Weakens GREAT BRITAIN'S DEBT Over-Work Your Kidneys. •ary expenses of the coming occasion." •Mirvbed N r loag and unavailing- THE OCEAN COMBINATION. She left poor auntie nearly frantic and ly.” absolutely determined to throw her­ “I think your search Is ended,” said Vastaeas of the Row Steamship Scheme Outlived. self upon tbe town. She had felt it her I. "and that you will find her living duty ever since she became so helplt ss with Mrs. Kempton in this village." The announcement tbe other aftiT- Why It Has Never Borrowed Unhealthy Kidney* Make Impure Blood. * with rheumatism. Nothing but the “Is it far from here? Would you noon of the comblnutlon of six steam­ Io Time oi Peace. All the blood In your body passe* through fact that she had rather die than live show me the way?” questioned he ea­ ship lines—the White Star, Dominion, your kidneys once sv’ty lhr-e minutes. with Mary Ann Biggs had kept her gerly. and tbe next moment we were ? Ths kidney* ara your Leyland. Atlantic Transport, American By Catherine Jewett with us for tbe last year. I'o>'r old hurrying down the broad elm shaded blood purifier*, they (li­ > and lied Star—under the direction of J. 8TRIKINO CONTRAST TO OUR OWN • F soul! She would have a hard time with | street. M ter out the waste or > Oo*yrt»kt, 1902. by that rough woman iu that great barn Impui(ties in the blood. As we neared the Kempton cottage I Pierpont Morgan was much discussed >• recently, says the New York Tribune. ful of pauper*. We have made our­ saw Mrs. Paget sitting on the tiny vine British Taxpayrra Still Coatribatlaa It they are sick or out Catherine Jewett of order, they tail to do selves out perfect Vanderbilts to keep sreathed piazza. Her soft white hair The organization of tbe proposed com- *100.000,000 Per .taaaa la Par For their work. her quiet, but today she would not ba shone in the sunlight, her pain dis­ pany was planned on such a large the Napolroaio War«—Sir Michael Pains, achesand rheu­ iOM tny youth up I took nat­ pacified and. after nearly crying her­ torted bands lay idly on her lap. her scale that few people outside of tbe Hick«-Beach'« Gloomy View of Fa- matism come from ex­ urally to the science of math­ self sick, wrote to the selectmen. Be­ cotton gown and stiffly starched apron financial interests immediately con­ cess of uric acid in the tare Pa bile Expend len season and 1‘ortland. Me., In win­ but now modern science prove* that nearly :ue time, but fatally misfortunes, fol- roses! Do you think I ever, ever can?” Just iu front of her he stopped, and ter. At Boston it connects with the be interesting to review tbe history of all constitutional dlseaaea have their begin­ red by the sickness and death of my The roses were dreadful. I almost i for a moment's space no word passed Great Britain’s debt and contrast that ning in kidney trouble. ..idler, made tbe necessity for employ- doubted Mrs. Kempton's skill In their between them. Then the woman arose, Boston and Albany railroad, a part of history with our owu, says the New It you are alck you can make no mistake tncat urgent and imperative. behalf, ana I pitied tbe girl, shrinking her worn face working, her faded eyes the New York Central system. At York Evening Poet. by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild Montreal it connects with tbe Canadian Heavily handicapped by youth and with all her heart from a mortifying brightening, her bands appealingly ex­ Unlike the continental states—whose and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Pacific, which has a transcontinental ’•xpwience. my first term was a suc- ordeal, bnt I knew there was only one tended. public debts have largely beeu created i Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is railway line to Vancouver and a steam ­ <-oa of disappointments and disil- answer to her question. “Father,” she cried, “father, forgive ship line from Vancouver to tbe orient, in time of ¡>eace to make good perpetu­ soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the mo« distressing cases “Yes. my dear,” said I, “I think yon me!” and both at Portland and Montreal it al deficits in revenue—England has In and is sold on its merits < iradnally as I became acquainted can and will. It takes a deal of pluck •‘Father died year* ago?’ answered connects with the Grand Trunk rail­ reality never contracted permanent by all druggists In flfty- - th my pupils and accustomed t« my to have a tooth out. you know, but tbe Senator Borden gently, "and ever since way of Canada, which extends to Chi- debt except to pay for war. It* excel­ cent and one-dollar siz­ ..ties I acquired the faculty of ad- sharp, relieving pain is far easier to I have been searching for you. my sis­ caga All tbe other steamship lines in lent budget system and the fact that es. You may have a ■-tin* myself to my surroundings, bear than weeks of dull, wearing an­ ter/' _____ _____ the new combination have New York annual revenue In time of peace has sample bottle by mall ;'Irr which my work became much guish. It is going to take real grit to "Bennie! Bennie?’ she »creamed, as a western terminus. Here they con­ rarely exceeded expenditure have made free, also pamphlet telling you how to (Ind ier and more satisfactory. Term wear that flowered dress, but the dis­ , out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. er term passed until I felt my posi- comfort of an hour is not to be com­ flinging herself toward him. The scene nect with the Pennsylvania railroad, this possible. In the twenty years pre­ | Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer that followed wa* too sacred for stran­ with which the International Naviga­ ceding tbe outbreak of the Transvaal ••j to be assured. For six years I pared to the remorse of a lifetime.” I Jt Co . Binghamton. N. Y. “Just what mother told me.” said ger eyes to look upon, and so I quietly tion company, operating the American war there were only three years when 1 it, ciphering annually through the withdrew, going back to my delayed the exchequer's receipt* fell below dis ­ and Red Star lines, has close relations; her algebra, to the wonder of my Dolly, bundling up her unwelcome pos­ duties. with the Erie, controlled by tbe Mor­ bursements The sum of those three ills and the satisfaction of their session. That afternoon I was “a personage" gan interests; with the New York Cen­ deficits (In 1894. 188(1 and 1885) was I did not see the dress again, but I entsi Being a district school, there •> id be no real graduation, but grad- heard a great deal atiout it before the Ln the village. Over and over again I tral, controlled by interests always only £3.861.000, whereas the sum of the ly the day had taken upon itself the important day arrived. I wanted to told the story, fairly reveling' in the reckoned as friendly to the Morgan surpluses in tbe other year* of tbe se­ raity and importance of an annual explain matters, but Dolly positively first bit of romance that had ever stir­ party, and with tbe Baltimore and ries was £22,720.000, or an average of Ohio, which is controlled by tbe Penn-1 mure than $.’>.000.000 surplus annually. bration. forbade anything of the kind, and so red the monotony of my quiet life. Of course there were a few ill na- svlvania railroad company, but which I It is also an Interesting fact to notice ■ t first I had been one of its most tier flowered gown was roirarde«! by • . iiisiasnc supporters, believing that some as a necessary concession to pov- tnred souls rbo declared that Mrs. reaches New York over the tracks of that in every one of the twenty years Kemptuu bad known all along which tbe Reading and the Central Railroad 1 referred to, except 1886, 1893 and 1894. . coveted successes would not only side her bread was buttered on, but as of New Jersey, both Morgan roads. Great Britain's actual revenue exceed-, ulate ambition and reward indus- this idea seemed to be confined exclu- These four trunk lines go to Chica­ ed the exchequer's estimate of twelve tot would also tend toward the mvely to those w ho had Iwfore times go. whence the Burlington, controlled months before, while yearly expendl ’ blishment of a much needed free pronounced her quixotic and improvi­ by the Hill-Morgan and Harriman-Un- f j titre prior to 1'jOl Ims never but once j .'i school. Yet I now realized, with dent it did not greatly affect public ion Pacific groups, extends to SL Paul come up to the estimate. All this pre­ . that it bade fair to be a cnlmina- sentiment. and Minneapolis. From the Twin Cit­ sents a striking contrast to tbe history ot Jealousy, unkind emulation sad Senator Borden made immediate ar- ies the Great Northern and the North- j of our own public finances, for exam­ ■«-essary extravagance. rangemeuts to remove his sister to hi* ern Pacific, both operated In tbe Mor­ ple. >e leader in every extravagant de- own burne; but she. poor soul, in ab­ gan interest, stretch westward to the ; Great Britain is still paying Interest -e was naturally enough Muriel Ma- ject fear of her august sister-in-law. sea. the Great Northern at Seattle con­ to the amount of more than $100,000,- only daughter of tbe richest man clung to the dear second cousin who necting with its own line of steamers 000 annually on tbe debt created dur­ »wa. Born to command, she held bad so brighteued the years of her ad­ to Japan and China. Other routes ing the wars with Napoleon. At the i < r own against all opposition until versity. subject of dress was broached. westward from Chicago are the Un­ outbreak of the war with France In A compromise was at last effected, ion Pacific, n Harriman-Standard Oil 1792 tbe British public debt was £239.- her case the Important gown wa« Mrs. Kempton selling her little home road, extending to San Francisco. , 063.421. At the signing of tbe peace e a dainty creation of white lace • nd removing to Anderson, where Mr. whence the Pacific service of tbe of Paris In 1815 It was £861,039,049. ! surah; therefore she decreed that Borden lived and where tbe famous White Star line is operated, and the As tbe total outstanding debt was classmates should likewise dr-ape Anderson seminary was located. To Atchison, in tbe board of which is a £628.978,783 before the Boer war tor- tsdves in white, attend this school bad long been Doi member of the firin of J. P. Morgan A rowings began it will be seen st a hat is not fair." protested Lura ly’s highest ambition, an ambition Co . while the Rock Island, now domi­ | glance that tbe burden of the great •y. who delighted in gay fabrics which a grateful brother's libqyality nated by First National bank inter­ j continental struggle still rests heavily v ivid coloring. “I am sure 1 don’t made it perfectly possible to gratify. t to accentuate my natural ugli- ests. touches Denver on the west and. ' on tbe backs of the British taxpayer, In a few days the little ripple of ex according to report, is planning exten­ for tbe only addition to tbe mass of I debt up to 1900 wns some £33,000,000, cltement'that attended their departure sion to the coast won't make any difference on died away, leaving in its place only a The Red Star line also has a route I raised to meet tbe expensea of the said Muriel with careless memory. terminating at Philadelphia and tbe Crimean war. I missed Dolly sadly, feeling sure Atlantic Transport line at Baltimore, ■: btrprxd foruxird to read hsr exsay. Between 1815 and 1854. when th*. .er this experimental tilt, as 1 :cr opposition was hazarded. the ertr, by others as a sign of open insub- • ■ that tbe duties and pleasures of her at both of which cities connection is Crimean war broke out. Great Britain ¡This preparation contains all of .u- n< w life would soon blot out all inter- had with the Pennsylvania and tbe redeemed £56.812.000 of its debt, an 'digestants and digest* ail kit m j • dress rule was supposed to be oru.nation against tbe white dress rule. 1 I j est in her older and less favored Baltimore and Ohio. Tbe Leyland average annual reduction of $7,101,500. food, ltgive« instant relief ar nitive. That evening Itoily Kemp Graduation day dawned bright and j , ' friends. .* line goes to New Orleans, as well as In tbe period between 1857. when that failsteacure. Hallows mu t a me to me. her pretty face cloud clear. The church was crowded. Tbe er young arras loaded. expected governor arrived iu excellent . | J realized tny mistake when, weeks to New York. Boston and Portland, war ended, and 1899. when tbe Boer the food you want. The mo Stomachs can take it. In ,*,*!"**;'*? r Dolly! I divin>-d her iron le !>e season, bringing with him a visiting I afterward. I received a letter from her and at New Orleans it connects for campaigns began, the decrease was thousands of dyspepti' • /■ which wrought in my life a delightful the west with the Southern Pacific, a be voiced it. She was a delicate senator, and everything evented har­ , I change. £208.165,814, an average annual re­ cured after evetythirx’ * ^V.’’ . Harriman property, and for the north I demption of $23,130.000. As a (natter <-re*ture. studious and tfined. .vet monious with the exception of one prevent» formation. , » "One of our teachers. ” she wrote, and west with the Illinois Central, also i theetom- t < xactly popular among uer matt-s rosy looking dress among a half dozen of fact redemptions for the sinking ach. relieving ail <■ “ has resign 'd, and Senator Borden has -«tree, after eating. under Harriman control, and the Lou- fund had been growing larger arid Dietiug unocces. » •■as poor. utKlistmisedly aud unde white ones. H,. . Ary. pleasant to take. i y so. She lived with hi r w.d>>--ec The exercises passed off with what secured the position thus left vacant isville and Nashville, now under tbe larger on tbe eve of tbe Transvaal ©•■ ’ t h i ■r and an aged woman known as might be termed ^'great eclat.” The for you. He knows hPw you helped and sole control of Mr. Morgan. At New war. In April, 1899. tbe exchequer ar- . . Marty, a queer, irre.-pousible ole young ladies were graceful and win- encouraged me through tbe pink dress Orleans also is the terminus of the nounced an appropriation of £5.800.000. b“t do you good ryby F.. c. DeWmAOo , < iacs*q ’. who with the slightest possible ning; tbeir parts well prepared; tbeir ordeal, and be is very glad of this op­ Texas and Pacific, which as part of or $29,000.000 for the year's contrlbu- I m * l o X* >e < o»u>< ha liu., - tlx A ul . Also bad burdened them for years enunciation clear and distinct, The portunity to show his appreciiitlyn of the Missouri Pacific system gives a di­ ' tion to tbe sinking fund. Since then, rect route as far west as Salt Lake as is well known, purchase-« for tbe pauperism staring her in tbe far* jouttg gentlemen were less awkward your good sense and kindness.” A day or two later this delightful City and Ogden. . , id fled for shelter to Mrs. Kemp- than usual under such circumstances. sinking fund have been suspended. PRUHSSIUlAl CARDÒ I ■' bo herself in straitened Tbe rink dress was so modernized that news was officially confirmed, andj at TUI* maximum annual debt redemp­ i once set about my modest preparation* It ¿culd not be called conspicuous: still ,-tances. Tbe connection be- tion of $29.000,000, of which Mr. B KING NOT AN AERONAUT. for departure. Just before I left I at- tbem wns of tbe slightest aud ! c ttfjlte consciousness of its vivid four at tbe time complained as a r called upon old Deacon Dudley and raate Edward Drell.ee to Kick Himself la •1 ueitbc r legal nur moral obli- rz>-«z stam[>e?! pn tbe flushed cheeks of of money, cuts no great tìgur» found him not only sympathetic but . beside Santos-Damoat'e Airship. , ye: -..- «.ured for tbe pout soul !’< wearer %'heu she £tepjx-d forward our own treasury's efforts Ir ■ jubilant over tny improved pro»- . that line. o read her essay.'*’"’ King Edward is now taking a great Even In the* Usciti year ’ '. so stretching her meager in- ' pects." .dfil our gov- Interest in all matters pertaining to ernment tough! In HOT that it covered tbe bare necegal- It jyaa a very unamblt! >us effort, “I gave you your first chance.” said aerial navigation, says the London Ex­ Its outstanding I - $30.(190.000 of simply a prose version of tbe story of life for tbe three—herself, her ■Offee K ab let « Building, up-sialra. K«» ’ he. “and I presume to say I helped you press. and recently said that It would year tsss i >•<■> r<-i'- -If ’l*e fiscal ’■ Evangeline. Yet 1 saw with surprise t and their perennial guest. iurLv« ou CaiUurni« sireei. Day or nlgbl i to your second one. I talked quite a eaila atteuaeti r tua oil* -<*■' I*" ihtcrest bear- give him tbe very keenest pleasure to Ing del i!< • ” K l ' Ing Jhe cjrcurajpances. 1 could toat Senator Borden, a scholar as well • .«‘Rjtuss». iu 1887 by no w'l’ understand "what if Jpennexing AS ¿'Jjlician. gave tbe short reading spell with tbe senator when be was welcome M. Santos-Dumont, the Bra­ less . here, and I gave you a first class ‘rec- v* >'.: ikz > In the year A. E. REAMES, que- -on graduadng’expenses must be • be most profound and marked attep- I omjnend.’ ‘She is youDg.’ said I, 'and zilian aeronaut^to London dnrlng the elidi -T'.. A 1 n- wns u elash 11« coronation week. : pinched household, but I wag . ATTOKN EY- a T-L a W. ' net greet to look at. but she is a mas­ ' 7?.i >>iX«i In ilie twelve When the king beard that M. Rantos Aftcr the exercise* the eminent v - .t- ter band at figgerin’.’”.—----- prepared for the s-dution which -R <■ i 1K7> nml iMtl our out JachAaavlllc. Oregaa. Dumont hoped to witness tbe corona : big bundle contained. She 3rs held an informal reception, sbak- I thanked the old gentleman for hl* tion festivités from tbe car of bis sir _ ■ xr tldl • el'i r> !•.;<» , tin i ! ,- ».irparalng anything yet knowledge anything so ___________ frivolous It %ere possible with ‘¿gntos-bur lf ie silk tissue, gayly brocaded but. anxious to divest herself of her j ** — a -»--r — v -, , . . j . Tnxlt "bad far wore to do be laughingly rep’jea. -A1 ► . e 1 y t:< Urrnti tnnsuri it uinnot ATTORNEY AND COUNHELOR AT LAW. c^^riv^jjjtery^Hin-hed^at^cmce^trou- • aim tlic • :. i.< liter's immunity from [ with my good fortune than his unique Graaf* Paaa, Oregaa. Rugland 1 am ^alte contenc , . . large ixitel ievti« w to meet dem its in an WLeni be,, crowd ha tain > move« toward re bulldlog i-p attira — Maa I'rnposes, pr~x>fcrown. " , “7 ng. with an expression of real nt; but, alaa.'tbe passing yv-kra rreu< buient and debt rvdernptlon when Jack—Ami wliut answer did you get? X —___________ tbe war out uy ia . ver will ie a matter ^ugbt ho such refining change interest, for tbe young lady in pink. I 4. M. KEENE, O. D. S Reggie—Well, she Mid she had not M of great intereM. Tbe process will not iT"7 .>e“brerblown rbees and over­ tbid him her name and volunteered th* yet questioned her heart I must Walt. TK m * O- t ” Of UrZ • green and tbe orating son* Information that she had gone directly be altogether simple. Sir Mk-bael leaves, running riotously, 'over i- ” Jack—And what did yfiu say to that? Th. xrir OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY that bull<1 ,n th< trM U beard, r-— -~- /takirt and low bodieq'of thia tome. Orness >s lbs Adkins Oeuei blosk Iteggte—I haven't the least idea. But, r -d bears tbe scant of tbe soli along Hick*-Beach 111 mac If spoke tn parlia­ "T am aorry,” said he. "I wanted to My. I'd be awfnlly glad lf you would >le gown. . iiw - ” "r .a fields which tbe plow has lately ment exactly a year ago as follows: Medfard, / stirred. Orctea. I •■> afraid It is not only a war d«fic1t . Mita Deacon,” Mid Dolly, with meet her. Her face, her voice, her ges­ be tny best man.—Brooklyn Life. 1 am afraid th« real dlSculty before u* la nervous laugh that had in it a ture*. all seemed wonderfully famil­ X —------ ~~“~~ Dot so much tlx cost of the war In South . tears, “do you think that any iar. I cannot place tbe resemblance, The Bent Fla. P>P. PRIM A SON, Africa «Dd China aa the Increase of what but it moved me strangely. Her name tances or combination of c-ir- may b* callad our ordlaary expenditure. “Don’t you consider it lucky to attorneys AND COUNSELOR» at LAW tell* me nothin*, and yet her face, her icea could make it one's duty After a reference to tbe Increase of up a pin?” inquired tbe •’•PWF'JUou- dreas, some trick of yqlce or manner, Jacksaavllla, Oragaa. t, , . that for a graduating dress?’ taxation last year be went on to aay: nwm —.a z took Lack a half century. "Ah!” ’ -d at her in astonishment. ^Not if you pick it uft/uy gltUn< What was that tazatloa ianpoeed for? cloud climbs the iky 'Tie s good Not for ordinary expenditure but for war •Will prsatlra In all eenria nf tke Sista. Of : : ' er wants me to wear it,” sh< VrTtb a sudden start. "I have it now. down on It” replied thu *cboolma»ter Ons ship bound aervlcea It was proposed, and It wax in­ am tn tba Conn Houra Inal door on tbe r. • . “and indeed I want tq, after It was my slst»x she recalled. For the d&tant ports of another world. riebt from onlrnneo tended by th« house to be additional taxa­ wore just such a rosy gdwrTTbe last promptly.—Phllade1pW»A A breeze brings a breath of tbs dreamy .a. yet, all the same, my soul tion for war expenditure. We all bot>ed Whero C»b,a lo B..F, sound time I c\ cf saw ber. Foor Majty! Par* and expected that at th« end of th« war It 'tose ancient roses. Yon see. A. C HOUGH. China Is Of water that back from her prow k could b« remitted, but since then our or­ , arm* at a great ■^ "Tunt Party's wgddTh* gown dqa fnKMisa Deacon.but do yon kn j W | It curled rate, «ll,lfrt \**ngt*c _____________ dinary expenditure, apart from the war. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Yangtse arsenal* being at iuytbing bf her family history? Tbs < her eyes. a$ fine and faluablj has enonooualy locesaoed. and. kwklng to work fbRjUtne. *ays tbe Ifittsburg Dis- A hawk calls high tn the hasy blue. - . . Ur*fi**, th* way In which tlx I acres ra Is goln« on. •r**f* Fas*, Through all tbe shifts End resemblance may be purely accidental, pstch. “ it Hankow over 200 workmen Which seems to open shove tbe pond suppoaln* tbe war com* to an end three but it interests me. ” t of her most unhappy life aba ulfic* over Hstr-R.ddle Hardware »tore. C. • ■ . s To let the light of the glory through or four months hence • • • our ordinary Bometbinn of bls Interest had com­ are *tnployed In making field guns. From a land which lies but a step j to this »ole relic bf happier t. s expenditure would not permit us to remit Matiser rifles and all kind* of ammuni­ yond. I "ancy thatfifter"her husband's municated Itself to me. with bis volun­ tion. including smokeless powder, and the additional taxation imposed for war purpoara last year, which, let me remind H. D. NORTON, ’ peopte made much of her for tary exclamation of "Poor Marty!” tbo •t Shanghai an equal number are em­ »he committee. Included an Income tax of Her father was wealthy, and girl who wore jest such a rosy, gown ployed In turning out a like product, t _a •o lese than a shilling Io th« pound. ••• «TTOMNEY and counselor at law r- « always tbe chance of his re- tbe last time be ever saw her. Cr- That is why I he vs said that, to my mind, As treaty stipulations prohibit tbe Im- ••Mr. Borden. ” said I eagerly, “ might th« great difficulty with which we have to Graafa Paso, Oregon. tot as one by one her over- I -r porta tion of foreign arms Into China, deal now is not the war expenditure, but re Ignored and her letters re It not have been the noticeable dress its home production, particularly in fbe ordinary expenditure of tbo country, txipentd this possibility grew Instead of the girl’s personality that view of the recent experiences. I* sflm- lnd therefore in impoaln* such additional Offioe above S P D. A L. Co i Store. .axatlon as we may have to provide to fr leas until after tbe family Impressed you? Forty years ago it be­ nlated to a degree of activity not often longed to Martha Paget: was, in fact, meet the additional expenditure of tbe v«t it ctsaed altogether. She r. witnessed In anv of Its Industrie«. present year I think we are bound to r atrong or smart or capable, her wedding gown.” moke some endeavor to put our financial "Martha Paget!” cried he. “That was If Tbs Baby la Cattla* Taatb. • by little every one a patience * • system on a broader basis tny sister's name. She was older than Be rare And use thst old sod veil tried rene - until even ccr home, with It* « dy. Maa W issgow ' s Sooraisc, Arscr tor Twins Warned. ’-ariona. seemed a very Laven I and very beautiful, but she disobeyed ehitdrra toetbls* It «ootbe* tbe child. *ofi- Orcace. t my father. lie never forgave her. and « __ t* jsnu. ___________ ______ sllsys^sll ___ pal*, cure* ____ vlpd _ nolle Friend—W1 at are yon going to name ’ • her. while be lived I never beard her name * •«> 'J* brat remedy tw atarrterarTwraay- tbe twins? 'ternoon Mrs. Mason called five eanta s twill«. ’ " Enthusiast- Ping and Pon*. i.. -d of nothing but "th* wen- mendoned. Suite his death I have i DOLLY’S DILEMMA Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat.,