1 •uc.e that tariff schedules ars » tv C things which must not be disturbed by profane bands. The appeals of th« lieople are regarded as 'unreasonable Meeting cf Many Prominent clamor* and must not lie listened to, much less grunted. D1ÈD tN AGONY. • Democrats la lLw York. Belong t<> that class of inflammatory and disfiguring skin eruptions that “We believe in borne rule for states C hicago , Ill,, May 17 — Her hair catching lit e from a gas jet cause more genuine tardily discomfort and worry than nil other known The federal government should be kepi within its own proper sphere. It should caused the death of festher Dowie, the daughter ot the noted diseases. The impurities or sediment« which collect in the system becimse DAVID B. L.' ’3 iSO SPEEOJ assume no questionable jurisdiction fonnder of “Zion.” The voting woman died in great agony, as of poor digestion, inactive Kidneys ami other organs of elimination are over matters peculiarly and Inherently her father refused to ha ve an v treatment for her except the prayers taken up by the blood, saturating the system with acid poisons and fluids that ooze out through the glands and pores of the skin, producing an indo belonging to the province of the states Pr Sa ) « l Each state should control its own elec­ of a "divine healer.” «cribable itching and burning, and “ I can chearfull, endorsa your H a a of Opini I tions and regulate its own domestic NEAR DEATH’S DOOR. the vellow. watery discharge forms aa a ours for_Boa«ma. I was — troubles • ’ «. i V u lit»!«, hrnwn with „dlB it for years tried t man« Critici.** * concerns in its own way. These ar« w(Ul Ufi no Bood and W ashington , D. C., May 17.—Lord Pauneefote, the venerable into crust« and sore« or little brown r<>ul rsuiwdiea , with no irood effaota, b,, but”»rt«» publies. . elementary principles of governmeul und white scabs that drop oil, leaving usluir a fsw bottlss of 0. B. S. was entira. British embassador and dean ot the diplomatic corps at Washing ­ Win. Campbell about which there ought not to be any the skin tender and raw. The effect ly relieved. Ail Dr.::vi 813 W. Central St., Wichita,kMnt He is over 70, «and troubled with the of the poison may cause the skin to dispute, but they have been repeatedly ton, is near death’s door. More t! v. k on skin diseases, which will be «eat selfish Interests stand in the way of pie of the several states rather than B oston , Mass., May 17.—An experiment will be made in St. free to all who wish it. THK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Go. tariff reform for Cuba, it being feared by state legislatures. We should con- Mary's hospital to-morrow to test the theory of germicide on a that tariff extinction or tariff reduc­ tinue to advocate that amendment. It tion there may be followed by a popu­ is a reform In the right direction, and consumptive patient. Several patients, it is claimed, have been lar demand for tariff ryduetjon eyery- It ought to prevail. It Is unnecessary operated upon successfully in different parts of the country. The I he pampered recipients of to repeat here the reasons which have germicide is introduced into a vein bv gravity, the blood vessels governmental ravoriusui are bolding l>eeu sy frequently urged for Its adop- «tverumeiiial favoritism killing the bacteria germs of disease. At least, that is what is *Subâ for jself self protection I Cubfl by by the the throat threat J*or protecti They ar| - they simply evade or Ignore it. They (Founded IHiW.) L ondon , England, May 17.—A dispatch from Kingston, Island 'inanity. Tlie cries of distress do not cowardly refuse to meet the issue pre­ more them. Considerations of nation­ sented. of St, Vincent, where press headquarters have been established, re­ al boner and fair dealing do not influ­ “Opposition to dangerous corporate ports a lamentable condition of affairs in the French West Indies. ence them. Selfishness and greed ar« combiuutions of capital should continue at the bottom of the refusal of con­ to be the Democratic position. The In the interior the native population is pillaging among the white MUSIC, ART 'AND ELOCUTION. gress to relieve an overburdened peo­ best and truest Interests of the country survivors. Many are dying of starvation. The civil authorities ple from grievous wrongs Inflicted un­ require that such combinations should have executed several who were caught robbing those too helpless This School offer« to girls « broad ai d thorough education, combined with the td»»., a healthful and refined botne It occuplo a large and attractive building in the Immediata der the name of governmental taxation be prohibited. Reasonable and desir­ to resist. The work of rescue goes on in a somewhat slow fashion, of vicinity of the Cilr Park The sanitary condition of the premlsra baa tier n made a tn.at ter at -which is as unnecessary as it is cruel able co-operation of large moneyed in­ special attention The t>rd chambers, ciaaa and recitation rooms are large and tooroughty owing to lack of proper means of distribution. It is claimed parts ventilated; and the construction of the building is such thai every room la open suit*. treme terror. Many are leaving as rapidly as possible. It is There are four skilled teachers In the Music Department alone, specialists in Art »nd to force another insurrection in that on the one band and the interests of Oartory, and native teachers In French and German. Island, occasioned by the poverty and labor on the other. We do not regard feared the shocks are the forerunners of another volcanic outbreak, Provision is made for ail athletic games suitable to women, aa tennis, croquet, ba«kt-i ball and horseback riding A gynn asium 50x100 feet, Is In process of < obstruct wo necessities of the people. In the hope the mere possession of wealth as a the same as that which overwhelmed St. Pierre. A dark cloud of blcycliDg which will offer still more opportunit I s fur healthful exorcise and to the end of compelling its annex­ crime, nor do we consider poverty as a' dust still obscures the sun. For Illustrated catalogue apply to MIHH ELEANOR TKHHFTTH. Principal ation to the United States in the very virtue. We distinguish between the THE STRIKE SITUATION. near future. It may well be doubted, reasonable demands of the people for however, whether this Is the control­ relief and the demagogic appeals of P ittsburg , Pa., May 17. . —The i nc cuiu coal miners miners' striKe strike is assuming ling motive behind their Inaction and the agitator and adventurer. Conserva­ national importance, Unless the operators agree to some of the Indifference, but probably a better ex­ tism anolicy. of all are entitled to respectful consid­ Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme dy, MHS. WlNhLOW’R SOOTH! MO. ATRIP. fOF is potent for evil,” says Sir Arthur Tlicte has never been ti « In the his­ eration. children teethiDK. It soothes the child, soft­ Helps. “It deforms the taste of the tory of tlie country v. l.« tlie Deinoc “We are here to Inaugurate the policy ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic thoughtless, and it frets the man who and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty- racy has not been desirous <> • i tr.blisb- of rnlty upot common ground, so that five knows how bad it is.” In addition to cents a bottle. ing reciprocal trade, either thtoigb we shall not unnecessarily divide upon this refining influence, pictures help in treaties or otherwise, uvlwit-n th • .-xt.,! unessential or' untimely issues. teaching literature and history. Chil­ PUBLIC SPEAKING. dren must understand an author Isitter oilier countries. I'lu-r** was. Iio.vever. “We have simply gathered together little necessity for negulhiting vommer r.linhi thee«- hospitable Democratic The candidate* on the Democrat ic from every-day familiarity with his clal treaties with countries which have walls to exchange views, to renew ac- legislative -«nd county ticket«, accom­ face. And so, in teaching history, por­ always been willing that their |>oi't« qiiatntaneesli.p. to come closer to one panied by Judge J. R. Neil and other traits of the great leaders aid the teacher. The class in United States should be as free ns our own. In such mother and to plan for victory upon Dublic. speaker», will address the cltl- history will find something more than zr n< of Jackson county- at the follow ­ rases the objection to resorting to right fines In the future. If victory be dry hones in a study which isilliistratisi Buy a Bottle of treaties Is because It ignores the popu­ possible. Tills conclusion can do ■e ing-times and places by portraits of Washington, Columbus, Gold Hill. May 17th. 7:30 p. m. lar branch of congress, and the object harm, and ft may be productive of Lincoln and Jefferson; and instead of Antioch, May 19th, 1 p. m. learning in the battle of Gettysburg draired can be secured as well by much good.” Meadow-, May 19th, 7:30 p. m. that so many thousand men were killed, Statute. Trail, May 20th, 1 p. m. let them have a picture of the battle “The actual Republican loader In th« It Dazzles the World. Big Butte, May 21 m. on the walls, and It becomes a real bouse of reprrnen la tires In a recently Rub In well and Lake Creek, way 1 p. m. thing to tnem. No r.H< oveiy in medicine has ever published «Mtemer.t rareastlcally re­ er* alert one-quarter of the excitement Roxy, MV 231, 1 p. m. In geography toa -hing, too, pictures Mound, May 2-kl, 7:30 p. m. fers to the demand of the people for re­ h it h'i« tawu caused by Dr. King's should have an important place. The Ernie Col fit, May 24th, 1 p. m. lief and boldly bss - ttm that there will New Discovery fur Consumption. It’« Yosemite waterfalls, the falls of the Central Point. May 24th 7:30 p. m. Yellowstone, and other views of our be no tariff reduction either for this ven st te-ts have been on hopeiets Phoenix, May 2«th. 1 p. id . own country should have a place in the «oontry or Cnbn and boasts In sub­ victim* of consumption, pneumonia IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILL CURE YOU Tal< nt, May 28t’», 7:30 p. m. school room, to say nothing of the stance that the present tariff schedules hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, Emigrant creek school house, May famous scenery of the old world. are as unchangeable as the Ten Com- tl onssnrs of wli< m It has restored to 27th. 1 p. m. Mici'inu"1»" prTboui’f' h * i 7 °strrN>í!t’’*£?i,*r of‘I1 form’ of InllammatlOBln manor be»«t perf. ct health. For coughs, colds, Hiundments. N'd) creek school house, May 27tb, i.stlani, hay fever, hoatsene«« and For »I« GT, U”«SÎ?JÎÂA”,UB“’ “This Is the defiant spirit which nnl- « hooplnscough It is the quickest,sur- 7:30 p. m. Griffin creek school house, May 28th, M.ntes these public scrvnnts who are e»tcure in the world. It Is sold by ostensibly serving the peop'e. but are «joy Drugstore, who guarantee sat- 7:30 p. tn. Ruch, May 29th, 1 p. m. In reality owned I oily si.v the l*-fictl