Or»gnu Historie»! SocUty democratic Simes. Vol. XXXII. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1902. A PINK BOOKLET And What Came from One Wo« man's Reading It. A woman in Rome, N. Y., Mr«. W.T. Clark, wa* cured of stouuich trouble nod nervoiiKiioH« by a cerluiu medicine and gave the munufiu-turer* i>uriuiHMiou tc tiHo tier statement recommending the preparation. Thia wan publiahed in a IxMiklot ami thrown around at the door*. Now Mrs. William Metot, ubo of Rome, wax ailing, and, happening to read the l«ok, came across the description of Mrs. Ciark'ii case. In Home respect* then symptom« were similar, so she went to Mrs. Clark’« house at No. 818 Went Thomas street, and asked her about it. Mrs. Metot Udis the story as follows: “I had been miserable fora long time, suffering with the troubles which come with the turn of life. It made me sick to my stomach, I had smothering spelli every once in u while and, if I walked any distance, my limbs felt like sticks. My head felt just us if I was going tc be crazy and with it all I was afflicted with nervousness and heart trouble. 1 felt so Imd thut 1 did not see anything tc live for. “I went to a doctor but bo didn’t de me much gissl and so I was pretty well discouraged. Then I saw in a txsiklet that was thrown around, how Mrs Clark was cured. I went to see her and upon her recommendation I went that very day and got some of Dr. William* Pink Pill* for Palo People. "I felt Isitter before the first box wiu all taken and continued using them until I was well. My husband is sick and ii going to take them and so is my sister. I have recommended Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People to many people and will continue to do so for I know whal they will do from my own experience." Mrs. Metot lives ut No. 42ti W. Bloom field street, Rome, N. Y Her state ment is another pnsif of the well de served jxipularity of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pule People. Among tho many diseases they have cured are lucomotol ataxia, partial isiralysis, 8t. Vitus'dam», sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervoui lieadai'ho, the after-effect* of the grip, imlpitation of the heart, pule and sallow complexions, and all forms of wwiknesi either in main or female. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale PeO|>le are sold by al dealer* or will lie sent poHtptiid ou receipt of firice, fifty cents a lox; or sii boxes for two dollars and a half, by nd dressing Dr. Wdliuui* Medicine Vo. Hchemi tadv. N. Y. Bright’s Disease. The largest num ever paid for a prescription cbnngf d bands In Snn Franci«co Aug 90. 1901. The I ran nt er Invoivod In coin and mock 9112,- & jo and waa paid bjr > party of bualneaa men for a Npeclflc for Brigbl'a Dfacaae and Dlaoelea hitherto Incurable dlaeuara. They commenced the aerioua lnveatigAtfon of the apecltlc Nov. 15. I9J0. They Interviewed acorca of the cured and tried it out on Ila tnecltaby putting over three doseu cbmub on the treatment and watching them. They alao go pbyalclana to name chronic, incurabl canea, and admtnlatered It with the phyalcian or judgea. Up to Aug. 25 clghty-aeven per oent. of the teat caNea were either well or pro groaning favorably. There being but thirteen per cent, of fnllurea, the parties were Nallatied and cloaed the trans­ action. The proceed Inga of the Inveavlgatlng committee and the clinical report* of the teat oaaeN wore published and will be mailed free on application Addreaa J ohn J. F ulton C o . yj rAKK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OHKCON A. I*. A rm* .'re, ng. LL. B., Principal A practical, progressive achooi, connpicuoua for thorough work, with hundreds of gradui»tea in ponitions aa l»ookkeeprra and atenographera. Already proud of a high wtanding wherevet known, it atendily grown better and lx»tter Ujien all the year. Studente admitted rny time Private or ciana instruction. ¡«earn what ard how we teach, nud what it coats. Catalogue free. Boar» of Directors D. I THOMPSON, PRESIDENT I> SOUS COHEN - • DAVID ML DUNN» BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yort haven’t a regular, healthy movement of the bowels every day, you’re III or will be. Reep your bowel« Open, and ho well. Force. In the nhapeof vio­ lent phyalo or pill poison, la dangerous. The «month- e«t, caalcwt. moat perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean la to take Pleaaant, Palatable, potent. Taela Good, Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 15, and RO rents per ho«. Write for free eainple, and booklet on health Addreaa ■Tiai.iwu ngninv 1-owpiHY. rm<*«o er kiw voni. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. Has All of the Qualities for the Office of Sheriff. Some Matters of Interest Con­ cerning our Neighbors. Genial, obliging and honest, there 1« no more popular candidate than Joseph M. Rader, nominee for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. lie is a native son and well known to the peo­ ple of Southern Oregon, having been born on the family homestead near Eagle Point, of pioneer stock, about .'18 years ago. lie has a comma iding; presence, Is cool and firm in time of danger, and ba« all of the otherquall- t les which serve to make a good sher­ iff. The people will make r o mistake in giving him the offlee. He did not ask for the nomination,but id. friend* urged him to accept it for party reas­ ons, and because be had all of the qualifications to faithfully perform the duties of such an office. The Rader family isknowu for it* integ­ rity in business matters, Its hospital­ ity and kindly neighborsi.fn. Joe shares these qualities. He was educated in the public schools of this county, aod has pursued the cattie business, tie and his brother being among the leadin g stock-growers of Jackson county. No n.an stands higher among his business associates than he does. Hisuative good sense can be relied upon In every Issue In case he Is elected. LATEST DISPATCHES I'KI.KE AGAIN SPOUTING. F ort D e F rance , May 28.—The entire northern end of the isl­ and of Martinique is deserted. As a result of Monday’s eruption none of those who remained on Mone Rouge eseaped. The moun­ tain is still in a state of active eruption. Rivers of lava boil down its sidesand plunge into the sea with a hiss and a roar that can Ire heard for miles. The terror-stricken inhabitants have but one prayer, and that is to get as far away from the scene as possible— they care not where. Most of them are in a pitiful condition. Several people have been executed for looting anil robbing the helpless. STRIKE MORE COMPLICATEO. P ortland , Ore., May 28—The strike situation here is more complicated than ever. The master builders refuse to resume operations because the unions demand that the material used by them Itear the stamp of the union. This is in line with the boycott of the unions against the mills. The result is that all kind of building is tied up tighter than ever, one hundred carpenters, plumbers and glaziers are idle. The builders are trying to com- |iel unions to accept material from the unfair mills. THE OHIO PLATFORM. C leveland , ohio, May 28.—The first plank adopted by the ohio state Republican party, in its second day’s session today, was a tribute to President McKinley. The convention further com­ mends the re-enactment of the Chinese exclusion act, favors the Isthman canal, denounces trusts, favors reciprocity in Cuba, and indorses the administration in its Philippine policy. Congressman Grosvenor was unanimously chosen chairman. This convention, in a sense, shows what the national platform of the Republican will be. electrical transportation . N ew Y ork , May 28.—Thus. A. Edison’s electric transportation problem is sol veil. A successful experiment was made this morn­ ing. It will be the means of greatly increasing the speed of vessels. The inventor has been working on the plan for some time. JOHN S. ORTH Mr*. W. IL Nipper’« parent« arrived from Toxa« a few day« «ince, on a vi«it. Mr. and Mr«. 1). 8. (look are being visited by their daughter, Mr». Ray Carl ou. Rev. Mr. Rower is being visited by his brother, J. R. Ro««er. of Birming­ ham, Ala. Col.Wain-Morgan Draper ha« arrived from Sun Fraueiwco, accompanied by hi* «on and daughter. Jaa. T. Logan, foreman of tho Sim­ mon* & Carneron mine«, had one of hi« feet badly cut one day last week. E. M. Albright, whois interested in some of the bent copper mine« in Jose­ phine county, wan in Grant’s Pa«« a few days ago. The people of Josephine county will vote ou the propoHltion of a high school and allowing hog« to run at large.at the ensuing election. Senator Mitchell’s bill for an U. S.as­ say office at Portland has been favor­ ably reported by the Senate, and the prospects for its passage are favorable. John Galvin i« paying ‘relatives and friend* living in Grant's Pas« a visit. He ha« been engaged in newspaper work at San Francisco since living here. The engineer« of the proposed Ore­ gon Pacific R. R. have finished the preliminary surveys in about Grant’s Pas«, and will soon transfer their operation* to Waldo, surveying this way. W. H. Fallin is one of the very, beet mon in the county for the position he aspires to. He lias been tried in official positions before and has always given satisfaction. If elected he will make a first-class assessor. The slanders being peddled about Hon. J. O. Booth are simply campaign lies, without any foundation in fact. He’s one of our best, most successful and enterprising citizens, and will make a county judge everybod , will be proud of. Geo. 8. Calhoun, who is traveling for a wholesale grocery company, at Ash­ land last Friday, was compelled to go to San Francisco for surgical treat­ ment. He struck himself in the groin with his sample case, while at Los Angeles a few weeks ago, and became worse when he reached Oregon. Like a Drowning Man. "Five years ago a disease the doc­ tors cal.ed dyspepsia too« such bold of me that 1 could scarcely go,” writes Geo. 8. Marsh, well-known attorney of N >coaa, Tex. ‘ ‘I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines; but nothing helped me. A* a drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Ko- doi. I felt an improvement at once, and after a few hotties am sound and well.” Kodol is the only preparation which exactly reproduces the natural digestive juices, and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cure« any form of stomach trouble. City Drug Store, Jackson­ ville, and Dr. J. Hinkle,Central Point. VOTERS REGISTERED. A Native of Jackson county who Only 3752 voters tiave registered, against 38&5 iu 1900, and there are will Make a Good Connty doubtiess several hundred voters more in Jackson county. This year Clerk. Anothe- native son whose clean-cut career will tell largely in bls fever wtien the votes are counted Its John 8. Orth, a native of Jacksonville, who, at the earnest solicitation of friends, consented to run for county cierk on the Dein.tcratic ticket. Not only is be genial and competent, but he has sterling business qualities, a firm character and a knowledge of human nature, all of which make him well fitted to till the position. Mr. Orth was born October 9, 1872• and is therefore 29 years of age. His father, the late John Orth, was a butcher by trade, and onelof the lead­ ing business men of Jacksonville. Upon bls deatii John, then a mere boy, took eburge of the business, and by careful management has continued to conduct it upon a good paying basis, and today is regarded as one of the solid and successful men of thecounty. He is a young man of correct social and business habit«, of tine native ability, superior judgment, and has a good practical education, supplemented by a wide and critical knowledge of business. He lias never sought offlee. Mr. Orth is a man of clean and stur­ dy character,which invites confidence. Ascounty clerk he would be an effic­ ient and pleasant official,and would early establish a kindly relation between hltn«elf and those having business at thecounty seat. Our Locomotive* the Beat. The ten locomotives recently «ent to France have been found very satlstactory. and as this number 1« only lhe Hist shipment of an order for fifty of them, it shows that foreign people appreciate lhe value of American products, that has become very prominent during the past fifty years, and that is Hoatetler'a Stom­ ach Hitters, the standard misllclno forstomach. liver and bowel complaints. Many people who have experiment'd for years with unknown remedies without finding relief have been brought back to health by Its uae. Then this Is ■urely the medicine tor you. Il will cure dys­ pepsia, Indigestion, constipation, flatulency and malaria, fever and ague. We urge you to try It. Our private slump la over the neon of lhe bottle. _________ ______ ____ For Sale. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY ^JOSEPH M RADER A dwolling house with five rooms, two fireplace« and other conveniences. A well of good water close to kitchen dfsir. Price $250. For particulars en­ quire of. M rs . A. M orat , Jacksonville, Ore. RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. Rev. A. P. Gillette will h »Id ser­ vices at the M. E. churcii In Jackson­ ville every second and fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Rev. 8. H. Jones will hold services at the Presbyterian church in Jack­ sonville every Sunday. Beginning in June, Rev. W. Bitter's appointmentswill be: First and third Sundays. Jacksonville, at 8:15 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and Medford at 10:15 a. ro. Fourth Sunday, Jacksonville, at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. second Sunday and fifth, when it occurs, Ashland._____________ County Treasurer's 30th Notice. Max Muller, county treasurer, gives notice that there are funds in the county treasury for the redemption of outstanding warrants protested from June 1, 1899, to June 15. 1899, both dates inclusive. Interest on the same will «¿ease after May 9, 1902. Ashland district, which includes Ashland, Dunn and Barron, registers 991, or about ooe-fourth the total number. The following is the registration by precincts: E. Ashland ......................................... 272 W. Ashland ................................... 209 S. Ashland................................. Applegate............................................ 82 ■Barron................................................... 91 Big Butte.............................................. 84 Climax ................... 43 Central Point..................................... 129 Dunn ..................................................... 159 Eagle Point........... ............................. 152 Flounce Roca.................................... 28 Foots Creek .................................... 53 Gold Hill.............................................. 242 Lake Creek ...................................... 62 Jacksonville......................................... 167 Fast Medford ......................... ... 254 West Medford..................................... 195 Mound................................................... 64 Meadows ............................................ 40 Pooh Bah ........................................... 139 Pleasant Creek 71 168 Ptnenix ........... Rock Puiut. . 59 62 Roxy ................. 75 Sams Valley. Sterling 46 59 'I'rail ............... 163 Talent ............. 46 Table Rock Union ............... 97 Watkins.......... 43 Woodville 72 Willow Springs 73 Total............................................ 3752 Strike* a Rich Find. No. 22 Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts MINES OF SOUTHERN ORE­ GON; ALSO ELSEWHERE Latest Reports From One of Our Chief Industries. SOUTHERN OREGON NEWS A BRIEF RESUME OF HAPPEN­ INGS AND PROGNOSTICA­ TIONS OF INTEREST. H. C. Stock of Ashland has been nei*rly $600, called to Britt, Oregon, by the death * Bill­ of his venerable falber. There will be an immense crop of T. apples this season, but the cool weather injured the pears somewhat. T he miners of Foots creek district J. E. Pelton arrived this week at have made a good showing during the Ashland 800 young steers he past season, some of them doing better bought in with the Willamette Valley, than ever. They will be driven to the Pelton John Hall’s mine, in Grave creek dis­ ranch in Klamath county. trict, is being developed by parties The livery stable of Jos. Carlon, of who have bonded it. Six men are at Roseburg, together with a number work there. of horses, vehicles, etc., was burned R. Van Brunt was recently up from a few nights ago. There was an in­ hw Happy Camp placer diggings. He surance of $1500 on the property. will rent the Steam ^eer mines, locat­ G. Y. Harry, president of the Ore­ ed in the northern Jpart of Josephine gon Federation of Labor, has or­ county. ganized a union at Ashland with 26 members and the following officers: J. D. Johnson, who recently came President, J. A. Mills; secretary. W. from Iowa, claim« that he has discover­ J. Woods; treasurer, A. 8. Barnes. ed a rich mine in Jump-off-Joe district, The S. P. Company will -sell round which he says has been lost 50 years. trip tickets from Ashland to Portland Probably another Lost Cabin story. June 13th and 14th, good to the 18th A small vein of rich ore has been inclusive, on account of the meeting struck in Ryan A Harth's mine, locat­ of the supreme lodge a . O. U. W., for ed in Foots creek district. Some of it $10. Purchasers will pav $14.25 and was tested in the Houck mill, and yield­ receive a rebate of $4.25 on return ed $30 to the ton. There are about 30 from Portland. The same rate will prevail from Medford and intervening ton* of it on the dump. stations to Ashland. Four tons of ore from Winningham The fifteenth auuual convention of & Van Corder's mine, in Forest creek the Oregon CbrUtian Endeavor Union district, re<-ontlyjlcrushed in Orme A will be held in Ashland, June 20 to Meier's mill,¡yielded $18 in free golda 23d, inclusive. The following* are ton. They are developing the main some of the noted speakers already ledge, which is showing up nicely. secured: Rev. Hugh K. Walker, D. Timber-land locations are taking in D , of Los Angeles, a trustee of the a number of mines, and patent to them United Hociety; Her. T- Fleming will be obtained unless protested. Kevelle, of Seattle; Rev. Mac H. Everybody likely to be affected should Wallace, of Eugeue; Rev. Robert Mc­ have his claim surveyed and marked Lean. of Portland; Mrs. Birkholder, of Junior Work, with reference to section and township superintendent Washington C. E Union; Mr. H. W. lines. Stone, secretary Y. M. C. A. at Port­ While in San Francisco recently land; Rev. C. T. Hurd, of LaFayette. Dr. C. II. Ray, manager of the Gold The programme promises a rich treat. Hill Quartz Mining Co., invested in The extremely low rate of $8 for the hoisting machinery, drills, etc., for round trip from Portland has been the Braden mine, at which a new named by the S. P. Co., and it is ex­ mill will be also installed in the near pected that many Portland people, as well as those from the Willamette future. Valley points, will take advantage of It is reported that a 20-stamp mill it and come to Ashland. and a cyanide-plant mill be installed at the Victor, Jr., mine, located in Grave creek district, Josephine county, before long. The property was recently visit­ ed by E. Smith of Denver and W. H. Brewort of New Y’orkpart owners. A pocket, containing was recently disc ings’ field, near . Blevins. How To Gain Flesh A partial cleanup at the old Chan­ nel Mining Co.'g -propertylin Galice creek 253 district, formerly owned by Ennis & Catneron, yielded a brick Persons have been known to of gold, valued at about $3,000. The gain a pound a day by taking mines have been fitted up regardless of expense and will produce $50,000 this an ounce of SCOTT’S EMUL­ year. LANE PROPERTY BONDED For $10,000 by a Montana Ex­ pert this Week. It is reported that the mining claim on Sardine creek, near Gold Hill, con­ trolled by G. W. Lane, has been bond­ ed by Moataua capitalists for $10,000. The deal, it is claimed, was consum­ mated this week. During the past few days an expert, formerly in the em­ ploy of Marcus Daly, has been quietly looking over the district, and after examining the Lane property took a bond In the interest of his employers. SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the poundi it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop­ erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be­ fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amoun* of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking Don’t Start Wrong. Don't start the summer with a lin­ gering cough or cold. We ail know what a ‘summer cold” is. It's the hardest kind to cure. Often it "hangs on" through the entire season. Take it in hand right now. A few doses of One Minute Cough Cure will set you right. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup,grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Children like it. "One Min­ ute Cough Cure is the best medicine I ever used,” says J. H. Bowles, Grove­ ton, N. H. "I never found anything else that acted so safely and quickly. Citv Drug Store. Jacksonville, and Dr. J. flinkle, Central Point. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility/’ writes F. G. Green of Lan­ caster, N. H., "No remedy holped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have al­ so kept ray wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Ritters are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weiSc, run-down women. No other HORSE FOR SALE. medicine can take its place in our fam­ ily.” Try them. Only 50c. Satisfac. A good saddle pony can be bought tioil guaranteed by City Drug Store- at reasonable figure« by applying to . — •----- —- J ohn F. M iller , Jacksonville, Ore i baa no abow with Dr. Mllaa' Pain PUB You will find it juit as useful in summer as in winter, and if you are thriving upon it don’t stop because the weather is warm. loc. and $1.00. all druggiats. SCOTT A BOWNE. Ckemiata, Naw York Wm. Clarke'« Tybalt and Sir Staf­ ford, the best stallion« in Southern Ore­ gon, will be at the fair grounds near Central Point every day in the week, excepting Saturday, when they can be found at Phipps’ barn in Medford. Tha former is a handsome trotter with e good record, while the latter is a big and superior draft horse. Tybalt will be in Jacksonville Thursday. To Cara Constipât, .>■ «oravo*. Take Cascarela Candv C'aiaartlc. 10e or Se, •» lì C. a tali to cur*. Urinisi* retond mona»