AT THE SULTAN’S ♦ COUCH ♦ By Clinton Dangerfield ? 1' lin (he S. S. M< (lure Company ¿ 0 ter? You’re not nearly so hot as you were.” "A weight grows on my lids.” “Then 1 will put out the lights,” said the page determinedly. "You can’t sleep while they are burning.” Hi- was so quick In ills movement that only^i frantic lunge on the sul- tan’s part enabled the latter to catch him while he was still In reach. Drawn roughly back, the page faced around anil saw that beads of cold sweat stood out on the sultan's forehead; that he was ghastly white with terror. “May tlie powers of evil consume thee!” he cried sharply to the boy. “Let the lamps alone! Don’t you know, you Christian fool, that as soon as the dark flows round melt lays in wait for me and comes creeping nearer and nearer? Its face is broken and bloody, and its eyes are filmy. But the arms— the arms are so strong! They want to close round my throat closer and clos er. They want to strangle me. Ah, I see Its shadow now!” The sultan’s breath came in hoarse gasps. His eyes were big with horror. The page stood by him manfully, though be was woefully seared him­ self. “How c-c-could anything pass the guards?” he stuttered, unable to keep all anxiety out of his voice. “Guards!" hissed the sultau. “Who tru is the guards? Look at the Chris­ tian rulers, whose followers profess such milky doctrines of gentleness. How do they rest? But if Allah sent me power to know my true servants, to read their souls like a mirror, that would not save me from It. Through them It comes, and they cannot see It. My father died of It, died with no ’mark on him. ami Ills father before him. Nothing but light keeps It away. 1 have not been in the accursed dark for twenty years.” “Oil!" said the page, with consider­ able relief in his voice. "I know what you mean now. Mother told me all about it.” He quietly pushed his mas­ ter l ack on the pillows, and while the sultan stared at him iu open mouthed amazement be went on with absolute confidence • "You see, it’s fear you are afraid of. Fear stays in all kinds of places, and sometimes it looks like one thing and sometimes like another, according to the person. And it can come anywhere it likes." "Thou bast it." muttered the sultan, listening gravely to the clear, childish voice. “And it’s a mistake to think light can always keep it away.” “So it- is. How knewest thou that? By the beard of the prophet, even in the daylight 1 have seen”— The page interrupted him with a calm unconsciousness which would have paralyzed the vizier. “There’s only one thing can keep it away, and that is”— “What? May Allah speak through thee!” “And that’s just to believe it isn’t there. You mustn't shake your head. I’ve tried it, and I know. As soon as you believe there's nothing to trouble you the thing just shrivels up and goes away. It can never come track until you choose to believe in it again.” The sultan’s hand, red with the blood of his fellow beings, lay lightly on the page's arm. The sultan's tiger eyes, which had seen unmoved deeds which could blacken the infernnl regions, looked as gently at the page as his own mother could have done. “You may lower the lamps.” said the ruler softly. And he did not wince as the first darkness he had known for twenty years cast its healing shadows around his couch. The page crept up beside him and shared his pillow. They talk­ ed no longer. Outside in the passage the vizier rubbed his heavy lashes, as­ tounded. and whispered eloquently with the guards. But the page heard only the peaceful breathing of his bed­ fellow. The sultan slept. WOMAN AND FASHION A Pretty Blouae. The illustration pictures a very smart blouse of black silk dotted with white. The middle of the front Is trimmed with five stitched straps of the silk, al­ ternating with groups of tiny tucks. The back has a plain pointed yoke, be- low which are tucks und strappings. The sultan rolled over on his couch As he faced his anxious at­ tendants the glare in his eyes made them fall back as though lie had struck them with the sclmlter which always lay w ithin his reach. "Allah sent you all as a plague!” he said fiercely. “Here have I lain three mortal hours, and sleep comes not near mine eyes. Higher with the lights, fools! Can a man rest with shadows hanging over him?” The lights shone more brilliantly, while the ruler’s eyes searched jealous ly in every corner. Suddenly he sat up. "Fetch me that Christian page who was brought to the palace yesterday! I weary of the eternal sameness of your faces!” The grand vizier, whose life was im- bittered beyond words by his master’s liking for his presence, went himself to seek the boy. wondering as he went how much longer he could attend to affairs of state if be was to keep awake all night as well. A velvet footed eunuch brought him quickly to the page's side. The boy HOTTED BLACK SILK. slept peacefully, although the tears he the same ns in the front. The same shed In praying over the little cottage idea is carried out on the bishop sleeves, be called home were scarcely dry on which are tiuished with silk wrist­ his cheeks. bands. The collar band is encircled The vizier woke him. not ungeutly. with the tucks and adorned with a yel­ Sooth to say. he felt some pity for this lowish tulle lace cravat crossed in front blue eyed lad, and, moved by a kiudly and drawn through a buckle.—Phila­ Impulse, lie helped the page to dress delphia Ledger. and took his hand as they hurried through the long, dimly lighted corri­ Not Much (hniiKe In Skirt*. dors. There will no^be much alteration In The sultan still sat up. clutching his skirts. The skirt tight fitting over the covering around him and reminding hips, with the fullness at tlie back, the vizier most unpleasantly of a sullen tucked or plaited, is so becoming that wild boar in his lair, solitary, misera­ it would be folly to change it. In stuffs ble, but Infinitely dangerous. The vi­ of moderate thickness it will not be zier shivered Inwardly as be preseuted trimmed, but in flimsy fabrics flounces the page. and frills may lie indulged in. Two “Leave the boy alone with me!” tier skirts are going to make a gallant growled his master. “Are you para­ stand for popularity, but it Is to be lyzed, you sons of Idiocy, that you do doubted whether they will attain It, not move when I speak?” for they are not becoming save to the This last sentence cleared the room very tall, as they cut the smaller wo­ instantly, although the sultan bad nev­ man ruthlessly in half and, if she hap­ er been so nearly alone before. pens to be wearing a large hat, give her a ridiculously top heavy appear­ His two gigantic guards, who slept at the foot of his bed, went last, their ance. naked scimiters gleaming in their Box Plait. Again. hands. The door closed noiselessly. A smart tailor costume from a cele­ The page knelt quietly near the cen­ brated house in Paris is of navy blue ter of the room, the light from the serge. The bolero is of yellow cloth, swinging lamps full upon him. Ills braided with black and white to have eyes were resting undisturbedly on the the effect of a small round sailor col­ sultan. lar, and it fastens in front with a soft "Rise and come here!” growled the black necktie. The skirt is box plait­ ruler hoarsely. The page rose, nnd. to ed all around and finished at the bot­ the sultan’s astonishment, he walked tom by three tucks. The blouse de­ confidently to the couch and, seating signed to be worn with this costume himself on it, passed bis slim, cool fin­ Is of cream silk made with large plaits gers over the ruler’s brow. In the front and trimmed with the “How very hot and uncomfortable same braid used for the bolero. An­ you are!” be said thoughtfully. “You've other serge skirt designed by the same almost got a fever, but your face Is house is laid in plaits lengthwise, the worst of all.” plaits falling open at the feet. “What’s the matter with my face?” demanded the sultan, considerably tak­ Flower. With White Toilet.. en aback. With the growing fancy for white “It’s quite wrinkled with trouble, gowns the advice of a woman florist just like father’s is before mother as to what flowers go well with white This is the smooths It away for him. toilets becomes of interest. Jack roses way she does it.” or any flowers of heavy shade she de­ lie was so small and the mighty clares Incongruous. Violets are not ruler so large that he had to kneel on out of keeping, the American Beauty the coverings to reach his master’s rose is not inharmonious, but the most forehead, but his touch produced a re­ picturesque blossom to go with a white markable effect. The sultan sank back gown is the President Carnot rose. on his pillows and lay quite still for nearly fifteen minutes, while the strok­ The Lnteat In Hat.. ing went on. Hats come first in the new stylos. Outside the door knelt the grand The fashionable Parisienne change* vizier, looking carefully through the her headgear at the Grst echo of spring. keybole, too amazed to report the re­ As to the shapes, the new millinery is sult of l:!s observations to the officers characterized by decided diversity: behind him. there is something for each type of A Cold Snap In Illinois. “What makes you thin!: trouble put A cold snap is as bad as the fishing those lines in my face?” asked the sul­ season for making liars. A West Alton tan. “1 don’t L’tow tow I know it.” said man says that a citizen of that town the page i plexcdly. ••but 1 do. You threw a cupful of water at a cat one see. when they took me away from cold morning last winter. The water mother and brought me to the palace froze Into a chunk of Ice In the air, hit I thought yon would be ju«t perfectly the cat on the head and broke its skull. Then he told about a Flint till wo­ happy. But you look like the old rug­ maker near us did when the soldiers man who left a lamp burning all night in the kitchen and when she tried to broke his loom to pieces.” The sultan grinned, his lip curling blow it out in the morning found the upward, after the fashion of a wolf. flame frozen bard. She broke it off nnd “Would that my vizier could hear thee threw it Into the woodshed, where pay compliments! But my loom is not later it thawed out and set the slied on broken, and woe unto those who at­ fire. As if those two were not enough, he tempt it! Thou seest the splendor of winds up with the story of a St. my palace?” “You have more things than any one Charles doctor who just before he could count,” said the page reflective­ started out on a drive took half a dozen ly. “What a good time your boys must good sized drinks of fine old bourbon. It was a cohl night, and his breath was havef’ The sultan scowled, nis heir ap­ frozen into chunks. lie put the chunks parent was in the depths of a toad In­ Into a pail when he got home aud fested dungeon, while his other sons thawed them out. and he had a quart trembled dally for their heads. “I of pretty fair whisky. — Alton Tele­ don't talk of them,” he muttered. "Un­ graph. grateful bounds they are!” Then he BaJtlns a Conductor. added hastily, by way of changing the During the rush hour the other after­ A r '1'f “VST : HAT. subject: "Your infidel sect clings to noon a dignified men entered a well Its holes, which it calls homes. There­ gem t y . ; still broad filled Market street car and tried to face. Hr fore, I suppose, your mother shrieked and low. but tl e I rim* are bent In all work his way in to secure a strap to and screamed when they brought you sorts of original curves and graceful hang from, but the conductor, who was away.” undulations, nnd tlie results are novel collecting fares, blocked bis progress. Two round, hot tears splashed down smart and becoming. "Step lively, there!’’ said the passen­ from the page's eyes upon liis master’s The lovely creation shown in the 11 ger. beard. The vizier distinctly saw them lustration is in many shades of gray, “ Were you speakln' to mo? ” asked gleam in the light, though be could panne, chiffon and satin. The top Is a catch no word of the conversation, lie the conductor, elevating his eyebrows. mass of small |>ink flowers and little “Certainly,” replied the passenger. green leaves.— I’lilludelpitin Times. looked to see the audacious boy’s head neatly swept off with the curved sclm- “Step forward so we can get inside. Plenty of room up front.” Not Necessarily Expensive. fter, but the sultan merely lay still. “If you will attend to your business, The Gainsborough must be large nnd "She never screams,” said the page quietly. “She told me It was God’s I will attend to mine,” snapped the of good shape. Its crown must be of moderate height nnd its brim broad, so will I should come here, else you could conductor. "If you can’t take your own medicine that it can be beut or molded, turned not have taken me. She said I would find people here more unhappy than better than that, you had better try or twisted. Tlie rest Is comparatively she or I could ever be, and I must taking the car ahead,” answered the simple, for the Gnlnsliorough enn tie t-t-try f-f-for her sake to be good to passenger. The conductor’s reply was trimmed with odds and ends that them. I think I would better not talk lost in the laughter of the passengers. would look out of place upon another hat—Pittsburg Dispatch. of her, though Are you feeling bet­ —Philadelphia Telegraph. t>f silk. TEARING UP. The National Health Service. The Perkins bill, now pending In OVF.RS getting ready Congress, seeks to extend the scope For th.- coming tilt. and enlarge the facilities of the marine Iluatllng In the dwellings Which they soon will quit. hospital service. It calls for n change Long mid lute they’re working. of name, provides for n proper status Often there's u sigh. For tint little progrese for the officers and also asks that the Merle the weary eye. laboratory wtrk of the service be Tearing up the vnrpets, brought Into relation with the» scientific Gouging out th. tucks— work of the war, navy and agricultural Work Hutt's vei y H ying I depri rlgienls. < >n , hi arm» and backs. Tukln down the curlulna Tlie marine hospital service has out­ Anil tlie purls complex— grow u Its name, and the designation of Ta-k lint ' sorely listing Musehs of the necks. the "United Stutes health service" sug­ gested in the Perkins bill Is entirely Rolling up spure bedding. consistent with Its work and alms. The Tying up spure chaira. (Jfleii a il.lly rustling latter term would lend a dignity com­ Up und down tlie stairs. mensurate with the duties of tlie or­ Taking down the pictures, Brushing off the dust: ganization. which are in fact to safe­ Now end then Ul'« s breakage, guard the health of the nation. The I' arising much disgust. change of name would not Imply a Packing up the rllsln -. change of functions, but rather an en­ Now und then a . I ah— largement of them. Tlie treatment of Finest piece of clilitu Qukikb gone to aanaah. seamen, the management of epidemics, Cle.-.rini; out tin* drawers. the medical inspection of immigrants Throwing things away— and the publication of sanitary reports < mis Slid trinkets ’I hut have bud their day. and statistics would continue to be functions of tlie United States health Nallliix up the boxes In w 1 li grruils irre packed; ■ service, l ot under the bill its efficiency Oft n thumb oi ting, r would lie greatly increased. „ Fearfully Is whacked. One of the most Important results Working on till mldi;lylit. Rest for hours but few; would be co operation between national Up uriti:. day break. mid slate authorities In matters relat­ Finding more to do. ing to-the public health. Every year Mover citing rf King Edward, and his visit to South Africa would be In the nature of a personal representative of the British sovereign. What be may be able to accomplish, of course, remains to be seen, though taken in connection with the visit to South Africa of Lord 'Volseley. also a close friend of the king. Lord Rosebery’s journey gives hope Hint peace may be effected. It Is well known that King Edward is ex­ tremely anxious that the war shall bl­ ended before b's coronation, and to ibis end li would appear that effortl­ ire being directed. An Italian organ grinder arrested hi New York tlie other day for begging on the streets is niucli offended because lie was c .mpclled to pay a fine of $5. i hough lie bud at tlie time about $20b >n liis person and confessed that he had $12.000 salhd away in a bank In Rome, besldez Inte'y having sent $2. .».in to liis daughter in Italy, who Is going to marry a count. The organ grinder, who Is sixty, saya lie will re- ¡ire from “business,” having created n •'inipetency. He thinks a men should retire nt sixty. In this respect he takes tlie high ground held by some eminent economists and philanthropists A cable dispatch from Nice reports the capture of n one hundred and four foot whale near that place, the first ever seen In the Mediterranean. Ap­ parently the seaside i esort press agent has struck tlie Rlvleru. He is to be commended, however, for refraining from the Introduction of the ancieut sea serpent. And now the ho-tilif.en open between the man who wants to have a garden and his neighbor who keeps chickens, Miss Stone has lieen captured again. Major Pond Is the bold brigand who did the trick thia time. have the gas turned off in the day­ time.’ “ ’Yes, sir.’ she replied. " ‘I have been figuring it out, nnd do you know how much you save per month by tlie move?' “ ‘I can’t say.’ “ ‘You save just one cent a month.' "’Do I? Well, then, 1 shall surely turn It off every day for the next year and save a whole shilling.’” Thousands Ha« Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it. How To yma Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It siiiid twenty four hours, a illment or set­ thug Indicates an . unhealthy condi- 1,1'"' of the kld- ricys; If It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid­ ney trouble: too fin |iient desire to pen It or pain In the back is also eonvinclng proof liait thn kidneys and blad- 1er aie out of order. Wlmt Io Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expieased, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Re >1. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain .In passing It, or bad effects following use'of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The inlld and the eitra- ordlnary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sixes. You may have a sample bottle of thia wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely ftee by mall, address Dr. Kilmer & nimM of Svamp-RM*. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offor in this paper. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests nil kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never fails tocure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything el-m failed. It prevents formation of gaeon the stom­ ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to taka. H can't help but do you good (►¡■•pared only by E. O. Bit W itt A C o , < 'hlcafO The XL bolllu conlalusSU Uiuev lb*’ Sac. alsa -a PROHSSIOIAI CARlb. GEO. O’B. DE BAR, M. D„ AND P H Y 8 I O I A N 8 U It UK ON Jacksonville, Oregon. ^Uftce 't Kahlci’v tlutldlng. up-alslra. Hex- luence on Cailtorhla sirrei. Dav or olibl cells attended t romoily J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. Not <’nrel«-naly f’hosen. “Wliy did you select that man as n OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY OIH om io the Adktha Deuel block candidate?” asked the henchman. “He doesn’t know anything about politics." Medford, Oregea. "That’s why I selected him,” answer­ ed the boss. “He’ll be a great deal ti. D. NORTON, easier to put out of office if he doesn’t be good.”—Washington Star. iTTOHNKY AND COUNHKLOR AT LAW The < hnniclna Sraaon. Mrs. Hatterson—What! You’ve bad fourteen cooks In three months! Mrs. Untteraon — Yes. and I didn’t please any of them.—Life. Orant’» Pea», Oregon. W< «ce above B P D. A L Co • Store. Wm. M. COLVIO, Slightly Dlf- fereat. Mr. Monk- They say beau­ ty is but skin deep. Mlsa Hippo- Well, with me ugliness Is but skin deep. I am sure if I didn’t have thia thick skin I’d lie much bet­ ter looking. — Chicago News. LAWYER. Jacksonville. . Oregon. •^Omce In Ito* Men-* llu Idin P. P. PRIM A SON, ATTORNEYS and counselors at law Jackaoavllle, Oregon. ’Will prsetloe In all oourtx of the Stale. Of Hou,e >»•» door Ob the riPbt from entrance A. C HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW He Had. draat'a Poss, - . . uregoa. "Haven’t you offlee over Hslr-R.ddle Hardware Store. any occupa­ tion?” asked A. E. REAMES, the woman ill ATTORNKY-A T-L A W, the kitchen door after lis­ Jsckaonvllle, . Oregon. tening to hb tale of woe. »^Office In Red Men'« Hulldin*. “Yes, mad­ am.” responded HOBT. G. SMITH, Tuffold Knutt. "I'm a hunter." ATTORNEY AND COUNHKLOR AT LAW. "A hunter? Granfa Pa»», Oregon. Of whntT’ Mrs. Henpeck —I’m sorry I ever married you! Mr. Henpeck—So am ft This is the first question we have ever “Grub, mad­ am!” agreed upon. prurt Ices all the oourte building up BlAlr« Oflloe In Hank