The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 19, 1901, Image 7

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AY. BER 1», 1901.
Yalter of Humbug was among
lophle Muller speuL Saturday
W. M. Colvlg returned from
id Sunday.
M. A. Jones went to Gold Hill
y evening.
let Atturney Reame* was at
I Pass Friday.
Emma Reed of Medford visited
sonyllle Saturday.
Rose O’Brien of Applegate was
sonyllle Saturday.
, O'Neill of Oold Hill, the tni-
a» at the ooanty-seat Friday.
cy Allen and L. Revnold» of
igvlile were with us Monday.
i. Kelly of California was the
of Mrs. J. Nunan last week.
. W. Short of Gold Hill, the
jnown miner, is iu Jacksonville.
A. Hildreth and G. W. Trefren
isbland were with us Friday
A new line of ladies' waists and
skirts at Nunan'«.
J. Knutzen of Applegate and hi»
family were in Jacksonville Friday.
Buy your holiday candles at The
Bass. Cheapest and best in Southern
Oood three-foot, sugur-plne clap­
board», 97.00 per
thousand, at
Trie Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Voyle Is reported to be in a criti­
cal condition.
Frank Plymale has gone to 8lskiyou
county, Calif., to act as tender of a
ditch near Yreka.
A nice holiday present to your lady
friend, a pair of Centemerl’s genuine
kid gloves. Nunan, sole agent.
Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills,
etc., In book form, can always be ob­
tained at T he T imes Printing House.
The days have been getting shorter
steadily, out will begin to lengthen
after next Monday.
Don’t forget that Myers guarantees
everything tie sells. He may be found
opposite Van Dyke’» Store, Med­
The weather has been quite cold
during the mornings and nights of
the past week, the frost being very
Wm. Koeppe, watcumaker and jew­
eler, is now located on California
street, opposite the postoffice. Satis­
faction guaranteed
Dr. Payne, the hypnotist, who Is
«aid to perform wonderful feats, is
billed for U. 8. Hall Friday and
Saturday nights.
Fresh bread, pies, cake» and other
pastry, of superior quality, can be ob­
tained at Tlie Boss regularly. Satis­
faction guaranteed.
Ashland’s city election promises to
be the moat exciting ever held there.
Tlie chances for success are with the
high-license people.
Harry Clarke, Jr., who has been act­
ing as night clerk at Hotel Josephine,
Grant’s Pass, lias accepted a like po­
sition at Hotel Oregon, Ashland.
Salt Mackerel.
Salt Salmon Bellies,
Holland Herring,
At Nunan’».
If you desire to make a purchase of
jewelry, watches, etc., the best and
up-to-date, don't fail to give Myers,
the Medford jeweler, a call. He is
sure to please you.
Rev. 8. H. Jones will bold services
at Woodville Sunday morning; and
there will consequently be no services
at the Presbyterian church in Jack­
sonville on that day.
Tbe Presbyterian Sunday school
will give a public Christmas-tree en­
tertainment on the evening before
Christmas. Everybody is invited to
The team attached to Geo. Lewis’
delivery wagon became frightened
Sunday and ran .away, but was
stopped by J. C. McCully before any
damage was done.
Tlie holidays are almost here, and
Tlie Boss is better prepared than
ever to till orders for articles appro­
priate to this season. Fresh candies,
nuts and fruit a specialty.
Our citizens think It is very cold
iiere, with tlie thermometer no lower
than 20 degrees below freezing point;
whereas it lias already beeu 25 de­
grees below zero in the middle and
south western states.
Dr. C. C. Pletcher of Medford, the
dentist, will make Jacksonville a pro­
fessional visit Munday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week. He can be
consulted at U. 8. Hotel. The latest
and best in dentistry.
The largest crowd from Southern
Oregon that ever visited San Francis­
co during the holidays will embrace
the opportunity to do so offered by
Pell & Bolton’s excursion. The fare
Is only $12 for the round trip. Tic<-
et» can be obtained of O. Whitman at
Medford or of Messrs. Pell und Bolton
at Ashland.
To lie voted for at the ensuing mu­
nicipal election,that will be held Dec.
17th, the Anti-Saloon League has put
out the following ticket, known as
the “Independentticket:" For mayor,
J K Van baat; recorder,Milton Berry;
councilmen— first ward,Jas Riley and
J H Mitchell; second, W A Cordel1;
third, AC Guthrie.
Gio. Ficke and LfiU. Stone, wiio
went to Applegate last week, to du
some prospecting, returned uot long
afterward for new supplies. They
had taken up a residence in Capt.
Boaz’ cabin, and while at work a few
miles away the building and all of It»
content» were destroyed oy tire.
defective chimney was the cause of
the accident.
The Jacksonville and Central Point
foot-ball teams met on the ground»
of tbe former last Saturday and played
a fast, interesting game in the
presence of a large and enthusiastic
crowd. Tnesoii was »oft enough io
suit tlie must fastidious player. Both
team» did gosd work and, neither al­
lowed the other to score. T he T imes
wtll give a description of the contest
in Its next Issue.
One of the objects of the late visit
hereof R. B.Miller,the efficient gener­
al passenger and freight agent of tbe
8. P. lines in Oregon, was fur furming
plans fur the preparation uf literature
descriptive of the resources of South­
ern Oregon. He states that at an
early date steps will be taken toward
the Issuing of a pamphlet bearing on
this section of the state and its ad­
Mrs. M. H. Steers,a lady well known
to pioneers of Jacksonville,has opened
a purchasing agency at Portland. She
will buy dry goods, drugs, jewelry,
house furnishings, etc., for customers
living in Southern Oregon and other
parts of the state. Iler many years
of experience with John Cran Sc Co.
have well fitted her for this work.
Buslnes» entrusted to her will receive
prompt attention. Address or call on
Mrs. Steers, Room 205, Macleay
Building, Portland.
The Cole divorce case is occupying
the attention of the circuitcourt, and
a cloud of witnesses from the soutn-
ern part of Jackson county and the
northern part of Siskiyou county are
being examined. Tbe plaintiff, J. F.
Cole, seeks a legal separation from his
wife and the custody of their minor
child on the ground of adultery. He
ha» already been required to advance
•175 for the defendant’s attorney
fees, costs, etc. Some rich- testimony
is expected. C. B. Watson represents
tbe plaintiff and W. M. Colvlg and
Judge Prim appear for the defend­
Mr«. 8 í< Taylor of Jacksonville
spjut Friday io Medford.
Mrs. C. L. Reames
Rea rue» and Misses
Miueland Maud'Prim were among
our visitors Saturday.
Wm. Ulrich has returned from bls
trip to Ban Francisco. Hi» health is
considerably improved.
J. W. Slinger of Lake i. creek, the
successful »loikmao, was In M rd ford
the latter part of last week.
Clarence Raymond ha» »<fld his
shooting gallery and Is now teaching
dancing to a good-sized class.
If you wish to Inspect a full and su­
perior assortment of holiday goo Is of
all kinds, go to The Racket.
Miss Lol Nichols of Eagle Point and
Miss Kate Plyiuale ui Jacksonville
have been visiting relatives io Med­
When io Medford ask for Myers, the
popular jeweler. Ills su>ck or good»
cannot be beaten in Southern Oregon,
If equaled.
Miss Kfita Reed, who has been con­
siderably indisposed, is able to re­
sume her duties at F. K. Deuel St, Co.’s
Ed. Hill, tbe printer. Is with us
again, a ter an absence of nearly two
years. He has been in several states
since he tert here.
. J. A. Reuter visited In Ashland
W. E. Macaulay, the enterprising
Jay. He will return to Portland
tamale constructor,has purchased the
Medford shooting gallery, which he
has moved to his stand next door to
r. James of Sacramento, a brother
Myer»’ jewelry store.
Irs. F. R. Neil, is paying Jackson-
i a visit.
T. J. Kenuey, administrator of the
estate of 8. Rosenthal, on Saturday
ill. Hanna, who Is traveling for a ■
»old the Urie two-story brick building
Francisco house, left for Califor-
belonging thereto auu situated on 7th
street to Fred Barneburg. The price
Irs. Lottie Pelton of Ashland and
paid was 46950.
■ daughter Mabel spent Saturday
J. H. Messner of Central Point, the
in Jacksonville.
well-known blacksmith and veteri­
W. H. Bostwick of Applegate and
nary Hurgeon, will locate among us
” F. Hanley of Butte creek were in
soon. He went to Butte creek Friday
| ’ onville Monday.
to treat some horses employed on the
Jackson Co. Improvement Co.'» ditch.
/s. M. M.’ Cooksey of Central Point
z in Jacksonville Friday, accompa-
D. E. Morris tbe clever superintend­
<1 by Miss Love.
ent of construction for tbe Jackson
Co. improvement Co., was In Medford
Ed Farra of Willow Springs and M.
last week, accompanied by bis wife.
innlngtiam of Forest creek are in
He Informs us that operation» will be
iksonville today.
continued during tbe winter,to be re­
obn W. PernoU, tbe clever Apple-
sumed on a much larger scale when
Ze merchant, »pent Saturday and
the weather will permit. This is one
nday In Jacksonville.
of the most Important enterprises in­
augurated In Southern Oregon iu
P. A. Hartzell, superintendent of
many ways, and its complete success
ie Steamboat mines, wus with us
is well nigh assured, we are glad to
iverai times last week.
J. H. Irving of Farmington, Wash.,
bo is visiting Jackson county, was
A Poor Millionaire
i Jacksonville Saturday.
Lately starved In London because
Harry Sloper, a hrst-clami barber,
he couid not digest his food. Early
is been assisting Will Puhi attend
use uf Dr. King’s New Life Pills
rie wants of his numerous customers.
would have saved him. They strength­
en ibe stomach, aid digestion, pro­
Hon. J. 8. Herrin of Ashland Is at
mote assimilation, Improve appetite.
he county-seat today, accompanied
Price 25c. Money back if not satisfied.
*y his son» John and Fred,John More­
Sold by City Drug Store.
land and his wife.
Far Over Fifty Years
Wm. Jennings, Luke Lilly, Harry
Retail Market Repert.
,Gilson and 8. Randles of bterllngvllle
M rs . W inslow ' s S oothing S trut b» been
following quotations were
precinct were in Jacksonville the fore­
the child, softens tbe
the iudu
-------- , allays
,r— *
“ pain, made up
this afternoon, and is an
part of the week.
cures wind colic. L_C
1» tbe beat remedy for impartial report of the prices paid
- ----------------
K. K. Kubli and his wife returned
by Jacksonville dealers:
by druggists throughout the world.
from San Francisco last Thursday.
Wheat—60c per bushel;
The sickness uf their little daughter
Flour—11.70 (t 91.80 per 100 pounds.
DwelUng for Sale.
shortened their trip.
Oats—36c per bushel.
The undersigned offers his residence
Barley—Rolled, 91.25 per cental.
Jas. Bell and Ed Day have returned
property, pleasantly located in Jack­
Hay—Per ton, baled, 910.
from Klamathon, Calif. The mill
sonville, for sale at a reasonable fig­
Potatoes—91.50 per hundred.
there ha« been shut down
until the
ure. It is well arranged and supplied
Onions—2643 per pound.
middle of January.
with a number of conveniences, be­
Butter—35c(dw)c per roll.
R. J. Qameron of Uniontown___
sides having a considerable area of
Beans—3644c per pound.
his daughter, Miss Bernice, are in
ground annexed, which is planted in
Lard—15c per nound.
Jacksonville. The latter has been
fruit Crees. For parti ulars apply to
Eggs—30 eta per dozen.
O tto B iede ,
paying Medrord quite a visit.
Sugar—D. G. 96.256496.35 per cwt.
Gold Hill.
Poultry—$2.50 to 93.00 per dozen.
W. B. Edwards, representing the
Hams—16ic per pound.
Oregon Sish & Door Co. of Portland,
Land for Sale.
Shoulders—12|c per pound.
interviewed his numerous customers
I have 1560 acres of iand, all in one
Side Bacon—156z20c per pound.
in the valley last week.
tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It
R. S. Sheridan, who is one of tbe
is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville,
publishers of the Boise Evening News,
12 miles from Central Point, and 10
passed through tbe valley last week,
miles from Medford. I will sell this
en route to tlie oil Helds of California.
BLACK—Near Central Point, Dec. 1, 1801, to
of Native Herbs, Oil and Balsam, land in tracts of 100 acres up until all
Mr. and lira. Black, a »on.
Chas. H. Basye, the expert black­ the great blood purifier» and kidney is sold, at »10 per acre. It Is good
smith, visited Missouri Flat district and livery regulators, at
He is interested in some T imes office, where they can be ob- stock range on the outside. I will
sell all, or as low as 100 acres In a
mining property there, that is show­ tatned at the regular price.
tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee , Jack­ PURVES—WHITTINGTON—In Jacksonville,
ing up well.
Through tbe efforts of some of the sonville Or.
Dec. II, 1801, by Chas. Prim, county lulge.
Robt. B. Purves and Miss Charlotte R. L.
D. E. Morris, superintendent of Isdy parishioners the Catholic ctfurcb
-istructlon for the Jackson County of Jacksonville has been furnished
SCOTT-CH URCHMAN-At Ashland, Dec. 8,
bro ve me nt Co., was at the county- with a handsome chapel organ. It is
1801. by Rev. J. Abbett, Ralph L. Scott and
t Saturday, accompanied by F. M. of the A. B. Chase brand and one of
Miss Helen D. Churchman.
Rev. Mr. McGregor will hold ser­
iwart of Medford.
the best musical instruments in vice« at the M. E. church, In Jack­
sonville, Sunday morning and even­
Miss Romaine Braden of Indianapo­ 8outhern Oregon.
lis, who lias been visiting her father,
The grand raffle announced to take ing.
Dr. Braden of Gold Hill, left Satur­ place at The Banquet Christmas eve,
Rev. 8. H. Jones will hold services
day for Southern California, where proving even more popular than those at the Presbyterian church In Jack­
»lie will spend tlie winter.
which have occurred previously, the sonville every Sunday, excepting the
Jas. Hanstirnugh. the geuial 8. P. proprietor has increased tlie number 4th Sunday In the month, when he
Co.conductor, made Ills many friend» of prizes offered by the addition of Will preach at Woodville.
Rey. W. Bitter will hold services
in Jacksonville a visit Friday. He Is four, valued at 910 each.
“About a year ago my hair wss
a candidate for the Republican nomi­
coming out very fast, so I bought
On 8unday evening, Dec. 22d, Rev. during the month as follows: First
nation for joint representative.
a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It
D. T. Summerville, P. E., will hold Sunday, Jacksonville, at 10 a . m . and
stopped the falling and made my
In the M E. church In Jack­ 7.30 p. m .; second Sunday. Ashland,
Rev. 8. H. Jone» was at Medford
hair grow very rapidly, until nowit
Monday, to attend a special meeting sonville, at which the sacrament of Jacksonville, 10 a . m . and 7:30 p. m :
ia 45 inqhes in length.”—Mrs. A.
of the Southern Oregon Presbytery, the Lord's Supper will be adminis­ fourth Sunday, at Jacksonville, 8:30
Boydston, Atchison, Kans.
at which Rev. A. Haberly’s resigna­ tered. Quarterly conference will be A m and 7:30 p m ., at Medford
tion as pastor of the Presbyterian held on Monday, Dec. 23d.
10:30 A. M.
Jacksonville Fire Co. No. 1, of
church of that city was accepted.
There’s another hunger
Probate Coart.
A. B. C. Denniston, who wa« for a which J. C. Whipp has long been a
that of the stomach.
long time City ticket and passenger prominent member, tendered him a
The following business has been
hunger, for instance.
agent of the Great Northern Railway followed by a dancing party. Each transacted In this court sines the last
at Portland, has been promoted to was a success In every way, the many report of T he T imes :
Hungry hair needs food,
the office of general western passenger present enjoying themselves tlioi»
Estate of M E Minear. Order made
needs hair vigor— Ayr's.
agent of the same company, with ougiily.
to show cause why real estate should
headquarter* at Seattle. He Is a pop­
not be sold.
This is why we say that
The employes of tl.e 8. P. Co will
ular and competent gentleman, and is
Estate of H J Hicks. Order made
Ayer’s Hair Vigor always
to hi» new ’ location
“ > by give a charity ball on the night of authorizing conveyance of certain
Dec. 18th, which will be one of the real estate.
the best wishes of many friends.
color, and makes
grandest affairs ever held In Southern
E«tate^if Philip Mulleu. Personal
Oregon. The popular Eugeoe orches­ property ordered sold.
grow long and
Elegant Holiday Good*.
tra will furnish the music for the oc­
m • mu ». AU «ng»Ma.
The City Drug Store Is again at the casion. Tbe railroad boys never do
Placer Mine far Sale.
front with a large and complete line anything by halves.
placer mine, containing
of articles suitable for Christmas and
Percy H. Levin, the barnstorming
New Year’s presents, such as toilet faker, who got such a frosty reception about Are acres, including a comfort­
cases, picture frames, albums, per­ when he was In Southern Oregon last, able dwelling-house, situated In Jack­
fumery, fancy boxes, papeterles, Is at Salem, attempting to promote a sonville, can be bought cheap, as the
books, all kinds of glove and hand­ dramatic entertainment. The people owner wishes to leave the state. For
kerchief boxes, novelties in Sterling of the capital city should beware of further particulars apply at T re
silver, Bohemian, opal and other cele­ this bilk, as he is full of shabby, dis­ T imes office.___________
brated wares. Everything of tbe honest tricks.
Ceegh* and Calds la Chlldraa.
latest patterns, and price« reasonable.
A Christmas present Is now In or­
Cail on Dr. Robinson when looking
Jacksonville, Oregon.
fur goods in his line.
of lasting value is preferable to that
which become« valueless from age or
I use and prescribe Chamberlain's
Grand Chrlatmaa Raffle.
1» soon destroyed. The best possible Cough Remedy for almost all obsti­
' A affleforllOOin U. 8. gold coin
nate, constricted coughs, with direct,
will take place at the Banquet saloon thorough preparation for the business results. I prescribe It to children of
Tna sohool continues the oareful training
In Jacksonville on Tuesday night, of lire, so that lie or she can take up all ages. Am glad to recommend it to and tborough Instruction tor which It Is favor
Dec. 24,1901. The persoo throwing its struggle successfully and make the all In need and seeking relief from
the highest number with dice will most of It. No way 1» so sure of success coughs and bronchical afflictions. It
The Music Department
get 975. and the lowest throw takes as a course In the Stockton Business Is non-narcotic and safe in the hands
Is always In charge of competent and exper­
the remaining 125.
Chances will College, an old, reliable, successful of the most unprofessional. A uni­
A fine Institution. Ils gradutes are In de­ versal pauacea for all mankind.—M hh . ienced teacher». Hoard and tuition per session
range from one cent, to 91,
nf twenty weeks.»«■00. Studies will be resum­
turkey supper will be set after the mand always, being able to easily ob­ M ary R. M blendy , M. D., Ph. I»., ed September t, 1801.
raffle, which will be conducted to in­ tain positions In which they can do Chicago, III. This remedy Is for sale
For prospectus, address
well iroui the start.
»ure general satisfaction.
by City Drugstore.
Circuit Court Proceeding*.
The following business has been
t ransacted in this court since the last
| report of T he T imes :
Wm Lyttleton vs Hannah Durkee,
et al; confirmation.
Sheriff'» »ale
T J Kenney vs C W Turpin; to re­
cover money.
Charlotte Pelton v» J E Pelton; di­
vorce. Decree granted.
H Amerman vs J E Randle»; t > re-
covei money.
Henry Kerby vs Ida Kerby; divorce.
Decree granted.
H Amerman ys Jos and J E
Randle»; to recover money.
Otilla Caldwell vs Slewart 8 Cald­
well; divorce. Order for publication
of summons made.
Wm Ulrich vs W T York, adminis­
trator of Lucy Hamlin estate; fore­
Plaintiff allowed to tile
amended complaint.
J 8 Herrin vs Rebecca Herrin; di­
vorce. Testimony taken and decree
Messrs. Bolton and Pell of Ashland
who have conducted several success­
ful excursions to San Francisco, an­
nounce another for the holidays. It
will leave Ashland Thursday, Dec.
26th, at 12:30 a . m ., on the regular
overland train. Fare for the round­
trip will be 912; children under 12
years, half price. Tickets are good
for ten days, which will be extended
a like period for 97.50addltloual. This
will afford an excellent opportunity
to witness New Year's festivities in
the chief city of the West. Secure
your tickets early, so the railroad
company can furnish ample accom­
County Treasurer’* 25th Notice.
Max Muller, county treasurer, gives
notice that there are fund« in the
county treasury for the redemption
of outstanding warrints protested
from Oct. 1, 1898, to Oct. 31. 1898,
both dates inclusive. Interest, on the
same will cease after Dec. 6,1901
Farm for Sale.
A good farm situated one mile northeast of
Phoenix lying alongside county road, contain­
ing 1».18 acres. There will be »old with it,
if desired by the purchaser. 40 acres of wood
land. The place Is all enclosed; about ISO
acres of it la under cultivation. Tbe improve­
ment» consist of a dwelling-house, a large
barn with sheds tor stock, smoke, wood and
poultry houses. There is a good well of water
at tbe hot*se and one near tbe barn; an orch­
ard in good condition, containing about SO fruit
t.-eea of assorted varieties, mostly apples
school-house hear the north end of tbe farm.
Terms, »3,000; »1,000 In cash. »1.100 in >ne years
snd »1,000 tn two year», deferred payments to
draw interest, or all cash at option of purcha»
er Inquire of S ilas j D av , Real Estate
Agent. Jacksonville. Oregon.
“ I suffered with infl*mm*tion and
falling of the womb and otLer dis­
agreeable female weaknesses. I bad
bad spells every two week* that would
last from eight to ten days and would
have to go to bed. I also had head­
ache and backache most of the time
and such bearing down pains I could
hardly walk across the room at time*.
I doctored nearly all the time for
about two years and seemed to grow
worse all the time until last September
I was obliged to take my bed, and the
doctors thought an operation was the
only thing that would help me, but
this I refused to have done.
“Then a friend advised me to try the
Pinkham medicine, which I did. and
after using the first bottle I began to
improve. I took in all five bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood Purifier,
four boxes of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Dry
Form Compound, three boxes of Liver
Pills and used three packages of Sana­
tive Wash, and I am as well now as I
ever was. I am more than thankful
every day for mv cure.” — M bs . F rank
C arter . 3 Merrill St.. Amesbury, Mass.
r. Ji.
H adt o li»» O9r
Medford. Oregon.
WGredusteof American Veterinary College,
New York City.
Offlce at Nash Livery Stable. Phene SS.
The Leading Jeweler.
Has the finest Stock of
“The Best Goods at
The Lowest Prices,”
Is Myers’ Motto
We have. Consequently we purchased our Holiday Goods
an dare nowshowing a very neat and up-to-date line of
Long Hair
St Mary’s Academy,
M bs . F bamk C abtxb ,
3 Merrill Street, Amesbury, Mess.
Grand Holiday Excursion.
■ Made by the best Manufacturers tn America.
What would make a mare
eful m well
7 a» Ornamental Christmas Gift for Husband, Wife. Daughter. ->on a - ' *i nd than our
Z Our Line of Chairs and Rockers are unsurpassed for Strength, Finish. Style and Beauty
9 Medford Furniture Co
House Furnishers and Undertakers.
Saint Helen’s Hall...
(Founded It»».)
A Boarding and Day School for Girls.
Thl. School offer, to »tri» a broad and thorough education, combined with the • dranta**»
of a h.althtul and refined home. It occufiiea a l»rge and attractive building In the immedldK
vicinity of the City Park. The sanitary condition of the premUes ba. been mode a matter of
aneclal attention. The bed chamber», elaee and recitation room, are large and tnoronghly
ventilated; and the construction of the bulld'n« 1» such that every room la open to the annlUbt.
reateot ear» baa been taken to provide all the necessary appointments of a well-
school. and to fare Ink every feetlity tor training pupil» In the moat approved method».
>t the »ebool 1» to (Ivo t bore ugh and well-emered 'a. true lion to girls and young
women, fitting them for college when that 1» deaired, and to aid in the development of tree
and womanIv character.
. .
The Fail term open* September K, 1901. A faculty of twenty competent teachers ton wren
for children and young women that lndlvldnal earn ant Inatruotton necessary to the beet
r**There are tour »killed teacher» In the Mu»te Department alone, specialist» tn Art and
Oartorv, and native teacher» in French and German.
Provlalon la made tor all »thletlo game» »unable to women, aa tennis, croquet. basket ball
bicycling and horseback riding
A gymta.lum, HOilIX) feet, la In proceaa of conatrnettoa
which will offer still more opport unities for healthful exercise
For illustrated catalogue apply 10