WILL DESTROY OREGON. Some day the Pacific Count will be buried under river* of molten Invìi, the hiime an the overflow on the I h I uih I of Martinique, eceording to J. Il Fink in the Pacific Miner, who nays: “It Is Htrange to think we, hero in Oregon today, uro living over forests nod plains which (li eed, as It was on a down grade. Both engines were thrown Into tbe ditch and completely wrecked. Engi­ neer J. M. White and Fireman Robt. Van Tassel of the forward engine were thrown under the wreckage and crushed to death, their bodies being fearfully mangled. Tbe mall car was thrown across the track, where It now stands. All of the passenger coaches were ditched. A number of the passengers were more or less Injured; but so far as can be learned none were killed. The names of Die Injured passengers have not yet been ascertained. Black Hair “I have used your Hair Vigor for five years and am greatly pleaaed with it. It certainly re- atorea the original color to gray hair. It keep* my hairsoft.”— Mrs. Helen Kilkenny,New Portland, Me. Ayer’s Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray hair for nfty years, ana it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. II.M • tall«. Th« Isrtssl Anatomical Mn««um tn ibe World. (Irrntnt nttraetlrm In th» CUv. A vminltvlul light ,wr vililort. WeafcuassM.oraiiyconlwt- •d <11«»—. I • I»al f »« hy th« ol.I.-l Rpc'lxll.l on til« 1‘aclfl« < out. E.ubllebed M y«ara DR. JORDAN-PRIVATE DISEASES T*>n«( meoo and middle »*«*•! «»rot who ar« aiiffartnf fr»»m th« effects of youthful Indla- riffiona or •actmw» In maturer year«. Nervoi.s and phratrat IXblllty, |»«ifrn«v , Lost M »•• is «•<»«! 1» «11 Itarompll* ration«; *N|»vrmMU»rrh«»M. Pr«Mlal«r> rlauwn. (Jonarrhes. Uleet. Freqwewey e»r ele 11/ a combination «f rt-mr 11*«. of gi-at curMlva power« lb» Doctor I ihn •«» v ranged Iris treatment that it will not only ali-itd Immediate r«-ll»*f. but permanent rare. Thu ¡»«.it .r »!<•*« net claim to perform miracle«, but H well known to be a fair end iq'iira Phvwtrlun imd Nnrgt-on, pre-smlueut In tit« «!>••«•! «Itv l> I «»f Mew N VIMII*.<** t* ,,,.,„r».|y er dlr • ad from »1. ......... Mx't th it» nt W vit «try. T*«»‘ li | y » J ' f : 1 Pad leal V cure f • f- »Ci .e. * «in.rk ah. I ».srfuji > r . . f4 i 1 \ JS CUHX In < ,„.i Mrl-.'J-n'lxata. r jrr?.w>A.««tM r A ’ Wrt I , H. >1 I'lilWaeHT OF \ ¿ HlHm iut M*II st> I H«t (Avaluab.«f " I. . 4 J OR JORDAN A CO . 10*1 MatHI stand WILL MAKE TROUBLE. PORTLAND, Ore., June 11—All union men in Portland have been instructed by the Federated Trades to hold themselves in readiness for a call for a general mass meeting, at which steps are to be taken to retaliate against the mill owners for lefusing material to the building trades. The trade council advocates arbitration by the business men, but the mill owners refuse The latter have combined and began boycotting the union men. COAL STRIKE GROWING. W ilk ESH arre , Pa., June 11—There are 170,000 idle minersin the coal regions. An army of 1H,000 miners In the bituminous district went out on strike this morning. No settlement is in sight. A number of imported men have been induced to quit work. Elite, Cooking Ware The l>est Ware that ever came to Medford. Every piece is guaranteed for five years. Don’t fail to call and sec it, and purchase some of it before it is all gone. And, talking about Fishing Tackle, I have the Tackle that will catch the Fish without applying anv great fisherman’s skill. The proof of this is in trying it. Try the Tackle, and you will lie satis­ fied. DEMAND EXTRA SESSION. S alem , Ore., June 11—The Daily Capital Journal demands that Governor Geer call an extra MMion of the legislature to enact flat salary laws, instead of salaries by commiasions, as demanded in the political platforms. Petitions are being circulated all over the state asking that this be done. PROMINENT MINING MEN Visited Properties in Jackson Coun­ ty Thia Week. Best Thing in the World for ...Vacation Time ... Constipation, Liver Troubles Impure Blood Life. The poet s exclamation: •■<> Lite: 1 fee. thee bounding In my veins,” ia a joyous one Persons that cun rarely or never make it. in honesty to themselves, are among the most un fortunate They do not live, but exist; for to live Implies more that! to be. To live Is to be well hud siren«, to arise feeling equal to the I ordinary duties ot the day. and to retire not overcome by them; to feel life tmundlng in the | veins A medicine that has made thousands Noted mining men and capitalists of California were In town last week to visit properties in tills county. The party included Prof. C* > I. r » the Corn Planters, MUSEUM OF INITOMY rvf :: t on ----- THE SUPERB----- MEDFORD, ORE. All «roitlal«. DR. JORDAN'S while D. H. MILLER’S, Hutchison & Lumsden It your