-^THE WEEKLY TIMES, Containing Eight Pages of SPICY NEWS, and RELIABLE MATTER <*vMMMMNMWMure than any Newspaper Published in Southern Oregon. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. ONLY $1.50 A YEAR. i f BRIEF MENTION. The District Fair. I al La™“AC^rWHiereX“'* C“n TheSouthern Pacific will make a dur%OgS^rstau\?rraihial^rid tr*P llgJta ?lake’' a ’Polity of tropical and other Hui “eto“’ Young remb the Uct^that on'/fo“ of his seventeen widows survive. The La Grande sugar factor* ha« Just completed a successful run, liav- Ing turned out 15,000 bags of flrst- class beet sugar. The celebrated horse Cresceus trotted the fourth quarter In a mile raceatEeadvilie, Mass., in 2»} scc_ onda, breaking the world’s record. lner says that ^eat Britain would adhere to the present war policy, and would not treat with tiie Boers so long as they carried arms. «“amity ot newspapers wallsbnntHnr wr“PPlnK- Pasting cl under carpets etc cm sb wails, ueit°at putting aT^C^ ap-'{l StiU^u suit, at T he T imbs Printing House. The celebrated Snap Shot, the best medicine in the world for allaying in- dammaU.n or beast, ’s can be found at in Dr. man Robinson dim! Po”i. Try8iuDr’ 1,,Dkle’8’ CeDtral OOOOOfOOOOOOO0-000000-0000 oooooooooooooooooo THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR THE FALL OPENING f I At NUNAN’S, 1 g Jacksonville, Oregon. O O00000-00-00000O-OOO^O OOOO-CrOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 6 <5 4 turned to white marble after being in i V>e ground a little over one year when the grave at Baker city was re- -tntly opened for tbe purpose of t'uSn“" PROFESSIONI CARDS Did you ever compare a delicious, flaky delicately browned loaf of ot bread made made troni GEO. O’B. DE BAR, M. I)., SURGEON, AND PHYSICIAN Jacksonville, Oregon. J. M. KEENE. D. D. S OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY Office« >o tbe Adkins Deuel block, • • Oregon. H. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Grant's Pass, Oregon. *4TOffico above S. P D. i L. Co » Store. Wm. M. COLVIG, LAWYER. OrctoB. Jacksonville. »fflae In Red M«a'i Hu Idtng P. P. PRIM A SON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Jackaonvllle, Oregon. ■WI11 nractloe tn all courte ot thè S.ate. Ol­ ii et- In tn» Court House last door on tbe rlrbt troni cutrance A. N. SOLISS, Cur*mair?cei tal£,n‘f K,)d01 Dyspepsia Cure. 8ua I »h took bottles Dyspe^U and can Uun J,l*’‘? several K” Kodo1 »n ?b. y. Preparation contain- I?Ker flour? J. Hinkle, Central PolDt. A. J. Cottingham went to Washlng- The one, the highest triumph of cookery—the most useful of UHty’ Ark” t0 see his ^cer,» nd all the arts; the other, a monument to wasted energy, blasted whim while there was taken with flux hopes and poor judgment. But why continue the compari­ (dysentery) and was very bad off. He to try Chamberlain’s Colic son? If you have made the mistake in the past, trying to decided Cholera and Biarrlm*» Remedy anri exist on inferior Hour, redeem yourself by ordering Snowy ple“sed with the prompt cure which it effected that lie wrote Butte flour only in future. I the manufacturers a letter in praise of their at tnoDcine. resides Lockland. Mr. Ark. Cottingham This*rem­ Every up-to-date dealer edy is for sale by City Drug Store. Handles it John Mitchell, of the i M,Q®workersof America, has -T»Ld a !000. concessions were granted annualh'1’^ l° Un lncrease of *'.000,000 SKIRTS. Other New Things Snowy Butte Flour -Office In Kahler’s Building, up-stalrs. Res­ idence on California street. Dav or night 0*11« attended nromntlr Medford, I At Medford Racket Store, Crash, plain and polka «lot Belts and Belt Buckles of the latest designs 40c to $1.25 Up-to-date hair ornaments, dot, Duck, plain and polka hair pins, etc. $1.00 to $1.26 Ladies' Wrappers and Suu- Purses, pocketbooks, combs, brushes, crimpers, curling bonnets cheap irons Also muslin underwear ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Jacksonville. Oregon. V-Notsry Public. Pi notices tn all the courts OtBoe on California Street, bet. Sth »nd ith. A. C HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ■ nt'a Pose. Stationery, contribution envelopes, |>ens, pencils. Soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, notions and novelties. Telescopes of various sizes and reasonable prices, Substantial Shawl Straps, extra length. Everything, both useful and ornamental, can be found at the RACKET STORE. A ■special train of about 40 carloads of l u.atoes leri Stockton, Calii., Aug. LV "r'imhe Mlddle and Southern ¡states. 1 he potatoes were raised on I J K‘ Hlands we8t of that c*ty and I towed there on barges. The demand for potatoes, onions and cabbage 1 G'n’ughout the Middle slates is large, owing to the drouth, and Hundreds of carloads will be sent there from Stock- ton this year. Local dealers are pav- Doni «1.50 to «l.BO a hundred pounds for potatoes on the river bank, lhis shipment is the largest single consignment of potatoes ever sent out NYE Oregon. ... .is. Olilo« orar Hklr-R.ddle Hardware Store. A. E. REAMES. ATTORN EY-A T-LsW, Jacksonville, • • Oregon. ■omoa Ln Red Men’s Bulldin«. ROBT. O. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. « MAX MULLER & CO Jacksonville, Or Offies tn Bnnk Dr. J. W. ODGBRS, DENTIST Medford, Orogoa. ‘Has permanently located In Ashland tor the practice of dentistry. From * continued praetloeot over fourteen years 1 am pre­ pared to guarantee entire satisfaction Are the Leading Dealers in Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boot and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc. A cts gentl \ Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best K idneys GIVE US and A CALL Carter Creek Springs. It miles from Steinman station or 12 miles south of Ashland. Pleasant accommodations for campers, tine mineral water and vapor baths. Rates—50 cents per person per week for camping. Including use of vapor baths. Special rates for families. Address J oseph Z urcher . Siskiyou, Oregon. amily ibrary The Best in Current Literature 12 COMFLKTt NOVIL* Y b ARLV MANY SHORT STORIES ANO PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS •2.50 krvkar : 28 ere. a cory «NO CONTINUED STORIES. I gVtRV KUMMS COS«FLIT« IN IT9ILF [ MORMON BISHOPS' PILLS have been m * m over 60 years by the leaders ot the Mormon Church and their followers. Positively etires the worst cases in old and young 1 «rising from efferta of «fclf abtise, dissipation, exceeors, or cigarette (looking. Corea Last _____________ „„/sa Nlgkt-Laame. Hparasaterrkoaa, Bparaeatarrhoaa Insensata. Nlght-LoMee, Man heed, Inaeteso/, l.e«t Rawer, Raima la Bar*, Beil Doelree, Barnin al Kaalasl.ws, Lama Lam< Back, Narrow* Debility, 1 Katlealaae, lleadarha, IsilsOI ta Marry, Laea *« ■•nsea, Vari- cerala, er Cesiti pa- tloa, BtefM Qalekanes af Dlwharga, Btape Mervawa Twitekiagr of Kya- Ude. FIfect»err Immediate. Impart vigor and potency to every fnnctlon. Don’t get 50 CENTS despond, nt. a cure Is at hand. Restores small, undeveloped esawun.nx. organs. nnmnietea Stimulates ’ the brain «nd nerve ce Vera. 60c. ■ box, « for 12.60 by mall. A written guarantee, to cure ot mono; rotuudea, with 6 boxes. Circulars free. Bo/ OVERCOMES, 1 •’ abitual " 11 UAL cofli1 PERMA '•n. .«/ Buy th « (iENVINE - M an f o (AUI?RNiA|lGfSYrA i An dress, BISHOP RKMKOY CO„ Ban Franoleea, OaL City Drug Store Jacksonville, Oregon. Scoirs pnmsioii You will find it just as useful in summer as in winter, and if you are thriving upon it don’t stop because the weather is warm. 50c. and $i.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemuU, New York. THE COMMONER. Issued Weekly at Lincoln, Neb. WILLIAM J. BRYAN Editor and Publisher. Eight students or more, attending from home, may obtain a time ticket for less than half-fare; and a le-s num­ ber than eight have the privilege of half-fare rate. Times Clubbing Rates. THE COMMONER per year with W eekly T imes ...................................... Sa 26 Address TIMES PRINTING CO. JacksoovlUe. Ore. THE CLEANSING Max Muller, county treasurer, gives notice that there are funds in the AND HEAL’NG CURE FOR county treasury for tiie redemption of County Treasurer’s 18th Notice. all outstanding warrants protested from March 1. 1898, to March 31, 1898. both dates inclusive. Interest on the same ceased Aug. 30,1901. CATARRH CATARRH IS ELY’S Cream Balm. Easy and pleasant to use. Contains 00 Injurious drug, Is the name ot the celebrated original herb is quickly absorbed. oompouud which has effected so much good Gives reltel at once. among the afflicted. It is a groat blood purifier ffit and kidney and liver regulator. Two hundred es the nasal pas w days treatment for 11. Also Native Oil and sages. Allays Intammation. Heals and pro- Balsam. For sale by tects the membrane. Restores the senses or MRS. N. D. W ilsos , Jacksonville, Tas.e and Smell. Large size 50 cents, at drug­ Who will send almanac on application. gists or by mail; trial site. 10 cAts by mail. Samples can be seen at the T imes office. ELY BROTHERS tSSWarren St.. New York. Our Native Herb* COID ‘HHEAD For Sale. A Firm of 720 acres, located on Rogue River, suitable tor grain and fruit culture or stock raising; has ample buildings and fencing. A Placer Mine, in operation, equipped with pipe and giant; also some quartz properties. I will sell for cash or take in part pavment property in or adjacent to Ashland. Terms, one-half down, balance in easy payments at 8 per cent. Call on or address, H. L. WHITE. Lock Box 36 Ashland. Oregon. UNION LIVERY FEED SALE Stables, .lACKSOX VILLE - - • • OREGON. Oat ot It. A large number of colliers In Ijinca- 8hire are accustomed to si>emling a por­ tion of each week in tiie public bouse. Instead of following tbeir work regu­ larly. and thus not having more than two or three days a week to draw for at pay day. The mother ot one of these tuen, on being told of 5 per cent advance in wages, asked her neighbor the mean­ ing of 5 per cent Iler friend replied: ’’Why. Mrs. Hodson, dost not know? It means as every toime they gettln a peaund they’ll get 21 shillings for It.” “Oh, dear me,” Mrs. Hodson return­ ed. “it’ll mak’ no difference to our Jerry; he never gets a peaund!”—Spare Moments. Orders for Hacks. Buggies and Riding Horses promptly a.tended to Feeding done at reasonable rates. Best ot care taken to prevent accidents, but will be re­ sponsible for none stould they occur. Will refuse to MARgOT OT-1A2 FRAWCMCO. CAI. In length; It is the longest in the world. The shortest street is tbe Kue Ble, Cwanty A»*e*»or’* Notice to Tax Paris, which Is barely 20 feet long. payor*. The widest street Is Market street. Notloe is hereby given that the Board ot Philadelphia; the narrowest, the Via Equa'ization tar Jackson county. State of Ore­ Fol. Havana, which is only 8H feet gon, will convene at the offiee of the County Clerk, In Jacksox,v