The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 23, 1902, Image 7

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    An Important Concession.
The extension of the special settler«’
rates recently announced, to every
iiolnt on the lines of the Southern Pa*
||Jic in Oreitou, will prove more of a
■hq to the Willamette, Umpqua and
■oKue river valleys than may be sup-
Lised. This Is the first lime that
sates of any kind from Chicago, St.
Paul and Missouri river prints have
been extended further than Portland,
Ind settlers who desired to locate in
Western and Southern Oregon were
loin pel led to pay the local tare, wtilcli
lor olHtant points nearly eoualea the
li i ' lai rates made from St. Paul to
When the recent rates
lore announced and he saw that
wvsttru Oregon was left out, Gen*
gal Passenger Agent Miller of the
liuthern Pacific did not propose to
|e this part of the state with
Is fertile farms get the worst of it If
ft could help ft. That tils efforts
■•re highly successful is evidenced tv
fte fact that the Union Pacific arid
I R, & N, companies baye already
■reed to the arrangement, whereby
■ points on the Southern Pacific In
Begun will get exactly the same
Iles as Portland and Puget Sound.
Ills means that homesjekers can
nvel nearly 350 miles farther after
Kchlng Portland, In the event that
ley desire to locate In Southern Ore-
li. The fare from Chicago Is $33;
Kin St. Louis, $30; from Sioux city,
I.90: and from St. Paul and Minne-
lolix, 129.
Were the local fares
Ided settlers going as far south as
Inland, fur instance, would he
Bilged to pay about $14 more. Now
Be fare takes them to their dcstina-
B>n. Tills Is but another evidence
■ the liberal Industrial policy pur­
led by the S. P. Co. In the Interest
| the terrltorv contiguous to Its
Bes, since Sir. Miller became
inqected with It.
Bat the
Id Rogue river valleys hereaiter
le to participate in all the benefits
lined by oilier sections of the north­
test. That it will lie productive of
Bicli good there can be no question,
lie apeclal settlers' rates will be*
■me effective March 1st and continue
Ir two months.
Greenland bos».
Hie Greenland »logs nn> harnessed
ir to ten to n sledge nnd Inden with
ir or five heavy seals. They some-
bes cover sixty English miles in a
I. A courier once performed a jour-
I of 270 mile« in four days. When
b dogs are used, two and two are
ken ebreast. with the leader in
■it They are tractable unless the
l|> Is too freely used, when they
II fall to worrying eucii other. The
rs are trained to hunt seals and the
sir bear, and they tight to the death
in among themselves. They swim
II too. When they sleep, they make
bed for themselves by excavating
I snow with their paws and nose, nft-
kviilch they bury themselves In the
le. leaving nothing but the nose ex­
air Splits
! “1 have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor
¡for thirty years. It is elegant for
a hair dreasing and for keeping the
hair from aplitting at the ends.”—
J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 111.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair­
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it. a Mil«. All dr«,|lste.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
■end us one dollar snd we will express
you a bottle. He sure and give the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
J. C. AVEK CO., Lowell, Mass.
Dyspepsia Cure
’ Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives Instant relief and never
fails tocure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. Ry Its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It.
prevents formation of gas on the stom*
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
H oan’t help
but do you good
Knolvn and soltm ’
toherebtr good crops
’ are grolvn.
Sold evarywhar«.
/901 Annual FREE.
Tbe English Liberals are com­
mitted to a home-rule policy.
(Secretary Root favors disposing of
Government transports on the Pacific
Good progress is being made on
United States military telegraph sys­
tems In Alaska.
A tine assortment of up-to-date
visiting cards can always be found at
T he T imes office.
Tlie War Department Is advised of
the surrender >f 365 insurgents to
Gen. Wade at Cebu, P. 1., January
Daniel M. French of Tbe Dalles,
one of the oldest and richest men Io
Eastern Oregon, died Jan. 13th, aged
70 years
The Belgian hare craze has died out,
and no one has yet been heard of who
has made a fortune out of these won­
derful animals.
Fresh bread, pies, cakes and other
pastry, of superior quality, can be ob­
tained at The Boss regularly. Satis­
faction guaranteed.
Lewis Nixon, the shipbuilder, has
succeeded Richard Croker as leader or
Tammaoy. He is a man of much
ability and means, and will doubtless
fill the position well.
If troubled with a weak digestion,
belching, sour stomach, or if you feel
dull after eating, try Chamberlain’s
Stomach mid Liver Tablet*. Price,
25 cents. Samples free at City Drug
The United States will seize the
West India island Cebula at once.
The »ter mer Leonidas, with a force of
marines and field pieces, has sailed
with that object in view.
The census of the eastern and
middle states shows a great falling off
In the number of young horses. In
Maine in 1891 there were 27,370
horses three years old or younger,
while In 1901 there were but 8,670.
Cuba having elected Senor Palmes
as Its pressdent, there wili soon com­
mence lhe general withdrawal of
United States troops in the isiaud,
preparatory to the transfer of the
control of affairs to the civil govern­
ment to be Installed during the com­
ing summer.
Rey. J. M. 1 Ingling, pastor of the
Bedford St. M. E. Church, Cumber-
and, Md., says: "It affords me great
pleasure to -ecommend Chamber-
lain’» Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. 1 have used It and know
others who have never known It to
fail." For sale by City Drug Store.
Trespass notice«, printed on cloth,
on sale at T ub T imes Printing House.
J. Pierpont Morgan recently drew
his check for 134,0)0,030 In favor of
the N. P. R. R.
Two dollars and a quarter net per
box 1« the price Olwell Bros., of C jd -
tral Point, Jackson county, resetved
for a carload of Oregon Newton» »old
In the London market a day or two
According to a London report King
before Christmas. Another car, sold
Edward has settled down Into a nice,
a few days later, when lhe market
»teady, Industrious ruler. He Is old
was a little off, brought $1.75 net.
More of the »ame apple» are now In
Deeds, mortgage», leases, bends,
Loudon, and returns are expected at
bills of sale and every imaginable
any time.
kind of legal blanks-the latest and
J. I). Olwell was In C'oryallls last
best—are constantly on hand at T he
weik to attend the meeting of the
T imes office.
board of regent» of the Agricultural
College. The olwell Bros, have an
A large quantity of newspapers,
orchard ill Central Point of l«0 acre».
suitable for wrapping, pasting cd
They had $12,000 worth of apples
walls, putting under carpets, etc., can
aboard the cars and on the way to
be obtained cheap, In quantities tc
market at one time last fall. The
suit, at T he T imis Printing House.
orchard is 13 years old, and the late
The celebrated Snap Shot, the best
crop Is the fourth. Its aggregate this
medicine in the world for allaying in­
season was 35 cars, against 55 cars last
flammation in man or beast, can be
year; but the better prices of this
found at
Robinson’s diug
yvar madv thq output about as profit­
store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central
able as formerly.
Point. Try it.
The Olwell .Spltzenbergs brought
$1.50 net. They were mostly market-
George H. Ketcham, the owner and
edin New York and Chicago. The
driver of Cresceus, announces that
buyer came to the orchard in August,
during the year lie received more
and contracted for all the Spltzen-
than $70,000 in purses and as money
bergs before the apples had matured.
for exhibitions given in various parts
He remained ttiere and paid spot
of the country by Cresceus.
cash for each car as It wa» shipped.
Cut this out and take it to City
The former price realized for Spitzen-
Drug Store, and get a free sample of
bergs was about $1 per box. The for­
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
mer price of the Newton», now selling
Tablets, the best physic. They also
In London at nrlces that net $2.25
cure disorders of tbe stomach, bilious­
and $175, was $1 05 to $1.10 per box.
ness and headache.
The Beu Davis variety in the Olwell
orchard brought at the orchard this
Tbe nearest approach of a dead man
year $1.10 to $1.20 per box. They
taking his money with him is that of
were mostly sold In New Orleans,
a Virginian who left $10 to his family,
which is not particular about the
and directed that the remainner of
grade of apples It consume«. Last
hl» estate be expended for a monu­
year the Olwell Ben Davis apples went
ment, etc., to his own memory.
at 05 cents per box.
Captain Joseph B. Eaton, at pres­
At th« Olwell orchard at picking
ent of the Boston Navy Yard, has
time 70 ruen were employed.
been selected to command the battle­
packing time, which began after the
ship Oregon. which Is now fitting out
picking and extended nearly to the
or. tlie Pacific coast. Tlie ship will
holiday», 30 men and 10 girls were
be permanently attached to the Pa­
kept at work.
cific station.
The codlin moth has practically
been run out of the Central Point
A Mrs. Fitzsimmons of New York
district by the »pray pump. Former­
asks the court, to cut "Fitz” from her
ly 50 per cent, or more of the crop was
name. She objects to the name be­
destroyed by the worms; but by dili­
cause of the notoriety brought it
gent spraying the per cent of loss on
through the pugilist.’ Then the
this account is reduced to less than 5.
neighbors refer to her children as the
In the Olwell orchard the spray
“little Fitz’s.”
pumps are operated by gasoline en­
Gen. Botha has sent a note to all
Boer cjmmandos requesting them to
Mr. Olwell believes that much of
keep on fighting, for the British par­
the same success in growing apples in
liament is to be asked for another war
lhe Central Point district can be at­
appropriation, which will induce tbe
tained In the Willamette valley. All
British nation to demand that tbe
that Is necessary, bethinks, In order
war in South Africa be stopped.
to make large orchards successful in
the Willamette valley is to be careful
The Senate has passed Senator Mitch­
in the selection of soil and location,
ell’s bills appropriating $10,000 for a
and then take good care of the orch­
W. F. Morphy, general manager of launch for the customs service at As­
the Cottage Grove & Bohemia Rail­ toria; appropriating $4000 for addi­
road Co., 1» superintending prelimi­ tional quarters for three keepers at
If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
naries to the construction of the rail­ Yaquina light station, and appropri­
Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme­
dy. M hh . W inslow ’ s S oothing S ykup . tor road that will give Bohemia mining ating $4500 for a new building atCape
children teething. It soothes the child, soft district communication wltb the rest Blanco light station.
ena the guma. allays all pain, cures wind colic of tbe world. He represents an east­
snd Is the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-
Alaska and the United States may
ern syndicate, and reports that the
tlve cents u bottle.
survey is already completed the dis­ soon be connected with a line of wire­
less telegraphy.
Seattle, Wash.,
tance of 29 miles.
capitalists, are negotiating with Chi­
The Tidings says "spotters” have cago firms for equiDment for the pro­
Game and Forestry Warden Quim­ been playing havoc amongst the posed line, and the promoters believe
by has just transmitted to the govern­ brakemen during the past week. Sev­ that with the opening of the summer
ment his annual rep»rt. According eral employes have already lost their season the line will be in operation
to it Oregon’s game bird» are more Dosltions and more are billed to go, so between Nome and Seattle.
than holding theirowu. While many it is reported. These "spotters” are
The report of the coal product of
are killed out. of season.the protection quite numerous.both north and south
given them by law is serving a gcod or Ashland, wending their way in the United States for 1900 shows that
Among other things he either direction. These men, in the the output of Oregon was 58,864 short
says: It affords me much gratifica­ employ of the company, Impersonate tons, as compared to 86,888 I ods in
tion to report that the wholesale the hobo element, and when they are 1899. The Washington product in­
killing of ducks in the breeding successful in gaining a ride or In tip­ ceased from 2,029,881 tons in 1899 to
grounds of Southeastern Oregon ha* ping the employe they report the oc­ 2,474,093 tons tn 1900. The total out­
been almost entirely stopped. The currence. Many of the trainmen can put for the United States in 1900 was
enforcement of the law has been es­ easily spot the "spotter,"and he some­ 269,064,281 tons, an Increase of 15.324,-
pecially effective in the Klamath lake times gets ditched Ina very desolate 289 tons over the year preceding. This
and Lost river districts, where Depu­ region; and. too, he takes chances on makes the United States by far the
greatest coal-producing country in
ty Warden Applegate has been in getting worse treatment
the world.
Through his energy the
Anthrax is causing tbe death of
transportation of ducks from these many caltle In Klamath county.
“Some time ago my daughter
lakes < ut of the state has been State Veterinary Surgeon McLean caught a severe cold. She complained
stopped and the killing restricted to says the disease can be stamped out of pains in her chest and had a bad
the limitations of the law.
This by vaccinating cattle with anthrax cough.
I gave her Chamberlain’s
traffic reached large proportions lu virus. The manner in which the Cough Remedy according to direc­
oast years. Tbe English partridge Is cattle contract the disease Is by drink­ tions, and In two days she was well
the latest accession to Oregon’s game ing water from troughs and pools in and able to go to school. I have used
These birds are doing which buzzirds have drank which this remedy in my family for the past
nicely. Farmers are giving them have fed on the dead carcasses of the several vears and have never known it
protection. Broods of from 10 to 16 diseased cattle. The work of vacci­ to fail.” says James Prendergast,
were seen In various localities early nation began in November, and in all West India Islands. The pains in my
in the summer, and lu a single field herds where the virus was used the chest indicated an approaching pneu­
near Albany 75 were counted In one loss at once decreased. Ttie virus is monia, which in this Instance was un­
day. By the time the law permits Injected Into the shoulders qf the doubtedly waraed off by Chamber­
the killing of these birds there Is lit­ company by the hypodermic needle. lain’s Cough Remedy. It contracts
tle question that they will divide Two Injections are made, 12 days any tendency of a cold toward pneu­
honors with the Mongolian pheasant. apart. Th« Iasi injection gives ti.e monia. For sale bv City Drug Store.
Homer Davenport, the well-known animal a mild form of anthrax, from
cartoonist and pheasant fancier, has which It soon recovers. Only a few
promised to send a pair or two or drops of the virus are required lor
Reeves pheasants, ana they will be cadi injection.
sent to Miss Griffith's pheasant farm,
According to trustworthy informa­
where they will be kept until a few
broods are hatched and the voung are tion Dr. Kuyper, the Dutch premier,
recently intimated to the Boer dele­
large enough to turn loose.
Sage hens are getting scarcer each gations the desirability, In view of
year, and their complete extinction Lord Roseberry’s speech at Chester­
cannot be a matter of more than a field, of their giving some intimation
few years. The coyote has much to to the British government of the
basis on which they would entertain
do with this faci.
Wild turkeys are among Oregon's peace negotiations. Dr. Kuyper point­
youngest game wards; and while not ed out the Improbability of any of the
much Is heard from them, reports are great powers intervening in South
that they are increasing, though Africa in the near future, and sug­
Love is unequally
gests that he be allowed informally to
Loked with sickness,
Reports in regard to the Mongolian sound his (fiends in London In the
abor is lightened by
or ( ulna torquatu» pheasant this hope of a semi official response. The
love, but love cannot
year have been conflicting, some hunt­ Dutch Premier accordingly met Abra­
lighten pain or relieve
er* reporting fewer birds than last ham Fischer, tbe leader of the Boer
it. Many a man looks
year and others more. It is my opin­ delegates, and others at Brussels,
on at his wife’s suffering
ion that those pheasants were not as where a lonu conference was held, af­
willing to do anything
plentiful this year as last In many ter which Dr. Kuyper proceeded to
to aid ner and able to do
sections of the state. I think the London. The result of his visit,if any
cause was the late, cold sprlnu rains lias been attained, is not yet known.
Sometimes, however,
that resulted I d lhe destruction of
The case of Admiral Schley is now tbe husband's attention is directed to
many young. Liun and Lane coun­
ties probably had as many Mongolian being considered by the attorney­ Dr. Pierce’s Pavorite Prescription and
pheasants this year as ever, and these general for the purpose of discovering its remarkable cures of womanly dis­
two counties alone shipped nearly 5000 whether there was any illegality in eases. He may not have much hope of
birds to market durlog tbe 15 days’ connection with the court of inquiry. a cure, but he is led to try the medicine,
It Is understood that at the recent with the result that in almost every caae
selling season.
Native pheasants are Increasing conference lietween the President and there is a perfect and permanent cure.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription cures
very rapidly. This Is evidenced by Schley the latter pointed out some al­
the fact that many of these birds leged violations of law In regard to irregularity. It dries the drains which
round their way Into market during the court, and these matters have weaken women, heals inflammation and
been deemed werthy of examination. ulceratioa, and cures female weakness.
the last 15 days of the open season.
As a tonic for women who arc nervous,
Nat|ve grouse, judging from the The attorney-general Is not to pass sleepless,
worn-out and run-down " Fa­
shipments to market and the reports upon the merits ot the case, but will vorite Prescription
” is unequaled.
of farmers in various sections of the deal solely with Its legaPphase. If he
«In >n«wer to your letter I wilt say. my wife
state, are probably about holding shall find that the court was properly commenced to complain twenty year» ago,*
their own. If they are Increasing at constltu'ed, that the precept was le­ write« Ixwia A. Miller. ex ChieLof Police, of jj
Proapeci St., Weiasport. Pa. « We have tried the
all, not nearly so rapidly a« other gally drawn, and that the rules of law ■kill
twelve different doctors, »he took gal
were followed as to the evidence, it Iona of
<>f medicine during the time ahe waa ill,
species of upland birds.
I wrote to you and you told ua what to do.
Quail, according to all reports, are will then be within the province of natil
She hu taken eight bottles of Dr Fierce'« Fa­
increasing rapidly also.
Few were the President to consider the case up­ vorite Prescription and six of the Golden Med­
on Its merits. If the attorney-gener­ ical Piwovery.' She can do her own work now
marketed during the selling season.
While the army of fishermen Is al decides that there were Illegalities, ■nd can walk around again and 1« quite «mart.«
” Favorite Prescription ’’ has the testi­
yearly Increasing, the indication« are as claimed by /idmlral Schley, the
that trout In Oregon are still holding verdict of the court would be vitiated. mony of thousands of women to its com­
It is understood that Scn’ey’s future plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
their own. This cannot last long, course
a formal appeal in accept an unknown and unproved sub­
however, and the time Is not far dis­ writing concerning
to the President will depend stitute in its place.
tant. In my opinion, when the slate lamely upon the decision of lhe attor­
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigor­
will have io make provision for keep­ ney-general.
ate stomach, liver and bowels.
ing up the supply.
"/ wish you Io
publish my letter
stating the grand effect
has had on my health.
“1 wasmuffering to such an extent from ovarian trouble
that my physician thought an operation would be necessary.
Your medicine having been recommended to me, I decided to
try it. After uaing several bottles I found that I was cured. My
system was toned up and I suffered no more with my ovaries.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the greatest boon on
earth to suffering women.”—M bs . A nea A ston , B ox 13, Troy, Mo.
Ovarian trouble is serious trouble. Every woman knows this. Frequently
she has ovarian trouble when she thinks abe has only a ” pain in the side.” All
at once she finds herself unable to walk. She is a sick woman. An operation,
dangerous and expensive, is tbe usual procedure, snd, at best, sbe can expect
merely to gather together tbe shattered remnants of health after a tediosa
Many times thia la necessary and many times it is not. It is wise for every
woman to be convinced that every backache and sideache, every abdominal
pain, indicates something wrong, and something which will not go away itself or
be driven away by hard work. It is also right for every woman to know that
for every disorder of ths feminine orgam Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound is the perfect treatment, that it is the medicine
always safe to use and always certain to help.
When your health and perhapc your life is at stake, is it wise to pass by a
remedy which holds the record for the greatest number of abeolute cures of
female ills and which is recognized by the profession to be the greatest medicine
for women in the world, and accept something else which you know little or
nothing about?
Read the records of cure in the letters like Mrs. Aston’s printed regularly
in this paper, and if you are sick, do not be satisfied to take a substitute for
. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Oompound.
We have deposited with
the National City Bank,
of Lynn, fo ooo. which
will be paid to any per­
son who can find that the above testimonial
letter is not genuine, or was published before
obtaining tne writer’s special permission«
L ydia E. P inkham M kdicihb C o .
ilMvwa Bixth aW BffVMtA )
The largest Anatomical MoBeum
to the World.
Greatest attraction in the City. A
wonderful tight for vititort.
or any contract«
ed diBeaee.aosIlively ciir«d by
the oldest Specialist on the Pacifle
C oml Established 36 years.
Tonaf meM and middle
a*rd me* who are suffering
from the effects of youthful indis­
cretions or excesses in maturer
v years. Nervous and phrslcai Debility, Im-1
\ potency, Lost Vlnnnwed in all itscompii-
4 cations; Spermaterrhea, Prestnter-
\ rbeen, Gaaarrhra, Gleet, Frequency
A of Crlnatln*, ele. By a combination of
v remedies, of great curative power, the Doctor
I has so arranged his treatment that It will not
only afford Immediate relief, but permanent
cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform
1 miracles, but Is well known to be a fair and
square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
I to bls specialty— Dlaenace of Men.
•TPHILIR thoroughly eradicated from
I I the system without the use of Morc«ry.
Trnaaoa fitted by an Expert Radical
A enre for Rupture. A quick and radical
\ curt tor Plica. Fissure and Flatulsa, by
A Dr. Jordan's special painless methods
T EVERY MAM applying to us will receive
A our honett opinion of his com plain t._______
F We will Guarantee a POfilTIVE CURJS in
A every cate we undertake.
> Consultation FREE and strictly private.
5 Treatment personally or by letter.
\ Write for Book. PHILOMOPHT DF
J mar RIAOE. M ailkd F rks . (A valuable
\ book for mea.) Call or write
DR. JORDAN A CO., 1051 Market St. S. F.
Shortest \ Quickest Line
St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Dining and Bullet Smoking Library Ca,a
D aily
For Rates, Folders and Full Information
j regarding Eastern Trip call on or address
i J. W. PHALON. T. r. A. H. DICKSON, C. T. A.
122 Third Street, Portland.
614 First Avenue.
S eattle . W ash .
Nervous Diseases
are the serious misfortune nine
tenths of the women in the
world. Women should know of
Moore’s Revealed
Notice to Trespassers.
Its wonderful effectiveness in
these diseases ha* made it thous­
ands of friends.
$1.00 per bottle at the
Drug Store.
Blumauer-Frank Drug to.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that all persons are
strictly forbidden from entering or In any man­
ner trespassing on lhe premises of the under­
signed. described as follows: The NEq of
theNEq and the W14 ot the NEq, Sec. #,
Twp SS. R. 2 W
Attention Is called to Sec­ PORTLAND.
tion 1794 of the Criminal Cede of Oregon, which
reads as follows:
. .
If any person other than an officer on lawful
business shall go or trespass un n ary lands or
p-emlses not his own. and shall fall, neglect
or refuse to depart therefrom Immediately, and
Issued Weekly so Lincoln, Neb.
remain away until permitted to return upon
the verbal or printed or written notice of the
owner or person tn the lawful occupation of
said lands or premlsrs. such trespasser shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof shall l*e punished by a tine
Editor and Publisher.
not less thsh B«e nor moro than fifty dollars,
and shall be committed. In default ot payment
ef fine and costs imposed, to the jail of tne
TERMS—Payable In Advance.
county In which the offense Is committed one
day for each two dollars ot the said finei and One Year...........................................
Six Months.......
The law will be strictly enforced against all Three Months...................................................
trespassers, as well as legal damages F
Single Copy....................................................... ¡ q
Duval has been placed In charge of the above
•»-No traveling canvassers are employed.
Terms for local agents will be sent on appli­
All money should he sent by P. O. or­
der. express ord jr, or by bank draft on New
York or Chloago.
Do not send Individual
checks or stamps.
To J. F. KBI.1.BV awi > C has . B bhrv :
notified that I have expended during the year
lino one hundred and fifty dollars and during THE COMMONER per year with
tbe year 1900 elahtv dollars In labor apon tie
W eekly T imm ......................
Black Bear. Yanaee Girl and American Belle
mining claims, situated In Oolemao creek dis­ Address
trict, Jackion county. Or .under the provisions Jacksonville. Cceron.
of Seo. «24 of the Revised Statutes of the
United States, to hold said claims for the ne-
rlod ending December SI, 1901. And, It within
ninety days after the publication of this notice
Farm for Sale.
you fall or refuse to contribute y-ur proportion
A IXO-aere tract, all fenced,TO acre« un­
of such expenditure as a oo-owner. your inter­
est In said claim will become tbe property ot der cultlvatloe, free soil and easily cultivated
the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made son the public road a quarter of a mile from
the required expenditure by tbe terms of said MoonvIUe, Sams valley poetofflee—ImorovoH
with a dwelling house wl tVfou? room”P£fo.
“2 onAlb<LTSl •iood >"Te barn, smoke-house
and wood shed. Rock creek flows through th«
Dated Jacksonville. Jan. X. I90B.
land, a good well of water at the ho.iZs and ,
good well at the hern, sis miles *rom Gold Hili
railroad station Will he sold for »" £r £1*
d.lurare T- .ir Ho—«.» With C*aamsw«a.
•»■Inquire of sila * J. day , real «.?..«
Camiv < aiharilc. 'ore cora.Inatio-i tore en
agent Jacksonville, Oregon.
real es,*,e>
«ir JSc IfíbC C faf. druau.s'.sre’-u !-..u-.j»
Times Clubbing Rates«