LOCAL NOTES. I Jacksonville’s lodge of the United MEDFORD SQUIBS. Athletic Entertainment. Order of Artisans held a social session There will be several exhibitions of Jas. Buckley, Jr., of Applegate was Wednesday evening, complimentary Wm. Heely of Jacksonville and his* to J. C. Whlpp, a prominent member wire are visiting in Medford. , boxing, wrestling and other athletic THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1901 here yesterday. sport.« at the opera house, Medford, thereof, who will soon take up his A new line of ladle«' waists and residence in Ashland. It was well Dr. J. M. Keene returned Tuesday Saturday evening, Nov. 30th. A num- skirt« at Nunan’«. ------ of * — " *--------- clever athletes PKE3IDZNT Gz THE MIGHIÖA1T her well-known, attended and a success In every way. from a short visit to Portland. PERSONAL MEM f ION. PRE8BYTEYI.UT PUBLISHING 00. will participate. The following pro­ Joe McDaniel has returned from J. D. Heard left fur San Francisco Not nearly enough wheat was gramme has been arranged for the raised In Southern Oregon last season Tuesday, to conclude a mining deal. L. C- Kain Is at Grant's Pass, visit­ Siskiyou county, Calif. An Inter- V1-- ’ ! In the Lift» of* occasion: Address, LC Narregan. 1. ing relatives. Buree».rnal Interview. D. B. Nolls« of Griffin creek and his tion during tbe week. already. Sixty cents Is the ruling contest, Dr II Butler and H B Mr. Ar’l.ur I a j.'»th is president of son Joim are in town. Wm. Cushman of Trail creek pre­ price here, although more has been Tobe Stone was in Medford Tues­ glove Myers. 3. Ten-round glove contest, paid, with a likelihood of a still day, visiting Dr. Bundy, the genial Cha» Gannon of Portland and Frank the Klch'.grn Presbj feria:» Publishing C. A. Van der Ilellen of Antelope is cinct 1« in Jacks'inyille. dentist. Conpiiny < •• i is ::own a u conscien­ further advance. visiting In Jacksonville. Don’t fail to take 11 chance In the Freeman of Spokane. 4. Barrel box­ tious and rt-liul.:., 1. 1.1 . far us the offi­ grand Christmas raffle. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn have been ing contest, H W Jacksun against ail Nearly all of the reserved seats for T. R Rock of Thompson creek and cial orguu of tLatihuca, the Michigan visiting their former home in Table comers. 5. Wrestling contest, catch the entertainment which will be bis brother are in town.. The county corumlMloners’ court as catch can, 2 In 3 fal's, Linn Rum- Presbyterian, c rculut.... TLe home given at U. 8. Hall Saturday night Rock precinct. A. H. Saltmarsh of Applegate WUH will convene next Wednesday. ley, champion of Rogue river vallev, office of the concern i.at No. 15 John R. by Jacksonville’s Society of Christian Jas. Geary of Trail creek, who 1« among us a few days ago. H. Leighton, the scientific miner, is Endeavor have already been sold. The and Chas Boner of Talent. H H street. Detroit, «nd in taut town he is employed at the hatchery, spent Howard will act a» referee and I L known as the sncceesful i-mnager of a large audience which will be in at­ Tuesday in Meatord. Mrs. J. F. White of Medford is pay- down from Hatch’s Retreat. Hamilton as time-keeper. Music will large buxines* hi « i a leading citizen. In Ing Jacksonville a visit. C. Swett, 8r., has returned to Jack­ tendance will no doubt be well pleased Mr. Stewart, after a short visit be furnished by the Medford cornet a recent intarview he aaid: with the programme. F. M. Amy of Central Point WUB sonville from bis visit to Ashland. with relative« living In Medford, re­ band. The boxing contests will in no "Several ytars ugu, in some manner I The Medford Furniture Co., suc­ turned to Klamath county. among our visitors Tuesday. The holiday« are almost here. They way resemble prize fights, and are for strained my back Instead of getting cessor to 1. A. Webb, ha» one of the will be more generally observed than the purpose of organizing an athletic Mrs. Bessie Plytr.ale of Medford Is C. P. Snell, the attorney, is being ctoh in Medford. General admission, better it became worse and the jiaiu in­ finest and largest stocks of goods ever usual. the guest of Miss Kate Plytnale. brought to Southern Oregon. It has visited by his fattier and mother. Mr. 50 cents; reserved seats, 75 cents; creased so much that I could not lie H. A. Bauton and August Bohn of an especially handsome assortment of and Mrs. 11. F. West, who arrived boy9 under 15 years, 25 cents, Tick- down on my buck and when sitting I was M. 8. Wakeman, the sage of Pleas­ Union precinct were iu Jacksonville articles adapted to the holiday trade. Tuesday. ets on »ale at Howard’s grocery store, obliged to lean forward. It was not ant creek, was a visitor Wednesday. Tuesday. Consult the advertisement in another Rev. R. M. Callison of Washington, Medford. only very painful but caused nte great Miss Pauline Reuter left for Port­ E. Smith and Mrs. W. Ray of column. who Is sojourning in tbe valley for inconvenience and in spite of all the land on Wednesday evening's train. Land for Sale. the benefit of his health, was here Union precinct were here one day this The pupils of the Jacksonville remedies I took it did not become any Tuesday. 8. B. Hanna of Portland was among week. school in the departments presided I have 1560 acres of iand, all in one better. I did not want to leave my busi­ those who visited Jacksonville this B. 1. stoner, who is mixologist at tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It ness but at last I reluctantly decided to Now is the time to plant your holi­ over by Misses Buffer and Potter in­ week. day advertisements. They will be as dulged In a programme of literary Youii^ A Hall’s refreshment parlors is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville, go to Colorado for the change and rest. exercises, on Wednesday afternoon, in Gulo i i<11, made us a visit one day 12 miles from Central Point, and 10 A. Crantrall of Union precinct, the bread cast upon the waters. “But as I was making my prepara­ which was quite interlacing. Some last wees. miles from Medford. I will sell this tions for the trip, the wife of a minister extensive stock raiser, was among us Allen Henderson, who was a resi­ of them displayed consderable elo" land in tracts of 100 acres up until all Tuesday. The 1st 8. O. S. B. of A. met at Med­ is sold, at #10 per acre. It Is good who is a friend of our family advised me dent of Table Rock precinct, is now cutionary ability. J. W. Slinger and M. F. Hanley of located at Alder, Colorado. ford this week to settle up its affairs. farming and grazing land, and a good to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Sheriff Orme held foreclosure sales Lake creek were In Jacksonville yes­ principal object of the session stock range on the outside. I will Pale People and tn strongly did she re­ A nice holiday present to your iady Monday, in the cases of J. Nunan vs. The was to receive a report from T. Hills, sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a commend them that I put off the jour­ terday. friend, a pair of Centemeri's genuine Logg A McDonnell; Rufus Cox, ad­ the president. tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee , Jack­ ney and tried the pills. Mrs. D. J. 8. Pearce of Poorman'» kid gloves. N unan, sole ageut. ministrator of estate or Jas. Gaines, Chas. Dally, aoother son of P. sonville Or "Well, it was wonderful. I improved creek larrled a few hours in Jackson­ vs. 8. Childers etal.; Wm. Lyttleton, C. W. Wilson, one of the industri­ Dally of Medford, and a brother of from the very start. I had become ex­ ville yesterday. ous young men of Talent precinct, administrator of estate of P. Lyttle­ School Superintendent Dally, ar­ Say* He Waa Tortured. tremely emaciated from the pain and ton, vs. Hannah Durkee et al. The Miss Bernice Cameron of Union­ made ub a pleasant call yesterday. judgment creditors were the onlv bid­ rived from Kansas Monday. We are ‘•1 suffered such terrible pains from loss of appetite, but by the time I had town was in Jacksonville Wednesday, Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, ders in cacti Instance, paying #446.05, always glad to receive such accessions corns I could hardly walk,” writes II. taken a box rny appetite b> gan tore'urn, en route to Medford. to our population. etc-, in book form, can always lie ob­ #290 and #2598.80 respectively. Rohinson, Hillsborough, Ills.; “but the pains began to leave n.e and I J. I). Dor*ey iff Talent precinct and tained at T he T imes Printing House. Frank Wilson 1« neatly fitting up Bucklen’s Arnica Salve completely picked up in health. In a short time I A quiet wedding took place in Jack ­ Ills son brought a load of fine apples Don't fall to attend the entertain­ sonville, on Wednesday of last week, the building, formerly occupied by cured them.” Acts like magid on was completely well again.” to market yesterday. ment which cakes place at IT. 8. Hall in which Fred Offenbaecher and Miss Geo. Kurtz and situated opposite Ho­ sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo­ Perfect heal­ M. J. Lonaldson-Selby and Harry Saturday evening. It will be a hand­ Carrie Cameron, two of Applegate's tel Nash, for a candy kitchen. He burns, boils, ulcers. ple will not only effect a cure in eases Gilson of Sterllngvllie precinct were some one. most popular yqung folk, were the will manufacture a superior quality er of skin diseases and piles. Cure similar to that above but, acting directly guaranteed by City Drug Store. 25c. among us a few days ago. They immediately of sweetmeats of every description. Rev. 8. li. Jones will occupy the central figures upon the blood and nerves, are an un­ J. W. Berriam. superintendent of Mrs. E. E. Washburn went to Ash­ pulpit of the Presbyterian church left for the pretty little home that failing specific for such diseases as par­ land this morning, to spend Thanks­ Sunday, at the usual morning and the groom had prepared. In unison the fish hatcheries on upper Rogue tial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, with their many friends T he T imes river and Elk creek, was I d Medford evening hours. giving day with relatives. neuralgia, nervous headache, after-ef­ tenders Mr. and Mrs. O. the heartiest Tuesday. He made a shipment of Frank Johnson of Eagle Point pre­ of congratulations and wishes for T. P. Kahler, who has been em­ fects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, nearly 2,000,900 salmon eggs to R. D. ployed at Mt. Reuben,visited in Jack­ cinct and Ills wife were In Jackson­ a happy and prosperous future. pale and sallow complexions erd all Hume of Curry county, which weDt ville Tuesday; also Geo. Weeks of sonville one day this week. forms of weakness either in male or Miss Sophie Muller on Tuesday via San Francisco. Trail creek precinct. female. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for A. N. Soils«, the attorney, left for evening charmingly entertained a Tbe athletic entertainment which Pale People are sold by all dealers, or Remember the date of the enter­ number of her young lady friends tne North Tuesday,to seek a location. will take place at tbe opera house will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, tainment that will be given by the with a Japanese tea. It proved a He was at Eugene Wednesday. Saturday evening is attracting much fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dol­ Society of Christian Endeavor—Satur­ most delightful social function and a attention.and will be well patronized. J. H. Brantner, who Is engaged in day evening, Nov. 30th. lars and fifty cents, by addressing Dr. decided innovation. Everything was It will be attended by our best citi ­ I® ABSOLUTELY pure, Williams Medicine Compuuv, Schenec­ mining In Applegate district, made beautifully and appropriately arrang ­ Salt Mackerel, zens, aDd is given for the purpose of tady. N. Y________ and will OUTWEAR all T he T imes a pleasant call Tuesday. ed In oriental fashion. Games and organizing an athletic club. Salt Salmon Bellies, other LEADS. P. Britt went to Medford this morn­ other amusements were indulged I d , Holland Herring, ing. He has resided In Southern Ore­ after which came refreshments that At Nunan’s. If your local dealer <1oee not carry Strike* a Rich Find. gon longer than nearly anybody alive. It, write to us and we will see that you the fullest justice was done to. The F. W. Rose called yesterday. He guests were Misses Ella Orth. Edith get it __________ "I was troubled for several years Wm. Dunnlngton,after a short visit says that the Thanksgiving ball that Priest, Bessie Callendar, Bertha with chronic indigestion and ner ­ in Jacksonville, left Tuesday for will take place at the Williams hall Irving, Lane county, to visit a sister. promises to be a success in every way. Orme, Pauline Reuter, Bess Nickell, vous debilitv” writes F. J. Green of Anna Keegan, Annie Wendt, Lillie Lancaster, N. H. -‘No remedy helped PORTLAND, OREGON. Representative Carter and J. L. Geo. E. Neulier Is fattening seven Taylor, Margaret Krause, Jcsle Done­ me until I began using Electric Bit­ Hammersly, the Gold Hill attorneys, big turkeys for the supper that will gan, Helen Colvig, Mabel and Maud ters, which did me more good than were In Jacksonville Monday evening. follow the grand raffle which takes Prim, Mary Murphy, Isa Cook. all the medicines I ever used. They K. K. Kubll has returned from a place at The Banquet Christmas eve. Convincing proof of the efficacy of have also kept my wife in excellent short trip to Portland, and will go to J. A. Whitman has sold XI carloads Ely’s Cream Balm, the greatest of health for years. She says Electric PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS Nan Francisco soon with his family. of apples to Mr. Loomis, a New York catarrh remedies, is certainly cheap. Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic PORTLAND, OREGON buyer. He will not finish packing A generous trial size costs but 10 cts. W. N. Wright and L. Van iuiet, and invlgorator for weak, rundown A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal Jacksonville, Oregon. well-known citizens of Willow Springs rrult before the middle of December. Full size 50 cts. Sold by druggists women. No other remedies can take or mailed by Ely Bros., A practical, progressive school, conspicuous precinct, were In Jacksonville yester­ Rev. Mr. McGregor will hold everywhere Street, its place in our family.” Try them. New York. for thorough work, with hundreds of graduates day. Thanksgiving services at tbe Presby­ 56 Warren Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by 135 Mill Street, Lexington, Ky. ESTABLISHED IN I865 in positions as bookkeepers and stenographers. Jeff Bell, the Democratic war-horse terian church at 7:30 o’clock p. m . He M essrs E ly B ros .: After giving City Drug Store. Already proud of a high standing wherever of Talent precinct, was at the county­ will doubtless deliver an able sertaon. your Cream Balm a trial 1 can truly T he school continues the careful training known, it steadily grows better and better. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. seat yesterday, accompanied by Chas. An exciting game of foot ball will say I fee) very much benefited bv its >nd thorough instruction for which it Is tavor- Open all the year. Students admitted any time. Harvey. be played at Gold Hill today, between use, and shall continue to use it by »bly known. Private or class instruction. Learn what and Oliver Adams is paying Jackson­ J. F. Ramsey, who Ilves near Cen­ the local team and one from Jackson- purchasing from our druggist here. The Music Department how we teach, and what it costs. Catalogue free# M rs . W.B . D aniel . ville and Medford a visit. tral Point, one of our thriftiest vllle. A big crowd and fine spurt are ---------------- Board of Directors ——— farmers, made Jacksonville a visit expected. Is always In charge of competent and expe;-- The supreme court, as might have Claude Riddle, the clever reporter Tuesday. A dancing party will take place at been expected, alarmed the decision and printer,Is holding a good position enced teachers. Board and rultion per session D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT f twenty weekj, ("LOO. Studies will be resum- D. SOLIS COHEN - - DAVID M. DUNNS d September 2. 1901. D. E. Jones of Willow Springs dis* tbe opera house in Medford tonight, of Judge Hanna in what Is known as on the Roseburg Review. For prosoectus, address trlct and his family were in Jackson* and tiie R. R. V. Ry. will run an ex­ the Ashland liquor cases. The saloon­ Ed. McCann of Althouse was in SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAM» vllle yesterday, trading with our cursion train to accommodate those keepers had little to go to the upper Jacksonville one day this week. The wiiu wish to attend. court with. Chief Justice Bean de­ merchants. Wallace-Walker Co. is said to be de- O STOUT A. A protracted meeting has been held livered the opinion, of which the fol­ positing tailings on his farm, to O TOXLX^S.. N. Kime, an energetic farmer of lowing Is a synopsis: Jesse Houck The Kind You Hate Aisays Boußj Sem ine by the Baptists at tile Antioch school- which Ed. protests. II» K