The cold snap continues, interfer­ M rs. M E. Berber, Illi 5T7Tu»!r who paid 9975 therefor. Considerable been visiting in Molfora thl* week. relatives anol rieiius. DECEMBER 19. 1901 . ing with both farmers and miners. ..i n .i .ipw. ii John Arnold. Frank Wilson and J. E. Davida ;m, the miner, Is placer »• ugly as ever aim Don’t fall to see Dr. Payne,the 20th real estate has been sold In Jaekson- vl'le during the last year. It causes bunches in the neck, di«* ether Odd Fellows went to Ashland mining on Wl lllams creek for C. T. century hypnotist. He will please a PERSONAL MENTION. you. Davidson. figures the skin, inflames the mucous Henry Judge of Ashlaod, the pio­ Tuesday. saddler and harness maker, ha* The freeze ha* stopped plowiog. membrane, waste* the musetes, weak­ If you wish to Inspeit n full and su­ Claude Pengra of Ashland Is assist­ neer hl* IsH Dew* and Bert McKee of Ap- buslne** to Mr. Andrews,who perior assortment of holiday goo 1* of However, the farmers here have the ens the bones, reduces the power of ant station agent at Springfield, Lane sold arrived lately from Kansas. In com ­ ■Bste are In town. greater part of their sowing done. all kind*, go to The Racket. county. resistance io cliet*e and the capacity pany with his family he expects to Janie* Ivey and 8helt»a Bro«, for recovery, and develops into con­ Ed. Murphy came down from Bar­ Rev. W. Bitter will hold service* at Buy vour holiday candles at The make his future home in San Fran­ pocket hunters, are prospecting In ron precinct yesterday. the Catholic church In Medford Sun­ B ms . Cheapest and best in Southern cisco. this district again, after a year's ab­ sumption. • Fred. Neil of Aahland wan among Oregon. N. B. Standish, well known in day morning at 10:30 o’clock. “A bunch appeared on the left side of sence. our visitor* yesterday. my neck. It caused great pujn, was .anced, Mrs. Theo. Cameron and Mr*. Jas. Good three-foot, augur-pine clap­ Southern Oregon, and who Is one of J. L. Wooldridge, who has been became ■ runnhig sore. I Into a thousand, at the owners ot the Lucky Boy mine, Cronemlller of Jacksonville were driving stage between Grant’s Pa*« and R. F. Dean of Willow Spring* wa* boards, 97.00 per general decline. I was persuaded to try the principal prodacer In Blae river among us one day this week. Nunan’s. * ou our street* Monday. and Waldo for (la)vert & Lister, has Hood's Sarssparilla. and when I had taken district, was yesterday married to six bottles my neck was healed, and I have Mrs. F. M. Love and Mis* Kate returned home. Ttie N. 3. O. masquerade ball New Mrs. Anna McCrady, at the residence Judge Neil wa* at Medford Tuesday had any trouble of the kind since.** Will Me*s:Dger has purchased a never Year’s eve Is the principal topic of of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonnett, the Hoffman or Jacksonville visited In on professional bUMlne**. Mas. K. T. S kydxr , Troy, Ohio. Medford Tuesday. farm in New Hope school district, conversation. bride ’ s parents, wbo live near Eugene. F. M. Hodges of Beagle made T ub Dr. H. P. Hargrave, Phoenix’* popu­ Josephine county, and will take pos­ J. F. Hall of Butte creek was call* 1 T ime * a pleasant call Tuesday. Jacksonville and Central Point lar physician, and V. A. Dunlap, the session about the first of January. to Jacksonville Tuesday by the illnees teams will play another game of foot­ and Pills W. 8. Bailey, the Davidson merch­ S. S. Jolly of Watkins district, the of his aged father. Talent merchant, epent Tuesday In ball Saturday, on the grounds of the ant, was doing business at Grant’s will rid you of it, radically and per­ genial miner, is with us today. Medford. latter. It promises to be the beat 8. T. Sundry of Applegate, th« Pass last week, and exhibited some Postmaster Reames of Gold Hill miner, was In Jacksonville yesterday, played In Southern Oregon this sea­ When In Medford ask for Myers, the valuable ore, lately taken from bis manently, as they have rid thousand«. was here a short time Tuesday. son, and will be witnessed by a large popular Jeweler. Hl* stw n Stands for Distant Land, or Imported Goods eve: Handsomest costume, lady, An ­ G. W. Mackey has re-opened the i ------------------------------------------------------- pleasantly located at Turner, Marlon E Stands for Estabrook, the Leading Druggist, f Stands for Fair Prices and Full Value. county, surprised ills many friends In Medford Photo Gallery in Adkins’ gelo Meuuell» mandolin, value 97 50, L oosley —At. Fort Klamath, Dec. 5. building, C street, opposite Jackson given by Dr. J. W. Robinson; hand ­ G Stands for Good Goods for the Money. 1901, Mrs. Phillip Luoseley; aged 35 Jacksonville by anocaring In our H Stands for High-grade Goods for Little Money. years, 6 mouths and*2 days. midst Tuesday. Time has dealt County Bank. Up-to-date work and somest costume, gentleman, an as­ | Stands tor I Think Estabrook’s the Cheapest Place to Buy sortment of Schilling’s goods, val­ i M ontgomery — On Pleasant Creek, reasonable prices. • J Stands for Just what you want for Xmas. gently with him. ue 97.50, by T. J. Kenney; best sus ­ K Stands for Kind you want fur Xmas. Dec. 10. 1901, Robert Montgomery, An excellent programme is being tained character, lady, pair of tine Hon. W. II. Vaughan of Clackamas L Stands tor Leading Druggist is Estabrook. aged 75 years. M Stands for Must Goods for your Money. county, one of Oregon's oldest Dem< - prepared for the entertainment which shoes, value 93.50, by J. Nunan; be«t N Stands for Never leave town before you see Estabrook will lie given in the basement of the cratic warhorse*, made us a call this sustained character, gentleman, doe M asterson —At Gold ifill, Dec. 12, O Stands for On the Square Dealing at Estabrook’s. morning. He wa« accompanied by Presbyterian church Christmas eve. silk umbrella, value 93.50, by Crone­ i 1901, John W. Masterson; aged 69 P Stands for Prescription Work a Specialty at Estabrook’s. Q Stands for Queer Everybody don’t know it. years, lo mouths aud 2 days. his cousin. W. O. Vaughan of Klam­ A tine tree, loaded with presents, will miller k Love; best couple, masked, R Stands for Read this carefully; then see Estabrook. be one of the features. ath county. cake walkers, lady and gentleman, P erham -At Gold Hill, D<*c. 11, 1901, S Stands tor Store next to Odd Fellows' building where they give a ball Thanksgiving prize for lady, 15-pound ham, value T Stands for Try Fastbrook’s tor Pure Drugs. in fa tit «on of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ptuenix ’ s lodge of Woodmen of the E. E. Poley, who holds a responsible U Stands for Understand everything is Fresh and Clean. Perham. position tn the railroad roundhouse World will dedicate Its handsome 92 50, by J. S. Orth; for gentleman, V Stands for Very Best ot Everything. W Stands for Will you lose a good Opportunity! at Ashland, made T ub T imbs a pleas­ new hall with a grand ball Christmas one box Gen. Arthur cigars, by The X (Cali on Estabrook and see his Fine Llneot Perfume*, ant call Monday. He was quite ac­ eve. Fine music and supper will be Banquet; best couple, unmasked, cake Y Stands for Soaps. Stationery and the rest of his large Stock tive In the management of the grand provided. Everybody Is Invited to at­ walkers, lady ana gentleman, prize 2 (You won't make any mistake, and his Place Is the ZENITH. for lady, fur neck scarf, value 93 50, tend and help a good cause. ball given at Ashland last night. by P. J. Ryan; gentleman’s prize, tine Mrs. N. D. Wilson has left a supply hat, value 93 50, by A. Learned; best J. C. Wliipp and hl* family, after a long residence In Jacksonville, left of Native Herb«, Oil and Balsam, couples, cake walkers, children, 12 this week for Ashland, which will be the great blood purifiers and kidney years old or under, to tlrst, 10 pounds T he of fine mixed candles, to second live their future home. They are accom­ and livery regulators, at panied by the b’«t wishes of their T imbs office, where they can be ob­ pounds of mixed candles, value 96.00, “ About a year ago my hair wa« many friends. Few could be missed tained at the regular price. by the Boss Candy Kitchen. coming out very fast, «o I bought here more than they will be. The Eugene Guard say* that Mau­ • bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It Offer* a Thorough Elegant Hallday Gw^t. rice Winter of Portland and Miss stopped the filling and made my Ethel Bentley of Cottage Grove were Seven Years In Bed. hsir grow very rapidly, until now it The City Drug Store is again at the married at Albany Dec. 10th. The is 45 inches in length.”—Mrs. A. ‘•Will wonders ever cease?” Inquire bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. frout with a large and complete line Boydston, Atchison, Kans. the friends of Mr*. L Pease of Law­ W. Bentley, and the groom is a well- of articles suitable for Christmas and New Year’s presents, such as toilet rence. Kan. They knew she had been known traveling man. To every boy and girl that hua cases, picture frames, albums, per­ the ambition tn attain one unable to leave her bed In seven years There ’ s another hunger A costumer from Portland will ar­ fumery, fancy boxes, papeteries, on account of kidney and liver trou­ than that of the stomach. ble, nervous prostration and general rive in Jacksonville In time to fur­ books, all kinds of glove and.hand­ There ar« three courses ot regular oollege grade, all ot which are complete. debility; but “ Three bottles of Elec­ nish costumes for those who wish to kerchief boxes, novelties in Sterling Hair hunger, for instance. tric Bitters enable me to walk, "he participate In the masquerade ball silver, Bohemian, opal and other cele­ Hungry hair needs food, writes, “and In three month* I felt that will be given at Jacksonville brated wares. Everything of the like a cew person." Women suffering New Year’s eve. Particulars will be late«t patterns, and prices reasonable. needs hair vigor— Ayr’s. Cail on Dr. Robinson when looking from headache, backache,nervousness, given in our next issue. This is why we say that for goods in bis line. sleeplessness, melancholy, fainting The charity ball given at Ashland and dlzsy spells,will «nd It a priceless Wednesday night by the employes of Ayer’s Hair Vigor always Men Wasted. blessing. Try it. Satisfaction guar­ the 8. P. Co. was a magnificent suc­ restores color, and makes A few good men can get employ ­ The NORMAL COURSE, approved by a committee appointed by the State Poard of EdvoaMoa. anteed by City Drug Store. Only 50c. cess. Hundreds of couples, many of leads up to a ST ATE DIPLOM A. ’ ment at ruling wages. Apply to me the hair grow long and whom came long distances, were in at the Fish Lake Ditch Camp, Browns attendance. Arrangements were Christmas Ball, heavy. n.w • mu *, aii i wm made on a large scale and neither ex­ boro P. O. D. E. M orris . O. E. Rose will give a dancing party pense nor pains were spared. It was MaMswM^KswadLsmswsas Is equal to anything in the Blate. New Illustrated catalogue. If year druggist cannot supply you, Supt. of C instruction. at his hall on Applegate Wednesday one of t he biggest and handsomest af- •and a* ana dollar sad wa wifi expresa night, December 25th. The best of biir* of the kind that ever took place you * bottle. Ba sure and rive the name Te Cere a Cold In One Day. music and supper will be provided. In Southern Oregon. The railroad of yonr nearest sx press olflce. Address, Taka Laxative BromoQuinins Tablets. AI1 J. C. A YER CO., Lowell. Mass. Tickets, including horse feed, *2 A boy* are to be congratulated. druggists refund the money If it falls to oure. For particular« write WALLACE HOWE LEE. Trca dent. Albany .Orefow cordial invitation I* extended to all. E. W Grove's signature Ison each box 96c. THURSDAY Hood's Sarsaparilla THE LEADING DRUGGIST A. P. ESTABROOK, IS STRICTLY UP TO DATE. Long Hair GOLD HILL, OREGON. ALBANY COLLEGE HIGH GRADE COLLEGE EDUCATION Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, History, English and Electives THE BUSINESS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT EXPENSES LOW. BOARD AND TUITION, $90 u YEAR