©emoeratie Crimes VOLCANOES. Ed. VanDyke was a recent visitor In j Ashland. SEMI-OFFICIAL RETURNS ELECTION 1902 ? A. O. Heatherly of Central Point pre­ cinct was in Medford Tuesday. L 2- p r* » s J. ft •N s « X ■o s * & £ ft X a o « » F M T 0 5 0 r* CE O i « 0 ft X- K* • ■ Ed. Smith of Grant's Pass was aboard the south bound train Tuesday evening, bound for Ashland. CHEAP NEWSPAPER. r* o e-» t'apt. Nash has gone on a trip to his mines, situated in Josephine county. ABOUT LIARS. ar«-the only Republicans elected. to the fact that it was stuck in an t Dally Started 1a Vienna Sells for The following symposium on a Fartblna. Gus Newbury, in his great act of °b«cure place at the bottom of the -‘Liars’’is worth reading, even if it The farthing newspaper is at length . „ __ .. . , ticket, and because a good many people fails to do the subject complete juggling the county-debt question, ... .... .. 1 p did not believe it necessary to vote in accomplished fact, according to the |u«tlce: materially assisted in bringing about for |t on account of no opposition, it Westminster Gazette. One has been The liar whom the editor hates this result. The Democrats are very didnot receive as many votes as it started in Vienna. It is called Die worst of all is the man who, when Neue Zeitung and is about two-thirds thankful for nis timely appearance on would have secured otherwise, dunned for a year’s subscription, says the stump, which may also be said of Iu reply inqulrrle(( we have p]eag. the size of an English halfpenny daily. he only received two or three copies There are eight pages, three of which during the year, and refuses to pay.— H. V, Gates, the imported buffoon and ure in announcing that Ely’s Liquid «iiitntri». Cream Balm is like the solid prepara- are devoted to advertisements and five Clarksville Graphic. ga,lan- tion of that admirable remedy, in to news. The newcomer is not a party Next to, if not above, this one, the The newly-elected officers can be that it cleanses and heals membranes organ, but will be generally progressive . , . . . , affected by nasal catarrh. There is in tendency. The proprietor intends to editor hates a liar Who takes the depended on to give the county an no drying or sneezing. The Liquid paper seven or eight years, and when efficient, efonomi'-al and unbiased ad- Cream Balm is adapted to use by pa- give in tabloid form all the news print­ finally cornered for settlement, says ttents who have trouble in inhaling ed by other journals, together with ar- ministration. They are honorable, through the nose and prefer spraying. tich-a and generally interesting matter. he never ordered the paper at al).— competent men, and will serve their The price, including spraying tube, is There will l>e a morning edition and Pike County Post. 75cent«. Sold by druggists or mailed an evening edition, the latter published But the worst liar of the whole out­ constituents well. by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New fit is the man who takes the paper at noon. The fact that paper manufac ­ Y onk. turers bold a large interest in the prop­ several years, then moves away with­ Weather Report. erty solves the most difficult part of out paying or saving anything atxiut RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. 1 he following is a weather report Rev. a . P. Gillette wifi h »Id ser­ the problem of making a farthing jour­ It, and yet says he is an honest man. for the month of May furnished by vices at the M. E. church in Jackson­ nal pay, for the cost of paper is. of —Elsbery Advance. E Britt, volunteer observer: Mean temperature. 55 06 degrees; ville every second and fourth Sunday, course, one of the most imisirtant con­ Brethren, y»>u all fall short of the siderations. maximum ten»i>erature, »1 deg,on the morning and evening. truth. The biggest liar in the lot is The proprietor, who was formerly 25r,h; minimum temperature. 34 deg Rev. S. H. Jones will hold services on the 3d,4th ¡mean of maximum tem- at th** Presbyterian church in Jack­ the owner of a leading dally >n Buda­ the editor who publishes the obituary pe-ature. 67.» deg: mean of minimum sonville every Sunday. pest, says that he requires a circula­ of tiiese aforesaid liars and intimates temperature. 42.2deg: number time« Beginning in June, Rev. W. Bitter’s tion of No.ooo daily to cover 'he bare tiiat they hxve gone to heaven.—Piy- maximum temperature 90 deg or appointments will be; Firstand third c< -t of publication. This,is an euor mouth Independent. above, 1: number times minimum Sundavs. Jacksonville, at 8:15 a. m. moils circulation In Vienna, where the The biggest liar yet, fellow scrih- temperature 32 d» g or below, 0; num­ and 7:30 p. id ., and Medford at 10:15 I ber times minimum temperature a. m. Fourth Sunday, Jacksonville, most (Hipular paper nt present does not biers, is the man :who "jcllies” you exceed 50.000 j>er »lay and where there 40 deg or below, 12: total at. 10 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. along witli promises of business when­ second I precipitation, 1.33 Inches; number of Sunday and fifth, when it occur«, are several dallies with a circulation of ever you present your bill. less than 10,000. clear days. 8: number of partly Ashland. cloudy day« 17: number cloudy day«. 6: DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Filthy Temples In India. number oi dayson which .01 in.or more A CELEBRATED BRAND. NOTICE INHKREffll GIVEN THAT THE I of precipitation fell. »: greatest pre­ Sacred cows often defl'e Indian pnrtni-rahlp Ix-retofon- "xiating between ,1a». ! cipitation in 24 consecutive hours and Dunnington A Deneff, the clever pro­ temple»; but worse yet 1« a b»>dy M. t’roni-mlllor anil l-'arinle M Ixiv". under the date, .68 on the 31st: dates of thun­ prietors 01 the Criterion Saloon, have that's polluted by constipation. Don't firm name of Cronemiller A leive. ha. been dia der storms, 6th: precipitation for sea­ been appointed sole agents for Jack­ permit It. < leatise your system with solved by mutual consent The bualneas will son, 27.3» inches: precipitation for sonville of the celebrated J. F. Cutter Dr. King’s New Life Pills and avoid lie continued at the old «tend liy .1 .M Crene- miller. to whom hill« due the lakh tlrtn are pay- same time last season, 28.62. whiskey, in bulk and case. Itis prov­ untold misery. They give lively aide. and who will pay claim« againat the ing decided popular with their custom­ liver«, active bowel«, good digestion, same. To Cure Consripatt ?or®»er. Jacksonville. May 17. IMH ers. When you call on them ask for hoe appetite. Only 25c at City Drug J M CBONEMILLER, Take <'AMcaretR < 'andy Catfeartic. 10c or Cutter. V M LOVE. MC.C.C. fail to cur«. drjRgixu rt.'und monel Store. I ? rn fi T For Governor - 62 George E. Chamberlain, dem 99 Win. J. Furnish, rep........... A. J. Hunsaker, pro........... it. it. Ryan, koeialtkl........... W. S. Chapman of Talent was in Med­ For- Supreme Judge — 92 Robert S. Bean, rep ......... ford Tuesday. He reports his nursery 66 B. F. Bonham, dem ........... progressing nicely. C. J. Bright, pro.................... Mrs. E. R. Reames of Klamath Falls For Secretary of State— D. W. Bar-zee, socialist.... is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. N. A. Davis, pro.................... White. She is en route to Portland, Frank 1 Dunbar, rep......... to attend the grand chapter of the O. D. W. Sears, dem ............... E. S. For- State Treasurer— Henry Blackman, dem . .. J. W. Berriam, superintendent of T. S. McDaniel, pro ........... the government hatcheries in Jackson (.’. S. Moore, rep.................... county, left for Clackamas one day this W. W. Myera, socialist.... week. He will probably extend his For Supt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman, rep........... trip to the eastern states. R. W. Kelsey, pro.................. Quite a number of our citizens wit­ W. A. Wann, dem.................. pathetic movement among volcanoes; nessed the game of base ball played at For Attorney General— A. M. Crawford, rep........... that, is how the eruption of one will Jacksonville Sunday between our nine T. H. Goyne, pro.................. start others in life. Everyone knows and the Ashland base-ball team. It J. H. Raley, dem.................... how the subterranean forces will rum­ was the best and most interesting of For State Printer— ble along, making the earth quake for the season. W. W. Brooks, pro.............. J. E. Godfrey, dem.............. hundreds of miles. Thjs surface dis­ Gault A Cook, the machinists, in- J. E. Hosmer, socialist..... turbance has been felt in almost- every J. R. Whitncv. r< p ... Chamberlain is Elected Gov* part of the globe. If the earth, then, stalled a Webber gasoline engine in the S outhern O regonian office this FIRST CONGRESSIONAL ernor of Oregon. is practically solid, as the modern week. It does away with getting up DISTRICT. school of scientists would have us be­ steam every day, and, incidentally, For representative to Congress— JACKSO\' COUNTY Hiram Gould, prix........................ IS REDEEMED. lieve, we can only account for these saves considerable profanity on the B. F. Ranip, socialist.................... sympathetic shocks by presuming that part of the male members of the force. Tbos. H. Tongue, re-publican What the Democrats can do when volcanoes must connect in some man- It is a decided improvement over J. K Weatherford,democratic. ner with another, so that the active steam, as anyone will soon realize after For U. S. Senator— they get together and nominate a first- eruption of ODe digturbs the otherg T. T. Geer, republican............... having used two kinds of power. C. E. S. Wood, democratic class ticket was very well exempliAed -phe present investigations being car­ COUNTY. Rev. Jas. Robinson has accepted the They have I ried on by scientists of Mt. Peiee may at the polls last Monday. For Joint Representative— 1 throw some further light upon these call to serve as pastor of the Presby­ D. M. Brower, socialist elected their candidate for governor, mysterious forces which ferment and terian church, and is expected to James M. Hansbrough. rvp arrive here sometime in October. Rev. and in Jackson county captured seven boil beneath us. C. H. Hoxie, prohibition .... Horace Mann, democratic Day will conduct the services until that of the eleven officers balloted for. B efore the election the Oregonian time. It is with regret that many will For State Senator— Under ordinary circumstances they E. V. Carter, repub -an insisted that President Roosevelt had hear of Mr. Day's departure, for, al­ R. P. Neil, deme nt, would have swept the board clean, for his eye on Oregon. If he keeps it though he has been here but a short J. W. Wiley, *oc-a;.st they had the votes at their command. there he is likely to be a victim to time, he has made many friends. He For Representatives— W. A. Carter, republican ..... We feel sorry is of a genial, benevolent nature, which Chamberlain’s majority in this political strabismus. C. E. Stewart, repuhi.can. «.i Miles Cantra county is about 150, and his election is for Mr. Roosevelt if he has no more in­ has made fast friends ot those whom fluence elsewhere than he has in this he came in contact with. John D. Olwell. democratic conceded by at least 300 votes. He had C. P. Snell, socialist............. state. The Medford Bachelor Club went Joe A. Thomas, socialist.......... a Republican plurality of 10,000 to into mourning this week. One of its C. E. Hoskins, prohibition. If The Baby Is Cutting Teeth, overcome, and that he did it reflects members so far forgot himself as to get E. B. Lockhart, prohibition Be sure and n«e that old and well-tried reme­ Genial, dy. M rs . W inslow s S oothing S yrup for married last Sunday. Miss Sophia I. For Sheriff— the greatest credit on him. children teething. It soothes the child, soft­ L. F. Lozier, prohibition able, honest, he will make a superior en* the jrums. allays all pain cures wind colic I»atrie, of Lake Creek, is the voung Alox Orme, republican........... and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty woman who is responsible for the gloom Joseph Rader, democratic. chief executive. five cents a bottle. that surrounds bachelor hall and Grant Rawlings, socialist Joe Rader, the Democratic nominee causes the flag to fly at half mast. It For County Clerk— ELECTION RETURNS. William Abbott, socialist. for sheriff, has received the greatest was for her sake that Jim Stewart, the M. L. Alford, republican........ It popular justice of the peace, and amem- majority of any of the candidates, S. Orth, democratic 125 Those Who were Elected on | ber of the club in good standing, for­ John E. 8. Wolfer, prohibition The revolt against may reach 400. Both Tickets. sook the ranks. The couple were For County Recorder— the third-term idea had much to do Peter Applegate, republican married by Rev. F. L. Crandall and Oris Crawford, democratic.. with Sheriff Orme's defeat. J. M. The Republicans concede that Cham- are at home to their many friends in Marion Hartley, socialist........... Hansbrough, Republican nominee for berlain is elected governor of Oregon, the West cottage on A street. They G T. Richards, prohibition joint representative, tomes next with He secured several hundred majority have our congratulations and best For County Assessor— R. G. Brown, republican........... 4 4 wishes. io this county. about 350 plurality. H. L. Brumble, prohibition Not only are those fond of music giv­ . .. The election returns in the hands Wilbur A. Jones, dem»8-ratic. The result on state senator is the . .. -n x Raphael Messner, socialist.. of the D emocratic T imes show en a chance to enjoy the same through closest. It seems as if € arter has tljat the Republicans have elected E. the enterprise of the local piano house: For County Treasurer— J. Merley, prohibition ........... about 50 plurality. Neil would have y. Carter for state senator, J. Patter- but the musicians themselves are given D. H. Miller, democratic.......... been elected had not the o] irion pre- son, commissioner, Garl Jones, sur- a chance to appear often in public. The Max Muller republican........... J. A. Smith, socialist............... vailed that he was a Prohibitionist. veror' -,a8- Hansbrough, joint repre- free weekly concerts, furthermore, ,, «entative, and Peter Applegate, record arouse interest, in matters jiertaining to For County Surveyor— What is termed “the saloon vote, Garl T. Jones, republican er. The Democrats have succeeded music, both from the side of the public K. W. Kennedy, socialist. and it is not a small one, was thrown in electing J. D. Olwell and Miles and performers In a measure, too, L. 8. Trefren, democratic . against him. Cantrell, representatives, Joseph they are educating people to enjoy and For Coroner— W. I. McNutt, prohibition... They bring The majorities of the balance of the Rader, sheriff, John S. Orth, clerk, appreciate good music. E. B. Picket, democratic ......... together all the beat musical talent of Wilbur Jones, assessor, D. H. Miller, successful candidates is approximately , M. F. Shaw, republican ......... treasurer, and E. B. Pickel, coroner. the city and, while the friendly rival- For County Commissioner— as follows: Olwell, representative, W. A. Cordell, prohibition. There was an unusally light vote I ry spurs on the performers to do their 250; Cantrall, representative 100; throughout the entire county as com- best, at the same time the ties of friend-) Joshua Patterson, rep.................. Harvey Richardson, socialist Orth, clerk, 250: Applegate, re- pared with two years ago, showing an ship are cemented the more firmly. H. H. Taylor, democratic.... «order. 175; Jones, assessor -, 200: Pat- apathy on the part of a number of the 1 here is some first-class musical talent For Constitutional Amendment— 250- Miller re£,stere(i voters. Politicians advance in Medford; and the time will come Against Constitutional Amend terson. commissioner, . ' different reasons for accounting for when the outside world will hear from treasurer, 150; Jones, surveyor, .IrX); , —L X ■ this lack of interest. There were this place. Hickel, coroner, 150. E. V. Carter, practically no vates against the Con- Applegate, Patterson and G. T. Jones stitutlonal Amendment: but, owing o Jas. Pelton and Mrs. H. Pelton of Sam's valley were m Medford Monday. I A GREAT DEMOCRATIC ? C a W illo Geo. L. Davis, representing the Port­ land Spice Co., is with us thia week. A p p le Even with all of our scientific knowl­ Printed Every Thursday, at Jackson­ edge of animate anil inanimate things, ville, Oregon, by • how little, after all, we really know. This fact is forcibly illustrated in the Times Printing Company little light science can throw upon the C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. origin of volcanoes. We know in a general way that chemical action in the TERMS: interior forms gases which escape One Year, in advance.......................... 81.50 through the crust of the earth from Six Months................................................ 1.00 Assures or channels that offer the least Advertisements inserted at reasona­ resistance. Sometimes the«- gases are ble rates. caused by water coming into contact Ryan's Brick Bldg., California St. with the fiery fluid below the surface of the earth. Beyond these points sci­ ence does not teach us anything. The earlier geologists held that the earth's surface was a thin crust circling a mol­ ten mass of heat and fire. They have gone so far as to speculate that the earth would be blown to atoms like an overcharged boiler in case the waters of the ocean happened to And a leak into the interior. A modern school of scientist rejects the old theory. They claim that the earth is solid, and that volcanic eruptions are the result of huge reservoirs of molten rock in II different parts of the earth. If this be I true, they have yet to explain the sym­ MEDFORD SQUIBS 62 138 67 61 41 21 41 37 20 40 69 «6 28 11 II 4Ï 74 60 3!» 72 .39 21 18 8 17 15 69 45 19 u I.» 7) •> 6 1 3 5 8 3 5 •i 3 3 11 1 25 81 46 77 35 »>7 56 117 57 60 46 11 » 11 <1.34.33 2722.34 1 411 18 » 19 16 73 5.3 21 23 8) 12 .35 18 41 59 67 26 12 30 21 8 1 3 13 16 202827 35 27 3836 34 17: 81 ' 42! 7ii' 311• 2(11 24 11 17 16 73 47 >3 12t> 51 »1 4»-< 41 l(ii 4132!16.39 59 6.' l¡ 52 iO 127' 54 ! 42 17 40'3.3 117.3».’ >4 61 «>' 4 Ì 41 (I 74 47 77 36 ' 23 8 11 17 16 75.M •> 4 3 4 -‘023 35 3034 31 »5 12 3433 32 2» I 28 2« 34 8 8 '3 71 40 70 34 •>*> 7 8 11» 161 ¡9 41! •> 2 4 o 9 .3 119 •M 47 36 17 42 34 115 34 115 59 2» 24 32 2 1 37 35 30 » 72 41 73 38 •>0 » 15 70 49 »> 3 6 4 0 117 5) 46 37 18 4.3 .34 '«34 418'5« >4 4O2(H 2024 34 1.3335 27 5 0 .1 118 50 48 37 16 .39 31 1 4 .34 417 57 1 5 » 4 3 i >U 65 36 67 31 23 16 11 1 » 13 65 45 8 4 5 • 3 ' 25 4 lj 68 42 « * 41 17 47 1(1 1 126 61 52 38 42 32 « 67 4« 70 25 1 138 57 46 40 1' 3 1 » 17 7 7 51 1 6 3» 5 ' 60 24 2623 14 30 36 .»132 10 20 16 7 5 50 46 Xi 1 7 3» 50 67 Q K 4 24 4 «> 74 44 74 40 17 10 20 15 7 1 45 •> 16 4 6 117 54 JA £* 35 34 1 3 40 57 «5 26 7 ► SU5 J 7« 32 21 7 1 »117 2 47 20 » 55 4« 15 38.34 16 40 61 64 25 3 4 1 5 2» 17 I« »1 8 12 6] 35 6 K3 24 T **• St ♦»A 28 3(» 1510 14 15 65 5« r 8» 1±1 M 57 51 32 43 XI 1 8 38 6 2 «2 4» 125 «g 63 39 1« 40 32 1 7 38 62 67 •> X 4 Î 4 i> 1. 3 4 s b 1 •> !» 4 3 8 62 21» 62 31 1.3 17 »1 7 17 64 57 1» >26 74 66 50 23 44 35 1 7 3» 7 1 5» 7 4 ■> 62 37' 80 25 25 18 15 16 II «0 28 o « 3 1 >21 63 4!» .39 18 41 29 22 41 6.7 87 • » 1 4 1 7 » 28 2.3 37 3 1|” 3434:10 86 201329 2623 I» 1(10 161313 '521 34 96 452225 412» 41 111 4112027 ÍO.M 44 !•». 22IW21». 2016 1» 112 48 282847 46 “ 55 '5 I •’> I I ' ¡XI0 11» I« 1126.1223 1« »4 5126213137 01 « 214« 1183» 103 20 » 222824 38 8« 432833 2M» ' 34 4 » 17. ' 3| 81 1223» 7X 19 12282323'31 I 2 114 4222274235 32 » ' 4ti 1452 25 3 •» 382323.3337 30 22123028 |8 33 5 7 1 67 52 83 33 26 23 10 1( 1 19 741 5» IM 17 24 70 26 I 4 41 3 26 2 1 >1» 47 .37 15 3.3 211 34 51! 53 : 4 3» 40 75 33 24 .3 .3 1 108 25, 14 81 »5 4120 18 34 122 43 11671 11754» 4 • >26 61 56 33 26 42 35 2(> 42 51 »64 : «o .35 65 .38 >6 17 8 15 116;‘ 4.3 15 IN » » » 6 1 >3», 61 NO 41 28 50.34 1! ' .37 68176: 55 30 1,0 .34 17 it nil’ 15 5»!141 2020 32 40; '37 34 I06|201432te»23 33 1*9 4223252937 34 ,12 6 21» 1**6» 41 » 3» 41 81 2!» 34 21 10 16 16 6 7'5® 4: 2 146 56 43 45 10 38 32 22 38 58 53 1 .3 4 .3! 117 27 102 .39 1445 5 5 4 4 1 5 61 31 28 38 28 17 10 1 1 8 5» 4« 6 127 7« 107 42 18 40 25 26 49 7 5 «6 B 3 4 1 r. 32 2515301528 35 & 7 2351 28 2» 4 »• 4224 28X542 34 20 11 26301» 2» !» 24 42 20 77 i 19 10 181 881 1« 17 24 7« 1 .3 23 40 .32 26 10 29 28 3 10<> 42 13261323, ;io « 7 ; 2» 33 25 Saint Helen’s Hall •••• PORTLAND, OREGON. (Founded IW.) A Boarding and Day School for Girls. MUHIC, ART AND ELOCUTION. Thia School offers to girls a broad and thorough education, combined with the sdvantages of a healthful aDd refined home 11 <►< ( a la rye rib I attractive tiuihllng In tin* iti.tnd.i.iA vicinity of the City Park The sanitary condition of the premises has been mnde a matter of special attention. The l»ed chambers, class and recitation rooms are large and tnoroughly ventilated; and the construction of the building is such that every room is open to the sunlight The greatest care has been taken to provide all the necessary appointments of a well- equipped school, and to furnish every facility for training pupils In the most approved methods. The alm of the school is to give thorough and well ordered Instruction to girls and young women, fitting them for college when that Is desired, and to aid In the dexelopment of true and womanly character The Fall term opens September Ift 1901. A faculty of twenty competent teachers Ins urea for children and young women that Individual care an«' Instruction necessary to the best results There are four skilled teaahprs in the Music Department alone, specialists In Art and Oartory, and native teachers in French and German Provision is made for all athletic games suitable to women, as tennis, croquet, basket ball bicycling and horseback riding A gymtasluni. hOxlOO feet, is in process of construction which will offer still more opport unit i a for healthful exercise For Illustrated catalogue apply to MIHS KI.F.ANOR TF.HBFTTS. Principal V Jf ’Nt ' J *’ VITALITY! VIGOR! MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS h.v. »e»i in nw over m >v»r> by the leaden ot the Mormon Chnrah and their rollowere. Positively enrea the worat rare« in old and young rlatna from efferte Of • if abu'e, di>-Ipation, «zenaar >, or cii relte ein< kin*, ram Leak mg. < Inaornala, urrà I«o4l ranhond, bnii.l.e -r, Power. biirht-l.aaaea, e iwrmalorrhoea, i,h"1 ■’ * ’ Debility. ? *ntoa In Bara, Kell aaeeirea, Memlnnl Entlaalnna, l.n< v k, ,r Nervnaa > o.lacl" ' oil»"-»« rv< r> Don't ri-t <■;loti. the brain «nd nervr <-e K-ra. AW. a box, • f- UM by mail. . • ---------—organa. Hti ni ti latra A written (uarautke, tu cure er mono; refuudeu. witho boxes. Clreuiara free. So Add reek, BISHOP REMEDY CO., Ban Franolaea, Cal- city Drug store.jac ksonville. Subscribe for the the Tinies 0