ütmcâ. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 1901. V ol . XXX. ■ 09 BRIEF MENTION. J THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR THE | FALL OPENING At NUNAN’S, j g Jacksonville, Oregon. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo z PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GEO. O'B. DE BAR, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Did you ever compare a delicious, flaky, delicately browned loaf of bread made trom Jecknenvtlle, Orefiea. dWOffico tn Kahler's Hulldin«, up-atalra. Rea Idenoo on California street. bar or night call« alienuou promnllx «1. M. KEENE, D. D. S. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. Offioes ,n tbe Adkins Deuel blook, Medford, Oretoa. H. D. NORTON, attorney and counselor at law , Grant’s Pass, Oregon. Snowy Butte Flour With the sad results achieved from the use of cheaper flour? The out, the highest triumph of cookery—the most useful of all the arts; the other, a monument to wasted energy, blasted hopes and poor judgment. But why continue the compari­ son? If you have made the mistake in the past, trying to exist on inferior flour, redeem yourself bv ordering Snowy Butte flour only in future. Every up-to-date dealer Handles it »«-Office above S P D. A L. Co '• Store. Wm. M. COLV1G, LAWYER. Jacksonville. Oregon. •Wdffioe in Red Men'« Uj Idin«. At Medford Racket Store, Other New Things SKIRTS. P. P. PRIM A SON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Jacksonville, Oregon. dW* Will practice tn all court« of tbe Slate. Of- floe In the Court House last door on the rirbt from entrance A. N. SOLISS, Crash, plain and polka dot Belts and Belt Buckles of the 40c to $1.25 latest designs Duck, plain and polka dot, Up-to-date hair ornaments, $1.00 to $1.26 hairpins, etc. Ladies' Wrappers and Sun- Purses, pocketbooks, combs, bonnets cheap brushes, crimpers, curling Also muslin underwear irons ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Jacksonville. Oregoa. iwNotary Tubllc. Pi ncttcee tn all tbe oourta. OSce on California Street, bet. «th and Sth. A. C HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ... Orest's Pass, Stationery, contribution envelopes, pens, pencils, Soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, notions and novelties. Telescopes of various sizes and reasonable prices. Substantial Shawl Straps, extra length. Everything, both useful and ornamental, can 1>e found at the RACKET STORE. Oregon. H. Office over Hatr-R.ddle Hardware Store. . NYE. A. E. REAMES, A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A W. Jacksonville, Oregon. aaroffice tn Red Men'« Building. ROBT. G. SMITH, attorney and counselor at law . MAX MULLER & CO. Jacksonville, Or., Grant’s Pass, Oregoa. SW Practican tn all the oourta Building, upstairs. Dr. J. Offioe tn Bank W. ODGBRS. dentist Are the Leading Dealers in Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boot and Shoes. Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc. Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best Medford, Oregea. •Ha« permanently *°®a‘*llnA»hlandfor the practice of dentistry. Prom a «’“‘‘■‘y*1 precitos of over fourts«u year« I am pre­ pared to guarantee entire «atl«faotlon LIPPINCOTT'S i I MONTHLY MAGAZINE.* I A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In , Current Literature 12 C omplete N oveub Y early MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 pea yeas : 25 ctb . a copy «O CONTINUED STORIES.' j I every number complete in itoelp GIVE US A CALL VISORI VITALITY! MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS have bean in use over HO year« by the leadara ot the Mormon Chnroh and their follower«. Positively cum follower*. cures tha «he worit worn eases in In old and And young • riling from effect« of st-lt-ebiiM, dissipation, «cerne«, or cigarette smoking. Carse Less Maafie ad, u lanpatenov, Lsst Lae* Pawar. NIwM-Lossss, Hpai Maaheed lassatala, Tala a In Baek, Evil Desir*«, Ramlnal Kmlealaw«, Lasae Headache, Unfltasss te Marry, Less eg •«■•«, Vert-1 eweole, ar Coa stipa» tian, Rtane QalekasM eg Di.eharge, Ntspe Nsrvssi I Twitchlagsi Bps» lids. Effect« are Immediate. Impart vigor and potency to everv I CENTS function. Don't ...... get despondent, a cure la at hand. Reatore* «mall, underdo»■100 Reward >100. certainly, but I must know your name.” The readers ot this paper will be pleased to “My name?” she repeated. “How stu­ learn that there la al least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its pid! Can’t you Invent one which will stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh suit your fancy? Call me Verona or Cure Is the only positive cure now known to ths medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­ Jessica.” tional disease, requires a constitutional treat­ “Or Titania,” I suggested. “But, dear ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, directly upon tbe blood and mucous Titania, lift that hideous mask and let acting surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the me gaze Into your countenance. Let foundation of the disease,and giving the patient by building up ths constitution and me know who It is that honors me with strength assisting nature In doing Its work. The pro­ prietors have so much faith in its curative her society.” powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for “No, you will not thank me for show­ any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of ing my features. I assure you I am testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O very ugly." Sold by druggtata, 75c. “Impossible!” I cried. “Were a man Hall's Family Puis are the best. to venture such an assertion I swear 1 RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. would punch his head. You ugly? It cannot be. Rev. Mr. Hansen will hold services “Believe me, sir, I am a sight to be­ at tbe M. E. church in Jacksonyllle hold. If you mw my face, you would Sunday morning and evening. flee from my presence. I value your Rev. Father Berthiaume will hold company too highly to drive you from services at the Catholic church in my side.” Jacksonville, Sunday, Sept. 2d, at “What consummate cruelty!" I ex­ 8:30 o'clock a . m .; and at Medford the claimed. "1 am sure you are beautiful. same day at 10:30 a . m . I have seen all your features but your G erman B aptist .—Elder S. M. nose. Well, I ask in tbe name of all the Eby will hold services at the follow­ powers U ft powlble for a nose to de­ ing places. Lit and 3d Sunday in each stroy the combined effect of so many month, at the church near Talent; sec­ ond, at the Naylor school-house; 4th charms? Please remove the mask.” “Well,” said my fairy, with a merry at Ashland. laugh, “I shall do as you desire. Re­ Land for Sale. ceive as your Just punishment the task I have 1560 acres of land, all in one of untying my mask.” on Antelope creek for sale. It I was aware of a surprising nervous­ tract, Is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville, ness as I bent over that delicate head 12 miles from Central Point, and 10 and untied the strings. Then for the miles from Medford. I will sell this next few moments I stood transfixed. land in tracts of 100 acres up until all What a nose! It was a wonderful is sold, at >10 per acre. It is good freak of nature. The height of our farming and grazing land, and a good Bunker Hill monument, the Immensity stock range on the outside. I will of our Niagara falls, tbe magnitude of sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a our last river and harbor bill, all dwin­ tract. Inquire of W m . B ybius , Jack sonville Or. dled down into insignificance when compared with that nose. It was a Carter Creek Sprlo<*. sphinx, a pyramid, a monster of such 11 miles from Steinman station or hideous aspect, that I shuddered. 12 miles south of Ashland. Pleasant I felt discomfited, and, suddenly rec­ accommodations for campers, fine ollecting an engagement with a friend. mineral water and vapor oaths. I hastened off without daring to gaze Rates- 50 cents per person per week upon my enchantress, who in the for camping, including use of vapor meantime was laughing in the most baths. Special rates for families. Address J oseph Z urcher , unconcerned manner possible. This fe­ Siskiyou, Oregon. male Cyrano de Bergerac had evident­ ly become reconciled to her misfortune. On reaching the foyer I fell into a seat and tried to reflect. "Is the govern­ ment powerless,” I thought, “to pre­ vent such outrages, such terrorism?” A waiter approached me and asked me if 1 would have something to eat. Mechanically I gave him an order, which was soon served. While eating I tried to forget the monster I had exor­ cised. Good heavens! It approached me, the nose, faithfully backed by Ti­ tania, leaning upon the arm of a man disguised like an Indian. It was too late to slip uuder the table, for she had already seen me. and, approaching me with a bewildering smile which took in all her features except her nose, she said: “How quickly you deserted me. I feared something had happened to you.” Issued Weekly st Linsoln, Nsb. She laughed. Oh, if the Indian hat, but laughed! I should have vented my feelings on him, but he was as sober as A TRYING an owl. Editor and Publisher. After the first shock was over I felt POSITION -o— sorry for the unfortunate creature and TERMS—Payable in Advance. “ My position is a rather ashamed of my abrupt vuuduet. trying one” was the Year.......................................................»1 00 “Will you forgive me,” I asked, “for One Six Months................................................... . SO joking rerai ' Three Months................................................. 35 deserting you so unceremoniously? ” of the cl< Copy.................................................... 05 “Certainly,” she replied. “Did I' not Single model of a SWNo traveling canvassers are employed. predict it? Yon will admit at all events Terms for local agents will be sent on appli­ fashionable cation. All money should be sent by P. O. or­ firm. But that I am hideous.” der. express ordsr, or by bank draft on New there is lew "I will admit nothing of tbe kind,” 1 York or Chicago. Do not send Individual jest than replied gallantly as I caught a glance checks or stamps. earnest in of her bright eyes, “but I would sug­ the state­ gest an operation." ment. It it “Oh. that la simple!” she said merri­ THE COMldONERiper year with trying to be W szkly Tinas ....................................»• » ly. “You see it is a detachable nose. 1 on the feet TIMES PRINTING CO. have merely to pull, see, and off it Address all day, to Jacksonville, Ore. comes.” be reaching stooping h Titania gave a gentle pull, and tbe after hour front nose remained in her hand, revealing morn uatil her true features as pretty as the rest night. And that of her face. is a very meager Before I had time to recover from my outline of s buai- With many such astonishment she had taken, the In­ neas woman'« day. _________ , «train of H labor la dian’s arm and had dlMppeared. women the ______ ordinary I sought for her In vain during tbe intensified and aggravated by a diseased condition ot the delicate organs, and entire night, but every trace of her was they become victims of that terrible lost. I returned home disconsolate, backache, or -blinding headache, which chiding myself for a fool, and all night JACKSONVILLE • . • • OFYGON. ia so common among business women. you are bearing t this burden, bear I followed her in my dreams, a fleeting Orders for Hacks. Huggies and Riding Horses If you attended to ” no longer. For the —-i backache, head­ vision of loveliuess, with a perfect promptly it Feeding dene at reasonable rates. Best ot ache, nervousness and weakness which noae. oars taken to prevent accidents, but will be re­ How we met again might form tbe sponsible for none should they occur. spring from a diseased condition of the Will refuse to do livery wore on oredlt. womanly organa there is a sure cure subject of another and more romantic GEORGS N. LEWIE, Prop. in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. story, for Titania Is now quite happy Half a million women have been per­ as Mrs. Soby.—Boston Traveler. A Farm far Sala. fectly and permanently cured by this wonderful medicine. Mes Wanted A 110-sere tract, all fenced. 70 acres un­ THE COMMONER. WILLIAM J. BRYAN Times Clubbing Rates. UNION LIVERY FEED SALE “ My nirce was troubled with female weakness for about four yean before I asked for tout advice,” write« Mr. J. W. McGregor of 9‘ •■<1 Princetoe Ave., Chicago, Illo. "You advised her to take Dr. Pierce’’ Favorite Prescription which •he did faithfully for trine month«, and now we must acknowledge to you that »he ia a well woetsa We cannot thank you enough for the cure ” Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce by letter /rrr. Address, Buffalo, N. Y. To d'9! ditch in Steamboat district. For further particulars enquire of or address „ 8. A. H artzell , Steamboat, Oregon. O I Basrath« Signatare St der cultivation, free soil and easily cultivated Is on the public road a quarnrr of a ml!»' rom Moonvllle. Sams valley postoffics—Improved with a dwelling bouse with four rooms below »nd one above, a good. forge barn, smoke-house snd wood shed. Roek,oreek flows through tbe land, a good well ot water at the house and a good well at the bsrn. six miles trom Gold Hill railroad station. Will be sold for till per acre, half oath at time of sale, balance on one year's time. Interest S per cent, per annum, or all cash al option of the purchaser «Wluqulre of SlLaS J D a Y real estate agent, Jacksonville Oregon.