SOUTHERN OREGON’S OPPOR | JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. Society Installations. MINING NEWS. CASH f°ouR PROPERTY. i TUNITY. M adbona L odge N o . 12. D. of H., Miners' liens, deed» to mine«, water­ Mr». L. A. Heberi la visited relatives Jacks- tivtile—C. of H., Mrs. B. Hauey; tight locations and other mining Indications point to an unusual de­ living at Ashland last week. L. of H , Mr«. DeBar; u. oft'., Mrs. i. blanks always on hand at T he T ime mand for go'd mines the coming sea-' Rev. A. T. Shoemaker of Selma was W. Tiiraklier: Rec., Corinne Linn; office. •on, and there is no reason why this Fin.. Mrs. Alice Ci rich: Treat».. Residence«, Farms, I'»improved Lands, Mining Sto«V section should not profit therefrom. a visitor at the county-seat one day Mollie Cameron: warden, II. C"lvtg; Notices for the location of placer Soutnern Oregon is practically a virgin last week. Claims. Etc., can be Sold or Traded bv me. ’ Advert, 1. W.. Margaret Krause; (J. W. Harry and quartz mines, etc., up-to-date field, notwithstanding it« recorded Ernest Stites of Silver cite. Idaho, Luy. and complete, for sale at T he T imes and have Clients all over the United States and can Sell Yen, output and past reputation as a gold I Is tuak'ng his old borne In Josepiilue J ai ksonx ills L odge . U nited O k - office. producer. 1 tie atteution of capital' 1 couuty a visit. Property in the Shortest Possible Time. DEtt of A rtisan »- M A . Henry Ire- The American Mining Code, stand­ should and will be called to this fact. J. 8. Tucker, who 1« now a resident lat.d: n., Mr«. Ella Cook; lug to mining, water-rights, etc., in ing and Scientific Press gives thc| Jr. Con . Oscar Lewis; M. of C , Geo. kept on hand at Ta« T imes office. true situation, and is well worth I iu Giant's Pass last week. Subscriptions for Mr. Bryan’s p tper, McCune: Seo., Nettie Lewis: Treas , perusal: For sale: 225 feet of 7*-inch pipe, 12- “The fashion in mines for 19021 Commoner, the leading I*emo- Mr«. M. Taylor; Inst.. Myrtle button: Inch taper, 2 elbows. No. 1 giant, with ____ ___ _ P. M. A., would seem to be gold. That is to ' cratie newspaper in the Uniied State«, Mar., Mr« M. Obencbaiti: Mr«, a . Elmer; E. Coms., M. F. Can- nozzles. All in go'td order aud used say, the investing public who buy are taken at T he T imes office. but little. Enquire at Tiuc T imes trail aud Myrtle Sutton. mines of some kind will this year buy office. C junty Clerk Bartlett has opened gold mioes. Copper, and in a less de­ B anner L odge N u 23, A. O. U. The low price of copper is responsi­ gree silver, lead and zinc, have been registration book«, and those who W., Jacksonville—M. W., Wm. M public favorites for two year«, but of wish to vote at the coming election Colvig; foreman, Dr. Geo. De Bar ble for the closing down of the smell­ late have proved fickle. those should not neglect to register. Overseer, A Schmitt; guide, E. W. ers at Bisbee, Arizona, throwing out who bought early and »old late—but J T. Taylor, our efficient county Voyle: recorder, Jas. A. Wilson; of employment four or five hundred not too late—these baser metal mines treasurer, is redeeming warrants pro­ financier. Max Muller; receiver, M. men. The gold mine is the only have been just as if tney were the real tested to Jan. I, 1S94. The county M. Taylor; I. W.. Fred Luy: O. W.. stable property, after all. gold mines to which they have n >w commissioners'court is doing its best Chris Ulrich. We Furnish them For It Is stated that duriog December turned for more of fortune’s fayors. to reduce the county debt, but is T able R ock E ncampment N o . 10, one Baker county mine produced *91,- To the others, who bought late, and very much handicapped. • O. ~ O. — J*ck«onviiie--Geo. N. 000 and four other» *46,000, *60,000, 1. F., JaiA*uuirine--urt •old not at all. copper, silver and lead In the circuit court, last week,judg­ Lewis, C P ; Silas J. Dav, H P.; M. •30.000 and *20.000 re-pectlvely. mak­ are base metals indeed, since the was given plaintiff in the in­ M. Taylor. F. Luv, J. W.; mask of goiden fortune in them is re- ment 1 ., Dr. ing a grand total for the month of _______ S. W : __________ suit of 8. Messinger vs. J. A. DeBir. Scribe: M. M. Taylor, Treas.: •247,000, for five mines alone. moved. They will not be footlight junction ■ favorites again while present memo- Bricker,involving the right to certain Chas. H. Basye, Guide. In tbe transfers printed in the ries last even though the» are good. W1“*rs iB Williams creek district, J acksonville L odge N o . 10, I. O. Yreka papers we notice the following: steady company for the miners. Cop- Tae divorce suit of E. \ . Hammond v. L. Lock wood to Herman Ztdig, per. silver and lead will pay well for ”• Lorane Hammond was dismissed, O. F.—S. P. De Ro boa m, N. G ; Henry oue-tith interest in the Cipe Nome Ireland, V. G.;Jas. Cronemiller. Rec. the mining of them, even with the We are informed that the Grant's Sec.; C. H. Basye, Fin. Sec : S. J. Day, gold copper quartz ledge, near Joe '• * lower prices. They will not pay for i Pass Banking r id Trust Co. will oc- Treas ; K K. Kubli, Con.: F. Luy, creek, below tne divide between Cook the mining of as large quantities, nor j cupy the corner room of Tuffs’ new War; C. Send for Cslaloyus w Pacific Nursery Co. Ulrich, 1. G.; G. ’«, and Green creeks,Siskiyou mountains, will as many mines pay. The indus­ building In tbe near future, and that R. S. N. G.; H. C. Maury, L. N. S. Lewi •100. V. G.; Tangent, Ore go try as a whole, however, is sure to ad­ | its present quarters will then be for A. L. Wimer, R. S. V. G.; Chas. J. Tne Tidings reports that repre­ vance under the stimulus of adversity. rent. Our citizens are considerably Meier. L. 8. V. G.: P. Applegate. R. sentatives of a weal thy dredger com­ Better mine« will be developed and a surprised at the turn banking affairs 8. S.; C. Powell. L. 8. 8. pany at Redding, Calif, have made superior art of mining and metallurgy ■ have lately taken in this little city. will be deve'oped by the enforced R uth R ebekah D egree L odge overtures to Interested Ashland par­ Josef Mueller's concert for the ben­ No. 4. I. O. O. F., Jacksonville—Alice ties looking to the dredging of Bear economies. Gold—the old-time favorite, the efit of Dollle Frazer to<>k place at the Uiricb, N. G. Josephine Applegate. creek, 'lhe syndicate has a plant many-time favorite—is again en­ 'opera bou«e Wednesday night, and ” V. G. C. H. Basye, Rec. Sec. Mollie worth KJ.OOO, which, if terms are fa­ ~ .............. ~ ~ throned in the eve of the public wboj wa< a grand succe««. Some of our Cameroo. Fin. Sec. Lizzie Crone- vorable, it Indicates will te brought mine as a diversion or as a specula-1 l best talent participated and did them­ miller, Treas. Ond., Dai«y Voyle. to Ashland. tion. Why it should not always be selves much credit. Mr. .Mueller.who Warden. Belle Putter. R. S. N. ” ’ G„ A Grant's Pass dispatch say« that first favorite and the lasting fashion is one of the cleverest musical artists Mary Miller. L. S. N. G . Bertha asbestos in a paying quantity has "I saved $15.00 on the order you sent me last.liesidcs on tbe coast, handsomely performed is one of the inexplicable things that I Orme. R. S. V. G-. Margaret Krause been discovered in upp?r Applegate several numbers. receiving better and fresher goods than I obtain here.” only political economists claim to un­ i L. S. V. G , Emma* Helm«. I g ., district, on the north slope of the derstand. Gold mining, despite its. (Extract from one of our letters I. Our citizens have already subscrib-; • F. Luy. O. G., H. Ireland. Sisklyous. near the state line In advancing year«, still has the charm ed about *6iX) toward tile proposed: R kames C hapter N o . 66 O. E. southern Josephine county, and also We believe there are ninny others who can send to us with S-' ot mystery, and the mystery of adven­ building that will be built near tbe , the simie sntisfactorv results, and we invite n comparison of ture. to attract with. It« repute as depot, and in which will be placed a j Medford -W. M..Mrs. L. Sear»; A. M , lust oyer the line in Northern Cali-1 Bessie Luuisden; Sec., Mr«. fornta. Tbe discovery lias caused a being uncertain is just. Those who permanent exhibit of tue mineral, ' Mr«. prices in our Catalogue with local rates. number of miner« to enter the dis ­ Mattie Pickel; 'Irea«.,Mrs. Etta Vas ­ claim to know it best. and for whom j agricultural, uorticultural and forest ter: Cun.. Mrs. Nellie Whitman; A. trict and stake claims. Many of the We guarantee quality of our goods, soft- packing and de-; there is no mystery in it, say it is interests of Josephine county. There „ttw-tlM it e».l .¿per«»« iC.. Mrs. Mattie Hutchison: chaplain, claims staked, owing to tlie quantity easier to tell good gold mines from I, __ _ liverv. Ix.*t us liecome better acquainted. of asbestos they contain, give promise n *1 an n a enterprise n r a F v\ V112 a w til prove rs ft v t«a r,\ r, in Kitty w w ■ - _ bad gold mines than to tell whether kilo such will to r this Webb; Aaab,”M^NelTl ’e Mc- of much value in the future, as this We have complete price lists for the asking. Postal card crops will fruit or fail. Certainly. ; section, Gowan: Ruth, Mr«. Lou Elwood; Es­ mineral is very useful for various pur­ insure« same bv return mail. wheo it i» only to find the gold and ! enough of it, mere is more certainty , The mayor and city council have ther, Mrs. Luella Mann: Mart ha. Mrs. poses. to gold mining than to the mining of '■ locked borus over the appointments Ella Nash; Electa, Miss Gertrude When one or more persons have SMITH’S CASH (Deni) STORE, the other metal«, where, io aaditloo I made by the former. His Honor ap­ Weeks; warden, Mr». Elmira Miller; made a location of 20. 40, 60 or more sentinel. F. O. Hurd; organist, Mr». pointed Geo. P. Furman auditor and to finding them and enough of them, acres of placer land In single tract Minnie Luy. is added the uncertainty as what police judge. John Lockhart, marshal, they may elsewhere locate additional they will exchange for measured in Jonn Patrick street superintendent. claims. The location of a placer C. £. Maybee city attorney. B. O. Me- He Kept Hl* Leg. gold. claim requires a bona tide di«coveiy, There is no compeHtion in gold Cullock surveyor, only the nomina­ Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan of the same as a quartz location. If a mining. Tberj is, as there very tion of Patrick and Maybee were con- Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg location be made without »uch a dis­ properly should be, a neverending ef­ tirmed. Mayor Kremer is not daunted with a rusty wire. Inflammation and covery it Is not a valid location, and a treatment and blood poisoning set In. For two year» fort to improve its methods and ex-1 bv thi« . discourteous . -- ----------- ------- »ecood party later making a discovery tend their app'ication. Tue success j Wl‘‘B01<* me fort. he suffered Intensely. Theo the’ best can legally claim the land and told of one gold miner, or one set of gold I Ths S. P. D. & L. Co. ha« elected doctors urged amputation. “But,” the same against the first locator. miners, in doing this does not mean ¡the following officers tor the ensuing he writes, “1 used one bottle of Elec- Placer locations may be made In »ub- a possible increment “ neat of loss to other year year. Direct irs, R A. Booth, H. c. , trie Bitter» and H boxes of Bucklen’s divi«looi 9( Veg sere« each where Isod gold miners. C- ■* contrary, it Kinney, , .. Oo “ the J. Henry Booth, John F. I Arnica Salve and my leg was found "as bt«>a previously surveyed by the means an added increment of gain to Kelly? A. J. Hetctiman?" F*' H. Buck »nd well as ever.” For eruption« ! Fouled im ».) increment of gain to Kelly, A. F. . ~ J. Hetctiman. _ - ------- „ . - For eruption*, i¿hvernment, and the locations muvt the others and a new gold field opened '-- ■ D. -■ and J J. Fry. Tne directors have eczema, tetter, salt rheum, sores and conform —---------------- - a« possible to the * as nearly for other gold miners. Their income elected H. C. Kinney, president. R. all blood disorders Electric Bitters cannot make an overproduction, no A. Booth, manager. J. Henry Booth, h«» no rival on earth. Try them surveyed lines of lhe land. It is hot matter bQW much more production secretary and treasurer. The com-, L’ity Drug Store will guarantee «atis- absolutely necessary to have a claim surveyed in order to determine the they may make. pany will manufacture many thou«- Jaction or refund money Only 50 corner stakes. music , art and elocu r I < r . There ha« been at times a sugges­ and» of boxes for California fruit cents, Thia School offers ttMlrls s brrso ard tborr agh educsllt e. xl year to! ' MaecAbeCs, conducted by D. H. Stov­ price la onjy 11 00 per year, and this f nitro R tatss L s R d r rrn a open new gold mine«. Tbe owner* of all, was a very plea«ant eveDt. There not probaole.that the committee may paja for 156 papers. This unequaled K ovxbihu , O rb , us . DrormDer III. IWI. set the date for the state convention old, long-closed gold mine«, the own­ sa» a large attendance and all eh- A sufficient contest sfflilavu bavins Mel newspaper and T he T imes can b>th er« of gold mine rr xpects, «hould 1 joyed themselves thoroughly. The of the party. The members who are be obtained for the extremely low tiled In thia cffl.e by Addle A. Vsodvrlisrr. expected to attend tbe meeting are: eontSktanl. sRalnst tbe bomratead entry Ms bring them out onto the bargain following is a list of tho«e installed: price of tl 90. isai rrad< November tu. law. for tbe nH »•’i. counter while they are the fashion P C.,E. H. Yancy. C..Geo. A Guild. Samuel White, chairman, Baker city, •cd »4 nwq. MVtion Si. townskip .»< walk and while people can buy will look at L. C , J. P. McConnell. R. C., M. C. Richard W Montague, secretary,Port range I «rat. br Lee R Wblls, conteatec.i 1» land, J H Robbins. Baker, E E WIL »15.00 ta 515.00 a Week which It is slieseil that tbe enliyman has tbe yellow gold in the rock.and listen Bond. Cnap.. W. H. Jordan, berg., wholly sbabdoned tbe trscla embraced In ibis to and believe the my«tery and ro­ A. M. Hammond. M at A.. C. D. son. Bentjn. T F Cowing. Clackamas, Salary for an intelligent man or entry for » period exiwodloK one tear last psat mance of gold mining In distant lands. Sexton. 1st M. of G., W. R. Powers. J E Campbell, CIat«op, W F Slaugh­ woman In each town. and that aut h anandnnmrnt «aa not oauaad by Permanent rraoon ot his employment In the army, navy, Tue fashion, while it should endure, 21 M. of G.. L. A. Hammond. Sent., ter, Columbia, John F Tlali, Coos, W position. 30 eettt« per hour for »rare or marine corpa of tbe United Stales is » A Booth, Crook, Geo Filzhugh.Curry, past experience teaches will not la*t A- Schaffer. Pick., Cha«. McCaslin. time. Addrews Manufacturer, private soldier, officer, seaman, or marine, S E Van Vact/ r, Gilliam. G I Hazel­ indefinitely. Tne days will COtBC to during the war with Spain, or during any o U mv 1102, Calcaffo. war In which the United etatea may lie co- The two branche* of the Woodmen tine. Grant, Julian C Byrd. Harney, J it when the public think they know ifaxrd Sa|d parties are tierrby holllted to ae the mystery. They will ask too much I of the Worlo Installed their < ff’Cers a O Booth, Josephine, ft F Van Brim­ jiear, respond and offer loushing >aW of it, and, Dot getting it. will turn few nights ago and had a merry ti me. mer. Klamath, H Daly. Lake, 1 L I iulegalrou at 10o'clock s M . on February 4, I Ilk« before Gua Newbury, Co.aty Clerk, al their money U> other market«. So it The following is a Hst of tliove in­ Campbell, Lane, B Gaither, Lincoln, | Jacksonville. Oregon, ard that final hcarlef is that now is the time for gold stalled: Rogue River Camp: C. C., J. H C Watson, Linn. W M Kaiser, will be held at 10o'clock A M on February IS. One ot tbs most helpful books no nerve weak ­ Marion, K H Test, Malheur, Henry A. Slover. A. L .A J. Plk». B..G»o. ! IIL2. before the Register and Receiver a' the m i ne*. LolledSiates Land Omce In Roseburg. Oro The Dr< spectors can now bring H. Slover. C., C. E. Maybee. E., H. Biackman. Morr ■*, J C Welch, Mult­ ness ever lssoeo Is thsl ent;lied "Nerve [ gon Th' «aid contestant having. In a proper ......................... A. Strobel. S, nomah, D W Sear«. Polk, Josiah Waste." by Dr. Hswyer or Ssn* their gold mines to tlie capital tbat » V. Meade. W.. L i afHduvIt. Hied December It. i«t>>, set forth t eta '•I., W. E. Deao. Marsh, Sherman. P W Todd. Tilla- In Its fiftieth thousand. This work of an ex GRCATCST NOTH few years ago would not consider Wm Shermat). | which show tbal after due dlllgen.- • n. rvaal perleoced and reputable phjslclsn la In sgna rmkik. Ti.oma« Ormond, Union, E D | service of thia notice can not be made It la finest pla .^ ano Azalea Circle: G. N., Estel la Berry. them. They should not fail to do it ! »nd direct'd that such notloc ABSOLUTE f JRITY while the fashion lasts. There Is no A > Mary Dean. L., Mae Davis. C., Hosd. Umatilla. Aaron Wade, Wallo­ ableoontreat to the vast auw of false teaching be given by due und proper publication which prevails on this Interesting subject It GUARANTELO Kinney. Indication at the pre«ent time that W. E Dean. A.. Mabel .............. . M , wa, H C Llebe. Wasro, John H Wall, abounds J T BR1ÍMA F». Reflate] in caretully considered and practical CvOMty * »aavu^o o» J H. BOOTH, Received any preference will be made as be­ Ethel Palmer. I. S, Anna Schall- Washington, W W H'«>ver, Wheeler. advlee, and has tbe two great merits of wis­ Jackson and Yamhill counties are ¡burn, < J. 8., S. Ahlf. M., J. A. -feti- tween lode* aDd placer«. Tbe possi- dom and sincerity. without their member« of the com ­ bilities of profit from both are’ now nings. Il la Indorsed by both tbe religious end secu­ mittee. They will «»m be appointed. fully recognized. The two hank« in Grant'« Pa«s have Chairman White, when asked what lar preen Tbe Chicago Advance says- “A It does not take a» as long Jong a time t<> ltdoe»noti«»nk was organized will be pursued said titan was contained In the foregoing o thousands of lives that are now suffering developed gold mines have an advan- ly Tt)etnirfj barik w(If through nervous Impairment.•’ this inat that i ha* denied t io j ub t,abii»hed Deonle di-«ati«tied di-«ati«fied with tage in in>s a« been oeen uennw |j.hed by people witn would be brought up. Mr White.who Tbe book Is II by mall, postpaid. lackaonville Oregon. the owners of some copper «■<««’■ tb. rav al va arg* In tbe The Music Deptirtment that are opened prove good mines,but ; Bank—President R. A. Booth, vice- Oregonian. the continually advancing skill in tne ' president J. C. Campbell, cashier H. Is always I a charge ot competent and evpe.-- Lend tor S*le. art is limiting the range of possible ! L. Gilkey, directors, fc. A. Booth, H. leneed teachers. Hoard and tuition per session A hondeotnely IlhtMrated weskly. Lar real rtr- of twenty week .. Swioo. studies will be resum­ failure. It is easier to know in ad­ C. Kinney, J. D Fry, J. C. Campbel), mlation of aay Staaptiac kwrnal. Tenn», »i s I have 1560 acres of land, all in one ed Reptember V. U0L -------------------------b*|L «old by all newsdaaler* vance the chances, so as to take them I P. H. Harth, J. T. Tuffs, a . W. Dahl­ iract,, on Antelope creek for «tie. It For prospectus, address if they seem to balance favorably, or berg. I Is »ituated 18 miles from Jacksonville, SISTERS OF THE HOLY N a MER. to leave them, if the balance of 112 miles from Central Point, and 10 chance 1» the other.” miles from Medford. 1 will tell thia A Profitable Inveatmeat. land in tracts of 100 acres up until all A Raging. Roaring Flood. "1 was troubled for about seven is sold, at *10 per acre. It is good Washed down a telegraph line years with my stomaeh and In bed farming and grazing land, and a good PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS which Chas. E. Ellis of Lisbon, la., half my time,” says E. Detrick, stock range on the outside. I will PORTLAND, OREGON bad to repair. “Standing waist deep Somerville, Ind. “1 spent about «1000 sell all. or a« low as 100 acres In a A. P. Arwistrowg. LL. «., Principal in Icy water,” he writes, “gave me a and never could get anything to help tract. Inquire of Wx. B ybkk , Jack- I terrible cold and cough. It grew me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia ¡•onvilie Or A practical, progressive school, conspicuous MONTHLY MAGAZINE I worse dally. Finally the best doctors Cure. I have taken a few bottles and for thorough work, with hundreds of (rsduates A F amily L ibrary You live by tn Oakland,Neb., binux city and Oma­ am entirely well.” In positions as Imokkrepera anil stenographer*. ha said 1 had consumption aud could I wnat you riigeat and assimilate, if The Best In Current Literature Already proud of a high standiny wherever not live. Then 1 began using Dr. your stomach doesn’t flight your ft.od known, It steadily grown better and better 12 COMPLETE NovtL* VCARLY JACKSONVILLE King’s New Discovery, and was whol­ you are really starving. K'tdol Dy«-i Open all the year. Students admitted any time. For Infant» and Children. ly cured by six bottles.” Positively pepsi* Cure does tne stomach’s work MANY SHORT STORIES ANO Private or clans Instruction. Learn what and You don’t guaranteed for cough«, colds and all ny digesting the food. Orders for Hacks,Buggies tod Riding Horse« I papers ON TIMELY TOPICS throat and iung troubles by City Drug , have to diet. E it all y >u want. Ko­ Thi Kind Y ob Have Always Booght how we teach, and what It coats. Catalogue fre* promptly Store. Jackson­ apornioie for none a bo u Id they occur. D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT Jo iure ■• ro««»ir ville, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Signatur* uT Will refuse to do livery work on credit KVKRV NUMBCR COMPLgTC IN IvaXLF *ke Ca*caretg Cand ” C.n‘>u . ’ «'*• rfti D. SOLIS COHEN - . DAVID M. DUNNE GKURGE h LEW1H, Prop Point. * C C. Cail to cura, arwv*i* reíatid dkjiu .« REED MOYER. I pf Mp Cp|l It Centerlisle, N. Y. LCl 1T1C OCll || Trees, Vines, Plant ! COMMERCIAL FAMILY ORCHAR TO DEALERS AND NURSERYMEN The BEST and MOST Reliable Stock Gro on the Coast. * SAVED $15.00. 25 Market St.. San Francisco, Calif. Saint Helen’s Hall •••• PORTLAND, OREGON. A Boarding and Day School for Girls. i NERVE WASTE I St. Mary’s Academy, ,A P atents fflnerlcait. -f' UNION LIVERY, FEED SALE LIPPINCOTT'S CASTOR IA » f I $