The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 22, 1902, Image 1

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Trials VJhi'h Ecsat a Minister ir
lirJiaj iorritory.
For i i v long.venni th«» Rev. Wil
lutiti R. Bro: .:, of P-uvi'iier, I. '1'., wu
buniuu-l with tioiibl« » more tinnì fill
to tho lot <>f tlio infingi'iii«ii but tinnii»
lie wasi b!.» to throw them off and unv
tolls »■ntt'i iniiiiugly how lieut iiouipliali«’»
it. H. r.vs:
••When I v; • a b >y of r.bont twi'lv»
your", I I . .1 wlint 11 l-oy seldom bus—
liioui.i. ti • 1
I hud I h cii in bud buttiti
for h ' ii k months i-.nrt wun tukeu out <6
h . hoot >u ;i. o n it of it. But 1 kept get
ti it;
• in <1 nt one time eoul<l linrill.,
g'' nr unti. 'I ¡'in I suppose, undermine»
i. iy li. ib it mid wits the ennse of th<
In’’ :• :
I which Milietod nie.
‘ecu years ago I dovelopet
n t >rt>i I liver anil mi enlarged nplem
tr’.it’t i Hilly ci '«< l ni ¡ironic diiirtiioii
This in ) if v.'i • very wcitkonbig but
in i»:i|:ti":i I » tigit, my s’linuich refuse',
hearty f > <1, I 1 nd it »over« pain in iti»
will • nlnm-t r.’l liti limo and, wlieit )
wiilkql m y di - uri-.-, I bwuine nut of
b <" t.'i, i'ith i 1 li: < f burning nt tin
heart. My I. . I m il limbs would neh»
fomiti!!.»', <•»!« < ...l!y ut night. Thon my
rh inn ti-iii < am ' 0:1 iigmn aild, later, 1
bad a dry, l-n’kii'g cough which nearh
drove mo diet. acted.
“I tv: - v.n I-r I ho care of two physl
oir.11» 1u. , ultUoi:; It 111 tonics tlu-v guV<
"tied to dime gissi for a while
v. u.» « ly tom 1 s mirv. Finally
" was indù.■■ d to try Dr. Willimns’ Pin!
pills t ir l'nle People by an advertise
meni i 1 11 1 si’s r w liich told of the curi
of a t-n. hiuiilm't * mino. Thi.» was fnui
year» 1:;. >. I ' 1 >k them end eight l»x»«
Hinde 11«» Well. I mil now well mu'
ID.' Williams’I’iuk i'lll.s foi
l’ali» Pi* >,Jo 1 av»» lURslo me no.”
Mr. Bits i< I -ik it inciiiciiie that at
ta< ’tod Id - tròni1 • at tho root—tho blood
riidr.:v , P • >r hi ».i:l and disordered
nerve« are »it I • s nt of mstrly nil tin
ailim i. t- tv’n '1 aft! et lnmikind. inni Dr
Willin os' i’" k l iils tor l’ale P»«ipl<
have ben provili tolsi a certain rem
rdv for all diauu.M a arising from thii
Dr. William 1’ Pink Pilla for Pal-» Poo
plume sold at fifty «•onta 11 box or ail
boxes for two dollara mid fifty conta, ami
may be hail of nil druggists, or direct by
mail from Dr. Willuuua Medicine (Jo.,
Schenectady, N. Y.
— VIA—
Southern Pacific Co.
P ortland , Ore., May 21.—The Building Trade Council here
has ordered a general strike. The demand is for 9 hours per day
for all trades. Thirteen unions have been called out, involving
2,500 men. The employers say they will remain firm.
W ilkesharrk , Pa., May 21.—The Executive Committee of the
coal miners are today considering a proposition to call out engi­
neers, firemen and pumpmen. It is looked upon as an extreme
step, and a preliminary to a general strike.
a new railroad .
Utah, May 21.—The Short Line was today grant­
ed right of way for a new line to California. Construction work
is to be started immediately.
N ew Y ork , May 21—A dispatch from Venezuela states that
a battle is now raging which will settle the fate of that country.
The revolutionists and government forces have met in the prov­
ince of Maturin and engaged in battle. Victory to one side or
the other will decide the fate of the country.
P ortland , Orc., May 21—The body of Mrs. Seiger, a Port­
land nurse, was found floating in the Willamette river today.
Despondency was the cause.
G oliad , Texas, May 21.—Nearly a hundred dead and as many
more injured lie in the wake of the cyclone which wrecked this city
and ploughed a furrow of destruction 200 miles through the coun­
try. Relief supplies are arriving for the homeless,and the work is
being conducted in a systematic manner.
H avana , Cuba,May21—The inaugural cere monies which made
Cuba an independent republic were held yesterday, Senor Palma
being inaugurated as president and Governor-Genera! L. Wood re­
tiring. A great multitude witnessed the ceremonies and were
wildy enthusiastic.
C hicago , Ill, May 21—Uncle Sam has taken a hand in the
beef trust game. Yesterday a temporary injunction was issued
i against the trust by the United States court. Contrary to expecta­
tions no opposition was made to the document by the attorneys
of the trust. It is claimed the latter ai« preparing demurrer on
the grounds that it is not seeking to violate any law in having
formed an association. The court room was crowded with prom­
inent men from all parts of the country interested in the outcome
of the case.
Trains leave Medford for Portland
and way stations at 4:21 a. tn. and
6:52 p. m.
8:30 pm
Lv Portland. ...
11:20 am
Lv Medford.......
12:35 pm
Ar Ashland.........
5:00 am
At Sacramento...
8:45 am
Ar San Francisco
Ar Los Angeles. .
Ar Ei Paso
Ar Fort Worth...
Ar City of Mexico.
Ar Houston..........
Ar New Orleans..
Ar Washington ..
Ar New York ....
lake ,
< >gden.........
Denver .......
Kansas City
Chicago ....
8:06 am
6:00 pm
6:30 am
11:30 am
7:00 am
6:30 pm
6:42 pm
12:10 pm
Pullman and
Tourist Cars
On both trains. Chair cars Sacra­
mento to Ogden and El Paao, and
tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis,
New Orlean« and Wasblngtoo.
Connecting at San Francisco with
the several steamship lines for Hono­
lulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Cen­
tral and South America.
See agent at Medford station, or
address *
R. B. MILLER, G. F. A P. A ,
Portland, Oregon.
C oal C reek , Tenn., May 21.—Ten more bodies were taken
from the Fratcrville coal mine today, making a total of 44 recov­
ered since the explosion which wrecked the mine and buried 200
men alive. The burial of the dead started yesterday, and the
other bodies are being buried as rapidly as they are recovered. It
was impossible to identify all of the remains, for some of the men
were literally torn to pieces. The wives and near relatives of the
miners tire watching the remains as they are brought to the sur­
face, and more than one has fainted and been carried awav over
the awful sights that met the gaze.
C oal C reek , Tenn., May 21—A later report this afternoon
states that 159 bodies have been recovered from the coal mine,and
the total killed is placed at 227.
S eattle , Wash., May 21.—For sometime the Seattle detec­
tive force has been working to find the trail of C. B. Hadley, the
man whom the police of San Francisco believe murdered Nora
Fuller. It is claimed his trail has been found and leads to Alaska.
One of the detectives will leave on the steamer tomorrow, to
follow up a clue of Hadley's present whereabouts in Alaska. The
police here was put upon the scent by a man from “Frisco,” claim­
ing he had shaken hands with Hadlev on the streets of Seattle.
The detectives believe he told the truth.
another rebel victory .
P ekin , China, May 21— The rebels have gained another im­
portantvictoryin Northern China. They captured a large num­
ber of guns and ammunition.
Tickets-To and-From
Home Seekers are Looking for
All Points East
And Points East.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleep
ers, Dining and Buffet Smoking Li­
brary Cars.
For rates, folders and fujl Informa­
tion regarding tRkete, routes, etc.,
cail on or address
And do not know where to gnd that most desirable
SPITZENBERG anti NEWTON soil with deep clay sub-uoil,
at a reasonable price in quantities to suit. Holmes Bros, of
Central Point have several tracts at reasonable figures.
No; our mill property is not for sale; just a little of
best dirt in Oregon for fruit culture, as a side line.
over 80 jroara by th« teadtra of the Mormon Chnreh «nd tbair
122 Third st., Portland.
612 First ave. Seattle, Vi
ranne; .sfuudou, with«. Loir». Clruuiars freu.
Art drees, BISHOP REMBOY CO, Ban Francisco, Ont
Countv commissioner's court conven­
ed on Wednesday, May 7th, and trans­
acted the following business:
Warrants were drawn on the treasur­
er for
Ferryman... .1.........................
Circuit court ..........................
Hoard prisoners........................
Supervisor’scompensation ..
Blanks and printing...............
Rebate on taxes.......................
Just^e court
Current expenses....................
$ 2240 62
Ordered that George Ridinger be al­
low'd the sum of $25.00 for plans aud
specifications furnished county court
for steel bridge across Bear creek.
“In the matter of bids for con­
struction of a bridge across Bear creek
at Medford.”
The court having carefully examined
the plans and specifications submitted
for the oonstrui tlori of a bridge across
Boar creek a' Modford, together with
the various bid« for the construction
of the same, deeming all of said bids
excessive, rejected each and ail of said
It was further ordered by the court
that the plaus and siiecificatlons sub­
mitted by Geo. liidlinger for a s‘«el
bridge be and the same are hereby
adopted, and that bids for the con­
struction of »atm' be advertised for two
.consecutive weeks, and in accordance
with said plans and specifications said
blds to be opened on or before Wednes­
day June 4th, 1902, each bidder to de­
posit r. ith his bid five per cent, of the
amount of such bid, which shall be for­
feited to the county in case the award
is made to him and he fails, neglects or
refuses for the jieriod of two days after
such award-is made to enter into the
contract and till his bond in the
manner required by and to the satis­
faction of the county court.
J. W. W'llhike appointed clerk for
East Medford and Carl T. Skyrman
clerk of Trail precinct.
In the matter of the road petitioned
for by Mosher and others.
and surveyor's report read the second
time and ordered established in accord­
ance with said reports upon the pay­
ment by petitioners of the costs of
viewing and surveying tho same.
In the matter of tho road petitioned
for by I. L. Hamilton and others.
It is ordered by the court the same
be continued until June, 1902, term of
this court, for the reason that no
affidavit dfjpo.-ung notice has been
filed -.lorMfif» bond as required by
slat ute.
In the matter of the road petitioned
for by 8. L. Bennett and others. The
court having fully considered the above
petition, and being fully advised as to
the necessity of the establishment of
said proposed road finds that there is
a good county rohd in the immediate
vicinity of said proposed road that will
accommodate the public without in­
convenience to any one, and that the
establishment of another road would
be a useless expense to the county and
a burden upon the taxpayers; it is
therefore ordered by the court that
said petition be and the same hereby
Our Locomotives the Best.
The ten locomotives recently sent to France
have been iound very satisfactory,and as this
number Is only the first shipment of an order
for fifty of them, it shows that foreign people
appreciate the value of American products,
that has liecome very prominent during the
past fifty years, and that is Hostetter's Stom­
ach Bitters, the standard medicine for stomach,
liver and bowel complaint*. Many people
who have experimented for years with unknown
remedies without finding relief have been
brought back to health by it* use. Then this is
surely the medicine for you. It will cure dys­
pepsia, indigestion, constipation, flatulency
and malaria, fever and ague. We urge you to
try it. Our private stamp isover the neck of
the bott e.
Latest Reports From One of
Our Chief Industries.
E. Briggs of California has bought
tlte Big Foot mine, situated west of
Gold HIJI, paying $3000 for it. The
ledge is small, but rich.
A vein of free-milling ore, 30 inches
wide assaying845 ajt m, Is said to have
been unearthed In the Doubtful claim,
one of the Lucky Bart group.
J. H. Stalker has sold a half in­
terest in the Wlteti quartz mine, an
excellent property Incited In Althouse
district, to J. G. Schallhorn.
Lane & McCleary, who are working
the Hinkle mine, fn Sardine creek
district, have a big ledge that carries
from 85 tJ $10 a ton in free gold.
H. A. Corliss, B. Rush and his son
have bonded their promising mines,
the Lucky Queen and Blue Rock, to
C. D. Crane, the well-known operator.
C. L. Mangum, superintendent of
the Granite Hill mines, informs your
reporter that bis company will soon
receive Improved concentrate™, hoist
and other machinery.
It is reported that the Opf and
Broad & Reid mines,situated west and
southwest of Jacksonville, are each
about to be bonded In the Interest
of foreign capitalists for a large sum.
Oneratlons being conducted for coal
in Meadows district continues excel­
lent. Owing to the inability to get
casing boring thus been discontinued
Work on tunnel and
crosscut is progressing nicely.
Mr. Cronin of British Columbia,
who represents heavy capitalists, is
in tills section again, accompanied by
Mr. Eastman. On Monday they went
to the big copper ledge at the head of
Applegate, owned by Cooper, Hamil­
ton Sc Co.
J. S. Rogers, who came down from
Watkins district lately, brought with
film several fine specimens of copper
from the deposit located by Bruce
Buck. The ore assays well,and’there Is
an immense uuantitv of it In sight.
The assessment work on a claim or
a group of claims maybe done io a
tunnel, even if its mouth and the
greater part of its course are not on
theclaim; but the tunnel must head
towards the vein on the claim to
which It is intended that such work
shall apply.
J. L. Mahan of Ashland, the well-
known operator in mines, has been
in Jacksonville several time lately. In
c< mpauy with John Harris of Spokane,
who represents London capital, be
visited a couple of the best mines in
this vicinity, which will probably be
bonded for a large sum of money.
The Gold Hill Milling, Power &
Development Company is working
day and night shifts with a drill In
the Bowden mine, in Blackwell
district. It is down 135 feet In three-
feet ore carrying an ounce of free per
ton. It is the intention to sink the
Eresent shaft 750 feet. The mine
as already produced a great deal of
Like a Drowning Man.
“Five years ago a disease the doc-
tors called dyspepsia toon such told
of nie that 1 could scarcely go,” writes
Geo. S. Marsh, well-known attorney
of Nocona, Tex. * ‘I to >k quantities
of pepsin and other medicines; but
nothing helped me. As a drowning
man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Ki>-
dol. I felt an improvement at once,
and after a few bottles am sound and
well.” Kodol is the only preparation
which exactly reproduces the natural
digestive juices, and consequently is
the only one which digests any good
food and cuies any form of stomach
trouble. City Drug Store, Jackson­
ville, and Dr. J. Hinkle.Central Point.
ioooooooooooooooooooooooo :
The following business has been
transacted in this court since our last
Issue :
Estate of Anna Curry. Horace G.
Nicholson appointed administrator.
Estate of David Whetstone. Almira
Whetstone appointed administratrix.
Estate of Edwin Brown. Clara M.
Brown appointed executrix of said
Estate of Emily E. Tolman. Mon­
day, June 23.1962*, appointed as a day
of final settlement.
Estate of Firman (’. Couch. Quar­
terly report examined and ordered
plac'd upon probate journal, subject
to objections on Anal account and sale
of personal property. Approved.
Estate of Enoch F Walker. June
10. Lt)2. appointed as a day of hear­
ing final settlement.
Estate of Annie Engledow. Order
confirming sale of r< al estate m ide.
Estate of Susan M. Wilkinson. Sale
of personal property confirmed.
Rate» Again Reduced.
Before jou
you make definite
defluite arrangement»
arrangements tor
that trip east let ua quote you rates via the
Illinois Central Railroad. Our rates are the
lowest to be hsd, end it will pay you Co write
ua. It you haven’t time to oommunteato with
ua tell the »(ent from whom you purrhase your
tiokot that you want to travel by way of the
Illinois Central, and you will never regret the
trip. If any of your relatives or friend» In the
east are oom 1 ng treat while the low rates are
In efteol. write un about them. ana we will see
that they get the loweat rates with the best
service Through tourist earn, personally con­
ducted excursion ears, free reclining chair
oars. In fact all the latest conveniences known
to modern railroading For particulars regard­
ing rates, time, service, stop-overs, different
connections and routes, etc., etc., nail on or
Commercial Agent.
Iff Third St ,
Portland, Oregon.
Mri It. B. Orr was a recent Med­
ford visitor.
Mrs. Cooksey is having her hand­
some residence renovated.
John Boss ha« engaged in the bar­
ber business at Gold Hili.
Arthur Boswell of Callahan’s, Cal.,
is visiting In Central Point.
It is reported that Joe Boswell will
open a barbershop in Jacksonville.
Dr. J. Hinkle, who has been very
sick for sometime past, is slowly re­
R. A. Clark and wife of Sam’s
valley were in town last week,on busi­
ness and pleasure.
There «III be a candidate«’ ball,
May 23d, under the auspices of Table
Kock Lodge, A. O. U. W.
Farmers and ffuit men are rejoicing
over the good prospect for bountiful
crops of fruit and grain.
August Swanson, the blacksmith,
went to Ashland lately, to take a
look at that beautiful town.
The diphtheria scare is over In
this place,as there has not been a case
in town since the death of Ira Perry.
Jacob Stone and wife of Talent
visited this place recently, the guest,
of their son-in-law, Prof. A. J. Itanbv.
K o ) àl
Baking Powder
Most healthful
leavener in
the world
Goes farther.
C B Rostel to Maggio P Drumhill,
lots 3, 4. blk 23, Medford: $110.00
Nettie Fresh to C C Wing, lot 22,
blk L, R R add to Ashland; $750.00.
J B Montgomery to Jackson Co Imp
Co., 100 acres in sec 24, twp 36, 2 w;
J N Smith toC C Gilchrist, s e | of
the qe } of sec 19, e J of s e
sec 19,
s w j of s w j of sec 20 twp 35 2 w,
excepting rightofway to Gold Hill high
line ditch co: $2000.00.
Lizzie Whitehead to Frederick Frid-
eger, 20 acres in twp 37, 2 w. $1000.00.
Emory J Eastman to Mrs N E
Darling, lot 8, 9, blk 17, Dekum add to
Gold Hill: $400.00.
Jacob Thompson to Geo W Dodge,
bond for de»«i to 27-100 acres in city of
Ashland; $1000.00.
Emma F Hall to H S Reed, lot 10,
blk 24, Medford; $450.00
Geo H Andrews to C H McClung,
lot 30, 31, blk F, R R add to Ashland;
Richard Hargrave to Mary E Gray,
10 acres in D LC 67, twp 38, 1 w; $1.00.
C C Beekman et al to Louis Nieder-
meyer, 523 acres in twp 37,2 w; $15,000.
W H Holmes to Grand Army Hall
Association, part of lot 2, blk 14, Cen­
tral Point; $10.
Jacob Thompson to H H Chapman,
part of loti, blk 15, Ashland; $640.
Mary A Pryce to Helena M Jacobs,
lot 10, part of lot 9, blk 15, Medford;
Emil DeRoboam to Chas and Wm
Lindsay, 160 acres in sec 24, twp 36;
Malinda J Lewellen to Bessie Nickell,
20 acres in sec 23, twp 39; $100.
Nicholas Cooke to Martha Cardwell,
lot 1, blk 24, Central Point; $300.
Wm Addison to Ira C Dodge, 5-100
cres in d 1 c No 39, twp 39; $1.
a A M Russell to Flora C Irwin, 1.79
acres, Ashland; $675.
E D Briggs to J D Stewart, blk 29,
Woolen add to Ashland: $250.
J D Graham to E M Walbank, |
int in mining claim, Blackwell district;
J H Ray et al to H S Reed, Portland
& Red Butte Cinnabar mining claim;
also lOOacresof land, see 17, twp 34,
2 w; 8500.
Jas M Wilson, 20 acres of placer
ground, Grave creek district, Mav 12,
Chas Vader, “Gold Leaf Quartz
Road." placer claim, Pleasant creek
district, May 12, 1902.
J S Lowry and Jas Hukill, J I c
quartz claim,* Coleman creek district,
May 15, 1902.
J H Frakes, placer ground, Grave
creek mining district, May 12, 1902.
Jas M Wilson gives notice of appro­
priation of water-right of Woodpeck
gulch, May 12. 1902.
Adam K Wilson and other placer
claims, “Wilson Group,” May 16, 1902.
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men women and
When appetite fails, it re­
stores it. When food is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
When voulose flesh,it brings
the plumpness of health.
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
But what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can’t di­
gest it?
Scott’s Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you have not tried It. «end for
free «ample. Its agreeable taete will
Pearl Street,
New York.
Oc. and SI.OO i all druggtsta.