Kaiser as a Tcmpernuve Reformer, phase in the versatile charac­ CARNEGIE INSTITUTION j ter A new of Emperor William conies into J KILLED BY TRAIN. MEDFORD LATEST squibs . { I b k j £S Walter Hoover ha» gone to Rose­ burg. J. 11. Rayburn,a Peddler, Tried view, lie m w appears in the guise of dwell Bros. have been among our to Cross the Traek in Future Plans of the Washington a tempi rance reformer. Governor pennover wnsclectcil governor ol the stnte on Lliellctno- visitors during the week. The emperor has been attracted by eratie ticket two terms in the face of a big hepnblican majority, Front of One. Organization Outlined. C. E. Smith, manager of Hotel I.uy- the English scheme for transferring the I lie was noted principally for his inde|X‘ndeneeot thought, tio matter ton, was witli us Thursday. 1 ownership of public houses from pri­ what the consequences might lx.1, and this trait ot his caused While trying to cross the track in ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT GILMAN. vate individuals to disinterested and Mrs. Geo. U. Stanley of Ashlaud lias many |ieople to call him tin odd jx-rson. 'I’here are hundreds of public spirited companies desiring only front of a train to save his dog .1. H. beeu visiting Mrs. .1. M. Keene. stories illustrating his strong character,one ot which is the time he Kus burn, a notion dealer and peddler, t moderate protit. A similar movement Director« I’erfectlua u Scheme of i M. Daeinmer, Jr., and his wife have told president Harrison to attend to his business and he (Pennovcr) has been initiated in Germauy tinder I was struck on the head by the | Hot of Work and Will Issue a Detailed and engine Wednesday, and instantly returned from Oroville, Calif. the title ot Deutscher Vereln Fur Gast- would attend to his affairs. Statement This Year—Some of the E. J. Farlow ami 1). High of Ashland, killed. The accident happened at haus Reform, of which the secretary is IIOliRS MAY RIJECT PEACE. Objects That Áre to He Enconr- Dr. W. Bode ot Weimar. Baron Dan­ Gold Hill. Bayburn had been travel­ spent Wednesday night iu Medford. C apetown , S. a ., May 31.—Fears are felt that the Boers will aared. Mrs. W. L. Barnum was at Ashland iel von Diergardt, who has established ing through the country selling notions Dr. Daniel C. Gilman, president of one of the new public houses on liis es­ from his wagon. He was cutting some this week, tho guest of Mrs. W. H. reject British jx-ace terms. The delay of the |x‘ace negotiations on the part of the Btxn s has caused great uneasiness in diplomatic us the Carnegie institution and ex-presi­ tates in Silesia, has received from the grass for his horses on the railroad Gilbert. dent of Jolina Hopkins university, ad­ civil cabinet of the emperor the follow­ track when the work train iu charge well as financial circles here,ami cause jx'ople to tear that the Boers J. B. Hillis of Pleasant creek and dressed the American Philosophical so­ ing reply to a report ou the activity of of Conductor Geo. Gillette hove in Chaa. Terrill of Brownsboro made our do not intend to treat with the British. ciety the other evening at the sessiou sight. The peddler's dog was on the city a visit recently. a skirmish occurred yesterday between the two opposing forces, »f the annual meeting held in the Uni­ the Public House association which be opposite side of the track when had forwarded: "His majesty the em ­ versity of Pennsylvania Museums of J. C. Whipp of the Southern Oregon but the casualties are not known. Science and Art. says the Philadelphia peror and king has been pleased to au­ the train approached, and fearing Marble Co. was among our visitors SENATE SOON ADJOURNS. Times. Dr. Gilmau's subject was thorize me to say that all efforts which the dog would attempt to cross during the past week. W ashington , D. c., miiv 31.—The senate expect« to adjourn “The Advancement of Knowledge by have for their object the restriction of the nutn started across himself, Downing Bros., who live at Sisson, June 25. This week concluded the Philippine civil government de­ tlie Aid of the Carnegie institution.” the consumption of alcohol and the ep- He miscalculated the distance and He described briefly the object of An­ (Tglitenment of the public regarding its WM instantly killed. Coroner Picket Calif., and Beno, Nev., reei>ectively, bate. Cuban reciprocity and the Isthmiancanal bill will lie acted drew Carnegie in giving $10,000.000 pernicious moral and economical conse­ investigated and found no one to are in Medford visiting their relatives. upon before adjournment. Votes on the Philippine bill will I k taken for the foundation of the institution quences are assured of bis majesty's blame. Deceased was about 50 years Geo. Porter is at Ashland, where ho next Tuesday. and the labors of the trustees of the entire approval. Hie majesty has old and lived in California. holds the position of night clerk at • A NEW YORK SCANDAL. fund in determining the way in which therefore manifested a lively Interest Hotel Oregon, whicli he fills quite ac­ the income shall be expended. new Y ork , Mav 31—Several warrants have been sworn DECORATION DAY "I take pleasure in introducing to i In the endeavors which flud expression ceptably. out for a nunilx'r of silk importers, who will be charged with con­ you a yo ig pira nt for support,” be- In the programme of the German As­ Dr. W. 8. Jones and Chas. Strang spiring to defraud the government. It is claimed the government “The Carnegie Insti­ sociation For Public House Reform as Decoration Day was fittingly ob- gnu Dr were at Ashland this week, taking a has been cheated out of $600,000 a year or a total ot $6,000,000, ll 1 refer, needs the based upon the Scandinavian and Eng­ served everywhere. Some claim that tution. o- “ degree in tho Knights Templar Degree elder institutions of lish precedents. His majesty hopes to it is a hollow mockery to decorate the guhl; by importers and custom house officials undervaluing Japanese ions gifts which you hear more of the matter when these ef­ graves of those departed, as the grave of Masonry. learn :ig and Chinese silks and other wares. The scandal was unearthed • been made for the can t A. W. McPherson, who has been in forts have assumed • more definite is no more than an empty (shell from bv Assistant Attorney General wtekman Smith. cause v ' rviigun, for the relief ot sui­ which the spirit has fled; but leteynles Southern California for sometime, is fering and ailing humanity and tor form.” THUNDER MOUNTAIN ROAD. Upon the instance of the emperor a sneer as they may, there is something visiting with relatives living in Griffin education in the ways of museums. P ortland , ore., May 31—Portland business men decline the creek district. Now Is the time when gifts are being bill has been introduced in the Prussian touching and hallowed in the rever­ project of building a road to Thunder mountain. They refused Prof, and Mrs. W. T. Van Scoy were ence of the living toward the dead. It diet deahug with the reform of the li ­ made solely for the advance of science. They claim that the Ixmcfits to Previously science has been advanced cense laws, and it is not unlikely that shows how our aims, ambitions and in Ashland Friday, attending Decora­ to raise the amount required. through the universities, the learned we may soon hear that they are having lives are bound up and linked with tion Day services, in which the former lie derived by way of trade will not justify the exjicnditure asked societies, the colleges, the museums as lively times in the fatherland as those who have gone before us. It took a leading part. by those interested in building the road. and the technical schools. Now there New York has over the Raines law. brings out tho very best there is in hu­ Supt. Berriam of thqU. S. hatcheries can ’ t eat meat . are new channels being opened. One man nature, and turns our thoughts will soon make a visit to relatives in is the action of the government in the C hicago , Ill., May 31.—There is a meat famine in Chicago. Impositions Upon Merchants. to better and holier things. It subdues Illinois. He will go to Clackamas dur­ different departments where investi­ Not it pound of meat has been delivered for two days, owing tb The leading merchants of Syracuse, us. It shows us there is something be­ ing the coming week. gation and research are being carried the strike of the teamsters ami the influence of those who sympa­ yond this life for which to live. In this on. The biological station at Wood's N. Y., have formed an agreement aim­ F. W. Hollis and J. H. Butler went connection it Is interesting to note that thize with their cause. Vegetable, fish and poultry men are Holl, in New England, is another and ing to accomplish three things—first, evening, to to Gold Hill Wednesday a valuable one. The Institution For to confine their advertising to the with all races of people and in all ages, look after the remains of the peddler doing a rushing business. It is impossible for them to supply the Pathological Research, founded by newspapers: second, to refuse to buy, is observable the same reverence of the who was killed by a train. demand,and iti certain shops the buyers stand in line, the same John D. Rockefeller, has a field dis- except as individuals, tickets to bene­ living toward their dead. The an­ There is no immediate 0. B. Williams of San Francisco, one as in the postoffice, awaiting their turns. cients in Egypt built costly tombs of tinct'from the medical schools. fits and the like; third, to bring about rare workmanship, where were entomb­ of the promoters of the Fish Lake prospect of a settlement. “Now comes a very great gift. It is a better discrimination in the matter of ed their mummied dead. The most Ditch Co.'s enterprise, arrived at the 150 years from Franklin, the founder T9 savage tribes in the world show the scene of operations this week. of our society, to Carnegie, but the discounts. S These subjects have long been under same respect, only in a different form, SXSXtXSxSXMi« W 'tx*<»i9«KM(»€e»«M>CC)*®^ characteristics of both are alike iu Ward Webber has returned from 9 many respects. One was a philosopher. discussion by the merchants of Syra­ in keeping with their manner of living. Corvallis. He has leen attending the The other makes no such claim, but cuse. and the action taken is the result Almosi every school boy knows how he is in sympathy with the philsso- ot many consultations and conferences. the American Indian buries all of the Oregon Agricultural College and mak­ S' ing excellent progress. phers. Some say we cannot use the In explanation ot the agreement, one most valued treasures of the chase Income from his fund. It is $590,000 a of the merchants said to the reporter C. C. Chitwood, tlie druggist, who IL M. Coss of the COSS PIANO IIOVSE hus just year. Twenty departments could be of a local paper: “The effect ot the with the warrior, around whom death has been at Cottage Grove for some­ arrived from Portland, where he made his final uirrangc- had folded its dark cloak. No tribe is •) defined in the Institution's scope, and time, pns-cd through Medford one day > incuts with the Filer's Piano House for the cxclusivc each claims twice the entire income agreement is to do away with certain so degenerate but it pays tribute to its this week, en route to Ashland. for immediate necessities. The exist­ impositions that have been practiced dead. agency for the foliowing pianos and organs: 5 Mrs. C. H. Pierce has returned from ing state of Intellectual activity and upon the merchants for years. It has If The Baby la Cutting Teeth. come to bfi well understood that there I advancement demands is. San Francisco. She informs us that an Be sure aud use that old and well-tried reme­ “The trustees of the fund number is no class of advertising that is worth I dy. Mas. W inslow ' s S oothing S vhop . tor operation has been performed on her thirty, chosen from all parts of the the moujy it costs excepting in the reg­ children teething, ft soothes the child, sort- husband's limb, which promisee to be ens gums, ailays all pain, cures wlndooltc country. Few are what are popularly ular publications, such as tlie dally and and the Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Tweatj- entirely successful. known as educators. None is at pres­ weekly newspapers. Taking the sec­ Hye cents a bottle. I Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graves of Mace, ent connected with a college, for the ond proposition, that of benefit tickets, Idaho, are in Medford, for the lieneflt Income is to be distributed to no rival ARE WORKING AGAIN. we have long suffered from all sorts of claimants. of the latter’s health. They were ac­ “The executive of seven is appeals, even at times being threat« ned companied by Victor Boone of Y'aqulna, If Medford would put up a rock pile Mrs. G.’s brother. now studying out the |. :is for the in­ with loss of trade unless we purchased <9 ; stitution, and by the early autumn we for this, that or the oilier benefit, and advertise for hoboes this place -David Gibson and his family have will draw up a statement of our re­ dance, raffle or what not." would not be such a popular place for For the following Counties:— sults. We want ideas from any one •The impositions from which the Syr­ gentlemen of that stripe. This is the gone to Leland, Josephine county, (5) about this work. Three or four dif­ acuse merchants seek to rid themselves time of the year they begin migrating where they will find employment in the i ferent ideas pass before us. We might are common to retail tradesmen of al­ to the north,and hardly a day passes cook-house of a mining enterprise >) (•) help institutions already founded, such managed by F. P. King. as that at Wood's Holl. We might most every city and town of the coun­ but some of them are around canvass­ F. 1. Dunbar and Chas. 8. Moore, For lowest prices and best of terms, see H. M. COSS found instit tions for chemical, physic­ try. who might find relief by entering ing citizens. People misled by charitable inclina­ Iiepublican candidates for secretary of al, astron, '«al or economical re- into a similar agreement. There is no liefore buying. His motto is small profits , quick search. 1 would be large ways, good reason why the merchant should tions may take it for granted that de­ state and state treasurer, have been S sales , perfect satisfaction and qualitv unsurpassed. * Anoth' £ ••ould need no large ex- feel bourid to invest in various kinds of serving men are not going about tlie looking after their fences in Medford pendit" ny are engaged in lm- cheap advertising which is practically streets begging for money. A good and other parts of Southern Oregon. porLiut i where small pecuniary worthless to him or to buy benefit tick­ many worthy men are at times A. A. Davis, who lias been looking assistance juld be very valuable. A ets to all sorts of entertainments which ■ forced to beat tbelr way over the rail- i fter his mining interests in Shelly little mon _>• cou>t fHW V'; hs was BUppO d to study up all kinds of novel ideas best incurable. For a great many yearsesdoctors or.e weep—or laugh. want them potatoes boiled or fried?” COAST to CHICAGO and CINCINNATI. pronounced it a local disease, and precrlbed The main influence ot the fund will ‘ Arago, trie great ’it scientist, calculated to reacli the pockets of focal remedies, and by constantly failing to be turned where it will do tlie most' dreaded nothing more than seeming people through their heart-«. Don t fad to write us about vour trip, as we are cure with local treatment pronounced it In­ Science has proven catarrh to be a good. Funds will be advanced where , ridiculous, He was carefi I of his dig- The hobo buslnest has reached big curable. in a position to give you some valuable informa­ constitutional diseas»1, and therefore requires they are most needed. There will be nity even witli his tnosc Intimate proportions. There i- a great army of constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, tion and assistance. 531!) miles of track, over by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. no rivalry between any different Ideas; friends. them scattered ail over the United manufactured is the only constitutional cure on the which is operated some of the all will work together as Carnegie; Eugene de Mirecourt gives an ntnus- , Statesand tbeyempli y their ingenuity Ohio, market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 wished In making tlie gift ' in studying up methods or getting drops to a jteaspoonful. ft acts on the blood Ing account in his “Portraits et Sil­ and mucous surfaces of the nystem. They offer "I bespeak for tlie new institution a ' houettes «lu XIX Slecle” of Arago's I money without working. Many of i one hundred dollars for any case it fails to great patience. Tlie advancement of mortification at having to sitare a them show cunning worthy of a cure. Send for circular and testimonials. better cause,aud a rock pile or a pros ­ F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O true knowledge is slow. By making a room witli Ills friend M. Quctelet, di­ I'or particular« regarding freight or passenger Sold by druggists. pect of g< od, healthful toil are about firm foundation we will tie adding to rector of the Brussels observatory. Hall s Family Pills are the best. rates call on or address the only things they dread or will tli«' knowledge of mankind, and It will ’ They were at Louvain. When it up- serve Io keep them away from a place. J. C. LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBULL, be of service whether or not it attracts petireil tliat tlie l»est accommodation As most, eveiyone know«, there is a T nt vomniuner, attention. 1 ask for suggestions that tliat could be given them was one sort of free masonry among them, by 1. I'.X: I ’ . A. Com’l Agt. [Mr. Hryan's Paper. | we may liave tlie best thought of th«! room witli two iteds. Arago seemed which they leave signs telling others 142 Third St., Portland, Oregon. The Commoner has at tai mid with ­ country to help this new institution,' much disturbed. When they went to to avoid certain places and what in six montan from date of the first unique in the world, tlie largest gift tlie room, he paced the floor Impatient­ houses or towns arethe easiest work­ issue a circulation of 100,000 copies, a ever made to the advancement of ly. while the Belgian astronomer ed. record probably never equaled in the •clence.” history of American periodical litera­ watched Kim In astonishment. ture. The unparalleled growth of President Henry S. Pritchett of the Finaliy Arago seemed to form a des- ! this paper demonstrates tliat there is Massachusetts Institute of Technology | perate resolution. He exclaimed, “I : room In the newspaper field for a nlso spoke during tlie evening on tlie oti'.bt to tell you, my u littery and is especially a sigh of relief. “But that is not all. ' free trial bottle if you write for it. ' price is #1.00 per year. We have Ar­ SHILOH'S costs 25 cents and will ewe Con­ liked for backing a portiere. Ono of When I Bleep, I snore.” Confections, Tropical Fruit«, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc. ranged with Mr. Bryan whereby we sumption. Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all “Alt, so do I. I make ns much noise ttie latter, of dark green cordudoy, bad Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold can furnish bls paperand T hk W bkk - in a day, and thus prevent seriou» results. a fining of the green and black print as a pipe organ,” returned the Belgian. ly T imes together for one year for! It has been doing tnese things for SO years. “ Oil, well, then, tliat is different. ” j that was quite effective. •2.00. The regular subscription price: S. C.WELI.S A Co . Le Roy. N.Y.__________ said Arago, muvh consoled. “Let us ^Karl’s Clover Root Tea corrects tw Stornai^ . of the two papers when subscribed for i separately is *2 50. I go to bed.” U m i READ THIS CAREFULLY. Weber, Vose & Sons, Whe’lock, Schumann, Stuyvesant, Victoria, Sherwood & Sohs PIANOS. THE BUSDETT ORGAN. Josephine Jackson, K lamath and the Lower one-half Lake, DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. DON’T GUESS Illinois Central R. R. Finest Trains in the World. MAX MULLER & CO rYOUR. Shiloh’s Consumption Jacksonville. Or., I wmwffarwrvr r-■ QggjsygJrgshand First-Class and Prices the Best GIVE A CALL