ipe democratic Tinies. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1901. No. 80. BRIEF MEIN TI O N ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING. Ladies’ Wool •* Cotton Fabrics New Designs. Oregon City Clothing •»" Blankets. California-made Boots Shoes. Groceries and Provisions WE MAKE a SPECIALTY, Guaranteeing Quality and Price THE VERY BEST MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Soliciting vour Valued Patronage, We are Respectfully, NUNAN’S, 'WF « PROfESSIOLAL CARDS GEO. O'B. DE BAR, M. D., -PHYSICIAN SURGEON, AND Jacksonville, Oregon. ■Office tn Kabler'a Building, un-ntnlrn. Rsa tdsoos on Csnfornla tirasi. D av or oigsi osili sliondsd promoll» J. M. KEENE, 0. D. S OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY Offioee >n the Adklna Deuel block Medford, Ore planning to make it the most active and vigorous ever waged by Tammany llall.________ Office over Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store. • Oregon. 'Office In Red Men's Building. ROBT. O. SMITH, attorney and counselor at law . Dr. «I. r* Men Wanted To dig ditch In Steamboat district- For further particulars enquire of or address S. A. H artzell , Steamboat, Or. You Can "DO YOU KNOW WHO five, removing bls traps and taking care of them until the departure of the branch train. Insomuch that the gen­ eral manager handed him a tip, which was accepted with gratitude. Afte» a little while, accosting the porter, he in­ quired. “Do you know who I am?” “Indeed I do not, sir,” replied the porter. “Well. I'm the general manager of this railway, and I suppose you know there’s an order In your rule book against taking tips frpm passengers?” “Begging your pardon, sir, it says we are not to Like gratuities from the public, but tbere’B nothing against our taking one from a fellow servant.” That porter was set down for promo­ tion. The Two Prayers. A professional Interviewer In Current Literature gives an account of bow be once tried to corner General O. O. Howard. General Howard is, as every­ body knows, a very religious man, and the professional interviewer got him to talk upon the subject of the efficacy of prayer. SpeaklngNIf a certain bat­ tle In the civil war in which Stonewall Jackson had badly beaten a Union force In which General Howard held k command, the Interviewer asked: “I suppose that before the battle you prayed very earnestly?” “Yes," said General Howard. “I did.’* “And I supp>se that Stonewall Jack- Ron prayed with equal earnestness on the other side?” “Undoubtedly.” said General How­ ard. “Then, as he was successful and as he won the battle, either hli cause was the right one or else the praying made no difference. ’ “No,” said General Howard very softly. “He prayed that he might win that partier’nr Bittle. while I prayed for the final triumph of our cause. So you see the prayer of each was grant­ ed.” • LeadaHorse to water but you can t make him drink. You can’t make him eat either. You can stuff food in­ to a thin man’s stomach but that doesn’t make him use it. Scott’s Emulsion can make him use it. How? By mak­ ing him hungry, of course. Scott’s Emulsion makes a thin bodyhungryallover. Thought a thin body was naturally hun gry didn’t you ? Well it isn’t. A thin body is asleep—not working—gone on a strike. It doesn’t try to use itls food. Scott’s Emulsion wakes it up—puts it to work again making new flesh, That’s the way to get fat. Send for free sample. SCOTT it BOWNE, Chemist«, Pearl S«, M- T- $oc and f t.uo, all druggista. THE COMMONER Issued Weekly at'Llnooln, Neb. WILLIAM J. BRYAN Editor and Publisher TERMS—Payable In Advance. One Year....... Six Months .. Three Months Single Copy •W-No traveling canvassers are employed Terms tor local agents will be sent on appll catton All money abould be sent by P. O. or der, express or J er, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks or stamps. Times Clubbing Rates. Office In Hank W. ODGBRS. DENTIST Medford, Oregoe. 'Has permanently located In Ashland for ire nraotloe of dentistry From a oonttnued prsctloeof over fourteen years I am mb- pared 10 gssraritee entire sMleMntloe LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY^ The But In Current Literature 12 C omplete N ovels Y early MANY SHORT STORIES AND PARERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.SO per year ; 26 cm. a copy «NO CONTINUED STORIES w every number complete in itbelf W skki . y T imes ................................. “Queen of Heytl” WILL BE PRESENTED AT U. OCTOBER 14. MAX MULLER & CO. Jacksonville, Or Grant's Pass, Oregon. Practices In all the oourts funding no-stalra Fine Clubbing Offer T he Commoner has attained with­ in six months from date of the first issue a circulation of 100,000 copies, a record probably never equaled tn the history of American periodical litera­ ture. The unparalleled growth of this paper demonstrates that there is room In the newspaper field for a national paper devoted to the dis­ cussion political, economic I *> 1 HF, . of L-v I 1 n ryi, L* „ columns M 1 and . so- clal prublems. To ♦ the of rt The Commoner Mr. Bryan contributes his beet effort«: and his review of political event« as they arise from time to time can not fail to Interest those who study public questions. The Commoner’s regular subscription price is 91.00 per year. We have ar­ ranged with Mr. Bryan whereby we can furnish his paper and T he W eek ­ ly T imes together for one year tor 92-00. The regular subscription price of the two papers when subscribed for separately is 92 50. THE COMMONER per year with ATTORN EY-A T-L A W. • A Fbllbw Returning from a fishing expedition, the general manager of one of the largest railways In England, dressed In tweed suit, with rods, net, etc., alighted at a small country junction station. The porter was very atten- Twenty per cent of the prisoners in the Chicago jail are victims of the mor­ phine. cocaine or other drug habits. A. E. REAMES, Jacksonville, Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Are the Leading Dealers in Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boot and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc. Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best GIVE US A CALL vim vnn t vnuini MORMON BISHOPS' PILLS h«v< N>«r m uw> over SO yeara by the leaden ot the Mormon Ctinreh end their followers. FoaiMvely enree the worst ease« hi old end youn^ arlninx from affarla of asU-abnas, dlartpatlon, ex so« sea, oc c«aart Ky«_ Ude. Effe«««« are imniMtat«. Impart vigor and potency to «very iMX-tlou. Don’t g--t deepondvnt, oeaponovnv, a hand. nwu,,. Restore« Mnall, aai>au. undeveloped uwur.r.vjw.i wm , organs. Atlninlatea the brain and nerve <-e sera. Mr. a box,« lor M.S0 by nail. A written guarantee, to cure at money rafundeu, with 6 boaee. Circular« tree. hood. Motherhood ought always to bring happiness. Bnt it is often the begin­ ning of life-long unhappiness. As a pre­ paration foe motherhood, anti as a pre­ ventive of the ills so often following maternity Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ scription has been hailed as a ” Gotl-send to women." It heals diseases peculiar to women, tones up the system, makes motherhood practically painless, and es­ tablishes the sound health which insures healthy children. • Dnring’hepart year I found myself pregnant «»1 in rapidly failing health.'' write* Mrs W. I. glider of Hill Dale Fann. (Knosburg Center), Knosharg. Vt. "I au fibre. 1 dreadfully from bloat­ ing and urinary difficulty. I was growing per- cestibly weaker e«ch day and suffered much ■harp pain at timtw 1 felt that something muM he dona. 1 «ought your advice and received a prompt reply. I took twelve bottlas of Dr. pierce'» Favorite Prescription, and also followed roar instruct irm» 1 began <° tmpenve immedi­ ately. mg health became excellent, and I could do all a«*' own work (we live on a go*-d aim'd farm) I wnHted and rode all I could, and en- 0te, 1801. For prospectus, address SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAM :