THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES LOCAL NOTES. MINING NEWS. |asked to remit the fine, as he is un­ able to pay it and his family is in Mrs. Dr. Burnett of Ashland is 1 poor circumstances. visiting in Medford. , Mltw IIelen Strat)(f d)w| gt the 1. A. Webb and his son Carl are ueuce deuce or of ner her mother on Monday, after Visiting In California. la long and painful Illness, from spinal 1 disease. She was an amiable, accom­ Miss Mollie Barneburg has returned plished young woman, and for a num- | from a visit at Ashland. ber of years was successfully engaged Miss Strang Is E. L. Bashford of Roseburg has been in teaching school. survived by ber mother, a brother and I making his old home a visit. a sister, who with many friends mourn H. D. Jones, mloer-roiltlcian, has her untimely deaf h. located at Medford with his family. Eugene Orr, who recently died in Miss Cecri Stevens of Albany is the Medford, was an Industrious, upright guest of her cousin, Mias Aileen man, and had the respect of the Webber. whole community. He was In good M. L. Alford and his wife were at health until a few month« ago, when Aslriand during the closing days of he fell from a barn and seriously in­ jured himself. Mr. O. came to Rogue the fair. riyer valley 14 years ago, aod had Mrs. Ella Roper of Grant’s Pass has since been prominently engaged in been tile guest of Mrs. Orrin Davit the fruit business with his brotber- recently. in-iaw, Alfred Weeks. He was born F. C. Ladd and G. Olsen have pur­ in Ontario, Canada, 41 years ago. He chased the stock in the Racket Store left a wife and a son, also a brother, R. B. Orr of Central Point, and a sis­ of H. B. Nye. ter, Mrs. II. Collins of Portland. Joe Rader and J. W. Slinger, two of Butte creek’h leading stockmen, were recent visitors. MARRIED. Dr. C. W. Lowe of Eugene, the ex­ —KING—At Jacksonville, Sept A. pert optician, lias been in town on a 1801, by Cha« Prim, County Judge, John professional visit, Vance and Ml»» Gertrude King. W. M. Holmes, the clever manager WS2DX.~°2TOOLE— At Phoenix, Sept. 28. u^ (r®or«e O. Doyle, Geo. W of the Snowy Butte mills, was a busi­ Woody and Miss Catherine O’Toole ness yhitor last week. MEDFORI) SQUIBS. Women Must Sleep. It is reported that M. F. Hull and Wm. Sorenson of Applegate »pent Horace Pelton have »old their inter­ THURSDAY...OCTOBER 3, TUOI. Friday at Grant'» Pass. est in tiie Louse creek urine» to J. O. W. A. Pearsori ba» iieen appointed Booth and others. postmaster nt blakiyou, Or. Avo/ is serioua offlee. wife are visiting in Grunt's Pass. A tine assortment of up-to-date Tiie American Mining Code, stand ­ T. J. Howell nnd T. W. Stephens of visiting card« can always be found at ard authority un all subjects pertain­ Ashland were at Grant's Pass Friday. T he T ime » office. ing to mining, water-rights, etc., is Tiie best brands of cigars, tobacco, kept un hand at T he T imes office. Hon. W. M. Colvlg has returned can always be found at Joe from a professional trip to Grant a etc., The California Miners’ Association Welterer’s. * Pass. will hold Its 10th annual session at The board of equalization will hold San Francisco next month, beginning Miss Elsie Day has gene to Corval­ lis, to attend Oregon Agricultural Its annual session next week, begin­ the 21st. It promises to be one of ning Monday, the 7th. more than usual Interest. College. D. Cronemiller has sold his black- Messrs. Moss, Bobzien and Tobier of Miss Rachel Rowley, who has been and residence, in Jackson­ Grant’s Pass, who have been develop­ visiting at Grant’s Pass, returned to Ntnlthshop ville, to his son James. ing a mine in Grave creek district, Ashland Friday. sold It last week to L. A. Lewis of Ja». O ’ Brien and Offentacher Bros, H. 11. Cook of Applegate was at of Applegate are hauling barley to Portland. Grant’s Pass Friday. His health is the Grant’s Pass Brewery. F. W. Swacker, an excellent miner, much improved. will next season act as foreman ar the Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of Mr. and Mrs. D. Linn leave for light drinks, fresh candles, nuts, Morat diggings located in F'oots creek district, which are owned by Portland and Eugene this evening, on tropical and other fruits, etc. * Hon. E. B. Dufur. a visit to relatives. Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, W. Van Dorn, who recently dis­ O. Humason of Gold Hill, the well- etc., in book form, can always be ob­ known operator in mines, was at tained at T he T imes Printing House. covered a ledge of considerable di­ mensions In Taylor creek district, ex­ Grunt s Pass Thursday. The copious rain of last week ha» hibited some hue ore in Grant’s Pass A. L. Gall, Sam’s valley’s leading Jessie McGee of Tangent, who lias enabled the farmers to begin plowing, Friday. An assay puts a value of i‘,4 BORN merchant, as also Martin Perry, spent been visiting tils niece, Mrs. 8. J. Day, and many of them are turning over a tun on It. a day in Medford lately. left for home Monday. the soil. Kubll. Sept. 22, 1901, to Mr. and Messrs. Perkins, Shaska, Tavlor, Our cornet band is making rapid KUBLI-At M re. K J. Kubll, a »on. E. Spencer, the miner, who left this The Spikenard postoffice, situated Carter and Owens of Grant’s Pass are strides forward under the efficient section several years ago, returned In Meadows precinct, has been dis­ developing a promising mine In leadership of Prof. Snow. M bs . H abtutt . from Montana last week. continued. Nobody is willing to keep Jump-off-Joe district. They have al­ DIED W. E. Anderson of Phoenix precinct trouble somewhere, and nervous pro*, ready run several hundred feet of J. S. Ortli ha« been drawn as a mem­ it. tration is sure to follow. tunnel and a shaft, and feel much en­ and his wife were among those in ber of the U. 8. grand Jury, which STRANG—At Medford, Sept. 39, 1901, Miss J. R. Williamson, formerly of Cen­ couraged. Medford during the past week. « You ought to know that indlget*ion, meet« at Portland Oct. 15th. Helen Strang; aged % years. 8 months and tral Point and Medford, ha- become a exhaustion, womb displacements, W days. Max Brown, the well-known miner, Mrs. Dr. Robinson. Miss Bessie Elder 8. M. Eby has returned from resident of Grant’s Pass and is build­ was at Grant's Pass last week. With fainting, dizziness, headache, and Callender and Bey. 8. H. Jones of DEMMER—In Medford, Sept, ao, 1901. Mrs. backache send the nerves wild with attending ttie conference of the Dun- ing a neat residence. Paul Demmer; aged 52 years, 4 months and Messrs. Crane, Messerve and others Jacksonville visited us recently. affright, and you cannot sleep. kard church, held at Salem last week. 10 days. The first prize for bull» given at the he 1» developing a mine in Rogue Mrs. Hartley, of 331 W. Congress 8t., H. B. Nye of the Racket was a pas­ CHITWOOD—At Klamath Falls. Sept. 22 1901 Mrs. Dr. Hinman of Ashland, who State Fair was awarded John G. river district, not far from Mule Hill. Allan C., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T Chit­ Chicago, Ill., whose portrait we pub­ I m - been vi-ltlng In the Willamette Gore of Piiivnix precinct, who exhib­ It is a well-defined one, and some of senger on the northbound train which wood; aged 18 montbs. lish, suffered all these agonies, and left Medford one evening last week. the ore lias assayed fabulously. valley, returned home a few days ago. ited a magnificent specimen. was entirely cured by Lydia E. Pink­ WIGGIN—In Medford. Sept. 24, 1901, Dr L. W Misses Webber, Ha«ktns, Woodford, Wiggin; aged fl I years. Chris. Ulrich lately received 200,- ham's Vegetable Compound ; her case F. H. Osgood, who has the Bybee District Attorney Reames went to Angle and Stevens, Messrs. Ramsey Grant’s Puss Sunday evening. He 000 first-class cedar shingles, which mines, located In Josephine county, W^iP°N~In/»bland, Sept 97. 1901. Daniel should be a warning to others, and and DeGrcot vi-ited Colestln recently. her cure carry conviction to the minds will remain until circuit court closes. he will trade for baled hay or bonded, is putting them In shape for Wilson; aged 85 years, 9 months and 8 days. extensive operation. He iias had 40 grain. * C. C. Chitwood has gone to Marsh- KF.RBY—Near Talent. Sept 28, 1901, James of every suffering woman of the un­ Chas. Nunan and Harry Luy, who failing efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham’s employed in enlarging the ditch held, Coos county, where he will have Kerby, son of Wm. Kerby; aged 4 years. It 1» reported that O. E. Rose has men have been sojourning at Lake of the that carries water from Elder creek charge of a drug-store for several 8T?-?DHRr?“ire,,r ”e<,,ord- S«pt. A. 1901, Vegetable Compound. resigned his position as postmaster of Woods and Pelican Bay, returned Mr«. 8. C Taylor Stoddard; aged 72 year» months. Applegate. J. W. Pernoil, the clever and making other Improvements. /Saturday. and 5 months. merchant, will probably be his suc ­ Col, Rodgers, of the Oregon Bo ­ Joe Parker, the S. P. Co.’s baggage HOWARD—At Grant’» Paes. Sept. 20, 1901, Wm. Faber, the genial president of cessor there. nanza, left for San Francisco Friday, master, left for Portland last week, Thos. Howard, aged 70 years. the Albany Brewing Co., was in the to order a steam hoist and other ma on a vacation. He tarried at Grant’s LESLIE—At Grant’» Pass, Sept. 3«, 1901. ot valley last week, «interviewing bis I. H. Willard and Mr. Bassett of chiuery to keep the mine free from Pass a day. numerous customers. cttnSV-, Marla, wife of Rev. Robt Le»lle; Little Shasta, Calif., were In the val­ water and bring up the aged «3 years and 8 months. For it’s the BEST in the world. ore. He has Ed. Wilkinson and Ed. Worman Mrs. J. L. Wooldridge of Missouri ley last week, en route home from a had much experience in mining, and He also sells it in large or email 3 Orant ’ s Pas», Sept. 23, visit to Eugene. Flat was a visitor at Grant's Pass feels certain that he is developing a nave been “taking in’’ the Portland quantities for family use. Why 1901, Wm. N. Saunders; aged 72 years. Carnival and State Fair. They re- Friday. Lc‘ an is manipulating the Frank W. Swacker of Grant’s Pass tiNt-class property. waste the time to make it when BOYD—At Central Point, Sept. 13, 1901. Mr port both of them to be first-class*. ribbons on tue mall route to Waldo. lias been in Foot« creek district,doiog Boyd; aged 55 years . you can buy the BEST for little D. J. 8. Pearce & Son ___ _______ have bonded assessment work on some excellent money. Ail cream kept in porce­ R. H. Whitehead has gone to Cali­ C. W. Kahler attended the State mining properly he is interested in. their ledge, known as the Access and lain packers. He also makes a Fair. His horse Volo was un­ situated In Pourman’s creek district, fornia. accompanied by his daughter, specialy of Ice Cold The marriage of Miss Babetta Mull­ to Robt. Bond for »10,000. This ledge Miss Grace, to consult Dr. Bohannon. fortunate in different ways: but made a good showing whenever he had a er and Jos. S. Murphy has been an­ is several feet wide, the ore from The yonng lady is afflicted with a nounced to take place at the residence which assays from »3.75 to »9 In gold cancer in the breast. chance to. per ton as well as other minerals. It A woman named Mrs. Rowley, who Rev. Chas. Booth of Grant’s Pass, of the bride’s parents Oct. 10th. is a promising property. has been a resident of Medford for the Episcopal minister, is sick with Wm. Koeppe, watchmaker and Jew­ of all kinds. Come now and keep malarial fever, and consequently will eler, is now located on California Dr. Jas. Spence, wiio has spent sometime, is believed to be crazy. cocl. not Uli bls appointment here Mon- street, opposite the postofflee. Satis­ much time and money in developing She will be examined for insanity as A. LEARNED, Prop. day evening. faction guaranteed. * some propositions on Houck moun­ soon as she is well enough. tain, situated in the southern part of Geo. W. Priddy, the expert builder W. E. Conner, lately of Hotel Ore- A good horse, works single or He will re- double, aod can also be ridden, is Josephine county, feels certain that and contractor, who has the White- JACKSONVILLE -... gun, lias gone to S ilem. OREGON’, Farm for Sale. turn to Ashland in a short time for offered for sale by Chris Ulrich. He he iias a bonanza. His ledges are Thomas brick building in hand, has large and carry considerable goli be- almost completed it. It is one of A 120-acre tract, all fenced. 70 acres un­ the purpose of winding up his busi­ will take any kind ot produce. sides a handsome percentage of the handsomest and most substantial Orders for Hacks,Buggies and Riding Herses der cultivation, free »oil and easily cultlv a ed ness affairs. s on the public road a quarter of a mile from attended to. J. W. Osborn has taken charge of copper. editices in town and was designed by promptly ~ “— poi »«toffice—i- proved valley Feeding dene at reasonable rates. Beat of Moonviile, Saras A. McGill of Foots creek pre- the Phelps House at Wisidvllle. and be ow with a dwelling house with four rw Henry Brockman has sold his in- I. A. Palmer, the architect. care taken to prevent accidents, but will be re­ cinet, who is interested in the old Is conducting It in excellent style. tercst in the ledge that he has been Is .40 and one above, a good, large barn. • sponsible for none should they occur. the and wood shed. Rock creek flows The Medford cornet band went to Schieffelln place with his fattier, the He will spare no pains to please the developing in company with Mr. Will refuse to do livery work on credit. u 1 B land, a good well of water at the h* GEORGES LEWIS, Prop. Ashland, to compete for the prize pioneer stage driver, was at Grant's public. 1 Ifill good well at the barn, six miles from Msdden, situated In the Grare creek offered by the managementof the dis­ Pass«Frlday. • acre railroad station. Will be sold for |1O More than 21 Inches of rain fell last region, to John Yokum, an excellent trict fair. They found no competi­ dasto mx aik .. year’s half cash at time of sale, balance on c Mrs T Cameron, Mrs Della Barbe, month, the greatest quantity that miner, for »1500. The property tors, but nevertheless regaled the or by time interest 8 per cent, per anuu th« Kind HaW *IWarS cash at option of the purchaser. Mrs A Orme and C H Basye went to lias fallen during that month In a promises to be one of the best In the people of that city with choice music, estate «“Inquire of SIL a S J. D a Y, r>. Grant's Pass last week to attend an numlierof years. Most of it fell from district. There is a considerable which was greatly appreciated by agent. Jacksonville, Oregon. entertainment given by the Rebekah the 20th to the 28th. quantity of tine ore in sight. those who heard It. degree lodge of that city. H. Kling of Seattle, who will man­ Clyde Payne, the ciever athlete, has Lester Lacy, who was charged with B. B. Beekman of Portland and his announced bls retirement from the age the Seattle Co-operative Mining catx’hing fish in an unlawful manner, sister, Miss Carrie Beekman of Jack­ game of football, in response to the Co.'s property, situated in Watkins had an examination in Justice Stew­ sonville, have left on a fip to New request of tils parents. This cripples district, during tiie coming season, ar­ art’s court and was discharged, the York, and will visit different points the Eugene team very much. rived In Jacksonville lately, accom­ evidence against him being insuf­ of interest before returning. panied by I). E. Taylor and M. E. Ol­ ficient. Lewellen, who pleaded guilty, A protest against the land entry of son. wiio will assist him. ■ ■ . .WITH—-------------------------------------------- These was fined MO. The Governor will be Stale Superintendent Ackerman Samuel Watson having been tiled? C. and President Campbell of the < iregon B. Watson. M. N. Long and J. Patter­ placers are good ones, but have not State Normal School were on Friday's son went to Roseburg last week to been well managed In the past. Sead for Color Cards to W. P. FILLER & CO., Portland. Ore. southtxiund train, en route to Lake­ give testimony In the matter. The Ünal payment for the Golden view, to attend the teachers' instl Standard mine,located In Gall’screek, P. H. Daily, county school superin­ was made last week by Messrs. Law- tute that will be held there this week tendent, ha« purchased the big brick son and Ramsey, and formal possess­ Mrs. Susie Nell will leave for residence, situated in the northeast­ Justin, Texas, Oct. 1st, acoompanled ern part of town, from S. M. Eby. ion has been given them by Kubli & Co. The uew owners will put up a by her children. She Is an accom­ The consideration was 8850. big stamp mill soon, and also run a plished pianist, and will teach music F. M. Calkins will take testimony tunnel several hundred feet in length “ For two years I suffered ter­ during tier absence, which will be^of ribly from dyspepsia, with great several months’ duration. The best In the case of Main & Winchester vs. to lap the ledge lower down. Thesale depression, and was always feeling wishes of many friends accompany Huldah Hoover, et si., a suit to quiet was negotiated by K. K. Kubll, and title to the brick building In Medford is one of the best ever made in south­ poorly. 1 then tried Ayer’s Sarsa­ Mrs. N. ern Oregon. formerly owned by W. G. Ccoper. parilla, and in one week I was a new man.”—John McDonald, Cnunty 8. S. convention. C. T. and J. E. Davidson, two of (Founded 1809.) The venerable father of B. F. Car­ Philadelphia, Pa. •JLT o the Hunday school workers of ter of Woodville, for many years a our energetic miners and prospector«, Bflckson county and all others inter- highly respected citizen of Iowa, died have just closed a deal by which they transfer a quartz claim, situated near Bited in the. work: Our next annual at the residence of his son, living at the Don’t forget that it’s tiead of Ward’s creek, to Messrs. ■[invention for Jackson county will Hatfield, Mo., a short Mme ago. He O’Neill, Meade, Landretli and Shoup, Be held In the Presbyterian church at was over 87 years old. MUSIC, ART AND ELOCUTION. “ Ayer ’s” Sarsaparilla soiue of whom lately came from Baker Ashland, Oct. 2d and 3d. lri addition Jas. McDermott of San Francisco city, for »3000. This property was that will make you strong This School offers to «Iris » broad and thorough education, combined with the advantages K our local county workers, A. A. last week purchased about 300 head of ot a healthful and relined home. It occupies a large and attractive building In the Immediate Horse, president of our state 8. 8. cattle from Messrs. Butler, Kincaid discovered and sold by the Davidson’s vicinity of the City Park The sanitary condition of the premises has been made a matter or and hopeful. Don’t waste Bssoclation, ha« sign I tied ills Inten- and Barron, who live in the upper inside of a month, and judging from special attention. The bed chambers, class and recitation rooms are large and thoroughly the result of the assays they believe a ventilated; and the construction of the building Is such that every room is open to the sunlight. ■on to be present, and sp.iak on “Or- end of the valley, paying 3 and 31 valuable mine will be developed in your time and money by The greatest care has been taken to provide all the necessary appointments of a well Knlzed Sunday School Work.” Rev. cents a pound forcows and steers. due time by the present owners. eaulpped school, and to furnish every facility for training pupils in the most approved methods trying some other kind. K A. Dotson, our field worker, will The alm of the school Is to give thorough and well-ordered Instruction to girls and young John A. Cook, an old resident of S with us during the entire session The cleanup of gold in the Klon­ women, fitting them for college when that Is desired, and to aid In the development of true Use the old, tested, tried, and womanly character. Bd »[leak on the important questions. Foots creek, and an excellent black­ dike grows apace. I as I year it reach­ The Fall term opens September IS, 1901. A faculty of twenty competent teachers Insures and true Ayer’s Sarsapa­ Awing to the resignation of H. C. smith, lias purchased the Vroman ed #22,000,000. Last winter it wa> for children and young women that Individual care and instruction necessary to the best Baley, president, and H. L. Gilkey, shop at Gold Hill and will commence predicted that the output would results. rilla. 21.88 (Mtl*. AII4r»ntato. Bcretary, »nd other causes, the usual business at once. Those wishing work touch »30,000,000. Last week the out­ There are four »killed teachers In the Music Department alone, speciallsta In Art and programme has not been Issued; but in his line done should give iiim a call. put had grown to an estimate of »40,- Oratory, and native teachers In French and German. Be expect to have such topics as The Ills prices are reasonable and he gives 000,000—and now, eyen the represen­ Provision Is made for all athletic games suitable to women, as tennis, croquet, basketb»! [■l echers’ Prayer Service, A Bible for satisfaction. tative of one of the largest ana most bicycling and horseback riding A gymnasium. 50x100 feet, is in process of coosiructoa which will offer still more opportunities for healthful exercise. ach Member of ttie Sunday School, reliable transportation lines con ­ Grant’s Pass' company of the Ore­ For Illustrated catalogue apply to ____ ____ , uppleniental Bible Lessons, The gon National Guard, in uniforms, was nected with the gold fields of the MISS ELEANOR TKBBETTS, Principal Ung's Business. Home Class Depart­ In evidence at the soldiers'and sailors’ North declares that the output will ment, The Training for Service, (a) reunion, held at Central Point la«t reach »50,000,000 If this should he superintendent, (b) the teacher, week, and presented a very creditable prove to be true, the stampede to the :) the class, Teaching Temperance In appearance. It is one of the best com­ Klondike In 1902 will be a record NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ___ lie S. S., S|teclal Work for 1901-2. panies In the state, being commanded breaker. In the County Court of the State ot Oregon for 'radle Roll, Conference un Sunday by clever and well disciplined officers. Jackson County. Offer« » Thorough chool Management, Reports from Good Advice. In the matter of the Estate of Walter L. II an nn, deceased. The Albany Brewing Co., which chools, the State Work, Primary The most miserable beings in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE York, An Up-to-date Sunday School, manufactures ice that Is noted for its underalgnid administrator of the estate of itc. The people of Ashland will glad- purity and excellence,recently shipped world are those suffering from dys­ Waller L. Hanna, deceased, has hied in the In one pepsia and liver complaint. More county court of Jackson county, Oregon, hl« y entertain all delegates or workers a carload to The Banquet. final accou nt as said administrator, and by or­ To every boy »»d Kiri •to*1 vho may attend the convention. cake flowers and grapes had been than seventy-live per cent, of the der ot Hon ' lias. Prim judge ot »aid court, people in the United States are af­ Saturday. the •.nbiliK to etisie eoe Kindly see that your school Is repre- frozen, which presented h handsome flicted October 98, 19(11. al 10 o'clock A. M.,l» with those two diseases and ■el for the tearing thereof. All persons ented aod that you are present. and novel appearance and attracted their effects; such as sour stomach, Interested are hereby notified to appear With the helpers front Portland this much attention. There ar< three course« of regular college grade, all of which are complete. sick headache, habitual costiveness, and tile his or her objection to ttesameon or thould lie the (test convention held in said day Jaokson county’s exhibit at the palpitation of the heart, heart-burn, before Dated September 25, 1901 the county for years. State Fair was one of the very best, water-brash, gnawing and burning A N BJLISS. Admlnlatrator. E xecutive C om ., and attracted much attention, it Per G. F. Bllliogs. lacked In some respects, however, pains at the pit of the stomach,yellow skin, coated tongue and disagreeable aunty AooeBsar’n Notice to Ta M rs . D. E. H yde , Sec'y. notably grapes. It was not In pool- taste in the mouth, coming up of food payers. tlon early enough to take the first after eating, low spirits, etc. Go to Estrey Notice. Notice 1» hereby given that the Board o prize, being delayed somewhere on your druggist and get a bottle of Equa'ixatton for Jackson county. State of Ore The NORMAL COUBSK, approved by a committee appointed by the State Board of Education, August Flower for 75 cent». Two •os. Strayed from Woodville last T May ‘ , the w iy to Salem. will convene at the office of the County leads up to a STATE DIPLOMA. In .IwksoBVille, Oregon, on Monday. one hay mare, about J years old, light A never-falling cure for cute,burns, doses will relieve you. Try IL Get Clark, Oolooer 7. IWI. ,or ’•>« purpose of publicly ex­ brand on left shoulder; heavy set, scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores la Green's Prize Almanac. amining the A""««met>t roll and correcting square face,weight about 1000 pounds. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A most all errors In »»luatton, description and quali- tlea of lands, lots and other property Said W-tw traded for at Medford by one' L. soothing and healing remedy for al la equal to anything in the State. New Illustrated catalogue. Board will contiaue In session from day to day F. Gardner In November, 1IMX). Re­ skin affections. Accept only the until said roll has been duly examined. ward of 110 for Information of her genuine. City Drug Store. Jackson­ Alt Interested parties will take notice and govern themselves aeeordtr^£NDLKTnN whereabouts. ville. and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central WALLACK HOWE LKE, Pre».dent. AIMoy .Oregon E. G. B ouden , Woodville. Point. »‘or tsKicolsrs writ« Dated Sept. 8. 1901. County Assessor. Ice UNION LIVERY, FEED SALE Cream Soft Drinks Stables, PAINT YOUR FLOORS Rubber Cement Floor Paint Poorly? Saint Helen’s Hall •••• PORTLAND, OREGON A Boarding and Day School for Girls. ALBANY COLLEGE HIGH GRADE COLLEGE EDUCATION Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, History, English and Electives THE BUSINESS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT XPENSES LOW. BOARD AND TUITION, $90 a YEAR