CITATION. In the County Court tor the County of Jackson The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of Henry Blecher, deceased. To Carl Blecher, Eberhardt Blocher. Elisa­ beth Moore, Carl Blecher, Jr., August Blecher and MariaGlmbel. helrsat law of Henry Blecher, deceased, and all other unknown heirs of said deceased, and »11 others interested in said estate: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE­ GON. and by order of the above entitled oourt, made upon the ?th day of October, 1901, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear lu the County Court of Jackson County, State of Oregon, at the oourt room there­ of, in tie town of Jacksonville, tn the said ooanty and stale, on the 9d day of December, A. D. 1W1, at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. u. of said day. then and there to show cause if any there be why an order ot the oourt should not be utado by the above-entitled oourt for the sale at pri­ vate stle, by George Walter, admluistra- tor.of the following property .to pay the expenses or administration and the olalms hied and al­ lowed against said estate: The s-4 of seM ot sec &, the »«M ot swt< ot sec 4, the wti of nwM ot sec 9, the neM of---------- of sec 8, the n>4 of nwt« of sec 8, the »wk ot nw 5< of sec 8. the swM ot----------. ot sec 8, the of nwMof nwM ofsec 17, the nel< ot ----------, of sec 18, the sH of nwi, of sec 18, and the e»4 ot _____ _ otsec7, all In township 38 s. range 2 ■west, in Jackson County, Oregon, containing in »1! 1243 acres. This oltatlon Is published once a week in the D emocratic T imes tot tour successive weeks by order of Chas. Prim, Judge ot the County Court for Jackson County. Oregon, made and entered the Tth day of October, A. O. 1901. GUS NEWBURY. Clerk. The Dljcoverer of Swam,-Root at Work la Hi, Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep­ tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad­ vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer ha3 Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis­ covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in flfty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling about Swamp- Root and it.-, wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. CITATION ÍÍ In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. In the matter of the Estate of Francois Laran, deceased. To Madame Louse Lasbens and to all other heirs and next to kin of said decedent, un­ known if any there be, and to all others in­ terested in said estate: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON, you are hereby required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, at the court room thereof, at Jacksonville, in the county of Jackson, on Wednesday, the 27th day of November. 1901, at id o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why an order should not be made for the sale, at private sale by said administrator, of the fol. lowing real properly belonging to said es­ tate: The nwi< of the nei< of the seM of sec 31. tp 37 s, r 2 w, containing 10 acres, less about one acre sold to Ehler Band, situated in Jack son County. Oregon. This citation is ordered to be served upon said devisee aDd all unknown heirs by publi­ cation in 1HK D emocratic T imes for the pe­ riod of time required by law Witness the Hon Chas. Prim. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, with the seal of said court affixed, this 7th day of October. A. D. 1901. GUS NEWBURY. Clerk. NERVE WASTE” One of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued is that en­ titled “Nerve Waste,” by Dr. Sawyer, of San Francisco, now in its fifth thousand. This work of an experi­ enced and reputable physician Is in agreeable contrast tc the vast sum of false teaching which prevails on this intere-ting subject. It abounds in carefully considered and practical ad­ vice, and has the two great merits of wisdom and sincerity. It is Indorsed by both the religious and secular press. The Chicago Ad­ vance says: “A perusal of the book and the application of its principles will put health, hope and heart into thousands of lives that are now suffer­ ing through nervous impairment.” The book is SI by mail, postpaid. One of the most interesting chap­ ters—chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve Tonics—has been printed separately as a sample chapter, and will be «ent to any aodress for stamp, by the publishers, T he P acific P ub Co., Box 2658, San Francisco. Silas J. Day JACKSONVILLE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County court of the »tate of Oregon, for Jackson County In the matter of the Estate of Jos. Doudeu, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. F. Wallace, administrator of said estate, having filed In said court Lis final account tor settle­ ment, and also praying tor an order for set­ tling the time for hearing the same: there’ore notice is hereby given that said final account will be haard and determined in said court on Wednesday, the 20th day of November. 1901. at which time a'.l persons having any objections to said final account and settlement must then and there make the same By order of Hon. Chas. Prim. Judge of said Court. Dated October 10, 1901. G’JS NEWBURY, Clerk. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the matter of the Estate ot Raphael Morat, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A N. Soliss, administrator of said estate, hav­ ing filed in said court his final account for set­ tlement, and also praying for an order for set­ ting the time for hearing the same; therefore notice is hereby triven that said final account will be heard and determined in said court on Saturday.the 9th day of November. 1901,at which time all persons having any objections to said final account and settlement must then and there make the same By order of Hon. Chas. Prim. Judge of said Court. Dated October 10, 1901. GUS NEWBURY, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, tor Jackson County. In the matterof the estate of Samuel Phillipa. Ceceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE •’ undersigned has been appointed by the county court of Jackson county, Oreeon. sit­ tint- in probate, administrator with will an­ nexed cf the estate of Samuel Phillip,, de­ cased . All prrsons Indebted to said estate are re quested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against said estate will present them to me al my office In Red Men’s building, Jacksonville, irrevon, with proper V ache;, attached, within six months after thy date of first publication of this notice. Dated October 31, 1901 WM. M COLVIG, Administrator, with will annexed of the es­ tate ot Samuel Pbllll ps, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETT LEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for J ack mod County. In the matter of the Estate of Carolina B. Hoff­ man, deceased ___ NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TH AT THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of Carolina B Hoffman, deceased, has tiled in the county court of Jackson county. Ort gon. hit final account as said administrator, and by or­ der of Hon Chas Prim, judge of said court, Saturday. November 3U. 19U1. at 10 O’olcek A. M , is set for the heart r-g thereof A1J persons inter» uted a»e hereby notified to appear and file hH or her objection to toe same on or before said day. Dated October 14, 1901 D. LINN, Administiator. St. Mary’s Academy, Jacksonville, Oregon. K8TABLISMED IN I865. T bs school continues the careful training »nd thorough instruction for which it is favor- Abiy known. The Munie Department Is aiwaya In charge of eomisoetii and expe.- enced texcbers. Hoaraantl tuition per cee.lon f twenty week .. pv; P. Studies will be tee -m- d EefXentber 2 hstl. For prospectus, address 8ISTLRS OP THF HOLY NAMES. All mln bari Lv Or. Mlles' Pair. — OR. NOTARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AG’T. Abstracts made to Title* of Lands. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. all Kind drawn up especiallrpertalntnr to the settlement of estates Accounts Cillected, Prompt Remittance. MONEY LOANED. Investment securities a «pvutai<>. Jackson □ounty Scrip bought and sold. I have a complete set of maps of all surveyed lands in this county, and receive Abstracts monthly from Roseburg Land Office,, je Land Department of the O. & C. R. R. and the State Laau Department at Salem of all new entries made I am hus prepared to make out home­ stead papers and can save to partie» the ex­ pense of a trip to the Roseburg land offioe I have • Number of FlneFarm, and other Desirable Property In my bends for Sale. Prom nt reoly made to all letters. Charg­ es In accordance with the times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanns judge of the 1st Judclal District, and to any business house in Jacksonville. SILA^ J. DAY. A TO GOD SEND Our Arti * j Self - Kx- _____ ■ _____ panning Sy rifluì ■ rkj ' * a new ■ VMW-h >ch in w cm»* i WfU*utici Ä I ONL* «art ft* ».p»rw r~ OPES It is th« Ideal cleanser and DKYTIUIYER. One KA< H IT EXPANDS HINEIN USE 'Hfi free with eveqr «very Svringe. Bvringa. OÍ'CBT • *<, hM ot *»' !• UMeit Affrv*>ar for years. Raspberries bear for six months. Pineapple* come into bearing when the plants are four months old and bear In abundance for years. Lettuce can be planted at any time, and it develops quickly. The same is true of celery.— Fruit Trade Journal. F A <051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL (B mwmb Stith and Marwath./ Th« 1arg»»t Anatomical tn tbs War «4. o/frartWea tn fM Ctfy. Ä ^tn^.Urfui tlghl/9r vudtjrt. WrMkaeaaea. or any cantra^ •ri dl**n.N**, posi ti Twly viired I,y tu« oidext sp«< !»t UQ th« CuaM. K m tat* H «to »d M yaar«. The Japanese practice reArod cruelty to delight their palates. They believe that the fish called the dal Is most de­ licious when eaten alive. An expert Japanese carver can dexterously re­ move flvo-slxths of the edible matter from its bones without touching a vital part During this cruel operation the fish Is kept alive by wet seaweed which, being placed over its gills, enables it to breathe. Our Native Herbs. In the name ot tbe celebrated original herb compound which nan etlected so much good among the afflicted. It 1« a great blood purifier and kidney and liver regulator. Two hundred days treatment for tl. Also Natty, Oil and Balsam, r or sale by M hb . N. D. W ilso », Jacksonville, Who will «end almanac on application Sample, can be seen at T he T imes cflice Where to Brain. Fllen Arc Tongh. A flv Is almost Invincible. It will Survive long immersion In water, will sustain the orlors of sulphur aud other disinfectants without apparent Injury. Only turpentine, chloroform and, ammo­ nia and washing can get the better of a fly. DR. JORDAN—PRIVATI DISEAM F k > X A ▼ A r A 0 \ < \ £ X A V A V A F À V X a X à V I Ton»f men and naidA!« M«* in bl«»p«clnlty -D!•«*«««« of Mea. bYPHILII thoronghly «~»dkat«6 fr«« I« «yftteru without the awe «f Mere«ry. Truaae« Ätt<<1 by an Exbert. Bedleal care for Knplnr«. A qnirk end redUM curt for File« and Fiatala«, by Dr. Jord*»’« «perlai paiole«« methode. FTKRV M ft N nor '-fn<»*n»wtu i «e«lwe I enr opfnpjn of L » w»»i p'»l » A he writ «MBPimtf" o /-OA/77 FJ Cü» bi V «wç y ««’e «re uTferont«. A C' ne«:.tallón FPi «od »fTict’w rfr-ai«. < FAwr n ff j yoNjí n¡.a. Irmatm» r men.) Ca l or write r OR »’»** « CX. 1081 Marta» St. (. F. f Fur Over Fifty Year* M rs Wissnow'a SoontriWi S vhvp b*s been u«<-d lor children while teething It sooihes I the child, softens ths gum«, allays al! pstn, cures wind co'lc. an t is the best remedy ror I Diarrhoea. Twenty-nve cents a bot.le. Sold I bv druggUtn iBTriughcut ihe world. With Its several hundred monster mills Minnesota easily leads the coun­ try in Its milling Industry. The an< nun I output of Minneapolis mills amounts to over 13,000,000 barrels, and the combined capacity of the state's mills Is considerably over 100.000 bar­ rels a day. The M!nnea|>olis mills are the tines! In the world, and one system of five of them grinds about 20,000,• MM» bushels of wheat a year. Pains in the Back Are symptoms of a wenk, torpid or stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to neglect, so important is a healthy action of these organs. They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, and some­ time« by gloomy foreboding and de­ spondency. “I had pains In my back, could not sleep and when I got up in the morning felt worse than the night before. I began tak­ ing Hood's Sarsaparilla and now I Can sleep and get up feeling rested and able to do my work. I attribute my cure entirely to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” Mae. J. N. Pzaav, care H. 8. Copeland, Pike Road, Ala. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Cure kidney and liver troubles, relieve the back, and build up tbe whole system. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bom in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has beeu made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no 0110 to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment» What is CASTORIA Ca*toria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare­ goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NareotiO substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm» and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhwa aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the F ovm I, regulates the Stomach und Bowel», givtug healthy and natural sleep. The ChUdren’s Panace»—The Mother’s Friend. CASTORIA GENUINE Tbr Professor at Rome. “Grandpa.” said Dot, who bad been puzzling her brains over something she was leading, “what is ‘food for thought?’ ** ’’Head clieese, my child,” replied the professor.—Chicago Tribune. The Ch I «asm Post Neriwa. I' < ni *’t riait ha« about given lip hope of uthiiiiklug n (tost seusou series ln-t' e”ti flie two l.'hiciigo teams. He hi: not heard from Comiskey, will not rh::l with Griffiths aud would not give bls consent to the series It the players had control. Moreover. Mr. Hart has hot yet asked the national board's con- sent aud probably will not do so now. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Bears the à ▼wc otNTAvn eonnwir, vt mwnnav nrnciT. new von* ©rrv. DON’T STOP WORK! For a Sprained Arm, Ankle or back Buy a Bottle of SNAP SHOT. Rub lu well aud YOU ARE GOOD AS NEW IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILL CURE YOU. Sutton'aSnap Shot, the wonderful destroyer or all forma of lntlammation tn man or u« 60c and II per bottle. R. K. SUTTON, solo proprietor and manufacturer, Ashland, Oregon. Fir aale at City Drug Store. Jacaaonvllle, and by Dr J. Hinkle Central Point. Location Makes No Difference. Are still being made by H. C. MACKEY & BOYD, WOMAMS RELIEF A really healthy woman has lit­ tle -pain or discomfort at the menstrual period. No woman needs to have any. Wine of Cardui will quickly relieve those smarting menstrual pains and the «ragging head, back and side aches caused by falling of the womb and irregular menses. WHK*CMWI has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes the men­ strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision made by Na­ ture to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. ’ O jibbwwoo », L a ., Oct 14, 1900. I hav« been very «lek for ».mo time. I Wirt taken with a aevera paiu in tny aide and could not get any relief unui I tried a bottle of Woe of Cardul. Be­ fore I had taken all of it I waa relieved I feel it my duty to aay that you have a ’wonderful medlciue. Mas. M. A. Youirr. For AdvifNssnd jitenunre. addr«M, jrlrln« «ymp. to:»«*. ’Th« IxMiles' Arir1*>ry f*'pnrtnieni,'’Tri« ■ Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ctoatujjoova, Tenn. INSOMNIA “■have beeu Main* CAM AMKT* for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for over twenty years, aud I cun «ay that Caacarets have given me more relief than any other reme­ dy 1 have ever tried. 1 sb,” certainly recom­ mend them to my friends being all they are represented.'* Tsos GILLARD, Elgin, 11L CANOY CATHARTIC IN MEDFORD IG TENT AT THE C Street, Opposite Van Dyke’s Store. Jacksonville Marble Works.' J. C. WHIPP, Proprietor Granite and Marble Work of Every Dnaerlptlon Don« in the Beet Style AT REASONABLE PRICES Monuments and Cemetery Work a Spcialty Jacksonville. Oregon. TERRIBLE tenths of the women in the m [ NO-TO-BAC CONSTIPATION. ... Train «tâtions at 4:21 * M and 4 M , M Moore’s Revealed Leave Fort land Leave Medford Arrive Ashland Arrive Sacramento Arrive Ran Franclaoo arrive Ogden Denver Arrive Arrive kaansH City 8 .« A M 11: 4ft A M UM A M ft:10 P M 7:4» r M 4 :ftft A M 9 » A ■ ’ 8:00 P 11:21 P II » A ft:(Mf A R:4» A M M M M M 7:00 A M 7:M A ■ 7:42 A M 9:1» A M 7 : 2* A M 1:30 A M Rs wonderful effectiveness in Arrive Chicago Arrive I xm Angele« ■1 tn r m 8 :0* A M these diseases has madeitthous- Arrive Arrive Houston New Orlelns 7:00 A m 7 00 A M Arri ve Wanhlngton New York 6 4» A M Arrive bottle at the Drug Store. ... CUWK I Sf.rfl.t U. .4, VI* arc the serious misfortune nini $1.00 per Pleasant. Palatabla, Potcnv Taule OonO. bo OooS Never Rlrken. Wenken. or Otlx. Mc. Me. b>i. EAST Nervous Diseases ands of friends. For Infant* and Children. KlgMtWviX _ The Best Photographs CASTORIA Tin Kind Yon Hm Alwzy* Bought ALWAYS Bean the Signature of Eat Live Flah. Mrs. Trotabout—I shall tie off the greater part of the day, as I have Join­ PUR YLANI) OHEGOM. ed the Society For the Buppreaslou of Needles* and Nerve Racking Noises. Mr. T.—Good idea, my dear. Take • - -ta- the baby along with you.—New York / visit DR. JORDAN'S ••»«*? Weekly. {KÜSEU3 ÜF AÄÄTOtäY Hi. Flahtlac la EosltU. Th« marriage in Constantinople of In the smaller places in England an Englishman and a Greek woman horses have to be borrowed for the tire entails three wedding ceremonies. To euglues. Often thirty to fifty minutes be legal It must be performed at the are wasted In getting horses, which, consulate. The couple are legally mar­ when au alarm of Ore waa given, were ried there the first day, and on the next at work at their dally duty. A consid­ a church ceremony Is performed In the erable amount of time Is also lost In English church, while the Greek re­ finding proper harness for them. Th* ligious ceremony which follows Is cele­ horsing of steam engines in country brated at the bride’s home. The last districts la a very difficult problem. Is the only legal form of marriage us How th« Lover Looks at th« Fir«. far as the bride Is concerned. When a young Savoyard goes «-woo­ In the Greek ceremony no ring Is used, but the best man places a wreath ing. he puys considerably more atten­ bound with white satin ribbons on the tion to the admired one’s tire than to heads of bride and bridegroom. Then, her face. If she leaves the billets of while the priest is pronouncing the wood undisturbed on the hearth, It Is words of the service, the couple walk a sign that he Is welcome, but should around him tn a circle three times, she place one of the blazing fugots lu holding candles, the best man at inter­ an upright position against the others vals changing the wreaths from oue to it is u hint for him to'take his de­ the other. When all Is over, the friends parture. throw small coins or tokens of gold and Considerate. silver over the wedded pair, and a gen­ Bangs—Jubklus Is the homeliest man eral scramble ensues among those pres­ I ever saw. ent to secure the tokens. Slangs—Why don’t you say It to his face? Why u Horne Fats Often. Bangs—I don’t want to. The horse can conveniently eat for Slangs—You’re afraid to, ain't you? twenty hours out of the twenty-four. Baugs—Oh. no. But his face ha. A horse which Is in good health has a enough to bear already.—Detroit Free good rfppetlte at all times and Is able Pres«. to stand plenty of work and is rarely There 1« more catarrh tn thia a ectton of the on the sick list. To be a good feeder, country than all other diaea.o. put together' especially on a Journey, Is u great rec­ aed until the last tew year« wa. auppoaed to be Incurable. For a great many year, doctor« ommendation In the opinion of every f»renounced tt a local disease. and proscribed good Judge of horseflesh. The reason ocal remedies, and by constantly tailing to with local treatment pronounced It In of a horse being such a constant eater cure curable. Science ha« proven catarhh to be a is that Its stomach is really small In constitutional dlaeaae, and therefore requires treatment. Hall's Catarrh proportion to the size of Its body, and constitutional Cure, manufactured by Y. J. Cheney A Co., To­ therefore It requires feeding often, uot ledo. Ohio, la the only constitutional cure on the market. It la taken Internally In doses less than four times a day, two of 10 dropa to a teaapoontul. It note directly on which should be early in the morning the blood and mucous «urtacea ot the system. otter one hundred dollars for any cane It and at night, while bay should lu the They fails to cure Send for circulars and testimo­ nials F. J. CH EN EY A CO , Toled o. O, stall be always within its reach.—Lon­ Sold by druggists, 7&c don Tit-Bits. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. WHOLESALE AGENTS PORTLAND. • • - OREGON «Air < 12:10 P M 6:30 P M 6:48 A M 1M10 ? M Pullman and tourlat cars on both trnian. V Chair earn Sacramento to Ogdon an 6 XI Peso, «nd tourist car, to Chlo.vgo St Louts New, Orleans »n<1 Washington. Direct connection at san Franr moo with steamship linen for Hawaii, Japan, China, the Phioppinea and Australia. "j For through ticket« and rate« call on or ad- dress W V Llpplnoot» Agent. font, Medford. R KfRHLKR H MARKHAM ------------------ Manager G F A ? Aft **ortlancl »Jr «9