The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, September 26, 1901, Image 1

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    O* flmarratic fintee
Vol. XXX
How about that wood you promised
; to bring us.
Bananas oranges and lemons can
always be found at Wetterer’s.
Trespass notices, printed on cloth,
on sale at T- je T imes Printing House.
The Jew!“!i people celebrated their
new year Friday, the
year, ac­
cording to their calendar.
In spite of his capacity for hard
work the elephant seldom, N ever
sleeps more than four or hve occasion­
al hours.
With six children in the White
House the staid old servants of the
establishment will get a sure-enough
taste Qf the strenuous life.
A large quantity of newspapers,
suitable for wrapping, pasting cn
walls, putting under carpets, etc., can
be obtained cheap in quantities tc
suit, at T he T imis Printing House.
The celebrated Snap Shot, the best
medicine in the world for allaying in-
' tlammatijn In man or beast, can be
found at Dr. Robinson’s diug
store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central
Point. Try It.
Theodore Roosevelt became presi­
dent before his 43d birthday, at an
earlier age than any other president.
Grant became president at 47. Cleve­
land at 48, Pierce and Garfield at 49,
Tyler at 51. The oldest at succession
was the first Harrison, aged 68.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Did you ever compare a delicious, flaky,,
delicately browned loaf of bread m ade
GEO. O'B. DE BAR, M. 0.«
Jacksonville, Oreg»».
Office ’n Kahler’» Hullfitr«, up »tair >. Ras-
Idence on California aireel. Dar ut olsnt
oall» attended rrvinoUv
J. M. KEENE, D. D. S
Offices >n the Adkins Deuel block,
Grant's Pass, Oregon.
M^Offlcc above S P
Snowy Butte Flour
With the sad results achieved front the use of cheaper flour?
The ont, the highest triumph of cookery—the most useful of
all the arts; the other, a monument to wasted energy, blasted
hopes and poor judgment. But why continue the compari­
son? If you have made the mrstake in the past, trying to
exist on inferior flour, redeem yourself by ordering Snowy
Butte flour only in future.
Every up-to-date dealer
Handles it
D. & L. Co ’» Store.
At Medford Racket Store
•*■ JtSo« In Koh Man'a Bu Idin»
P. P. P
Jackasnville jjregon.
Will practice In all court» of the S.ate. Of­
fice In the Court Hou»» la»l door on the
rtrht from entrance
Other New Things
Crash, ¡»Inin and polka dot Belts and Belt Buckles of the
latest designs
40c to $1.25
Duck, plain and polka dot, Up-to-date hair ornaments,
hair pins, etc.
$1.00 to $1.26
Ladies' Wrappers and Sun­ Purses, pocketbooks, combs,
brushes, crimpers, curling
bonnets cheap
Also muslin underwear
Jacksonville. Oregon.
_ Notirvl uhllc Pi »ctlces In all the court».
Office on California Street, bet. 4th and hth.
Y a . c hough ,
attorn kyat - law
Stationery, contnbi ion envelopes, pens, pencils.
Soaps, perfume i, ’oilet articles, notio is anti novelties.
Telescopes of various t zes and reasonable prices.
Substantial Shawl Straps, extra length.
Evervthinu, noth useful and ornapiental, can be found at
Have you u sense of fullness in the
region of the stomach after eating?
If so you will be benefited by using
CUambeFalu’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They also cure belching and
sour stomach. They regulate the
bowels too. Price, 25 cents. Sold by
City Drug Store.
During a very severe hailstorm re­
cently, which was destroying the
vineyards at Hovgen, in the canton of
Zurick. Switzerland, a battery of ar­
tillery tired twenty rounds with the
result that the hail ceased and conse­
quently the vines were saved from de­
The deadly plague continues to
devastate India. It life was not held
so cheaply in that crowded, over-
populated country, the figures would
oe alarming. A Simla dispatch says
there were 6386 deaths from the
plague last week, against 4822 in the
preceedlug week and 1136 in the coi-
respondlog week last year.
Many physicians are prescribing
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, hav­
ing found that ills the best prescrip­
tion they can write, because it is the
one preparation which contains the
elements necessary to digest not only
some kinds ot food but all kinds and
it therefore cures indigestion and dys- matter what its cause. City
Drug Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. J.
Hinkle, Cectral Point.
Czolgosz’s trial was one of the
speediest on record. It was begun on
Monday and the jury found a verdict
ot murder In the first degree the next
day, in a few minutes after retiring.
He was sentenced to death by elec­
trocution, and in thirty days the
judgment of the court will be carried
out. Czolgosz desired to plead guilty;
but according to law such a plea
could not be accepted.
Office dver Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store.
attorne y - a T-L a w ,
Office tn Red Men'» Building.
attorney and counselor at law .
Jacksonville, Or
Great*» Pasa, Orsgoa.
Practices In all the courts Offiosis Bank
tut 141 ne no-etalrs_______ ______________
Dr. J.
nflord to
I - sick,
they say. g
So, very
often, they strug­
gle along and
keep up, where
other women go
to bed. To such
women the value
of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Pre­
scription is be­
li cures
the com mon
cause of ill-health
in woman, de­
rangement or dis-
ease of the wom­
anly organs. A
temperance medi­
cine. It contains
no alcohol, opi-
nm, cocaine, nor
other narcotic.
Are the Leading Dealers in Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boot
and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco
Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc.
Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best
Medford, Orogoa.
■Ha» yermaneotlv located In A»hl«ndtor •*!
practloa of dentlBlry. From a
practloeef over fourteen year« I am pre­
pared to guarantee entire »atlifaettoa
MORMON BISHOPS* PILLS hare brer ta are
over W year» by the leader» ot the Mormon Church and thetr
. .
. .
K 1011
enre» the wor»t caaea In old and ycunw
artalng from effect» of •« if abnae, diaripaUon, exceiae», or cigarette »moktng. Cxaree'Leai
Manhead, ImpaUn y, Leaf Fewer, Nigh(-l^«»eee, »Ferreaterrheea. Iaaemmla
rain, in ■eek’ Kvil
1.««¿. £.“1,
• leadaehe, UnA'ne»» te Marry, Leae eg ftemea. Ver»- FM rerele —__ •■J-
tion, Rio|>e QnlckncM of IMarhnrge, «»npa Nerveaa
11 Twt :rhla«r er Ewe.
i;d». Fffecuare Imm-dtate. Impart vigor and potency to every KAe« Knrtlon
Itroi’t e-t
deaeond, nt, a cure la at hand. Restore« »mall, undevelot-'d IU
k J organ»
organa. Rtlmnlataa
fill malate«
the brain and nerve ce Vent. 40c. a box, « lor 13 50 by mall. A written guarantee u> sure ae
money relundeu. with a boxei. circular! lree.
a gaaxwaw., tn oure re
Ari trer«, BISHOP REMVDY CO„ Ban Franclao», O»L
City Drug Store Jacksonville Oregon,
“I h»<l femal» trouble for right rear»," writ«»
Mr« 1„ J Denni». of HX Kut CoLrs* Skreet
Jacksonville. III». "For three years! miffersd
•Mtinuslly. Words cannot express what I suf-
fered / ,->^rAf rtiwf among tar mmhoal frafri-
« m «»J tonad Mm
until induced by kind
friend« to try Dr. Fierce « Favorite Freacriptlou.
When I l*««n taking this medicine I weighed
ninetv five pounds. After taking ■ Favorite Fre-
•crlpkon' I was built up antil now I weigh one
hundred »nd fifty-iix pound»—more than I ever
we«ghe<1 before. I wa» so bad I would lie from
<Uy to day and long for death to come and re-
H cyc a» suffering.
I had ¡sternal inflamma­
tion. a uisAgreeabie drain, bearing-down pain«
in the lower part of my bowel«, and auch di*-
tresa every month, but now I never have a pain
—do all my own work, and am a strong abd
healthv woman. Thank.« to vour medicine. I
consider myself a living testimonial af the ben
e fits of your ‘Favorite Prescription.’”
-, — __ Anti SJnK WOÒIEN l’.£LL
CM« ,*■ —'» r-nr:-al,
With nr<• -
a’ltl nt.-tny mart-
ife-itatlci.s of gri, f .'i
fox terrier, the
"Not” said Lord Delsamere In his prop ty cf two tint
• •:•« of ■, wealthy
habitually plaintive voice; “I don’t like New Yorker. w:..-t •i<t:i-i«-«l In a fancy
it at all. The possession of wealth or sealed eoflin on a beautiful knoll over­
position la far from being a blessing. looking t!ie Housatonic river, and an
You are obscured by it Your real per­ expensive tablet will be erected to
sonality gets, so to speak, sunk. You murk the grave.
never know If anybody thinks about
The terrier belonged to the Misses A.
yon as he seems to think. In fact, and M. Harris, whose father owm a
you're generally pretty sure that be fine summer residence In Zoar Bridge,
doesn’t. You never know where you a hamlet seven miles from Derby,
stand In the estimate of the people you Conn. The dog died In New York, and
meet. Of course when I «in among my the young ladies, accompanied by F. 8.
relations and intimate friends they do O’Connor, a friend, who acted as un­
speak pretty plainly, but I never get dertaker and sexton, arrived front New
the general effect. In ordinary enjoya­ York. In the baggage car was the cof­
ble company a title makes a pariah of a fin which contained the body of their
man. If people are civil to him, be pet.
feels that they are being civil to the ti­
The party was driven to the Bassett
tle. If they are not civil, they are House for dinner. In the afternoon the
merely showing their independence. coffin was opened, and a last look was
The real mat) is outside it all, lonely taken at the dead pet. Then the funeral
and distrustful. I fancy that great party went to Mr. Harris' country
wealth acts in much the same way, home. On a knoll which Is a part of
though here I cannot speak from expe­ the estate on the green bank of rhe riv­
rience. Target, here, could tell us.”
er the dog was Interred with as much
Target was wealthy by reason of the solemnity as would attend the funeral
Wyfleld braces—"comfort, lightness of a child.
and durability; buttons superseded;
The Owl.
once worn always worn”—and he was
Get a peanut with as large a top to
a lean, dried up man. He responded
It as possible. Paint or mark on each
hesitatingly to the appeal:
"1 don’t want merely to be taken for side with your pen a round black spot
what I am. I've had some, you know. where the eye should be. Make little
When I was a boy and swept out the marks on the shell to indicate feathers.
shop, I was taken exactly that way. To make wings use a small piece of
This is much pleasanter. Everybody’s common tissue paper, which yon must
very friendly, and I don’t bother my­ cut in the shape of wings and spatter
self much with asking why they are with ink. Paste these wings on the
back of the peanut. Make the eyes of
“Don’t you see when men make up little round pieces of silver or white pa­
to you for what they can get or when per and stick a pin through them, with
mothers hunt you for their daughters?” which you can then fasten the eyes to
“Yes; I see. And the men don’t get.and the peanut at the black spoL You must
the mothers don’t catch. But It’s much now get a little twig and fasten the
more enjoyable than If I had the feel­ peanut to it by running two pins
ing that I was not a person that people through the branch. Thus you will be
wanted to have anything to do with. I able to make a very fair specimen of
the owl tribe.
like it.”
“Then you're living in a fool's para­
Jeanie’s Boots.
dise. I appeal to Tench. What do you
Jennie's boots were wearing out. and.
think about it Tench?”
holding up her foot to her mother so
“You’ve made it Impossible for me to that she might see the sole hanging
tell you."
loose, she said:
“Look, mamma, the skin’s coming off
“I couldn’t tell you without speaking my boot”
plainly, even rudely. Then you would
merely suppose that I was so Impress­
ed with the splendors of a more or less
bankrupt Irish peer that I felt that I
had to assert my Independence.”
His lerdshlp winced slightly. ‘Tlease
go on. I was not referring to present
company,of course. The truth’s healthy.
I want it. Do say what yon like.”
“I’ve always thought that about 49
out of every 50 personalities do not to
water but you
matter in the least. Practically they
are not personalities. They are blank. make him drink.
They may differ slightly from one an­
You can’t make him eat
other, but the difference is of no impor­
tance. As long as those 49 keep them­ either. You can stuff food in­
selves clean and behave nicely and le­ to a thin man’s stomach but
gally and have got enough food and
clothes I don’t see any reason why one that doesn’t make him use it.
should think about them at all. You
Scott’s Emulsion can make
and Target are two of the 49 blank per­
By mak­
sonalities. Perhaps Target has a shade him use it. How ?
more of the breath of life In him than
you have, but the difference is nothing
to make a fuss about. How can people Scott's Emulsion makes a thin
like you be valued for yourselves alone.
You have got no selves—none worth bodyhungryallover. Thought
mentioning. You are merely the insipid a thin body was naturally hun­
and colorless propri. tors of a set of cir­
cumstance». People can’t judge the gry didn’t you ? \\ e;l it isn’t.
nonexistent, therefore they judge the A thin body is asleep—not
circumstances instead. You can see it
on a strike.
in Target’s case. They judged the shop working—gone
sweeping circumstances. Since then It doesn’t try to use ii., f od.
they have adjusted their opinions with
Scott's Emulsion w-kes it
every change until now they Judge the
millionaire circumstance». They don't up—puts it to work again
judge Target, because there is no Tar­
1 ■
- the
get—'.A'-e appreciable. And what are making new flesh,
they to do with Lord Delsamere? You way to get fat.
profess to believe in a universal spirit
Send for free sample.
of snobbery. I don’t see what else peo­
SCUTI *4 BOWNE. Chniivt«. .0, Pearl St., N. Y.
ple can do with you. There is no speci­
«□c and Si.ou; ail drugguu.
men. and so they regard the label,
which happens to lie a very good label.
But if you could provide them with
anything else to look at they would
fcy v J US T IO
look at It. The trouble Is that you con­
WFSS -jrs
stitutionally can’t. If you ask me to
N E,
Die nc-;.«v7
settle the point of your discussion. 1
E D 1 Ï
cau only say that you're both absurdly
wrong. You are not judged, because
there is no you. If Target chooses to
like the Judgment that is passed on his
circumstances. 1 think he's a shade
wiser than you there. We are not here
long, and It’s as well to enjoy it while
It lasts—if one can.”
“Cantankerous beggar, that.” said
Lord Delsamore when Tench had gone.
“I'm told he’s coming up for election.
N w Fiate» Ihrou’hout
I shall blackball him.”
"He was elected yesterday." said Tar­ 2i’,GOO New Words
Pbrases And Definltlon»
set.—Black and Wh<»»
You Can
Load a Horso
Now chat he is a United States sen­
ator, Chauncey M. Depew is not hear­
ing as many ni>*e tilings saiU about
him as was the case during tue years
tie devuled more attention tv socia­
bility and business, and less ti parti­
san polit ics. Lt was predicted tliat
sending Depew to the Senate would
spoil a good railroad man and accom­
pli!..! utile in tlie way of making a
state-man. This prophecy seems
liKviy to ue fulfilled. Depew was a J
man out of politics than he
lever will be in.
No. 76
: c N
Inter national
Flghtlas the Hessian Fly.
The Hessian fly that has developed
in the spring from the maggot that
lived all winter in the roots of the
wheat plant deposited Its eggs on the
blades of the wheat, and these during
the early* summer reach the maggot
stage and may lie found In the first
joint of the stalk, says Colman’s Hurt.I
Worker. Many of these bsve uot de­
i veloped into the fly when the grain la
harvested and may therefore be de­
stroyed by buralug the stubble.
Monprodncla* Frail Tree«.
Vigorous trees which fail to produce
fruit may be grafted with fruit bud*
from other trees during August and
September. The following season fruit
will be produced. This Is the result of i
tests made in Germany.
4» Prepared un-J.-r tha direct
cip -rviaiaa of W. T. HARRIS
P.i.D., LL. Li., United autes
Cummìssloner cf Education,
ass a’.« J by u large corpi of
c.-rape te ut specialista and
RJ-h Blndln«».
3J»4 Pagea
"■0J0 ll'.ustratisr.»
ine Than Ever for Home
v»J — A O 4) a » X J Office.
nJ 1 hr im : i <
in i»ize.'
11. Mass.