The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 29, 1902, Image 3

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A quiet but pretty wedding lock
tilace at the residence of the
at Davi«v|lle,
May 11th, when W II. Heaton and
Miss Carrie Hackett were Joined
In the holy trnnds of matrimony. The
ceremony took place at high noon,
and wm performed by He*. W. T.
Van Scoy. Ml an Lila Sackett, sister
of the bride, and Leslie Briggs of
Placer attended the contracting par­
ties. Tbe apartments were decorated
with Ivy and brldul wreath and pre­
sented a beautiful appearance. A
sumptuous repast follow. Those pres­
ent were: Nupt. and Mrs. P. II. Bally,
Mrs. F. L. Crantlll and daughter,
Mlsa Hattie Eaton. Miss Maud Ander­
son of Ashland, Miss Nellie Anderson
of Placer. Mr. and Mrs. Heaton are
ell and favorably known, the groom
toeing head timberman for the Victor,
Jr.. Mining Co., which owns the not­
ed Greenback mine located at Placer,
Josephine county, while the bride Is
is one of Southern Oregon’« most
successful school teachers. They
took the evening train for a visit at
Roseburg and other points, accom­
panied by the congratulations and lest
.wishes of winy friend».
.. ...... « ■■■ !■
There Is more catarrh lu this seelont of th»
country than ah other dlseascH pul aovether.
au.l until llm lust tew year« was euppo <1 to b<>
Incurable. Kor a great Binny jrcar«ead<x>lora
pronounced It a local disease, and precrlbed
Toeal remedies, anil by constantly railing to
.cure with local treatment pronounced It ln-
■ounthle. Science hus proven catarrh to be u
constitutional disease, and lh<Tt«rore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
ntaautacttired by K J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo,
Ohio. Is the only constitutional cure on the
inarkol. It Is taken Internally In doses from It)
drops to a toasptsinrul.
it acts on the blood
ana mucous surfaces <>r the system- They, offer
one hundred dollars for any case It rails to
cure Send tor circular and testimonials.
F. J CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
Hold by druggists.
.Mali's Family Fill« are the beat.
Tho candidates on the Democratic
ticket of Josephine county will meet
tho voters at the following places und
I .eland. Muy 15, 7:30 p. nt.
Wolf Creek, Muy 10, M p. in.
Grunts Puss, Muy 17, 8 p. in.
Gali)-«. Cre<-k, Muy 19. Social visit
by candidates.
Wllderville, May 22, 2 p. m.
Williams Muy 23, 8. p. m.
Murphy, May 21, 8 p. m.
Leland, Muy 2d, 7:30 p. tn. Dance
after speaking.
Wolf Creek, May 27, 7:30 p. m.
Kerby, May 20, 7:30 p. tn. Dance
after speaking.
Grants Puss. Muy 31, afternoon and
evening, followed by dancing, tire­
works, music by the band, etc.
The House Committee on pen­
sions has ordered a favorable
report on the long-pending In­
dian war veteran bill. And it is
time. There is more reason to
pay pensions to the men who
voluntarily gave their services
to the country in early days
than there was for paying some
of the pensions for subsequent
acts. Not only did the Indian
war veterans risk their lives;
but they were the pioneers who
blazed the path of civilization
through the wilderness.
“ I h«ve kept Ayer’« Cherry Pec­
toral in my house for a great many
years. It is the best medicine in
the world for coughs and colds.”
J. C. Williams, Attica, N.Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
TknariMii Uc..N(..M. AB fca ut Wi
DR. JORDAN’S aaaar
(iMvm StaU m A
larrmt Anatomical Mossaaa
ft In Th*
tbs Wor.d.
Grratcit attraction in th* Ctty. A
wnticrful tltfM far vtetfora
Weak ■••••«. or any contract­
ed dbMMM«,poolUwoly
the oldest RpacUllal on the PaciAe
CORM. Kulab I i«u«4 JA y «at «.
Tnnag ■aem and ■nflH4ln
•fed «Mesa who are autferlnf
from the effects of youthful indla-
creUoti* or axeeaoee In maturor
years. Nervoit* and phralcai Debility, Ina-
|M>teney, Leet !*lanfa««d in all Itacompli­
cation«; t|*rm«U»rrb<»a, Freot«kt«r*
rhe«, «•■•rrheew, «Meet, Vre^oeney
•f (Zrtnalla*, ete. Hy a oom bl nation of
remed!««, of great curative power, the Doctor
has to arranged bls treatment that it will not
only afford Immediate relief, but permanent
cure, l'be Doctor doee not claim to perform
miracle*, but la well known to bo h fair and
Bimre Physician and Hiirfeon-nre-emiueni
hl« specUlty —Dlaeaaea of Men
NTPHII.I* thonnifhly eradicated frost
the system without the use of Merenry.
Trnaaea fitted by an F.ipert. It nil lea I
eta re for Rupture. A quk’k and radical
cur« for Pi lea. Fiaanre and Flatnlm, by
Dr. Jordan** «perial palnleae method*.
KVF.HY IRAK arriving to mt will reootTO
opinion of nlncomplaint._____
Qwvruntro a i'OSlTI I’E CUR Ji tn
orrrv rrure w»« und«rM*e.
Onnanitatlon FRICK and «trlctly private
Treatment personally or hy letter.
Write for Hook, PNimDTIT OF
HARRIAC1IC. M ausd Kass. (A valuable
book for men.) Call or w rtto
DR. JORDAN h CO. I0B1 Martel St. S F.
Mrs. M. M. Cooksey visited io Ash­
land a few days ago.
Arthur Boswell has returned to
Rev. A. M. Russell, who has been In Callahan’s, California.
charge of tne Baptist church at Ash­
I). W. Knutzen of Applegate was Io
land, has resigned.
Central Point, this week.
Tbe tree« are very heavily loaded,
Jesse McFall and bls family bave
and a great deal of thinning by hand gone
to Klamath county.
must be done this season.
newcases of diphtheriabavebeen
Rev. A. M. Russell,the Baptist min­
ister, and Ills family have left Ash­ reported up to this tlm.
land for Anderson, California.
Mr. Heatherly reports his three
The alumni of the Ashland High children much better this morning.
School will give a reception at Hotel
Rev. Lockhart preached in Gold
Oregon on tbe evening of toe 31st.
Hill last Sunday morning and evening.
Under the new election law the
W. W. Edington of the Cardwell
polls will be kept open until seven ranch, Sam’s valley, was in town Mon­
o'clock P. M., Instead of six as formerly. day.
Schrader, “the divine healer,” did
8. A. Swanson went over to Coles
not fare well at Grant’s Pass, either. Monday, to do blacksmithing for Mee
He Is a first-class bilk, and the people & Co.
know it, too.
Several Democratic candidates pass­
Only 3752 voters of Jackson register­ ed through town Monday morning, on
ed, 133 short of tbe number two their way to Sam’s valley.
years ago. No doubt several hundred
The ice-cream social given for the
mure fulled to register.
benefit of our base-ball club was a
Next Fridav Is Decoration Day, and pleasant and successful affair.
the event will be generally observed
Ben Peart, blacksmith employed by
by the veterans of the civil war, their
the Fish Lake Ditch Co., visited his
wives and descendants.
ffitnily Sunday, returning Monday-
Subscriptions tor Mr. Bryan’s n iper.
Ur. J. Hinkle, who has been sick
The Commoner, tbe leading Demo­
cratic newspaper in the United States, for a long time with a complication of
diseases, isstill in a critical condition.
are taken at T he T imes office.
Mrs. Mollie Myers of Salt Lake,
P. L Campbell, president of the
State Normal School at Monmouth, Utah, who lias been visiting her
has resigned, to take a like position parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, hat}
returned borne.
at the University of Oregon.
Rev. N. S.
Hallcroft, Baptist
For sale: 225 feet of it-mch pipe, 12
ncti taper, 2 elbows, No. 1 giant, wltii- minister, will preach the memorial
nozzles. All in good order and used sermon in the Baptist ebureb next
but little. Enquire at T he T imes Sunday, May 24.
Cecil, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
The state and county elections will Heatherly, aged about 13 years, died
take place one week from next Mon­ ,>f diphtheria Wednesday, May 14th.
day. Tbe interest In them does not Three more children of the family bave
seem to be as great as one would ex­ the same disease.
Russ Moore was in town a few days
A saw mill has lieen received at the ago from Dead Indian and Soda
fish hatchery at the mouth of Elk Springs. He report that all the Butte
creek, owned by II. D. Hume of Curry creek voters will support Joe Rader
county, but operated by the govern­ for sheriff, regard less ot party.
The candidates’ ball given Friday
Deeds, mortgages, leases, bends evening under the auspices of our
bills of sale and every Imaginable lodge of tbe A. O. U. W. was not as
kind of legal blanks—the latest and well attended as It should have been;
best—are constantly on hand at T he but nevertheless proved a success.
T imes office.
Ed. Cingcade.son ot DavidCingcade
The numtier of voterswho have reg­ of Antelope creek, had his leg broken
istered in Southern Oregon is larger between his ankle and knee, la-t Sun­
than ever. The Oregonian says that day night. He had been at church at
the total in the state is considerably Eagle Point; when he started borne
hie horse run away with him,and as he
short, however.
struck tbe bridge he fell and caught
Rev. F. G. Strange’s resignation as his leg under the horse, causing the
pastor of the Presbyterian church at above result. Dr. Picket was called
Ashland has been accepted,and be will and reduced the fracture.
take charge of the church at Marsh­
field, Coos county.
It Dazzles the World.
G. W. Mackey has reopened the
Medford Photo Gallery In Adkins’
No discovery in medicine has ever
building, C street, opposite Jackson created one-quarter of tbe excitement
County Bank. Up-to-deoatrkw and that has been caused by Dr. King's
reasonable prices.
New Discovery for Consumption. It’s
Rev. E. Donnelly of Marshfield, for­ severest tests have been on hopeless
merly of Ashland, has returned from victim- of consumption, pneumonia,
the eastern states, where he succeed hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis,
In raising 915 000 for the construction thousands of whom It has restored to
perfect health. For coughs, colds,
of a hospital in Coos county.
asthma, hay fever, hoaiseness and
A large quantity of newspapers, whooping cough it Is the qulcke*t,sur-
suitable for wrapping, pasting cd est cure in the world. It is sold by
wails, putting under carpets, etc., can City Drug Store, who guarantee sat­
be obtained cheap In quantities t< isfaction or refund money.
suit, at T he T imes Printing House. bottles 50c and 91.00. Trial bottles
If you want the latest In furniture, free.
call at Norris’ shop in .lacks mvllle
and see one of his folding Daven­
ports. They are superior to anything
in that line. Everybody should have
To lie held Under Direction of
The celebrated Snap Shot, the best
G. A. R. Post of Medford.
medicine In the world for allaying in-
tlammatijn in man or beast, can be
Memorial and Decoration Days wil
found at Dr. Robinson's diug
store, also at Dr. Hinkle's, Central be observed by the Medford G. A. R
Point. Try it.
Post, for which a good program has
Ben Tracy, managerof Al. Waddle's been prepared.
saloon at Junction city, was shot and
Members of the Post and W. R.
killed on the night of the 21st, by an
unknown party, who robbed the cash C. will assemble at Post hall on Sun­
register of nearly 9300. He was well day, May 25th, at 10 o’clock a . M.,and
and favorably known in many parts march in a body to t he opera house,
of the state. His wife taught school where union services will be held at
In Big Butte district a few years ago. 11 o'clock , under the direction of the
When in Medford ask for Myers, the G. A R. of this city. The musical
popular jeweler. His stock of goods programme arranged is as follows.
cannot be beaten in Southern Oregon.
“All Hail, Fair America,” High
If equaled. Resells and repairs dia­
monds, Jewelry, watches and clocks, 3chool Glee Club; solo, selected, by
cheaper and better than anyone else. members of Glee Club; Prayer, Rev.
C. H. H.oxie; “America," by Glee
H. W. Ogllbe, a prominent mining Club and audience.
engineer of Sao Francisco, savs a com­
May 30th the Post will observe the
pany has been formed with ample usual Decoration Day exercises. The
capital that will furnish electrical members will assemble at the hall at
power for all stamp mills, factories, 9:30 a. m. and will form in front of
etc., In a radius of 30 miles from the Post hall, Including the high school
Applegate Falls in Jackson county, band, old soldiers of either army,
and says.tbey will also have sufficient ladies of the W. It. D., young girls
power to operate an electric road from of different states in the Union, and
Grant's Pass to Waldo.
the school. children. After forming
Secretary of State Dunbar has the parade the whole company will
disbursed to the various counties of maren to the opera house in a body,
the stale tbe sum of 915,113 55, that where the following programme will
amount being the 5 per cent, fund de­ be rendered:
rived by the state from the Govern­ Singing......... High School Glee Club
ment in the sale of public lands with­ Address of Welcome .....................
.......... Commander F. M. Stewart
in the state for the year ending June
30, 1901. Tbe money is disbursed to Song, "Cover Thet? Over”............
........................................ Glee Club
the counties In proportion to their
Post Officers
respective acreage. Of the entire Services................ ..
amount Multnomah county, with oi»e- Reading of Orders........ Post Adjutant
fourth the population of the state, re­ Oration................... Hon. W. M. Colvig
ceives the least sum, only 909 90, since Chorus, “Battle Hymn of the Re­
public” .............................. Glee Club
It has an area of only 281,920 acres.
Benediction and adjournment until
The amount apportioned to the coun-
tfes of the first judicial district are: 2 o’clock.
The members will then procceed to
Jackson ................... 1,780,880
443 03 the
cemeteYy, where tne regular
Josephine.................. 1,099.520
273 01 Decoration
exorcises will be held
970 48 according to Dav
tne rituals of the G. A.
Lake. ...................... 5,130,240 1,271 90 R. All soldiers
and citizens are
cordially invited to join and assist us
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After in these exercises, and by scattering
flowers honor the dead heroes and our
Fourteen Years of Suffering.
M. S. D amon ,
‘I have been »filleted with sciatic departed friends.
G. C. N oble .
rheumatism for fourteen years,” nays
Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Gal, “I
Health la Wealth.
was able to be around, but constantly
Eyery variety of water treatment,
suffered. I tried everything I could hear massage,
electricity, X-ray manua-
of, and at last was told to try Chamber movements, rest cure, etc.: skilled
Iain’s Pain Balm, which I did, and was nursesand manipulators of both sexes;
mmediatoly relieved and in a short- elegant treatment rooms; beautiful
time cured, and I am happy to say it location, quiet, every room and de­
has not since returned.” Why not use partment steam-heated Garden City
this liniment and get well? It lit for sale Sanitarium, E. San Jose, Cal, Write
by City Drug Store.
for descriptive circular.
Juat Arrived at,
----- THE SUPERB----
Elite, Cooking Ware
The liest Ware that ever came to Medford. Every
piece is guaranteed for five years. Don’t fail to call
and see it, and purchase some of it before it is all gone.
And, talking about
Fishing Tackle,
Sun and Wind Burn,
Hands or Face
I have the Tackle that will catch the Fish without
applying any great fisherman’s skill. The proof of this
is in trying it. Try the Tackle, and vou will be satis­
Now is the time to have your Photos
The regulaa $3.00 Cabinet for $1.50 per
Dozen, and other Sizes in Proportion.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or no pay.
ELITE photo co .
oooooooooooo < xxxxx > oqo < xxx > o
5 Beginning Monday, May
g 19, with every hat of $2.00
9 or over, purchased at my
y Millinery Parlors, I will give
5 away a beautiful combina-
I& tion, dust proof
Corn Planters,
Hand spray Pumps,
Fishing Tackle,
Most Complete
Stock in Medford
Our prices are right, and 0 STEEL GOODS,
the excellent quality of our 9
hats and neat work is 9
unexcelled in Southern Ore- |
MONTHLY MAGAZINE | ( Plumbing a Specialty.
A F amily library
The H.
A. in Medynski.
Current Literature
12 CoMALcrt N oyclb V karlv
Parlors back of New bank. 2
$2 .50
, 25 cts a copy |
Will Prevent and re-
move them. It contains
no Grease and is Not
Sticky. You can Wear
Gloves in Two Minutes
After Applying,
All Kinds of Guns and Ammu­
nition at
A Complet e Stock ct
The Southern Pacific will make
special rate« to San Francisco on the
occasion of the convention ot the
Fishing Tackle. Hard­
Noble« of the Mystic Shrine at that
point in June. Tickets will be on
ware, Farm Imple­
sale from June 3d to 8tb, inclusive,
and will oe available for stop-overs in
ments, STOVES.
California. Full information rela­
tive to rate», limits and other condi­
tions will be cheerfully supplied by A Tin Shop in Connection.
all local agents of the Southern Pa­
, ‘