MEDFORD SQUIBS. LOCAL NOTES. A large quantity of newspaper.-, suitable for wrapping, pasting in walls, putting under carpets, etc., can be obtained cheap. In quantities ti. suit, at T he T imfs Printing House. I. A. Palmer, the well-known areln- teet, is perfecting plans for the elegant residence Dr. F. W. Van Dyke of Grant's Pass will build in the near future. Ashland has finally concluded to celebrate the anniversary of our national holiday. Rather late in the season, neighbors. The crowd will go to Jacksonville on July 4th, neverthe­ less. A TOMBSTONE Parenls’ ResponslDlllly Great It is the right of every child to be well born, and to the parent# it uiunt look for At Central Point Cemetery May be health und Used as Evidence. hap pitiess. It is claimed that a tombstone How incon* resting over a grave in the Central ceivably great Point cemetery will play an Im­ is the parents' responsibility, and how important that portant part In the romantic land no taint of disease is left in the blood suit known as G. W. Priddy et al vs. to lie transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the mo»t H. S. Boise. The Kansas City at­ pitiable suffering, and marking its little Ixxly with offen­ torneys are still busy taking testi­ sive sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes, glandular mony and have examined a number of swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity. witnesses. How can parents look upon such little sufferers nnd not reproach As stated, the claims of the themselves for bringing so much misery into the world f If you have plaintiffs rest upon the fact of any disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed, whether or not they can prove, as healthy children ? Cleanse your own blood and build up your health, a»d alleged, that tho original hells were you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasure» minors when the deeds transferring of life, but have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity, and made the property were given. The de­ mankind healthier and happier. There is no remedy that so surely reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood fense will make use of the tombstone, troubles as S. S. S. It searches out even hereditary so it is claimed, in trying to prove poisons, and removes every taint from the blood, that the original heirs, especially the and builds up the general health. If weakling» one that lies in the Central Point are growing up around you, right the wrong by cemetery, was not a minor. It is putting them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It i» charged tliat the original date on a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and can be taken • til is particular tombstone has been by both old and young without fear of any bad results. Write us alsiiit your case, and let our physicians advise and help you. erased, either accidentally or other­ wise, and photograplisof the same have This will cost you nothing, and we will also send our book on blood and skin diseases. THl JWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Oa. been taken in order to be used as evidence when the case is agaiu tried. Both Kansas City attorneys are noncommittal as to the drift of the evidence and their opinions; but enough is known from other sources to hint at some interesting develop­ ments before the trial ends. H. F. Dean of Willow Springs was There has been some warm weather ■with ns Friday. during the past week. L. A. Kos»'of Phoenix was in our Senator Simon has returned to Port­ city not long since. land from Washington. S. S. Aiken, the Prospect merchant, Minnus and Cal. Pence of Trail creek made us a call Friday. were in Medford Thursday. J. B. Sells and his family have re­ H. E. Ankeny has returned from his turned from a visit at Ashland. trip to Eugene and Portland. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Piekel have re­ Cal. Winningham and his family turned from their tripto Portland. have returned from California. Mrs. F. Tryer is visiting with friends Mrs. T. H. Gilson is lying quite ill at living at Williams, Josephine county. her residence in Medford, we are sorry Chas. Randles of Luke creek was in F. M. Calkins, court stenographer, to hear. From him we epent a few days in Medford this week. Miss Roberta has completed a suc­ Medford Thursday. learn that a son of Chas. Neustrom cessful term of school in Lake ereek D. Linn and Recorder Applegate was bitten by a rattlesnake a few days were over from Jacksonville Thursday. district. since. Fortunately the usual antidote Mrs. D. Moore of Gold Hill has been dwell Bros, of Central Point were was effective. visiting her brothers, Mackey Bros, of with their friends in Medford Friday. Geo. F. Wilson of Big Butte was in Miss Grace Pearoe of Poorman’s Medford. town a few days ago. He holds a re­ E. Hayes was in Medford a few days creek was a visitor in Medford Thurs­ sponsible position in Olson’s saw mil), since. He has become a resident of day. which he says is turning out a large J. D. Heard left for Arizona Thurs­ Sam’s valley. quantity of superior lumber and em­ Ed. Miner of San Francisco is visit­ ploys 15 nands. day, to look after his smelter enter­ ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. prise. Of what does a bad taste in your Assessor Pendleton has gone to the E. Miner of Kane's ereek. mouth remind you? It indicates that Lester Rodgers, who has been in your stomach is in a bad condition, and northern part of the state, on a short Northern California for sometime, will remind you that there is nothing business visit. so good for such a disorder as Cham­ J. W. Opp, the well-known operator arrived in Medford Friday. berlain’» Stomach & Liver Tablets The S. P. Co. has raised the wages of after having once used them. They in mines, was in Medford Thursday, en section hands in its employ to $1.50 a cleans»'and invigorate th»' stomach anil route to Ashland. •egulate the bowels. For sale at 25 Mr. and Mi's. D. E. Morris arrived day, an increase of 10 cents. cents per box by City Drug Store. (Founded IN».) Thus. Riley aud G. S. Butler, county from Brownsboro Friday, for a short Chris. Arnold has concluded to re­ commissioners, were in Jacksonville main with us, and this w»>ek purchas­ visit in Medford. Miss Mary Jacobs of Central Point, Thursday, on official business. ed 68 acres off the Whetstone place, Miss Estella Levy left for San Francis­ located in Pooh Bah precinct, paying’ who has been a visitor in Medford, re­ . MUSIC. ART AND ELOCUTION. co Thursday,and will make relativesand about $50 an acre therefor. turned home Friday. M. Thin School otTerx to rtrln n brono nrd thorough cducntlon. combined with the ad.nntng.» Sheriff Orme and School Superin­ friends living there a protracted visit. Bellinger negotiated the sale. ot n healthful nnd refined home. It occuplen n large nnd attractive bulldltu: In tho Immediate vicinity of the Citv Park The nanltary condition of the premlaen hna been made • matter or tendent Daily were in Medford Friday, Gustave Haselbach, who was Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Fox have be­ npoclal attention Tho bod chamber., clean and recitation room, are large and toorongnie ventilated; end the conatructlon of the build'ng le euch that every room le open to the eunllvltt en route to Ashland. come residents of Ashland again, the brought to Southern Oregon by cor­ The greateel cere bee been taken to provide all the neceneary appointment, of a wall- equipped achool. and to furnlnh every facility for training pupil. In the moat approved methode. Miss Pearl Hibbard of Seattle is for ner's run having been changed to respondence with Rev. Sack, has left The alm of the achool le to give thorough and well ordered In.trucilon to girl, end youug for Texas, with the intention of re­ visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dunsmuir, Calif. women. Utting them for college when that I. de.lred, and to eld In the development or (rue and womanly character, al turning, accompanied by several Norman of Ashland. Subscriptions for Mr. Bryan’s p tper. The Fall term open. September 16. 1IWI. A faculty ot twenty competent teacher. Ina ure, relatives. for children and young women that Individual care ant! luatructlon nocca.ary to the beat The Commoner, the leading Demo ­ Miss 'Edith Van Dyke is at Ashland, reaulla. cratic newspaper in the United States, There are four .killed tiachera In the Department alone, .peclall.l. In Art end attending the meeting of the Society are taken at T he T imes office. Ready to Yield. Oartory, and native teacher. In French nnd Herman of Christian Endeavor. Provlalon la made for all athletic game, suitable to women, a. tennla, croquet, backet belt ‘‘I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Leonard Young, late of Steamboat, blcycllttg and bureeback riding A gymraelum. AOxluil feet, I. in procoaa of conatruclion L. D. Minear has gone to Lyle. died in Medford June 21st, of obstruc­ Salve for pile-, and found it a certain which will offer .till more opportunll I a for healthful eierclae For lllualrated catalogue apply to cure,’’ says S. R. Meredith, Willow Wash., as a delegate to a convention tion of the bowels. X MISS ELEANOR TKHHKTTS, Principal Interment in Grove, Del. Operations unnecessary of the Dunkard church. Williams creek cemetery. to cure piles. They always yield to Jas. Ford of Kalispell, Mont., a friend C. C. Taylor of Grant's Pass was De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve.' Cures of H. B. and N. B. Nye, arrived in here Friday, accompanied by Mr. skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits City Drug Medford during the past week. Johnson, who lately arrived from the Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Chas. D. Drain, a prominent citizen East with intentions of locating. Central Point. of Douglas county, has been in Med­ The S. P. D. & L. Co. is progressing ford, the guest of D. B. Russell. Crater Lake Steaming. rapidly with preparations for the re­ ....Offer«* You.... Miss Ella Knight of Sisson, Calif., building of its plant, at Grant’s Pass A correspondent of the Examiner Also Small Instruments who has been visiting the family of M. which was destroyed by tire recently. says that a party of timber cruisers Through trains daily front Chicago i HUA DTTVP II A and Sheet Music. We Purdin, returned home one day this Deeds, mortgage-, teases, bends who arrived from the Cascade moun­ Through trains dally front St. Louis - IV DU T ■ f\LV have everything in the week. bills of sale and every imaginable 1 Through train daily front Kansas City I And » otata Beyond. tains report that Crater lake, which mnsie line here. J. W. Bailey, state dairy and food kind of legal blanks—the latest and is located on the top of Mount best — are constantly on hand at commissioner, spent several days in T imes office. Mazama, aud is Oregon’s greatest Southern Oregon during the past Floyd Pearce and his family, who natural wonder, is sending up vast week. Also Great Bargains in Owing to the have t»‘en in Idaho during the past volumes of .steam. Reclining chair cars (free), Pullman Pnlnec Slec|K-rs. Din Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman have several months, returned Friday. snow the party could not descend to ing and Cafe Cars on all trains. Polite trainmen. Perfect returned from Portland, where they They think Southern Oregon the best the edge of the lake; but from above roadbed. Shortest line and quickest time. Tourist cars have been attending the Masonic grand the water appeared to be at the boil­ place after all. Mondays and Thursdays, 29’/3 hours Chicago to Boston. lodges. We have a large list of This lake, as its name Geo. W. Hazen, a prominent lawyer ing point. W. A. Owen, a prominent citizen of of Portland, and his wife were guests of indicates, occupies the erater of an farm and stock ranches C. S. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. Central Point, and ex-sheriff of Jack- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman during extinct volcano and is supposed to be and city property for son county, spent a few hours in Med­ the week. They were on their return bottomless. The formation of the ROSS C. CLINE. P. C. P. A., Los Anj cles. sale.... ford Friday. crater is much like that at ttie top of from San Francisco. Mount Soufriere. I. A. Webb and his family, who Prall Bros, recently bought 150 head P rop . have been In Big Butte district during of fine horses in Lake county, which Thomas-White Block, West "th St. the past several weeks, returned home they have herded on their father’s Store Phone, 134; Residence. IM. the forepart of the week. farm, situated near Central Point H. Von der Hellen of Antelope was They are selling them at good figure. in Medford Thursday, to receive Geo. Judge Tonningson of Lake county W. Hazen of Portland and his family, and E. Roberts of Scott valley, Calif., who are now visiting him. “My hair was falling out and were in Medford Friday, en route to Ed. dwell, who is now a prominent turning gray very fast. But your Jacksonville, to attend the commence­ Huy a Bottle of Hair Vigor stopped the falling and business man of Davenport, Wash, ment exercises of St. Mary’s Academy. 1 restored the natural color.’’—Mrs. arrived during the week, for a visit E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. The celebrated Snap Shot, the best with relatives and friends. medicine in the world for allaying in­ Mrs. H. E. Boyden has returned flammation in man or beast, can be It’s impossible for you from Big Butte precinct, but will go found at Dr. Robinson’s chug Ruh In well and not to look old, with the back to the homestead in a few days, store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, C'ent.ial Point. Try it. Accompanied by her husband. color of seventy years in JUST RECEIVED AT The state convention of the Society Mrs. E. R. Kearnes of Klamath Falls your hair ! Perhaps you left for home Wednesday. She was of Christian Endeavor is in session at are seventy, and you like accompanied by Mrs. J. F. White, who Ashland, and will conclude its labors IT HAS CURED OTHERS. IT WILL CURE YOU. your gray hair! If not, Sunday. There is a large attendance j will make her a visit of some length. of delegates from different parts of use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. MEDFORD, OREGON. Sutton’« C. P. Snell has been elected recorder, u°!l',1;:.±1,l,Ì'”'lrn,T'’r of “l.1 1 »"»mroailonln manor beast. Oregon. , s Me and 91 ffL Kt’ ?Urrrf*on.nre-ainlDOnt \ ____ square Physician and Bn terday. -They were en route to Jack­ creek, at Medford, to Geo. Ridinger of i to his »perlaity—Dlaeaaoe af B VV e make a specialty of ha . ni » .\ iai » e harness and »TPHIMS thnmn has superior qualifications for the , MAKKIASB. M. ilbi » I«««. (A valaahla f ' bonk tor mea.) Cellar writ« \ Ashland, wives of well-known railroad place, and will doubtless please the ! 1 0« IQWBA^^O^t 0« t^Medwt »€. V Seventh Street, - - . Medford, Oreflo SEE OUH HAMI’I-KS. men, visited in Medford Friday patrons of the office. Saint Helen’s Hall.... PORTLAND, OREGON. The Coss Piano House A Boarding and Day School for Girls. Deals in Pianos, Organs, Pianolas, ^Eolians, Orchestralles, Vocation Pipe- Organs. Wabash-Niagara Falls.Short Line 1 equipment : Real Estate H. M. COSS, DON’T STOP WORK Corn Planters, Hand spray Pumps Fishing Tackle, BOYDEN’S for a Sprained arm, Ankle or back SNAP SHOT. YOU ARE GOOD ASNE5A MAX MULLER SCO 7 j^sori vi He, or.j (MUSEUM OF fir^TOMY Plumbing a Specialty. Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY Hand Made Harness L. A. LUCUS & SON,