REAL ESTATE TRANSFEKS. 0 OOOOCbOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOg 9 CENTRAL POINT NOTES| The following deed* have been re­ corded »Inee our last report: L L Love to Jutuea Elonzo Riimtlo, lot 9, blk D, It It add to AHhlund; «400. Ira C Dodge to Walter T Ward, 11 aere* In d 1 c 31), two 31), part of lot 02, Praoht’a add toAanland; «1600. . Jud Ho ii Drew to Goo It Lindley, lot 13, blk 1, Cottage Homo add to Mod- ford, nine 5 acre» In Packard d 1 c No 42, twp 37; «800. Sarah E Huaton to Caroline E Adanin, lotH 31 and 32, Il l> Carter'» add to AHhland; «2250 Jarno» T Blevlna to L L Love, lota 20 and 27, blk F, It It add to Awhland; •450. Cha» A Winning» to Sarah A Nlnln- ger, lota 41 and 12, Pracht'H add to AHhland; «1100. John SlaeiDoro to Hen Haymond, 80 acron In noc 36, twp 35, al»o 120 acre* In hoc 12, twp 35, «2200. Ada Porter to N E Wood», paroel <»f land in Packard d I c, hoc 30, twp 37; •660. Christian Arnold to AuguHt Law- rentz, 80 acron In d l e No 73, twp 37 a, r 2 w ¿4)000. 11 I) HarknoMH to 0 It Itay, 48.50 acre» In see 13, twp 36 a, r 3 w; «500. H D llarkneHH to Charlo» It Ray, lota 2, 3 and 4, him , 18, twp 36 a, r 2 w; «300. Sarah E Niningor to C E Ninlnger, lota 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, blk C, it It add to Ashland; «2500. Sarah L William» to E M Billings, lot 3, blk 14, Ashland; «1. Carrie Cowie» to W W Estes, lota 17, 18, J9 and 20, blk E, Talent; «40. PATENTS. United States to Dan Y Gray; patent to 40 acres In hoc 13, twp 35 a, r 2 e. LOCATIONS. M II Buck, quartz claim location, Washington, Watkins mining district, May 23, 1902. Mrs Kato Force and Edna Buck, uuartz claim location. Indo|>endunt, Watkins mining <1 istrii't. May 23, 1902. Won't Follow Advice After Payleg for It. In a recent article a prominent phy­ sician says: “It is next to impossible for the physician to get his patients to carry out any prescribed course of hygiene or diet to the smallest extent; he has but one resort left, namely, the drug treatment." When medicines are used for chronic constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable,such »»Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by constipation, as they leave the bowels in a natural and healthy condition. For sale by City Drug Store. —....... -* DON’T “BUTT IN." James A. T»t<’delivered a very able address on Prohibition to u Urge con­ gregation at the M. F church last Hunday. I. J. Uuiwon, who ha» been doing carpenter work on the Lake creek ditch, returned home one day last week. L. E. VanVllet 1» building a fine dwelling for Mr. Byrum, on bin furin in Suin’« valley precinct. MI hm Murthu Cardwell, who haw In-en visiting rvlutlvoMand friends here, re­ turned to Klamath county onf> day thia week. Fred Penlngor and fumlly left for Nampa, Idaho, last Tuesday, where they go to make their futuie home. Dr. Hinkle, who han l>een quite ill, in convalescing, we are glad to nay. Memorial exercises were held at the Baptist church May 30th. Prof. A. J. Hanby delivered the me­ morial oration after the exercisrw at the Baptist church. A procession was then formed, which proceeded to the cemetej-y, where they decorated the grave, of the departed. \fra. Susan Evans died at the home of her son-in-law, A. C. Chittenden, in Willow Spring» precinct, May 24th, aged 80 year». Trie remain» were laid to rest in the Jacksonville cemetery, Hev. E. B. Lockhart officiating. Ferri» A Ringer are nutting a new coat of paint on the A. O. U. W. hall, which Improve» it» appearanoe. I. C. Robinett and wife were Medford visitors last Sunday, and attended church while there. Rev. Hoik raft of Medford preached the memorial Hermon here last Sunday to a large and appreciative audience. All agree that the sermon wa» one of the bu»t ever delivered here. J. L. Downing of AHhland spent a day here U h I wook visiting frienun and relatives. I. J. Purkeyplle and wife spent last Sunday with relative» at Gold Hill. J. W. Mee of Applegate spent a couple of day, here lant week. -------- ♦ . -. - Whooping Cough. A woman who ha« had experience with this dikease tell« how to prevent any dangerous consequence» from it. She says: Our three cniidren took whooping cough last Hummer, our baby boy being only throe month« old, and owing to our giving them Cham­ berlain’« Cough Remedy, they kst none of their plumpne»« and came out in much better health than other children whose parent« did not use tliis remedy. Our oldest girl would call lusllly for cough syrup between whoop«.—J kshk P inkky H all ,Spring­ field, Ala. Tins remidy Is lor «ale by City Drug Store. There was a warm time ata politi­ cal' meeting held In Medford last week. It was a Democratic meeting, with Judge Crowell as the speaker of the evening. Mr. Crowell directed some of his remarks about the figures given out by Gus Newbury. The latter was present and asked A BRIEF RESUME OF HAPPEN­ INGS AND PROGNOSTICA­ leave to reply. This tee Judge refu»« d. TIONS OF INTEREST. Mr. N< wbury «tartea to talk anyway; but the crowd made so much noise C. Wood of Ashland has been ad­ and turned out the lights that he was mitted to practice law by the Oregon forced to desist. supreme court. Prof. E. I). Resnler of Eugene will delivery the address before the literary societies of the Southern Oregon State Normal School. It Is announced that the S. P. I). & L. of which Senator Booth Is the leading figure, will rebuild Its plant at Grant’s Pass, recently destroyed by “I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor lire, on more complete and later line'. for over thirty years. It has kept Men are already engaged in clearing my scalp free from dandruff and away the debris. The company'» loss has prevented my hair from turn­ Is estimated at «75,1'00. ing gray.’’—Mr». F. A. Soule, The rush for timber clai ms Is now Billings, Mont. on In Oregon, and all passenger trains arriving from the Ea«t bear a propor­ tion of home-«eeker« who are locking There is this peculiar for quarter sections of Uncle Sam's thing about Ayer’s Hair domain. Considerable public land Is still < pen for settlement in Eastern Vigor—it is a hair food, Oregon, Southern Oregon and In the not a dye. Your hair does heavily limbered counties of the coast, a« well as in the Slate of Washington not suddenly turn black, a »bort distance norlh of the Colum­ look dead and lifeless. bia River; but this year will see it all But gradually the old color in the hands of citlsen». SOUTHERN OREGON NEWS Gray Hair comes back,—ail the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. SI.M a toMk All ••»!IIty, Im- wot«*««*, l.oet M»nh«<» o iV/iJTH K CUR Ji in a Client Cfltn WlflfTtirkc. t (*. bvi fall-.1« I »- »• nnd etrlctly private \ CU XU'il'1 V1,‘V RKASONARl.R. A Treatment p*i -onally or by letter. r Writ. f..r I V.k *v JnuiHUO i. F hkil (AvalaMI. T bo«k )<»r m<-u. , Call or writ» / OR. 10*0*8 A CO.. 10# I Martel St. S. 6. TWAnACTTEciirwl In minute« by Dr. Mlle* P ill * "Ono. «ut u" A’dnizulsta RAG TIME SERMONS io<>O«OOCK>O<>v<(X><>C0 THREE CENTS Foreign Mission work. Every year thousands of dollars go to support foreign missionary societies. People who subscribe to the cause for­ get the pasHage In the Bible which scyH "Charity at Home.” How much better it would be to try and rescue some of the people who need atten­ tion at home instead of sending mis­ sionaries to stir up strife and blood­ shed In foreign couptries, the same as was done In China. In the large cities and in the smaller places, too, for that matter, there is plenty of work for those who think they have a mission to perform Suppose, for Instance, the money spent in trying to convert the heathen was spent to provide a home for work­ gg ing girls in large cities. Thousands of lives would be saved from sin. And surely the morality of a man’s daugh­ ter Is more precious to him then those of a hundred savages. How blindly people work. Then they pat each other on the back and boast about the high order of their civilization. Suppose, as another in­ stance, that • small part of fore I; n missionary money was spent to es­ tablish reading rooms ana places of amusement to young men; what a marked difference It would make in the ranks of those who fill the jails, people who live off the wages of si a and men who tramp about the coun­ try without occupation or ambition. Truly, we repeat, charity begins t home. The average country boy or girl stand about as much show of. leading pure, honest lives in a large' city where they have no friends or rel­ atives as If thrown among a pack of hungry wolves. If foreign missionary money would be applied to removing some of these evil Influences, It would cau«e rejoicing In heaven. Even when surrounded by rclatlr0», it is no easy matter to combat, toe condl- lons that exist in cities Hamau nature Is weak at the best, and It is easier to go with the tide than swim up the stream. Next time you are tempted to denote to foreign mis­ sionaries think of the Intlueces that surround your daughters and sons at home. County Treasurer’» 31st DRINKS COEFEE MADE FROM CHASE & SANBORN SEAL BRAND Pure, cheap and delicious. Warner & Wortman, MEDFORD, - D. H. MILLER’S, -----THE SUPERB----- Elite, Cooking Ware The best Ware that ever came to Medford. Every piece is guaranteed for five years. Don’t fail to call and see it, and purchase some of it before it is all gone. Best Thing in the World for Fishing Tackle, I have the Tackle that will catch the Fish without applying any great fisherman’s skill. The proof of this is in trying it. Try the Tackle, and you will be satis­ fied. Constipation, Liver STUDIO Troubles Impure Blood Now is the time to have your Photos made. _ The regulaa $3.00 Cabinet for $1.50 per Dozen, and other Sizes in Proportion. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no pay. The Beat Prescription fur Malaria. Chili» sua rover la a wide <>■ G huvk ' s ' i ' ahtk L-.H« CH1I.L. ToKlc. 11 1» »imply Irou sad qui mue lu i* lualeie»» lui in. cure, No pay t-riue auc. ELITE PHOTO CO. Merlford, Oregon The Actree. nnrold—I>enr Miss Angellne. let me whisper to you the "old. old story.” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOO Allgeline- \ vv .come off: If you want me to llsteti lu licit, you'll have to I dranintizi» ii in <1 »[w-nd about fifty thousand on a stage settitlg.—Judge. SPECIAL Th«*y Hnv* )<•«!. Beginning Monday, May o 19, with every hat of $2.00 ? or over, purchased at mv 9 F.i pensive. The Butcher's Bay-1 see dat nt a dinn«»r at do Waldorf ho­ tel it cost «40 for each plate. The Kitchen Mechanic—My! Jest «'pose the wasliup lady’d drop one of them plates! — New York Journal. So Cnller—Have you n tislilonnlilc pnii-i Young Dentist Oh. reg! You ought to see ‘.he howling swells caving my ilhce. | MEDFORD, OREGON. Most Complete Hardware Stock in Medford Sllllcus—The secret of hap­ piness is to marry one's op­ posite. Cynlcus-Then a man must l>e n fool to marry a braiuy wom­ an. M illinery Parlors, I will give 2 away a beautiful combina- a GARDEN HOSE, tion, dust proof c STEEL GOODS, PYRAMID HAT BOX. X POULTRY NETTING. BASE BALL SUPPLIES. Our prices are right, and o the excellent quality of our 9 MONTHLY MAGAZINE hats and neat work is * 2 4 F amily L ibrary unexcelled in Southern Ore- $ gon. Bast in Current literature | . The Con rt whip. His Dog—Row is the courtship get- .1ug on? Her Dog—Nd very fast. They s’lU talk about booka.—Detroit Free I'resa. Jackson—What do you think of 8an- aoa-Dumont's Hying machine? Johnson—Out of sight. 12 CoMsitit N ovels Y carlv SHORT STORIES AND j i MANY H.A. Medynski. 9 PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS ’ Parlors Ixiek of New Bank. 9 $2 .50 PC* YXAR . 25 CT». A CO»Y ' NO CONTINUED S tu R i ES o <>o<>o<> 9 It Dazzles the World. No discovery in medicine hs»’ ever created one-quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It’s severest tests have been on hopele»« victims of consumptloo, pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whom It has restored to perfect health. For coughs, colds, asthma, hay fever, hoatsenevs and whooping cough tt Is the quickest.sur- est cure in the world. It, is sold by City Drug Store, who guarantee sat­ isfaction or refund money. Large hotties 50c and il.OO. Trial bottles free. As good as and cheaper than Cascarets. BOYDEN’S Other la- fereaee. Wap t'p. Corn Planters, Hand spray Pumps, Fishing Tackle, JUST RECEIVED AT EVERY NUMBER COMF1. . . ,N ITSELF 1 Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and become troublesome sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo prevents such con­ sequences. Even when delay ha« ag­ gravated the injury DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve effects a cure. “I had. a running sore on my leg 30 yoare,” say« H. C. Hartly, Yankeetown, Ind. “After using many remedies I tried De­ Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes healed the sore." Cures all skin diseases. Pile» yield to it at once. Be- ware of counterfeit». City I >rug Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. .1. Hinkle, Cen­ ' tral Point. Cascara Consti­ pation Tablets And, talking about ELITE The following business has been transacted in this court since our last IsHue : Estate of Henry Ammerman. Estate inJacksOn county appraised at «102,- 098.34: In Klamath county at «6,199.40. Order made for sale of jiersonal pro­ perty. r Will go into Effect on the South­ ern Pacific June 1. Dangerous If Neglected. OREGON. - Just Arrived at PROBATE COURT. PER MILE The tbree-cent per mile fare on the Southern Pacific will go into effect June I. Local Agent, Lippincott has received a circular from W. F. Coman, general passenger and freight agent, announcing the date. The extra cent saved to the people using the lines of the Southern Pacific will amount to a big «urn in a year. Probably the operating expenses of no road In the United States is higher than the ex­ penses of tlic Southern PacfUc’s Ore­ gon-California branch. There are heavy grades all the way between Salem and Redding, and double the power la needed that other roads re­ quire. Another disadvantage Is the fact that wood is burned In lieu of coal. A good coal mine In Southern Oregon would cheapen the operating expenses considerably. Notice. Max Muller, county treasurer, gives notice that there are funds in the county treasury for the redemption of outstanding warrants protested from June 15, 1899, to August .'<0.1899, both dates Inclusive. Interest on the same will cease after May 30, 1902. THIS MAN REDUCED HATES VIA SOUTH­ ERN PACIFIC COMPANY. I5c a Box Plumbing a Specialty. GUNS _ ~ All Kinds of Guns and Ammu­ nition at BEER’S HARDWARE CO A Complete Stock cf Fishing Tackle, Hard- Tinware, Farm Imple­ ments, ST0V.ES. The Southern Facitio will make special rates to San Francisco on the occasion of the convention of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine at that point In June. Tickets will be on sale from June 3d to 8tb, Inclusive, and will be available for stop-overs in A Tin Shop in Connection. California. Full Information rela­ tive to rates, limit« and other condi­ MEDFORD, OREGON. tions will be cheerfully supplied by all local agents of the Southern Pa­ cific. All ualn banlahed by Dr Mlle»' Pain Pill*. Medford Drug Company 1*4 11