©emoGratic (|>ifnes. Printed Every Thursday, at Jackson­ ville, Oregon, by MINES OF SOUTHERN ORE­ GON; ALSO ELSEWHERE Latest Reports Front One of! Our Chief Industries. GREAT BIG FROST. Phoenix People Tried to Play Ball; But Didn’t. xxx>oo OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO A ! JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS VOTINO CONTEST OPEN. CENTRAL POINT NOTES.? Some Matters of Interest Con- . eerning our Neighbors. Four Candidate« have been Entered for the Southern Oregonian'« Free Vacation Conteat. 0OOOOOOYO0 A. F. Nelson of Selma lias been Mrs. B. Vincent was here trading The ^OVTHBRN O rkiionian ' h frrft ! with us lately. one day this week. vacation contest is open. Mrs. o. C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. A large quantity of ore is being Dr. Kleb« lias gone to The Dalle« to Davis and Miss Carrie George or Mrs. A. V. Chittenden, who has lieen hauled to mill from tiie Gold Medford, and Mis« Jo Orth mid practice ilia profession. quite ill, is some better. TERMS: Standard mine, located a few miles MiM Lillian llogan will leach a Miss Mabel Prim of Jacksonville Miss Annabel Pankey Is visiting One Year, in advance....................... *1.50 west of Jacksonville. It is of ex­ iiave been entered in the race by summer term at Placer. relative« at Rock Point. Six Months.......................................... 1-0® cellent quality and will doubtless friends. Grant's Pass has retired all of its Mrs. E. C. Sherman of Ashland is Advertisements inserted at reasona­ yield well. As briefly as possible the editor 8 per cent wai fants,up to Dec. I, 189s. paying relative« here a visit. ble rates. wlH'altempt to answer some of the J. F. Garrison, who is developing a Ryan's Brick Bldg., California St. Miss Jennie Gaines attended lks'ora- W. J. Wimer, a well-known citizen numerous inquiries received asking place! mine situated in Sterlingviile tion Day exercise« at Medford. of Waldo precinct, was In Grant’s abouklhe contest. The coupons do district, has run a tunnel 250 feet in A. S. Jacobs has been appointed Pass a few days ago, accompanied not necessarily Iiave to be signed by "Flat salaries instead of fees" is the length; but bedrock has not been by his wife. Notary Public by Governor Geer. struck as yet. The prospects for good the one sending them; but the name war cry of the people of Oregon. Miss Dora Culvlg is visiting in of the party to be voted for must be pay are favorable, however. I. B. Williams is having a wire Two new words have been added to Portland. She will not teach in our written thereon plainly, so that It fence put around his house and lot. The past season’s work in the Foots our vocabulary- “commandeer," mean­ creek placer mines lias about been schools next year. can be made out. The coupons can lie Mrs. M. Cunningham of San Fran­ ing complusory acquisition, and “Mor- cleaned up, with favorable results. Prof. Hampton, tiie popular sent by mall or brought to the cisco is paying relatives here a visit. ganeer,’’ signifying legal control of Some of the miners have done better S outhern O iikoonian office In the Gus Morris, who Is employed on the mauager of the Columbia mine, was the whole of any commodity. Miles’ block, over Miller’s hardware with us Thursday. than usual. Fish Lake ditch, was home Sunday. store. The votes will be counted on It is reported that H. C. Perkins Miss Agues York Is vlsitiug rela ­ Frank Morine of Table Roek was Mining experts representing large each publication day and announced. trading with our merchants Saturday. tives living in the Applegate and It will close In time ao that the «> jc - capital are becoming thick in Southern and D. II. Stovall recently discovertd Corundum in upper Slate creek dis ­ Missouri Flat section«. Oregon. The straws tell which way 1. F. Williams has fitted up a nice cessful candidate can visit Newport trict, a mineral hitherto unknown on Mrs. Ray Carlon (nee Cook) of Rose­ the wind blows. room on Main street for a telephone during the full-tide season, and the the coast. burg, who has beeu visiting In Grant's office. end will be announced soon enough The Chinese government has issued The Hydraulic Mining Co. has (dis­ Pass, has return«*d home. L. E. Van Vliet is furnishing this so that the friends and their candi­ a uew mining regulation, imposing such posed of several mining claims located Mrs. D. John of Williams is at dates will not be taken unaware«. market with a fine quality of straw­ a heavy tax as will exclude foreigners in Jump-off Joe district, to Mrs. E. Grant's Pass, the guest of her All expenses of the candidate, both berries. from investing. Besides a heavy tax A. Smith. The consideration named daughter, Mrs. J. VV. Howard. railroad fare and hotel bills, will 1« Mr. and Mi's. J. W. Clark of Sam's the government adds a 25 per cent, it «12,500. JACKSONVILLE R. G. Virtue of Leland was In paid for a period of one mouth. Tits Valley camo in after supplies the first royalty. ____________ W. H. Ramsey and W. L. Ingram AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Grant’s Pass a few days since, ac­ Medford Drug Co. will present tiie Nunan. ss. . . .7 4 2 ü 0 0 of the week. recently made a tine copper strike in Ulrich, rf 0 0 4 3 0 0 companied by his cousin, Mrs. Hardy. successful candidate with a costly The Ancient Order of the Mystic Slate creek district. H. C. Perkins, P. ftmegan, p Forrest Moore has the material on 7 5 3 U 3 1 Helms, 2 b .. .. Shrine has possession of San Francis­ <*642 1 0 the ground for a dwelling, which will F. I). Burns has bought Charley present. who has visited it, says it 1» on the Kobiuett, lb.. « » 6 6 1 0 co this week. Almost every state and Eveiy paid subscription will count cf. ... S 2 1 0 0 0 be erected soon. Gray’s meat market in Grant’s Pass, same line with the Preston Peak and Brown, Lewis. 3 f 6 1 I) 2 1 1 territory in the Union is represented. for as many votes as there are issue« and will serve his customers with the R. lMnegan. 1 !.. .. .3 4 I ! 0 0 Waldo mines. Elder W. L. Skeels, state evangelist The order records a wonderful Pentoli, c................... of the paper for Hie term of subscrip., « » 2 7 2 0 best. for the Church of God, is holding a Whiteside Bros, of Minneapolis, growth in the last few years. lion. Tutals................. ...M 3U 1, is M 2 H. L. Andrews, the clever book­ series of meetings here this week. wbe recently bonded the Spence and Tiie contest opens as follows: PHOENIX. W. E. Perkins, who has been visiting keeper of the Old Channel Mining Mrs. O. Davis, Medford John L. Sullivan, the retired pugilist, Class copper properties, situated in .. 112 AB R H PO A. E Co., was a recent visitor at Grant’s Miss Carrie George •• .................... 2i who has lately been playing the part Sonthern Josephine county, have a Ikiardman, ss 2 0 0 1 1 3 relatives near Baker City, the past Kleinhammer, c. 3 1 2 10 Miss Maliel Prim, Jacksonville 21 1 0 nonth, returned home—Saturday. Pass. of "Simon Legree" in “Uncle Tom's force engaged in developing them. Rose, 2 b .......... 3 0 10 1 3 M i»» Jo < >rtli, " 17 J. Smith, c f ...2 0 0 0 0 3 Two logs, recently cut at Williams Cabin,’’ has wrecked the company in Geo. Hoffman and Fred Bolt of H Shaffer. 1 f & p Mrs. N. P. Thompson, who has 3 0 0 0 3 4 Bros.' saw mill, at work in Murptiy Connecticut by displaying too much Thompson creek, who are working an P. Smith, 3 b ... S 0 0 1 0 3 been visiting Mrs. W. W. Edington of If The Hehl' la Cutting teeth. J Shaffer, p x 1 f 3 0 11 3 1 precinct, produced nearly 4000 feet of realism. "The closer you get to the excellent quartz mine in Tallow Box Jacotjg, 1 b 2 0 0 0 1 3 Sam's Valley, came home last Friday. Ile aure and use that old and well-lrled reme 2 0 1 0 2 0 lumber. dy. M hh W ikhi . ow ' s S oothiso «tur, tor real thing,’’he says, “the more effec­ district, recently cleaned up several Dualap. r f Mr. Heatherly's children have re­ < l.i hlrt-n teeimng II »oolbea thè cblld. tive is the play;" and acting on that hundred dollars. 10 21 ens tt><- nume, aliay" all pala, cure« wlnd eolldh Dan Green of Gallce and H. C. Mc­ covered from the diphtheria, and ho and ls thè beat reinodv tor dlarrhoea Twemy \ suggestion he laid such powerful SCORE BY INNINGS. Intosh of Wolf creek, the veteran «ve cesia a botile. A lO-stamp Hammond mill has ' has moved bis family to old Central 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 y strokes with the lash upon the hacks been installed at tne Eureka mine, miners, were in Grant’s Pass several Jacksonville « 7 1 2 2 1 11 • *-30 Point. of the play slaves that the latter re­ Soldier creek district, which has been Phoenix Recovered Speech and Hearing. days during the past week. 1 0 0 0 0 0 * • •— 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lozier and Miss fused to repeat the performance. bonded by the Oregon & California SUMMARY. Messrs. E ly B ron :—I commenced The corner-stone of Grant ’ s Pass ’ Two-base hit--P. Donegan. Home Viola Phiester of Medford attended "Massa John, jou’se too pow’ful,” Fields. Ltd. using your Crearii 11»Im about two I Masonic temple was laid June 4th run—Helms. Double play—Helms tu the Prohibition lecture here last year« ago for catarrh. My voice was said one of the negroes who rebelled. with impressive ceremonies. W. E. somewhat thick and my hearing wu R. Van Brunt, who purchased the Le*i*. Base bits—<«!T J. Sbatter, 5; Friday. II. Shaffer, 14; P. Donegan. 5. Grace or Baker City, the grand dull. My hearing has bcm fully re­ The final report of the committee of Ock placer mines, Happy Camp dis­ Struck Out—J. Shaffer. 1; H. Shaffer. Prof. A. J. Hanby left on Wednes­ stored and my h | hh -<-I i has become« master, officiated. trict, Calif., expects to clean up awards of the Charleston fair shows 6; P. Donegan 10. Base on balls— day's evening train for Kansas, where quite clear. I am a teacher In our nearly «100.000 this season. Shaffer, 5; P. Donegan, 2. Hit by he goes to visit relatives a couple of that the state of Oregon captured Hon. J. H. Booth, receiver of the town. The Calumet and Hecla mine. pitched by—R. Donegan, Boardman. months. L. G. B rown , Granger, O. more medals than any state in the Roseburg land office, was a recent Passed bails—Kleinhammer, 7. No comment is nc>emocratlc county candidate", prayed for In the petition of Chaa E. Wilkin time in California and Utah, the gey­ through commissions and fees. There brooks" and “sylvan bowers,” places Rose left on Tuesday's train for to-wlt: J. A. Booth judge, (’. F. M«>n. administrator of thr Mild rstalv now <>a tile In thia court; sers in the Yellowstone park, the is but one thing for the recently-elected as varied In their characteristic beauty Seattle, to make their future home. Lovelace ommlssioner, J. T. Taylor S W *4 of thr S W of Ser. 2*. and th«- S 1 Their many friends wi.h them much treasurer, (I. C. Perkins surveyor, •4 of thr S E •< of Sec. JV. and N E •< of N K smoking volcanoes in Alaska, and the legislators to do—obey the voice of as the moods of man, in fact »4 of Sec and N W •< of N W ‘4 of Ser 31, recent terrible eruptions not so far the people. The D emocratic T imes "Where Nature works with freest success. i Dr. Kremer coroner. The Republi­ nil in Twp. :<4 S. K I E. Jackaon county. Ore away, give unmistakable evidences of believes that the creating of hand, J. R. Cook of Eagle Point, S. M. cans elected were W. C. Hale repre­ Wituran, thr Hon. ('han. Prim. Judge of the the pent-up forces which are boiling commissions for the purpose of draw­ Builds her greatest works of art, Nealon of Sam’s Valley and several sentative, R. L. Bartlett clerk, G. County Court of th«* Sialc of <>r» gon, for tht beneath us. ing salaries is a pernicious and costly While the feeble life of man other old veterans from tho surround­ W. Lewis, Jr., sheriff. W. H. Fallin County of Jackaon, with thr Seal of said Court afniod. thia Ath day of June. A. I> IKTJ practice. Without casting any reflec­ There most smoothly plays its part." ing country, attended Decoration Day assessor. OFFICIAL VOTE. Alleal (M t * N bwmi ’MY. Clerk tions upon the present administration, ' exercises here. There are the mountains clothed the system is one that can be easily with shady ft.rests, singing thestrange, Elder E. Badger of Ashland The official vote of Jackson county­ abused. .There is no end to the num­ weird tune of the breezes: rugged, wild I preached here last Sunday to a large gas canvassed Monday by Justices Ply- ber of commissions that might be ap­ chasms, through which the water congregation, and administered the boils and foams, leaving a white track male and Foudray, and will be found pointed. of spray in its wake, and little nestling ordinance of baptism to Mr. and Mrs. •n the eighth page The ballots cast Under a flat salary system that is valleys and the health-giving hot S. A. Thompson. ran up to 3539, a few hundred less than impossible. The people thjn know springs—all of which are readily ac­ We carry in stock a complete line of both hand N S. Hallcroft, Baptist minister, the number of voters in the county. what salary each officer is drawing. A cessible to the people of Medford. and machine made harness. Outing appeals not alone to our ar­ will bold religious services at this Only 130 votes were thrown against the good many leaks will be closed and tistic We make a npecialty of hand made harness and tastes and pl> asure-loving side; plain* on Saturday evening before the initiative and referendum amendment, fewer loopholes left for grafting. but to our practical side as well. A guarantee every piece of work we turn out. while 2437 ballots were recorded there­ While the law does not countenance few| days away from business and third Sunday of this month, also on Prices reasonable. the following Sunday, morning und care means a new lease of life. It for. A large number failed to vote the paying of salaries by commissions, quickens our sluggish blood, clears the evening. •itber way. because the question was it is within the power of the legislature brain and strengthens the system so Ira Love, of Meadows, was here .printed at the bottom of the long bal­ when it convenes to lay down such that we can more easily throw off the rules as to leave no possible room for impurities in which disease take their Monday, and says the citizens ot his lot and overlooked by many. grafting on the part of those who are root. Every business man should take neighborhixxl intend celebrating the his family and enjoy a vacation, no They will have a Seventh Street, ... M edforri, Ore«on inclined to take advantage of their po­ matter how short, at least once a year. Fourth of July. .No Loss of Time. basket dinner, old-fashioned -barbecue, sitions and the people ’ s trust. So long It will profit him in the end. I have sold Chamberlain’s Colic, and dance at night. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for as the’opportunity offers there are al­ years, and would rather be out of coffee ways people to take advantage of it. HEIR TO LARGE ESTATE. Prof. A. J. Hanby held examination and sugar than it. I »old five bottles The affairs of the State cannot be con­ on the 1st and 2nd inst., in the ninth of it yesterday to threshers that could Mrs. J. H. Lacy, who is a Descendant grade. Those that passed examina­ go no farther, and they arc at work ducted with a loose system any more of the Van Horn Estate. again this morning—H. R. P helps . than if the same rule was applied to the tion were Nora Beebe, Sadie Kincaid, Plymouth. Oklahoma. A- will be seen business of a private firm. We repeat, Julia Olson, Bello Bennett, Lizzie by the above threshers were able to the voice of the people must be obeyed. In all probability Mrs. J. H. Lacy is Gibson and Jennie Gaines. keep on with their work without one of the heirs to the famous Van losing a single day's time. You should Will Enlarge Ditch. Horn estate in New York. She is the keep a bottle of this Remedy in your $15.00 to $18.00 a Week Tiie Fish Lake Ditch Co. discussed daughter of J. J. Van Horn, who, in home. For sale by City Drug Store. Salary for an intelligent man or plans the other day with a view of his turn, is a descendant of one of I woman in each towo. Permanent The Medford Bridge. enlarging the capacity of the ditch. the three Van Horn brothers, who position. 30 cents per hour for some The bids for building a steel bridge While it may not be enlarged at the located 160 acres of land in the heart of time. Address Manufacturer, Box 1120, Cnlcago. •cross Bear creek, at Medford, have pie-ent time, the company desires to New York City. The estate recalls to mind the many know if itcould be enlarged any future been taken ider advisement by the : county com.nisd« -).’’ court until June I time without interfering tor* much mythical companies formed to catch 18th. there-.-' - al of them, rang­ with the flow of water. Owing to the unwary. In the cities of tho East ■« T housands S aved B y ing from *5901* upv -d. Geo. Ridinger the demands of prospective con­ are people who make a business of w rit­ of C<>os cqunty pi ented the-lowest, sumers it is believed it will be neces­ ing letters to those in distant parts,tell­ sary to increase the supply in another ing them they are heirs to some great , with E. C. Peril; n- i »<*•■ second. year or so, and tiie company desires estate. Once the intended victim be- ' This wonderful medicins posi­ to be in shape to do it with the lea»t comes interested enough to bite, he is CONSUMPTION, tively curesConsumption, Coughs asked to advance a sum to defray in­ trouble when the time comes. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu­ the m<»st Ur'*ar 2ha * Jacksonville, Ore ever getting anything. WC.C C. fail m cure dr jgg.su r< .'und c orei Times Printing Company About the worst exhibition in tiie way of a base-ball game that ever occurred in JacksonvIPe took place last Sunday afternoon, when some boys from l*ha>nix went up against Jacksonville. They lasted six and one-half innings, the score then standing 30 to 1, and so quit. Their only run was in the first inning, when two wild throws let Klein- hammer in. These were the only errors made by Jacksonville, who put up a line game, worthy of a better cause. The features were a doutle play, Helms to Lewis, and a homeiun by Helms. Phivuix did the one, two, three act, during the game, one of their brilliant plays resulting in a homerun. The umpire called three strikes on Nunan, but the bail got by Kleinhammer. He recovered it and threw to second. The second baseman threw to various other persons standing around thedianiond; but it always seemed to burn their fingers. While they were having their little fun Nuoan made the circuit. The score is as follows: Hand Made Harness L. A. LUCUS & SON, DR. KING’S NEW DISCOVERY MITv 111’LL ct BOECK,