GO EAST VIA N orthern great RAILWAY. Shortest »nd Quickest Line TO ST. PAUL, Dl'Ll’TH, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper* Dining and Buffet Smoking Librar» Cara. DAILY TRAINS: FAST TIME: SERVICE AND SCENERY UNEQVALKD. Tickets to points East, via Portland and the GREAT NORTHERN RY„ on sale at >ny Southern Pacific ltepot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office PORTLAND. 122 Third Street. For Rates. Folders and full Information regarding Eastern Trip, cal on or address A. B. C. D enniston , City Pass and Ticket Agt, Portland. Silas J. Day JACKSONVILLE OR. NOTARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AG’T. Abstracts made to Titles of Lands. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. all Kind drawn up ispeciallv pertaining cc the settlement of estates Accounts Cillected, Prompt Remittance. MONEY LOANED. Investment securities a 3peci<»u>. Jackson County Scrip bought and sold. I have a complete set of maps of all surveyed lands in this county, and receive Abstract* monthly from Roseburg Land Office, ue Laud Department of the O. C. R. R. and the State Land Dr parrment at Salem of all new entries made I am hus prepared to make out home- stead papers and can save to part.es the ex­ pense of a trip to the Roseburg land office have a Number of Fine Farms and othei Desirable Propertv In my hands for Sale. 88^ Prom nt reply made to all letters. Charg- es in accordance with *he times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any iness house in Jacksonville. SILA'* /. DAY. Best of Everything In a word this tells of tbe passenger ser­ vice via The North-Western Line. Eight trains run daily between Chicago and St Paul, comprising the latest Pullman Sleepers. Peerless Dining Cars, Library and )bseryation Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars SORES AND ULCERS. Sores and Ulcer* never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition — is sluggish, weak and unable to throw ofl the ftoisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danget to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy .md all impurities eliminated from the sys­ tem. S.S.S. begins thecureby first cleans­ ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from the system A CONSTANT DRAIH effkem°artt£ UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis­ charge gradually ceases, and the sojg ot ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no mattei how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B Talbert, Lock Box 145, Winona, Miss., says: "Six years ago my leg from the knee tc the foot was one solid sore. Several physician, treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief I was induced to try S. S. S , and it made a complete cure. I have beeu a per fectly well man ever since ’’ is the only purely veg- ^L’V etable blood purifier known — contains no kjM k/W^^B poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer­ ings. If your flesh docs not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. ' Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. ■L THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. ÍÍ COMBINATION MOP AND BRUSH, V ia the Electric Lighted, Steam Heated. Rio Grande Western wife, combining as it does in one in* strument a scrubbing brush and a mop. When desired, the mop Is pulled out of tbe way. At other times the brush serves to re-enforce the mop. But the most remarkable thing about tbe ap­ paratus perhaps Is a little crank on tbe handle, by the help of which the mop may be easily wrung out at, any mo­ ment Railway AND Denver & Rio Grande Onlv transcontinental line passing directly through SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE. PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Thn ** cr.’i“’--; f’.’.v equipped trains dai Q ly To ajl Points 12.-» t 0 Through Sieepirg ar. 1 Dining Cars and Free Reclining (l.a in» The most magnificent scenery in America by Daylight Stopovers allowed od all classes of tickets. Frr cheapest rates and descriptive literature address J. D MANSFIELD, 18 tbe only line operat ’.ng a weekly personally Conducted Tourist Excursion Car between Portland and Chicago change via the World’s Greatest Scenic 1.1ne.making close connection at Chicago In Union Depot for all points East. Dally Standard Sleeping car between ^alt Lake City, Denver and Chicago. Buffet, Libra­ ry smoking cars between Pueblo. Denver and Chicago. Thebestand most reasonable din­ ing car service bet ween Pueblo and Chicago If you are going to Kansas City, Omaha. Des Moines. Chicago or any place east, you should •n< uire about the Great Rock Island Route before purchasing a ticket. Ask your nearest ticket acent about ft. or write for folders and any information desired A E COOPER. Gen’l Agt., Portland, Or. g GeD< ral Agent. 24 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. oooooooooooo UNION LIVERY, FEED SALE Stables, ■lACKSO'VI LLE - . OREGON. Ashland and Klamath Falls STAG LINE, Thoroughly restocked and entirely new man agemen». ROBT. M. GARRETT. Sup t. Orders for Hacks.Buggies and Riding Herses promptly atteu oed to. Feed lag d<‘ue at reasonably rates. Best o care rakeu to prevent accidents, but will be re sporstble for none should they occur. Will refuse to do livery work on credit. GKortGE N LEWIS. Prop Best and Quickest Route to KLAMATH FALLS Goes by Barron. Soda Spring., Shake. Snow, Lumbering Camp,Parker sard Keno; slso best eonnecllona with «tage line« from Klamath Falla ’o Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview. Ft Klam­ ath and Indian Agency. ■ A GOD SEND Daylight Travel Both Ways. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE CLOSKO ASHLAND: . hia LME Leave. ...1.30». a. . 9 !»P. M mforwx'iM N < nwr mm FIMI In plain en .ekpe. Wo Arrives ........ 11 :UG F a . 4:40 A. M brweh office« WutAold l iewki Ara»«Seres. Uat agetil» <• vmut. Passeagers. Bn .gag-, Espro«« and Freight fHl kAGÍ»*€ €41.. mu«t oe Waybliled OREGON PORTLAND. Ashlank Office: I POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICF Klamath Fa'ls Agent B. V an VAULKENuUHG cja . sitoti . xa . lb>*iz tk« £*»» Cur* wsrets < an J <’.» Q C to evr- 1 u" ’Forwv »*... «igaatu* ¡f 1* KH Iler Assumed Name. He-Yes. she Is living under an as Ruined name. She—Horrible! What Is It? Ik*— The une she assumed immediate ly after her husband married her. F igprune Ha* AI*aTS Mfr Mns W inslow ’ s S oothiki . Srscrha« been used for children while teething It aoothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Bold by druggists throughout the world. Benefit, of Fall Plowln«. Fall plowing la to be commended not only because It makes plant food al­ ready contain«: In the soil more availa­ ble for next year’s crop, but stores np much more rainfall as well, says a New York farmer. Thus tbe land Is pnt In letter condition to withstand drought during the next season than If It bad remained unplowed through the winter. The land Is also ready for replowing much earlier In the spring. Tima to «premi Maa ora. ICASTORIA x-xx X\v. .. ■ - N - - - -------- -------------- The Kind Yon Have Always Bought* and which has been in use for over 30 years* Ims home the Hlgnatnre of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its Infhncy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience agulnst Experiment* What is CASTORI A CiiMorin is ii liiirinlcHM Kiibstltute lor Cftstor OU* Pare» goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup*. It Is Ploaaant* It contain* neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic HubNtance. Its age is Its guarantee. It deatroya Worm» and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrlxua and Wiud Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure* Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilato* the F< mm 1, regulates th© Stomach and Bowels* giving healthy and natural sloop. Tbe Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼Mt CCNTAUn CO»*tgV, W MURAAV «VtiCBV. NSW VON* OITV- ■ DON’T STOP WORK! A delicious food SNAP SHOT. drink, which, as a table beverage, is preferable to coffee and tea. The nutritive and delic­ ious properties of California figs, prunes and grains are retained by our special pro­ cess of manufacture and are fully extracted by— boiling from 5 to 10 minutes Fruit only. Buy a Bottle of Rub In well and YOU ARE GOOD AS NETft IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILL CURE YOU. Button «Snap Shot, tbe wonderful destroyer of *11 forma of infiammatlon tn man or u* 50c and II per bottle. R K. SUTTON, sole proprietor and manufacturer, Ashland, Oregon. For tale at City Drug Store. Jacksonville, and by Dr J. Hinkle Central Point. 54% Location Makes No Difference 467. The Best Photographs .Grains At All Grocers. a Are still being made by Sawyer’s H. C. MACKEY & BOYD, IN MEDFORD EXCELSIOR BRAND Oil Clothing for fifty year* han been AT THE Art«., Saw FraaeiaFN, >1. >. MAWYKK * HOS, Mel« Maaefaetars-ra. ■eat < aaabridee* ■•**. Jacksonville Marble Works. the lieet In the world. Double throughout. Warranted waterproof, soft and n month. Will not crack, ¡reel off or become sticky. Catalogue free. R. I. Mtfatt »>4 PMt IG TENT C Street, Opposite Van Dyke's Store. J. C. WHIPP, Proprietor Granite and Marble Work A KOO«! looking horse and poor look- 'ami>kln. and Sqnn.h. Railroad W H M eeu ere several sets of linen for the same thinking about It ever since I was purpose take for use each week that .thirteen years old! - Somerville Jour- which has been longest In the cup­ nal. board. not the set that was returned last from the wash, lu this way linen Another Way. will iu the ordinary course last for a Blzzer— I aiu going to enter a inonai- much longer time than would other­ tery, to live a life of meekness and wise be the ease. privation. To Impart to the kitchen tables that Buzzer— Nonsense! Why don’t you wonderful whiteness which some such become a poet?—Ohio State Journal. table* possess no soap or soda should be* used iu cleaulng them, but saud Accurdlna to Hobby. should be employed lustead, this be­ His Mamma —I’m mortified to learn ing briskly rubbed over the surface of the wood with hot water and rough that you stand at tbe foot of your brush. If whitewood tables are thus class. I can hardly believe It possible. Bobby—Why. it’s de easiest thing in scrubbed, they will present a brilliant de world.—Detroit Free Press. whiteness which will put to blush the appearance of a table scrubbed with The Children's Friend. soap aud soila. You’ll have a cold soon. Muy be you A Violent Attack of Croup Cured. NERVE WASTE” THE JOTH CENTURY TRAIN runs every day of the year. Tbe Badger State Express, the finest daily train running between St Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Nervous Diseases are the serious misfortune nini < tenths of the women in the world.' Women should know oí Kodol Moore’s Revealed Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Its wonderful effectiveness in Jt artificially digests the f