The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, June 05, 1902, Image 8

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Prompt Justice Io Philadelphia.
The largest sum ever p»id ’or » prescription
changed hands in San Francisco Aug 30. 1901.
The transfer Involved in coin and stock «Hi,-
500 and was paid by a party of business men
tor a specific tor Bright's Disease and Diabetes
hitherto Incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investigation of
the specill< Nov. 15, 10 JO. They Interviewed
scores of the cured and tried it out on its
media by putting over three dozeu cases on
the treatment and watching them. They also
go physicians to name chronic, Incurabl
cases, and administered it with the physician
or judges. Up to Aug. S5 »tghty-seveu per
cent, of the test cases were either well or pro­
gressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent, ot failures,
the parties were satisfied and closed ihetrans-
■t! i The proceedings of the inves igattng
ini: ee und the clinical reports of the ttst
s were published and will be mailed tree
. q-p.icat'OD. Address JOHN J Fvt.TOK CO.
Sila*» cl Day
Philadelphia is sometimes spoken of
as being alow.
In one respect the
(junker City must la1 exonerated from
that charge. Certainly there was noth­
ing slow about the bringing to Justice
<>f Murderer Lane, the negro butler,
who was sentenced to deuth within
seventy-two hours after having com­
mitted a triple tnurder. He killed a
woman and one of her daughters and
fatally wounded another daughter on
one day. wits arrested on the same day.
arraigned on the following day and
convicted and sentenced to death on
the third day.
The Philadelphia Press Insists that
there was no undue haste In the pro­
ceedings and that the negro was ac­
corded ail tlie rights and privileges to
which a person accused of a capital
crime is entitled. lie had a fair trial,
says The Press, and all the forms of
law were strictly compiled with. There
was no element of doubt as to the coni
mission of the crime, as the murderer
admitted his guilt, and this unques­
tionably facilitated the proceedings.
The ease furnishes a remarkable ex­
ample of prompt justice under legal
forms and is in striking contrast to a
large majority of murder trials, which
drag along months Htid even years be
fore the ends of justice are reached.
Perhaps if there were less of the law's
delay in flagrant and brutal murder
cases where the Identity of the mur-
derer is reasonably apparent there
would be less Inclination on the part
of people whose sense of justice has
been outraged to resort to the jurisdic­
tion of Judge Lynch. While It is not
the desire of orderly and law abiding
people that the conviction of criminals
should be unduly hastened or procured
without a deliberate compliance with
the legal forms, there Is no doubt that
tlie technicalities imposed to retard
justice bring not a little popular dis
repute upon our system of criminal
Wine of Cartlui is the guardian
of a woman's health and happi­
ness from youth to old age.
helps her safely into womanhood.
It sustains her during the trials
of pregnancy, childbirth and
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing flooding and ttiis-
It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
known as the change of life.
cures leueorrluva, falling of the
womb, and menstrual irregularity
in every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman’s
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, acts directly on the geni­
tal organs and is the finest tonic
for women known. Ask your
druggist for a $1.00 bottlo of
tt iuc of Cardui.
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent,
and I'. S. Commissioner
for Jackson County.
Abstracts made to Titles of •
■II Kind drawn up especiallv pertaining tc
the settlement of estate*
Accounts Solicited, Prompt Remittance.
Invatment securities a wpeuuMiy. Jackson
County Scrip bought and sold.
have a complete set of maps of all surveyed
lands in this county, and receive Abstracts
monthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Land
Department of the t • if. R. R. and th.
Lana Department at Salem of all new entries
made 1 am thus prepared to make out home«
stead papers and take proofs thereon. Also I
lake tilings and proofs of timber lands, and
can save to parties the expense of a trip
to the Ruseburg land office
Batesville, Ala.. Joly 11, 1900.
I am wring Wiue of Cardui and Thed­
ford s Black-Draught and I feel like a
different woman already. Several la­
dies here keep the medicines in their
homes all the time. 1 have three girls
aud they are using it with me.
For adrlee a«<l literature, address, giving
symptoms, “ The Ladies' Advisory Depart­
ment Tpe Chattanooga Medicine company,
Chattanooga, Feiuu
I have a Number of FlncFarms and othei
Desirable Propertv In my hands for
Pro in «t reply made to all letters. Charg­
es in accordance with the rimes
Refers, by permission. Hon H. K. Hanna
judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to an)
business house in Jacksonville.
■ ixioooooooooooo
Rio Grande Western
and ;
Denver & Rio Grande ?
A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
A practical, progressive school, conspicuous
for thorough work, with hundreds of graduates
in ¡-ositions as bookkeepers and stenographers.
Already proud of a high standing where vet
known, it steadily prows better and better
Open all the year.. Students admitted any time.
Private or class instruction. Learn what and
how we teach, and what it costs. Catalogue frea
Boar., of Director*---- ---- —
Only transcontinental lin
Passing directly tnrougb
Why Not All the t'nctsf
Three Splendidly equipped trains dai­
ly To ail Points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and
Free Reclining Cha irs
The most magniucent scenery
America by Daylight.
Stopovers allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and descripilve
literature address
General Agent,
■¿4 Turd Street. Portland. Oregon.
Best of Everythig
G uaranteed
CuOSStr taoLvetas P ortland op
In a word thia tells of the passenger ser­
vice via
The North-western line.
Eight trains run daily between Chicago and
St Paul, comprising the latest Pullman
bleepers. Pet rlees Dining Cars. Library and
Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars.
THE euTH CENTURY TRAIN runs every day
of the year.
Fastest Train in the World,
Electric Lighted, Steam Heated.
The Badger ctate Express, the finest daily
:r»ia running between St. Paul and Chicago
via the Short Line.
Connections from the West made via The
Northern Pacihc. Great Northern and Cana­
dian Pacific Railways This is also the best
Une between Omaha, st. Paul and Minneapo­
lis. All agents sell ticke.s via
c\Keep Out
ÙÌ the Wet
ExMlsiar Brand
The best waterpreoX xxraoita la the
Made from the beet material* and
warranted waterproof. Made to stand
the roughest work ana weather.
Look for the trade mark. If your dealer
doe* not hare them, write for catalogue to
I. L Uting and Packing C*., lyt«., Ban Franciic*.
or II. M. RAW YER At RON. Rede Mfr*.
\ a.t < embridge, Meofk
The Northwestern Line. St. Mary’s Ac ademy,
W. H. M SAD,
General Agent,
Traveling Agent.
48 Alder St. Portland. Oregon.
Read It In His Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well-known citi­
zen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con­
stant reader of the Dayton Volkszel-
tung. He knows that this paper aims
to advertise only the best in its col­
umns; and when he saw Chamber­
lain’s Pain Balm advertised therein
for lame back he did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with the
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. He says: “After
using tlie Pain Balm for a few days
my wife said to me, ‘I feel as though
born anew,’ and before using the en­
tire contents of the bottle tlie unbeat­
able pains had entirely vanished, and
siie could again take.up her household
He is very thankful, and
hopes t hat all suffering likewise will
hear of her wonderful recovery. Tills
valuable liniment is for sale by City
Drug Store.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
T hi school continues the careful training
and thorough instruction for which It Is favor­
ably known.
The Nlunic Department
Is always In cha ge of competent and exper­
ienced teachers. Board and tuition per session
of twenty week). I*) (JO. Studies will be resum­
ed September 2. 1901.
For prospectus, address
Tbeoolv line operatIng a week»» personally
Conducted Tourist Excursion Ca- between
Portland and Chicago change via the World's
Greatest Scenic Line,making close connection
at Chicago In Union Depot for all points Fast
Daily Standard Sleeping car between Salt
Lake City. Denver and Chicago BulTet. Libra­
ry smoking cars between Pueblo. Denver and
Chicago. The best and most reasonable din­
ing car service between Puebln and Chicago
If vou are going to Kansas City. Omaha. Des -lACKSO* VILLE,
Moines, Ch’cagoor any place east, you should
<about the
Order* tor Hucks.Buggies and Riding Hors«*
attenced to.
Great Rock Island Ronte promptly
Feeding done at reasonable rate«. Best of
care laken to prevent accidents, but «rlllue re
•»fore purchasing a ticket. A r U your nearest HpoDHIble tor none s non id they occur.
rket agent about it. or write for folder* and
xi ill retuse to do Itverv work o- credit
cy information t’l: »
wbo.lui. ... —. Is ,’,-jrp
Gt:.!/ t.. Portland, Cr.
If there is any good and sufficient
reason why Major Gardener should not
be summoned to give testimony ou one
question which "will not down,” that
of the Philippine situation, it certainly
does not appeal to the general Ameri­
can public.
Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge and other
Republican senators who seem to have
followed the lead of Secretary Root and
discouraged as “mischievous” any fur­
ther publicity regarding certain doings
and plannings are "making history"
after a fashion which they are not like­
ly to enjoy thoroughly a few weeks
Why, indeed, should not Major Gar­
dener’s story of what has been going on
in the Philippines be given to the sen­
ate and to the public in detail and un­
abridged?—Boston Globe.
The Greatness of the Nation.
There is some pretty good material
for Fourth of July orations in census
bulletin No. 149. Just issued, which ia
devoted to the discuse-ion of the area
and population of this great country.
According to this bulletin, the area of
the United States, including Alaska,
Hawaii, Porto Rico, the Philippines.
Guam and Samoa, is 3.600,822 square
miles, or about one fourteenth of the
land surface of the earth.
The total population of the United
States, including the possessions nam­
ed. on June 1. 1900, was calculated at
84.233.060, with a margin of a million
for posaible error, owing mainly to un­
certainty as to the number of people
tn the Philippines.
Only three political systems In the
world have a greater population than
the United States. These are the Brit­
ish empire, the Chinese empire and the
Russian empire. The British empire,
however, is largely a name, and It*
practically Independent colonies, like
the Australian confederation nnd the
Dominion ol Canada, ought not to be
taken Into the count. They deserve ti
be considered by themselves ns na­
tions. Anyway, for a young nntloti.
we are doing very well In the matter
■»f size nnd ea-i afford to toot our horn
pretrv lomllv when we pause to con
ten ■ 'itc
r- nr rvcloiis development
a little nior 't:nu n century.
No Loss of Time.
I have sold Chatnlierlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
years, and would rather be out of coffee
and sugar than it. I sold five bottles
of it yesterday to thresher* that could
go no farther, and they are at work
again this morning—H. IL P helps ,
Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be seen
by the above threshers were able to
keep on with their work
losing a single day’s time. You should
keep a bottle of this Remedy in your
home. For »ale by City Drug Store.
Rut«» Again Reduced,
Llscovcry of Gold.
1« there ¡' >w to be it G >nnnn-Pra«11-
lan crisis? So It would sis'iii from III*
stater'eiit, > I t uv < 'olognt* Gazette,
i the Ulitiatlve lu It
which - h is I
cauipulgti L . !ii . ; i , ol1 the Gertimu
govei'iiuii I to iutervvuv lor the pi'ts
tectloti of German In u¡hold<‘r* who
have Inter :. !:i the 5 'mis railway In
Brazil utitl of (N rn..11, s, tilers III thr
Bnr.-.lliaii stale of Ml.ins Gerito*, which
I* the tuo 1 iiii|H»rtant ulterior provine«
of the republic. Tin- Genmur I10111I
lioldeis have ling sandl’ig claim*
iigilllial tlie . i<i e.lent of Minn* (Jo
rues, ami The Gnzctte recommend«
that the Imi crini aovci-ntni nt adopt the
method |iur lu'd by the Fteticli govern­
ment, which when the province of
Espiritu Santo failed to fnltlll It« obli­
gation to Freiieh enpitiillsts nitide the
federal government res|ion«ible for th*
debt*. As to the grievance* of German
settlers, the majority of whose father*
bought ullotiueiits from Brazilian lumi
owners, that Is a matter for Impe­
rial investigation. Mauy of the lumi
title« held by the German« have lately
been disputed, mid In «01110 case* the
occupants bave been ejected, whilr
others have been forced to liny th«,
lumi over again nt it rate which taki «
Into account the improvements they
theiuselves effected. The victim* nt
present, it Is declared, ure reckoned by
hundreds, but many thousands feel
themselves threatened, knowing that
they are ut lb- tuercy of uuli-Gerniau
After curvful Investigation II has been de
tutmined that the date of the discovery of gold
in Olillfornia was Juuuury 2N, inis . About that
same time there was another ItnportiHit dis
covery, which to thousands of people has been
worth more than all the gold, because It re­
stored them to health, and that Is Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters. This wonderful medicine
continues to cure stomach and l»owrl com
plaints, the same today as in the past; and al­
though many medicines have *eotnv and gone
the Bitters still remain the people’s favorite.
’I'o.those who sutler from dyspepsia.Indigestion,
headache, heartburn, constipation or bilious
ness. ami have tried other medicines without
obtaining relief, this remedy will prove a
blessing. because it will surely cure them, Try
a bottle und satisfy yourself.
A Gladstone Memorial.
The square In Fdlnburgh named aft
er St. Andrew, tlie patron saint of Scot
land, where the Gladstone uionuiuent
Is to I m - erected.’ was built late In the
eighteenth century, suys tlie London
News. The spot was so sequestered
that there. Just before the square was
laid out, Henry Mackenzie, author of
"Tlie Man of Feeling." shot woodcocks.
Tlie memorial of the Gland Old Man
will be permanently overshadowed by
the statue of a minor light in the rec­
ord of polities. I hough still a figure In
Scottish history- namely. Hint of lien-
ry Dundas, first Lord Melville. Whil*
secretary of the navy in 1806 be was
found uot guilty on a charge of “gross
malversation and breach of duty
effigy stands on a tall column in ths
center of tlx1 square, which was erect­
ed to his memory eight years ago by
the officers and seamen of tlie mivy.
To Cure a Cold In One llay.
Tase Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money If II fails to cure
Grove's signature la on each bcx. i>c
A rra lun merit.
Lady-I have made inquiries at ycur
last place, and your former mistress
doesn't speak very flatteringly of you.'
Applicant—No; I don't suppose she
thinks any more of me than I do of
her. hut I hope I'm lady enough to
V<u»n n»v nnitiio!) of her to myself.
General Ilamptoa'a Last Wlah.
General Wade Hampton expressed
the wish that his people lie allowed to
look on his face and that be be buried
In a plain pine coffin, says the Sevan
nab News. The feeling of friendship
tor the negro deep In the heart of the
old slaveholder was strikingly lllus
trated In the dying words of the greet
Carolinian—“God bless my people, all-
white and black.”
Saved From An Awful Fate.
go Car. Coustifsition fore.
,4t/O Cascarets Candy Cuthurti<
□ C. fall to curs, di*ii'-<-
’Tell Me
Pretty Malden’’
Are tbero any more railroad* like th* Denver
A Hlo Grande und Kt<> Grunds Western Per-
bapa. I’wndbly-but hardly any to compare
with the niuguiHeont uoeuln attractions and
tlie uneiiualed irtpledady train uarvloe ut the
lllo Grand)' Route . It I h the only route pass­
ing directly through quaint and picturesque« City Through sleeping and Dining
Cur Service lo Denver, Omahu. Kansas City
St. Louis or Chicago Personally conducted
excursions every weolt. For literature, tine,
tubles, rut«* or Information upply to J. |>
Manslleld. General Agent, 1'44 Third St , Port)
lund; Geo. W llolutx, Aanlslant Genera
Pussengor Agent Halt Lake City.
The Southern I’ueltle will
special rille« lo Nan Francisco on the
occasion of the convention or the
Noble«of tlie Mystic Shrine at that
point, hi June. Tickets will be on
sale from Julie 3'1 lo Nth, IncluHlve,
and will oe available for «top overs hi
Full Information rela­
tive to nites, limits anti other condi­
tion* will be cheerfully *Uppllt'(| by
all local ugent* of the Southern Pa­
Tom Do you think you'll have much
trouble in popping the qucHtl.m?
Dick—No. I think I'll have more trou-
A guild «tuck rum'll, tin Antelope, lq
bls <] nest ion Im; pop.—Chicago News.
mile* front Medford and 12 mile* frog
Cenlral Point, containing 1560 acres
of grazing and farming land; price tlu
A goal Friend.
an acre. Seventeen hundred acre* ly­
“I Buffered from dy»pep«la »nd In­ ing under i he Jackson county Im­
digestion for hftet-n year«.” *uy* W. provement Company’« ditch; at Fi t er
T. Sturdevant of Merry Oak*, N. C. acre. Eighty acres of orchard land,
"After 1 bad tried tunny doctor* and adjoining Jacksonville; at $40 an acre.
medicine to no avail,one of my friend* For further particulars apply to
persuaded me to try KodoL It gave
W illiam B ybkk ,
Jacksonville Oregon.
immediate relief. I can eat almost
anything I want now, and my diges­
tion I* good. 1 cheerfully recommend
General Agent* Wanted
Kodol.” Don’t, try to euro atomacb
trouble by dieting.
To well Prof. Long'« Magnetic
further weaken* tlie system,
You Comb». They remove dandruff, cure
need wholeai'tne, strengthening food scalp ailments and check falling hair,
Kodol enables you to assimilate what are untarnlshable and will not break.
you eat by digesting it, without the Everyl»ody want* them; good propo­
-tomach’s aid.
City Drug Store, sition to hustlers,
bend for term*.
Jacksonilie, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Cen­ Outfit («ix styles) in a plu»hca«e•2.00.
tra! Point.
Ladlin' Dressing Uomb 50c, Gentle­
men'« Toilet Cun’» 4O<5— both 75c
Write today.
M agnetic C omb C o ., Pekin, III.
"Yes. I play the races occasionally,”
said the man with the fur trimmed
overcoat, "and of course 1 hit it occa­
sionally. F< - Instance. I «¡title out way
abend In New Orleans the other week.
I lui<! a hundred dollar s tip ou a ten to
/ . w B i ■ ^^1
one shot."
■ ■! k ■
"And he came in ahead?" was asked.
"(Hi. no; lie \*as among the Iasi.”
"Then I don’t see how you made a
T raoi M ark «
good tiling.”
D csion «
“Easy as grease. There were no less
An von« sen kina a skMrh and deseriirflon msv
than seven friends of mine there wlm'd qiilcalv ascertain our optn«'* frse wf.vrnvr an
la probably patentable. c<»mniu)ilra-
have wanted to borrow the thousand lev«ntl)>n
llorustrictly C'.tifldeoflal. Handbook)>n I'aterla
dollars if I had won It. und so I figure •ent free. Oldest awen.-r for securing MMnC*.
Patents tsSuu through Munn A C*. recelv*
that I was $'loti ahead by losing!”
rprrwi H))fic«. without charge, in the
The great pianist bent a terrible look
upon us.
"You tradespeople.” he thundered,
"have no soul for art! Why else do
you get my checks cashtsl rattier than
frame them and bang them up in your
front parlors as souvenirs?”
We could but wince, thus to testify
that we were at least uot unaware of
our limitations. —Tuck.
“Everybodysaid I had consumption,”
write* Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Cham­
bersburg, Pa. “I was so low after six
months of severe sickness, caused bv
Huy Fever anti Asthma, that few
thought I could get well; but I learn­
ed of the marvelous ineritof Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, used
it, and was completely cured.’’ For de­
sperate-Throat anti Lung Diseases it, is
thesafest cure in the world, anti is in­
fallible for Coughs, Colds and Bron­
chial Affections.
Guaranteed hotties
50c and *1.00.
Trial bottles free ut
City Drug Store.
Before you make deflulte arrangeinnnt* for
that trip east let un quote you rale* via the
• III ho I n (’outrikl Wuliroad Our ratoM are thu
lowt’Nt to be had. nnd It will pay you to wrtl*
un . If you havi'u’t time to eoniiimulcnte with
un tell the agent from whom you purchua* your
th’lcet tliut you want to travnl bv way of the
lllinolN <’«ntrul, and you will never regret. tilH
trip If any of your relative* or friends In the
east are coming w*Nt while the low i ’UI hn uru
tn effect, write u* about them, *nu wo will
that they get tne lowoat rate* with the ( mini
service. Through tourist car*, personally con­
ducted excursion cars, free reclining cjmlr
cur*, iu fact ail the i uuni convenienue* ki
to rncMiern railroading For particular* regard
Ing rales, time, Hoivlue, Ntop-ovurs, rilffurvnt
connections and routes, etc , etc., cull on or
Commercial A gout
HJ Third St ,
Portland. Oregon.
Scientific American.
Farm for Sale.
A 120-arre tract, all fenced ,70 acres un-
der cultivation, free soil and vaally cultivated
mod th»’ public road a quarter of a mile from
Moonvllle, Sams valh v poatofflce—improved
with a dt.elling house with four rooms below
and one above, a good, 1 rgc barn. smoke-house
and wood-abed, Rock creek flows through the
land, a good well of water at the hou*»»- and a
good well at the burn, nix miles from Gohl Hill
ailroad sun ton Will be told for |IO per note
«"Inquire of sii . as J. da Y. real estate
ent Jacksonville Oregon
A hnndmomoly llluaf rntefl weekly. I nrireet dr.
culatlon of any »ctentidr ]ourn*l. T*rai*. •i a
yt'rtr ; four month*, |1. Hold Dy ail new*d«M»ler*.
MUNN & Co.3”8""'"’ New York
Branch Office. <35 F HU Washington. IX C.
tout yv
Bear« the
For The Ladies
To those who suffer f frota _..D
joints, try the Seamless Shoe.
We have u few cases of
Genuine Tlrmy
Sewed Shoe
Great Bargain.
Children’s and Boys Shoes
Boys’ Dress and Work Shews—
full lines. We always have and
expect to continue to lead in
Fashionable F <> o t|wea r for.
ladies and gentlemen. Tennis,
Oxfords and Balmorals; also
Linen Shoes for hot weather,
low and high cut.
anatomically fitted. Infants
feet specially cared for.
Tay 1er
Tlie only practical Foot Fitter
and exclusive shoe dealer
in Medford.