The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 29, 1902, Image 5

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For State Senator:
ROBT. P. NEIL.................of Ashland
For iteprosimtati e:
JOHN D. OLWELL..of Central Point
M. F. CANTRALL.......... if Applegate
For Joint Representative
HORACE MANN................. of Medford
For County Commissioner:
II. H. TAYLOR........................ of Roxy
For Sheriff :
JOS. RADER.................. Eagle Point
For County Clerk,
JOHN 8. ORTH......... of Jacksonville
For County Recorder:
ORIS CRAWFORD ___ of Gold Hill
For County Treasurer.
D. II. MILLER.................... of Medford
For Assessor:
WIDBL'R A. JONES.......... . Poo Bah
For Surveyor: *
L. F. TREFREN................of Ashland
For < 'oroner:
DR. E II. P1CKEL......... of Medford
f Mrs. J. A. Marsh visited In Medford
‘ Thursday.
Miss Carrie Beckman has boon visit­
ing in Ashland.
Simpson Wilson und hi* family have
returned to Trail creek
Miss Rose Brentano has returned
from her visit at Ashland.
Mr*. John Broad, of Forest crook,
has I mmhi visiting in Medford
Miss Deo Ankeny visited in Jack­
sonville during the past week.
Miss Lillie Taylor of Jacksonville
visited in Medford last week.
Judge Priin and M. M. Taylor
tarried a few hours in M>slford Friday.
Misses Mollie und Sadie Maury were
guests of friends residing in Jackson­
ville recently.
Rev. W. Bitter loft for Albany
Thursday, to attend a conference of
Catholic priests.
Miss Grace Reeves of Ashland lias
been in Jacksonville lately, the guest
of T. J. Kenney.
Rev. A. P. Gillette ami his family
have returned from their visit to
I iouglas countv.
J. M. Hanshrough, Republican can­
didate for joint representative, spent
Thursday in Jacksonville.
Mrs. O. Harbaugh, Mrs. A. Elmer
and daughter and Miss Edith Priest
visited in Medford Saturday.
Thus. Run kin of Indiana has been
spending several days in Jacksonville,
searching the county records.
Miss Frances Barnes was in Sam's
valley Saturduy ami Sunday, looking
after her agricultural interests.
Dr. De Bar was in upper Rofue river
district, attending F. M. Manning, who
was dangerously ill with pneumonia.
Jos. 8. Beach, who lias been visiting
his family, left for Nome Saturday
evening. We wish him unlimited suc­
Mrs. Mamie Dox, 4ho has Is-en at­
tending tho state convention of the
iteliekah degree lodges, returned Sat­
, Miss Mattel Prim entertained the
¿■bemoi Club one evening lust week.
An told-fnsiiioiied candy pull was the
C. Swett, who has purchased the
Jackson farm on Rogue river of
II. J. Cameron, returned from Hum­
boldt county, Calif., Friday, to per­
manently locate.
A number of visitors wltneasod the
exorcises recently given by the pupils
of the intermediate and primary de­
partments of our public school, which
were quite interesting.
J. C. Whlpp ami F. L. Wright of
the Southern Oregon Marble Co.,
whose headquarters are at Ashland,
were in Medford during tho past week.
They are doing a good business.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford of Albany,
Demoei’atlc candidate for congress,
addressed a fair-sized audience at the
court house Thursday afternoon. He
is a clean, forcible talker, who has
boon before the public a number of
Jason Hartman and Benton Pool
are putting up a handsome tower for
Geo. E. Neuber, at his residenccin the
northeastern part of Jacksonville,
which is a huge one and will contain
several thousand gallons of water.- A
gasoline engine will do the pumping.
George will have plenty of water to
irrigate his big lot, and for all other
purposes, as he has a well with an
unlimited supply.
Frank Cardwell has returned to Sis­ Guy Gaunyaw left for Montague,
Medford vs. Ashland Sunday.
son, Calif.
Calif., during the week.
R. 8. Dunlap was In Medford Tues­
Haying has commenced. Tho crop
Will Assess Property With
The weather has become warmer
is a large one.
and the hay harvest is at hand.
Justice to All Alike.
Miss Helen Colvig lias been visiting
Mr. und Mrs. Hyde Rickey are visit­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis have
jo Medford.
ing in Medford.
returned from a trip to Evans creek.
Chris. Keegan of Ashland s|ient Sun­
C. Hays of Butte creek Is visiting in
Crit Tolman anil his family and Mrs.
day at home.
Hattie Blount have left Ashland for
Josephine county.
Hon. J. J. Houck of Gold Hill was a
J. J. Pankey of Tolo is furnishing Alaska.
visitor Friday.
H. L. Ah pel, lately of Medford, has
the market with fine fish.
Rev. S. H. Jones made Medford a
W. H. Bush left for the north thin bought the Eaglo Point barbershop of
visited Monday.
Jerry Heekathorn.
week, to look fora location.
Mrs. I. N. Jones of Lassen county,
Horace Pulton of Sam's valley and
J. S. Lacy, tho well-known pioneer,
Calif., is in town.
R. F. I lean ol Willow Springs were re­
and his son were recent visitors.
Miss Isa Cook has gone to* Ashland,
cent visitors in Medford.
It. W. Gray Ison upper Bogue river,
to visit her mother.
F. Osenbrugge, the enterprising
locating homestead und timber claims.
H. I). Kubli and his family were in
merchant, during tho week shipped a
R. J. Cameron and his daughter,
Jacksonville Monday.
carload of dried prunes to eastern
Bernice, visited in Medford Monday. markets.
J. J. Winningham of Trail was in
M. H. Roundtree of Kane’s creek
Jacksonville this week.
J. M. Cronemlller and L. C. Kai n
and his wifespent Tuesday in Medford.
W. li. Maultby and his family were
have returned from Newport, where
A. Cantrall of Applegate and F. E. they attended the grand lodge of the
at the county-seat Saturday.
of Climax were in Medford Tuea- I. O. O. F.
G. C. Culy of Steamboat was among
our visitors during the past week.
Rev. E. B. Lockart, Prohibition
Mrs. Pearce of Boorman's creek and nomine'»
representative, has
E. B. Brown, who is employed at
her daughter visited in Medford Mon­ spoken at several points, and leaves a
Ashland, visited his family Sunday.
favorable impression everywhere.
Judge Neil und W. R. Stansell tar­
Dr. A. C. Caldwell, the well-known
ried a short time In Mudford Monday.
Wilbur A. Jones, Democratic nomi­
Is painting the R. R. A R. R. Co.’s dentist, who recently returned from
nee for assessor of Jackson county, is
Chau. Carney of the Oregon Granite coach.
a wide-awake, worthy young man,
Co., was one of our visitors Sunday.
J. W. McDonough and his family with Dr. C. F. Tilton, and will practice possessed of tine business tact, and
S. R. Holmes and Frank Brown of have become residents of Cambridge,
standing well among his fellow men.
his profession at Ashland.
Equal Justice to all Is one of the
Eagle Point wore with us tho other
Wm. Clark has sold another Tybalt principal traits of his character, which
Next Monday is election day. It colt fora good figure—“Snowy Butte,’’ will insure the taxpayers an impartial
The Jacksonville and Eagle Point promises to be interesting In more ways
of the assessment roll, a very
a pacer.
The purchaser was Dr. rating
Important characteristic in one tilling
game brought a good-sized crowd to than one.
Flanagan, of Grant's Pass. The mare that important position. Mr. Jones
Warm weather is with us at last. is a sister of “Black Jack," fast and was born August 6. I860, in London
Mark Finney, who is at Pokegania, The mercury has run up as high as 90 handsome.
county, Virginia. He came to Oregon
with his parents in 1873, stopping first
had one of his feet crushed by a log re­ deg. already.
Hon. J. H. Stewart will soon begin io this county. For a time the family
Miss'julien of Siskiyou county, Calif., the > construction of a handsome resi- lock up residence in the Klatuath
Don't forget the baso-ball game Sun­ has been visiting relatives living in this'dence on his farm near Medford, W. basin, engaging In the stock business
Warner lake, but removed from
day. It proinisus to be the best of the section.
W. Woods has furnished a earload of at
there In consequence of the Indian
Later Mr. Jones, Sr.,
J. G. Martin and E. R. Gall of Table lumber already. Shingles will be used troubles.
C. N. Snow ioft Monday for North­ Rock precinct were among us during Instead of rustic.
bought a farm of 200 acres near Med­
ford, and Wilbur has been engaged in
ern California, where ho will spend the the past week.
II. V. Gates of Hillsboro is delivering farming and «tockralsing there since.
W. H. Venable of Applegate anil A. a number of speeches in Jackson He waseducated in the public schools
Judge Hanna wont to Roseburg Sun­ Alford of Talent were in Medfortl one county. Those who put him on the of this county, and has had a good
day, to set for Judge Hamilton in day this week.
stump would do well to cancel his business training. Having a practi­
cal knowledge of property values, par­
several cases.
dates, as he is more of a vulgarian ticularly of farm and stock properties,
W. II. Bradshaw, the sage oi Lake
he Is competent to make a good as-
Mrs. T. Wright of Willow Springs creek, circulated among his Medford than a public speaker.
was the guest of Mrs. R. M. McDon­ friends Monday.
We are sorry to learn that Miss sessor.
ough Monday.
Emma Reed, one of our most success­
A. H. Wyland of Climax was in Med­
J. A. Marsh and T. C. Norris are ford Monday. So was H. Pech of ful teachers, will sever her connection
with the Medford schools at the close
The following business has been
putting up a fine water tank at J. Nu­ Mound precinct.
of the present year. She expects to transacted in this court since our last
nan’s residence.
W. C. and W. E. Butler of Ashland
Miss Kate Plymale has been visiting precinct made Medford a business visit take up stenography.
Estate of Edith D Corthell. Edgar
Hon. J. K. Weatherford, Democratic, Uurthell app noted administrator.
at the McDonough farm in Willow one day last week.
Estate of Mary A Stewart.. Mon­
Springs precinct.
Mrs. Schneider of Ashland hits been
day, June 23, 1902, appointed as day
Mark Applegate, who is assisting in visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. E. good-sized audience at Academy Hall for final settlement.
Thursday evening. From his stand­
the development of the Elk creek Bostwick of Applegate.
point he discusses public questions in
mine«, is in town.
Em. Ingram of Glendale is in the an able and vigorous manner.
«• I
F for you to enjoy
Lester Bailey has opened a photo- valley, undergoing treatment for his
Jacksonville's public school will ad­
1 1 »15 W JulDLL, ule happiness of
graph gal'ery in Jacksonville, He is hand, which is becoming very sore.
journ today, for the summer vacation. motherhood,” says the doctor. Some­
an expert workman.
Mrs. Jessie Langell Farnsworth has Prof. Washburn, the able principal, times he qualities the statement, and
W. T. Van Scoy, principal of the returned from Portland, where she and his efficient corps of assistants says: " Impossible without au opera­
1’ Yet both these " impossibles ”
Medford Academy, spent Monti ay took a course of trained nursing in the have done so well that their re-employ­ tion.
have been made possibles by the use
night in Jacksonville.
of Dr. Piesee’s Favorite 1‘re­
Good Samaritan Hospital.
ment givesentire satisfaction.
st option. Many times the
Don't forget that next Monday is
We have received ¡tn invitation to be
Fred Ulen, who is visiting in Ash­ hindrances to mother­
election day, and exercise your rights present at the 17th annual commence­ land, was a visitor at the county-seat
hood are to lie found tn
as an American citizen.
ment of the Central Oregon State Nor­ Monday. He recently resigned his womanly diseases or
A. Thock morton of Union and Ben mal School, which will lie held at Drain. position with the Standard Oil Co. at weaknesses, which
are perfectly and
Thurston of Applegate were in Jack­
The Messenger property, located Minneapolis, to take a better one permanently
sonville a few dayB ago.
near Ashland, which was sold by the in t he offices of the Great Northern cured by ’'Fa­
vorite Pre­
Mrs. R. T. Burnett of Ashland was sheriff to satisfy a mortgage on it in at Seattle.
the guest of Miss Frances Barnes at favor of Pelton A Neil, brought 0956.
A dancing party will be given at
the beginning of the week.
There will be a tine game of base ball Pool's hall in Eagle Point on the night
Jacksonville Fire Co. and the board on Neuber A Taylor's recreation of election day, June 2d. Good music
of trustees will be in session next Mon- grounds in Jacksonville Sunday, when and supper will be provided. W.
cures ir­
Monilay Tuesday evenings.
the Ashland and Medford clubs will Ashpole and Merritt Brown
manage it, which is an assurance that
Fred White, the genial government cross bats.
and dries
land locator, was at the county-seat
E. S. Wolfer, the expert mechanic, it will be a fine affair.
J. H. Drake, who has been engaged
drains. It heals
Monday, accompanied by Mrs. L. has just completed some lanterns for
inflammation and
Sterling Mining Co., and will probably in the preliminaries of a rural mail
ulceration, and
The commencement exercises of the install an acetylene headlight at the delivery between Medford and Griffin
cures female weak­
ness. It makes weak
Jacksonville public school will take big mine before long.
women strong and sick
place at U. 8. Hall Thursday evening,
A train-load of cattle, consisting of 14 The petition he forwarded to the
Women well.
May 20th, at 8 o’clock.
cars, passed through Medford a few postal authorities at Washington con­
nI wish to add mv testimony
to hundred* of Xhers as to the
Mrs. Retha Dollarhide and Miss days since. Nine of them belonged to
value of Dr. Pierer s medicines,’
The S. P. Company will sell round writes Mrs. Ida M. De Ford, of Latona. Hubbard
Nellie Wulf arrived from Klanmthon, J. C. Mitchell of Gazelle, Calif., and tne
. Mian. " Hate doctored with a tfreat many
tickets from Ashland to Portland Co
Calif., Sunday, on a visit to relatives
f>hvsiciana—some specialist*; have twice been
hospital tor treatment. Mv caw ha» l«eeu
living on Farmer's Flat.
regarded as a hope lew one. and they knew not
the trouble wa* Heart vra* twd . stomach
Thus. Collins, who has been buying a
Tho Jacksonville cemetery will pre­
out of order, tired cx< arvrrr pains in all
the supreme lodge, A. O. U. W., for all
of the body : smkin< sprtta and nrarlw
sent a handsome apis-arance on Decora­
♦ 10. Purchasers will pay ♦14.25 and every ailment a woman could have. I took
tion lhiy. Considerable preparation is can Stock Co., in Lane and other coun receive a rebate of ♦4.25 on return manv a bottle of ‘ patent medk-ines* without
effect. I began taking Dr Pieroe's Favorkr Pro­
ties of Oregon, is here, on a visit. Ho from Portland.
being made for the event.
scription. and ten months afterward I gave
birth to a ten-pound boy A ll aAwnasj haA
says that stock buying for the season is
Clint Stewart, the veteran fruit man. stated as a fact that !
¡kwr & chM.
I). H. Hawkins, chairman of the Pro­
about completed.
Both the bebv and myself were stxxmg. arul J
has received a silver modal for the best got
hibition county committee, will address
along splendidly—tluuika to year meduritw.*
Rev. L. P. Desmarais, .of Baker City, almond exhibit at tho Charleston fair.
the citizens of Jacksonville and vicinity
The Common Sense Mtxiical Adviser,
who was stationed at Jacksonville a He holds the record in this respect, for
Saturday evening. May 31st.
looS large pages, in uaper covera, is sent
few years ago, passed through the he captured silver medals at the Port- free on receipt of r one-cent stamps to
C’apt. M. F. Eggleston and D. ('hap- valley Tuesday evening, en rout home
'and exposition and also at the Buffalo pav expeuse of uuiling oily. Aildiesi
Ur. R. V. Fierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
man were in Jacksonville Saturday from a stay in Mexico for his health,
Pau-American Exposition. Col. Dosch,
night, attending a meeting of the which has been considerably improved.
who is in charge of the Oregon exhibit
Democratic county committee.
F. B. Inlow, formerly of Eagle.Point, at the Charleston fair, states in a letter
A number of our best residences who is now an herb doctor and botanic that the exhibit from Clint attracted
have been repainted and renovated, specialist, as well president of the In­ widespread attention. He states furth­
this spring, giving them a much im­ low Herb Rdmedy Co. of San Fran­ er that the Oregon department is con­
proved appearance. Among them are cisco, was in Medford recently, on pro­ stantly crowded with people anxious to
The First Term of the Capital
those of J. Nunan. Dr. Robinson, Mrs. fessional business. He seems to be pros­ learn things about Oregon. Many peo­
Summer Normal at Salem. Ore-
gon, began May 5, to cuotlnue
ple scarcely lielieve that such fine pro­
M. Miller, J. DeRoboam.
Eight Weeks.
Clyde Payne of this county, the well- ductscan be grown here. Others ask
B. G. Adams, one of the owners of
the Colonel if the Indians are still very
The Second Term begins June 30,
to continue till the August Ex-
tho big copper ledge at the head of known athlete, established a new coast dangerous in Oregon.
record in the 220-yard race at Port­
aminition Classes will be formed
Applegate, arrived in Jacksonville
In all the Branches Required for
from De) Norte, Calif., Sunday, en
route to the scene of operations, lie
Will. McDaniel has opened a neat
his efforts that tho Eugene team de­ cigar, confectionery and iruit store in
was accompanied hy his wife.
feated the Multnomah«, the score Ryan’s building, Jackson villa, and keeps
Tuition for First term, teoo.
One Dollar per Week. For Second
Jacksonville Fire Co., which will standing 53 to 51 in its favor.
a complete assortment of the beet of
term. t5.0t). The attendance will
E. H. Harriman, president of tho S. everything in his line.
have charge of the 4th. of July celebra­
be large.
tion, held a special meeting last Satur­
he will treat you well.
For Information Address
day evening to arrange tho prelimina­ long since in his special train. R.
J.J. KRAPS, Salem.
ries. Geo. E. Neuher, T. J. Williamson Koehler, L. R. Fields, J. Kruttschnitt
and 8. I*. DeRohoam were appointed and other railroad officials were among
the general committee on arrange- this*' who accompanied him. Con-
Dunnington A Deneff, the clever pro­
ductor Dickey and Engineer .M Hier prietors of the Criterion 8aloon, have
been appointed sole agents for Jack­
Ruth Rohckah Lodge No. 4, I.O. O. were in charge of the train.
sonville of the celebrated J. F. Cutter NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE
F., on Monday gave a handsome enter­
Jacksonville will celebrate the 4th of whiskey, in bulk and case. It is prov­ partnership heretofore existing between Jas
M. Cronemlller and Fannie M t-ove. under the
tainment, to which its sister societies July in grand style. It never does any­ ing dts'Uled popular with their custom­ firm name of Cronemlller A Lore, has been dis­
by mutual consent The business will
in Jfcckson county were invited. The thing hy halvos, and thoso who attend ers. When you call on them ask for be continued
al the old stand by J. M. Crene-
mtiler. to whom bills due the late firm are par
attendance was very largo. The drill, will be well pleased with it. Five hun­ Cutter.
able, and who will pay claims against the
which proved the feature of the oc­ dred dollars have already been raised
same .
casion, was skilfully and beautifully therefor, and it is expected that thia Your Cold Curea for so. Jacksonville. Ma» 17. li»2
performed. A banquet followed.
sum will lie swelled to at least 0700.
I M* Str. nUrtf £ sm «N m CtoM Ctar*
Both Teams Play a Slow Game,
But Eagle Point Takes a
Second Place—25-12.
The game between Eagle Point and
Jacksonville teams Sunday afternoon,
at the latter place, wa< interesting
in the main, and oevold of sensation­
al features, except in the fourth,
P Donegan’s drive over the left, field
fence, for four sacks with the bases
full, netting four runs
Eagle Point was clearly out classed
tiieir most serious defect being the
need of a pitcher, three men being
tried and all found wanting. Van
Hardenburgh, their former twirler,
who more than once led them to
victory, died a few months since.
Numerous errors on both sides were
responsible Tor a large number of the
runs made. A notable features was
that Pitcher Donegan did not give a
single base on balls, while the visit­
ing twirlers passed out elgtit.
It was an ideal day for base ball,
and quite a large crowd witnessed
the game, including a number who
cumeupfrom Medford on a special
train. Following is the score:
AH. R. H. SH. PO
Nunan, • i .
Ulrich,I b...
P. Donegan, p ..
Helms. 2 b .......
Offenbaecher, r I
Ingram, c I
Lewis, 3b..
R. Donegan,
Pemoll, c ..
Tola Ju.......
AB. R.
Carlton, 3b. ........................ »i 2
Robinett, 1 b . ..................... Ö 1
Walch, hm .. . ...................... 4 2
Reed,c .
....................... 5 0
J. Moomaw 1 f ...................... 5 1
F Brown, 2b... ..................... 5 2
Royale, p....... ....................... 5 2
M . Brown, c f ..............
5 Í
Moomaw, rT. ........................5 1
Total*....... ........................ 46 12
•n 12 15
12 3 4 5 «
1 4
Jacksonville ...........2 4 3 5
Eagle Point 1..................3 0 0 5 0 0
Stolen base«—Ulrich, Nunan,
Donegan 2, Helms 2, Offenbacher,
Two base hit«—Nunan,
Ulrich, P. Donegan 2, Helms, R.
Donegan. Home Kun—P. Donegan.
Innings pitched—P.
Donegan 9;
Royale 7; Brown 1; Robinett 1. Base
hits—>ff Donegan 13; off Royale 21;
Struck out—by Donegan 8; by" Royale
6. First base on balls—oy Donegan
0, by Royale, 8. Hit by pitched ball
—Royale 2. Passed balls—Pernoil 2;
Reed 2. Time of game—2 hours, >
minutes. Umpire—Prim.
I rwin Ec kelson .
Has the Ability Which Fits Him
for Office of County
An honest, painstaking business man
is Oris Crawford, Democratic nomin j
for recorder of Jackson «'ountv. Ho
has first-class clerical ability, is a
good penman, and in every way fitted
to fill the office to which he aspires.
The fact that he will get the votes of
nearly all his neighbors shows in what
esteem he is held by those who know
him best.
Mr. C. was born at Augusta. Ohio,
February 14, 1873. With his par nta
he arrived in Oregon in * .„ust
and during the past ten yea to -er.
Crawford's home has been at Gold
Hill, where he is in the merchandise
business. He is a man of integrity,
agreeable manners and clean char­
acter. He will make an efficient and
popular official.
You Know
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and Qui­
nine In a tasteless form No Cure, No Pay 50c.
The Southern Pacific will make
special rates to San Francisco on the
occasion of the convention of the
Noblesof the Mystic ShriDe at that
point In June. Tickets will be on
sale from June 31 to 8th, inclusive,
and will be available for stop-overs in
California. Full Information rela­
tive to rates, limit« and other condi­
tions will be cheerfully supplied by
all local agents of the Southern Pa­
For Infants and Children.
Tin Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the