to suggest the propriety of calling this London for less than three or live
have resulted from the recent heavy rains lthas been raining incessantly medicine something besides a blood purifier years. Th* New York rents, it is
and tonic—say a sustaining diet, it makes it maintained, though nominally higher,
during the past twenty-four hours and the rivers are spreading rapidly over much easier to bear the heat, assures refresh­ are reaJly lower than the London rents
the low lands. Hundreds have been driven from home, and some lives are ing sleep, and will without any doubt avert owing to the fact that the London
landlords insist on excessive and sense
reported lost. In this city hundreds were forced to abandon their residences. much sickness at this time of year.
less repairs being executed by the ten­
<;rops in many districts are ruined beyond redemption. Des Molsnes, Raccoon,
Skunk,cedar rivers are out of tiieir banks, and causing great destruction.
“Nothing will be done of any real
! To the Seaside and Mountain Resorta.
valne," the writer concludes, “until a
At Mt Pleasant, Marshalltown,Erie, Btrrytown many people were taken from
London tenants' protection league is
Tickets arc nowon sale at all South­
homes In boats. Railroad traffic south Sioux city has been suspended on ac­
formed, with the double object of
ern Pacific and Corvallis and Eastern
count of flood. Bridges were carried out at a number of places.
R. R. office*, through to Newport and transporting the landlords and archi­
Yaquina at reduced rates.
Southern tects to New York and then forcing
Pacific trains connect with C. & E at them to live in the flats they palm off
C hicago , July »—Contrary to expectations freight teamsters threaten to Albany and Corvallis.
All tickets on Innocent Londoners.”
for return until October 10, 1902.
The Daily Mail records the arrival
go out, which will make the strike a success. Railroad managers refused to good
On June 23 the C. & E. trains from at Southampton of a large party of
treat with committees representing various freight houses tills morning. Detroit began leaving there at 0:30 a. American ship riveters, imported by a
m.. meeting the Ray train at Albany at
Strikers will tuuke appeal to the Federation of Labor to authorize teamsters noon.
British firm for the purpose of “show­
Passengers for Detroit, Breitenbush | ing the Scotch workmen bow to do ft.”
to make a sympathetic strike. Tue railroads refuse to have anything to do
The labor saving pneumatic riveter
other mountain resortscan leave
with men as union men. it was hoped by strikers and State Board of Arbi­ and
Albany tile same afternoon, reaching with which the Americans are equip­
tration that the managers would consider a new scale of wages at joint con­ Detroit in the eventng. Ticket* are on ped creates considerable uneasiness in
from Albany to Detroit at 93 00, the minds of the British unionist work­
ference this afternoon, and it was the general Impression that settlement sale
and from (.’orvalli* at 83 25,good for re­ men.
would be made today ;but the unexpected move of the railroadsupset all plan. turn until October 10th, with privilege
Another London paper reprints from
to get on train returning at any point a Swiss review details of a plan by
.Ld now the gv»ate«t strike^ince Aaau-ican.Qmaju.waLons were organized is eks.1 off MiU City
Ttie Southern Pacific Company have Which American coal is supplanting tbs
threatened. Men are worked up to the highest pitch and serious trouble is
now on »ale round-trip tickets from all German article In Switzerland. Ac­
points on their line* in Oregon to either cording to this authority, large ware­
Newport or Yaquina, with privileg« ;e to houses will be built at northern French
G i tiikik , O. T., July ».—Great excitement has been caused at Tulsa, I T. return via either East or West Sick le di- ports for the purpose of storing and
visions, In connection with the C. & E.
owing to the discovery by surveyors working north of that place of cracks In Three-days Sunday excursion tickets sorting American coal and also for the
purpose of manufacturing* briquets
the sides of the mounds, a* though from great pressure underneath. Gas is good going Saturday and returning (compressed coal bricks) from the wast­
Monday are also on sale at very low
age of French and Swiss railroads, it
escaping fropa the fissures, and a continual hissing and roaring can be heard. rates from all 8. P. and C. E. points.
Is also said that an exceptional tariff
On the extreme top of the highest hill there has beenU small volcano at
to rates, time tallies, etc., by appli­ of 2 francs a tou for transit between
work, raising large boulders and tossing them aside. Experts state it is a cation to any S. P. orC. & E. Agent. French ports and the Swiss frontier
has been agreed upon.
great oil and gas field, and that pr «sure from a great depth has caused the
“This.” says the London daily, “is an­
commotion. Inhabitants of Tulsa are becoming nervous over the state of
other example of liovv the Americans
are ousting the English from the Eu­
i ropean market."
P ortland . July ».—Nearly 100 delegates, many of whom never »awOre-
The universal plaint is concisely
by The Evening Standard.
gon, arrived In this city last evening to at tend’the sixth annual conven-
“American ini'uenees.” it says. ”a[>
tion of the Nati >n.*l Association of Diiryjand Food Departments. I Ahm^t
pear just now to ¡-ervade the whole
of Europe. If American horses do not
every state In the Union will be represented, and a very.interesting session is
carry all l-.efore them yet. American
being held.
riding. American trading, American
horse dentistry and. shall we add.
American 'doping- seem to lia ve ever
Increasing vogue not only in this conn­
try, but in France. Germany. Austria,
Russia and wherever else there is an
jpjiortunity on the continent.”
The Star, commenting on the recent
Windsor races, nays
Foot Hill Frill« Fortii—yl Acrwm-fo acres In cultivation.balani-c brush.fine
houae. barn and outbuilding* Living water from mountain, spring plpoil directly to
"One could not fall to notice bow
residence Ii acre» aeeded to alfalfa Only IH miles from Central Paint. Every acre
jompletely tlie American seat has come
good orchard hind, adaptml to alfalfa ».t»*' Crops reserved
Vnllev Home—»• acre tract adjolnlio- C.'iiM-al l*olnt town. X) acre« In
Into vogue, so much so that it positive­
cultivation, »mall hou*r and liaru. 16 acre» «<*»1 fruit land. »l»80. A nice borne tor
ly strikes the eye as old when a jockey
’,'m< i'ri'ilri Hnncr»—I«II acres in a Miiuare. All In cultivation. Fair fence but no
rides iu the old fashioned style.”
building*. Rich, black anil, which fruit men claim will prove adapted to fruit trees.
Judging from the English papers
Two .olio« from town. The present crop »peaks tor the qual 11y of the soil. tOKiU. Crops
themselves. American superiority in en­
A Cmcker.lnck- UM acre« orchard lead. 1 mile» from Central lfolnt. all but five
terprise extends from the cradle to the
acre» Ot which is the very best of fruit hind.
acres of tlml»'r land goes with the
place An excellent.7 r.Mint house, lathed and plastered, brick milk house, good barn and
grave. The Morning Leader has a long
granary, woodshed, smokehouse and outbuildings. Two wells, fine water. Knttre place
article on the advertisement of an
visible from residence. One of the l»'H bargains on our list. foMhi Crops reserved.
This 1» the peer of any fruit location In J ucksou county.
American undertaker In The limes.
He offers to disinter and ship home the
The Man Who Wear*
HOLMES BROS., Central Point, Ore. ¡i
bodies of officers and men killed iu
South ufrica.
r V I
The people of Klamath county hav­
ing decided in favor of a high school,
building will commence in the near
The Mtimic Department
Is always In cha fe of competent and exper­
Nate High ha* been appointed
ienced teachers. Hoard and tuition per session
of twenlv weeks, »fo(D. Studies will be resum­ .poet master of the office recently es­
ed September «. 11)01.
tablished at Spencer creek, Klamath
For prospectus, address
Before you make definite arrange­
ments for that trip east let u« quote
vou rates via the Illinois Central
Railroad. Our rates are the lowest
to be had.and it will pav you to write
us. If you haven’t time to communi­
cate with us tell the agent from whom
you purchase your ticket that you
want to travel by way of the Illinois
Central, and vou will never regret the
If any of your relatives or friends
In the east are coming west while the
iow rate« are in effect write u« about
them, and we will see that they get
the lowest rate* with the best service.
Through tourist cars, personally
conducted excursion cars, free reclin­
ing chair cars. In fact ail the latest
conveniences known to modern rail-
For particulars regarding rate«,
time, service, stop-overs, different
connections and routes, etc., etc., call
on or address
B. H. TRUMBULL, Com’l Agt..
142 Third st. Portland. Ore.
Oregon's Favorite Seaside Resort.
Recognizing the advantage of New
port as a summer resort over other
seaside resorts in the Northwest, and to
make it possible for all who desire todo
so to spend their vacation by the ocean
waves, the Southern Pacific Company,,
in connection with the Corvallis and
Eastern Railroads, will place on sale,
effective June 15th, 1902, rouDd-trip
tickets from all points in Oregon on the
Southern Pacific to Newport, good for
return until October 10th. at Specially
reduced rates—•13.30. For full infor­
mation please inquire of your local
Few are entirely free from it.
It may develop so slowly as to cause
little it noy disturbance during the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce Irregularity of the
stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh,
an«! marked tendency to consumption
before mam test Inc itself in much cutaneous
eruption or glandular swelling.
It is best to be sure that you are quite
free from It, anti for Its complets eradica­
tion you can rely on
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
The best of aU tnstUctasa for aU humors.