Sts* K m . w Fret» Kxperience. Silas <1. Day JACKSONVILLE. Scrofula OR. THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. NOTARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AG’T Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption. The parent who is tainted by either will see in the child the same disease manifesting itself in the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak i eyes, offensive sores and abscesses and of­ tentimes white swell-' ing —sure signs of —. Scrofula. There may be no external signs for f p4-' a longtime, for the disease devel in some cases, but the poison blood and will break out at the first favor­ able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast­ ing, destructive disease by first purifying and building up the blood and stimulating and invigorating the whole system. Abstracts made io Titles of Lands. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. sit kind drawn up especially pertaining to the settlement of estates Accounts Csllected, Prompt Remittance. MONEY LOANED. In’ stnicnt securities a specialty. Jackson County Scrip bought and sold. hi ve a complete set otmaps of all lands tu this couuty. and reoetve Abstract, monthly from Roseburg LandI Office, Je Lar d Department of the O. 4 C. R. R. and the Slate Lana Department at Salem of all new entrtea made 1 am hus prepared to make out ¿t?1“«- stead papers and can save to the ex- pense of » trip to the Roseburg land omce I have a Number of FlneFarma end other Desirable Propertv In my hende for Sale. ewProm t reply made to all letters. Charg­ es in accordance with’he times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. n. nanna judge of the 1st Judclal District, and to any business house tn Jacksonville. SILA> J. DAY. ViA and is a positive and safe cure tor Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child has inherited some blood taint’ take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and pr«venl the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write out physicians about your case. We make nc charge whatever for medical advice. the Rio Grande Western Railway AND Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Only transcontinental line Passing directly through THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE. o PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Three Splendidly equipped trains dai-fo ly To all Points East. 0 Through Sleeping and Dlnirg Cats at ' ? Free Reclining Cha irs X The most magnificent scenery In O America by Daylight. Q Stopovers allowed on all classes ot 2 0 For cheapest rates and descriptive’.? literature address £ J. D MANSFIELD, General Agent, 24 Third Street. Portland, Oregon. 5 o x Q OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO (XXXXX> Best of Everything In a word this tells ot the passenger ser­ vice via The North-Western Line. Eight trains run «'ally between Chicago and St ¿Paul. comprising the latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Ibservatlon Cars. Free Reclinlrg Chair Cars. THE 20TH CENTURY ^RAIN runs every day of the year. Finest Triin in the World The Electric Lighted, Steam Heated. The Badger State Express, the finest daily train running between St. Paul and Chicago via the Short Line. Connections trom the West wade via The Northern Pache. Great Northern and Cana­ dian Pacific Railways This is also the best lire between Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapo­ lis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line. W. H. M'SAD, H L. SISLER, General Agent, Traveling Agent. 48 Alder St., Portland. Oregon. CITATION TO HEIRS. In the Ccunty Court for the County of Jackson, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of M. E.Mtnear, Deceased. To Sarah E Minear, widow of said deceased W C Minear, Clifton D Minear. Eva M Mi­ near. Maggie E Minear. Flora Minear, Glen­ nie Minear, Harley Minear, the children of said deceased, all residing in Collins, Iowa, and to all others whom this may concern: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE­ GON, and by order of the above-entitled court, made upon the 12th day of December, 1901. you and each ot you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court ot Jackson County, State of Oregon, at the ourt room thereof, in the town of Jacksonville, tn the said county and state, on the 20-.h day of January A D lot 2. at the hour of 10 o'clock A M of said day, then and there to show cause If any there be why an order of the court should not be made by the above-entitled court for the sale at private sale by E DeRoboam, admiuistra- tor of the following property, to pay the ex­ penses of administration and the claim« tiled and allowed against said estate: Beginning at a rock set for a corner being 25.73 chains E from the section corner between sections 32, 23. 4 and 5, townships 37 and 33 S, range 2 W, and running thence north 37o F. 17.93 chains to the center ot the county road running from Jacksonville to Pha>otx,to a rock for corner from which a white oak tree 12 I Inches in diameter bears N 80o E 94 links; thence S 6l!4o E 4.62 chains to a rock set in the road; thence S 69Ho E 12 chains to a rock set in the road; thence S 76o SO' E 6.44 chains to a sandstone? set for a corner in the road from which a white oak 12 inches in diameter bears N 85o tV 43 links, and a laurel 5 Inches in diam­ eter bears N 64o E 28 links: thence N 7IMo W 28.80 chains to a rock set tor a corner from which a white oak 8 inches in diameter bears N 37o E 98 linkstthence N 37o E 97-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 47H acres. Said tract ot land being part of the H Bel­ linger D LG No. 44 and 95, in the township and range aforesaid, and situated tn Jackson county, Oregon This citation is published once a week in the D em << cb * tic T imxs for four successive weeks by order of Chas. Prim, Judge of the County Court fot Jackson County, Oregon, made and entered the 12th day of I ecember, A D 1901. GUS NEWBURY. Clerk. NE1L& N x . l . Attornejs for Administrator BEST FOR THE BOWELS Is the OJly line operating a weekly personally Conducted Tourist Excursion Ca- between Portland and Chicago change via the World’s Greatest Sieric Line.making close connection al Cnicago in Union Depot for all points East. Caily Standard Sleeping car between Sait Lake City, Denver and Chicago. Huffet. Libra a smoking cars between Pueblo. Denver and icago. Thebestand most reasonable din­ ing car service between Pueblo and Chicago. If yon are going to Kansas City. Omaha. Des Moires. (Chicago or any place east, you should enr jire about the Great Rock Island Route If you haven't a regular, healthy movement of the bowels every day. you're ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, In the shape of vio­ lent physic or pili poison, is dangerous. The smooth­ est, easiest. most perfect way of keeping the bowelf clear and Jean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC _ ¿^Y WORKWHILl^ EAT JEM LIKE CANDY Ashland and Klamath Falls KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN STAGE LINE, THE COMMONER. tssu td Weekly atiLInciln, Neb. Best and Quickest Route to WILLIAM J. BRYAN KLAMATH FALLS. Editor and Publisher. Goes by Barron. Ho « necessity bite and booked a bass. It was a big architect Vitruvius tcld It 1,900 years and thoughtful men. le ”—7 ZL one and gave me as pretty a fight as ago. how widely their ide»* aivci ¿‘Aw, 1 ever saw till it broke the leader at given free utterance in Too Sluck Apnthy. ume.s.’’—Z’Ar.-Jozr A’ j - t .. ... the point where it Is attached to the c t-ett and most Couldock'H company was once barn­ cation» ot the line and got away. EX-PRES1DL..T “We fished in other parts of the lake storming through Virginia. It was at "I consider it a very after that and finally started to the Petersburg, and the play was “The addition to tr.y library.” landing, the guide rowing while I skit­ Chimney Corner.” All through the au­ -“tz/'l/i'-r C m I do ni.i t.a.e □ great deal of tered with a minnow. We were pass­ dience sat in distressing silence, neither “ It is a publication vi ver y gie»i lit;»« tv read u.«K«<>r,cs but I take value. I have sometime» luuiid p.c«rutc hi >uvuig that the ’ Review ing close by tlie place where I had lost laughing nor shedding n tear, although there very important matter indeed vi RvVicwe’ is arr.cng the number the fish In the morning when I saw a “The Chimney Corner” alsinnds with which I should not other«*i»e have sui.ii find» ph. e on my table bass dart for ray bait. I gave It time humor and pathoM nud the company discovered."— Gtorgt /•. H mit .U J r..vh month.’ —yuwri A*. to swallow and then struck. When 1 •ben producing It was of great merit Senator, Maitae lttle of Gaova's T astr - of narrow streets, dismal lanes and i.tss C hii l T onic . It Is simply Iron and qui­ in a tasteless form. No cure. No pay. filthy closes, "where disease and death nine Price 5