iLbc democratic ¡¿imre. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901, Vol. XXX. No. 92. BRIEF MENTION. FALL BUYERS ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE I OUR NEW STOCK 1 BEFORE PURCHASING. Trespass rritice», printed on cloth, on sale at T ie T ime » PrluUqg House. Pendleton is threatened wltn a wood famine. Wood now sell« in that place at 66 per cord. An attempt to kill the midway elephant at Buffalo by electricity failed. Lt did not feaze him. A large quantity of newspaper«, suitable for wrapping, pasting co walls, putting under carpets, etc., can be obtained cheap, in quantities U suit, at T uk T im «« Printing House. William Ogden of McLean county, Illinois, has bought 180,060 acres of land In Western Kansas,which will lie converted Into the largest, wheat ranch io the world. He paid #2 60 an acre on an average. The celebrated Snap Shot, the best medicine in tbe world for allaying In* tiammatijn in man or beast, can be found at Dr. Robinson’s diug »tore, also at Dr. HiDkle’», Central Point. Try it. Dan Tew, a Mergenthaler operator 10 tbe Des Moines Dally Capital office, broke the world’s record *or speed. He set 3344 lines of nonpareil in eight WE MAKE a SPECIALTY, Guaranteeing Qualtiy nnd hours, newspaper measure, equal to Price THE «VERY BEST 86,844 ems. Making 24 touches per em, he touched the keyboard 217,360 MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. times. Soliciting your Valued Patronage, We are Respectfully, “Sjme years ago while at Martins-1 burg, W. N., I was taken with cholera! morbus, which was followed by dlarrbcea. The doctor’s medicine did me no good. I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain’s colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, which I did, and it cured me sound and well. G. A. M orris , Embreeville, Pa. Sold by City Drug Store. PROFESSION! CARDS. Portland Telegram: A book recent­ ly issued is entitled “The Lives of the Hut since it contains no Did you ever compare a delicious, flaky, Hunted." reference to ex-wouid-bave-been Gov­ OEO. O’B. DB BAR, M. D„ delicately browned loaf of bread made ernor Taylor. Pat Crowe, the Chicago PHY8101AN AND BURGEON, postage-stamp robbers, the Lane trom county, Oregon, train robber, or many Jacksonville, Oregoa. others that the detectives can’t find, it is very incomplete. ■Office 'n Kahler's Building, up «taira. Rea During an engagement with the Idence on California «treat. Dev or nlgbl call« attended promotli Boers, under Commando Smuts, Octo­ ber 13,Capt. Thornton’s district troops With the sad results achieved from the use of cheajier flour? surrendered. Of tbe 180 mounted J. M. KEENE, D. D. 5 The one, the highest triumph of cookery—the most useful of troops practically all were Dutchmen. fired all their ammunition at all the arts; the other, a monument to wasted energy, blasted They long range and then refused to fight OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. hopes and poor judgment. But why continue the compari­ further. Thornton declares that Once« >n tbe Adkins Deuel blook son? If you have made the mistake in the past, trying to there must have been treachery in Medford, Orego exist on inferior flour, redeem yourself by ordering Snowy 11 is camp. The San Francisco Call 6ays the Butte flour only in future. record shows that there has been a H. D. NORTON, I month without a full moon. That was in February. 1886. In that year ATTORNEY and counselor at law , Every up-to-date dealer i January and March bad two full Handles it | moons each, but there was none in Grant*» Pa»», Oregan. February. Such never before occurred I __ taring tbe Christian er*, and accord­ ing to tbe computations of Astron­ ••“Office above S P U. 4L. Co ’i Store. omer Royal of England such will not occur again until 2,500,000 years Wm. M. COLVIG, from 1886. LAWYER. American Invasion of Germany’s commerce is causing great anxiety Oregoa. Jacksonville. Hesdquartora for STRICTLY FIRST CLASS throughout the empire. The Emperor niturelf wa» one of the first to scent the danger that threatens Germany’s J (fl oo In Rod Men'« Hu Idin commerce, and ha* been watching every movement of American capital in Europe. He has repeatedly called P. P. PRIM & SON, attention to the necessity or a com­ mercial union against the United ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW States, and in other ways has at­ Jacksonville, regon. WHOLESALE - and - RETAIL tempted to impress upon ttie country the gravity of the situation. That Emperor William is deeply anprehen Buy directly from the Nursery, "Will practice tn all oourts of tbe 8.alo. ot- sive is shown by the close interest be Roe In tbe Court Houae la,t door on the And Save Agent’s Profits. has manirestei in tbe Bourse lately rieht from entrance and tbe official Inquiries that in­ Racific Nu-Gory Co. evitably follow every large transac­ Send tor Catalogue to A. N. SOLISS, He was deeply concerned over 'I ¿indent. Oregon. tion. the report that J. Pierpont Morgan ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW was about to acquire the Hamburg line, and Imtuedi ttely set to work to Jackaonvllle. Oregon. prevent the transfer ot aoy ot Ger­ many’s carriers to foreign companies. Ladies’ Wool Cotton Fabrics-New Designs. Oregon City ClothingBlankets. California-made Boots Shoes. Groceries and Provisions NUNAN’S, Snowy Butte Flour PACIFIC NURSERY Comp’ny Fruit Trees, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Vines and Plants. V-Nota ? Tubile. Pi settoes In »'¡‘•‘’“‘"‘J'’ Qffloe on California Strout, bet. 4th and bib. THEYR’E COMING AGAIN A. C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY AT-LAW ... Grant's Paaa, Oregon. Tbe same families who bought their Supplies at this house last season are Utting out again at the Otnce over Halr-R.ddle Hardware 8tore. A. E. REAMES, ATTORN EY-A T-L * W, Jackaonvllle, Oregon. • • Office In Red Mon’« Building. ROOT. G. SMITH, Seventh St.. Medford, Oregon. They know tbo good» are reliable, bnenu«" they have tried them. enables me to undersell regular stores UNDERWEAR. My «pot cash plan UNDERWEAR. Is going rapidly now. Nowouder. You ought to see our prices. Best line ever brought to Medford an!) lowest prices, too. quality considered. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Grant’s Pas», Oregoa. Offloe In Hank Practice« In all the court« lulldlng. up «taira W. ODGERS, Dr. J. Since my return I have »locked up with a Urge assortment of New Good«. and I respectfuny Invito the people of Medford and vicinity to call and be convinced that I atn offering genuine bargain» In my many line» of goods. H. B. NYE, Proprietor. DENTIST Medford, Oregon. •Hu permanently located In Ashland for tbe practice o’ dentistry. From a continued practice ot over fourteen year« I am pre­ pared to guarantee entire satisfaction ■■■■.......... ■ 1 LIPPINCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE ‘ A F amily library The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLCTC NOVCU» YtARLV MANY SHORT STORIES ANO PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PCRVgAR; 26 CT». A COPY •NO CONTINUED STORIES. MAX MULLER & CO. Jacksonville, Or., Are the Leading Dealers in Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boot and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc. Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best A Miraculous Feat. "It seemed that nothing short of a rpiraclc could save my little daughter from an untimely death,” says City Marshall A. H. Malcolm, of Cherokee,Kan. “ When two years old she was taken with stomach and bowel trouble and despite the efforts of the best physicians we could procure, she grew gradually worse and was pronounced in­ curable. A friend advised mum - Nervine and after giving it a few days she bepan to improve and final­ ly fully recovered, She is now past five yean of age and the very picture of health.” Sold by *11 Druialoto. Dr. Mil*« Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind. CVtRV HUM«» COMRLCTC IN IT» CLP GIVE US A CALL RgVKIiS. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome sovw » a «»» root» co.,»«w vowc r The Color of Wood. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. Miss Bertha Hurlbert lain Sam’s Valley, visiting at the farm of ber father. Geo C Calhoun, the well-known business man, has gone to California t>o seek a location. Col. F. V. Drake of Portland,a well- known operator in mines, has been at Grant’s Pass this week. Cecil Royal returned this week fromI De LaMar, Shasta county, Calif., i where bis parents reside. Jas. Hawkins of Slate creek precinct! and his wife were in Jackson county tbe forepart of the week. E D Weston, the expert photog­ rapher, is at Glendale. He will open a gallery in Grants Pass next 'week. Dan Johnson, who has been danger­ ously sick at Portland with inflamma­ tory rheumatism, is slowly improving. Mark Burns, the bustler, is now a resident of Klamath county, where be is engaged in stock-raising on a a large scale. The Oregonian says that Dr W H Flanagan is in Portland for the pur­ pose of purchasing an automobile with which to astonish the natives of Josephine county. A letter trom China states that Miss Winifred Miller, who is with her fiarents, Consul and Mrs. H. B.< Mil­ er, had been very ill and for some time ber life was despaired of; but when the letter was written she was out of danger. Kenneth Miller is ex­ pected home on the Transport Sheri­ dan, which will probably be before Christmas, to attend the U. of O. A simple way to restore color to wood Is to mix tbe color with oil and turpen­ tine, applying jvitU a soft cloth att(L rubblngln’well. Either the powdered pigment of colon ground In oil may be used. For light oak use raw um­ ber. for dark oak burnt umber. If It is very dark, add a mere shade of lamp- black? For mahogany use burnt sien­ na, chrome yellow and blsmarck brown, and for cherry use burnt sienna. • ----------------------- - He Was Too Slow. , **/ Magistrate — Your busband charges yen with assault Madam—Yes. your honor. I asked him if be would always love me, and be was so slow In answering that 1 bit him wttb a mop. I’m only a woman, judge, and a woman’s life without love h a mere blight—Illustrated Bits. Quite Realistic. ‘‘This,” said tbe eminent artist “Is my famous study of tbe 'Cows In the Clover.’ ” “But where Is the clover?’ was ask­ ed. none appearing in the picture. “Oh, the cows have eaten it you know.”—Baltimore American. Spicy. “If you intend to dine on us,” queried the captured mariner, “why did you greet us with a fusillade?’ “Because we always pepper our food before eating It.” grinned tbe cannibal. —Philadelphia Record. Good Hee so*. Professor—Why does tbe earth move? Hardup (absently» — Can’t pay the rent. I suppose.—Exchange. Moder» Surgery Surpassed. “While suffering from a severe case of piles I consulted a doctor who ad­ vised me to try a box of DeWitt’» Witch Hazel Salve a* a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend it to sufferers.” Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns,bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Beware of counterfeit*. City DAig Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. Help... Nature There is a Glass of People proper food, rarely ever medi­ Babies and children need Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recent ly there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not oost over as much Children may drink it with great benefit. :5 cts. anu2ftcts per package. T*y It. Ask for GRAIN-O TEAMS WANTED. 1 can give employment to eight or ten good team*, at 6.3 per day, Apply to me at the Fish L»ke Ditch <erlor looking creature. "1 want twelve yards of blue predom­ inant.” he finally said. • What?’ demanded the startled clerk. “T-twelve yards of b-b-blue predom­ inant." be stammered again. "1'111 sure I don’t know what you mean." said tbe clerk. Then, womanly kindness and intuition getting the bet­ ter of her hauteur, she said, "Tell me Just what It was your mother or. your sister told you to bring." He gnve a sigh of relief and said: "They wanted some wash goods for my little sister’s dress. They satd they were not so particular as to quality and color. Just so J got blue predominant. Cau't 1 get it here?’—Memphis Sclml- .tar. £ Not In Order. In a certain Lanarkshire village a meeting was called to consider the ad­ visability ot erecting a bridge over a creek which had been heretofore cross­ ed by means of stepping stones. The schoolmaster, who presided over the meeting, warmly advocated tbe erection of a bridge In an eloquent speech, when a local worthy, who was something of a character and noted for his outspokenness, got up and Inter­ rupted: "Hoot. toot, schulemaister. you're fair halverln’. mon! Wba wad gang an’ put a brig ower slccan a wee bit ereek as yon? I-osh. mon, I cud cross it wi' n stannln’ Jump!” "Order, order!” exclaimed the chalr- man nngrlly. "You are clearly out of order." "I ken I'm oot o’ order.” rejoined the interrupter amid the laughter of tbe audience. "If I was in order. I cud Jump as faur again!” — London Au- swers. will generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish­ ing power. Jf the mother’s milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul­ sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. Joe. and |i oo. all druggist*. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists. New York. THE COMMONER. Issued,Weekly • m LI boo I d , Neb. WILLIAM J. BRYAN Editor and Publisher. TERMS—Payable In Advance. I One Year ............. II U, i Six Month»...................................... *> 1 Three Months....................................... S' Single Copy.................................................. W I •*-No traveling canvassers »re emplo