The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 23, 1902, Image 6

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    Silas J. Day
Maatnlflceat Dolls.
Polson oak
Polson ivy
are amoug the beat known
of the many dangerous
wild plants and shrubs.
Abstracts made io Titles of
To touch or handle them
quickly produces swelling
and inflammation with in­
all airnl drawn up especially pertaining to tense itching and burning
the settlement of estates
of the skin. The eruption
soon disappears, the suf­
Accounts CillecteT, Prompt Remittance. ferer hojies forever; but
almost as soon as the little blister«
and I
lnvstment securities 1 »peoianj. jacasot pustules appeared the poison had reached
the blood, and will break out at regnlat
Oounty Scrip bought and sold.
have a complete sot ot maps of all surveyed intervals and each time in a more aggra
lands tn this oounty. and rcoelve Abstracts vated form. This poison will loiter in th«
monthly from Roseburg Landll’ffice. >e Land system for years, aud every atom of it
Department of the O. A 1. ■ R R and the sta'f
Land Department at Salem of all new ent^es must be forced out of the blood before yov
made 1 am bus prepared to make out ho me- can expect a perfect, permanent cure.
stead papers and can save to the ex­
pense of a trip to the Roseburg land office
t have * Number of FlneFarma and othe.
Desirable Propertv I11 my hands f*r
S^ Pro mot reply made to all let ters. Charg-
es lti accordance with’be times
Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. Hanna
judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to an?
business house in Jacksonville.
Rio Grande Western
D enver & Rio Grande
Only transcontinental line
Passing directly through
A A A Natire's AitHotc
lure's PehHS,
is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poisor
lvv, and all noxious plants It is com
posed exclusively of roots and herba. Now
is the time to get the poison out of yout
system, as delay makes your conditior
worse. Don’t experiment longer with
salves, washes and soaps—they never cure
Mr. S. M. Marshall, txxikkeeper of the Atlants
(Ga.) Gas Li«ht Co., wss poisoned with Polsos
Oak. He took Sulphur, Arseni* sad variow
other drugs, and applied eaternaUv aotaerouj
lotions and aalvea with no benedc At tltnea th«
■^veiling and inflammation was an severe he wa<
almost blind. For eight veers the potoon wnald
break out every season. A>* condition was muck
improved after taking one bottle of S. 8. 8 , and
a few bottles cleared hla blood of the poison, and
alt evidences of the disease disappeared.
People are often poisoned without
knowing when or how. Explain your case
fully to our physicians, and they will
cheerfully give such information and ad­
vice as you require, without charge, and
we will send at the same time an interest­
ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. >
General Agent,
24 Third Street, Portland. Oregon.
Best of Everything
I d a word this tells of the passenger ser-
sice via
The North-Western Line.
Eight trains run (’ally between Chlcsgo and
t Paul, comprising the latest Pullman
Sleepers. Pe< rless Dining Cars. Library and
Ibservation Cars. Free Reclining Cbair Cars.
THE J.1H CENTURY TRAIN runs every day
of the year.
Finest Triin in the World I
Electric Lighted, Steam Heated.
The Badger State Express, the finest daily
train running te’ween St. Paul and Cbicago
via tbe Short Line
Connections from the West made via Tbe
Northern Facile. Great Northern ard Cana­
dian Pacific Railways This is alfo the best
Une between Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapo
ils. All agents sell tickets via
The Northwestern Line.
The greatest ambition of Amer­
ican men and women is to have
homes blessed with children. The
woman afflicted with female dis­
ease is constantly menaced with
becoming a childless wife. No
medicine can restore dead or­
gans, but M ine of Cardui does
regulate derangements that pre­
vent conception; does prevent
miscarriage; does restore weak
functions and shattered nerves
and does bring babies to homes
barren and desolate for years.
M ine of Cardui gives women the
health and strength to bear heal­
thy children. You can get a
dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui
from your dealer.
143 Market btreet,
Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1901.
In February. 1901,1 took one bottle of
Wine cf Cardui and one package of
Thedford’s Black-Draught. I had been
married fifteen years and had never
ffiven birth to a child until I took Wine
of Cardui. Now I am mother of a fine
babyjnri which was born March 31,1901.
The baby weighs fourteen pounds and I
feel as well as any person could feel,
^ow my home is happy and I never will
be without Wine of Cardui in mv house
Mrs. J. W. C. 6.MITK.
lor advice and literature, addreaa, giving
symptonig, •• The IjiAies’ Advisory I h ? jih rt-
ii ent . rhe Chattanooga Medicine Company,
( Uattanooga, Tenn.
General Agent.
Traveling Agent.
48 Alder St.. Portland. Oregon.
Great Rock Island Ronte
U nited S tates L and O ffk k .
R oseburg , O hegom . December 19. ¡901.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this effi e by Addie A. Vanderkarr,
contestant. against the homestead entry No
i*6iu made November 20. 1899. for tbe n‘4 ne'(,
aud e»4 nw><. section 3). township 38 south,
range l west, by Lee R Wiflts, contestee.i in
whirhit is alleged that the entiyman has
wholly abandoned the tracts embraced in this
entry for a period exceeding one 5 ear last past,
aDd that such anaudonment was not caused by
reason of his employment in the army, navy,
or marine corps of the United States is a
private soldier, officer, seaman, or marine,
during the war with Spain, or during any other
war in which the United States may be en­
gaged. Said parties are hereby notified to ap­
pear. respond and offer evidence touching said
a legation at 10 o’clock a . m . on February 1.
1912. oefore Gus Newbury, County Clerk, at
Jacksonville, Oregon, and that final hearing
will be neid at 10o’clock a . m , on February 15,
19u2, before the Register and Receiver at the
United States Land Office in Roseburg. Ore­
gon Th»* said contestant having, In a proper
affidavit, filed December 14. 1901, set forth f icts
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication
J. T BRliDG ES, Register.
J. H. BOOTH. Receiver.
before purchasing a ticket. Ask your nearest
ticket agent about it. or write tor folders and
any Information desired. A E COOPER,
Gen’l Agt.. Portland, Or
Is the only line operating a weekly personally
Conducted Tourist Excursion Ca- betwoen
Portland and Chicago change via the World’s
Grea.v.t ..venic Line.waking close connection
at Chicago In Union Depot for all points East.
Tally Standard Sleeping car between Salt
Lake City, Denver and Chicago. Buffet. Libra­
ry smoking cars between Pueblo. Denver and
Chicago. Thebestand most reasonable din­
ing car service between Pueblo and Cbicago
If you are going to Kansas City. Omaha. Dea
Moines,Chicago or any place east, you should
ent uire about the
U nited states L and Orrics,
R osbbcho , ukkgox , December 10, 1901.
A sufttcleni contest unidavit having been «led
In this office by Aaron C M inning,contestant,
against the homestead entry No 8832. made
January 8. 1897, for the sl-2 nel-4, sec 6. twp
TVinrt’iighly restocked and entirely new man » s, rge. I w, by John F Tolson contestée. In
which it I» alleged that the said entryman.
agetneDt. HOBT. M. GARRETT. Sup’t.
Tolson, has not res’d-d upon the land included
In bls entry for a period of three years, but has
Best and Quickest Route to
abandoned tbe same, and tbat this alleged
abandonment was not due to his employment
In the army, naw or marine corps of the United
States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or
marine,during the w»r with Spain, or during
any other war In which tbe United States may
Goes by Barron. Soda Springs, Shake, Snow be engaged said parlies are hereby notified
Lumbering Camp,Parker's and Keno; also best to appear, respond and offer evidence touching
•ouni tlons wi’h stage line* from Klamath said allegation at lOo'clock A. M on February
Falls to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview. Ft Klam- 8, 1902, before Qua Newbury, county e’erk, at
axh and Indian Agency.
Jacksonville. Oregon, and that final hearing
will be held at IQ o'clock A a. on February IS,
1902, before the Register aod ' Receiver at tbe
Daylight Travel Both Waya.
United States Land Office in Roseburg Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affida­
arrival and departure .
vit, filed November 20. I9ÙI. «st forth facts
wfilch show that after due diligence personal
ssblaod :
service of this notice can not be made, It in
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
1.1) p. x.|Ln«t . . . 9 be given by due and proper publication.
J T ÜRIDCSR , Register.
«LTrives ........ II :00 P. M.lArrtve» ........ 4:40 a . m
PMsrsgers. Baggage, Express and Frelgh
must be Waybilled
A.hland Offic e:
Placer Mine for Sale.
A good placer mine, containing
Klamath Falls Agent
about live acres, including a comfort­
Ashland and Klamath Falls
ca .3T otiia
*nra ' M
Th« Kind You Haw Always ßourtP
Winter Care of Calve*.
Fall calves should be kept In a wnrtn,
dry. light stable aud fed skimmilk un­
til the following spring, says New Eng­
land Homestead. Skimmilk, however,
should not form tbe entire ration. Oll-
rneal is needed In place of the butter
fat removed and some crushed oats
and wheat bran to make growth. Si­
lage, If you have It. or sweet clover
bay should be given daily in small
quantities. Calves for beef may have
some cornmeal.
Tno Pig Litters a Year.
Three Splendidly equipped trains dal-f$
ly To all Points East.
_ 0
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and
Free Reclining Cha irs
The most magnificent scenery In
America by Daylight
Stopovers allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and descriptive,
literature address
Three dolls, representing different as­
pects of Paris fashions, have been pre­
sented tbe three daughters of the em­
press of Russia, the Grand Duchesses
Olga, Tatiana and Xenia. Tbe dolls
were the gift of a famous Paris dress­
maker. who lent all his skill to mak­
ing their attire beautiful ami effective.
One doll Is dressed for an evening par­
ty in a gown of wheat colored mousse­
line de sole, trimmed with lace of a
sage green shade. The mantle Is of
beige colored cloth, lined throughout
with white satin. White embroidery
covers the lapels. A white gauss toque
adorued with feathers and diamonds
completes the costume. The second
doll Is dressed ns a yachtswoman, the
costume being made of white cloth. A
small “sweater” and golf cape complete
the effect
For the third doll a dress
of the time of Louis XV. was selected.
The gown Is made of white satin, with
garlands of flowers festooned around
the bottom of the skirt by combina­
tions of ribbon. On the corsage flow­
ers are attached by velvet bows, and
mechlln lace gives un airy effect to the
costume. A large picture hat Is gar­
landed with pompon roses, aud the
flower effect Is carried out even to the
white leather shoes, which have tiny
bouquets attached Instead of Jeweled
able dwelling-house, situated tn Jack­
sonville. can be bought cheap, as the
owner wishes to leave the state. For
further ti-irtlcular* apply at TflE
T imes office.
Why should a bog man be content
with one litter of pigs a year when he
can have two at uo more cost? asks
Farm and Ranch. Encourage the two
litter a year habit In sows, and they
will live longer, do better and be pro
ductive at a greater age than one litter
a year sows. It is the opinion of many
experienced bog men that sows will
briug more pigs at a litter twice a year
than once a year.
Wheat Screening* For Sheep.
In some feed tests carried on at the
Utah station with sheep to determine
the comparative value of wheat, frost­
ed wheat and wheat screenings It was
shown that it is more profitable to feed
the screenings than either good or
frosted wheat, cost considered.
Don't Live Together.
CoLstipation and health never KO
together. DeWitt’s Little Early Ris­
ers promote easy action of the bowels
without distress. “I have been
troubled with costiveness nine years,”
says J. O. Green, Depauw, Ind. “I
have tried many remedies bat Little
Early Risers give best results.” City
DrjgSfre. Jacksonville, and Dr. J.
Hinkle, Central Point.
The webs of those spiders which spin
snares out of doors, as the geometrical
garden spider, are formed of two sorts
of silk, one of which Is used for the
main cables and the radiating threads,
the other for the concentric threads.
The latter are thickly studded with
minute globules of a viscous substance,
which retains the fly, gnat or moth
that may blunder against them, wlillo
the former are quite dry and harmless.
A third kind of silk Is produced by tho
busy little spinner when some such
large insect as a wasp has become en­
tangled In the web and threatens to
break tlie delicate structure In Its strug­
gles. This takes the form of un envel­
oping mass, which is suddenly produc­
ed and which effectually prevents any
further gyrations on the part of the
captured Insect.—Cornhill Magazine.
A Cure for Lumbago.
A Golf Story.
A well known Scotch “meenister”
took up golf and despite great practice
could not succeed in passing the tyro
stage. His simple exclamations of
“Tut, tut!” “Oh, dear, now!” “Well,
well!” and the like were plain evi­
dences of a perturbed spirit.
One day, when the perspiration flow­
ed freely from his lofty brow and his
honest countenance shone with a lus­
ter and radiance which, alas, were not
due to calmness of soul, but rather the
beat of tbe sun and his laborious ef­
forts to move the obstinate gutra
percha from its station on the tee, be
was tempted to indulge In strong lan­
guage. “Dear, dear, but I'll have to
gio it up! I'll have to gle It up!" he
said at lust, with a despairing look at
the ball.
“Give up the game, Mr. I).!” exclaim­
ed Ids friend, who had been a witness
of his attempts.
“Na, na—the meenlstry!" answered
the other, with n sigh.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, anil which lias been
in use for over 30 years, has borne tho slifnatnre of
and lias been inado under his per­
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and «Just-as-good” are bub
Experhuents that tritle with anil endanger tho health of
Infant* tuid Children—Experience ngirinst Experiment.
A Giant Tree.
Near Dakar, in lower Senegal, Is nn
enormous baobab tree whose trunk
measures fully seventy-five feet In cir­
cumference at the base. The fruit of
the baobab, which grows abundantly
In Senegal, Is called "monkey bread.”
It Is used by the natives for curdling
milk and as a speellie for certain dis­
eases. Decoctions of the dried leaves
are also use«! as medicine. From the
bark strong cords are made, and the
gum that exudes from It is employed
as a salve. The root of the young bao­
bab Is sometimes eaten by the natives.
Cnstorin in a harinlenn siibutitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
goric, llrops and Nootliing Hyrupn. It Is Pleanant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays FeverishnesH. It cures IMarrhma ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiiMtlpation
mid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stonuu’h and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend.
A House hold Sandlmg.
A sandbag is a very useful thing to
have In the bouse. Dry the sand thof-
ougltly in the oven and then make a
flannel bag about eight inches square.
Fill ft with the sand, sew up the o|ten-
Ing carefully and cover the bag with
cotton or linen. This will prevent the
sand from sifting out and will allow cf
the bug being quickly heated when re­
quired by placing it In the oven. Sand
bolds heat a long time and Is softer to
the feet of an Invalid than the ordinary
hot water bottle.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Of Benefit to You.
D. 8. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: "Dur-
inu a lonu illness 1 was troubled with
bed sores, was advised to try DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve, and did so with
wonderful results. 1 was perfectly
cured. It is the best salve on the
market.” Sure cure for piles, sores,
burns. Beware of counterfeits. City
Drugstore, Jacksonville, and Dr. J.
Hinkle, Central Point.
Pr-tty Sure iNdlcatloa«.
A story Is told of a conscientious
ministerial golfer who bad been offer­
etl another pastorate. much better than
the one he held and with an ideal golf
course attached. The family were all
enthusiastic players. Happening to call
one day at the minister’s dwelling a
friend of tbe family and a golfer him-
«elf met tbe daughter In tbe ball aud
asked her, "Is your father going to ac­
cept the offer?” “Weil.” the girl re­
plied demurely, “papa Is praying for
guidance In tbe library, aud uiauiuia Is
up stairs packing.”
Only One and Little of It.
Colonel Dutassey, an officer of volun­
1'rcnldvnt (iartielc ■
teers during the civil war, iviw sent to
Word comes from the Mentor (O.) Bing Sing by sentence of court martial
farm of tbe < in fields that tbe widow of for too free indulgence In a variety of
the former president, who Is now well peccadillos. “I am Count Dutassey,”
t>n in years, is in a serious condition of he said to the keeper of tbe prison by
ill health. Her only daughter, the little way of Introduction. “I speak five
Mollie of the White House years ago. languages”— He got no further, for
now Mrs. J Stanley Brown and.tbe the keeper broke in upon him with the
mother of several children, lias gone explanation, “We speak but one lan­
with her family and mother to Califor­ guage here, and we want mighty little
nia for tbe possible benefit of tbe latter. of that”
They have leased for the winter a beau-
A Savins Man.
. iful cottage on Orange Grove avenue
“Bllklns got married rather sudden­
n Pasadena.
ly, didn’t lie?’
The Bonaparte*.
“Yes: somebody gave him a railway
Mrs. Jerome Bonaparte und her son,
Ur. Jerome N. Bonaparte, nrrived at pass to Bournemouth for two. and lie
heir Washington home tbe other day, didn't want to waste It.’’—London Ti
ifter a visit of several months to the Bits.
Jount aud Countess de Moltke-Huit-
Buenos Ayres is the largest city south
feldt. at their estate In Glorup, Den­
of the equator, lllo de Janeiro comes
mark. Mr. Bonaparte is the third of
next, and Sydney, New South Wales,
hat name to be known lu this country
Is a good third.
nd Is the great grandson of Jerome
Bonaparte. the Corsican, and younger
•¡■other of Napoleon I., who, in 1803.
uarried tbe beautiful Baltimorean,
Miss Elizabeth Patterson.
By building soiue bedchambers In the
Attic for tv,men servants the presiden­
tial family have contrived to settle
themselves comfortably lu tbe White
House und reserve one commodious
■bamber for guests. I toubtless there
will be times when it would be conven­
ient to have two or more guest cham­
bers, but the Roosevelts may tie trusted
to get along with such domestic diffi­
culties without complaining.
W. C. Williamson of Amherst, Va.,
says: “For more than a year 1 suffered
from lumbago. I finally tried Cham­
berlain’s Pain Balm and it gave me
entire relief, which all other reme­
dies had failed to do.” Sold by City
Drug Store.
lyja in n rJ
is commended by Statesmen Professional men and thoutands of
others prominent tn the world's activities, for its fine discrimi­
nation In sifting the actual news from conflicting report and the presen­
tation of current events in their just proportion They comment on Its
freedom from deily-peper sensationalism All men and women who
want to know what the world is doing find it an intellectual necessity,
to judge from the letters received from hundreds It* editorials ars
comprehensive, and labor saving to ths busy man or woman. Its
timely contributions on important topics afx by the belt-informed
writers. Its reviews of other magazine« give the test cf their test
work. It is profusely illustrated
These letters wul enable all thoughtful men ar.d women to Judge
of its value 10 them •
“ I know that throj gh its col- Review ( Review«.' And xppre-
umns views have been presented : j
ate it verv h.ghiy mdeed
me that I could not otherwt«e have It a ver, important part of my
had access to ; because all earnest i- ran
1 ¡ : i titatly a necetiity
and thoughtful men. r.o matter t r
r.e ,r. publi; life "—7. Ü.
how widely their Idea« diverge, are /•crater b’. A. 5zaj.‘cr Ohio.
given free utterance in its cul-
umm."— Thtudart /{Mitltlt.
It >« one cf the ben and most
ia’;»!act'.ry pubii-atton« of the
diy —(bariti IK. hirlankt,U. S.
’’ I consider it a very valuable Senator /»¡iiana.
addition to my library.”
— Grovtr ClntlanJ.
" I Io net have a great deal of
“ It is a publication of very great time to read but I take
1 have sometimes found pleasure in wi >nq that ths 1 Review
the number
there very important matter indeed cl Reviews is an
which 1 should not otherwise h ue nhi.h finds .» plate on my table
discovered.”— Gtorge i. Haar.U, 5 e.p.h m -nth."—/iriizz ,V. J.nti,
b' 5. 5zn.i/,r, Ar kamai.
Senator, Afaitarbunttt,
Send for particulars as to hosv it can Le had ivab. a.n invaluable set
of books for 50 cents a rnenth.
$i)£ ilrlHf'u of Uftoictoi Compaim
F igprune
Offers a Thorough
To every tee end Kiri that huí
the ambition to attain oue
The most wholesome and
There are three council of regular college grade, all of which are complete.
nutritious substitute for cof­
fee and tea.
Languages, Sciences, Mathematics
Made from the choicest
History, English and Electives
California figs, prunes and
The NORMAL COURBE, approved by a committee appolntcj by the State Board ot Education,
selected grains.
lead» up to a STATE DIPLOMA.
A delicious, strengthening THE BUSINESS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT
I* equal to anything In the State. New Illustrated catalogue.
beverage—holds its delicate
flavor to the bottom of the EXPENSES LOW. BOARD AND TUITION, $90 a YEAR
For particular* write
WALLACE HOWE LEE. Prea.dent, Albany .Oregon
Physicians recommend
All grocers sell it
For a Sprained Arm, Ankle or back
Buy a Bottle of
Cream Balm.
Rub in well and
Eaay and pleaeant
to u»e. Contain» no
Injurious drug.
1» quickly absorbed.
Give» relief »t once.
It opr*» »nd clean»
en the nasal pa*
.. .
»age*. Allays Inflammation. Heals and pro
tects the membrane
Restore» the senses 0
The Best Prescription for Malaria.
Hutton «Snap Shot, the wonderful destroyer of all form* of Inflammation In man or u*
Chills »nd Fever I» » bottle of O hovk ' h T astk Tas.e and Smell. Large slxe SO cents, nt dru
r.ise C h i . l T osic It I» »Imply Iron md qui­ gist» or by mall; trial size, 10 cents by mag «0 and II per bottle R. K. BUTTON, sole proprietor and manufacturer. Ashland. Oreson
Trr sale al City Drug Slore Jacaaonville, and by Dr J. Hinkle Central Point
nine In .i tasteleaa form No cure, No pay. ELY BROTHERS »Warren H . New York II
Price SUC.