The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, June 12, 1902, Image 5

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II. E. Ankeny went to Eugene Mon-
Mr». J. W. Opp la vlMltln^ In Port­
Chris. Keegan baa returned from
Miss Cora I.Inn wiw In Medford Mon­
day morning.
Jos. Guppert of Illg llutto wits In
town Tueeday.
A. Gangwiaeh baa returned from bia
trip to Aluaka.
Mrs. P. Hines bus been visiting in
Applegate precinct.
.1. W. Opp baa returned from bia trip
to Rodding, < 'allf.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Snell visited in
Jacksonville Tuesday.
(irant Orme of Foots creek was in
Jacksonville thia week.
Mias Bessie Nickell left Sunday for a
visit at Portland and Salem.
Jeff. Faucctt baa returned to Apple­
date after a protracted absence.
Pi-of. Washburn, J. 1). Cook and bia
family were in Medford Monday.
Paul C'lrae baa gone to Northern
California, to seek employment.
V. Cook arrived from Portland Sat­
urday, and la at the Sterling mine.
Mr. and Mra. G. W. Lance, Jr., of
Foots creek wore In Medford Monday.
W. J. Plymiilo loft for Portland Mon­
day evening, to I m , gone a abort time.
Mark Finney and Frank Kasshafer,
Jr., have returned from Pokegama.
Mias laale McCully and Goo. Merritt
will return from Eugene next w<a-k.
Miss Mary Margroiter of Modferd Jacksonville a few <laya since.
Martin Perry of Sam’s valley has re­
turned from bls trip to Klamath coun­
Jerry Spencer, the gonial miner,
made a “Hying” trip to Medford Thurs­
Frank Fetich of Grant's Paas was
here Sunday, taking orders for cloth-
A. Cantrail ami Z. Cameron of Union
precinct were among us one recent
J. |>, Cook left for Roseburg, Tues­
day evening on business with the land
8. C. Minnick of Mound precinct
and his wife made our town a visit
Mrs. Gault of Oregon City la visiting
her brother-in-law, M. M. Gault, and
bia family.
Mias Daisy Olwell of Central Point
was the guest of Mrs. 11. P. Theiss one
day this week.
Mra. Jas. Buckley of Applegate has
been the guest of Thus. McAndrew and
bia family of Roxy.
Mrs. Theo. Cameron left Saturday
for San Francisco. to visit her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Ella Lang.
Mel. Pearce, the expert miner, is
slation-il near Yreka, Calif., and has
charge of a big mine.
Miss Emma Helms, worthy matron of
Adarel Chapter No. 3, O. E. S., left for
Portland Thursday.
John Broad and Thos. Reid of For­
est creek, the expert miners, were
among our visitors Monday.
J. H. Beeman, of Gold Hill, a well-
known operator In mini», was at the
county-seat a few days since.
Misa Dee Ankeny, who has boon at
Storltngville during the past several
months, left for Eugene Monday.
r.. C. Washburn, father of Prof.
Washburn, bus been in town. He is
now located in Siskiyou county, Calif.
Miss Nora Sydow passed through
Mod ford Tueaday, en route to Ashland.
She will teach in the Grant’s Pass
school again.
Hon. E. V. Carter,state senator-elect,
and Dr. R. T. Burnett, the well-known
dentist, tarried in Jacksonville a few
hours Sunday.
Mrs. G. W. Lance, Jr., of Foots
creek, visited in Jacksonville this
week, the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
W. H. Miller.
Mrs. Chas. Prim and Miss Lillie
Taylor left for Portland Tuesday even­
ing, to represent Jane McCully Cabin
in the grand cabin.
Miss Maud Prim
accompanied them.
Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, David Smith
and Mrs. Wooley, former residents of
Eagle Point precinct, but who have been
living in Coos county for sometime,
were in Jacksonville Tuesday.
H. If. McCarthy of Portland, well-
known operator in mines, and A.
Hofer, a capitalist of the metropolis,
were .in Jacksonville a f-w days ago, en
route to Applegate.
Saved From An Awful Fate.
“ Everybody said Iliad consumption,"
writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Cham­
bersburg, Pa. "I was so low after six
months of severe sickness, caused by
Hay Fever and Asthma, that few
thought 1 could get well; hut I learn­
ed of the marvelous merit of Dr. King’s
Now Discovery for Consumption, used
it, and was completely cured." For de-
stw-rate Throat and Lung Discuses it is
tnesafest cure In the world, and is in­
fallible for Coughs, Cohls and Bron­
chial Affections. Guaranteed bottles
50c and *1.00. Trial bottles free at
City Drug Store.
O. E. Gorsline has shipped his plan
ing mill to Glendale.
Tyson Beall of Pooh Bah was In
Medford one day this week.
The newly-elected officers will quality
on the first Monday in July.
Don’t forgot the base-ball game Sun­
day. It will be a “hummer.”
The haying season is here. A large
and first-class crop Is being cut.
S. P. Oliver and Goo. Heckathorn
were in town one day this week.
Mrs. R. M. Presley bus gone tn Klam­
ath county, to visit her son David.
See t he eighth or the last page for
the ottlelul voteof Jackson county.
The different school districts of the
county will elect officers next Monday.
Frank Livengood and John Lowry
have left Phumix for Klamath county.
Groat preparations are already being
made for our 4th of July celebration.
The board of trustees has donated
•50 toward our 4th of July celebration
Summer seems to be here.
weather is warm enough to suit any­
Fred Luy, Jr., was among the Med­
ford people who spent Sunday in Jack­
Put O'Donoghue, Sr., has returned
to Ashland, utter u lung absence in
Postmaster Miller has sold his pony—
more of the results of advertising in
T he T im eh .
W. W. Willits and C. W. Knightur
of Flounce Rock precinct spent Friday
in Medford.
Geo. Stevens and Fred Derrick of
Brownsboro sjient a few hours in Mud­
ford Thursday.
J. J. Brophy of Big Butte precinct
was in Medford several times during
the pust week.
J. C. Turnidge, whu is now a resi­
dent of the upper valley, was at the
county-seat Friday.
Chas. Messorve.aold newspaper man,
has entered the employ of one of our
local cotemporaries.
Dr. Clarence W. Keene arrived in
Medford yesterday, and will practice
his profession here.
The Criterion is being repainted and
otherwise neatly reuovated.
Richter Is the artist.
Wm. Fox, Geo. Fendall and Jus.
Briner, whu are mining in Grouse
creek district, have returned.
For Sale—A three-horse engine and
boiler, in good condition. Apply to
C h A h . N ickell , a bargain.
Thus. E. Nichols of Eagle Point and
A. II. Wyland of Climax apont a few
hours in Medford Tuesday.
Misses Jo and Ella Orth of Jackson­
ville were among those who visited in
Medford Sunday and Monday.
W. H. Bush, who leased his farm to
Robt. M. Caton, has gone to Crescent
city, accompanied by his family.
Mesdamcs Norris and Calkins wore
at Jacksonville Monday, in the inter­
est of the Fraternal Union ball.
J. M. Dews of Applegate has embel­
lished his resiuenoe with a fine Burdett
organ from the Coss Piano House.
Miss Emma Rued will teach a sum­
mer school in Prospect district, which
is fortunate to secure her services.
It F. Wade, a pioneer of Sam's val­
ley, is now a resident of Central Point,
and critically ill with consumption.
Tbo Socialist vote cast in Jackson
county June 2nd was less than 250.
The Prohibition vote may reach 150.
Jacksonville Fire Co. and the hoard
of trustees held their monthly meet­
ing Monday and Tuesday respectively.
A. L. Bailey has moved his photo­
graph tent to the Neil property on
Fifth street, opposite the court house.
Miss Lida Lottridge, principal of
Ashland's public school, is visiting her
mother, who lives at Corning, Calif.
The A. O. U. W.'s excursion to Port­
land will leave Ashland Friday evening.
Round-trip tickets can be obtained for
Geo. 8. Calhoun, a former merchant
of Grant's Pass, whois in a San Fran
cisco hospital, is recovering from Ills
R. Collinson, the veteran commer­
cial traveler, has been interviewing the
numerous customers of Fleischner
Mayer A < '<>.
Rev. W. Bitter will hold services at
the Catholic church in Medford on the
first and third Sundays in each month,
at 10:15 a. tn.
Mrs. E. Ross of Central Point went
to Ashland Friday, accompanied by
her daughter, -Mrs. J. B. Cunuingham,
Of San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Johnson, who
have been residents of Jacksonville for
Several mont hs past, removed to Ash­
land during the past week.
The election of school officers will he
held on the third Monday in Juno this
year. The clerks are engaged in taking
a tsmsus of school children.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic blood poisoning and al) scrofu­
lous affections. At all times a match­
less system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded if youstro not satisfied. 5tkj
and *1.00. A. P. Estabrook Gold Hill,
Orc., the leading druggist.
The Elite photograph gallery, locat­ i The official vote of Jackson county
The dancing party given at Eagle
ed In Hamlin’s block, is closed.
We will be found on the last page of today’s Point by W. C. Ashpole and Merritt
ure Informed that the proprietor, Mr. TIMES. It will he valuable for refer­ Brown on the night of election day
ence in the future and should tie pre­ was a well-attended and pleasant one.
Owings, has left Medford.
The cause exists in the blood, 1r*
Excellent music and supper were pro­
The Ghemol club of Jacksonville served.
causes inflammation of the
was charmingly entertained by Miss
Isa Cook, on the occasion of the fair the most prominent of our pioneers,
J. J. Pankey, who is catching fish in mucous membrane.
tarried a few hours in Medford Mon­ Rogue river, says that he has shipped
hostess’ eighteenth birthday.
It is therefore impossible to cure
day. His health is considerably im­ and sold much more during the past
Fred Engle of the Ashland base-ball
disease by local applications.
proved, we are pleased to learn.
few weeks than ever before during the
club, who hud hisunkle badly sprained
It is positively dangerous to neglect
Jacksonville will have almost a clear­ same period. They are of a fine quality.
in the game with Medford's nine at
field in the isdebratlon line in Southern
•One of the best base-ball games of it, because it always affects the stom­
Jacksonville, Is still In dry dock.
Oregon this year, and will outdo itself. the season will be played at Neuber A ach and deranges the general health,
Ex-Sheriff Nellon of Lake county,
That means much, for the county-seat Taylor’s grounds In Jacksonville Sun­
and is likely to develop into consump­
who was tried for embezzlement at
is second to none in observing the 4th day, between the local and Ashland
the recent term of circuit cout for
of July.
nines. This will decide who will oppose
Lake county, was found guilty.
Many hare been radically and permanently
Medford’s club in the contest for the cured by Hood* Sarsaparilla. It cleanses tho
W. J. Chastain of Gazelle, Calif., was
blood and ba« a peculiar alterative and tonic
in Medford a few days since, accom­ who was formerly a resident of this
of July celebration at the county-seat. effect. K. L ook - California Junction, Iowa,
panied by his wife. He came to look section, returned the forepart of the
writes: *’I had catarrh three years, lost my
week, to locate. He was gone about
At the recent meeting of the South­ appetite and could not sleep. M y bead pained
after some stock at the Hanley ranch.
twelve years, most of which time he ern Oregpn Pluneer Society the follow­ me and I felt bad all over. I took Hood's
F. R. Neil is at Portland, represent­ spent in Colorado.
ing ortiexjrs wereeiected for the ensuing Sarsaparilla and now have a good appetite,
ing Warren Lodge in the Masonic
year. President, U. C. Beekrnan; vice- » eep well, and have no symptoms of catarrh.’*
grand lodge, Ills family accompanied
in mines, arrived from the north dur­ president, J. R. Neil; secretary and Hood" a Saraaparilla
ing the past w6ek and is at the Atkins treasurer, Silas J. Day. The next an­
Thu family of the late Mrs. M. E. property In Watkins district. He is nual reunion will be held at Jackson­ Promises to cure and keeps the prom­
Booth tender thanks to those who ex­ accompanied by his uncle, who recent­ ville on the first Thursday in Septem­ ise
It is better not to put oil treat­
tended their kind offices during the ly came from Iowa.
ment— buy Hood's today.
last hours of the deceased.
The many friends of Mrs. Mattie
F. Osenbrugge, the enterprising
Dr. E. E. Emerson, the scientific dealer in wagons and farming imple­ Birdsey will be sorry to learn of her
optician, has built up a good business
ments, has lately received a carload of death. She died on Decoration Day at
in Southern Oregon. Ho will make a
machinery, which our farmers will do her home in Avon, Mont., of typhoid
professional visit to Jacksonville July
well to inspect. His goods and prices fever, shortly after her return from
California. Mrs. Birdsey and her hus­
are right.
P. P. Prim Cabin Native, Sons of
band resided in Jacksonville many years
Hon. W. M. Colvig left for Portland
Oregon, will bo represented by W, 1.
ago. She was a woman of many esti­
Friday, to attend the grand lodges of
Vawter of Medford in the Grand Cabin,
mable qualities, and highly esteemed by
the A. O. U. W. and A. F. & A. M., in
which meets in Portland on the I2th
all a ho know her.
each of which he will represent Jack­
In many instances attacks of cholera
sonville’s lodges. He was accompanied
morbus terminate fatally before medi­
The Taylor House has been thor­ by his daughter, Helen.
cine can be procured or a physician
oughly renovated and presents a much
Jos. M. Rader, sheriff-elect, was at summoned. The safe way is to keep
improved appearance. Thebestof ac­
the county-seat Monday, making ar­ at hand a reliable medicine for use in
commodations can always be obtained
such cases. For this purpose there is
rangements for his removal hither. nothing so sure as Chamberlain's Colic,
Jacksonville did not treat him very Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. W.
People are now riding on the S. P.
well at the late election, but will do E. Bosworth of La Fayette, Ala, says:
Co. 's lines in Oregon at the rate of
“In June, 190(1, I had a severe attack
much better next time.
of cholera morbus, and one dose of
three cents a mile. The reduction of
The basket-ball fad has reached Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
one cent is considerable and duly ap-
Oregon, and Medford will Diarrhoea Remedy gave me relief in
fifteen minutes.” For sale by City
Don’t fail to cast your ballot for the have one of the first clubs. J. E. En- Drug Store.
young lady you wish to be the Goddess yart and Dr. Butler are promoting the
of Liberty at the Jackson ville celebra­ organization, which will probably use CRATER LAKE BOILING
tion. The contest has begun to tie in­ Wilson's opera house.
Also Small Instruments
W. I. Vawter of Medford has been
According to Reports of Recent
and Sheet Music. We
John Estes, the clover deputy sheriff selected to deliver the oration at the
have everything in the
of Marion county, and Mr. Beaver, also celebration of the 4th of July at Jack­
musie line here.
a prominent resident of the same sec­ sonville, and will doubtless do justice to
Crater Lake is beginning to boil and
tion, were in the valley the forepart of the subject. Leila Prim will read the steam, according to the reports of re­
declaration of independence.
cent arrivals. Although none of those
last week.
Business opportunity. To the right interviewed have seen the lake itself,
Don't forget that a college is one of
Also Great Bargains in
the main necessities of Medford, to party we will give exclusive sale of our they claimed that clouds of steam could
Everybody should product in Jackson county. Require be seen ascending from where the lake
make it a city,
subscrilie liberally to the fund to limited advance payment for goods. is located. As the volcanic eruptions
Address International Power Vehicle of Pelee have already kindled so many­
establish it.
fires in other craters, some believe it
Drawer G, Stamford, Conn.
We have a large list of
exercises of St.
A dancing party will be given at the may be responsible for the boiling of
farm and stock ranches
Mary’s Academy will be held at U. 8.
Crater Lake,if the reports are true.
Hal) Friday evening, June 20th. A opera house Thursday night, June 12th
and city property for
splendid programme has been arrang­ in celebration of the first anniversary
The Best Prescription fur Malaria,
of the local lodge of the Fraternal Chills
ed therefor.
and Fever is » bottle o IO hovs ' s T astb
luss C hiu . T omic . It is simply iron and qui­
Commencement exercises of St. Union of America. The Grant's Pass nine In a tasteless toim. No cure. No pay
P rop .
Price SOc.
Mary’« Academy, at Jacksonville, will orchestra will furnish the music.
Thomas-White Block, West 7th St.
Wm. Ennis, of Siskiyou county, Cal.,
taka place June 20th. Misses Daisy
Store Phone, 134; Residence. 184.
Olwell and Josephine Donegan will be who was engaged in the saloon busi­
ness in Medford, passed through the
the graduates.
Judge Day has resigned his position valley a few days ago, en route to
C onn —B utler —At Lakeview, May
as referee in bankruptcy, and will be Portland, to enter a hospital. Ho had
21, La Favette Conn and Miss Lora
appointed a U. S. Commissioner. He
Butler, by Rev. C. M. Smythe.
will then be prepared to take all kinds
It is reported that District Attorney How ahd —H um ih it by —At Lakeview,
of land proofs.
May 22, O. W. Howard and Miss
Reames and Col. C. A. Cogswell, dur­
Lulu Humphrey, by Recorder Um-
J. M. Ilansbrough, Republican can­ ing the trial of the Neiion embezzle­
didate for joint representative, carried ment ease at Lakeview, became in­
lute —W ood «—At Redding, Calif.,
both Jackson and Douglas counties by volved in a lively personal encounter,
June 1, rt u’. F. Clute and Miss
largo majorities, his total probably which was not confined to words alone.
Agaie R. Wuuds of Yreka.
reaching 600.
Prof. I. E. Vining, who has so ably S tewart — i C atrie — in
Wm. Faber, the popular president conducted the depar tnent of language
May 31, Janies Stewart and Miss
of the Albany Brewing Co., passed and elocution of the Southern Oregon
Sophia U llairie,
T. L.
Are getting quite numerous
through the valley Friday, en route to State Normal School, has resigned his
this fine spring weather aud,
the Klamath Hot Springs, for the bene­ position. He will take a course at C ulp --D awson —At Etna,
as none of them brought
May Zu, 1902, uy Rev. H. B iker.
fit of his health.
Columbia College, New York, next fall.
their shoes with them, we
Fifty thousand salmon eggs were this
that we will have to
Blue-print maps of anv township in
week shipjied to Clackamas, which is Roseburg. Oregon, Land District, show­
—A very —Near Merlin,June 3d,
provide footwear forthem.
the last of the six and half millions ing all the vacant lands, for ,70 cents D ora
Ubas. Dora and Mrs. Julia Avery.
Well, we’re ready—we have
taken at the hatcheries in this county each, If you want any information
anseth —Me H a roue —At Albany,
from the U. S. Land Office, address
the prettiest Baby Shoes
by Supt. Berraim.
May 20th, Geo. Hanseth and Miss
Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­
you ever saw.
Carpenter A Allison, who own one of burg, Oregon.
Ida McHargue.
Slippers,Moccasins and Lit­
the best kilns in Southern Oregon,
An ice-cream and strawberry social
tle Bootes—some red, some
have made such improvements as to be will be held in the basement of the
able to turn out 500 bushels of superior Presbyterian church Friday evening,
blue, some black. Every
lime every 60 hours.
pair as cute and cunning as
under the auspices of the Society of N eil —On Neil Creek, June 6th, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Neil, a sou.
The executive committee of the South­ Christian Endeavor.
can be. Mothers, come and
An excellent
ern Oregon Soldiers’ and Sailors' Re­ literary and musical programme will be D arling —At Gold Hill, June 2d, lu
see our Baby Shoes—cheap
Mi and Mrs. II. E. Darling, ■
union, (which will be held at Gold Hill rendered. All are incited to attend.
any of them.
Sept. 15th) met recently and arranged
The Sisters of the Holy Names, of S ilva —At Dunsmuir. May 30th, Co
an excellent programme.
Jacksonville, cordially invite the pa­
M . and Mrs. Louis Silva, a eon.
W. A. Lawrence, representing the trons and friends of St. Mary's Acad­
—At Ashland, June 5th, to
Pacific coast territory for Hooker A emy to the musical examination of the
Mr. and Mrs. Heury Sheet4, a daugh­
Co. of Buffalo, New York, was in the pupils, including the first to the tifth
city last week, transacting business ill grades, which will be given at U. S.
L yon —At Ashland. June 3, to Mr.
the interest of his firm.
and Mrs. H. T. Lyon, a daughter.
Hall Thursday, June 19th, at two
A dancing party was given at Orth's o'clock p. m.
E dwards —At Grant’s Pass, May 25,
Hall Thursday evening, and was thor­
to Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. T. Edwards,
We will send the value of one dollar
a sou.
oughly enjoyed by those present. Ex­ and ten cents in booklet, containing
cellent music was furnished by Prof. twenty-seven pen and ink photo-re­ H unting —At Grant’s Pass, May 24,
duced sketches of Washington life by
to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huuting, a I
Boffa and Miss Kendall.
mail for ten cents (cash or stamps).
Grant's Puss’ cornet band and or­ Queen Victoria knighted Sir John Ten-
orris —In Ashland, . June
1, to
chestra, which have no superior in
Mrs. Geo. Morris, a
Mr. at.d
Southern Oregon, will furnish the (Your editor has sample of this). NUT­
SHELL P ublishing C ompany , 10.79
music for the celebration of our nation­ Third Ave., New York.
G alloway —In Portland, Mav 28th.
al holiday at Jacksonville.
to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Galloway,
W. H. DeZeng,the well-known miner,
formerly or Medford, a son.
P, W. Bush of Meadows precinct was who has been spending two months
in Medford Tuesday. In company with in Wyoming and other Rocky Moun­
Peter Wilson he will soon liegin the tain states, arrived in Jacksonville
if shingles of a superior Monday, en route to Cinnabar. He was
quality or.
well pleased with his experience while A nder - on —On Wagner Creek. June
1st, Mrs. Mary A. Anderson.
•<, who is praetie- absent, and says that the country he
Dr. Evi
ing his profussi' .
Marshfield, Coos saw was making rapid strides forward D urkee —At Altamont,
county, May 31st, Mrs. Howard
county, Is visiting relatives living in
Durkee; aged 35 years.
Win. Clarke's Tybalt and Sir Staf­
Ashland, accompanied by his wife. Ho
ford,the best stallions in Southern Ore­ Bi husky At Avon, Mont., May 30th,
is a native of Jackson county.
Mrs. Mattie BircBey; aged 67 years.
gon, will be at the fair grounds near
Moki tea positively cures sick head- Central Point every day in the week,
illiams Near Grant’s Pass, May
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
2*, Martin Williams; aged 45.
delightful herb drink.
Removes all excepting Saturday, when they can be
eruptions of the skin, producing a per­ found at Phipps’ barn in Medford. Tha T oft —At Ashland, June 1. Jennie,
fect complexion, or money refunded. former is a handsome trotter with e
wife of H. B. Tott; aged 22 years.
25c and .sic.
Write to us for free
sample. W. H. H ooker A Co., Buffa­ good record, while the latter is a big ANDEitsoN-In Talent Previncf. Jnne
Corner Hcventti nnrl
1. 1902. Mrs. Mary Anderson; aged
lo, N. Y. A. P. Estabrook, Gold Hill, and superior draft horse. Tybalt wil
Ore., the leading druggist.
be in Jacksonville Thursday.
55 years.
The Coss
Piano House
Deals in
Pianos, Organs,
Vocalion Pipe-
Real Estate
F.K. Deuel