The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 28, 1901, Image 7

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Now 1» the time to pay the printer,
John Oden of Evans, creek was
here recently.
Eggs have been selling at 40 cents a
dozen at Ashland.
K. K. Kubll Inta uono lu Portland.
A new line of ladies' waists and
O. E. R om ot A pplegsto |a with ui skirts at Nuuan’s.
The winter tights iiave already
J. C. Hall of Gold Hill wan a visitor opened In Jacksonville.
Don't fail to take a chance in the
U. Telford of Ooiestto and Thos. grand Christmas ratlie.
¡Smith of Sacratuunto were here Sun­
Ed. .Saltmarsh, D. Buckley and E.
Bostwick were among us Saturday.
County Utmtnlasloner Riley spent
Lester Lacy of Pooh Bah and Oeo.
a few hours at the county-seat Mon­ Smith of Big Butte were here Mon­
Clinton Cook of Applegate was a
C. E. Wilcox, constable of Wood­
visitor Saturday—on iutereHtlna bus- ville district, is employed at Gleu-
Mr». Pernoll of Applegate was the
Farmer» are busily engaged again.
gue»tofMr». P. Hine» one day last Much plowing and seeding 1» being
A. Gilson and Char. Snow, the
Jas. Young of Steamboat and J. K.
genial miner», were in Jacksonville McClov of Watkins were in Jackson­
ville Monday.
Thus. E. Hamrnersly, who has been
John A. Smith, Medford's most ex­
pert tinner, spent Saturday in Jack- visiting at Gold HIU, left for Seattle
a few days ago.
Sony Hie.
J. R. Wick and G. W. Trefren of
J. II. Brantner and Thoe. Eidson
Ashland were at the county-seat were in Jacksonville Monday, eu
route to Applegate.
W. P. Morgan of Trail creek and
Wm. Lyttleton of Cole'» and W. A.
Coverdale of Foot» creek are in Jack­ Dan WIILrout of Sterllngville were in
Jacksonville last week.
J. T. Fry, one of Griffin creek's
I)r. D. M. Brower, the chief Socialist
0* Ashland, Is making Jacksonville a best citizens, ha» located a homestead
In Trail creek precinct.
abort visit.
The county commissioners' court
Mr. aad Mrs. G. E. Howland have
returned from their trip to Jump-off- will belli session next week, begin­
ning Wednesday, Dec. 4th.
Joe district.
A nice holiday present to your lady
Wm. Nanarv of Tacoma.a brother-
in-law of O. Keenan, is vlsltlnn in friend, a pair of Centemeri’s genuine
kid gloves. Nunan, sole agent.
Miss Ethel Flory, who Is teach Inn
school in Talent precinct,spent Satur­
day at home.
H. V. Mitchell of Ashland,the well-
known cattle buyer, »pent Saturday
In Jacksonville.
John Vincent of Table Rock and E.
Ui. McKee of Union were among our
ylsitors Monday.
Wm. Robinson returned Saturday
from Thompson creek, where he is
developing a mine.
P. J. Sullivan, who is again operat­
ing in Watkins district, spent Sun­
day in Jacksonville.
'Squire and M. D. Sturges» of
Uniontown tarried a few hours in
Jacksonville Monday.
E. W. Dorsey, one of Talent’s
cleverest young men, spent Friday
nIgiit in Jacksonville.
R. W. Gray and W. J. King made
final proof on their land claims before
the county clerk Saturday.
Mrs. Smith of Scott River, Calif.,
a niece of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. McCrary,
is visiting in Jacksonville.
Miss Bertha Rose of Phoenix was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gus New­
bury, the forepart of the week.
Dr. Ray of Gold Hill, Attorneys
Hammond and Vawter of Medford,
were at the county-seat Monday.
Miss Maud Prim, who has been
teaching a successful term of school
near Ruch, returned home Saturday.
Hon. W. M. Colvlg has been at Ash­
land and Grant’s Pass during the past
several days, on professional business.
J. F. White, 8. 8. Bentz, J. E En-
yart and other Masons spent several
hours In Jacksonville Thursday night.
Frank Farlow, J. A. Miller and
Chester Clagg ot Lake creek were In
Jacksonville Saturday, on land busi­
Joel Holman arrived from Sisson
Thursday, and will engage in pros­
pecting with J. Goucher, an expert
J. P. Rankin of Bridal Veil and his
wife are the gue»ts of the latter’s
mother, Mrs. J. B. Saltmarsh of Ap­
J. T. Breeden, the well-known mi­
ner, was in Jacksonville Mondiy, en
route from Siskiyou county, Callr., to
Ira Newman of Comstock, Lane
county, is visiting his mother, Mrs.
K. Boze of Applegate, accompanied
by his wife.
Col F. V. Drake, a prominent J citi­
zen of Portland and a well-known au­
thority on mining in the Northwest, 1»
In Jacksonville.
Hon. R. A. Em mitt, a prominent
Citizen of Klamath county, passed
through the valley Friday, en route
to northern points.
G. W. Boone leave» this week for
Yaquina Bay, to look after his stock
interests. He expects to return in
the near future, we are glad to say.
J. J. Brophy, Jos. Phipps, Nelson
Nye and C. W. Skeel of upper Rogue
river district were at the county­
seat Saturday. ■'The two last named
made final proof on their land claims
C. Swett, Sr., of Fortuna, Calif., is
paying an extended visit to Jackson
county, In which he lived over 40
years ago. He finds that most of his
old friends have gone to the Other
W. R. Stansell, manager of the R.
R. Mining and Lumber Co., has
been at Seattle, Inspecting a big saw­
mill plant which that corporation
may Install at the head of Foots
•reek next spring.
U. B. Miller, general passenger and
frelglit agent of the 8. P. lines In
Oregon, spent a few hours tn Jack­
sonville Friday, accompanied by John
P. Jones and H. A. Lounsbury, who
also hold responsible positions with
the same company. Mr. Miller is prov­
ing »competent, conscientious official,
who spare» nothing to give entire
satisfaction to all. Ills trip through
the valley was made for the purpose
of becoming better acquainted with
patrons of the road and their needs.
1 can give employment to eight or
ten good teams, at 83 per day, Apply
to me at the Fish Lake Ditch camp.
D. E. MohRts,
Supt. of Construction.
Jacksonville Fire Co. and the board
of trustees will meet next Monday and
Tuesday evenings respectively.
Rev. W. Bitter will hold services at
the Catholic church In Jacksonville
Sunday, at 10 a . m . and 7:30 p. m .
Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills,
etc., in book form, can always be ob­
tained at T ub T im as Printing House.
Carl Cofer, who lias been in Siski­
you county, Callt, during the past
several months, returned lo Jackson­
ville Friday.
John and W. W. Matney of Apple­
gate were tn Jacksonville Saturday.
The latter recently returned from
Crescent city.
There will be several running races
at the track near Grant’s Pass Nov.
20th and 27th, which promise to be
quite interesting.
Remember the date of the enter­
tainment that will tie given by the
Society of Christian Endeavor—Satur­
day evening, Nov. 30th.
M. Winningham and Robt. Bond,
the miners,returned from Ga'l’» creek
Friday, where they have been em­
ployed at the Gold Standard mine.
Ed Thompson, lately of Grant's
Pass, has purchased the store at Wi­
mer,of W. Van Gethem, and will keep
it well stocked with the best goods.
Salt Mackerel.
Salt Salmon Bellies,
Holland Herring,
At Nunan’».
The case of Deston High vs. the ad­
ministrator of ttie estate of Robt.
Taylor, to correct an alleged error in
an accounting, has been dismissed.
A. P. Estabrook of Gold Hill, the
wide-awake and up-to-date druggl»t,
elsewhere lias something interesting
and Important to say to the public.
Read it.
Rev. Mr. McGregor, the new minis­
ter of the M. E. Church,preached two
excellent sermons last Sunday, He
left a good Impression on his congre­
The postoffice department has in­
creased the allowance of Postmaster
Miller for clerk hire to *200, a raise of
•100. This i» a well-deserved compli­
The county clerk has Issued license
to marry to O. L. Bellows and May
Wyant; to Clinton Cook and Dora
Rexford; to Wm. Hendrickson and
Lizzie Tucker.
J. M. Hurley of Willow Springs pre­
cinct was a visitor Monday. He wax
accompanied by Mr. Blydenburgh, his
father-in-law, who recently arrived
from Illinois.
Signor Boffa and his talented fam­
ily, assisted by Miss Durham of Ash­
land, are rehearsing for a grand con­
cert to be given in Jacksonville dur­
ing December.
A. A. Magill, late of Foots creek
precinct, having disposed of his farm
to John Hair, has removed lo Ash­
land, where he will engage in busi­
ness. Success to him.
Don’t forget the ball that will take
place at Ruch next Friday evening.
Good music and supper will be pro­
vided. and no pains sparad for the
comfort and enjoyment of the guests.
The sale of real estate belonging to
delinquent taxpayers took
pl ice
Saturday. There were comparatively
few bidder», and most of the propertv
was bid in by Judge Prim on behalf
of the county.
I. 8. Morris and hie brother have
purchased J. D. Fry’s premise», situ­
ated on Griffin cieek,, paying «700
therefor. It comprise« nearly 23 acres,
a considerable portion of wnlch is set
in fruit. They secured a bargain.
Berrlam of th«
Rogue River batebery reports that
8,000,000 egg» have been
hatched there during the past season.
Thia hatchery is working wonders for
tne salmon industry of (southern Ore­
Dick Smith of Klamath county, the
well known athlete, who 1» attend­
ing the Columbia law school, has be­
come a member of Its football team.
The Philadelphia Press of a late date,
in a review of the foot-ball situation,
has the following to say concerning
him: "There was Joy at Columbia
yesterday when it was announced
tbpt Smith, the sterling half-back,
had decided to play in the Cornell
Without Smith the chances
of Columbia would look slim."
J. J. Houck, proprietor of the Gold
Hill mills, ha> Just shipped in a car­
load of wheat from the Umpqua val­
Dr. J. M. Keene, tbe clever dentist,
ley. other millers aredolng likewise, is making Portland a visit.
which shows that last season’s crop
E. D. Elwood, the genial Jeweler,
of wheat was a much shorter one than
was at the county-seat Friday.
R. G. Brown of Eagle Point and his
C. Klelnhammer of Phwnix pre­
cinct, who grows some of the best family were In Medford Friday.
apples in the valley, has Just shipped
John and Joe Olwell, the enterpris­
a large quantity of them. They will ing horticulturists, were on our
go direct to England, where they will streets Friday.
bring a fancy price, as they are large
The widow and other heirs of J. W.
and of a superior quality.
Plymire have been granted a pension
The dancing party given at Orth’s of *10 a month.
hall Friday night was thoroughly en­
Ja». Kiernan, who is now engaged
joyed by those In attendance. Al­
though the night was stormy, quite a In farming near Gazelle, Calif., was
number "tripped the light fantastic." in Medford Friday.
Excellent music was furnished by E.
Martin McDonough, who Is now at
W. Carver of Medford, the popular the home place, situated near Tolo,
spent. Friday In Medford.
The entertainment that will be
Mrs. P. Hines, Ml»» Ella Orth and
given at Orth's hall Saturday evening Mrs. M. Dox of Jacksonville were in
I» attracting much attention, and Medford a few days ago.
will be one of the best given In Jack­
Cbas. H. Pierce has purchased the
sonville for sometime. The excellent
firogramme announced is being re­ third interest In the Whitman-Pa'm
cigar factory owned by W. 8. Crowell.
leased industriously.
Mrs. Green of Flounce Rock pre­
A. T. Robinson, an expert plasterer
and brick mason, will be employed at cinct, while In Medford last Saturday,
C. C. Beekman’s residence in Jack-1 lost her purse, which contained oyer
sonville Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri­ •60.
day of this week, and those needing
WW remain« of the Rosenthal
his services can then give him their good?- » being offered for »ale In Port­
orders. He guarantees satisfaction.
land, together with several bankrupt
There will-lie a grand Thanksgiving stocks.
party at the public hall In Williams,
Tho». C >111 ns. who Is in the employ
Josephine countv, November 28th. of tbe Haggin Livestock Co., operat­
The best of music and supper will be ing In Lake county, wa» In Medford
provided, and nothing left undone to last week, en route to California.
ensure its success. Tickets, «1.50.
Sufficient funds forthe repair of the
All are Invited to come and enjoy
Bear creek bridge have been raised,
by Dr. Jones and otners. The services
Miss Lena Breyman of Salem, who of E. G. Perham of Gold Hill, an ex­
I» well known in Southern Oregon, pert bridge builder, have been se­
lately had the misfortune, while cured.
< ---- —
operating a sewing machine, to run
the needle of the machine through
Night Was Her Terror.
the f'jretinger of the left hand, pene­
“I would cough nearly all night
trating the digtt, twice, the sharp
stee, being driven through the bone long,” writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate of
Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly
of the tinger.
get any sleep. I had consumption so
Fruitgrowerswill find the Pacific' bad that if I walked a block I would
Nursery Co. of Tangent,Linn county, ‘ cough frightfully and spit blood; but,
one of the most reliable on the Pacific when all other medicines failed,
coast. They grow a large assortment three 81.00 bottles of Dr. King’s New
or the liest and most popular fruit, Discovery wholly cured me and I
shade and ornamental trees, and war­ gained 58 pounds.”
It’s absolutely
rant the quality and name of every­ guaranteed lo cure coughs, colds, la
thing they sell. Intending purchasers grippe, bronchitis and all throat and
can save agents’ profits by sending lung troubles. Price 50c and 81.00.
directly to them.
Trial bottles free at City Drug Store.
Mrs. Powell, who had a writ of
habeas corpus issued to obtain custody
Probate Court.
of her daughter, Inez Holman, (who
The following business has been
had been placed in St. Mary’s Acad­
emy by her father) had the case dis­ transacted in this court since the last
missed. Mr. Holman consenting to a report of T hb T imes :
Estate of Chas Hopkins. E D
stipulation that both parties should
have the child, at stated times. Mrs. Briggs appointed administrator.
Estate of H J Hicks. Citation to
Powell left Saturday for her home in
California,accompanied by her daugh­ heirs,to show cause why real property
should not be sold, order issued.
Estate of Jos Douden. Final state­
An interesting debate took place at ment of executor approved and order
the Jacksonville public school Friday. for discharge made.
Helen Colvlg and Iris Cook represent­
Estate of W. E. Piland. Same pro­
ed the affirmative and the negative ceeding as above.
was upheld by Jesse Applegate and
Estate of M E Minear. Sale of per­
Flora Thompson. Government owner­ sonal property confirmed.
ship of railroads was the subject de­
Estate of Maria Hartwell. Inven­
bated. The Judges decided tn favor tory of appraisement, showing prop­
of the affirmative, although the other erty to the value of *3929 87.approved
side also presented some excellent
Estate of Robt Taylor. Claim of
Wm Taylor for 8289.15 allowed by the
More turkeys were raised in south­ court.
ern Uregon this year than ever, and
To the Public.
several thousands were shipped out of
Jackson county alone. Most of them
Allow me to say a few words in
went to San Francisco. In Douglas praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
county more turkeys are raised than edy. I can recommend it with the ut­
anywhere else in Oregon. J. F. Barker most confidence. It has done good
.t Co., Kruse & Newland», H. Marks work for me and will do the same for
Co., of Roseburg this week shipped others. I iiad a very severe cough and
3000, 2000 and 6C0 respectively. E. G cold, and feared I would get pneu­
Young A Co. of Oakland, who are the monia; but after taking a second dose
champion shipper», forwarded 4000 of of this medicine I feel better; three
the birds, while Beckley Bros, of the bottle« of It cured my cold and the
same town, shipped 2000.
pain« tn my chest disappeared entire­
D. W. Knutzen of Thompson creek ly. 1 am most respectfully yours for
bad a narrow escape from a fata) ac­ health, R alph S. M eyers , 64-Thlrty-
cident a few days ago While driving seventy St., Wheeling, W. Va. For
a four-horse team down the long sale by City Drug Store.
Steamboat lull tbe brake to the
wagon’broke and caused a runaway.
Grand Holiday Excursion.
Kuntzen was thrown to the
Bolton and Pell of Ashland,
ground and caught in such a manner
by the vehicle that he could not ex­ who have conducted several success­
tricate himself. He was kept in this ful excursions to San Francisco, an­
position fur several hours, until nounce another for the holidays. It
rescued by some one who happened to will leave Ashland Thursday, Dec.
come that way. Fortunately no bones 26th, at 12:30 a . m ., on tbe regular
were broken, although he received overland train. Fare for the round­
trip will be 812; children under 12
painful bruises.
years, half price. Tickets are good
There will be a game of foot hall at for ten days, which will be extended
Gold Hill Thanksgiving day, between a 'ike period for <7 50additional. This
a local team and one from Jackson­ will afford an excellent opportunity
ville, which promises to be a lively to witness New Year's festivities in
one. Till following will probably be he chief city of the West. Secure
the line-up of the Gold Hill eleven: your ticket« early, so the railroad
Center. Ivan Humason: left guard, company can furnish ample accom­
John Hays; left tackle, Ed Bolt; left modations.
end, John Reed; right guard, J L
right tackle,
Christmas Ball.
Reame»; right end, E Lemming:
O E Rose will give a dancing party
quarter back, Frof J F Wells; half
hack, Ed Perham; half back, Robert at ui» hall on Applegate Wednesday
Fleming; full back.Jonn Miller. Prof. night, December 25th. The best of
Washburn, who Is an excellent coach, music and supper will be provided.
and will captain the Jacksonville Tickets, including horse feed. 82. A
team, has not selected all of his play­ cordial invitation Is extended to alii
ers; but it. 1» reasonably certain that
H. G. McCarthy, Ernest Elmer, Chas.
Nunan, Henry Orth, P. H. Dailey,
John Hurley, John Wilson, Geo. Von
der Hellen, Chris. Kenney, Jas. >
Eaton, will constitute the eleven.
Prof. J. 8. Diller, a geologist, who
has been spending a great portion oil
the past summer at Crater Lake. In a
“ My wife had a deep-aeated cough
study of the wonderful phenomenon, |
for three year*. I purchased two
reports t hat he has found a number of ;
bottle* of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
trout in the lake. It has been long:
large size, and it cured her com­
conceded that the waters of Crater
Lake contained no Ush. Mr. Diller
J. H. Burge, Macon, Cal.
say» that the fish found area peculiar
species of cold water or mountain
trout, and of a large size, many of
Probably you know of
them being 30 Inches in length. Since
finding the trout he has made an In­
cough medicines that re­
vestigation for the purpose of ascer­
lieve little coughs, all
taining whether or not aay fisti have
ever been placed In Crater lake or
cottghs, txctpt dttp ones I
not. He has found that in 1897 the
United Stat« Fish OommiMlo« bad a
The medicine that has
number of trout placed In th« lake.
curing the worst 8f
It was thought at the time that the
fish would noon die for want of
deep coughs for sixty
the lak» basini» but »olid, slippery
years is Ayer’s Cherry
rocks, affording no vegetation wuat-
ever. The only thing contained In
the lake on which fish might feed is a
Tbrae ata.: Me.. Nr . It. Ad SrauMa.
water dog or lizard, peculiar t > Crater
Lake alone. Tne little reptiles are
from three to five inches in length.
They inhabit the lake in vast mine­
vers, and It I» thought likely that
they are furnishing sustenance for
tbe trout now found and which are
beyond doubt a result of the fish
placed In the lake by the government ' Vour Cold Curea for 00.
live years ago.
I «9e< I»r.
Mrs. Bryan is Cured.
Read Her Letter to Mrs. Pinkham.
•‘D ear M rs . P inkham :—I was sick for two years with fall-
the womb aud inflammation of the Ovaries and bladder,
waa bloated very badly. My left
limb would »well go I could not
step on my foot. I had such
bearing-down pains I could
not straighten up er walk
across the room, and such
shooting pain» would go
through me that I
thought I could not
stand it. My mother
got me a bottle of Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound and told me
to try it. I took six
bottle» and now, thanks
to your wonderful medi­
cine alone, I am a well
“I wish every woman
suffering with female weak­
ness would begin its use at
once.”—M rs . E lsie B ryan , Otis-
,’ille, Mich.
How many women there are who suffer just like Mr». Bryan
did ! If you ask such sufferers what treatment they have,you
will find they are depending upon some professional theorist
who haw never cured a case of uterine or ovarian trouble, or
you will find that they went to their druggist to get Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and were advued by the
dealer to take something else. You may be sure that such
suffering from female derangement will not exist when Lydia
E. Pinkham’» Vegetable Compound is used. This statement
finds overwhelming verification in the grateful letters from
When you ask for Mrs Pinkham's medicine at yodr dealer'»,
you may safely distrust the motives of any one who asks you
to take something else in place of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
nr Uf 1 BB
K F at M K II
Wehave depoaited with
the Nation >1 t Uy Bank
of i,ynn, J5.000, which
will be paid to any per­
lon who can find that the above testimonial
letter is not genuine, or waa published before
obtaining the writers rpecial permission.
L ydia E. P inkham M edicink C o .
ut, II W »r
Farm for Sale.
A good farm situated one mile northeast ot
Phoenix lying alongside oounty road, contain­
ing 15» 12 acres There will be sold with it,
if desired by the purchaser. 40 acres of wood
land. Tbe place Is all enclosed; about 150
acres of It is under cultivation. The Improve­
ments consist of a dwelling-house, a large
barn with sheds for stock, smoke, wood and
poultry houses. There is a good well of water
at tbe boose and one near tbe barn; an orcb­
ard in good condition, containing about <0 fruit
trees of assorted varieties, mostly apple»;
school-house near tbe north end ot the fa-m
Terms. tS.UOO; 11.000 in cash. »1J 00 tn me year,
and 11,000 In two years, deferred payments to
draw Interest, or all casb at option of purchas­
er Inquire of Sn. as J D ay , Real Estate
Agent. Jacksonville, Oregon.
A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
A practical, progressive school, conspicuous
for thorough work, with hundreds of graduates
A 120-acre tract, all fenced, 70 acres un­ in positions as bookkeepers and stenographers.
der cultivation, free soil and easily cultivated Already proud of a high standing wherever
son tbe public road a quarter of a mile from
Moonvllle, Sams valley poatofflee—improved known, it steadily grows better and better.
with a dwelling bouse wltb four rooms below Open all the year. Students admitted any time.
and one above, a good, l 'rge barn, smoke-house ,
end wood shed. Rock creek flows through the Private or class instruction. Learn what and
land, a good well of water at tbe house and a how we teach, and what it costs. Catalogue freet
good well at the barn, six miles from Gold HIU
railroad station. Will be »old for *10 per acre.
---------------- Board of Directors------------
«¡»-Inquire of SIL a S J. D a Y, real estate
agent Jacksonville. Oregon.
Farm for Sale.
A Farm for Sale.
A Farm of 720 acres, located on Rogue
river, suitable tor grain and fruit culture or'
stock raising; has ample buildings and fencing.
A Placer Mine mopenDion. equipped with
pipe and giant; also some quartz properties.
I will sell for cash or take In part pavment
property in or adjacent to Ashland. Terms, >
one-half dow n, balance in easy payments at »!
per cent. Cali on or address.
Lock Box 36 Ashland . Ore go n 1
Notice tn Trespassers.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that all persons are
strictly forbidden from entering or In any man
ner tresp basing on tbe premises of the unuer-
slgned. described as follows: The NEq of
theNK1» and tbe W6 of the NEq, Sec ».
Twp .38. R J tt
Attention is called to Sec­
tion 1794 of the Criminal Code of Oregon, which
reads as follows:
If any person other than an officer on lawful
business shall go or trespass un n ary lands or
premises not bls own. and shall fali, reglect
or refuse to depart therefrom Immediately, and
remain away until permitted to return upon
tbe verbal or printed or written notice ot tbe
owner or person in tbe lawful occupation ot
said lands or premises, sukh trespasser shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine
not less than fi-e nor mope than fifty dollars,
and shall be committed. In default of payment
ef tine and costs imposed, to the jail of tbe
county In which the offense Is committed one
day for each two dollars of tbe said tine and
Tbe taw will be strictly enforced against all
trespassers, us well as legal damages F
Duval has been placed in charge of tbe above
and will OUTWEAR all
other LEADS.
If your local < ealer does not carry
II, write to us and we will see tbat you
get It
W. P. Fuller & Co.
St Mary’s Academy,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
T he school continues the careful training
•nd thorough instruction for which it is favo£
*bly known.
The Music Department
Is always in charge of competent and ex per*
a need teachers. Hoard and tuition per session
f twenty weekj, 180.00. Studies will be reaunr-
d September 2. 1901.
For prospectus, address
To tur«* 1 *»»••< t »»»«t •
Take Cu»*ca ret « Canuv t auiartie. li)c -~>r
at Cî. C C tai! »*» «•ur* dvuirinMta r» una r'oneBP
Saint Helen’s Hall
(Founded IM».)
A Boarding and Day School for Girls.
Tbl. Ncbool offer, to girl, a broad and thorough education, eomblnwl wtlb the a<1v*Mt>SS
of a healthful and refine« home It occupiea a large and attractive buildins In the lm«V*«
viotn’ty of the Cltv Park
rhe aanltary condition of the premia., haa been made a muTt»r at
Jnerial attention. Tbe bed chambera. clean and recitation room, are large and tnoroughlv
vKt‘ited: and the .onatruotlon of the bulld’n. la auch the. every room in open to the aunllght.
The greateat care baa been taken to provide all the neceeaary appointment, of a well-
.„nlnnli achool and to furnlah every -facility for training pupil. In the moat approved method».
Thi Sfm of lh7aebiol 1» to give and well-cioered tnatruetton to glrla and yotin«
Xomen fl'tin? fh^forcollese when thit In deaired, and to aid in th. detetopment of tree
,ndTbe’nF>I‘ll|Ttiimr?pee» September IS. l#0l. A faculty of twenty competent teacher. In. we.
for children and young women that individual care aoc instruction neceaaary to the be,,
""’There are four aktlled teacher, la tbe Music Department atone, apeclallata lo Art a.«
Oratory, and native teechera tn French and German.
Provlalon la made for all athletic gamea auitable to women, aa tcnala, croquet, Faaketbe 1
bicycling and horaeback riding
A gymtaalum WxlOO feet, la In piocean of rooatruetio
which will offer mill more opportunitlea for healthful exerclae
For c.t.iogue apply to
KLCA!<OR „BBKTTB> Prlnelp<1