The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 22, 1902, Image 7

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    ItK-reaae in Real Estate Transient The Squat, Freckle-Faceci Hoy
Things Necessary to the Growing
May Become President.
Tells the Tale.
t »4 a
ri Good
1 '.nrwl Orchard
fi — LL*.
14 - ­
The increase in real-estate transfers
able Location and
•how that Southern Oregon Isscttlhig street often uttfiict me strangely. A
Important Things.
up In a manner creditable to tbe work boy 1» a man In the cocoon; you do not
of the excursion agents of the rail
road«. During tbe last month quite a
number have bought places iu and
around Jacksonville The as me activ­
ity Is observable all over the valley.
And the majority of the people com­
ing I ¡pre lire of the most desirable
class -keen, enterprising men with
tiieir families, who do not come
empty-handed. AH classes ot people
In the east are beginning to learn
something about the Wonderland of
tbe west; and the more they learn of
It the more anxious they are to get
here. Oregon was almost unknown to
the great majority of the people In
the east six or eight year« ago. Many
people imagined that Indiana still
camped on the trail of settler», and
looked upontheplaceasu wilderness
scarcely fit lor habitation. Through
the wotk of Hie railroads In giving
cheap one-way and round-trip rates,
all this has been changed, and the
wo k la now bearing fruit in the tidal
wave of a big number of settlers now
coming west.
There is more catarrh lu this we lion of the
country than ull other tllM usc* put louetbur,
and uutll the last few year* wax nuppowd to be
incurable. For u grout mnuy year* doctor»
fironotntced It a local dlHOuae. uua prescribed
ooal remedies, and by conHtuutly falling to
cure with local treatment pronounced it In­
curable Science ha* proveu catarrh to be u
constitutional disease, ami therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall'» Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo,
Ohio, lathe only coiiHtltutlonal cure on the
market, ft 1» taken Internally In (low« from lu
drop» to a tea»p<*>nful.
ft act» on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case It tall» to
cure Send for circular and testimonial».
F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O
Hold by druggists.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
---------- w----------- 4- *•
The candidatos on the Democratic
ticket of Josephine county will meet
the voters at the following places und
Leland, Muy 15, 7:30 p. m.
Wolf Creek, May Hi, H p. ni.
Grunts Puss, Muy 17, H p. tn.
Galice Creek, Muy 19. Social visit
by candidate».
Wlldcrvllle. May 22, 2 p. m
WllliuuiH, Muy 23, 8. p. m.
Murphy, May 21. 8 p. in.
Lelundi May 26, 7:30 p. tn. llunii!
after speaking.
Wolf Creek, May 27, 7:.'Jp p. tn.
Kerby, May 20, 7:30 p. in. Dance
lifter «¡s'llking.
Grants Pas*, “ay 31, afternoon uni
evening, followed by dancing, fire­
works, music by the band, etc.
On or about July 1*1, 1902. I will
begin the Installation of a plant for
the lighting of the town of J ack s in-
ville The system will be extended
to the residence portions uf the town
only as the patronage justifies It 1
would respectfully ask that, those who
are contemplating putting In their
own plants would await further de­
velopments of my plans.
Respectfully submit ted,
A. E R kamkl
“ I suffered terribly and was ex­
tremely weak for 12 years. The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water. At last I tried
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was aoon
feeling all right again.”
Mrs. J. W. Fiaia, Hadlyme, Ct.
No matter how long you
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
Ayers Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purif
and en
riching tne bl
Don’t doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
away everything else.
SI M ■
. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's
Hara* part I la. lie know* nil about thia grand
old family medicine. Follow his advice and
we will be aatlnfled
J. C. A vir CO., Lowell, Mass.
l>reachcs a Sermon to People With Eves.
knew what it is gel ng to become; his
life is big with |>oH»lbllitles. lie may
A great many y rung orchards have
make or unmake kings, change boun­ been planted in tbe valley this sea­
dary lines between state», ¡write books son Many of them have been plant­
that will mold character, or invent ma­ ed by peraons unfamiliar with the
chine* that will revolutionize tbe com­ cultivation of trees. Such people
merce of the world.
should familiarize themselves at once
Every man wus u boy. It inav seem with the course and methods of culti­
strange; but it is really so. Wouldn't vating, trimming, spraying and other
you like to turn the time buck ward things necessary to the growlug of a
and see Abraham Lincoln a twelve, good orchard.
when he had never worn ti pair of
Thorough work in everything is
boots?—the lank, lean, yellow, hungry necessary to succeed In this business.
Isiy—hungry for love, hungry for learn­ If you neglect one year’s proper treat­
ing trumping through the woods tor ment of a fruit tree after planting
twenty miles to borrow a book, and you can never fully recover what you
spelling it out crouching before the lose by tiiat year’s neglect.
glare of tbo burning logs.
I take for granted that you have
There was the Corsican boy, selected proper locations and suitable
one of a goodly brood, who weighed soli in which to plant the new orch-
only fifty pounds when ten years old; aid. The next step Is to see that tbe
But no sermon s needed when you drink Coffee of the
who was thin and pa'e and perverse soil Is thoroughly cultivated and no
and hud tantrums, and hud to be sent weeds or other plants allowed to grow
■upperle«» to lied or harked In a dark near the trees. Corn, potatoes, mel­
Pure, cheap and delicious.
closet beciiuso he wouldn’t mind. Who ons or squashes may lie grown in the
would have thought that he would young orchard, and iu this way can
have mustered every phase of warfare raise a crop that will pay for the cul­
at the age of twenty-six; and when the tivation of the orchard. If you plant
exchequer of Franc« was lu dire confu­ the ground to corn,don’t allow any u>
sion would say, “The finances? I will grow nearer than five feet from a
arrungu them.’’
fruit tree, giving tbe tree a clear
Distinctly and vividly I remember a space of ten feet square and keep all
squat, freckled boy, who was born in weeds and other vegetation down in
“The Patch,” and used to pick up coal thatspace.
along the railroad tracks In Buffulo.
The first summer after planting a
A few months ago I had a motion to tree do not trim or remove a leaf or a
make before the Court of Appeals at sprout. It makes no difference on
Rochester. The hoy from "The Patch" Í what part of the tree it may grow you
was the judge who wrote the opinion can attend to that next year;the most
granting my petition.
essential matter being to get the
Ju»t Arrived at
Yesterday I rode horseback past a young tree well established in the
field where ti boy was plowing. The soil. Every leaf and twig assets in
lad's hair stuck out through the top of the development of the trunk and
his hat, one suspender held his trousers roots of the tree. Next year’s treat­
in place, his form was bony and awk­ ment will be somewhat different.
ward, his bare legs and urms were Another matter of great importance
brown and scratched and brier-scarred. and which should be attended to at
He turned his horses just us I passed once Is to put every tree In an exact­
by, and under the Mapping brim of bis ly perpendicular position, straight
hilt he cast n quick glance out of dark, up. It is surprising how many peo­
hulf-bushful eyes, and modestly re­ ple there are trying to grow orchard«
turned my salute. When his back was who den’t know straight up. No
turned I took off my hut and Hent u wonder they fall.
The best Ware that ever came to Medford. Every
"God bl««» you” down the furrow after
This important item of putting the
piece is guaranteed for five years. Don’t fail to call
him. Who knows? 1 may yet go to young trees In a correct upright posi­
Unit boy to borrow money, or to hear tion must be attended to at once,
and see it, and purchase some of it before it is all gone.
him preach, or to defend me in a law­ while-blie soil is moist and pliable;and
suit; or he may stand with pulse un­ If bv any neglect some should be
And, talking about
moved, buri' of arm, in white apron, found a little out of a perpendicular
ready to do bis duty, while the cone is next spring, when trimming they
placed over my fare, and night and may then be improved some. It is
death come creeping into my veins.
easy to understand the Importance of
Be patient with the boys; you are tills if one will think for a moment.
dealing with soul stuff. Destiny waits A few years the tree will carry a load
I have the Tackle that will catch the Fish without
just around the corner. Be putient of a thousand pounds of fruit on its
applying any great fisherman's skill. The proof of this
with the boys!
branches In addition to its own
is in trying it. Try the Tackle, and you will be satis­
B ubbakd .
weight. What a fearful strain on its
right and leans to one side, as it will
Rev. A. P. Gillette will h >ld ser­ keep on growing and soon
vices at ttie M. E. church In Jackson­ worthless.
ville every second and feurth Sunday,
Spraying the old orchards for cod­
morning and evening.
Rev. S. 11. Junes will hold services ling moth should be done at ondb.
at the Presbyterian church in Jack­ The first spray, If dont at tbe right
time, is wortii all the others. That
sonville every Sunday.
1« when the bloom is all out and
Beginning in June, Rev. W. Bitter’s a time
half or more of the petals have
appointments will be: First anti third fallen.
the work thoroughly, be­
Sundavs, Jacksonville, at 8:15 a. tn. ing sure Do
the spray reacheseveiy nunel'i
Now is the time to have your Photos
arid 7:30 p. to., and Medford at 10:15 of blossom*.
Use a little less poison
a. m. Fourth Sunday, Jacksonville, In the first spray,
at 10». u>. and 7 30 p. in. Second
the young foliage. The usual
Sunday and fifth, when it occurs, burn
The Regular $3.00 Cabinet for $1.50 per
formula 1* one-half pound of l’ari*
green and one-half pound of London
Dozen, and other Sizes in Proportion.
purple, mixed well In < ne-half gallon
•A mber locations .
of lime putty, put into 200 gallon* of
Satisfaction Guaranteed or no pay.
Under recent instructions from the water and kept stirred thoroughly
general land office, hereafter persons while using.
If ratu should occur while you are
desiring to make application to pur­
spray Ing,continue until you catch up
chase timber land may do so before a to where the rain began. Remember a
United States commissioner, clerk or good shower of rain will wash off the
court of the county wherein the land codling moth spray. In three weeks
lies, and may also make final proof in spray again, and after three week*
spray again. If the work Is well
same jurisdiction. Heretofore it was done and the material good, tills will
necessary to iip|s*ar in person before be found sufficient to protect your
the land office to make application and crop. Some spray later, giving the
also to prove up on the land,thus caus­ trees four or more. Tills Injures the
ing considerable trouble and ox]M<ns«<. foliage and is not necessary if the
We carrv in stock a complete line of both hand
hrst «prays are put on at tbe proper
W. S. Buck, a farmer of the Gold time, and the work was thoroughly
and machine marie harness.
Hill district, while plowing a few done
We make a specialty of hand made harness and
See that all weeds are kept out of
days ago, turned up some very rich
guarantee every piece of work we turn out.
pieces < f gold quart«, «me of them the hearing orchard, pulverize the
weighing several pound*.
One of soil thoroughly ar.d continue to often
Prices reasonable.
them contained *150 worth of the nil summer with harrow or cultivator.
yellow uictal. Nome of the chunk* By so doing yvu will retain the
were tialf gold. Following the lead moisture In the soil and grow larger
thus uncovered Buck found a pocket and better fruit.
from which he extracted several hun­
dred dollar*. The gold I* coarse and
Now is tbe time to plant your late Seventh Street.
Medford, Orea on
n.n 'li resembles the treasure that was garden. Branscan be planted now,
removed from the noted Gold Hill as It Is past the usual frost season.
pocket half a century ago.
Melons should be planted, and for OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOQOOOOOOO
them prepare the ground by very
Two thing* In the treatment of deep and thorough cultivation. If
nasal catarrn are now fully under­ you can stir the soil two feet deep
stood. First: ttie dry Ing process Is a you will be surprised to find what
delusion thut produces more mischief melons you can grow on a small plot
than benefit. Secnno: science, com­ of ground. Plant the hills from eight
mon sense and experience proclaim to ten feet apart. Two plants in a
Beginning Monday, May
Ely's Cream Balm to be instant re­ bill Is better than three,and or.e Is us
19, with every hat of $2.00
lief, and final, certain cure. It cleans­ good as two.
es the diseased membranes and never
Plant tomatoes In open ground and
or over, purchased at mv
makes the patient sneeze. Price 50 gite
the plants plenty of room. Like
cents, f
_ druggistsand
___ ______ by Ely melons
Millinery Parlors, I will give
Sold by
they are strong feeders and
5(1 Warren Street, New must, have moisture in the latter part
-, 5ft
a lieatitiful combina­
of the season.
Warner & Wortman,
Elite, Cooking Ware
Fishing Tackle,
(UeiwMa Bill* m A ••vMtk.y
TMIar(»«t Anatomical Ifaneaai
In the World.
fVrffaf*»/ alt rat lion <n the City. A
wonderful elyMfor vUttort.
Waata■•••••. ar any cdb tract*
*<! <lhrMH*,MMltivaly •■ra<l by
the oldenl RpecUilsivn th«« PaclAa
CoanL KatabllntinS M ynara
and ■»1441a
creiiob» <
raara. Nar»<>iia»nd |
M»»l ■■
eatlcna; ■■•raaala
»t Vrlnslla*. 4M
raiaarilM, ot,raal carallva pavvtr,
I baa
im to
ao arran,»d
nrrnneed It I,la
In I traatiaanl
real man t ibal
only nAT-»rd
afford Tmmndlato
UnmadlaM rnllnff,
rail*!, but
our». Th. Doctor doot not olalrn to
. perform
mlraclo\ bnl la wob known to bo a »air ana
------ •a rbyMolaa and Burraon, nro-aalaaot
mlLK thoroMblr aradleatad fNm
/•lain without tha uaa of Horoar,.
■aaoo fluod br aa Irporl MaAiaal
> for Bwataa«. A qalok and nadtrot
'or Vllaa. riaoarw an,
'ordanb apaolal polnlwa aaothoda
’RMT MAW apalvln,to ih willrooatva
tmaaf oWnlon of htapnniplalnt,
wui iunrmm a roAjrzrJr cm*««
our tea uno.rtoba.
Riiltatloa FRBB and alrtrlly arfvala,
gffrrxff rjfwr iffjdosJklA
' Traatmant porwtnally or by latlar.
Writo for Rook. PSILOaorffT •*
'MAURI AOK. MaiLan Fnaa. (A valnaMo
book for mao.I Call or writo
I M. JORDAN A CO.. io»1 Mortal «1, «.P.
Sun and Wind Burn,
Hands or Face
Hand Made Harness
Will Prevent and re­
move them. It contains
no Crease and is Not
Sticky. You can Wear
Gloves in Two Minutes
After Appyin<,^>>
Corn Planters,
Hand spray Pumps
Fishing Tackle,
tion, dust prool
Retail Market Report.
The following quotations were
made up this afternoon, and U an
Impartial report of the price* paid
by Jacksonville dealers:
Wheat—75c per bushel.
Flour—•!. 10 (a ll.80 per 100 pounds.
Oat«—3flc per bushel.
Barley—Rolled, *1.25 per cental.
Hay—Per ton. baled. *12
Potatoes—*2 00 per hundred.
Onions—2(a'5 per pound.
Butter—40r(<*50e per roll.
Beans—4(«>5c per pound.
Lard—15c per pound.
Eggs—124 3tt per dozen.
Sugar—D. G. *5 00(a'*5
00(o'*5 50 per cwt.
Poultry—*4 55 to *5 35 per dozen.
Hams—16c per pound.
Shoulder«—124c per pound.
Side Bacon—15(«20c per pound.
Farm for Sale.
. A 120-aere tract, all fenced ,70 seres un-
deroultlvatton, tree soil and easily euttlvated
son the public road s quarter ot a mile from
Hirns valley posiofflce—Improved
with a rivalling houne with four rooms below
and one shove, a good, Incite bsrn, smoke-house
and wood shed. Rock creek flows through the
land, a good well of water ai the house and a
good well at the barn, tlx miles from Gold Hill
all road station. Will be sold tor |IO per acre
•Vlnqulra of ait.aa J. day , real eatate
ent Jacksonville Oregon
The event of the season will be
the candidates’ ball to be given at the
public hall at Ruch, Union precinct,
on the night of M iv 23d. Music will
be furnished by Ray & Cameron's
orchestra and the supper by Mrs. W.
H. Venable, which Is a guarantee of
their excellence. Most of the candi­
dates for office are expected to be In
attendance. Tickets, Including sup
per, *1.50. No pains are being spared
to make the ball an unqualified
success. Everybody 1« Invited.
Our prices are right, and
the excellent quality of our
hats and neat work is
unexcelled in Southern Ore-
Must Complete
Stock in Med ford
$ H.A. Medynski.
Parlors back of New Bank • «
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After 0ooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Fourteen Yearn of Suffering.
•‘I have been afflicted with sciatic
rheumatism for fourteen years," say
Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. "I
was able to be around, but constantly
suffered. I tried everything I could hear
of. and at la st was told to try Chamber
Iain’s Pain Balm, which I did, and was
immediately relieved and in a short-
time cured, and I am happy to say it
has not since returned. ” Why not use
hisliniment and got well? It Is for sale
by City Drug Store.
A few good men,accustomed to rock
work, can »ret employment at tbe
Fish Lake ditch camp, three miles
above Brownsboro. Wanes *1.75 per
day; board *3.25 per week.
D. E M orris ,
Superintendent of Construction.
an pain baalabed by Dr Miles' Pain Pilla.
Plumbing a Specialty.