-^THE WEEKLY TIMES, Containing Eight Pages of SPICY NEWS, and RELIABLE MATTER MMMMMCMvtWMore NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBEFORIT. ONLY $1.50 A YEAR. than any Newspaper Published in Southern Oregon brief mention , OUTING OUTFITS. -»CAMPING PARTIES^- Will find our line of Staple and Fancy Supplies for the Summer’s trip complete. Take some of these to the mountains with you: LI BUYS’ CHIPPED and CORNED BEEF; LUNCH TONGUE and BONE­ LESS PIG’S FEET, UNDERWOOD'S DEVILED HAM and SOUSED MACKEREL, GERMAN, FRENCH and AMERICAN SARDINES. VIENNA SAUSAGE. PATE D’FOIS GRAS, VAN CAMP’S MACARONI and CHEESE; FANCY CREAM CHEESE BEST CANNED SALMON and OYSTERS, CHOICE HAMS, BACON and LARD. largest stock . LOWEST PRICES Orders filled with care at NUNAN’S Oregon. J ackson ville PROFESSIOLAL CARDS GEO. O’B. DE BAR, M. D., PHYSICIAN 8UROEON, AND Jacksonville, Oregon. •Office '.n Kahler'a Bulldlog, uD utalr«. Hee Idence on California Niroet. bay or nln the Adktna Deuel block, Medford, * • Oregon. H. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Grant's Pass, Oregon. WOfflco abovo 8 I* LAWYER. - Oregoa. - ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Jacksonville, Oregon. •Will practice In all oourte of tke Stale. Of­ fice tn tec Court House laet door on the rlrht from entrance A. N. SOLISS, attorney and counselor at law Jacksonville. Oregon. aWNotnrv I ubilo. Pi noticeli In all tho courte. ' Otico on Californie Street, bet. 4th and Sth. * _____ . HOUGH, attorney at law • - Oregon. • OfUceover Halr-R.ddlo Hardware Store. A. E - • Oregon. THE COMMONER, WILLIAM J. BRYAN greatest of ease.” But this time it Isrt’t on “his flying trapeze.” M. Santos-Du­ mont. the Brazilian aeronaut, who is in Paris trying to win the Deutsch $20,- 1 ATTORNEY AND OOUNHELOR AT LAW. Saint Helen’s Hall, Grant's Pass, Oregoa. Practice« In ell the oourte Building, up-etalre. Dr. J. Ot»oe In Bank W. ODGBRS, DENTIST Medford, Oregoa. •Haa permanently located In Aahland Jor‘¡a practice of dentlatry. From • oraotloaof over fot. teen yearn I am pre­ pared to guarantee «ultra aatlafaotlon LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE* MONTHLY A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 CouffLSTt N ovels Y early MANY SHORT STORIES ANO PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS >2.50 PER year ; 25 CTS. A COPY CONTINUED STORIES A every numser complete in itself A Board ing and Day School fo- Girls Ojiened its 32d year with a full corps of well trained teachers. It comprises four departments : TO Academic, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten. A cts gently o K idneyc . The Academic department offers four courses—the Classical, Latin, Scientific, the English and College AND BOV Preparatory. Special advantages in Music. Native French teacher, resident. C leanses T he Under the patron*«« of the School ar« NORMAL IINngRdANTNN TRAININO CLASSM nduoted b, a Speolallat. Separate Home and Special Regu.atlona for Paat Oraduatea and Mature Studenta a»-For circular« and other Information addreaa NIBS ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prlnolpal. VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY! MORMON BISHOPS* PILLS have bean la t»a Over 60 year« by the leader« of the Mormon Church and their follower«, roninvely curt*« the wont cam« In old and young arlaing from effect« of saW-abuea, diwipatlon. exceiac«, or cigarette amoklng. Cnraa La«« — nh..d' • am __ ——~ ■ I.-at « m A Ç.wrr, OAwaaaaw NI A I Bht-l,o..e. h I. I. AM «an IW -Illi — nf ~ 11 Ininm««!« M.' Impot-nry Up.™.t.rrh»»», la nara, Bark. Bril !>*•* rre, Mamlnal Bark, NerraveJiabllW y. i raine ■■ — — —------- — Kmlwlona, —------------- - Tame —. eaeele, ar raaatlpw- Homfarha, ll««ln»u <• Marry. I.o«a o*V.iL Twitching Eye- tlon. Nlnva Qalchavaa oí I»l«hurga, «topa Narvaua function. Don’t get lilla, Kffe King Edward of England has al­ ready won 9100,000 on horse races this Tout. ‘‘Well, wbat Is he doing now?” was season. The king is a great gambler. Mrs. Dr. Kremer went to San Fran­ isked. The celebrated Snap Shot, the best cisco last ween, accompanied by her “Let me see. It is 7 o’clock. Well, medicine in the world for allaying In­ daughter Hazel. he has just flnished putting the dishes flammation in uian or beast, can be J. H. Ahlf, who has been spending away and at this moment is sweeping found at Dr. Robinson’s diug several months in Europe, and partic­ the kitchen. Come, let's go out and see store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central ularly in Germany, returned last If I’m not right.” Point. Try it. week. They started through tlie dining “Oh, you cruel boy, to take those Mrs. J. D. Hayes of Portland is room and found everything in its place, eggs out of the nest! Think of the visiting her old home in Josephine as prophesied. In the pantry the dishes mother bird when she comes”— county. Jeff, is now a Pullman car were neatly arranged in their custom­ • “The mother bird’s dead miss.” conductor, running on the O. R. & N. ary place. Then they opened the “How do you know that?” R. R. kitchen door. “1 see It In your hat.” H. A. Corliss and Mr. Boynton, ac­ There in the center of the room was A Great Bend, Kan., correspondent companied by their wives, left Grant’s John, and he was complacently wash­ of the Kansas City Journal writes: Pass for the upper valley last week, ing himself in the disbpan! “Standing wheat in the field at noon and may extend their trip to Klamath The embarrassed mistress and ber to-day, harvested, threshed, ground county. convulsed guest retired in haste, and into flour, baked into bread in large J. Wolke, the well-known hardware the servant problem was dropped.— quantities by a bakery and sold around town for fl o’clock supper was a record dealer, while hunting in the vicinity Milwaukee Sentinel. breaker in this county this afternoon of A. Fetsch’s ranch in the southern in quickness of conversion of standing Dart of the county, lost his way and Andersen’« Childlike Vanity. wheat in the field to the bread plate.*' was lost 24 hours. “Hans Christian Andersen,” said one H. L. Truax has been telling the who saw him often, “was the most P. T. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala: that ___ southern Oregon „ has charming egotist I ever knew.” When “I was suffering from dyspepsia when Oregonian troubled considerably by forest the Danish crown prince brought home I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia been tires this season. The atmosphere is his Swedish bride in the summer of Cure. I took several bottles and can dense smoke on account of fires 1869, a great assemblage of people digest anything.” Kodol Dyspepsia in the with woods along Rogue river, near Cure Isjheonly preparation contain, Merlin, and two saw mills, those of stood in the streets of Copenhagen to ing all the natural digestive fluids. Hefllng and Nice, have been shut see the royal couple pass. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, down, the crews being compelled to In one group were several distin­ restoring their natural condition. tight tire in order to save guished women and the great story City Drugstore, Jacksonville, and Dr. timber. The Southern Pacific valuable Co. has teller, Hans Christian Andersen. The J. Illnkle, Central Point. issued a circular to its employes, urg­ women occupied front seats at the win­ ing them to use their efforts as far as A. J. Cottingham went to Washing­ dow and received marked attention ton county, Ark., to see his sister,and possible toward stopping the tires. from the court dignitaries in the pro­ while there was taken with flux cession. A Worthy Institution. (dysentery) and was very bad off. He Some one in the company remarked deefdea to try Chamberlain’s Colic, The following extract from a let­ that this particular window seemed to Cholera and Diarrliiea Remedy, and ter just at hand shows the confidence peculiar attractions. was so much pleased with the prompt school boards in the State Normal possess “ Oh. yes. ” said the aged poet, pleased cure which it effected that he wrote of Drain: “We want a thorough and the manufacturers a letter in praise at and happy in his seat, where he had strong lady teacher — one who has had of their medicine. Mr. Cottingham several terms outside experience, as been seen by nobody. “Everybody resides at Lockland, Ark. This rem­ well as the advantage of your train­ knows me.” edy is for sale by City Drugstore. ing department.” The quiet smile that went round the Canaries, which are originally green The president of the school was able group had no trace of unkindness. His and gray la color, were native to the to recommend a teacher for the posi­ childish vanity was one of the amiable islands from which they take their tion. traits of the gentle old man. Every­ name, and were first taken to Eng­ That class of teachers is being body k»“w and loved IL land on ships plying between English sought, and this fact is turning stu­ ports and the south of t rance. From dents towards the Normal. The Nor­ • this stock have been derived a num- mal aids its graduates in securing po­ 1 ber of distinct varieties, such as the sitions. The T eachers ’ R eview crested, the green, the lizard, which C lass will be found of great benefit imitates the reptile in its variegated to those needing review work for ex­ markings, and tlie Belgian, which has aminations. i Then the baby is most like- Address the Piesident, Drain, Or. a strange, hump-backed appearance. I ly nervous, and fretful, and Mrs. Hearst of San Francisco,widow Land for Sale. J doesn’t gain in weight. of the late Senator Hearst, has caused I have 1560 acres of iand, all in one tlie ground to be broken on the Mc­ Cloud river, Calif., for a half-million tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It ’ Emulsion dollar summer resort, including resi­ is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville, « is the best food and medicine dence, outbuildingsand enclosed park. 12 miles from Central Point, and 10 ? for teething babies. They Her grounds are situated Detween the miles from Medford. I will sell this gain from the start. Wheeler and Waterhouse tracts. The land in tracts of 100 acres up until all Send for a free sampte. home of the aborigines is being trans­ is sold, at #10 per acre. It is good SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemist«. formed into the mansionary habita­ farming and grazing land, and a good 40, jr- Peart Street. New ' tion of California’s millionaire classes. stock range on the outside. I will 50c. and $1.00; alt druggiat». The McCloud river for its entire sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a lengtti is now owned by private tract. Inquire of Wx. B ybee , Jack parties. sonville Or. Farmers can hardly give too much Carter Creek Springs. attention to the cleansing of their laaued.Weekly at Lincoln, Neb. U miles from Steinman station or fields from noxious growths. The laws require this to be done, but the laws 12 miles south of Ashland. Pleasant on this subject are generally ignored. accommodations for campers, tine Every man who has an acre of ground mineral water and vapor baths. and tills the soil has a personal inter­ Rates—50 cents per person per week Editor and Publisher. est in keeping the land clean. One of for camping. Including use of vapor -o— the greatest pe«ts that can get into baths. Special rates for families. TERMS—Payable in Advance. Address J oseph Z urcher , the farmers' fields is the Canada One Year............................................................ ft 00 Siskiyou, Oregon. tnistle. It is a most persistent Six Months......................................................... «9 grower, spreading chiefly under Three Months......................................... «... 35 Single Copy .................................. 06 ground and defying all ordinary tie sail •tt-rcsirn me Aar. WNo traveling canvassers are employed. methods of destruction. “He sails through the air with the | Scott s We Are Coming to Town H. B. Nye’s Racket Store I ! Toe thing J. H. MESSNER, Manager. REAMES, attorn ey - at - l * w , Jscksoavllle. Guarantee best material and workmanship in wagon and repair work of all kinds. Conijietent machinists for threshing and other machinery. Our wheelwright's work stands the test of summer roads. Charges al­ ways reasonable. Horses shod by us are always ready for use. of Ladies* Shirt Waists. P. P. PRIM A SON, Grant*« Paaa. Central Point, Oregon, To See Nye's Closing Out Stock amoe In Red Men'« Bu Id I nit A. C Snowy Butte Shop D A L . Co '■ Store. Win. M. COLVIG, Jacksonville, Name is Synonymous with Excellence and the JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS DlSPEE-s- ,- uea ! OVERCOMES ^ - ^BITUAL M. SANTOS-DUMONT. 000 prise for a flying machine that will travel at least ten meters a second and be under the control of the operator, has made several very interesting and partially satisfactory trials. He has sailed bla machine from the Aero club grounds at St Cloud to and around tbe Eiffel tower and part of tbe way back, when his power was exhausted. Santos- Dumont is confident that be will soon lie able to exceed all former tests and that before the year ends be will bav« won the prize. Ckseae. Buy Vue litHVINt - M *N GllfvRNIA pG ^Yi’Vi’ remur‘umujii rau »<*■ n«t.:uL The doctors eay that cheese will di­ gest everything except Itself, and why It doe« not digest Itself may be guessed when it la known that after a certain treatment It becomea like leather.